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02x16 - Inner Beauty

Posted: 10/23/23 05:07
by bunniefuu
No, no, no.

It's Britney, Britney, Janet and then J.


Wrong, it's Britney, Janet, Janet I'm hearing music, seeing dancers getting a whiff of that sweet smell of success.

Ooh, I need to refuel.

Ooh, me, too.

Peanut butter, mm.


Good cookie.

Man, you guys eat a lot.

Oh, I should get some pretzels.

You think you could stop stuffing your faces long enough for us to finish rehearsal? We're girls; we can multitask.

Gordo, just 'cause we're eating doesn't mean we're not rehearsing.

You guys, this music video needs to be taken seriously.

I'm branching out.

Expanding my repertoire.

Yeah, it'll look good on your school record.

Ours, too, Lizzie.

Okay, Gordo's making sense, but Miranda? What are you staring at? Watch a real artist at work.

Whatever you're doing, stop.


I call this one "Girl Who Makes Me Hurl.

" Well, I call this one "Brother About to Run for His Life.

" Would you get those pretzels while you're up? If you believe We've got a picture-perfect plan We've got you fooled 'Cause we only do the best we can And sometimes we make it And sometimes we fake it But we get one step closer each and every day We'll figure it out on the way.

Lizzie McGuire S02E16 Inner Beauty I studied, I quizzed I made diagrams, and for what? A no-good lousy "B.

" That can mean the difference between "President for you on line two, Ms.

Sanchez" or "You want fries with that?" Okay, so you got a "B" on a science test.

A "B" is above average.

Besides, I'm sure the president would be calling on line one anyway.

There'll be plenty of tests for you to get an "A" on.

School year's hardly over.

It's just my dad was a straight-"A" student.

My mom was president of the Latin Club.

I try so hard and still I end up above average.

For once, I'd like to be "A" excellent.


I'll show you excellent.

These are the stills I shot of you guys the other day.

Oh, cool.

I didn't know you shot black and whites.

Yeah, well, I'm experimenting with different tones.

You know, for the video.

Ooh, cutting edge, I like it.

What's wrong? I you Okay, okay so I won't sh**t it in black and white.

It's not that, it's just How come no one's ever told me I have like, six chins? Because you only have one.

Are we looking at the same picture? And my arms they are so big.

What are you talking about,Miranda? You look great in that picture.

I think you're overreacting.

Overreacting? Overreacting?! We're about to sh**t a video.

You do know the camera adds ten pounds, don't you? Don't worry.

We'll wear black.

It's very slimming.

That won't be enough.

Have you seen the dancers in those videos? Not only are they gorgeous, they're tiny.

I'm not tiny nor gorgeous.

Hello? It's called airbrushing.

Nobody in the real world looks like that.

Maybe you're right, Gordo.

Maybe I do eat too much.

I never said you eat too much.

Yeah, you did.


I I Man, you guys eat a lot.

That's it.

I'm going on a diet.

Sam, honey.

Huh? I just got off the phone with Matt's school.

Oh, no, what'd he do this time? Just brace yourself.

He's okay, isn't he? Yeah, he's okay.

I-I got to lay down from the shock of it all.

Did he sneak into kindergarten class and take a nap again? No.

Did he eat all the ice cream sandwiches in the cafeteria like he did last week? No.

Tell me he didn't pretend to be the PE substitute.

- Sit.

- Okay.

Apparently he has the potential to be the Picasso of his generation.

Picasso? Our Matt? Matt McGuire? Are you sure there isn't another Matt in his class? Sam, we'll have to encourage him.

Artists are very sensitive.

Sensitive? Matt eats mud.

Tell me again why you're doing this? So I can tell our fortune.

But you're the one writing them.

It doesn't count.

Why not? Well, because she's not really predicting the future.

"You will marry Ethan Craft.

" Doesn't get much realer than that, Gordo.

At least you are in a better mood than you were this morning.

Yeah, see, Miranda getting a "B" is not that bad.

Yeah, I'm totally over it.

I'll just work harder for the next test.

How come you're, uh, not eating anything? Oh, um, I ate a really big breakfast.

Okay, pick.


"You will marry Ethan Craft.

" Okay, so maybe it's just a stupid paper fortune but I like what it's saying.

They all say that.

I'll just make another one.

Miranda, are you sure you don't want some of my, uh, you know whatever this is? Ow.

Ooh, paper cut.

I better go run my finger under some cold water.

I'll see you guys later.

And don't be late after school.

We have a lot of dancing to do.

I don't think I've ever seen Miranda skip a meal.

She said she had a really big breakfast.

And she also said she was going on a diet.

I didn't think she meant starvation diet.

Starvation diet? Puh-leeze.

Miranda is so not like that.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

I mean, she may not have gotten an "A" on the science test but she's still not dumb.

At least I hope not.

Okay, a little to the left.

Now tilt your chin up.

Okay, lower your left eyelid slightly.


Now don't move a muscle.


Our little artist at work.

Let's see what you're painting there, Matt.

It's okay, Lanny they don't know.

I only show when my work is complete.


Oh, well, in that case, we'll go.

We just, we wanted you to know how proud we are of you.

And we'd be just as proud of you if you kept a little more of the paint on the canvas and a little less on the plants and Lanny.

My inspiration.

It's it's gone.

Oh, don't be silly.

We'll go.

You splatter away.

But Sam.

Hey, great idea, Lanny.

Since I'm no longer inspired by anything in here let's go out there.

Oh, you guys, you're so good.



You look like you're having so much fun.

I want to have fun, too.

Can I be in the video, please, Gordo? You're not serious, right? No.

I'm kidding.


Oh, come on, Lizzie we should go over it again.

Miranda, we've gone over this dance like, a million times.

Ever heard of taking five? Or 15.

I'm pooped.

Come on, just one more time, please? It needs to be perfect.


Director, I need some help.

I've got no problem with perfection.

Or taking a break.


Fine, one more time, okay? Okay, from the top.

Cue music.

Hey, hey that's my line.

Cue music.

There is no one else that I can say this to There is nothing better that Honey? Are you okay? Huh? Oh.


I'm-I'm just a little woozy.

I knew we should've taken five.

Well, you should sit down.

Come on.

We should get her some water.

I'll get it.

If I didn't know any better I'd say that someone's stomach is growling.

Either that or earthquake! Miranda, what's wrong? Is it your head or your stomach? Did you eat something funny? Yeah, probably.

I had a really big lunch.


I'm sure I'll be fine.


You probably just overdid it.

Yeah, probably.

I'm not used to working out this hard.

Well, you just rest a while.

You guys can work on your video later.

Okay, something serious is going on with Miranda She's not eating, practically fainted and just lied to my mom.

It's times like these when I just have to say HELP! I don't want to start panicking or anything but what's the deal with Miranda? Okay, well, I think that she She's obviously not herself.

You know, with the whole diet thing.

I mean, you were there.

She nearly fainted rehearsing for my video.

I don't know maybe maybe I should shelve the project.

- Gordo, I think you - Or maybe you should talk to her.

I know that the three of us are best friends but it's just that you two have that "girl" thing.

- Well, you know - Look, I know that magazines these days are telling girls that they have to be thinner.

They're telling me I have to be more muscular.

And for whatever the reason, Miranda's buying into it and I'm not.

I'm not saying that you are, of course.

It's just that I think you have a better handle on the situation than I would which is why I think you should talk to her.

Gordo, wait.

What? I want to talk to her just as bad as you do, okay? In fact, we're going to the mall tomorrow.

I'll talk to her then.

Well that-that's great because I-I think she needs to know that we're her friends and if she ever, ever needs anyone to talk to, that we're her go-to peeps.

Through thick, through thin we'll always be there, and I got to tell you that the whole idea of you talking to her is a huge relief 'cause frankly, I'd have no idea what to say.

Lanny, we're going to need a bigger wagon.

Great idea to go shopping, Lizzie.

Well, I thought we needed some new clothes for the video, right? Yeah.

If only I had a new body to wear them on.

Miranda, what are you talking about? You look great.


How about these? Why? So my fat can hang over the top? No, thanks.

I-I'm just wondering what Miranda sees when she looks in the mirror 'cause it can't be what I see when I look at her.

You know, why don't we go get some smoothies.

I'm not in the mood to shop, either.

I don't want a smoothie.

Besides, we just ate.

Um, correction: I just ate.

You had three French fries and a couple bites of yogurt.

Thank you, Big Brother.

Miranda, do you remember that one time that you were afraid to tell me that my favorite pair of tapered stone-washed jeans were out of style? I never said that because they were never in style.

Which is exactly what you should have said when I bought them.

Why? So you could've taken it all personal and gotten mad at me? Actually, I probably would have thanked you.

You would have spared me the weeks I spent on the fashion "don't" list.

Good to know.

I'll make a note of it.

Well, there's something I want to talk to you about.

I'm just afraid you'll take it the wrong way.



You know, this whole dieting thing you're doing it makes no sense.

Really? It's just Gordo didn't mean it when he said that we ate too much.

I mean, you're skipping meals, Miranda.

You practically fainted on my living room floor, and you lied to my mom.

Lizzie, you're totally overreacting.

Besides, it's my business.

Miranda, we're best friends.

You're obviously going through something.

Why can't you just talk to me? Is this the part where I'm supposed to thank you? I-I hope so.


I'm outie.

You know, we saved $7.


I just love double coupons.

What what happened to my house? We've been trashed.

Finally, my work is complete.

Matt McGuire what do you think you're doing? I call it "Ride Free From Golden Smog on Friday Afternoons.

" I call it garbage.

Garbage?! This is my passion.

Oh? Okay.

Uh well if-if this is your passion, then, um we'll we're here to encourage you.

Right, honey? Even if it does smell.

Uh, keep up the good work, son.

So, what was it that you want to talk to me about? That's right; I'm in over my head with all this Miranda stuff.

I know when I need a professional and I'm not afraid to admit it.

I have this friend.

A friend, huh? Yeah, and all of a sudden, she's become all body-conscious.

Body-conscious? What do you mean? You know, like, she thinks she's fat.

Lizzie, that's ridiculous, honey.

You're not fat.

You're perfect.

Mom, I'm talking about a friend here, remember? Okay, right.

And it just doesn't make any sense that she's going on a diet, because Miranda so is not fat.

Miranda? Is she okay? Wait a minute, this doesn't have to do with what happened here the other day, does it? Honey, what kind of diet is she on? It's not one of those scary, trendy diets where all you eat is Sheesh! What do you do when your professional starts to freak out? Mom, Mom, Mom Please, I just I don't know what I can do to help her.

Well, have you tried talking to her? She got mad at me.

Well, if things don't change in a few days why don't I sit down with Miranda and her mother and, you know, talk about it.

- That sounds good.

- Okay.

Thanks, Mom.

Mom can be really smart sometimes.

I'm glad I take after her.

Just how bad was the fight you guys got into anyway? Miranda.

You made it.

I said I'd be here.

Look Lizzie filled me in on what happened and I'm really sorry if what I said freaked you out.

You know, the food comment.

I totally didn't mean it.

Whatever, Gordo.

Are we going to sh**t this? Miranda wait.

Look I'm really sorry about what happened at the mall.

You're right-- it's-it's your body it's your life, and it's your business.

But I I guess I just said that stuff because I really care about you and y-you're scaring me.

I am? You're scaring both of us.

I mean, what's going on? I don't know.

It's like all of a sudden everything just feels out of control.

My homework's piling up; my parents are talking to me about my future I mean, things that used to feel so easy just now seem so hard.

Well, call me blonde, but what does all that have to do with losing weight? I guess eating's the only thing I have any control over.

Like all this other stuff just happens to me but eating's something I have a say in.

That's not true.

But that's how it feels.

Miranda, that's why you have us.

I mean, all this stuff that you're talking about, all this pressure I'm going through it, too.


You know, what really helps me deal is you guys.

And I know, no matter what you and Gordo are always going to be there for me.

But doesn't it ever feel like sometimes it's just too much? Try every day.

That's what we have each other for.

I mean, and no matter what we're always going to be there for you.

I just don't know what to say.

Well, did you eat breakfast? No.

Well, that's good, because, uh breakfast is in our budget.

Let's go.

You guys? Thanks.

Mom, Dad, since you've been so supportive of my art I've decided to break my own rule and let you observe me at work.

What an honor.

Where is it, honey? That's my car.

I think it's my masterpiece! You turned your father's car into a masterpiece? But that's my car.

My teacher's right: I have a gift.

Here's the deal, Matt.

That's my car.

From now on, I think you better stick to paper and paint.

I-In a room with a smock.

What?! I-I can't contain myself to a mere piece of paper.

Where's the challenge? That is the challenge.

You know? Containing yourself.

Like I am right now.

- Sam.

- What? You can't see the dent where you hit the mailbox anymore.

That's what Lanny said.

(Play - Us Against The World) There is nothing better than to talk to you If you have a problem, I'll be here for you 'Cause, girl, you always know that It's us against the world You know that boy I started to see He thinks he can have it all for free I wonder if he's still the one for me I try to talk to myself and to see Don't start to like him too much too soon There is no one else that I can say this to And there is nothing better than to talk to you If you have a problem, I'll be here for you 'Cause, girl, you always know that It's us against the world.

Oh, that's so cool! Gordo, that was so awesome.

I didn't know you could make such a great video.

My gosh, look at me.

You look fine, Miranda.

Really, Miranda, you look totally fine.

Fine? I-I look I look amazing.

Did you see me? Yeah, you looked good.

No, no, no.

You looked good, but did you see me? Miranda, come on.

Seriously can we watch it again? Can I get copies? Miranda I am not.

Have you seen I know when I need a professional and I'm not afraid to admit it.

Aah! I'm really sorry if what I said freaked you out.

I'm sorry.

Miranda, you Why are you laughing? You're laughing.