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01x18 - Escape Goat

Posted: 10/22/23 15:30
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Two genies in a bottle

♪ Up in the starry sky

♪ It'’s Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Two of a kind

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Boom Zahramay

♪ Three wishes a day

♪ Your genies divine

♪ It'’s Shimmer and Shine, Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ From a genie palace

♪ In Zahramay Falls

♪ Riding a carpet

♪ When Leah calls

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Genies divine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

[harmonica music]

- Thanks for coming with me to the petting zoo, Zac.

- Any place that has goats, pigs, cows...

- [clucks]

- Or chickens, and I'’m there, Leah.

- [clucks]

- [bleats]

- Oops.

Don'’t want to let Sprinkles out.

- This goat'’s name is Sprinkles?

- Yeah, because he can'’t eat food

without sprinkling it everywhere.


- [bleats]


- It happens, happens a lot.

My dog, Rocket, he can'’t drink water

without it sprinkling all over the floor.

- [giggles] - [clucks]

- Oh, hey, Dixie!

She likes to come by every day

to hang out with her friend Sprinkles.

- And clean up his crumbs.

That'’s a good friend.

- [bleating] - [clucking]

- This one time, I met a goat who--


No way!

There'’s a pig-calling contest today?

Oh, it'’s been my lifelong dream to be in one!

- I didn'’t know that.

- Neither did I...

until about eight seconds ago.

I bet I can totally win.

How hard can it be to call a pig over?

[braying loudly]

- [clucks]

- [screaming]


Okay, well, I mean,

it doesn'’t work on chickens or goats

'’cause they'’re not pigs.

So I'’m going to find some pigs

to test my winning call out.

See you, Leah.

[gate creaking]

- Bye, Zac!

I don'’t think you'’re supposed to eat the bucket,

so I'’ll grab you some more food.

Be right back, Sprinkles.

[gate creaking]

- [bleats]

- [gasps]


How'’d you get out? [gasps]

I didn'’t close the gate all the way.

I have to get you back in the pen.

Come on, Sprinkles.

Just follow me and this yummy carrot...

- [chomps]

[bleats] - Wait!

Sprinkles, come back!

He'’s too fast!

There'’s no way I can catch him by myself.

Oh, this isn'’t good.

I have to find Sprinkles fast,

or who knows what trouble he might get into.

Hey, I know who can help me catch him!

My genies!

[exotic music]

[timer clicking rhythmically]

[bell dings, both chatter excitedly]

- Okay, Nahal and Tala,

the pet cookies are all ready!

both: Ooh!

[both sniff deeply]

[both sigh]

- This batch of cookies

looks a lot like my favorite kitty,

right down to the cute little whiskers.

- [meows]

- And these ones are for you, Tala.

- [squeals]

- They'’re extra special

'’cause they'’re made with extra banana!

- [chattering]

- You can have as many cookies as you want after lunch!

[both grumble]

- You two know lunch comes before dessert.

That'’s why I'’m going to put these up here

so you don'’t spoil your appetite.

[both groan]

- Come on, sis.

Let'’s go wash up for lunch.

- [meows]

[both chatter mischievously]

- [chattering]

[both chattering]


[vase clatters]

- [meows]



[vases clattering, thudding softly]

- [chattering]

- [meows]

[smacks lips]


- [smooches]


[bowl clatters]

- [meows]

[bowl clatters]

[Shimmer and Shine giggling]

- Just couldn'’t keep your paws

off the cookies, could you?

[both giggle]

[chimes tinkling]

- Shine, look!

Leah'’s calling!

- Shimmer and Shine,

my genies divine,

through this special chant,

three wishes you'’ll grant!

- I'’m Shimmer!

- I'’m Shine!

both: Your genies divine!

Boom Zahramay!

Your best friends are on the way!

[woman vocalizing]

- ♪ We ride our magic carpet

♪ Through our genie wonderland ♪

♪ To a world so fun and new

♪ Where every wish is our command ♪

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away

[shimmering tones]

[both grunt]

- Shimmer?Shine?

[horse neighs]

- Hi, Leah! It'’s great to see you.

It'’s also great to see this hay.


- [giggles] Hey, guys.

Thanks for coming to the petting zoo.

- Anytime!

I love petting zoos!

What'’s a petting zoo? - Uh-uh-uh.

- It'’s a place where you get to feed

and play with animals.

I love coming here,

but I made a big mistake today,

and I could really use your help to fix it.

- You need some fixin'’?

Better start wishin'’.

[all giggle]

- For my first wish,

I wish I could catch Sprinkles!

- Boom Zahramay!

First wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine,

catch Sprinkles divine!

[shimmering tones]

[sprinkles pattering]

[both giggling]

- [meowing]

- Why is it raining rainbow sprinkles?

- Because of your wish!

Now we can catch all the sprinkles we want!


- Check out how many I caught, sis!

- That'’s great, but rainbow sprinkles

aren'’t exactly what I had in mind.

I wanted to catch a goat named Sprinkles.

I accidentally let him out of his pen.

- Ohh!

Then I definitely gave you the wrong sprinkles.

Sorry about that, Leah.

- It'’s okay, Shine.

We'’ll find a way to fix our mistakes.

- [meows]

- Then let'’s start cleaning up this yummy one

before Nahal does it for us.

[Nahal munching]

[all giggle]

- ♪ When we make a big mistake ♪

♪ Don'’t fret, let'’s celebrate ♪

♪ '’Cause we'’ll get another try ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah - ♪ We'’ll do better next time ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ When things go wrong, we'’ll find a way ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ We'’ll work together to save the day ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Hooray, hooray

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Oopsie, save the day

[pigs grunting]

[pigs squealing]

- So, Oinkers, Pinkie,

I was thinking about winning this pig-calling contest today,

and I wanted to test out my pig call on you guys.

Tell me what you think.

[clears throat]

[dramatic musical flourish]


Eeh! Eeh!

[horse chuffs]

- [squealing]

- [squealing]

- All right. Okay, I get it.

All you had to do was say "oink."

Do you think you can help me get better?

- [squealing]


- Yeah, yeah!

Do that again, the oinking, snorting thing.

- [squealing]

- [mimics squealing, snorts]

- [squealing]

- [mimics squealing]

Okay, I think I'’ve got it.

How'’s this?


- [squealing]

- Still needs work?

Not a problem!

Practice makes perfect...

or at least pretty good!


- Nice job, guys.

We cleaned up all the rainbow sprinkles.

- [chattering]


- Okay, now we'’ve cleaned up

all the rainbow sprinkles.

[all giggle]

- Great!

Now let'’s go find the goat named Sprinkles.

- Ooh, I love finding things!

Mittens, puzzle pieces,

mitten-shaped puzzle pieces.

- [chattering]

- But I'’ve never found a goat before.

- [chattering]

- Well, today'’s your lucky day, sis,

because we just found one.

- It'’s Sprinkles!

- [bleats]


[engine rumbling]


[engine rumbling]

- I didn'’t know goats could drive.

- They can'’t!

We got to do something!

- [gasps]I know!

We can help him with a wish!

- Great idea!

For my second wish,

I wish we could stop that tractor!

- Boom Zahramay!

Second wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine, stop that tractor divine!

[engine rumbling]

- Wait, why are we on the tractor?

- So we can stop it, Leah,

just like you wished for.

- But I was hoping the tractor

would just stop moving on its own.

I don'’t know how to make it stop!

- Oh, chicken coop.

I made a mistake, didn'’t I?

- Yeah, but that'’s okay.

I know you were just trying to help.

And maybe stopping a tractor

isn'’t as hard as it looks.

[levers grinding and switches clicking]

[grunts and gasps]

Okay, it'’s really hard!

[mechanical sputtering]

- I don'’t think the tractor'’s supposed to make that sound.

- I don'’t think anything'’s supposed to make that sound.

- [bleats]


- Sprinkles, where are you going?

- Who knows?

But we'’re going right towards that cow!

[all scream]

[fence smashes]

all: Whoa!

[tractor creaking and rattling]

- [moos]

[all screaming]

all: Whoa! Whoa!

- [moos]

[mashing buttons]

- [gasps] - Hey!

I think I pressed the right button!

[machinery whirring, steady beeping]

- Un-press it!

Un-press it!

[machinery clanks]

[all grunt]

- [meows]

- [sputtering] Yuck!

If anyone ever asks if we want

a giant shovel of dirt dumped on us,

let'’s say no thanks.

- [grunts]

[machinery whirring, steady beeping]

[engine sputtering]

- Tala, you did it!

- [grumbling]

- Well, really, your head did it.

But yay anyway! [giggles]

[shimmering tones]

- Well, the good thing is, we stopped the tractor.

The not-so-good thing is, we lost Sprinkles.

- And the other not-so-good thing is

that we left this cute cow with nothing to eat.

- [munching]


- No problem, Leah.

Shine and I love making food

that animals just can'’t resist.

[shimmering tones]

[gentle music]

- [moos]

- [gasps]


- [moos]

- That'’s it?

- Wait for it.

[shimmering tones]

- This is amazing!

- [munching]


- Look at how much the cow loves eating these flowers!

- [chattering] - [meowing]

- And how much Nahal and Tala

like jumping in them.

[all giggle]

Now come on! Let'’s go get that goat!

- The pig-calling contest starts soon,

and I really got to step up my game.

If I want to win, I got to go full pig.

[both squeal]

- [snorting and oinking]

[snorting and oinking]

[sighs] Okay.

I'’ve oinked.

I'’ve snorted.

I'’ve crawled in dirt.

Time to see if any of that work

improved my pig-calling.

[clears throat]



[birds chirping]

You didn'’t run away from me,

so I guess that means I'’m getting better!


Now, if there were a bird-calling contest today,

I would totally crush it!

- Shine, are you sure you saw Sprinkles

head into this pumpkin patch?

- Sprinkles? [giggles]

No, I just wanted to see these giant pumpkins.

Look at the size of these things!

- [bleats]

- Wait!

I think I heard something over there!

Maybe it'’s Sprinkles.

[light instrumental music]

- [bleats]

Now I hear something over there!

- I don'’t think Sprinkles is over here.

[hay rustling]

- [chattering]

- But I do see him up there.

- Sprinkles!

- [munches and bleats]

[shimmering tones]

- Wow!

You are one tough goat to catch.

- Now, don'’t run away, Sprinkles.

Shine and I are just going to take you

back to your pen.

[heads bonk, Sprinkles bleats]

[both giggle]

- [bleats]

- Hey, Leah!

- [gasps] Zac'’s coming!


Uh, hey, Zac!

How'’s the pig-calling practice going?

- Pretty close to awesome!

I figured out the best way to call pigs

was to practice with pigs.

Check out what I learned.


- [clucking]

- [squawking]

- [whispers] I'’m not a pig,

but it sounds great to me.

- [giggles]

- That was incredible! - Thanks.

Now I'’m going to go make Oinkers and Pinkie proud

and win that contest.

See you, Leah!

- Good luck, Zac!

[shimmering tones]

- Too bad Zac doesn'’t know how to call a goat,

'’cause that would really help us find Sprinkles.

- If only we knew where he was trying to go.

- [sighs] I know.

At this point, I wish this chicken could tell me.

- Boom Zahramay!

Third wish of the day!

- Wait! That'’s my last wish!

- Shimmer and Shine, chicken tell you divine!

- [clucks] [both chatter]

- The chicken just told you where to find Sprinkles

like you wished for,Leah!

- But I didn'’t mean to make that wish.

- [clucking]

- I also don'’t know how to speak chicken.

- [clucks]

- Oh! Then we made a mistake.

- Actually, it was my mistake. - [clucks]

- But it'’ll be all right.

We'’ll find Sprinkles if we keep working together.

- [clucking excitedly]

- Okay, I don'’t speak chicken either,

but I think she'’s trying to tell you to follow her.

- Do you know where we can find Sprinkles?

- [clucks]

- I hope that'’s a yes.

- [clucking]

[lively music]



- Isn'’t the language of chicken just so lovely?

I could listen to it all day.

Bwak! Cluck, cluck!

[all giggle]

- Why would the chicken lead us to the chicken coop

when we'’re trying to find Sprinkles?

- Because the answer to that question

is inthe coop, Leah.


- It'’s Sprinkles!

- And Dixie, his chicken friend!

- Aww!

I don'’t think I'’ve ever seen anything so sweet.

Nope. Never.

That'’s the sweetest.

- I think this whole time,

Sprinkles just wanted to visit his best friend, Dixie.

- Just like how we travel

all the way from Zahramay Falls

to visit you, Leah!

[all giggle]

- If only there was an easier way

for Sprinkles and Dixie to see each other

any time they wanted.

- Well, we can'’t give them

a genie bottle necklace like yours.

- [gasps]

But we can give them a genie bridge!

[shimmering tones]


[Tala and Nahal coo] - [gasps]

You made a bridge?

- One that goes from Sprinkles'’ pen

to Dixie'’s coop!

- And now that we have it,

let'’s go cross it!

- [bleats]

[exotic music]

- ♪ Isn'’t it wild? ♪

♪ Isn'’t this great? ♪

♪ At the pet corral

♪ Where the animals play

♪ Such an adventure

♪ Making new friends

♪ Jumping and dancing

♪ Across the bridge

♪ Going up, going down

♪ Going round and around

♪ At the petting zoo

♪ Where friends hang out

♪ Going up, going down

♪ Making all kinds of sounds

♪ At the petting zoo

♪ Where friends hang out

♪ Whoa-oh, whoa-oh-oh ♪

♪ Crossing the bridge with our friends ♪

- I can'’t believe we finally got Sprinkles

back to his pen on a genie bridge!

- It'’s like I always say.

If you build it, a goat will cross it.

- I'’ve never heard you say that before.

- That'’s '’cause I just made it up.

[all laugh]

- Leah, I did it!

- Hurry! Hide!

- I won the pig-calling contest!

- Good job, Zac!

- Thanks.

But I couldn'’t have done it

without the best coaches in the petting zoo...

Oinkers... - [oinks]

- And Pinkie. - [oinks]

- We'’re going to take a victory lap

on that awesome bridge that just popped up.

I bet they only put it up for pig-calling winners.


[both squeal]

Come on, pigs!

See you, Leah!

- Bye, Zac!

[bucket rattling]

Here you go, Sprinkles!

[giggles] And you too, Dixie.

[Tala chattering]

Thanks for all your help today, guys.

Because of our mistakes, we found Sprinkles.

- And we figured out a way for him and Dixie

to play anytime they want

without Sprinkles escaping.

- Or driving a tractor.

- We fixed our mistakes,

and the day turned out great!

[all laugh]

- We'’ll see you tomorrow, Leah!

- Our mistakes came out great when we worked together.

Can'’t wait till tomorrow, my best friends forever!

both: With magical powers that shimmer and shine,

boom Zahramay!

We'’ll see you next time!

[shimmering tones]

[woman vocalizing]

- ♪ It'’s time to go back home ♪

♪ We granted all the wishes

♪ Made some mistakes

♪ But we fixed everything

♪ We learned so much

♪ On our great adventure

♪ We can'’t wait to see ♪

♪ What tomorrow brings

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Oh, what a day

♪ So much fun today

[footsteps patting]

[mischievous music]

[both lick lips]

- [chattering]


- [meows]


- You two looking for these?

We knew you two would work together

to try to get the cookies.

- So we thought we'’d try something different,

something we know you'’ll love as much as dessert.


Yummy sandwiches that look like us!

[both chatter excitedly]

- Here'’s one for Tala, one for Nahal,

one for Shimmer, and one for me!

[all munching]

Well, sis, I realized something today.

- That things can only get better

when you try and try...

and try again?

- Yes,

andthat I accidentally

made my sandwich with cat food.

- [meows]

- I'’ll never do that again.

[both giggle]