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02x20 - Act Like Your Hat

Posted: 10/23/23 08:05
by bunniefuu
- Wait for it.

- [moos]


- Hi. I made a mop that moos.

Norville thinks it'’s the funniest thing ever.

- [moos]

- [laughs]

[snorts] Excuse me.

- Today all the magic words start with a "mm" sound

and this letter:

The letter M.

That'’s how I made a mop that moos.

- [moos]

- [groans] Eh.

- Hmm, Norville, you didn'’t laugh.

Guess he doesn'’t think mooing is funny anymore.

- Meh. - Ooh, I have an idea.

What if I make the mop say "meow"?


- [meowing]

- [laughing]

- This will probably go on for a while.

[upbeat music]

- ♪ Wally found a stick

♪ Waved it in the air

♪ All these magic words went flying everywhere ♪

♪ If you need a friend to lend a helping hand ♪

♪ You can call on Wally

- ♪ Say "Wallykazam!"

- ♪ Anything is possible with Wally ♪

♪ All you need is a word

♪ Say the word, say the word ♪

all: ♪ Wallykazam!

- ♪ Say it, say it

♪ Hear the music playing now

♪ Say the word, say the word ♪

all: ♪ Whoo-hoo-hoo

- ♪ Wally, Wally, Wallykazam! ♪


[upbeat music]


- Welcome, everyone.

- Ahoy, Matey. Arr!

It'’s me, Wally.

Gina Giant'’s having an act like your hat party.

A party where you act like your hat!

She has a whole big box of hats.

I'’m wearing a pirate hat...

[as pirate] So I'’m pretendin'’ to be a pirate.


- Yee haw!

- Guess what Norville'’s acting like.

Yeah, a rootin'’ tootin'’ cowboy.

You look quite rootin'’ tootin'’, Norville.

- Well, thank you. Yee haw!

- [squawks]

- Ogre Doug, are you wearing a parrot hat?

- [squawks] Wearing a parrot hat.

[squawks] Yes, isn'’t it wonderful, Wally?

Parrot Doug hug. [squawks]

[both laugh]

- Welcome. Delicioso.

Magnifique. Muah! Muah!

I am Chef Gina today

and I present to you

my latest gourmet meal.

I call it cheese and crackers.

all: Ooh.

- Each cr*cker was delicately removed

from a box and topped with

an orange rectangle of delicious cheese.

Muah! Bon appétit.

- Dougie want a cr*cker. [squawks]

- Wally, this party could use a little music,

don'’t you think? - Hmm, music.

Well, today all the magic words

start with a "mm" sound and the letter M.

Does music start with the sound "mm"?

Yeah, it does.

So I can make some... music.


[light jazz music]

- [squawks] So how do you like being a cowboy?

- [babbling]

Yee haw!

- Fascinating.

- Shiver me timbers, Gina.

This is a good cr*cker.

- Yes, yes, it is magnifique.

- Whoa! Ugh.

- Uh, Ogre Doug, you okay?

- [squawks] Just trying to fly.

- Um...[whispers] you'’re not really a parrot.

- I know, but I really want to fly.

Like a real parrot. [deflated sigh]

Too bad this hat isn'’t magic.

Then, maybe, I could fly.

- Arr, did somebody say magic?

- Yes, me. It was me.

- Well, pirate Wally has an idea, Maties..

Magic starts with the letter M

and the sound "mm."

So magic is a magic word today.

You guys, I could make all our hats magic.

- Yeah! Do it, Wally, do it!

- Wallykazam, Wallykazagic,

all of these hats are gonna be...magic!

all: Wow.

- Parrot Doug flying! Hat is magic! [squawks]

- Ogre Doug'’s magic hat gave him the power to fly.

Like a real parrot because his hat is magic.

- Yee haw!



- Whoa.

Norville can lasso things like a real cowboy.

- Let'’s see what my magic chef hat can do.


[pots and pans clang]

Guys, I just made...

spaghetti alla Gina.

all: Ooh.

These magic hats are amazing!

They'’re extraordinary!

- Yeah, they are extraordinary.

Everybody has special powers.

Ooh, I wonder what my magic pirate hat can do.

- Bobgoblin is here. The party can begin.

- Glad you can make it, Bobgoblin. Grab a hat.

- They'’re all magic. [squawks]

- Whoa, magic hats?

I wonder what hat Bobgoblin should wear.

- Wear whatever hat you want.

- Whatever hat Bobgoblin wants?

Ooh, Bobgoblin wants this one.

- Hey... - Yarr.

- That'’s my pirate hat! Bobgoblin...

Yah! Arr!

Avast, me hearties,

I am Pirate Bob.

The most daring and swashbuckling pirate

in the world.

all: Uh-ph

- Bobgoblin, give back my hat!

- [grunts]

Ooh, pirates love parrots.

You'’re mine, parrot.

Sit on me shoulder.

- [squawks] Not your parrot. Not your parrot.

- Okay, fine.

Well, now, Pirate Bob will find treasure!


Treasure. Ooh, treasure.

Ooh, treasure.

- [gasps] That'’s my wagon!

- Ooh, squeaky treasure.

- [babbles]

- Ha! Froggy treasure.

Ha-ha! Spoony treasure too.



- Bobgoblin, give us back our things!

- Never! It'’s me treasure!

Now with a heave-ho, Pirate Bob is off

to take this treasure far, far away!


- Pirate Bob took all our things.

- [squawks sadly] All our things.

- Guys, this pirate is no match

for a chef and a cowboy and a parrot.

- [squawks] And a Wally.

- How are we gonna stop him, Wally?

- Well, maybe we just have to get

his magic pirate hat off his head.

- Oh, yeah.

Then he won'’t have his pirate powers anymore.

- And we'’ll get our stuff back.

Let'’s split up and find him and get his hat!

- Parrot Doug, let'’s go search that way

by the mountains! - [squawks] By the mountains.

- Cowboy Norville, we'’ll go that way.

Come on. - Yippie ki-yay!

[upbeat music]

- Ahoy, Froggy.

Ye will be my first mate.

That means you will help Pirate Bob

and laugh at his jokes.

Like this one:

What is a pirate'’s favorite letter?

Give up?


Get it? Arr!


- There he is! - [gasps]


First mate Froggy,

it'’s a cowboy and a Wally Trollman!

They be after our treasure!


Keep rowing, Froggy!

- Norville, if we can catch up to him,

you can lasso the stuff he took

and I can get his hat. - Yeah!

- We have to slow the wagon down.

Ooh, we can make something sticky

like... glue or mud.

Which word starts with the "mm" sound?

Glue or mud?

Yeah, mud!

We can slow Bobgoblin down

with sticky...


[upbeat music]

- [grunts]

[gasps] Mud! Ew!

We'’re stuck in mud!

Shiver me gross. Gross me timbers!


First mate Froggy, help me row!


First mate Froggy, your arms are so flappy!

Aah! - It worked.

Quick, Norville, lasso the wagon.

- Yee haw!

- [gasps] - Whoa.

That was amazing. It was extraordinary.

- Well, thank you. [grunts]

- [gasps] He lassoed our treasure!


- [grunting]

both: Hi.

- Ooh, nice hat. - [gasps] My hat!

- Yar!

- He'’s getting away!

Lasso it again, Norville.

- Whoa-oh-oh! Ooph.

- Norville, you can'’t use your lasso anymore?

- Nuh-uh. - Ooh,

that'’s because he took your magic hat.

Without the magic hat,

Norville doesn'’t have his cowboy powers.

- [defeated] Yee haw.

- Sorry, buddy.

Well, don'’t worry, I'’ll keep chasing Pirate Bob.

You go get the others, okay?

- Okay.

- First mate Froggy,

I'’m gonna tell ye a secret.

We'’re taking the treasure to a faraway island called...

Big Toe Island.

- [squawks] Big Toe Island.

[squawks] - [gasps] Aah!

The parrot heard me secret plan!

We'’d better get out of here.

Ahoy, Froggy, to Big Toe Island!

- [squawks] Big Toe Island.

Must tell Wally. both: Ooph.

[squawks] Pirate Bob. Big Toe Island.

- Oh, hi, Parrot Doug.

You saw Pirate Bob? Where'’s he going?

- [squawks] Big Toe Island.

Big Toe Island. - Big Toe Island?

That must be where he'’s going to take the treasure.

I wonder where it is.

I wish we had a map.

Ooh, a word.

Help me read it, okay?



What word is that?

Of course, map!

- [squawks] Map.

- Okay, we are here.

Where is Big Toe Island?

Oh, yeah, this island shaped like a big toe.

We need to go down the river to get to the island.

That means Pirate Bob must be at the river.

Come on, Parrot Doug. - [squawks]

Come on, Parrot Doug.

[adventurous music]

- On to the high seas!

Froggy, give us a heave-ho.


Good job, Matey. You got us started.

And now, off to Big Toe Island

with me treasure!

- Oh, no!

He turned the wagon into a boat.

How can we catch him now?

- Hi. - Hey, guys.

- Gina, Bobgoblin'’s getting away on the river.

We need a way to chase him.

- Hmm... Ooh!

Chef Gina has a delicious idea!

Wally, I can make you a boat...

out of food.

- Uh...a food boat?

- Food boat.

["Yummiest on the Sea" plays]

♪ Ahoy there, friends

♪ Welcome to my kitchen

♪ This new dish as a special mission ♪

♪ Got my best recipe for sailing ♪

♪ And the foods it will be entailing ♪

That'’s a giant word.

♪For the hull, start with watermelon ♪

♪ Pretzel mast, top it with a shell ♪

♪ Instead of ropes, rig it with spaghetti ♪

♪ Leave the cheese furled until we'’re ready ♪

- For the breeze to fill the cheese?

- Yes!

all: ♪ Though other ships are faster ♪

♪ And prettier they may be

♪ The one we make will take the cake ♪

♪ The yummiest on the sea

♪ Heave-ho!

♪ A-snacking we will go

♪ Heave-ho!

♪ A-snacking we will go

- Huzzah, she floats!

- ♪ Careful with the carrot ♪

- ♪ What'’s this for? ♪

- [squawks] It'’s called the bowsprit.

- ♪ We'’ll be glad for the preparation ♪

- ♪ When the waves start their undulation ♪

Another giant word. - [squawks]

all: ♪ Though other ships are faster ♪

♪ And prettier they may be

♪ The one we make will take the cake ♪

♪ The yummiest on the sea

♪ Heave-ho!

♪ A-snacking we will go

♪ Heave-ho!

♪ A-snacking we will go

- Hold on, this boat needs a name.

- I'’ve got it! The "Snackateer!"

all: The "Snackateer!"

- Hey, Gina, we need some wind.

- Aye-aye, Wally.


all: Though other ships are faster ♪

♪ And prettier they may be

♪ Let'’s raise a cheer to the "Snackateer" ♪

♪ The yummiest on the sea huzzah! ♪

- [squawks]

[upbeat music]

- This food boat is extraordinary.

- [squawks] Extraordinary.

[squawks] Amazing.

- Look, we'’re catching up to him.

- [gasps] Shiver me food stuffs.

A mighty food boat is coming this way.

Row faster, Froggy!


- Now what, Wally? Now what?

- When we catch up to him, we'’ll all fly down to his boat,

surround him, and take his hat.

- [squawks] Take his hat.

- [gasps] Oh, no!

They'’re gaining on us!

What do we do, Froggy?

Great idea,

but where will we find chickens?

- Now!

We'’ve got you surrounded, Pirate Bob

and now we get your hat. - [gasps] Froggy, stop them!

both: Whoa!

- [grunts]


- Oh, no! He'’s taking the food boat!

[both gasp] - Arr!

Ye scalawags thought you could Pirate Bob,

but you can'’t! No-ho-ho you can'’t!

Come on, First Mate Froggy.

Pirate Bob has the treasure

and this mighty pirate ship.


This ship is delicious!

- Bobgoblin, give back that food boat right now!

- Oh, yeah?

How ye gonna make me, Land Lover?

- Maybe...

I'’ll cook up a bagel and trap you in it.

- Maybe...I'’ll take your magic hat!

Arr! - Huh? My hat!

- Ahoy, Froggy, to Big Toe Island we go!

- [gasps, groans]

Pirate Bob got my magic hat.

- Yeah, and he has our ship.

- [squawks] And our stuff.

- Yeah, our stuff.

- [deflated sigh] I wish I was a pirate again.

Then I could stop him. - Yeah.

Too bad you don'’t have a pirate hat to match his.

- Wait a second.


Match starts with "mm," so it'’s a magic word.

- Ooh, and match means the same.

- So if I make a hat that matches Bobgoblin'’s,

will our hats look the same?

Yeah, they will!

And then I could be a pirate too!

Wallykazam, Wallykazatch,

Bobgoblin has a pirate hat,

but here'’s one to... match!


Ahoy, Mateys.

Pirate Wally is back. all: Huzzah!

- I'’ll use me pirate powers to get Pirate Bob'’s hat.

Then I can get all our stuff back.

Arr, Parrot Doug, give me a lift

to Big Toe Island.

- [squawks] Big Toe Island.

- Good-bye. - Good luck, guys.

- Meet ya back at Gina'’s with the hats and the treasure.

- [squawk echoes] And the treasure!

[seagulls crying]

- Ahoy, there be Big Toe Island.

Hurry, let'’s get there before Pirate Bob.

Then we'’ll surprise that that scalawag.

- [squawks] Surprise that scalawag.

[upbeat music]

- Land ho, Froggy!

We made it!

Avast, those land lovers will never get the treasure now.

- Arr, that'’s what ye think, Pirate Bob!

- Oh, hi, Pirate Wally Trollman.

[gasps] Pirate Wally Trollman?

- Ahoy, ye Matey.

You may be a sneaky pirate,

but I have a magic pirate hat to match.

And I'’ll never let ye keep our treasure!

- Oh, yeah?

And how do ye plan to stop me?

- I plan to take your hat.


- Ha! Ya missed me!

Pirate Bob will get your hat first!


- Arr!

- Yar, ye almost got me.


You'’re a pretty good pirate too, Wally Trollman.

- I know.

And I'’m gonna get your hat!

- No, you are not!

Ha-ha! - Yar!


Yah! - Huh?

- Ha-ha! - Yah!

[both grunting]

- [squawks] Go, Wally! Get his hat!

[both grunting]

both: Whoa!

- Yah! Tickle, tickle. - [laughs]

- [laughs] That tickles.

[both laugh, sighs]

- Tickle, tickle! - [laughs]

- Stop that! Yah!

Ye will never get me, scalawag!

- Oh, yeah? Tickle, tickle, tickle.

- [laughing] That tickles!

- [squawks] Now, Wally! Grab the hat!

- [laughs] - Hah!

- [gasps] You got my hat!

- Pirate Wally did get your hat!

And you are not a pirate anymore.


- Oh, well, you win, Wally Trollman.

What do you want to do now?

- Bobgoblin, I think you should bring

everybody'’s stuff back to Gina'’s party.

- Oh, okay.

I'’ll give ya a ride in the food boat.

[upbeat music]

This is yours. - [babbles]

- And here'’s your doll. Sorry for taking him.

Bye, First Mate Froggy.

Ye did a nice job. Thanks for the memories.

- [giggles]

- Can ye believe it?

We got Pirate Bob'’s hat

and we all got our treasure back.

- I have more crackers. Let'’s party!

- With our hats?

all: Eh, nah!

- I don'’t think so. - Nah.

- Yeah, let'’s just be ourselves.

No more pirates.

- gonna eat that cr*cker, Wally Trollman?

[all laugh]

Seriously, though.

- Hi, we'’re playing Rhyme or Slime.

I'’ll say a word and then

you say a word that rhymes with it.

Like map and tap.

- Or else you get slimed.

- No slime for this guy.

- Ready? Here we go.

Map. - Cap.

- Peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


Bobgoblin got slimed!

- Bobgoblin, you have to rhyme with map.

Like map and tap.

They both end in the same sound.

- Oh, right. I was thinking about my lunch.


- Okay, here we go.

Map. - Flap.

- Clap. - Rap.

- Lap. - Ooh, macaroni and cheese!

Oh, yeah, macaroni and cheese doesn'’t rhyme.


- Last one. Map.

- Sap. - Nap.

Wait, no nap! I haven'’t had my lunch.


Um, can I change my answer back to nap?

[both giggle]

[all laugh]

- ♪ Wally, Wally, Wally, Wally ♪

- ♪ A-Wally, Wally, Wally, Wally ♪

- ♪ Wally, Wally, Wally, Wa

all: ♪ Ba-bah - Wallykazam!

- ♪ Wally, Wally, Wally, Wally ♪

- ♪ A-Wally, Wally, Wally, Wally ♪

- ♪ Wally, Wally, Wally, Wa

- ♪ Wally, Wally, Wally, Wally, Wally ♪

- Wallykazam!

all: ♪ Doodle-oo, doo, doo - Wally!

all: ♪ Doodle-oo, doo, doo - Wally!

all: ♪ Doodle-oo, doo, doo - What?

all: ♪ Wally, Wally, Wally, Wallykazam! ♪