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02x30 - My Fair Larry

Posted: 10/23/23 05:14
by bunniefuu
-So, Matt and I are fighting -As usual.

And my parents launch into this whole discussion about how he's the only brother I've got and we should be friends or something.

Hey, at least you have Matt to deflect some of the attention.

My parents just have me to focus on.

Well, my parents are actually being cool for once.

What do you mean? Well, you know how I was going to ask if I can throw a boy/girl party? Well, they gave me the okay.

What? You've been letting me babble on about loser boy and you have big news? Priorities, woman.

Priorities! And I'm totally going to need you guys' help on planning everything.

This party has to be absolutely perfect.

I am totally in.

This is so cool.

And the best part is, it's not at my house with my parents.

Ah, minimal parental involvement.

Item one to deal with on the party list.


So we have to have invites and food and drinks and music.

Cannot forget the music.

And Britney Spears' makeup artist and Jennifer Aniston's costumer.

Oh, and don't forget Josh Hartnett's home phone number.

Hey, it's got to be a perfect party, right? If you believe We've got a picture-perfect plan We've got you fooled 'Cause we only do the best we can And sometimes we make it And sometimes we fake it But we get one step closer each and every day We'll figure it out on the way.

Lizzie McGuire S02E30 My Fair Larry Oh, here's the list.

Double-check that I've got everyone.

Everyone? Kate? You-you're inviting Kate? You want her in your house? Gordo, we have to invite Kate.

If we invite popular girls, they bring popular guys.

And the popular boys attract more popular girls, who in turn attract more popular boys.

It's basic math, really.

So, this is what the circle of life's all about.

You want to help or not, Gordo? I'm kind of stressing here.

Outside of a few lame birthday parties, I've never thrown a party before.

It's got to be flawless.



Well, I made a list of all my CDs last night.

You can check off the ones you want and whatever you need, after school, we'll go get it.

Uh, Miranda, Larry Tudgeman's not on your guest list.

I guess I'll just add his name.

No, Larry's not invited.

Lizzie, you know he would ruin the party.

He probably won't even want to come anyway.

Yeah, he'll probably brag to everyone that he's the only one not invited.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

I am.

It just doesn't sound right to me.

This week is Community Awareness Week.

Community Awareness Week is about giving back to our community, so I thought we'd try something new.

Everyone will be assigned a volunteer project.

How can you assign a volunteer project? Isn't it supposed to be voluntary? Some people will be working at soup kitchens, some will be working at animal shelters, some will be working at "Weeping Willows Retirement Home"?! You two will be a part of their Senior Pals Program.

Miss Chapman, don't you think Matt and I should be volunteering somewhere more important? Yeah, like, you know, building housing in Guatemala or saving the woolly spider monkey.

No, I think Senior Pals is more your speed.


Chapman, if I dump him, -can I get a better project? -Hey! Here you go.

I finished them up last night.

Are you sure you don't need any more help? You look exhausted.

No, no, I'm fine.


Just help me hand these out.

Here you go, Kate.

-Hmm Who's invited? -Well, everybody.

And everybody starts with me? I wish everybody ended with you, but it's Miranda's party.

It's got to be perfect.

A little white lie won't hurt.

Oh, of course, Kate, we couldn't have a party without you.

So you do understand how this school works, McGuire.

Maybe there's hope for you after all.

I can't believe she bought that junk.

Maybe I should look into a career in acting.

-Hey, Ethan.

-Miranda, looking fine.

I am? I mean I am.

I mean, thanks.

This is for you.


I'll be there.

I just got to ask my mom first.

You do? That's so cute.

Miranda, thought I'd save you the trip and retrieve my invite personally.

Larry, I think that Miranda accidentally left your invitation at her house.

Who says I can't think on my feet? Actually, Larry, I didn't invite you.

Unless, of course, my cover story is immediately blown to pieces.

I didn't think you'd be interested in going, so, um I saved a tree instead.

Yeah, hey, that's a good idea, and you're right, you know.

I wasn't interested in attending anyway.

But, yeah, I have a a Starfleet Command meeting anyhow.

And I just wanted to save you the effort of-of having to invite me in the first place, but, you know but you thought ahead.

Miranda, I think you really should invite him.

You heard him; he has this Starflip thingy to go to.

He's cool with it.

I'm going to go catch up with Gordo.

If that's totally cool, I'd hate to see what he looks like upset.

Your Senior Pals called to say they were running a little late, but here's your info.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to remind you that you are being graded on this.

Have fun.

How are we supposed to have fun with, uh "Moe and Marge"?! What kinds of names are those? This is gonna be boring, not to mention creepy, horrible and probably smelly.

I can't believe they're making us do this.

I know.

Fake senility for one day, and they'll make you do the Senior Pal Program, but Who are we stuck with? Matt and Melina.

What kind of names are those? This is going to be boring not to mention creepy, horrible and probably smelly.

Matt and Melina these are your Senior Pals, Moe and Marge.

Mine looks like a porcupine.

At least he doesn't smell like one.

Is that the best you've got? You're an amateur.

And she reminds me of someone.

Okay, this party is so much more work than I thought it would be.

Gordo and I still need to go and pick out music.

I haven't even thought about what I'm going to wear, and to top it all off, I'm getting a stress zit.

Miranda, we're here to help, remember? Help is good.

Guys, I'm going to be right back.

-Hey, Larry.


So, um, your Starflip Command meeting sounds really cool.


Star fleet.

Yeah, that.

Just ask him and get it over with.

If he really doesn't want to go, then you have nothing to feel guilty about.

-Larry, do you want to go to Miranda's party? -No.

Funny, that "no" sounds a lot like a "yes.

" -Larry -Now, if you don't mind, I'm incredibly busy.

Have we talked about food yet? Oh, my gosh, food.

I totally spaced on food.

Guys, I just talked to Tudgeman, and I think he really, really wants to go to the party.

Well, um, it's good to want things.

You know, Larry can be kind of cool.

I went on a date with him last year.

Remember how well that ended up? -Not helping, Gordo.


I just think it's really wrong to exclude him.

No, uh-uh, nada, absolutely not.

Larry Tudgeman will not be at my party, end of story.

Come on, Lizzie.

I'm already totally freaking out as it is.

Remember, we're going for perfect per-fect.


-I knew you'd understand.

Punchbowl! I don't have a punchbowl.

Parker has a punchbowl.

Parker! Note to self: no more parties for Miranda.

Gordo, do you remember when you weren't invited to Danny Kessler's pool party? Yeah.

I was trying to forget about that.

Thanks for bringing it up.

-Didn't feel so good, did it? -No.

Well, that's exactly what Miranda's doing to Larry.

You know, I really hate it when you're right.

But being right doesn't get Larry invited.

There is nothing you can do.

I mean, it's not like you can disguise him and sneak him in or anything.

I love having brilliant friends.

Gordo, you've done it again.

I don't like where this is going.

Come on, Miranda cannot get mad at us for inviting Larry if she doesn't know that it's Larry.

"Us"? You are going to help me, right? That's gonna be hard.

First, you have to reverse and second, you got to get him to agree to it.

Oh, he will.

Fine, I'll help you get Cinderfella to the ball.

I just hope Larry doesn't turn into a pumpkin while Miranda's watching.

So, what do you guys like to do? Chess? Checkers? Bingo? Hey! We could watch Cocoon.

It's about old people.

You know, you kids sound like two 70-year-old fifth graders.

Hey, we're just trying to find something you like to do.

Yeah, we could be out having fun.

Fun?! You wouldn't know fun if it came up, introduced herself and did the can-can.

-I like the can-can.

-Shut up.

-What's a cancan? -Shut up.

Uh, Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet Moe and Marge, our senior pals.

Well, hello! It's very nice to meet you.

Lady, I'm old, not deaf! We're very happy to meet you.

Wonderful kids you've got here.

Thank you.

Kids, would you like your new pals to stay for dinner? What are you having? Um, my my world-famous beef stroganoff.

Actually, I'm allergic to stroganoff.

I'm deathly allergic.

Oh What a shame.

We could take the kids off your hands for dinner.

We rarely get visitors.

Let's roll, guys.

You know, there is something vaguely familiar about those two.

Nobody's allergic to stroganoff.

-Hey, Larry.

-What's up? I don't have time for idle chitchat.

The Trek-a-thon starts in ten minutes.

Larry, if Miranda knew how much going to the party meant to you, she would have invited you.

-So, I'm invited? -No.

Larry, Miranda's under a lot of stress, so I thought I'd take you.

Like a date? We've been down that road before, kid.

Just can't work between us.

If it was going to be easy, then it just wouldn't be Larry.

I guess that's just part of his charm.

Um, Miranda said that we couldn't bring you, Larry, so I thought if she didn't know it was you What are you talking about? Don't look at me.

This is Lizzie's idea.

I just thought that maybe we could change your look around a little.

You know, have some fun.

-A little? -A lot.

Look, you show up at the party.

No one recognizes you.

We all have fun, and everybody lives happily ever after.

Larry Tudgeman changes for no one.

Did Spock change his pointed ears when the people of Earth thought they were strange? No.

Larry, I'm sorry.

It could have been cool to have you there.

Have fun at your Starflip meeting.

It's "Fleet," "Starfleet"! You know, the Tudge is a man of mystery-- likes to keep people guessing.

So, that means you'll do it? That's Klingon for, "Yes, I'll do it.

" You've got a lot of work to do.

Go, Marge, go! Oh! I'm flying, I'm flying.

Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever Forever and ever? Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever? Hey, good looking! You come here often? Who said that? Down here.

What's the matter? Don't you like short guys? That is so cool.

You got to show me how to throw my voice like that.

Okay, you need a complete new outfit.

-Can I keep my shirt? -No.

Why don't we just leave the fashion decisions up to me? The most important thing is that Miranda does not recognize you.

And a new do wouldn't hurt, either.

-What's wrong with my hair? -Washing would be a good start.

Gordo, stop it.

I wish Gordo would disguise himself as someone who was helping.

Sorry about the hair comment, Larry.

No problemo, Wing Commander.

Now, let's try on some clothes.

Lizzie, you've achieved the impossible.

I do good work, don't I? Look out, ladies.

Your mystery date has arrived.

You know, Melina and I had a great time today.

We haven't laughed this much in years.

You know, you're a bratty, obnoxious, controlling kid.

I feel the same way about you.

Oh, give me a hug.

Don't want to ruin the moment, but we're late, and they've locked the gate.

But it's only 6:30.

Well, that's our curfew, hon.

Don't worry.

We'll sneak you in.

Matt and I, we'll distract the guard.


-Yeah? -Excuse me, sir.

Could you please point us in the direction of Main Street School? We kind of got a little lost.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Go down to the stop sign and take a right.

Who are you waving at? Uh hey, look! I've got a talking squirrel.

Hey, ugly, what you looking at? -That was easy.

-Yeah, it was.

-Thank you.

-You're welcome.

No, I want you to keep the squirrel.

-I can't.

-Yes, you can.

You guys are the coolest And don't ever change.

Oh, I won't.

Let's go, Matt.

-Moe, I, uh -Now! That's my girl.

Let's go, Moe.

-Matt, the next time -Moe! Bye.

This is never going to work.

I can't do this.

Yes, you can.

Just relax.

And stay away from Miranda.

Yeah, I'm going to go find her.

Just play it cool, like you're Luke Skywalker sneaking into Jabba's palace.

Return of the Jedi.

Totally old school.

I dig that, man.


Looks like you're the hit of the school.

-Miranda, looking good.

-I am, aren't I? Listen, Lizzie, I'm sorry.

I've been a total grump these last couple days.

-I've just been really stressed.

-I know.

Oh, hey! Who's Mr.

Hottie standing next to Gordo? I don't think I've seen you before.

Save a dance for me.

Hey, remember who you came to the party with.

Hey, you-you came with me, right? I'm going to go talk to him.

No! Miranda, no, no Wait.

Ruh roh! Hey, Gordo.

Who's your cute friend, and why haven't I met him before? Oh, um, he is my neighbor's brother's best friend.



Would you care to dance? Gordo, how could you let this happen? Let what happen? It wasn't my idea to bring Laurence to the party.

But I thought he'd just lay low.

I didn't think he'd be off dancing with Miranda.

It's all over.

I've totally ruined her party.

Maybe she won't recognize him.

You did a pretty good job.

So, are you having fun at my party? Yeah.

I'm really glad that I came.

-I am, too.

-Stop, you're making me blush.

Guys don't blush.

They do when a girl like you flirts with them.

So, Laurence, um, where do you go to school? Hill Ridge.

Oh, really? I've never seen you there.

If I did, I definitely would have invited you.

-Really? -Really.

Hi, Miranda.

Remember me? Tudge! Righteous threads, man.

You know, you should really think about keeping your stylist.

Is this your idea of a joke? Not really.

You think this is funny, pulling a big one over on me? That's not it at all, Miranda.

This is the part of doing the right thing that I always hate.

We just thought that this way, everyone would win.


Well, you know what? You're absolutely wrong.

Because because Larry shouldn't have disguised himself.

I should have invited him to the party myself.

This is the part of doing the right thing that I always love.

I was just so caught up in having the perfect party that I forgot to act like a human being.

-I'm sorry, Larry.

-It's fine, really.


And I'm also happy to have the kind of friends who still care, even when I'm wrong.

It's part of my charm.

You just wanted to have a perfect party.

Well, now that everyone is here, it is.

Come on, Larry.

Let's go get a drink, and you can tell me all about the Starflip Command.

Starfleet, Starfleet! She's such a geek! You know what, Lizzie? You're pretty cool.

I really don't give you enough credit sometimes.

No, you don't.

Come on.

Let's go hang out with Miranda and her hot date.

I guess happy endings don't just happen in fairy tales.

They happen in real life, too.

So, guys, I was thinking.

The next party, set your phasers to fun! Cheers.

-Hi, hiya.

-Okay, here we go.

-Are we filming? -Yes, we are.


Mine looks like a cucumber.

It just doesn't sound right whoa! That's all, folks.

Welcome to Fight Club.