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03x29 - Friend or Fiend

Posted: 10/20/23 11:09
by bunniefuu
Last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx"...

Hassleberry: where'd that portal take us to, bastion?!

An alternate dimension but not the one from before.

Ah, a human.

What's a pathetic little worm like you doing up here?

Lookin' to take you down!

We have to stop him!

When you duel here,

There's more at stake than just losing the game.

Simorgh, finish him off!

Now it's your turn!

For what?

For my winged creature to att*ck!

My energy will now be absorbed and sent to the stars.

Promise me you will defeat the supreme king!

This will lead you to another realm in this world.

Perhaps you will find your friend jesse up there.

Jaden, thinking: don't worry, jesse.

I know you're up there somewhere.

And no matter what's on the other side of that door,

We'll fight our way through and get you back home.

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Syrus: that's got to be the biggest door I've ever seen.

Jim: yeah, I wonder what it's trying to keep in.

Atticus: don't ya mean keep out?

He's right. Maybe we shouldn't.

I mean, we don't even know if jesse's in this world, right, jay?

Jaden: oh, he's here. I feel it in my gut.

Whoa. Take a look at this place, guys.

Chazz: what's to look at? This place is a dump!

And it smells like one, too!

Syrus: yeah, kind of reminds me of the slifer dorm.

This place seems deserted.

Wonder what happened.

I'm not sure, alexis, but I have a feelin' it wasn't good.

That's for sure. This place is in shambles.

Alexis: look up there!

Atticus: is that a sh**ting star?

Syrus: I think it's a comet.

Alexis: what's the difference?


What's goin' on, jim? What's wrong?

You ok?

Say something, dude.

Sorry, mates. I'm a-ok.

Just got a bit wobbly there for a sec.

Must've looked up too fast.

Oh, man. That happens to me all the time.

Sometimes I get whiplash!

It's them comets! Can't take my eye off them.

Well, we need ya to tune in down here!

Did you say tune? What do you feel like hearin'?

Oh, boy.

Hassleberry: so what's our plan of action?

Chazz: might as well check out the sights.

Jim, voice-over: so it's almost time.

I didn't think it would be this quick.

Axel: this place could be dangerous.

I don't think we should all go running ahead.

I'll scout around.

You guys go back through the door and wait there.

Hey, uh...

Where is the door?!

So much for going back.

Good because we're not going back, syrus.

Jesse's in this world.

And that's why we're here.

Too true! So let's go find our friend!

Axel: all right. We move together.

And no unnecessary chatter.

Syrus: what do you mean by unnecessary chatter?

Axel: dumb questions like that.

I thought there are no dumb questions.

That's right.

Which teacher was always messing that saying up?

Professor stein?

Oh, yeah.

Shirley senses someone nearby.

Wanna check it out?

Guess that's a yes.

What do we got here?

This place has seen better days.

Axel: looks like someone ransacked the joint.

Syrus: am I the only one who really doesn't like it here?

Jim: I'm pretty sure I don't like it here either.

Was that--stay here.

Where are you going?

Jaden, wait!

Talk and run, axel.

That kid might know something.

I understand, but I'm comin' with you.

It could be a trap of some kind.

Well, let's find out.

Hey, kid.


Scarr see little scrap!


You not even warrior. You little seedling.

Why you still here?

It not matter. We play catch!

You fun.

I duel you and send you to the stars.

No. No. Don't. Not to there!


Jaden, thinking: I better help this kid

Before he winds up getting star struck!

Now, if that kid duels and loses,

He'll get sent to the stars like that last guy.

And that can't happen.

Whoa. Hold up. Whatever you're doin' don't.

Jaden: hey, ugly!

Pick on someone your own size or closer to it at least.

What this? More fun for scarr?

Easy, now.

More kids? How you survive?

You protect them all?

You look like strong warrior.

I take you to our camp.

But me no need rest of you!

Me end you all right here.

Me send you to the stars.

You sit tight, strong one. You no run.

Hey, kid, take cover.


I deal with him later and then them.

Not a chance, got that?

Because you're not gettin' past me!


Let me at 'em! I'll take him down for ya, sarge!

He don't scare me!

Stay back! I can't let you duel.

It's too dangerous.

But-but, sarge--

Jaden: I mean it, hassleberry.

You guys get out of here.

No stop scarr!

Even if friends run, I find them.

Strong ones go to camp,

Weak ones to the stars.

No one escape the dark fiends.

Now start with you, so duel!

Game on! Game on!

Me go!

Me draw!

Me summon archfiend soldier!

Me facedown one card.

Me no go no more.

Now you go.

Don't let me down, deck!

I draw!

Now get ready because I'm playin' polymerization!

With this card, I can take elemental hero sparkman

And elemental hero clayman from my hand

And fuse them to summon

Elemental hero thunder giant!

The bigger they are, the harder they rock!

And now I'll activate thunder giant's special ability!

Since your monster's got less att*ck points than him,

My thunder giant can take it down!

Go! Static blast!


With your soldier out of the way,

I can att*ck you directly!

Chew on some voltic thunder!


Did you see that?!

Jaden's taking this thing by storm!

And you thought he needed back-up!

Go, jaden!

Alexis, thinking: jaden's really goin' after that monster.

It's like he's dueling

As though his life depended on it or something.

With jaden this focused, that thing doesn't stand a chance!

Me draw!

Me call forth fusion devourer!

It att*ck your monster!

It destroy your monster!

Then it hurt you bad!

No way!

But my giant's got more att*ck points

Than that ball of goop!


What's goin' on?


When fusion devourer att*ck a fusion monster,

It make att*ck points zero.

Me get it.

Well, me show facedown card!

Fake friendship treaty trap card!

Now you no summon monsters weaker than level !

Heh heh heh!

Now me go more and activate spell card.

Me activate hurricane nest!

Now you no special summon monster.

If you do, I do this!

I send hurricane nest to graveyard.

Then your monster destroyed.

What a punk. He's tryin' to make it

So that jaden can't summon anything.

And not only that, with that devourer blob,

If jaden manages to fuse,

The monsters will have zero att*ck points.

It'll be useless.

This ain't good.

Now what?

Jaden, thinking: man! No special summoning,

No summoning anything less than level-.

No fusing.

If I don't draw a good card here, I'm done for!

And my friends will be next.

Hang on.

I draw!

Axel, thinking: I sure hope that card's a winner

Because if it isn't, jaden might just end up the loser!

Boy, thinking: I hope this boy can win.

If new card weak, you done.

Now look.

Since necroshade's in my graveyard,

I can use its special ability

To summon up another elemental hero!

I play elemental hero neos!

But how?

My neos is a level .

And it's not a special summon or a fusion.

So he sneaks through all your little traps.

And now I activate the neos force equip spell card,

Giving neos an extra att*ck points.

Neos, att*ck!

That-a boy!

Hassleberry and jim: nice, jaden!

Alexis: he did it!

Of course he did!

Oh, no.


Hassleberry: where'd them fireworks come from?

Axel: dueling here isn't like dueling back home.

See, if you lose a duel in this world,

You get zapped away.

As for where, I don't know.

That's scary. I mean, that duel was back and forth.

[Boy moaning softly]

The monster's gone, little buddy.

So, uh, what's your name?


Sir freed!

You're not to be out here alone!

Now, sit while I think of a just punishment for you!

I only wanted--

You only nothing!

Easy now, blondie.

Who are you?

I'm the guy who saved that kid. And who are you?

Never you mind. Now you must be on your way.

Hassleberry: we're not goin' anywhere.

We want some answers now.

We're kind of new around here.

I gathered. They will come looking for us.

Who will?

The dark world army.

[Footsteps approaching]

What's that racket?


Freed: they're coming.

Freed: if you duel them, you'll bring doom upon us all.

Kyle, we must hurry!

Yes, sir.

Now, I wouldn't linger!

They might be hungry.

Syrus: did he say hungry?

Where is he?

There is no sign of scarr.

A duel was fought here.

We must track down who defeated scarr!

What are they?

Freed: the cursed fiends of dark world.

Hassleberry: dark world?

Jaden: where ya going?

Syrus: not another door.

Sure this is safe?

My mom always told me not to go

Into secret underground caves

With strangers wearing suits of armor.

Another door, guys?

Kyle, must you give me cause to fear?

Kyle: I'm sorry, sis.

Jaden: uh-oh.

You mustn't be caught by the eye of zure.

Obey sir freed. Understand?


What's this?

I went to our house, what remains.


And who are they?

While above, I was att*cked by a fiend.

The boy in red saved me.

I see. I'm grateful.

If I may be so bold as to ask,

Are you not of this world?

Have you been sent here, same as us?

We transported here for sure.

But we're not, uh, of your world, either.

I should think not.

After all, you talk funny and your clothing is odd.

I shall tell you what we know.

One morning, we awoke to find our village in this sunless dimension.

Jaden: how did ya get here?

We don't know.

Before we had time to understand, we were att*cked

By the army of dark fiends.

In our world, these fiends are creatures of legend.

But here, they're real.

They descended from the mountains and att*cked without mercy.

It was frightening.

It was a nightmare come to life.

But the steel knight army took up their arms.

The steel knight army?

Sister: duel warriors led by sir freed.

They fought to protect our village,

But their fight was in vain.

Kyle: the fiends defeated the steel knights.

Then they captured them and took them away,

Including my--my father.

As for the women and children and the others left behind,

The fiends turned them into particles of light.

They call it "sending us to the stars."

The few among us paused not to learn what it meant.

We escaped and hid in these caverns.

And we're not giving up.

We've got sir freed!

He means to do battle with the fiends.

He'll rescue the warriors, including father!

Guess you got your work cut out for you.

Jaden, thinking: this guy must be some kind of great warrior.

Axel: jaden.

Seems like this world is full of problems.

And it sounds like these people have been here a while.

Maybe, they'll be able to help point us in the right direction.

You're right, axel. They might know jesse.

Hey, mr. Freed, we're, uh--we're lookin'

For a kid named jesse.

He's about our age, my height.

White shirt, blue vest.

Ring any bells?

Afraid not. Leave me be.

Anybody? A kid like me?

Says "y'all" a lot?

Come on, people.


Don't worry, j.

Wherever he's at, we'll find him.

I guess they can't help after all.

Let's head back to the surface and look on our own.

Go back up? Are you mad?!

You can't go up there. The village is teeming with fiends.

Everyone here has lost someone.

Everyone here worries for another.

But if we are to survive, we must use reason.

I do not intend to stop you from finding your friend.

But for now, you stay.

Risk your own life all you want,

But I'll not have you risk the lives of everyone here.

Go now and you expose us.

You must wait for the light of the comet to fade.

They don't patrol without it.

Understood? We gotcha.

When the village has gone dark,

Then may you set off in search of your friend.

Let us hope they haven't already found him.

Well, guys, here we are again,

Hiding out from an army of monsters.

Good times.

Hassleberry: well, I never thought I'd be sayin' this, fellas,

But I'm startin' to miss those duel ghouls.

Anyone got marshmallows?

Don't hold back!

Alexis: hey, um, jaden?

Did you...

That fiend.

When you dueled it, did you know

That if you lost, you'd get sent to the stars?

I guess sort of, but i--i had to save that kid

From that fiend.

You don't get it, do you?!

You were in real danger, jaden!

You have to be more careful!

I'm serious!

All right. Relax.

I mean it!

Huh. Ok. I'll be more careful, lex.

This is most distressing, gren.

Find whoever destroyed scarr at once!

We have battalions scattered everywhere, master.

Master zure!

I bring news from the prison camp.

And it isn't good news.

One of the warriors has escaped.

Zure: escaped?

He overtook two guards.

Perhaps he's the one who defeated scarr.

No, gren! Goblins fall easy, but scarr was powerful.

Find him and get answers.

Over there!

Zure will be pleased.

Get him.

[Breathing heavily]

I will not go back to your prison!

Zure: we just have some questions.

Capture him now!

I activate justi-break!

Uh! Ugh! Aah!



I am coming, my boy.

Sir freed, a steel knight has come!



You're back!

My little warrior, my princess.

Kyle: I knew you'd come back! I just knew it!

Sister: where did they take you, father?


Lars: sir freed, I'm sorry.

I failed you. Please accept my, uh--

My humble apologies.

Lars, save your strength.

It was my honor to fight alongside you.

To take up arms against the fiends

And fight for our village.

We still fight.

Hear what I must tell you.

Everyone's being held in a camp beneath a cliff

Just northwest of the village.

You must save them

And destroy the fiends.

Hey, in that camp,

Did you see a kid like me,

Only wearing a white shirt and a blue vest?

I do not remember his clothing,

But I did see a boy at the camp

And he wasn't one of the villagers.

I did not know him.

Jesse! I bet it was jesse!



Are you ok?

Be brave, kyle.

Protect your sister and protect this village.

Become the warrior you're destined to become.

Follow in sir freed's footsteps, my boy.

But, father...

Jaden: well, what do you say, freed?

You wanna go and raid that prison camp?

'Cause I know I do.

Jaden, thinking: don't worry, jesse. I'm comin' to get ya!

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on