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03x08 - Head in the Clouds, Part 2

Posted: 10/20/23 10:33
by bunniefuu
Last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx"...

Adrian: requesting access to bioband research.

It's some kind of an energy vacuum.

If it's maxed-out, it can be deadly!

Thanks for showing up to my first ever "duel

For jewels" shindig!


It's time to duel for jewels.

Students: game on!

Now if viper puts me at risk, he puts the whole

School at risk!

Oh no!

With my system set to maximum, I'll wipe out the entire

Student body!

Now...who to duel.

Chazz: I can make that decision real easy for you gecko!

Need a lift!?

Game on! Game on!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Check out adrian. He's losing big-time.

True...although...he doesn't seem to be

Losing his cool.

As opposed to chazz who never had his cool to begin with!


Whatta you see when you look at the clouds chazz?

To some...clouds are just particles of moisture

In the atmosphere.


Well not to me.

'Cause when I look at a cloud...i see the world's most

Powerful force!

And when I look at you I see the world's richest dork.

Now why don't you take your checkbook...and go

Buy a life!

Talk is cheap.

Like you!

Now I sacrifice my four sheep cloud tokens!

To bring out... My nimbusman!

I know how much you love my cloud factoids

So here's one for ya!

Cumulonimbus clouds like this one here...

Form near the ocean and usually cause really bad storms.

Chazz was right.

Yeah he is a dork.

Now for each card I sacrificed...

Nimbusman gets to absorb extra points!

Scared yet? Just wait.

'Cause here's another tidbit.

And it involves your monsters.

See every attack point my nimbusman just absorbed....

Your monster loses!


Lightning power drain!

Nimbusman... Attack his catapult!

Activate trap!

It's called hyper coat and here's a little

Tidbit for you!

My monster's not going anywhere!

Because hyper coat reverses all of your monsters effects!

Plus it gives my catapult a boost!

Not like he needs it, though.

Storm's over, marshmallow man!

Take this!

You big cumulo-ninkinpoop!


No way!

Someone needs a lesson in climatology.

Some forces of nature just can't be stopped.

Face it, chazz.

When it comes down to man against the natural world,

Mother nature always wins.

Oh yeah?

Well your life points weren't so lucky.

I'll throw down these three facedowns and kick back.

I expected more from a spoiled rich kid.

I'm serious!

While you were lying on your butt staring at clouds...

My butt was working!

And so was the rest of my body!

Just admit it!

You had everything handed to you!

Well I earned my deck!

And I'm gonna use it to send your little cotton-candy man

Back to the carnival!

I can't destroy it, but I can remove it from play!

Jaden: chazz is gettin' pretty worked-up out there.

Syrus: can you blame him?

He found someone who's more spoiled than he is!

And he can't stand it.

He needs to chill!

At least he's winning!

For now. But just wait.

You think adrian can actually win?

How can he do that with a deck full of wimpy cloud-people?

Things aren't always as wimpy as they look.

Yeah, sy.

You aughtta know that

Better than anyone, wouldn't ya say!?

Ready geek? get chazzed!

Hold that thought.

Before you "chazz" this!

I reveal two of my face-downs!

But how!?


I just call out their names dramatically and they pop up.

Haven't you played this game before 'cause it's a pretty

Common occurrence.

Watch. Go rain storm!

And then natural disaster!

Am I s'posta be scared?

Well you should be.

'Cause thanks to my rain storm, I can destroy any card

On your side of the field!

Adrian: all I have to do

Is take one of my cloudian monsters

And lower its attack points by a thousand.

So get ready nimbusman!

It's time to rain on his parade!

And you never wanna get stuck in a rainstorm

Without your hyper coat!

My card!!

It gets worse, bro.

'Cause natural disaster's up next!

Which means every time I destroy one of your cards...

You lose points!

What's wrong?

Feeling under the weather?

Bring it!

You sure?

You seem pretty anxious to get taken by storm!

And your monster's not dressed for the weather!

'Cause without hyper coat, your catapult is wide

Open to traps!

Which means I can blow him away with my rain storm!


Gimme all you got, dweeb!

If I were you I'd be running for cover right about now.


Now to get rid of your pesky field spell!

By lowering nimbusman's power.

One more time, pal!

His puff-ball's got no attack points now!

Hey...i still have more points than you, gecko.

And it's my turn!

You have a real knack for stating

The obvious, princeton.

You're about to lose, cloud-for-brains!

How's that for "obvious!"

Meet my dimensional catapult!

Thanks to this spell...i can bring a card back!

Specifically my catapult cannon!


Looks like you're not the only one with combos pal!

Catapult cannon!

Wipe his cloud off the weather map!

We interrupt this attack... With a special trap card!

Come on!

It's called mirage target and if I sacrifice my cloud...

Your last attack is automatically cancelled out!

Plus there's a little bonus!

All the attack points of the monster I just sent to

The graveyard get directly transferred to my life points!

No way!

Do you realize this was all part of his master plan!?

Impressive right!?

Big deal.

I'm sure chazz has a plan, too.

He might. But who knows if it's any good?

Excuse me, chazz!?

If you have a plan... This would be a good time

To use it!

I end my turn!

That was some plan.

Now...i play... My ghost fog!

In attack mode!

Zero points?! That's lame.

So quick to judge.

He hasn't even att*cked yet.


Look...if you're trying to lose...then fine!

Hey catapult!

Grant his wish and end this!

Big mistake chazz!

You just triggered ghost fog's ability which means I don't

Lose any life points!

And then...the monster you att*cked with gets

A little gift.

It's a fog counter!

In fact it gets one counter for each of its levels...

And I count eight!

There's more.

Next I play...a spell called diamond dust cyclone!


What just happened?!!

Adrian: oh that?

Just my cyclone's special ability.

It automatically destroys any monster with fog

Counters on it!

Then I get to draw one card for every four counters.

And just in case math's not your subject...eight divided

By four equals two.

And before I forget, you lose another points thanks to

Natural disaster!

And the fun continues!

I quick summon spell card!

Now a monster from my hand... Is automatically summoned!

And so I choose my cloudian poison cloud!

As its name suggests... My cloud is filled...

With a deadly poison!

If you attack... And it explodes...

You lose life points!

So if I were you, chazz... I'd give it some serious

Thought before you open fire!

Lemme guess: then natural disaster

Activates...and I lose the rest of my points?

It looks like you catch on quickly chazz!

You can't win!

Adrian: with a natural disaster on the horizon

And a poison cloud overhead... The future's grim.

Expect devastating winds... And a ninety percent chance

Of defeat!

A major storm's heading your way and you've just been put

On high alert!

Listen you al roker wannabe!

I've been through much worse!

You don't scare me!

I traveled the world to find my deck!

I braved the elements and searched under

The toughest conditions!

Got that!?

I eat punks like you for breakfast, gecko!

You make me sick!

Standing there like you own the world.

But ya know something?

You don't know what "greatness" is and you

Never will!

I took down the shadow riders

And the society of light by myself!

So beating you's a cake walk!


I activate graceful charity!

That means...i can pick up three more cards.

And then...i hafta send two to the grave.

You're about to look fear right in the eye!

That's right gecko!

It's the three cards I journeyed to the ends

Of the earth to find!

But first I need this!

I activate a spell card known as desperado manager!

It activates if I'm holding one or more cards!

And I start by drawing two cards!

And then...i choose three cards from my hand...

And move 'em to the top of my deck.

Next I activate... Enchanting room!

So all I hafta do is pay life points and I can flip

Over the top four cards in my deck.

And if any of them happen to be level three or below...

I can automatically summon them to the field!

Let's see what we've got!

Well whatta ya know about that!?

It's my triple threat!

Ojama yellow...ojama green...and finally

Ojama black!

You think you're so cool.

Flaunting your little clouds.

But as for me...i like the thunder!

See this!?

You're not the only one who has an effect on the weather

Around here!

I've got ojama delta thunder!

And you know what?

It makes your storm look like nothing but a nice

Summer breeze!

'Cause now... For every card in your hand

Or on your field, you take points of damage! 'im!


Ojama power!

And...check this!

Once I send ojama thunder

To the graveyard...

Every card on your side of the field

Is destroyed on the spot!

Chazz: ah, hello!?

Hey, we're on!

Well, well.

I guess being a spoiled rich kid

Doesn't pay off does it?

Especially when daddy's not here to bail you out!

Ha ha.

So ya think I have it easy, hah chazz?

And you?

Your life's been nothing but hardships, right?

Sort of.

Did'ja ever think that maybe when you're pointing your

Finger at me you're really pointing it at yourself?

Isn't it possible...that you're the spoiled one?

I know all about your family!

The princeton corp?

Does that ring a bell?

Well at least... You have a family.

I was all alone.

Do you know what that feels like!?

I doubt it!

You don't know the first thing about hardship, chazz!

All I had was the sky, the clouds...and

My imagination.

I was an orphan, abandoned in the desert.

I had nothing but the clothes on my back.

And just when I thought I couldn't last another day...

He showed up.

If gilbert gecko hadn't rescued me...

I probably wouldn't be standing here today.

Oh please!

It's true chazz.

But I digress.

We're here to duel not compare sob-stories!

With move!

Well...i hoped it wouldn't come to this...

But I have no choice.

I wonder cloud spell card!

So first...i eliminate all of all my cards!

That includes my field and hand.

Next I draw one for every card on your side of the field!

And then...every card in my deck...

Is removed from play!

Do you wanna know why I'm doing this?


Thanks to the effect of my wonder cloud spell...

Any card you play this turn is automatically negated!

I don't get it!

Well, he's sorta "bettin' the farm."

'Cause if he's able to draw the right cards he wins.

But since his deck's gone if he doesn't...

He loses.

That's insane!

By the end of this round...we're gonna

Have a winner!

No way!

Adrian: thanks to your ojamas I draw three cards.

And the rest are gone.

I activate the spell card big summon cloud!

The drawback is... To keep this card...

I need to pay a price.

My entire hand goes to the graveyard!!

But if I pay half my life points...

I get to summon a cloudian monster first!

You're in for some nasty weather!

'Cause you're about to meet...

My cloudian eye of the typhoon!

Now attack!

Aah! Aah!

Whenever my typhoon att*cks...

Every monster is forced to change battle modes!

So there goes your defense!

But I need that card!



Still think you're so high and mighty!?

'Cause from here...

It looks to me like you can't get

Any lower, princeton!

You're washed up!

Ah, hey chazz.

Are you alright?

Chazz: what do you think?!

Will somebody get me a towel already!

Just great.

I lost... I'm soaking wet...

You're still my favorite spoiled brat.

Chazz: whoa.

You can't keep me down, viper.


Ojama yellow: heeeelp! The boss is sinking!

And I can't swim!

He's drowning!

I'll save him!

Viper: you're lucky all I did

Was drain your energy, mr. Gecko.

Of course, it's only a matter of time before I uncover

The truth about you.

And when I do, you'll no longer be a nuisance.

Can't I plot evil in peace!?

What's this?

Seems someone else wants to drop in.

Viper: if it isn't axel brodie.

Such an unexpected pleasure!

Drop the manners! Fess up!

What's really going on here!?

Students are droppin' off left and right

And all fingers point at you!

You're out of line, private.

Careful axel.

You don't want to end up like your father now do you?

He was a good solider, too.

Well, until he forgot his place.


Now then, do we have an understanding mr. Brodie?

All I understand is that you're going down!


Enjoy your stay.

I think you'll be most pleased with the accommodations.

I know school can put you to sleep

But this is ridiculous!

It looks like viper struck again.

Crowler: I'm beginning to think

This is more than just the flu.

Perhaps you two were right.

It's about time that you admitted

Something's wrong!

But what are we s'posta do now?



Chancellor sheppard!

We need your help!

Our worst fears have come true!


Due to an unexpected event...i had to leave.

Good luck.

You know what this means!?

Now we're in charge!

Talk about bad timing.