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03x15 - A Snake in the Grass, Part 3

Posted: 10/20/23 10:39
by bunniefuu
Last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx"...

Jaden, with your assistance, I will complete my mission!

Jim: looks like he's taking us topside, mates!

It's time to get your game on, viper!

Next I'll activate venom swamp!

Welcome to the muck!

Come forth, venominon the king of poisonous snakes!

Go fanged venom!

Jesse: viper, who are you workin' with?

A few years ago...

I was the leader of an elite special forces team.

Something had crash-landed on earth,

And we were the guys sent to pick up the pieces.

That thing he found was you wasn't it!

Yes and my new friend was to do my bidding...

Once I defeat you, your duel energy

Will resurrect my son, and we'll be reunited!

You've been sucking all this energy

For some creature... To bring your son back!

How many more students are you willing to sacrifice for'im?

Just one more.

Jaden is the last.

You're going to pay for discarding me the way you did, jaden...

Your suffering has only just begun...

Ha ha ha!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Your move, jaden!

Okay, viper... My turn!

And I summon card trooper!

That tin can won't help you.

Not with a measly attack points.

Well, this tin can has got some real heart inside of it!

He can get stronger.

Thanks to his special ability.

See, if I send the top cards of my deck

To the grave, he gains , attack points.


That rust bucket is still no match for my king!

Venominon is far too strong!

Now that your end phase has begun...

Card trooper's special ability is no longer in effect.

It's snake bait now!

All the points your monster gained are lost,

And then my venom swamp activates and inflicts

Some more damage.

Now with your card trooper all out of attack points...

My field spell destroys it!

Say goodbye!

Ha ha ha!


But not before his second ability activates!

See, if he's destroyed, I get to draw another card!

Like so! I end my turn.

Shrug it off, jay!

Maybe that card will help you next time!

But the sarge has got to mount a better offensive.

One more round like the last one,

And jaden could be a goner!

Come on...

Heh heh heh!

It's my turn.

[Thinking] soon I will have drained all the energy we need.

And with jaden's help, I'll be reunited with my son,

All thanks to it!

Make him pay, and then you two can play.

Ha ha ha!

It won't be long now, my son.

My turn...

And my venominon att*cks you directly...

Go fanged venom!

Not so fast, big guy!

I play necro gardna's special ability!

Since he's in my graveyard...

I can remove him from play,

And then he can block any venom your snakes sh**t my way.

You're simply prolonging the inevitable.

Face it, jaden.

No card you have can save you now.

I play a facedown and end my turn!

Poor jaden.

I hate to agree with viper,

But he might have a point.

Jesse: no way!

Now see here! It ain't ova!

Jaden's always got a trick up his sleeve,

No matter how tough viper's cards are!

[Thinking] jesse's right, my cards have never

Let me down before!

And I'm about to show everyone

They're not gonna let me down this time either!

Here we go!

It's my turn!

Just what I was hoping for!

I activate: the spell miracle fusion!

If I have any heroes in my grave,

This spell lets me remove two from play.

And in their place I get to summon a new monster...

So I'll say goodbye,

And you can say hello to my elemental hero wildedge!

Look at all of his attack points!

He's got more than viper's venominon does!

Yeah, sy, but if jaden destroys venominon,

Then viper'll resurrect him!

Right, I forgot.

Jesse: don't worry!

Wildedge has a special ability!

N'that snakes toast.

Ya see, that hero's unique.

It can attack any monster once per round.

So when venominon reappears he counts

As a new monster, and then wildedge can attack him again!

Oh, yeah!

There's more!

When venominon's resurrected,

Viper has to remove a reptile monster

In his grave from the game!

Which means venominon is points weaker each time he comes back!

Syrus: yeah! 'And that means...

Um, what does it mean?

That jaden's about to lay a smackdown!

Wildedge, slap that snake silly!

Attack venominon!



Yee haw! Nice one!


Okay... Now bring him back to the field, viper.

Come on...

Ha ha ha!

What's so funny?

He's crackers!

I don't get it... What's up?


My sincere thanks, jaden!

For what?!

You see... When your wildedge destroyed my venominon,

You set my ultimate plan in motion!

And as you're about to find out,

It's a powerful motion indeed.

That doesn't sound good.

It does for me, because now I play the trap,

Rise of the sacred deity.

Thanks to this, as soon as my venominon is destroyed,

I'm allowed to summon my greatest creature...

Now come forth...

Venominaga the deity of poisonous snakes!

What's all this about?

Welcome... Venominaga!

What in the?

Easy, girl!


[Thinking] I know, ruby, I wish I could pull

A disappearin' act as well!

Frightening, isn't she?

And her bite is a big as her hiss!


You see, due to her special ability,

She gets attack points for every reptile card in my grave.

That makes a grand total of three thousand!

Oh boy...

And now, it's that time of the duel again

For my venom swamp to activate!

Which means attack points are gone

From your monster.



Ha ha ha!

There's no escaping my swamp!

And turn!


Attack with venom vapor blast!

Sorry, wildedge!

And you're next!

Now to unleash its true power!

Strike jaden!




You see that?!


So woozy...

Can hardly...

See straight!

Ha ha ha! That's because you've just been poisoned!

That pain you feel is my venominaga's poison

Coursing through your body.

In three rounds, her special ability kicks in...

And your life points go to zero!

That can't be!

If it's true, he's only got turns

To beat this snake,

Or viper's gonna get everything he needs.

Oh, no!

This duel is so much fun,

I can't take my eye off it...

[Thinking] this game might be all the distraction

I need to escape...

This thing's hold on me seems weaker.

Now if I could only reach my transmitter to activate...

Somebody's been a bad boy...

Adrian, adrian, run away...

Come back to play another day!

I guess playtime is over.

I hope you had fun...

'Cause I sure did.

Now I just gotta shut this place down, for good!

[Thinking] I got turns to win this duel.

Alrighty... Now it's...

My move!

And I'm playing fusion recovery!

Now I can take polymerization

And my elemental hero sparkman

From my graveyard

And add them to my hand.

Then I get to play polymerization

And fuse sparkman with elemental hero necroshade

To make: elemental hero darkbright!

Check out my new hero!

[Thinking] yes, jaden. Fight back.

All the more energy for me to raise my son with.

Now I play my spell card: necro shot!

With necro shot, I choose monster cards from your grave...

And you gotta remove them from play for good!

So guess what?

I'm choosin' three of your reptile cards!



With that, venominaga loses some bite!

Like fifteen hundred points of bite!

Which means, my darkbright can finish her off!

Go! Dark flash!

Sure necro is destroyed with your monsters,

But that's gonna work for me too!

Because now that necro's in the grave...

I get to send a monster there too.

And that means my elemental hero darkbright

Will automatically switch right into defense mode!

And that ends my turn!

Jaden...did you think my ultimate monster could be destroyed so easily?

Because you'd be mistaken!


Even if I my venominaga is destroyed during battle,

By simply removing a reptile monster

In my graveyard from play...

I'm still allowed to resurrect a monster to my field.

Guess who?

Welcome back...

Venominaga, deity of poisonous snakes!

And now... Venom swamp activates!

Which means it's time to pay the python!

My draw. Watch this!

I play the snake rain spell card!

Now by removing one card from my hand...

I'm allowed to send four reptile monsters

In my deck to my grave.

Now her points increase again!

All the way back to where they were before!

Venominaga, attack!

Bad move, viper!

You see when you destroyed my darkbright

You unleashed my hero's special ability,

And that means

Your monster is destroyed as well!

What the?!

Sorry. But once again,

Your monsters are no match for my serpents.

You see, no effects can harm venominaga.

They can't?!

No effects?!

What's he gonna do?!

She's too tough!

Oh, man...

That's two rounds, jaden.

You have one more turn left before the poison

Of my venominaga causes you to lose the duel!

My schematics indicate that without this power supply...

Viper's biobands would be rendered useless. Sorry vip--

Boy of light: don't you see we share the same pain?

We both deserved better.

If you help me, adrian, I will share with you

The power I possess...

And we can both begin to make things right...



Echo: adrian! Come in!

Please respond!

Give us your coordinates.


All hands! Man your stations asap!

Prepare for a search and rescue!

We're getting our man out of there!

Jaden: I gotta stop this poison.

And I have one turn to do it.

Please. It's over.

There's no chance that you'll win

Because after you go, venominaga's effect seals your doom.

A doom you'll share with no one!

That's what happens when you duel for no one but yourself!

You see, jaden, you're selfish,

Always have been, always will be.

What do you mean? Selfish?

Don't you see that every duel you've ever been

A part of was played to satisfy

Your self-centered desire to be number one?

Satisfying your own interests ahead

Of the needs of others.

That must be an easy way to live,

Looking out for yourself

And never caring for anyone else.

It's a lifestyle unfamiliar to me.

I exist for my son.

And I'll do anything to make sure

That his well-being is taken care of.


Ha ha ha!

In fact, I'm going to sacrifice you.

You're but a pawn in a simple game of revenge.

Your selfish desire to best me and be the hero

Has clouded your vision this entire duel.

But i...

But nothing...

Your self-centeredness has led to your down fall

And my son's resurrection!

[Thinking] I'm selfish?

Jesse: jaden!

Viper's tryin' to get in your head!

Ya hear me!


What he's sayin' is all hogwash!

You're not selfish!

We're in this together!

You're riskin' your life to save all of us!

Everyone's countin' on ya jaden!

So ya gotta stay focused,

And remember you're not alone!

'Cause we all got your back!

N'that's cause you'd put yourself in harm's way

For everyone of us!

You're the most selfless person I know!

Just think of who you're helpin' here!

Ya got that?!

Now buck up, and take viper down!

But how?

Trust ya'self!

And realize, that we all believe in ya!

Viper's playing mind games with me!

But I know why I'm here to duel...

To help my fellow students!

And I know I got the cards to do it!

[Thinking] thanks, guys, for reminding me what we're all about!

Alright. It's my last turn.

Let's make it count!

Here we go!

Time to get our game on!

[Thinking] deck, don't fail me now!

It's my move!

Still trying.

Why even bother?

Well you're about to find out!

I play... Fifth hope!

And with this sweet spell card...

I'm allowed to take five elemental heroes back

From my grave,

Shuffle 'em up, and then I draw new cards!

Next I activate the spells cocoon party and contact!

And with this, I can summon

One cocoon for each neos I lost!

Looks like there's two of 'em!

Ok, cocoons?

Let's hatch and free my neo-spacians

Grand mole and flare scarab!

And now, since necroshade is in my graveyard,

Its special ability lets me play

Elemental hero neos!

Flare scarab! Grand mole, and neos,

Get ready for triple contact fusion!

Awesome, a triple tag team!

They're about to lay a triple slamdown on 'im!

Hey, viper, presenting...

Elemental hero magma neos!

And for every card on the field,

He gets points stronger

Thanks to his kick butt special ability!

But with three cards on my field...

And another on yours--

That's right!

Sixteen hundred more points go to my magma neos!

And that gives him more firepower

Than any monster on your field.

Go meteor meltdown!


I lost!

No! My son!

He did it!

What an offensive!

Unh! Unh!

I have enough energy to be reborn...

But viper lost and failed in making jaden pay,

But I'll still use this crude vessel to do to jaden

What viper could not.

Viper, you've earned your reward.

It's me your son. Too bad you failed me.

But i--ohh!


Where's that stream of light coming from?!

This can't be good!




The power is flowing freely.

Now jaden will feel my full wrath.

Let's go on a little trip.


Jesse: nope just us!

Hold up... What happened?!

Now to figure a way to get down from here!



Jim: this isn't the duel academy I remember.

Alexis: what is this place?

Hassleberry: and what's with all the sand, privates?

Something tells me....

We're not in kansas anymore!

♪ Chilling out with your crew ♪

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on