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03x09 - Win Mr. Stein's Duel, Part 1

Posted: 10/20/23 10:34
by bunniefuu
[Speaking at measured pace] the game of duel monsters can trace its origins

To what ancient civilization? Anyone?

They also built the pyramids. Anyone?

Anyone? The answer is the egyptians.

When did this occur? Can anyone tell me how many years ago?


Anyone? The answer is ,.

And the pharaoh's name was...


Anyone? His name was atem.

To save mankind, he had to face...

Anyone? Anyone?


Please answer this question for homework.

Syrus: they turned the school gym into an infirmary?

This is getting out of hand!

Hassleberry: you said it, half-pint!

These students are droppin' faster than cow pies!

And viper's nowhere to be found!

What are we gonna do?

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Great. It's solid rock.

You can't keep me here, viper!

So if you know what's good for you, you'll let me go

Before I really get angry!

And don't think I don't know you're watching me!

Why would I set you free?

I have what I need.

So your services are no longer required.

Yup. I made it through my first survival duel,

But barely.

Ugh. Don't worry. I'm fine.

Now let's get to work.

I see you found the schematics of viper's hideout.

Affirmative. Notice anything strange?

The basement! It's times the size of the whole rest of the facility,

But why?

My guess: the card he's hiding is down there somewhere.

Oh. And speaking of secrets, get this.

What? Axel brodie's working for them?

It looks that way.

I'm trying to confirm, but if it's true,

We may be too late.

Jaden: are you kidding?!

What do you mean, "sheppard's gone"?

I mean he just up and left!

He hit the high road, pounded the pavement!

Bid this place adieu!

Hassleberry: he picked a heck of a time to go awol!

In case you haven't noticed,

We've got a school full of casualties on our hands.

Jesse: yeah, these survival duels have to stop!

And who do you suggest should stop them?

That's right, boys. Time for you to step up to the plate!

Things are getting out of hand!

You're the grown-ups here, right?

Do something grown-upish!

Like what? We're powerless!

Go bother viper! He's the one

Who's been making all the decisions around here!

Alexis: hello! Don't you realize?!

Viper's causing all this!

Jim: you did figure that out, right?

Uh, of course we did!

Only an imbecile wouldn't know that!

In fact, we were about to suggest you find him!

That's right. And we'll stay right here!

In case sheppard comes back! Heh heh.

It's adrian. Somehow he just woke up.


Hassleberry: talk about a quick recovery!

Wish I could say the same for chazz!

Unlike him, it takes a lot to keep me down.

Jaden, I figured out what's causing all this--

Our biobands!

I thought so.

Yeah, but there's more.

I did some research.

Viper's not just draining our energy to make us weak.

I know this sounds crazy, but according to the evidence I found,

He's collecting our energy and storing it somewhere!

Jesse: hey, jim.

That might explain those weird vibes you were pickin' up.

Well, that settles it, soldiers.

Time to locate the enemy!

I could make that real easy for you.

A few nights ago, I saw viper and brodie walking around in the woods.

I followed them until they disappeared into some abandoned laboratory.

We know that place!

Yeah, the animal lab,

Where you battled wheeler the monkey!

Man, was that a weird episode.

So I don't get it.

Why would viper want to go there?

Simple. Who would think to look for him in that place?

Good point, sarge.

You said you saw axel?

He must be in on it, too!

Well, they both came from west academy.

It wouldn't shock me if they were in cahoots.

All right. Let's skedaddle!

We've got work to do!

All: let's do this!

That was easy. Now for the main event!

Hey, mate. You look worried.

Who? Me?

Well, uh, remember what happened last time.

Of course I do. And if it happens again,

You're in good hands.

Thanks, jim.

Jaden: viper's hideout-- dead ahead!

It is?

What's this? More company?

[Chuckles sinisterly]

Enter. And please consider yourselves my personal guests,

Or should I say permanent guests!

Jaden: see anyone?

Syrus: negative. Alexis: upstairs is clear.

We've done a full search. This place is deserted.

Maybe viper's got a new hq.

Jesse: guys!

There's a down button!

Syrus: but we're on the ground floor.

Hassleberry: must be an underground basement!

Alexis: uh, all basements are underground.

Hold on, mates. I'm picking up a disturbance.

Besides hassleberry's breath?

There's one way to find out! Let's head down.

Not so fast, jay.

We don't even know if that elevator's in service.

Jesse: so much for wishful thinking.

Syrus: hey! Look!

Jaden: what's the deal? How did we get outside again?

[Animals calling]

Uh, guys, something tells me we're not outside.

This is part of the research facility!

Be careful where you leave your cameras, viper.

Someone might accidentally break one.

Time to dodge some lasers.

Jim: I've never seen a simulated environment this realistic.

Hassleberry: focus!

Jesse: yeah, this is no time to enjoy the view.

Let's move out.

Matter of fact, the best thing to do is divide and conquer!

Jaden: yeah! Oy!

Hassleberry: first we need to synchronize our watches

So we can rendezvous.

Awesome idea! One problem.

None of us are wearing watches. Got a back-up plan?

You bet I do. Let's all shout at the same time and hope for the best!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Sorry, guys, but I'm going to need to create a little distraction.

Not again. These power outages are becoming a nuisance.

I'm going to have a word with that electrician.

Well, insert dangerous spy music here.

[Fast-paced music playing on soundtrack]

All right, viper, showtime!


[Voice of child] I knew you'd come, play with me!

We're gonna have so much fun.

We got to be close.

[Voice of child] tag! You're it!

[Voice of child chuckling]

[Animal calls]

Hassleberry: who turned out the sun?

Let's play a game. I spy something green.

Can it, hassleberry. I'm not really up for games.

Don't move, alexis!

Hassleberry: I spy a poisonous spider.

Now that's odd.

That spider's indigenous to africa.

So what's it doing here?

Something doesn't add up, mates.

You see what I mean?

No. All I see is a grumpy gator.

Exactly. See, the reason shirley here is throwin' a wobbly is

Because she senses danger nearby.

What danger?

Jim: there's a reason viper chose to hide down here.

Why's that?

Safety. He can keep outsiders away

By using all the natural defenses.

Natural defenses?

Hmm? Hmm?

You hear something?

[Shirley growls softly]

Shirley, quiet down.

Alexis: maybe it's a friendly tiger.

Jim: not likely.

Either way, let's not stay to find out!

Alexis: nice kitty?

Hassleberry: isn't there a giant ball of string

You should be playin' with?

Jim: hassleberry, stand back. Just leave this fella to me.

I fought a dozen dingos, so what's one tiger?

You fight wild animals?

Not just me, mate. I've got a partner.

[Shirley growls]



Show this oversized kitty how we do things back home!

Game on!

Go! Run!

-! -!



This should be far enough.

[Breathing heavily]

Uh, private lexi?

Hello? Alexis, where are you?

Surprise. So we meet again.

Hey! Aren't you, uh, wait. Don't tell me.

Professor stein!

The right answer for once.

I had you for intro to duel history.

So, ah, one question. What brings you to these parts?

How typical. Always looking for the answer.

Try thinking.

On second thought, follow me.

You won't be disappointed.

Hold on. So where exactly are we going, teach?

On an exciting adventure

With bone-chilling surprises around every corner.

Gee, you make it sound so thrilling!

So, uh...

Give any interesting history lectures lately?

Glad you asked.

I led an exhilarating talk on dueling

In the post-paleolithic era

And its modern day effect.

Huh? I know.

You're thinking, how can a civilization

That predates the neolithic revolution

Create a pastime as multifaceted as duel monsters?

Actually I was thinking about cheeseburgers.

We're here.

I deduce

That you're looking for professor thelonious viper.

He's just behind that door.



By now I'm sure you realize it's locked.

Duel me and I'll let you in.

Duel you and risk my life? No, thanks!

Come on, jaden. Where's your sense of adventure?

Look, dude...

Don't you know what happens to people who wear these?

You been to the gym?

Of course. I'm well-aware of the adverse effects

Of bioband technology.

Let me put this in terms you'll understand.

The students at this institution are throwing their lives away

By neglecting their studies.

So that's why you're dueling me?

That's right.

I blame you for the downfall of this school.

Hang on a sec! What did I ever do, bro?

On the contrary. It's what you didn't do, jaden,

Like staying awake in class, to cite an example.

Well, you have to admit you do have a hypnotic voice.

Why, thank you.

But this isn't about me.

You're nothing but a negative influence, and it ends here.

Game on!

Hey! Where's jay?

Wasn't he right behind us?

Hey, jaden, quit messing around!

Come on! Joke's over!

Jesse: jaden!

Let the excitement begin.

I play scab scarknight.

Jaden, thinking: zero att*ck points? What's up with that?

I play a face-down and end my turn.

It's a good thing you like dozing off so much,

Because soon you'll be asleep permanently.

What is with this guy?

Even his dramatic threats sound boring.

Well, it's time to liven things up!

Jaden: ready, stein? My move!

I'll start with my elemental hero burstinatrix!

Teach mr. Personality a lesson!

Your monster's still standing. But why?

[Chuckles softly]

If you had paid attention in class,

You'd know scarknight can't be destroyed.

As for your monster,

Thanks to my scarknight's special ability, she's mine now!



Hey, give her back!

She's been placed under a spell,

Not unlike the ones cast in ancient egypt five millennia ago.

Blah, blah, blah.

And he wonders why I slept through his class.

Anyone up there?!

Hassleberry! Jim!

Oh, great.

Just my luck.

The one time I forget to pack my bikini.

All right, class.

Be seated! Now, then I summon

Demand man in att*ck mode.

Now att*ck jaden directly.

Now for the fun part.

Burstinatrix, att*ck your former master.

Exciting enough for you?

I hope so.

You want exciting? Watch this!

Jaden, thinking: if I att*ck with another monster,

It'll end up joining his side with burstinatrix.

And one more round of direct att*cks and I'm a goner!

I play my hummingbird!

And I'm putting him in defense!

And now his special ability activates!

Honey suck!

So for every card in your hand, I get life points back!

What now?

Sorry. Scarknights wilt all vegetation.

I guess you were sick the day we covered that in class.

Or was it the day your alarm clock didn't go off?

Well? Just go.

I will. But first I have to do this.

No way!

Due to his special effect,

Demand man switched your hummingbird into att*ck mode.

And he's not the only one with a special effect.

Activate scab curse!

Now your hummingbird has no choice but to engage in battle

With my scab scarknight.

Hey, birdie, come join the party.

I'll throw down a facedown,

And that's that.

Tell me. How does it feel to be betrayed

By every one of your monsters?

Not unlike king akunumkanon

At the end of the early dynastic period, right?

Say what? Enough with all the ancient history!

Why don't you try dueling in the present?

Ignorance and power are a deadly combination,

And you posses both...

For now.

But before long,

Your power will belong to viper!

You're with...him?

♪ Chilling out with your crew ♪

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on