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02x13 - You're a Good Man, Lizzie McGuire

Posted: 10/23/23 05:05
by bunniefuu
Can you please explain to me why we keep volunteering for the dance committee when we know Kate's going to be put in charge? I don't know, I'm just here for the free food.

Gordo, there is no free food here.

You're right.

See ya.

Well, I know that I'm here because being on the dance committee it gives us an excuse to go to the dance without dates.

Who says we can't get dates? Fine, just as long as we don't end up on the cleanup crew again.

The problem isn't that I don't have a date it's just that Josh Hartnett doesn't go to this school.

Well, I'm sure you're all extremely excited about the Spring Fling dance.

You know, putting together a good dance committee is it's a delicate balance involving matching personalities and abilities.

However, I have a meeting.

So, Kate you're in charge of the decorations Miranda, you cover the food and you, the kid with the face, you handle the music.

Naturally, he picked me for the decorations.

That's the most important part.

"That's the most important part.

" You know, you're right, Kate.

Decorations are a big deal.

You and Lizzie are in charge.

Decorations are the most important part If you believe We've got a picture-perfect plan We've got you fooled 'Cause we only do the best we can And sometimes we make it And sometimes we fake it But we get one step closer each and every day We'll figure it out on the way.

Lizzie McGuire S02E13 You're a Good Man, Lizzie McGuire Mom, what do you think about this table decoration? I think they better not be from my garden.

But, Mom, the Spring Fling decorations are really really important.

I mean, if I b*mb this I'm gonna be known as the girl who messed up the whole entire dance.

And then I'll end up a mathlete.

Hey, I was a mathlete.

Take all the flowers you need, honey.

Thanks, Mom.

So you know, you were like, "Why are you mad at me?" and she was like, "Because you never let me talk.

" You got to admit, Lanny you do tend to dominate the conversation.

The BMX Tornado Rider.

You're right, Lanny.

It's bike time, big time.

Okay, minor change to the dance theme.

Instead of a Spring Fling, it's Fashion Week in Paris.

Uh, the school already voted, Kate.

Uh, fine, we'll compromise.

Springtime in Paris.

I say we put the Eiffel Tower over here and people can enter from over there under a huge canopy of yellow roses.

No, pink.

No, yellow.

Uh, no.


Roses are so expensive.

Think "Paris in the spring," Lizzie.

Think "let's stay on the budget," Kate.

Think twice before volunteering for anything.

And we're going to have to get rid of Principal Baldy here.

But where will the pigeons sit? "Walter Patterson, Our First Principal.

'Hey, you kids, cut that out!'" Whatever.

It's a bird toilet and it's interfering with my romance vibe.

Let's move it behind those bushes.

No, Kate, wait! No.


Well, problem solved.

But Beheading the school principal does not solve problems.

It causes them.

Kate, look at what you did.

You're going to be in so much trouble.

Fine, I'll fix it.



-Oh, well.

-But, Kate, the statue.

You won't tell anyone.

He's not going to tell anyone.

Case closed.

Hey, you kids, cut that out! Hey Dad, how can we make a whole bunch of money really quick? What do you need a whole bunch of money for, honey? You see, Lanny and I want nay, must have the BMX Tornado Rider.

I don't know what it is either.

It's only the greatest bike in the entire universe! How much are the bikes? A hundred and five.


There's no way I'm buying you a $105 bike.

You understand that, right? Absolutely.

Mother of mine which I love so much -No.

-You could earn the money.

Don't give him money for that.

That was really good.


Carabino down the street-- I know she could use some help around the house.


Carabino? The one with the stuffed birds and the bald cat?! Yeah, you're right, Lanny.

"Anything worth having is worth earning.

" I know, Lanny,but they like it when you say stuff like that.

Ask me.

Ask me, ask me, ask me.

Okay, I'll tell.

Cody Pierson just asked me to the dance.

Cody Pierson? Oh, my gosh, that's so cool.

Who's Cody Pierson? You know, Cody Pierson-- hes in three of our classes always sits in the back.

Okay, I didn't know who he was either but that's not important.

The main thing is I have a date for the dance.

Yeah, okay, that's really cool, but, um I have to tell you something.

Soyou guys hear what happened? People are already talking about me and Cody? I guess we're a couple.

No, someone broke that statue in front of the gym.

The "cut that out" guy? Who did that? Kate did it! Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate! Did I say that? Mm, no word yet, but whoever did is in major trouble.

Uh guys? That's so not good.

And the question is what are we going to do about it? Okay.

How about we smuggle you into Canada in the hole of a fishing boat and then we change your name so that you can get a job as a lumberjack.

We wait for the heat to die off then we come back and get you.

Until then, you'll be known as Frere Jacques.

-B-What? I think it's a workable plan.

Gordo, I didn't do it.

Oh, okay, good, then, then go with that, yeah.

Great, one head in your backpack and suddenly your friends start looking at you funny.

You guys don't understand.

I really didn't do it.

Kate did it.



See, that makes a lot more sense.

Can I offer you something to eat? Pimento loaf? Baloney rollup? Lime gelatin mold? No.

Not when there's work to be done, you know? -So, uh want us to go rake some leaves? -No.

Mow your lawn? -No.

Do something outside in the fresh air? No.

You lucky little boys get to clean my attic.

This is going to take forever.

Guess we ought to get started.

Just remember, BMX Tornado Rider.

Actually, you know, that isn't a bad look for you.

Okay, Gordo what's the plan? I told you the plan and you didn't like the plan.

But you always have a plan.

I did.

It was Canada.

Okay, I have a plan.

Why don't you just go to Principal Tweety and tell him Kate broke it? Because middle school doesn't have a witness protection program.

All I wanted to do was make the gym pretty for the dance have a nice outfit and maybe get asked out by someone.

You need to lower your expectations.

Lizzie, listen, it's not that big of a deal.

People will still go to the dance and have a good time.

Like me and Cody, for instance.

Wait, wait.

I think that I'm getting Yes! I've got a plan.

My jaw hurts.

All right, that should do it.

O Canada Sorry, that's all I know anyway.

I'll get you the rest of the lyrics off the Internet.

Whoever did this should get a medal or something.

That would be moi.

How can she be so guiltless? Uh, Kate? Bragging about knocking the head off the statue is not a good idea, okay? That's not something to be proud of.

Look, if we were going to get busted by now we would have.

Uh "we"? How did this turn into "we"? Did you see us talking? Who, you and Gordo? No, me and Cody.

Do you think I should wear a skirt to the dance? Think Cody will like a skirt? Miranda I cannot help you figure out what you want to wear to the dance right now.

My stomach is in knots.

Why? You didn't do anything.

Plus, it's probably all blown over by now.

Hey, who am I? Hey, you kids, cut that out! Tudgeman.

He's talking like a statue head.

Well, maybe almost blown over.

Students, please gather for an emergency assembly in the gym.

Yeah, it's all blown over.

I've gathered the school because there has been an act of vandalism perpetrated in our little community.

Now you may feel that no one is affected, but you're wrong.

And we feel that someone here knows all about it.

It was me! I did it! I've been secretly relabeling all the labels in the science lab from standard to metric.

But I had a reason.

We have to wake up, people! The metric system is here.

This wasn't about the science lab at all, was it? No.

The statue of our first principal has been defaced.

Now, until whoever has committed this act of vandalism comes forward the Spring Fling dance is canceled.

That is all.

I didn't even do anything.

So why do I feel like I'm in so much trouble? Maybe it's because I still have a head in my backpack.

So, when are you going to tell? Lizzie, you can't tell.

She has to tell, or else the dance will be canceled and Cody and I will never have our moment.

-Well, I-I was go -She can't tell.

If she tells, everyone in school will know that she's a fink.

A fink? You know, a rat, a stool pigeon, a snitch.

Okay, she has to tell because of Cody.

You know, Cody-- a hunk, a hottie, a heartthrob.

My first dance with an actual date.

Whoo-hoo! Bike time! Oh, yeah! Whoo-hoo! yeah! Anyway, you guys thanks for talking this over with me.

It's helped a lot.

Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for the BMX Tornado Rider! -Cool.

-Well, where's yours? We only had enough money for one so we're going to share.

Oh that's so sweet-- they're going to share.

That's nice, kids.

You think that's going to work? Mmm no, not a chance.

I could be wrong about this, Lanny, but I believe we're two of the happiest kids in the world.

No, no, no, no, no.

Lanny, you first.

No, Lanny I insist-- you go ahead.

Head butt! Hmm.

I would've thought having a bike would be more fun.

A rat, a stool pigeon, a fink.

A rat, a stool pigeon, a fink.

My first dance with an actual date an actual date, date, date.


-Don't tell.

-Tell! Don't tell! Stop telling her to tell.

You keep out of this.

I'm not keeping out of this.

You keep out of this.

Ow! Cut that out.

Ow! You cut that out.

Hey, you kids, cut that out.

I got to stop eating right before I go to bed.

Don't do it! Oh.

So, did you tell? -Of course she didn't tell.

-Actually Will all students please report to the gym for an emergency assembly.

I hope I did the right thing.

It gives me great pleasure to announce the spring dance is back on! The person responsible for damaging the statue has been identified.

Apparently, looks can't k*ll, because I'm still alive.

Lizzie McGuire has confessed to beheading the statue of my friend and mentor Walter Patterson.

I knew she did it; I just didn't want to tell on her.

Of course, Ms.

McGuire will not be permitted to attend the dance.

Hey, Lizzie why'd you knock the head off that "Hey, you kids, cut that out" guy? She didn't do it, Ethan.

She wanted everyone to go to the dance so she said she did it even though she didn't.

The kids are really quiet tonight.

It's kind of nice.

No, Sam, it's not.

Something's wrong with them.

They're not fighting.

All right, we'll be good parents -and we'll talk to them.

-Who first? -Matt'll be easier.

-Good thinking.

Hey, Matt, honey is everything okay? Yeah, just fine.

Bike working out all right? Yeah, the bike's great.

-You guys sharing okay? -The sharing's fine.

I mean, Lanny goes and rides the bike then I go ride the bike.

Well, what's the problem, then? The problem? The problem is, there's no "we" in "bike.

" I miss Lanny.

Well, I can't speak for Lanny Somebody's got to.

But I bet he feels exactly the same way you do.

Why don't you give him a call.

Hello? Lanny? Don't say anything.

I want to talk.

This bike thing was a stupid idea.

We had more fun earning it than we do having it.

What's the point of being friends if we're never in the same room? Uh-huh.


You are so right.

You've got such a way with words, Lanny.

So we're agreed-- we sell the bike and we use the money to go into the ostrich business.

See you soon.

Dad, could you give me a ride to Lanny's? And I'm going to need you to clean out the tool shed.

I knew we should've started with her.

Hey, what's wrong, sweetie? Mom I don't know.

I just wanted to decorate the dance so maybe I could become popular and then Kate had to go and break the statue head and I really didn't want to go to Canada and so then we tried to chew gum and stick the head back together and it kept falling apart, and then I don't know, the only way that Miranda could go out with Cody Pierson is if I took the blame for it so then I did and now everyone's at the dance having a good time except for me-- I'm stuck here all by myself.

Well let's just try to sort this out one piece at a time.

There's a statue and, uh, you Canada Who's Cody Pierson? Oh.

Okay, let me see who that is and then we'll keep working on this, okay? Lizzie there's someone here to see you.


- Hey.

I thought you were going to be at the dance.

I got it.

Well, my best friend wasn't going to be there so why would I want to go? Besides I brought you mini-donuts.


-Oh, hey, guys.


This is Cody.


Hey, Cody.

Got it.

Did you guys tell more people to come? -Uh, no.


Hail, my fair maiden.

We come bearing libations.

Yeah, what he said.

Aren't you guys supposed to be at the dance? Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie.

Since you couldn't come to the party the party's coming to you.

I don't know what to say.

You don't got to say anything.

Just, uh, show us where the stereo is and I'll crank some tunes.

Oh, I'll show you.

I'll show you where it is, I'll show you.

Thanks, Mom.

I got it.

You guys I have two of the best friends in the whole entire world.

You know, Gordo and I were just saying the same.

Where is everybody?! Mom, the spling fring The spling fl Mom, the spling fling decorations are really Ooh! Ask! A Ask! the BD Ooh, that's not it.

Decorations are the most important part.

Until Then the heat went and get you a job as a lum We smuggle you into Canada He was I have the two, whta is it? Two of the bestest friends ever.