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01x21 - Beach Bummer/Leading to Trouble

Posted: 10/23/23 06:30
by bunniefuu

♪ Three! ♪


♪ Three! ♪


♪ Three! ♪

♪ One, two, three! ♪

[maniacal laughter]


I'm a friend.

You know me.

I've always been here.


Oh, yes I have.

And I will finally

have my revenge!


Bye bye Amigonauts.

Bye! Bye!

[maniacally laughs

and screams]

[alarm clock rings]

Rise n' shine Amigos.

It's attendance time.

Herby? Here.






Next up,

today's to do list.

We need a latex pig

and some silly string

if we're gonna make the-

[Donnie clears throat]

I'm sorry...

You are?

Wha- Guys.

It's me, Furkie.


Hello? Furkie!


The fourth Amigonaut.

We've been

pals forever.

Uh, we've only

got three bunks

so how can there be a-


I've always been here.

Even when I went to work

in the cheese mine?

Aw, you were so sad.

When we went to see

the live taping of Dr. Boom?

Yeah that did

not go well.

What about the day

I got my license

and we went out

for free ice cream?

I was there.

And it was awesome!

I even said so,


It's awesome that I'm

here with you for this.

And why wouldn't I be?

That flashback

was in my head,

but if you'd seen it

you'd know that I was there.

It's like you

guys always say

Furkie don't lie.

And you do the hip thing,

it's really cute.

Um, give us a sec,

would ya.

I don't remember

this "Furkie" guy.

Yep, something's

fishy about this.

But what if he's

telling the truth

and we did forget one

of our best friends.

He must feel



I wanna check

on something.

Uh hey pal,

we'll be right back.

Ya, we just gotta, ummm...



I found a file for

a student named Furgie.

Could that just be a typo.

Let's see his

student photo.


Aw man!

The photographer

only had one job!

Well, if we can't prove

Furkie didn't exist,

do you think that

means he's real?


And we forgot him.

How sad.

We can't tell him.

He'd be crushed.

So we fake

remember him?


We play it cool.


Furkie, ol' buddy!

Hey, we know you!

And we're done pooping.


Smell my hands.

Look at our friend

doing that...

thing that

he does...

[evil laughter]

I knew this would work!

So you didn't forget me?

No way.


Not that

we're admitting.

Oh, good.

Then I guess

you also remember

that it's

my birthday?

Did you write me

a special song

like you do every year?

Please, please,

please can I hear it?


♪ Our friend... ♪

♪ Furrrkie... ♪

♪ until the end... ♪

♪ Birthday...

Furkie... ♪

♪ we didn't forget you... ♪

♪ Furrrrr-keeeeeee! ♪

That was awful...

ly good!

So what's next?

You tell us what's next.

Yep, it's your

birthday morning!


Breakfast it is.

It's working like a charm!

I'll have them

expelled in no time.



[all loudly eating]

Relax Donnie.

That's it, don't rush it.

Savor the moment like

a mouthwatering hardboiled egg.

Come to papa!




You're allergic

to hard boiled eggs.

I am?


From what I just read

- remembered -

you only eat live eel.

Live eel?


I'll go get some.


Changed my mind.

I'm not hungry.

Well it's your

birthday morning.

So just tell us

what we're doing next.

Oh! Oh anything?


Stealing President

Skillsworthy's hat

and filling it

with pudding.

Do it. Do it!

It's my birthday. Do it!

Oh Furkie,

you're such a joker.

[all laugh]

[laughter slows to a stop]

I'm totally serious.

Yeah, we see that now.



My hat.


it's missing.

Did I eat it

in my sleep again?

I should probably

go X-ray my intestines

just to be sure.

Okay, now what Furkie?

Where's Furkie?

[Donnie] Would President


please return to his

office immediately.

Like now.



My hat!

You filled my hat

with pudding?

How did you know

I'd forgotten

to bring Dumples'

pudding bowl today?

Thank you so much.

You are my

favourite students.

Group selfie!

♪ Pudding in the hat,

pudding in the hat... ♪

♪ pudding in the,

pudding in the, ♪

♪ pudding in the hat! ♪

[all laugh]


Forget expulsion.

Instead I'll get them

to build the device

that'll guarantee

their demise!


Whoa ahh!


[all cheer]






So where are we going?


Time's up!

Our turn to make

all the decisions.

Wha-What? No.

It's my birthday.

You know the Amigonaut

birthday rule, Furkie;

the morning belongs

to the birthdayee, you,

but the afternoon belongs

to the birthdayers, us.



[all] Pin the tail

on the donkey!

Pin the tail on

the donkey!

[donkey brays]

Oh were we not supposed

to use a real donkey?

[grunting efforts]

C'mon Furkie,

you got this.

Go, Furkie, Go!

Go, Firkie, G-

That giant candy

bar is yours.

We felt you deserved something

really big this year!

Ow! Oof!


We each got one too!

We're sorry, Furkie.

We didn't know

the chocolate had a dense,

marzipan filling.

And the rental

place definitely

didn't tell us

the donkey had rabies.


That's totally not why we

got such a big discount.

So to make up for

our last two ideas,

we got you something

we know you love.

Live eels

by the barrel!

You can do this Donnie.

Don't give them any reason

to be suspicious.

Just eat an eel

and then you can

get rid of these

Amigo-dweebs for good.


Imagine it...





It's in my mouth!




[pained groans]

That electric eel

is putting up quite a fight.

[pained groans]



[pained groans]


[pained groans]

[pained groans]

Does this happen

every time?

Cause I think

I'd remember this.


Get lost you...

you... eel face!


Oh no.

What's it doing?


Don't you dare!

[nervous grunts]

Oh no, we'll get

the scissors!

Don't-- please.

Don't go.


Untie me first!


It's my birthday?

Aw come on!

[rocket blast]

Come back!



My birthday is next.

How am I

going to top that?


[impact grunt]


I miss Flerble.

Was that even his name?

We'll never forget

our dear Flunky.

Ow, ow, ow.

Hey Donnie!

Where've you been?


Attention, Cadets.

The only thing I love

more than laws...

Is enforcing laws.

With that, the Top Tween Cop

competition will now begin.


None of that.

[crowd groans]

Whoever wins Top Tween Cop

could one day

win Top Teen Cop.

And that could lead

to being a Top Cop.

Wait, which

are they doing?

Who cares?

Betty's Sue's gonna win!

Yeah, she's been getting

perfect scores

since she won

Top Toddler Cop

when she was three.

[chanting "Betty"]


We will not begin

until you stop disrupting.

[quietly chanting "Betty"]

Test number one.

Advanced hand cuffing.




Hello there!

Over here!


Perfect score!

[crowd cheers]

Filing police reports.





Another perfect score!

[crowd cheers]

The final and most

difficult test

is long

distance targets.

They need absolute silence,

so please refrain-

[loud crunching]

As I was saying.

They need to concentrate,

so please be quiet-

[loud crunching]


Stop stuffing

your face holes!




[loudly shushing]

[loudly shushing]

[loudly shushing]


You be quiet!


Yes those

greedy buffoons

did mess up

your concentration,

however a top cop

must rise above

such distractions.

Imperfect score.


It's a good thing she did

so well on those other tests.

And I'll have to

deduct some points

due to damage caused.

Let's see,

destroying a satellite,

hitting a garbage ship,


releasing a deadly animal.

Looks like top tween

cop winner is...

Doofster Bananalid.



You may have just ruined

Betty Sue's career.

I don't think that's

anything to celebrate.


Now Betty will

never be a cop.

Look, I know we messed up,

but this is Betty Sue

we're talking about.

She doesn't know

how to quit!




She seems pretty

good at it.


Hey, Betty Sue.

We're really sorry for

what happened back there.

Stand down on

the apologies, Cadets.

I should be

thanking you.



For giving me

a wake up call.

I was never meant

to be a cop.

I mean, what if that

happened in the field?

People could have

gotten hurt.

Oh, Betty...

Lots of people

were hurt.

But you're so

good at cop stuff.

Thanks, Cadets.

But I need to face it.

If I can't be

the top cop,

I shouldn't be

a cop at all.


We pushed Betty Sue

out of cop-ping.

So now we

have to

pull her

back in-

And to do that,

we need the right bait.

If you want to

catch a mouse,

you need cheese.

So to lure Betty back into

the cop biz we'll need...

To be cheese!

No, we need

to be criminals!

And I'm talking

a big time crime wave!

A wave so splashy

that only a Top Tween Cop

like Betty

could stop it!

That'll get her

back for sure!

But we can't just

commit crimes.

Sure we can.

This is crime for good.

For right.

For our friend!

If we explain

it that way...

We just need a shtick.

Some catchy names

to get us lots of press...

The name's Blaze!

'Cause I'm

wearing a blazer.

And I'm


Because I wear shades.

Even inside.

I'm that shady!

And I'm Brie!

Because, cheese.


No one can hear

a soft cheese coming.

You're really not letting go

of the cheese thing are you?

It's fine,

go with it.

Once Betty Sue hears about

our criminal crimes,

she won't be able to resist

the lure of justice.

Time for crime!

And just to be clear,

these are crimes for good.

[Woody] Cool man,

anything for Betty Sue!

I got a disguise too.

I always wanted

to be a wizard.

Well get ready

for a wild ride.

First stop.

The moon!



Aw, now we

want pizza!

And that was just

the first stop

in a massive crime spree

that has spread

across the galaxy.

They've been dubbed

the Cheese g*ng

because they're

clearly being led

by a wedge

of soft cheese.

This just in

it could be brie...

Or possibly camembert.


[reporter] Here they're

forcing an employee

to pile all of the ice cream

onto a single cone.

They paid for it,

but it's still against

the rules of humanity!


They're taking their misdeeds

to a whole new level!

Here they are

trying on jewelry

without the intention

of buying it.

Will this...

[police sirens]

We've done so much

crime for good

but Betty Sue hasn't

shown up yet!


We need to go bigger.

The biggest crime

for good there is.



The Big-Big

Money Bank?

That place has big,

big security!


We're the cheese g*ng!


This is a-


Cheese g*ng!

[all scream]

[alarms and screams]


I guess we're

already famous.

Don't worry guys,

I got this.

We're not here

to rob you.

We're here to

make a deposit.

Oh, well then...

Thank you for choosing

Big Big Money Bank.

Burt: the deposit.

Sir. This is a coupon.

For cheese.

Yes, and it's very

valuable to me

so please deposit

all of it

in the vault

where you also

happen to keep

piles of money.



Floor it!


Woohoo, we robbed

the Big-Big Money Bank!

That was the latest

brazen crime.

Will the Cheese g*ng

madness ever end?

Police had this to say.

All of our cruisers

are wrecked,

our officers


We're left with

only one choice...


Good luck everyone.

Giving up?

But they can't!

They're cops

and cops never give up.




You guys sure are great

at this whole

crime for good thing.

Thanks, Woody.

But I wish Betty Sue

would show up.


Without her it all feels

kind of pointless

and not quite legal.

[police siren]

It's Betty!

She's a cop again!


You think she knows

the cheese g*ng is actually us

and that we did it

all for her

and she shouldn't hurt us?

Of course not.

Telling her would

have ruined it.

Pfft, yeah Burt.

It's time to cut

the cheese...

Oh no, she missed again!

[impact grunts]


I think from here on

everything's gonna be alright...

So that, your honor,

is why we did what we did.

For Betty Sue.

That's nice.

But you're still

going to prison.

♪ Three! ♪


♪ Three! ♪


♪ Three! ♪


♪ Three! ♪


♪ Three! ♪


♪ Three! ♪


♪ Three! ♪