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03x17 - Sub-Desert Duel

Posted: 10/20/23 10:41
by bunniefuu
Adrian: who's in here?

Aren't you that kid marcel?

Not anymore.


Ohh! But, I thought we had a deal!

You promised to share all your power with me!

But now it looks like you got yourself a new plan...

So what gives!?

Nothing has changed, adrian.

You have my word...

I can still you give you the power you desire.

All I require

Is that you follow my every command.

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on


[Students chattering]

It's chow time everybody!

Okay, guys, come and get it!


Enjoy? This ain't food!

It's all we have!

Hey, chazz...

Can we have some?

Ever since you guys became real,

All you are is hungry!

Go ask them!

Sorry, you three.

But we have to ration our food

So you'll have to share with chazz.

Boy: come on! Hurry up!

It's are turn! We got to eat too!

We're starvin'!

Now move it, buddy!

Be quiet!

We're all here together, so we have to learn to share...

Or nobody gets nuthin'!

Sorry...but we have some grubs in the back if you'd like.

That's okay... My bikini's been gettin' too tight.

I hope they understand, but we don't even have

Enough food for pharaoh...

No matter how he tries to butter me up.


I'm worried about blair.

The school doesn't have the proper resources

To treat her.

We must get back to our world

Before her condition worsens.

I'm sure a real hospital

Would be more than capable of helping her.

You're right! But if you don't know how to get us back,

Then how will we get the help she needs?

I wish I had the answers for you.

But I'm at my wits end.

I just hope that other students

Don't become this ill.

Poor blair.

There's gotta be something we can do!

Right, miss fontaine?

Uh-uh. Unfortunately we've run out

Of the medicine I need.

Now unless you know where to find a first aid kit

With all these medications, blair's condition will only worsen.

That's a pretty long list.

Did she say first aid kit?

The submarine!

I saw one stranded in the desert!

It must have a first aid kit on board!

[Thinking] I gotta check that sub out...

You think crowler will let us go?

Absolutely not!

I'm the one in charge of duel academy,

And I say no one goes anywhere!

Jaden: but we gotta get that first aid kit!

It's not like we can just run to the drugstore and put an order in!

You don't even have to go, professor. We'll handle it!

It's better for you to stay

With the remaining students anyway.

True, but if something should happen to you,

Your parents would have my job.

Now I can't risk my tenure and pension.

Oh why do all the important decisions

Always fall upon my shoulders?

Alexis, who's he talking to?

Probably his ego, syrus, because you know he loves

The sound of his own voice.

What'd you talk yourself into doin', professor?!

Look there's no medicine left,

And we need to find some fast!

So listen! Give us the green light

To go find that sub!

Don't worry. If I'm with'em

Nuthin's gonna happen!

You got that right, mate!

Ya see, axel and I have both recently taken

Dueling in the desert .

Now show'em what else we've got!

Syrus: student notebooks?

Correct, but once we reconfigure their hard drives...

We can use'em as if they were

Global positioning homing beacons...

Which'll help guide us back to duel academy!

Crowler, please!

Don't you see that nothing's gonna happen

To you as long as we're working together as a team!


Bonaparte: crowler!

I've looked and I can't find him anywhere!

Marcel is missing!

Why, why, why...


You have to calm down!

There are lots of students missing!

Is this marcel someone special?

No! It's not like...

Marcel's my son or anything even close to that!

He's just one of the more petit students

At duel academy and I'm concerned for his well being!

Well, crowler?!

You need another reason?

Hmm. Now what would chancellor sheppard do

If he was in my situation?

Oh but of course!

He would pass the buck to the vice-chancellor

And make him responsible for any decisions.

Do what ever! But be fast!

We must ensure the safety of the students,

Especially marcel, before it's too late....

Jaden: so here's the game plan...

We look for the first aid kit,

And you guys guard duel academy!

Sure! If trouble comes lookin' for us,

Me and my ojamas will handle it! Right?

Adrian: I'm going with you, jaden!


Ok...but I thought that you were hurt.

I'm feeling much better.

Plus after jesse saved me from that harpie,

It's the least I could do to say thanks!

Cool! Sounds good!

We should head out!

Yeah! Let's go find us a submarine!

You got it!


Chazz! Good luck!

Luck is for losers!

See ya!

Duel first! Ask questions later!

[Thinking] this excursion is providing

The perfect cover for me to find that sub and cover my tracks.

Cause, if these guys find out about that card

I'm after, my plans could be in serious jeopardy...

And I can keep him happy by watching jaden's every move.

Watch them well, adrian.

You work for me now!

Now to send jaden a little welcoming present...

What now?

Well, jess, since our duel spirits are real,

I thought we'd just fly to the sub?

Cause it sure beats walkin'!

Yeah but after I summoned my crystal beast pegasus

To battle, my bioband drained my energy.

So we really need to be careful

When we call out our monsters.

Axel: he's right!

But with danger lurking around every corner

It sounds like using our decks

Is gonna be something

Of a last resort proposition.

You guys are no fun!

[Kuriboh chirping]

Don't worry, you can still hang with us!

Jaden, if you don't focus,

Somebody's liable to get hurt!

Chill out.

We've gone way beyond

Simple holograms of monsters.

Things here are real and they don't seem to keen

On becoming friends!

Yeah, yeah, I know.



Take cover! Something's coming!

I don't like the sound of that!

Is it coming this way?

I hope not!

Do something.

You do something.

Jaden: I think it's gone.


Axel: guys, I'm gonna start dropping

Our homing beacons.

Jim: good idea, we don't want to get lost out here!

Jesse: that's for sure!

Look there!

The sub!

Looks like bastion was right after all, guys!

Come on!

Wait, jaden!




I'll be right back!


Axel: jaden!

Grab my hand!

Got ya!


Boy of light: do it, adrian, do it now.

Almost lost ya grip there, mate!

Still weak, I guess.


Who's this guy?!

I am the rock spirit!

And you have all trampled upon my sacred domain!

Now one of you will have to pay the ultimate price.

Who shall it be?

I'll take you on!

You guys take care of jaden and axel!

You dare take me on?

This duel shall be your last!

Bring it!

Game on!

Prepare to be rocked!

I summon sand doodlebug!

Jim: watch out, guys!

You don't wanna see what twelve hundred attack points

Of doodlebug can do.

Okay, "rock," watch this!

I summon crystal beast amethyst cat!


Alright, kitty, it's time for you to pounce!


Attack that doodlebug!


Where'd he go?! He can't dodge her attack

Unless he's in a desert field!

This is a desert field.

Just take a look at what you're

Surrounded by here, jesse!

Sand dunes, stifling heat...

This all must play as if it's a field spell!

And that's why rock spirit's bug could avoid your attack!

So what happens to his feline?

If the rules hold true in this world,

Any level--or-below monster is destroyed!


No, amethyst!

And now sand doodlebug att*cks him directly!

So if the monsters are real,

Then life points are real,

And that means that jesse could be

In the duel of his life!

How'm I gonna win?

This desert field keeps sandbaggin' all my moves!

You can't avoid this wasteland!

Your chances have all but dried up!

You're beaten!

Oh yeah?!

How'bout I fly over the desert...

With crystal beast cobalt eagle!



Cobalt, get outta there!

Now that your bird has flown the coop,

You're wide open!


Doodlebug, sandblast him!

That's no day at the beach!

I'm summonin'...

My old pal crystal beast sapphire pegasus!

And now I'm gonna lay down...

A couple a' facedowns!

You won't get a chance to use them!

This will soon be over!

Doodlebug, attack!

Your mistake, rock!

With that sand wall openin' up to get an attack out,

I can get something in!

Something with some force...

As in g-force!

You dare?!

Now yer doodlebug is wide open!

So here comes one a'my beasts!

And I'm callin' out my crystal beast topaz tiger!


And now he gets more bite...

See topaz gains points when he att*cks,

And he's gonna use each one of those points on you!

Go, topaz, incisor shred!

Nothing but a flesh wound!

Your tiger may have won this battle,

But the duel is far from over!

I don't know about that!

Cobalt eagle! Sapphire pegasus!




Ha ha ha!

So my rock spirit failed me.

No matter, I still get energy to make me stronger for my ultimate mission!

Ha ha ha!

Hello?! Anyone hooooome?!

It's empty. I think it's deserted.

That was quite the brilliant deduction adrian.

So what do we do now?

Jesse: any ideas, jaden?

Spread out!

Here's the list of first aid items

Miss fontaine needed.


I'll look around for this...

And you the rest of you guys...

Can search for food and supplies that we

Can bring back with us.


Sure, kuriboh!

You can help me search around!

[Thinking] where'd this sub come from anyway?

Hey, could this be the first aid?

I hope it's in here. Bingo!

Hmm. Empty!


Oh. Hmm.

These'll keep us warm in case those suns ever set!

[Thinking] wonder where this leads to.

Torpedo tubes? This sub wasn't messin' around!

[Thinking] just a couple more seconds. I'm in!

Now to delete all the files that reference me,

My family, and that card.

It's like I never existed.

So you took down one rock spirit...

But there's more where that came from!

Ha ha ha!

It's time to take the sting out of my last defeat!

Now go! And lay waste, fiend scorpions!

Great news, fellas!

I found all the first aid we needed!

They had heaps of the stuff!

Nice! And I found some food!

Well...actually, kuriboh found it..

Look here: blankets!

Sorry guys... But I got nothin'!

It like a maze down here.

I ended up finding the communications center...

But all the hardware was fried,

And I couldn't access any info.

So what's the next move?

Jaden: well we got what we came for,

So I guess we should head back to duel academy.

Huh? Huh?

Jim: scorpions!

Well they're about to get crushed!

Here goes!

I play clayman in defense mode!

Jesse: they're retreatin'!

Axel: now's our chance!

Let's make a run for it!

I reckon' we're safe now.

Oh no you're not!

Behold -claws scorpion!

And now I play the spell card book of moon!

Which turns your clayman into putty!

Guys, I think our chances...

Just took a turn for the worse!


-Claws scorpion is out there!

And with your clayman upside down,

That means scorpion's attack points

Are gonna increase by ,!

Oh no! With that many attack points clayman's history,

And it looks like we are too!


Jim: everyone alright?

Yeah! But those scorpions might change all that!

You guys ready?

'Cause here they come!

Hold up! If all of you fight these creatures,

Then all of you lose energy!

That's why I'll take'em on!

What? No way!

Yes way! Now y'all get outta here,

While me and my beasts handle this!

Come on out, crystal beasts amethyst cat

And topaz tiger!

Ok, you two!

Now squash them critters, with some feline ferocity!

Got it!

With pleasure!

Here comes...

Amethyst power pounce and topaz incisor shred!



These insolent fools will never escape!

Their fate is sealed!

Come forth, sand doodlebug!

Let's see how this sub works under the ocean of sand

That's about to crash down upon you!

Crikey! This can't be good!

We're sinking!

But how?

No time to waste! We gotta move!

This way!

Hey, you think this submarine has a backdoor

Or an emergency exit?

Negative! The only way to get out is the same way we got in!

Right, now that doesn't leave us

Too many options does it, mate!

Maybe, maybe not!

I wonder if this sub has those torpedo thingies down here?

Hey. I think I see where you're going with this, jaden.

Maybe those tubes could be our way out!

But they're that way!

What? Oh, man!

Now what?

We open'em!

Yeah, but tons of sand will rush in!

And our secret w*apon will rush out!

Huh? Huh?

Jaden, you ready?

This plan a yours better work!

'Cause there ain't gonna be a second chance!

Do it!

On three...




I summon elemental hero neos and grand mole!

Contact fusion!

It looks like the sands of time have run their course with you!




Alright! Neos did it!

Yeah, jaden, he did it alright!



Thank you, jaden.

The more you fight,

The more of your energy becomes mine.

Jim: that was quite the ride wasn't it, fellas?

Jaden: yeah, you know it!

The signal seems to be pretty strong,

So now we just follow them back to the academy.

Have you got the first aid kit jesse?

You better believe it, pal!

Now what do ya say we put 'em to some use!

Yep, we better get a move on, mates!


Hey, jaden, nice work in there.


But we're not out of the dunes yet adrian,

We survived this, but who knows what's next.

♪ Chilling out with your crew ♪

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on