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03x48 - The Power Within, Part 2

Posted: 10/20/23 11:25
by bunniefuu
Last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx"...

Yubel: welcome!


Jaden, looks like you made it.

I've been waiting.

Your days of sending people to the stars are over, yubel!

This is between you and me, so leave jesse out of this

And duel me in your true form!

Why would I do that?

With this body, I get to force you to fight your friend.

If you want a duel, then you got one!

I hoped you'd say that.

Here goes!

Neos, attack yubel directly!

[Neos yelling]

You think that by chipping away at my life points,

You're actually hurting me.

Well, you're not.

I'm about to show you something incredible.


My mighty beast, rainbow dark dragon!

Jaden, thinking: ok, there it is.

I just hope my hunch is correct.

Hopefully, jesse's spirit has been locked away

And trapped in that dark dragon.

Now get ready!

Rainbow dark dragon, attack neos with dark rainbow refraction!


[Laughing sinisterly]


Jaden, help me.


Hang on as long as you can.

I'm gonna save you somehow,


♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

You can try all you want to,

But jesse isn't going anywhere unless I say so!

He's mine, and I've locked him away like you did to me.

I guess it's true, what they say, that what goes around

Eventually does comes around!

You have to stop all this right now!

Please, yubel, just listen!

This is between you and me!

And jesse.

See, you hurt, because he hurts,

And that makes me feel better.

Now, then...

Where did we leave off?

Oh, yes, how silly of me to forget!

One more attack, and my beasts will defeat you!

It really is quite the shame, jaden.

Having traveled all this distance, only to fail now!

Yubel's right!

If poor jaden is att*cked, his life points are history.

Oh, syrus, I can't bear to watch!

We have to believe!

Any last words for me, jaden?

No, huh?

Well, I must say I'm not all that surprised

Because there's nothing left to say!

Now, topaz tiger and sapphire pegasus,

It's time to end this battle!


I don't think so

Because thanks to my neospace road,

You're not ending anything!

Since you destroyed elemental hero neos this round,

This trap card repels

Both your crystal beasts' att*cks!

[Topaz tiger growls]

Thanks for your help, neos!

And next, my trap lets me draw one card!

[Laughing sinisterly]

You just don't give up.

I wish you were more like this with me!

But, no, instead, you turned your back to me

And sent me far away!

But not far enough.

It's your move!

Ojama yellow: jaden survived the round!

Crowler: but can he keep surviving?

We better hope he can!

It's my move!

I draw!

Jaden, thinking: what to do.

I have three cards

And two choices.

On the one hand, I could summon my grand mole

Which would send rainbow dark dragon

Back to yubel's hand...

But then I'd be leaving myself wide open,

Which means his advanced topaz tiger or sapphire pegasus

Could take me out with a single attack.

[Sapphire pegasus neighing]

No. It's clear what I have to do!

And that's take that dark dragon head-on!

Now, if this strategy works,

I just might be able to save jesse at the same time!

I play...

Convert contact!

And since there aren't any cards in play on my field.

This spell lets me send a neo-spacian from my deck

And my hand to the graveyard.

And then I get to draw two new cards.


I play bubbleman in defense mode!

And next, I'll activate his special ability.

You see, when he's the only card on the field,

I can draw two cards.

Now let's see what I got!

Jaden, thinking: not bad!

This might work after all.

Next I lay down a facedown

And end my turn.

Jaden, you're actually calling that a turn?

Because that move looked more like a waste of time.

But I'm not disappointed...

Because that's what I've come to expect from you.

Now, sapphire pegasus, attack bubbleman!


And with him out of the way,

Rainbow dark dragon, end this.


Ain't gonna happen!

I play my facedown.

And with flute of summoning kuriboh,

I summon out winged kuriboh in defense mode!

[Kuriboh calling]

[Syrus and crowler moaning]

What's this?



Jaden: hey, it's jesse's crystal beasts!

What's going on, guys?

Ruby? Am I dreaming?

Unfortunately not, jaden.

It's more like an unofficial time-out.

Where are we?!

Can ya tell me?

We're within kuriboh's light.

In here, our true forms can be revealed to you.

And we're safe from that yubel.

Now listen carefully.

Our dear friend has been trapped within the rainbow dark dragon card.

Sapphire unicorn: and we...

Cannot save him.

Yubel's darkness infects us.

Her field spell forces us to do her bidding!

Her field spell?

That's right.

And in order to free us,

You must first destroy that field spell.

Once that darkness is destroyed,

You must then figure out a way to defeat the dark dragon.

Do you understand what you must do?

First I take out the field spell

And then destroy the dragon!

Good luck.

Jaden, we're all counting on you.



Thanks for all your help, old pal.

So my powers revealed that you met my beasts!

Now then tell me...

What did you talk about with them?

What are you planning on doing?

Well, whatever it is, I'm not letting it happen!

Time's up!

Ha ha ha!

Topaz, attack!

Attack? That's senseless!

Winged kuriboh's effect protects me!

Oh, I know.

You see, you're not the one I'm looking to teach a lesson to.

It's him, topaz tiger!



Next time, you might think twice before going behind my back

With my beasts.

Ya got that? These are my monsters!

So don't go messin' with 'em,

Or they'll pay!

It's your move!

Jaden, thinking: don't worry.

I'll free you guys from the darkness soon enough!

Jaden: all right, yubel, my go!

Jaden, thinking: hmm, what to do...

Jaden: I play...

The spell cocoon party.

So now for every neo-spacian that's in my graveyard,

I get to select and summon one chrysalis from my deck.

So with flare scarab and grand mole in my grave,

I play chrysalis dolphin

And chrysalis chicky!

And now I activate contact!

Thanks to this spell, my monsters evolve!

So say hello to neo-spacian aqua dolphin

And neo-spacian air hummingbird!

And thanks to hummingbird's special ability...

I get life points for every card in your hand!

Syrus: his life points went up.

He's back in this!

But he's got quite a ways to go. Yubel still has the edge!

And now I play o-oversoul!

With the power of this spell,

If there's an elemental hero in my grave,

I can summon it directly to my field.

So I play elemental hero neos!

And now, I'll fuse neos with my neo-spacians

To form the ultimate elemental hero!

The ultimate elemental hero?!

Now, neos, aqua dolphin, and air hummingbird...

It's time to fuse together!

From the depths of space,

I call up the most powerful hero,

Otherwise known as...

Elemental hero storm neos!

[Elemental hero storm neos roaring]


Fine. Bring it.

So that's your new elemental hero.

Not bad, jaden.

Check it. He's got , attack points!


And that's nothing compared to his special ability, syrus,

Because once a turn, he powers up

And then can destroy

All the spells and traps on the field.

But then--

Your advanced dark field spell is down and out!

And now it is time

You see the light!

[Elemental hero storm neos roaring]

Crowler: oh, dear!

Ojama yellow: this is good, right?

My field spell's gone!

You got that right!

And you know what happens next, don't you?

Without that field spell in play,

Your beasts are all eliminated from the game!

And so is the darkness that controls them!

[Topaz tiger growling, sapphire pegasus neighing]

The crystal beasts,

They've been sent to the graveyard!

Ojama yellow: jay did it!

Yeah! Jaden fought past all the fear that he was feeling inside

And finally found the strength to trust in himself

And his fusion card!

You're ok!

Thanks to you, the darkness has been lifted.

Perhaps now jesse just might hear us!

Let's give it a try!

Amethyst cat: jesse, listen to us!

We're here for you, jesse!

Sapphire unicorn: you're not alone!

We're trying to help you! Jesse!

Come on.

Jaden: it's me, jes!

I know you can do it!

Jesse: what's this? Where am i?

Who's out there?

Oh, it's my crystal beasts

And jaden!

Hey, guys!

Oh, jesse!

Good luck, jaden! Good luck, jaden.

Jaden, thinking: now I just gotta get them out of that dragon,

And I think I know how!

I'm playing the equip spell instant space

So storm neos sticks around,

Because normally, once his special ability is used,

He gets sent back to my deck.

But fortunately with this equip spell,

He gets to stick around!

It's your move, yubel.

Jaden, now please tell me,

You don't think

You'll rescue your friend, do you?

Jaden, thinking: just keep talking, yubel.

As soon as I get rid of that rainbow dark dragon,

Jesse will be free!

I already got the darkness off the field.

I just have to figure out a way to remove it

From that dragon card

Or jesse and I are both finished!

Now, jaden,

It's time to say

Good-bye to your neos.

Rainbow dark dragon, attack!

Oh, my!

Oh, my is right!

He just blew his neos away.

Oh, yeah...

Well, now I'll use instant neospace's effect!

Because your dragon destroyed storm neos,

I can bring back elemental hero neos!

Him again?!

You must be tired

Or desperate.

Yubel, thinking: now I just need you to get angry and confident enough

To use your most powerful card against me.

I've got my own trick up my sleeve

That will turn the tables, permanently!

I'll end my turn with two facedowns.

Jaden, thinking: I know I can save jesse.

I just hope I can last long enough to do it!

Oh, no! With jaden fading,

Everything is lost!

Jaden's on his last leg!

Suck it up, jay!

All right, yubel, I'm playing fifth hope!

And with it, I can take elemental heroes

Out of my graveyard and shuffle 'em back into my deck!

After that, I can draw two new cards!

Jaden, thinking: oh, no. Super polymerization!

I don't know if I'm ready for it.

Its power hurt so many of my friends--

Chazz, hassleberry,

Atticus, and poor alexis.

Jim, he gave his all, and axel, he risked everything to save me

From the darkness.

Sir freed, he put my well-being ahead of his own.

I owe it to everyone I hurt with this card

To their memories

To try to overcome my fear and use it for good.

I know the last time I played it,

I was the supreme king.

It's a nightmare I never want to relive!

Yet after everything I did,

My friends stayed by my side

And tried all they could to help me right the wrongs I caused

To help me find my way.

Will it happen again if I use this card?

No, you have to be brave, jay!

Don't be afraid!

You've gotta conquer your fear of the past

If you ever want to move forward.

The supreme king won't take over again.

You have to use super polymerization to free jesse,

No matter what the risk. Know why?

'Cause you've got a friend to save!

Ok, this is it. I activate...

Super polymerization!

All right!

First things first, by sending one card to the graveyard,

I can now combine this guy, elemental hero neos,

With your rainbow dark dragon!

And together, they'll create a creature

That will purge the remaining darkness

From the field and free my friend jesse!



I'm right here!

Look up there, guys.

The darkness is leaving!



[Laughing sinisterly]

Yubel, meet your doom!

Come forth, rainbow neos!


Jaden? Is that you?

You bet, partner!

So, then, what happened?

[Yubel laughing]

He rescued you.

Of course, I always knew he would.

You did?!

I never intended to keep your friend.

It's the card.

That's what I sought to acquire.

Don't you see?


The only way you could free jesse was by using it.

And you fell for it.

Sorry, jaden, 'cause now it's all mine.

Give that back!

You can't just take my super polymerization

Unless you played the spell card last trick,

Which would mean that you could take a spell card

That I put in my graveyard!

You set this all up! But why?

Oh, you'll find out soon enough

Because now, the fun begins!


I play thousand buster!

By giving up , life points...

All monsters with less than a thousand attack points

Are destroyed.

And we take a thousand points of damage as well!



Looks like we both lose.

And now, my dear jaden,

A new duel will begin in oblivion!

♪ Chillin' out with the crew at the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some days you've got to learn hipness ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take them on together ♪

♪ Right now, let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪