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02x24 - Bye Bye Hillridge Junior High

Posted: 10/23/23 05:11
by bunniefuu
Matt, get out of the refrigerator.

You're wasting electricity.


Son, did you sleep like that? Yeah.

It was boiling last night.

Yeah, well, it's almost summer.

And, Sam, the air-conditioning is busted.

I'll fix it.

-We'll fix it.

-We'll fix it.

I'm sorry, kiddo.

Hey, I wonder if you might want to go swimming in the public pool after you finish all your homework today? Homework? There is no homework.

I'm in summer mode.

Well, homework or not, you can't go to school in your pajamas.

Hurry up.

Pardon me, Your Royal Heinous.

Bug off, Frigid-air.

Okay, I don't have time for your little childish antics, because I'm going to high school I'm going to high school.

Not just yet, young lady.

You have to graduate first.

Yeah, and I'm not going to let you.

What? You just you're growing up too fast.

I cannot believe you are graduating junior high.

And then it's off to high school, and then you'll be getting your driver's license, and then off to college and then it's career time, and then you're going to be getting married, and then you're going to be having kids, and watching them grow up, like I'm watching you right now.

Um Mom? I don't have time for this.

The yearbooks are coming out, and I'm going to have to sign: "You rock.

Don't ever change.

" like, 800 times.


And clearly, a lot of these people do not rock and hopefully will change.

Does that make me a bad person? If you believe We've got a picture-perfect plan We've got you fooled 'Cause we only do the best we can And sometimes we make it And sometimes we fake it But we get one step closer each and every day We'll figure it out on the way.

Lizzie McGuire S02E24 Bye, Bye Hillridge Junior High I'm going to high school, I'm going to high school I'm going to high school I'm going to high school.

A new song, please.

What is that? We welcome you soon-to-be freshmen "or should we say fresh-meat.

"This warning is from the seniors at Hillridge High School.

"Know the rules of school now before you make a huge mistake and cross our paths.

" Oh, no! I'm going to high school.

I hang out with Georgette Skyler-- you know, the captain of the varsity cheerleading squad-- so I'm already guaranteed a spot next year.

I am like, so set.

These rules only apply to people like Gor-dork and Lou-zzie.

Attention all students.

Yearbooks will be available tomorrow.

Please bring an I.


in order to pick them up.

Too bad your little friend Miranda isn't here, otherwise you could have two signatures in your yearbook.

Kate, she had to leave early to vacation with her family in Mexico.

Later, loser.

What dirks.

You know what, Gordo? I think Kate's right.

I am a loser, Gordo.

What? You're so not.

And since when do you listen to what Kate says? Well, since she's right.

I mean, when I go to high school what am I going to be? Nothing.

A second-class citizen of Loserville, U.



Population: me.

Just don't listen to that snobby, hair-sprayed, manicured dunce.

You're so much better than that.

And this this is just a scare tactic.

Trust me-- high school's going to be great.

Remember, I've already been there.

Not a good example, Gordo.

I guess it's not the best example.

But I lived.

I think I found out what the problem is! The public pool was closed.

It's not going to be open for another two whole weeks.

Well, I'm sure you two can find a way to cool yourselves off.

That doesn't involve the fridge.

Oh it won't.

Let's get to work.


Can I come in? Dad-shield activate.

Come on! Yeah.

What do you got there? This is so way serious, and my dad's laughing.

Oh, sorry, I just can't believe they're still doing stuff like this.

You know, when I was a freshman you weren't allowed to go near the freshman lockers.

If they caught you, they'd stuff you in a trash can.

But it wasn't so bad, I mean, I met your mom during freshman week.


I thought we were talking about me here.

Let's focus, people.

You really grew up in middle school.

Look at all the things you tried.

Running for class president rhythmic gymnastics.

You helped save the environment, and you got your first job.

Yeah, and, Dad, I failed at all of that stuff.

I mean, I got fired.

I hated rhythmic gymnastics.

Larry Tudgeman.

I didn't win the election, and I didn't save the world.

Yeah, but you tried.

And the only time you really fail, honey is if you don't try.

I think you're going to do just fine in high school.


He has to say that.

He's my dad.

Looks like our stunt on Monte Carlo night got everyone in this.

Yeah, it's not just an ode to Kate Sanders.

Hey, look, there's Miranda.

She took a great picture.


And, look, there's you in your tux.

Hey, Charlie-bones, hitting the gasoline pretty good there, ain't you? Hey, Gordo.

-Very handsome.

-You think so? Hey, look, it's-- ooh um never don't What? Where? On the floor? Great, it's in print what a klutz I am.

Well, no one falls to the floor quite as gracefully as you.


Oh, look, it's pictures of the food fight.

Hold it right there, Miss McGuire.

Yeah, that pudding sure was good.


- Sign my yearbook.

- Sure.

"You ate worms and beat me as class president.

"You surprised me and ended up being a great date.

You are so Tudgeman, and I am so glad.

" Thanks.

There goes the only boy that ever truly liked me in junior high.

Now I get to go off to high school and be rejected by a whole new pool of boys.

I can't wait.

What about that Ronny guy? Ronny thanks for bringing up Ronny, Gordo.

I'm sorry.

-Yo, Lizzy, sign my yearbook? -Sure.

Ronny broke up with me.

He's a loser.

No, Gordo, I'm the loser, okay? He likes another girl.

She's probably prettier than me.

She's probably smarter than me, and she's probably a lot more fun than I am.

-No, she's not.

-How do you know? Because there's nobody prettier than you or more fun to be with.

I feel so awful.

Yeah, I know, but you'll get over it.

Whereas that guy,he's going to realize what an idiot he was.

He's going to feel awful for the rest of his life.

You're such a good friend, Gordo.

-Yeah, well, uh -What? -Gordo, what? -Uh, nothing.


Gordo, Gordo, Gordo Gordo, are you okay? Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

Just, um a little headache.

Uh, sign your yearbook? Sure.

It better be good, though.

It will.

Matt, whatever you are thinking of doing, don't.

-But, uh -Shh! -But I -Zip.

-But -Uh!And take off the flippers.

-But I need them.

-For what? Mmm The pool.

We don't have a pool.

Au contraire, but where.

Hey, Matt! As soon as you're finished with the hose in the basement I need it! That's my cue.

Dear Lizzie I've always, no I can tell.

Lady troubles, right? I don't need your pity, Tudgeman, really.

It's Lizzie.

She's some dame.

Trust me, I know.

I'd recommend that you steer clear of her.

She's a heartbreaker.

Thanks, Tudgeman, I, uh, I appreciate the advice and all but, uh, I don't think I'm quite desperate enough to use it.

Okay, it's good to know, but I'm going to be here when you're ready to talk.

After lunch.

It's just so strange.

I mean, other than my parents, Lizzie's the one person I've known my entire life.

I guess I never really thought what it would be like when she had a boyfriend.

Wait, wait.

Are you jealous? Wrong, road.

I was trying to identify a different emotion.

-Not jealousy.


I think.

You know, Lizzie, maybe sometime we could, um you know Hey, Lizzie-- you're missing the eel-cooking competition.

I'll be right there, Dad.

Maybe sometime we could what? Nothing.

Just you know, do this again some time.

-It's your turn to win.

-Sounds good.

So I-I guess I'll see you later? Yeah.

See ya.


Dear Lizzie.


So my dad says that these high school rules are bogus, but just in case he's wrong Your dad? Wrong? Never.

I put together a little survival package.

I made quick-reference index cards for the rules.

They're laminated.

Yeah, I don't think they're going to change.

Do you think they're going to change? Oh, well, I'll just make new ones.

Okay, this is a map for you, and this is a map for me.

Now, they're color-coded, okay? So The red areas are the areas we should stay out of.

The pink areas are the areas that I don't think we should go in, and the blue is a safe area.

Um I don't see any blue.

Where's the blue? The blue's right here, in middle school.

Yo, Lizzie, Gordon.

Sign my yearbook? Sure, but only if you sign mine.

I am so smooth.

Hey, Gordo, are you finished with my yearbook yet? Not really.


Here you go, Ethan.

It needs to sound casual, but yet non-obvious, but obvious in a subtle way, that we're, like, gonna get married Soon.

How about, "You rock, don't ever change.

Lizzie"? Gordo, you know, this is really important to me.

What people sign in your yearbook and what you put in their yearbook-- it's like it's so huge.

Tell me about it.

-All right? -No, I'm not done yet.



Can't keep 'em waiting.

"You rock.

Don't ever change.

" That's what I wrote in yours, 'cause you really do rock, and you shouldn't change.

Oh, Lizzie, you better watch me play water polo in high school.

It's gonna be way cool.

Keep it real.


So Ethan's going to be a jock in high school and Kate's going to be a cheerleader and I'm going to spend four lousy years stuffed in a locker still trying to read my map.

Note to self-- "Bring a flashlight.

" Lizzie, it's a whole new place.

You can be anyone you want to be.

But that's not true, Gordo.

Kate's already got first dibs on "most popular girl.

" I mean, look at her.

Sometimes it's such a drag being this popular.



Uh Hey, you wrote "Harry, change your shirt and get a clue.

" -So? -So my name is Larry, not Harry.

-Close enough.

-Well, that's mean.

I said, next! I really do not like her.

Well, at least Kate's gotten her payback a couple of times in middle school.


-Hey, you're laughing.



I like you when you laugh.

You know, I thought my mom would like an indoor swimming pool.

Yeah, I guess some people just don't appreciate the finer things in life.



You know, I didn't think about how scary high school was gonna be.

But you'll always have your friends.

Except when we're fighting.

Let your feelings out.

I'm surprised you trust me to be your partner.

Yeah, well, I'm surprised that you'd partner with a lousy friend.

Oh, yeah? Well, a good friend would have stuck up for me.

Oh, well, you're not Little Miss Perfect, okay? You're always talking about how you always sneak into the movies and how you pretend to be sick during P.


Ladies! I don't want to hear any talking.

I want to see some action.

I'll show you action! No, that's I'll show you action! That's a little too much interpretation there.

Come on.

Yeah, and we did a lot of that but whenever it got bad between the three of us we always forgave each other.

And right now, my friends are the most important thing to me.

So like a lady.

I'm sorry.

What did you say? I said, "I'm sorry.

" Look.

I hate us not talking to each other, okay? I apologize.

I'm sorry for whatever happened, you know? And it doesn't even matter who's fault it is, all that matters is that I hate us fighting, and I want us to be friends again.

And who else could have helped bring me back from the dark side? We're helping you.

How is this helping me? This is aversion therapy.

The thing you like 'causes you pain.

Therefore you don't like it anymore.

Why are you doing this? Because we want you back the way your were.

Back in the old days when you ate and slept and talked like a normal person.

Or dive in front of paint for someone? -Miranda, look out.

-No! You're a good friend, Lizzie.

You're even good to your enemies.

And a person that would support me when I was trying to discover who I am.

Lizzie, you're just great, and I'm very lucky to have a friend like you.

Look, Lizzie.

We got through middle school together, and we'll get through high school together.

Don't worry about these stupid rules.

Or cheerleaders, or trying to find your classes.

Don't worry.

I got your back, McGuire.

Gordo, are you finished yet? You've had my yearbook for, like, a month.

Um, it's, it's not quite right yet.

You yourself said how important what you write is, so don't read it.

It still needs a little work.

Gordo, you know -Hey, Gordo.

Sign my yearbook? -Um, yeah, sure.

And don't even think about reading that, okay? Well, a little peek won't hurt.

Dear Lizzy, You rock.

Don't ever change.

And only, I really mean it.

That is so sweet.

Oh, my gosh.

How it happens, I don't care If it's raining, or what I wear I know today is taking me where I'm meant to be Doesn't matter where I go With my boy shoes and my rock star phone I'm waiting for a friend to call or the rain to fall Life goes by Hey, everyone, it's time for the photo.

So let's gather around.

I can't wait for the world to spin I can't wait to be happenin' -How's my hair? -Good.

Gordo, promise me that we'll always stay close to each other, even in high school.

Don't worry.

I'm not going anywhere.

One two three.

Life goes by I can't wait for the world to spin I can't wait to be happenin' Oh, what's it gonna take? I can't wait for the time to come When I'll be shining like the sun They're laminated.


-Ready? -You sure? -Yeah.

-Okay? -Yeah.

I said, "next.

" I said, "next.

" A wet willy.

I'm gonna k*ll you Kyle A little peek won't hurt.

Very tough shot.

Don't try this at home, I'm a trained professional.

-Pardon me, Your Royal Heinous.

-I'm sorry.

-Pardon me, Your Royal -I can't do it.

-Pardon me, Your Royal -Stop laughing.

-I'm not laughing.

-You keep smiling.