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02x04 - The Rise and Fall of the Kate Empire

Posted: 10/23/23 05:01
by bunniefuu
I don't see any seats.

Oh, there's three seats over there.

Are you crazy, Gordo? We can't sit over there.

The cheerleader table is like the Oscars: You only go if you're nominated.

Why not? It's lunchtime and I am not eating my baloney in the grass again.

You're right.

We should take a stand and take those seats back.

It's time we draw a line in the sand.

Sand? I don't even like the beach.

Um, Gordo are you and your friends a bit confused? This is a cheerleader-only zone.


You know what? Cheerleader act is running a little thin.

I think it's time for things to change around here.

Cheerleaders and non-cheerleaders can sit down and eat at the same table.

You know what? I'm staying.

I'm going to eat my lunch.

You know, baloney in the grass doesn't taste that bad.

I think I just swallowed a bug.

It's not that I dislike Kate I just hate everything she represents.

I just wish one time she would know what it feels like to sit in the grass.

It feels scratchy and wet.

Five, six, seven, eight, one, two Great.

It's not bad enough that we have to sit and eat in the grass.

Now we have to watch them.

Five, six I hate picking ants off my cheezy puffs.

I wish that someone would come along and knock her right off her pedestal.

Where's a big gust of wind when you need it? How'd you do that? Since when do I control the wind? I guess cheerleading practice is over.

That can't be good.

If you believe We've got a picture-perfect plan We've got you fooled 'Cause we only do the best we can And sometimes we make it And sometimes we fake it But we get one step closer each and every day We'll figure it out on the way Lizzie McGuire S02E04 The Rise and Fall of Kate Over there! So, the word is Kate dislocated her shoulder.

That'll take her out of cheerleading for a month, thanks to Sabrina the teenage witch.

I didn't mean to do that! I didn't want her to fall.

We all wanted her to fall.

Hey, yeah, but I didn't want her to get hurt.

Well, that's what you get for having your wishes come true.

It took me 45 minutes to get dressed this morning.

This sling does not accessorize well.

What? Kate, this is the cheerleading table.

And I'm a cheerleader.

No, you're not.

You can't be a cheerleader with a dislocated shoulder, which means you can't be cheerleading captain.

We took a vote.

You're out.

I'm not out! You can't just do that to me! Yes, I can because I'm the new cheerleading captain.

You can turn in your pom-poms after school.

It'll be less embarrassing that way.

I think you should go now.


That was a little harsh.

That was cool! I just wish I had a camera.

I mean, you hear about this kind of stuff happening but you never actually get to see it.

I wanted Kate put in her place, but I didn't think her place would be eating alone on the ground.

You guys, look at her.

She's sitting all by herself.

Don't you think we should go over there and ask if she wants to sit with us? Should we ask if she wants to sit with us.

Miranda? Ding, dong, the witch is dead Which old witch? The wicked witch I guess that's a no.

Ding, dong, the wicked witch is dead.

Hey, Lanny.

Where's Matt? Hello, Matt.

How was school today, son? School? How was school? School was fantastic.

Are you okay? I think his voice is changing, honey.

My voice is changing.

It's becoming theatrical.

You're looking at the star of our school play.

Okay, so it's only one line but what a line it is.

Well, honey, that's fantastic! My son the actor! I knew you could do it.

Did you know he was trying out? Not a clue.

It's called acting.

You see my character holds together the entire play.

Lanny, there are no small parts only small actors.

Exit stage left.

Exit stage right.

I hate this.

Claire is ten times worse than Kate.

I know, it's like Kate: The Sequel.

Yeah, like one of those monster movies where you think you've destroyed the monster but it wasn't really the monster it was just the baby monster.

And then the monster mom comes back and she's not happy.

I hate monster movies.

People like me don't do well in monster movies.

I think it's safe.

She's out of control.

Yeah, I know.

I mean, look at us.

We're eating lunch on the grass.

At least with Kate we had a chance at getting a table, but now we're doomed to the grass.

It can't get any worse.

It just did.

Okay, that's gross.

Who took a bite out of my cupcake? I mean, at least with Kate if you stay out of her way, she'll leave you alone.

I think Claire seems to enjoy her work.

Ah, the doorbell! I'll get that.

I didn't hear the doorbell.

That's because I was acting.

It's my line in the play.

You see the motivation for my character is that there's someone at the door and I must answer it.

If I don't, the entire play shuts down completely.


I'm going to get you some snacks.

Okay, Lanny, from the top.

Ah! The doorbell.

I'll get that! Ah the doorbell.

I'll get that! Ah.

The doorbell.

I'll get that! It's all a matter of fine-tuning my instrument.

Mom, you're disturbing the process! Ooh.

Trail mix.

Chocolate? Chocolate? Yeah.

I put chocolate chips in it just like you like it.

Mom, do you know what chocolate can do to my complexion? Take it away.

Excuse me? Just bring it back when you've picked out all the little chocolate chips.

I'm not picking out the chocolate chips! Fine.

Then, uh, maybe you could cut us up some fresh papaya and, with that, bring some green tea and honey.

I'm going to act like I didn't hear that.

If you boys get hungry the trail mix will be in the kitchen.

Actors! Mothers.

Okay, Lanny, let's try our facial exercises.

Lion face.

Lemon face.

Lion face.

Lemon face.

Lion face.

Lemon face.

Kate's in the dork hallway? It's like I'm in another dimension.

Um here.

You dropped this.

I've got it.

Why don't you get one of your friends to help you? Because I just don't, okay? Wow.

Without cheerleading Kate has no super powers.

I'm really sorry about your shoulder, Kate.

It's fine.

What are these strange feelings I'm having? I'm feeling sorry for Kate.

And, about what happened in the cafeteria yesterday with Claire Listen, I'm fine, okay? I don't need help from you or anybody.

Just leave me alone.

I never thought this day would come.

I'm going to help Kate.

Look, I don't care what you guys are doing.

I am not going to be friends with Kate.

I was thinking more along the lines of helping her out.

How? You know, making her popular again.

Again? We can't make ourselves popular in the first place.

That's an interesting thought.

And she's got to be better than Claire.

I don't think I can stand another lunch with the huddled masses.

I'll do it.


I'm in, too.

Note to self: Never lose my friends.


So, the only question is: How are we going to help Kate without Kate's help? Lanny, can't you do anything about this overhead lighting? It's making me look old.

Fine, be that way.

Mom, I need you help now! What's wrong? Could you turn down the lights? Thanks.

You're a doll.

You called me in here to ask me to turn down the lights for you?! Uh, yeah.

They were aging me.

Tell her, Lanny.

Matt! I am your mother.

I am not your flunky.

You keep it up, you're going to be grounded young man.

I thought I told you not to play with the cell phones! It's so hard to get good help these days.

Lanny, can't you do anything about the lights? Lanny, we're a team.

I do the acting and you help me.

That's not what I meant, Lanny.

I haven't changed, Lanny! You've changed.

Fine, be that way.

Just leave, then.

Baa, the doorbell.

I'll get that.

Gordo, this is brilliant.

The buzz around Kate is huge.

So, uh, fill me in.

Well, this morning I told Parker MacKenzie in Social Studies and by English, Jennie Woods was telling me about Kate's aunt.

It's great.

Everyone totally believes that Kate's aunt was a Laker girl.

Well, looks like our plan's about to be put to the test.

Kate, I heard about your famous cheerleading aunt.

What an amazing coincidence that she suddenly appears when you've suddenly disappeared from the social world.

Listen, I didn't start that rumor.

Of course you didn't.

I'm sure it's part of some elaborate scheme to make you popular again.


You know, it's really pathetic, Kate.

Take some advice from a former friend: Give it up.

Okay, so, what's plan B? You can't be serious.

Can't believe it, but, uh, yeah.

So, scoot over, Sanders.

Why would you guys want to help me? Because everybody needs a friend, Kate.

And you, obviously, don't have any.

And we don't want to be them so we got to get your old ones back.

There's nothing you guys can do to help me.

Think, Kate.

There's got to be something.

I can't be a cheerleader with my arm in a sling.

You can't do any stunts with one arm.

Sure, there's tons of stunts you can do with one arm.

Like what? Cartwheels, roundoffs tons of stuff.

When I was in rhythmic gymnastics most of the stunts were one-handed.

Lizzie, that's it! Lizzie is going to train you to do one-armed stunts.

You're going to train me? You would do that for me? Oh, look at her.

She's harmless.

Yeah, of course.

It's really easy.

You'll pick up on it right away, okay? And we can put Claire in her place-- what a witch.

What? Like you weren't thinking it.

Ah, the doorbell! I'll get that! Ah, the doorbell.

I will be getting that.

Are you sure he needs a talking-to? I think he's just excited about the play.

Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the greatest actor of them all? - After you.

- After you.

Matt, we need to talk to you.

Not now; I can fit you in later.

We're your parents; we don't make appointments.

Fine, I'll practice later.

That's what we want to talk to you about.

We feel that this part is going to your head.

My head?! This head is perfect.

I mean, look at this face.

Ah, the doorbell.

I'll get that.

What we're trying to say, Matthew, is that just because you're in a play doesn't give you the right to order people around, like your mother and your friends.

I don't order them around.

I just tell them what to do.

Isn't that what actors do? No.

Actors act.

Prima donnas make demands.

So, here's what we're willing to do: You can be in the play, and we'll come and watch.

But when we get back, you are grounded for one week and you can use that time to think about how you've made people feel.

You can't do that the day before my play.

You're jealous.

You're all jealous! I don't even want you to come to my play and hear me say: Ah, the doorbell.

I'll get that.

My voice Mom, Dad He's really getting good at this acting thing.

My voice I can't go on.

I'm ruined.

You know what? Let's forget about grounding him.

I think losing his voice is punishment enough.

No, wait (Jump5 - Spinnin' Around) What we're doing doesn't have a sequel Don't wanna lose your balance Oh, you know you gotta keep your equilibrium Goin' back to go forward All these definite maybe's It's like running around in circles Make it last, take it slow Just forget what you know 'Cause that's the way it goes Spinnin around, I've got this funny feeling Turnin my whole world upsidedown I'll keep my heart, my eyes on you Cuz you keep me spinnin around Oh, I can't wait to go to school tomorrow and show Claire up.

You're welcome, Kate.


But, you know, it doesn't change anything.

It's not like we're suddenly going to become friends again.

I'll see you tomorrow.


See ya.


I can't believe her.

Looks like my bunny grew some Fangs! Why do we even bother? You guys, we did it because Kate was miserable and life with Claire was unbearable.

Think about it: Did we really want to be friends with Kate? Good point.

For once, I just like Kate to say thank you and mean it.

Gordo Yeah.

You're sitting on my sweater.


I think that is going to take a while.

This ought to make your throat feel better and I took out all the carrots just like you like it.

Thanks, Mom.

And I just want you to know that I'm really sorry about the way I acted.

About the acting thing.


Don't speak.

Ah! The doorbell.

I'll get that.

Uh, uh, M No, Lanny.

I was a jerk for making you do all those things.

You're right.

I let it all go to my head.

And now I can barely speak.

No, Lanny, you have no idea what it feels like.

Really, you'd do that for me? You'd go in my place in the play? Thanks.

Go break a leg, Lanny.

Can I remind you that we're here to support a girl who told us she would never be friends with us, ever? Yeah, but she's still better than Claire.

What if this doesn't work out? Oh, it's got to work.

I cannot eat lunch on the ground one more time.

Oh, we'll know soon enough.

Here's Kate.

One, two, three, four This is cheerleading practice and you're no longer a cheerleader.

Oh, what, is the new cheerleading captain afraid of a little competition? Competition? Anything you can do I can do better.

Bring it on.

Your turn.

I think I hurt my wrist.

Oh, that doesn't look good.

I guess you can't be cheerleader with a bad wrist, which means you can't be leading captain.

Ready? Let's go.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Go, team, go.

I can't believe we helped Kate.

We gave her back her superpowers.

Now she can crush us again.

What was I thinking? Great idea, Lizzie.

Well, I can't believe she didn't learn anything from this.

I mean, she treats people like dirt, right? And then they treat her like dirt.

And then she treats them like dirt again.

It's the circle of life.

So, the natural order of things has been restored.

Hmm! Looks like Claire sprained her wrist.

Oh, no, not again.

If you have any great ideas about helping Claire, count me out.

I'm just glad to be out of that hallway.

Here we go.

So, what do you think she's going to do for revenge? Pudding as a hat? Apple sauce down the shirt? I'll take humiliation in front of the whole school for $500, Alex.

I don't know why I even bothered.

I mean, she's never going to change.

Because you're a good person, Lizzie, that's why.

What is she doing? Y-You don't think? No, i-i-it couldn't be.

Kate actually learned how to be a decent friend.

Not to me, but hey, it's a start.

I'll get that.

You're a little doll, too.

Hee, hee, hee, hee! If you could cut us up some f.

Fine, if then you Fine, then if you could cut up Fine, if then This morning, I told Parker Macskenzie in Social Studies, and my Engli This morning, Jennie Woods No, it's not Jennie.

Oh, my God.