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01x09 - Election

Posted: 10/22/23 08:21
by bunniefuu
- Hey.


- Hi.

Nice to meet you.

Okay, something's going on.

Claire is being nice to everybody and Kate's not even stopping her.

Tell me about it.

She actually said hi to me this morning.

Nice to meet you.

She is talking to the dorkestra! She must've lost a dare.

This just in: Claire is running for President.

No wonder.

It's so unfair.

Claire's gonna end up our class president and it's only because she's popular.

The popular kids win everything.

It's been that way since kindergarten.

And the rest of us are just doomed.

You guys.

why is Larry Tudgeman eating worms? Oh, Larry's running, too.

Said he'd eat one worm for every person who votes for him.

That's kind of desperate not to mention gross.

And very unfair to those worms.

Great choice
- Claire or Tudgeman.

Why doesn't anyone normal run, like us? One of us run? Are you feeling okay? It could work.

We're not popular but we don't need to be.

We're the normals.

There are more of us than there are of them.

If we could just get everyone to vote for a normal candidate, we could win.

You think? Yeah, let's overthrow the ruling powers! Which is why I nominate you, Lizzie McGuire.

Me? He's right.

You're, like, so totally normal.

That's a good thing.

You guys are joking.

I am not.

Am I? You have what it takes.

You're one of the normals.

You could be our class president.

You could be the voice of the people.

Okay, I'll do it.

I will run for Class President.

I don't have a good feeling about this.

Season 1 Episode 9 Election If you believe, We've got a picture
-perfect plan.

We've got you fooled.

'Cause we only do the best we can.

And sometimes we make it.

And sometimes we fake it.

But we get one step closer each and every day.

We'll figure it out on the way.

Lizzie McGuire S01E09 Election Our daughter, the voice of the people.

You know, I was President of the Audio Visual club.

I'm sure you were, Dad.

Anyway, Gordo thinks we may actually have a chance of winning the election.

I knew you were destined for greatness the day you were born.

I'm gifted that way.

Just like I knew that Richard guy on Survivor was going to win.

Okay, a little out there.

Gotta love her, though.

I mean, look at the way she still cuts the crust off my PB&J.

Hey, one bowl's enough, mister! Nice of you to show your face, Matt.

Well, it's not my fault.

Jasper keeps hiding my shoes.

-Who's Jasper?

And what's he want with your shoes? Is he all out of stink? Oh, it's probably Gordo.

I'll take it upstairs.

That's the girl I was telling you about.

She claims to be human but I beg to differ.

-Who you talking to, kiddo?


My new friend I was telling you about? Your new friend, huh? Well, why don't you tell me where your new friend is, Matt? Don't be a doof, Dad.

Must be something in the water.

My whole family's kind of Mom, Dad, don't stare at him like that! It's not his fault his mom gives him funny haircuts.

We'll take these to go.

Isn't our son a little bit old to have an imaginary friend? I knew we got off too easy when he potty
-trained so early.

I cannot believe I'm running for class president against Claire.

Well, you may not have her talent and you may not have her charm.

Oh, she does have that great smile.

Yeah, yeah, Gordo.

I get the point.

Look, people want to see a change and that's why you can win.

And when he says "See a change" he doesn't mean Claire's wardrobe.

She's the only girl at school who reaccessorizes between classes.

Got it.

See you guys at school.



This is so West Wing.

Oh, Miranda, the posters look great.

They do, don't they? They're broad and nonspecific.

Claire's are all made out of footballs and pom

Original, but alienating.

We're off to a good start.


But is Larry really serious about those worms? So far, he's consumed five.

Tudgeman's all about shocking people.

Think of him as Marilyn Manson to your Britney Spears.

Just remember, be normal.

Lizzie McGuire My little opponent.

Hi, Claire.



I just wanted to let you know how cute I think it is that you think you actually have a chance against me.

Cute in a loser kind of way.

Lizzie Mcguire's the voice of the people and there are more of us than there are of you which makes hers the voice of the winner.

That's what Lizzie always says.

I do? You will.

It's all in this speech I've written for you.

She's giving you the hand! Bottom line, I'm popular and you're not, so I win.

Don't you remember our phone conversation this morning? You're powerful, you're normal.

Go! Let me tell you something, Miss Claire Witch Project.

Ooh, good one! I may not be cheerleader captain and I may not be yearbook editor and I may not sit in the cool part of the cafeteria but people want to see change and, no, no, no, I'm not talking about your wardrobe.

Yeah! So laugh all you want to now 'cause by the end of this thing, you'll be crying.

Hey, who was that? wait, that was me! Not bad I think.

You're a quick study, Lizzie McGuire.

Excuse me, Lizzie.

Veruca? Hi.

I just saw you stand up to Claire and I want to let you know that you'll get the vote of the Mathletes.

I will? I mean, that's great.


That's nine votes.

Nine votes, pour moi? They like me, they really, really like me.

Frog dissection should be optional.

We should be allowed to exercise our free will.

and write a paper instead.

My plan is to find a better way, and for that, I'll need your involvement.

Friends and fellow students, I think it is my time to ask not what your student government can do for you ask what you can do for your student government! Be nice! Don't slice! Great speech.


I wrote it.

People are watching your every move.

So when you're in the language labs you speak Spanish, you speak French, you speak Italian; when in home ec, you cook, you sew, you mend; when in gym, you rebound, go the extra distance, you run like the wind.

Give me your lunch money, you little twerp.

What do I do? Um, uh The "Cost of Lunch Speech.

" Here.

Go on! Uh, excuse me.

The price of lunch is a bit high, isn't it? Vote for me, Lizzie McGuire and I promise you I will do something about it.

Uh, can you hold on a second, please? Now, you were saying? Walk with me.

Lizzie McGuire, voice of the people.

McGuire's on fire.

Vote for Lizzie.

Yeah! Go, go, go, go, go Bonjour.





I knew my plan to beat the popular kids would work! Guess I really am voice of the people.

The election's not over yet.

Tudgeman's not that far behind and I saw him digging for worms before school.

I would never swallow worms for votes.

You don't have to worry about Larry Tudgeman.

He went to the nurse's office complaining of stomach cramps.

And Claire hasn't even infiltrated the Drama Groupies.

But the Drama Club is, like, second
-tier popular.

They're going to vote for Claire.

Not if I can get them to vote for me.

Okay, Lizzie, we've gone over this.

You know what to do.

You have to blend, but don't smile.

Drama Groupies don't smile.

I can do this, Gordo.

Lizzie McGuire, you've become everything I hoped for and more.

A chameleon changing colors whenever necessary at precisely the right moment.

It scares me how good you are.

Somehow, that doesn't sound better than swallowing worms.

I can't believe I'm going to hang out with the Drama Club.

But you're not.

You said you'd have lunch with the Foreign Exchange Club.

They've even made you food from their homelands.


Foreign Exchange Club mystery meat or cool Drama Club? I think I'm going with the Drama Club.

But you promised them.

Just tell them I've been campaigning so hard and I need time to catch up on my homework.

But that would be a lie.

You call it a lie.

I call it politics.

No, Miranda's right.

It's a lie!


The Drama Club's a very influential group, Miranda.

If Lizzie's seen with them at lunch, there's no telling how many more votes we'll get.

Who she's seen with is very important.

But you've known about this lunch since yesterday.

See? I told you.

It's politics.



What has gotten into her? I don't know but whatever it is it's making me all tingly inside.



Nice one son.

This is great! It's not even my birthday! Thanks, Mom.

Thanks, Dad.

It's working.

He hasn't even mentioned his little invisible friend.

Sweetie? Is something wrong? It's just on Jasper's planet, baseball is evil.

Well, uh, it may be time for you and Jasper to go your separate ways.

Perhaps you've outgrown each other.

Yeah, you know It happens to the best of friends sometimes.

It does.

You guys, Jasper can hear you! You're hurting his feelings.

Oh, you know what Dad and I are trying to say is that
-Hey, where's the old g*ng?

We haven't seen them around much lately.

That's 'cause they're all way into their video games.

Did you know Jasper's parents were snowmen? Snowmen? Wow.

So if we were to get you that video dream thing then maybe you could start hanging out with some of your real real old friends again.

Guess so.

That would be okay with you, wouldn't it, Jasper? Yeah, Jasper you wouldn't mind, that would you? Jasper flew away.


Apple juice? From concentrate? I was kind of hoping for fresh

Okay, when is someone going to stop me? You don't squeeze apples.

You core, peel and crush them.


I'll drink it.

No, no, you're right.

You've been working real hard, campaigning like crazy.

Well, at least as hard as Tudgeman over there.

Well, what can I get you instead of the apple juice? Coffee.

Three creams.

Coffee?! Coffee? I like it! It's sophisticated.

It's edgy.

I'll be right back.

Since when are you on the bean? The Drama Club's drinking coffee so I'm drinking coffee.

But coffee stains your teeth, stunts your growth and gives you bad breath.

And why is Gordo taking your drink order? Because Gordo understands.

I can't stand in line with everyone Are you, like, Claire's twin or something? Things are changing.

You really ought to try and keep up.

Oh, I can.

I'm just choosing not to.

Way to go Dr.


You've just created a monster.

She'll come around.

Gordo, I said three creams and this tastes like two! I'll, uh, get you another.

Okay ready to change back now.

Ready A little help here.

Oh, it's too late I'm alive! Hey, Miranda, where were you today? We missed you at the debate.

Doubt that.

What? We did.

Well, I did.

Lizzie was a little preoccupied.

Claire did a cheer, and Of course she did.

Then Claire did a kick and knocked over Larry's bowl of worms.

He nearly cried.

Said it was a conspiracy.

With everyone so distracted at Claire and Larry all Lizzie had to do was stand there.

Out of the three of them she looked the most normal.

Everybody loved her.

Sounds like Miss "Voice of the People" was a big hit.

Miranda What? The election's tomorrow and Lizzie's blown off everybody to hang with the drama club.

I hardly even see her anymore and I'm her best friend.

She's become a monster and it's your fault.

My fault? Lizzie's not a monster, she's a politician.

You're right, my bad.

If a politician is someone who lies to people and bosses her friends around then you're right, Lizzie's a real politician.

All right, I get your point.

I'll have a talk with Lizzie.

I'll tell her if she wants to be the voice of the people she's got to hang with everybody not just the drama club.


So all I'm saying is visit some of the club rooms today and remind them that you're Lizzie McGuire "Voice of the People.

" Do your hair in the braid thingy and trust me we'll win this election big time.

I don't think so, Gordo.

Why not? Didn't you say I am the "Voice of the People"? Yeah And didn't you say I have to appeal to everyone? Uh
-huh, but Well, aren't I a lot more appealing if I hang with the drama club over the dorkestra? Well, no, uh That's what I thought.


Actually, Lizzie, you're not that appealing at all.

Gordo, so how'd it go? You're right.

I've created a monster.

and the day after that Honey, who you talking to? Jasper he's on the moon.

Then we can go to the moon mall and maybe we can get a moon burger,

On the phone with his invisible friend.

-a moon hotdog moon fries.


This make believe friend thing is working, Doug.

My folks are totally conned.

Sweet, what are you going to ask for next? Okay.

It's politics as usual It's the same ol', same ol' Now hear it every day It's politics as usual It's the same ol', same ol' Don't let the truth get in the way Not only did I create a monster, but I put her in office.

Hello! Hello Okay.

It's been really, really, really, cool being class president and I'm really, really, really bummed that my term is over.

But I'm really, really, really, psyched to introduce to you your new class president "Larry Tudgeman"? Lar
-ry, Lar
-ry, Lar
-ry! I think I'm going to be really, really, really sick.

-ry, Lar
-ry, Lar
-ry! Okay, I just want to say that even though I had to eat worms to get you guys to notice me as Class President I will not let you down! One more thing.

Jar Jar Binks rules! Okay, so I lost the election.

No big.

I just hope I didn't lose my friends.



You guys are talking to me? You don't deserve it, but But someone has to.

I guess I had that one coming.

I haven't exactly treated either one of you like friends lately and I don't blame you guys for not voting for me.

But I did.

Really? Me, too.

But I was a total monster! I mean, I can't believe you guys voted for me after how terrible I was to everyone.

You're my friend
- plain and simple.


Thanks, you guys that really means a lot to me.

So, what happened to your new buds in Drama Club? I decided black isn't my color.

Larry, Larry, Larry! I guess in a way we kind of won.

I mean Tudgeman may eat worms but at least he's not a cheerleader.

That's what started this whole thing, remember? I mean we wanted to stop the popular kids winning everything.

So you guys don't totally hate me? No not totally.

Maybe if you got me a cup of fresh
-squeezed coffee? Coffee is, like, totally gross.

What was I thinking? About your image, remember? Well, if that ever happens again I want you guys to promise me you'll stuff me in my locker and won't let me out until I come to my senses.

Works for me.

Will do.

Guys! We'd never stuff you in your locker it's too small.

But maybe a clothes hamper would work.

Or the janitor's closet.


I missed you guys.

Whew glad that's over with.

In the immortal words of Kermit the Frog "It was not easy being green.

" Oh, why don't you go get your friend Jasper to help you? Matt, I think you missed a spot.

Yeah, yeah, Matt, between the ears! Do you think this punishment is too mean? Mean? Nah Mean would be making him wash the invisible elephant.

This is just a donkey.

Come on, you guys.

This type of punishment is cruel and unusual.

No, don't you dare!
-Matt, you put that down.

-Don't you do it! You're being punished, remember? Put it down, Matt No, no! Next time I get in trouble I hope your parents punish me.

and she did a kick and knocked over Larry's bowl of wo

-orms? Cut.

Lizzie McGuire, Voice Then she did a kick and knocked over Larry's bowl of wo

That's alright.

Okay, a little out there.

Gotta love it, though.

I mean, look at Oh, my gosh.

And then Claire did a kick and knocked over Larry's Why are you smiling? Why are you laughing? You have to