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04x02 - The Hat ; Grieving Process

Posted: 11/03/23 06:21
by bunniefuu



[ASTRID] What the f*ck?!

[g*n CLICKS]

Relax. It's not loaded.

Oh, so you're just trying

to give me a heart att*ck?

It's this damn deadline.

I I I stare at the

screen and yet nothing comes.

- You know

- Please don't say it.

Stephen Bachman never had

writer's block, not once.

He wrote two books a year, every year.

Sometimes three and

they were f*cking genius.

And look at me.

Can you explain it,

Astrid? How do you do it?

You're not Stephen Bachman, Jay.

- You're better.

- [CHUCKLES] Yeah.

Uh, enough about me.

How was your meeting?

Tell me they made you lead architect.

Might have a little of this first.

Maybe we should just drown our misery

in some meaningless sex and booze.

- What do you say?

- Uh, yeah.

Oh, you've got it bad, darlin'.

A writer's greatest fear that

one day it'll all just stop.

- You know what you need?

- No idea.


Something to inspire confidence.

Like what? What are you getting at?

Have you ever had a good luck charm?

Little rabbit's foot?

I'm not the superstitious type, Nicole.

Here, darling. Let

me show you something.

You see this civil w*r b*llet?

H. P. Lovecraft never

wrote a single word

without it in his pocket.

And here? Ray Bradbury's typewriter.

- He could only write on this one.

- Hm.

Ah, Richard Matheson's pipe.

His place stunk of cherry tobacco.

Without it he was lost.

Sometimes what you need

is a a good luck charm

to help you through the muddle and the-

[INTERCOM] Mrs. Swanson, Mr. Klein

needs you to sign the contracts.

Ah, excuse me for a moment, darling.

Deals to be made.

- Oh, good.






- Jay.


- What are you doing?

- I'm sorry. I just, uh, um

No, no, it's just very valuable.

Yeah, yeah.

It actually fits you, darling.

Can't say that about everyone.

I'm really sorry. I

No, no, darling, please.

It's, uh, Stevie's rabbit's foot.

It's what he used to get

himself through the dry spells.

Stephen Bachman had writer's block?

Of course he did.

Stevie was just as

human as the next guy.

He called it his "golden

ticket to success."

A fedora?

- Well, a homburg, actually.

- Oh.

- They were very popular in the '40s.

- Hm.

- I hear Churchill wore one.

- Hm.

Oh, Stevie. All those stories

that just poured out of you.

Those brilliant dark fantasies.

Every single word you

typed, this hat was there.

I'll never know why he just

walked away from it all.

Hm. Anyway.

Unfortunately, none of

this helps me, Nicole.

Do you really want to

be the next Bachman?

Are you willing to make the sacrifices?

Take the risks?


Whatcha got there?

Oh, um, Nicole's attempt

at cognitive therapy.

Let me see.

- Ah, a hat box.

- An astute observation.


A fedora. Nice.

A Homburg, actually.

- Homburg?

- Mm.

It belonged to, uh, Stephen Bachman.

And Nicole gave it to you?

It's on loan. She thinks

it will inspire me, so

Eh eh eh

It looks good on you.

Like, really good.


Hold that pose. And don't take it off.

Hold it!




- Oh.

- Come on! Come on! They go together.



But you're not gonna post that, right?

- Oh, too late.

- Ok.

- Ok.

- Mmhm.




What are you looking at?






Come on.

Come on!

Let's go.



Why won't you work?!

You worked for Bachman! Not me?

Come on! Come on! Work! Work!

Work, work, work!







Jay Stratton, you are a fuckin

- Genius!

- Ha!

Didn't I tell you you'd come through?

- Didn't I?

- That you did.

We are putting everything

behind this one.

Mark my words.

New York Times Bestseller.

Hollywood bidding w*r.

Tom Holland canoodling

with Zendaya at the premier.

This is a dream come

true. I, I can't tell you.

Isn't it, darling? Isn't it?

Oh. But

But what?

Well, the great Stephen

Bachman was all about panache.

That epic series that hooks

you and never lets you go.

That's what readers

really want these days.

One-offs are somewhat

a thing of the past.


You think you have it in you

or are you just like so many others?

Just a brief candle in the wind.



[NICOLE READING] "Stratton's

new chiller had me up at night

praying for the dawn",

The Chicago Tribune.


gloriously fitting finale.

Stratton's imagination is

vast, dark and terrifying",

The New York Times.

[JAY READING] "Stratton

writes like one possessed.

Gather around the pages

of his literary campfire

and he'll weave you a damn good yarn.

For not since Bachman have we

been this frightened out of our wits.

This full of existential dread.

God, he's a full on

genius." Houston Chronicle.

Did you hear that

hon? Not since Bachman!




Everything alright?



- [ASTRID] Jay, open up.




The ideas flowing. It was incredible.

You have no idea.


I really have to learn

how to type faster.

Three days.

You haven't come out for three days.

Sorry, I just, uh Wait, three days?

But the awards, they were last night.

No. That was three days ago.

You know, you're not the

only one with a deadline.

I, I haven't been able

to get anything done.

If it wasn't for that

constant noise you make typing

I would have called 911.

I'm starting to think you love

that stupid hat more than me.

Astrid, don't be ridiculous.

I'm sorry.

No, really. Um, I'll try to be better.

I've just been on a real

flow but that's no excuse.

It's ok, I understand.

Just don't scare me again.

I feel like I'm entering

one of your novels.


[SOBBING] I just

Jay, are you ok?

Had an idea hit me. So

beautiful and so brilliant.

I gotta go write.


Ah, yep.





Number one though.




What the hell?

Where's the hat? Where's the hat?



I don't need it. Jay,

you can write without it.


It was just Dumbo's feather.

It was all me after all.

It was, uh





- Jay?

- I'm famished.

I have to eat quickly.

More ideas, can't stop.

Aren't you going to take a break?

And risk losing all my ideas?


Hey, what's with the balloons?

Don't you know what day it is?

Oh my god, I forgot. It's your birthday.

I'm so sorry. Happy birthday, honey!

It's not my birthday,

Jay. It's your birthday.

That's not possible.

It's not even November.

Check a calendar, Jay.

It's your birthday.

Uh, well, happy birthday to me then.

What is this?

You're holed up for days on

end. You don't sleep anymore.

You can't think straight.

You don't talk to me

and to be honest, you

You smell.

That's right. You reek.

Would it k*ll you to take

a shower once in a while?

Can't shower, the hat would get wet.

- What did you say?

- I said I can't shower, it would get wet.

The hat would get wet.

How about just taking it off?

- I can't take it off.

- And why not?

Because I have to finish the book.

It stays on until I finish the book.

- Don't you get it?

- No! I don't!

I don't get anything that's

been going on in this house.

It's the big one, Astrid. An epic.

The one I'm gonna be

remembered for, like Bachman.

I can't take off my hat!

Take off the hat.

- I told you I can't.

- I said take off the hat!!!

- No!


- Give it to me!

- It belongs to Stephen Bachman!

I can't take it off!

You don't have to leave.

You need your space, I need mine.

Jay, you need to choose

between me and this obsession.

Ah, ah, ah




Don't go.


- Hello?

- [MAY] Mr. Stratton?

Who is this?

[MAY] This is May Johnson

calling on behalf of

Mr. Stephen Bachman.

Oh. The Stephen Bachman?

[MAY] The same.

Mr. Bachman was quite

taken with your last novel.

In fact, if it's not too much to ask,

he would very much

like to meet with you.

I'd like that.

[MAY] Excellent. Would

tomorrow work for you?

- We can send a car.

- Tomorrow's great.

Ok. Bye. Ok, hung up.


I'm ok, thanks.

Mr. Stratton, thank you for coming.

Mr. Bachman,

- I can't tell you

- [READING] The hat.

My property stolen.

Well, it's mine now.

Nicole gave it to me.


Bitch. Took my hat.

Can't exist without.

Longing. Empty. Life meaningless.

Return to owner, to me, what is mine.

I think I better go.

Without the hat,

you are nothing more

than a second-rate hack.

You are an amateur

unworthy of writing dime

store greeting cards.

You are not worthy of it.

Do you understand that?

I need the hat.

You cannot do this to me.

I need the hat! That is my hat! Stolen!

Give me my hat! My hat!





[VOICEMAIL] Jay's not here. Please

leave me a message after the tone.

These are some of your

best pages yet, darling!

Keep 'em coming.


[VOICEMAIL] Jay's not here. Please

leave me a message after the tone.

They're incredible, darling!

I can hardly keep up with you.

We're going to split

it into three books.

And I hope you don't mind,

but I slipped a few thousand

pages to Stephen Spielberg.

[NICOLE] And he's making an offer!

Just keep 'em coming.



[VOICEMAIL] Jay's not here. Please

leave me a message after the tone.

[ASTRID] Hey, just checking

in to see how you're doing.

I got good news, I landed

the Oppenheimer account.

They're using my design

for that skyscraper.

- I'm so excited.


[VOICEMAIL] Jay's not here. Please

leave me a message after the tone.

Well, well, well.

Darling, we're gonna have

to split it into seven books.

[NICOLE] You're almost there!



[VOICEMAIL] Jay's not here. Please

leave me a message after the tone.

[ASTRID] Look, I've been

away from you for too long.

I can't take it anymore.

I know the creative

process can sometimes

feel like it's k*lling you,

but you'll get through it.

Finish that book and

come to my place. Please.

I love you.














Get the f*ck off me! f*ck you!



[g*n FIRES]



That's right, you

just make sure he knows

he owes me for this one.

I gotta go, darling.

Why Jay, what happened?

You know exactly what

happened! You knew all along.

Darling, darling, please.

Let's not get carried away.

Don't f*cking "darling" me, ok?

I asked you if you were

willing to make sacrifices.

To take the risks, remember?

I gave you a choice.

I thought you were talking

creative risks not

a f*cking monster eating my brains!

Well, let's not act hastily

We're done, Nicole.

But what about the manuscript?

The deal with Spielberg?

You can't just walk away. You can't.

Watch me.

You wanted to be one of the greats.

You wanted to be another Bachman.

But there's a price

to pay. A price, Jay!

You're right. I almost forgot.

Everyone has a price to pay.




[ASTRID] Hey, hon.

I'll be right with you.

Wow. Astrid, these

designs are incredible.

Astrid, I'm so sorry.

I was such an ass hole.


Hello, honey. I've never

been more productive.

The ideas they just keep coming.

I can't stop.

They just keep coming.

No. No!







Oh, sh*t. You caught me.

No, no. This is too sweet.

Your table, madam. Breakfast for one.

You spoil me.

Well, that's my job. Plus,

I love to watch you eat.

Oh, is that some weird

kink I should know about?

Oh, it's just one of

life's simple pleasures.


Mm. It's amazing.

That's just the warm up.

Tonight's the real celebration.

We have 8:00 reservations

at Chez Jacques.

Well, what do I need Chez Jacques for

when I have a Michelin

star chef of my own?

Let's stay in, hm?

A glass a vino by the

fire and who knows?

- You might even get lucky.

- Hm. Just you

- Hm.

- Me

- Mmhm.

- And Jeanie?

- Oh!

- Sounds kinky.

Watch it. She's my baby sister!

Uh he wishes.

Good morning.

W-w-wow! I have never

seen you up this early.

Eggs Benedict?

No thanks, I'm just

gonna go back to bed.

But, I wanted to wish the

boss lady a great first day.

Thanks, kid.

Alright, later.

Oh, and knock them on their ass.

Your baby sister.

You know, speaking of

babies, I've been thinking

Don't you think we should try again?

Your first day of your new promotion

and you're already angling

for maternity leave?


I'll tell you what.

Why don't we talk about it tonight-

- Mm.

- over a bottle of Bordeaux, hm?


Congratulations, boss lady.



Where the hell are you?


Oh! Sweetheart, thank god.

[KIERNAN] Mr. Nance?

Who is this?

Detective Kiernan, special victims unit.

I'm calling from your wife's phone.

We have a situation.

Excuse me. Excuse me, sorry.

Excuse me.

Oh, Jesus. That's my wife!

It's ok, officer.

I'll take it from here.

- Mr. Nance? I'm Detective Kiernan.

- What happened?

Your wife was att*cked going to her car.

- Is she..

- Take a breath.

She's a fighter, Mr.

Nance. She survived.

- Well, did you catch the bastard?

- No. A janitor scared him off,

saw his shadow darting across the wall.

The hospital will run some tests.

And when she's ready to talk

we'll see how much she remembers.

Thank you. Can I can I ride with her?

Of course.

I'll have someone follow in your car.








Welcome home!

Mm! Oh my god, you're

freezing. Let's get you inside.

Hey, babe

Alright, open up. One bite.

Come on, Richard made it just for you.

Oh, good job.


- I'm so sorry.

- Don't touch me!

[RICHARD] She's only trying to help.



You need to top off?


She just needs time.

Yeah. It's all I've heard.

Thanks, Jean.

I wouldn't have gotten

through these past few days

if it wasn't for you.

Well we're family,

that's what family does.

Not my family.

My family runs at the

first sign of trouble.

You thinking about running?

No. I just want my old wife back.

I don't know if April ever told

you about what happened to me

back in Georgetown, but

I was att*cked on my way home

from class and it broke me.

It truly broke me.

I was shitty to a lot

of people back then,

but April never gave up on me.

And believe me, Richard, I

gave her ample opportunity.

Something like this,

it it changes you.

It changes your DNA.

You know, I changed

and I'm stronger now.

So April will come back.

Stronger than before.

[JEAN] Jesus, it's

like a morgue in here.

Yeah, she likes it dark.

You know it isn't

healthy. She hasn't eaten.

We need to get her up on her feet.

She's refusing to walk.

g*dd*mn hospital. They

sent her home too early.

She needs a doctor's care.


You have no f*cking idea what I need.

Yeah, that's right,

bitch. Earn your keep.

"Oh, Richard. I was att*cked

and it broke me. It truly broke me."

It made you a f*cking

freeloader is what it did!

- April, please.

- Charity ends now!

Jean's not charity. She's family.

I want you gone.


She doesn't know what she's saying.

She's starving out of her mind.

Really? It sounds pretty on point to me.

Where will you go?

I I still have one or two friends.

I'm so sorry, Richard.






Yeah. Uh-huh.

Um, I'm just on the

corner of Ridge and Maple.

Alright, thanks.


Mr. Nance?

Ah, you must be Dr. Spence. Come on in.


How are you holding up?

Oh, you know

Just taking it a day at a time.

It's all we can do.

And your wife?

Oh, my wife is gone.

Excuse me?

The women who I fell in

love with is no longer here.

I see.

I'd like to check in on her, alone,

if you wouldn't mind.

I'll go get some air.

Oh, straight up those stairs.

Last door on the right.




Mrs. Nance? My name is Dr. Spence.

I came to see if there's

anything you need.

Mrs. Nance?



Dr. Spence?



Oh, Jesus.



Oh, my god.


Ok. Hey, come on. Come on.

It's ok. It's ok. It's ok, sweetie.



It's ok. It's ok. I'll call for help.

I'll call 911.






There's not much there, sweetie.

She's drained. Fini.


You go wait over there.

I'll see what I can do

with these leftovers.




No, no, Detective. No one's been by.


Been at the house 24/7.

Oh, April's doing very well. Thank you.

Her appetite's come back.

She is healthier than ever.

In fact, she's got me

running all over town,

shopping for ingredients.


[RICHARD] It's a very specialized diet.


[RICHARD] Acquiring the correct

elements has been a bit of a challenge,

but I don't mind putting in the work.


[RICHARD] I'm a Michelin

star chef, after all.

I was so worried I wouldn't

be able to get through to her

but we've reconnected and

we're doing better than ever.





Yeah. Who's hungry? Look at that.


Next week's our anniversary.

In sickness and in health.

I've got something special planned.

If if I can pull it

off. It's a real delicacy.

And then, after dinner,

we can get back to work on that family

that we've always dreamed of.



It's ok, it's ok. I

better see who it is.

Who knows?

Possibly dessert.


You gonna let me in or what?

This isn't a good time. You

should have called first.

I did call and text

like 100 g*dd*mn times.

Oh, my god.

Where is that smell coming from?

The basement. My freezer crapped out.

All my meats went to sh*t.

It's kind of a sin.

How's April?

She's coming along.

Has she been eating?

Christ. More than ever.

Well, I was hoping that

she'd want to see me.

I've been having

nightmares that she d*ed.

What the f*ck is going on, Richard?!

April sleeps in the basement now.

She likes it down there.

It's quieter less light.

Oh my god! Alright, move Richard.

Get out of my way or I swear


April? It's Jean.

- I'm so sorry.

- What's that supposed to mean?




Guess who stopped by to see you.


April? oh god, April. Let me help you.

If you really want to help

you'll be a good

sister and let her feed.







- Ow! Help, please! Help me!

Woah, woah, woah. Are you ok?


Is there someone I can call?

A friend or a family member?

I don't have a family.


Well, lucky for you, I'm a doctor.

I'll take you back to my office

and we'll fix you up, lickety-split.

Do you like ice cream?

We've got a whole freezer full.

Every flavor you can imagine.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


[RICHARD] You'll have to

check in with the nurse first.

She's right downstairs.

Go on. I'll go get my medical bag.

And the ice cream?

And the ice cream.

Happy anniversary, sweetheart.


Detective [STUTTERING] This

this isn't a good time.

I was in the neighborhood.

Thought I'd drop by and see

how the wife's coming along.


You left your car door open.

I found this in the back seat.

That Dr. Spence, we

found her car abandoned

on the other side of town.

That's where you left it, isn't it?

You want to tell me

what's going on, Mr. Nance?

- [DAISY] Let me out! Let me out!

- Get away from the door!

- [DAISY] Please! Help!

- Detective

- [DAISY] Help!

- You've got the wrong idea.

- Now!

- [DAISY] Help me! Help! Let me out!

Where the hell is she?

[KIERNAN] Hello? Hello?

Let's see what you got cooking

down in the basement, Mr. Nance.

You lead.


[KIERNAN] Oh! Jesus.

What have you been up to?

Just looking after the missus.

[KIERNAN] What is all this?

What is all this?!

Special ingredients, picked fresh.

My wife subscribes to a very

particular diet these days.

Meats, mostly, with a few additives.

Where the hell is the child?!

I I I I believe

that would be her over there.

It's ok. Don't be scared.

I'm a police officer.




Oh, my god.

I lost her that night. I was so sad.


Oh, oh my god, honey. Are you ok?



But you brought me back home.

And now, we can be a family.

Always and forever.





[DAISY] Hungry.

[APRIL] Hungry.

[APRIL] Hungry.