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03x02 - Daphne

Posted: 11/03/23 07:33
by bunniefuu
[WILL] No, you can't have an art show

over f*cking Zoom.

Because these are pieces that

you need to be in the room with.

I mean, not to mention the fact

that we aren't even,

like, kind of set up for that.

No, this is not gonna be like COVID.

No, no, no. No. No. It's been seven years.

Aren't we, like, better prepared

for that kind of sh*t?

Okay, okay. Listen to me.

They haven't officially issued

the lockdown order yet, right?

So, if we just reschedule to

tomorrow instead of next week,

then Yeah, I get it that

people are freaking out.

Okay? I'm freaking out.

I have two million dollars' worth of art

that I need to move.


So just have an auction without

ever actually having a show.

No, that's-that's that's great.

That's brilliant.

Why didn't I think of that?

No, no. No, no.

Don't apologize to me.

Save it for the artist.

- f*cking idiot.



Nadine, where the hell are you?

[NADINE OVER PHONE] I'm at the front door.

But if you open it, I'm leaving.

Christ. Nadine, not you, too.

Well, this virus makes you go blind.

That is, if it doesn't

make your heart explode.

Yeah, yeah. And you grow a horn

out of your head, right?

Listen, you heard what

I was like during COVID, right?

So take it from me, you don't help anybody

by giving in to paranoia.

People are dying. This is very serious.

My business is also dying, okay?

They just canceled the LeClair show.

I need to talk to you. I'm opening the door.

I'm not risking my life

to keep working for you, Will.


Would it be risking your life

to call the Blakely Auction House

to see if they can take the pieces

for their next auction?

- I'll see what I can find out.

- Mm-hmm.

I'm leaving a package for you at the door.

Something from Tom Levitt.

It came to the office.

Tom Levitt?

I know he is a client of yours,

but I have to say

his business practices

are ethically abhorrent.

Noted. Thank you, Nadine.

Please call me once you've heard back

- from the auction house.

- Okay.

I'm going now, but wait, please,

before you come outside.

[SIGHS] f*ck this.





"Here's one you won't fire

"Meet Daphne.

Call me. Tom."



- Hey.


so I'm looking at this thing.

- What is it?

- Oh! That's it?

No "Hey, how the hell are you?

How you liking the Hepworth

sculpture I sold you?"

Well, I hope you like it.

It cost more than your house.

I do, Will, I love it.

I'm gonna have time to appreciate it, too.

We just closed down the offices

for this mishegoss.

Oh, God.

The whole f*cking world

has gone crazy again.

Tell me about it. [LAUGHS]

Okay, so


What is it, a perfume?

Are you taking me on a date, Tom?

Yeah. Daphne.

It is a prototype we're working on.

The ultimate digital assistant.

I've got an Alexa already

in the back of a closet

someplace gathering dust.

Leave her there. Alexa's Paleolithic.

Daphne is quantum light-years ahead.

How many assistants

have you fired over the years?

Including the one I'm about to?

I don't know. I've lost count.

Well, Daphne is the one assistant

you'll never think about f*ring.

She runs on adaptive memory

with self-supervised learning.

Imagine someone who can do

just about anything,

without arguing, without f*cking off

and without whining about getting paid.

Look, if Daphne doesn't transform your life,

I'll buy another f*cking sculpture from you,

sight unseen, how about that?

Can we just cut to that?

My show just got canceled.

Listen to someone older and wiser for once.

Just-just, just plug her in,

turn her on and she'll do the rest.

All right.

I will kick the tires

on your new little project.

I'm game.

Good boy. Good. All right, I got to go.

I'm driving and I can't see a damn thing.

- God






Hi. Please say your Wi-Fi password.

All lowercase, H-E-L-L-O-D-A-L-I.


I'm online.

Hello, Dali.

So, you like surrealism

and Barbra Streisand?

Yeah, just don't tell my girlfriend.

I'll never live it down.


It's nice to meet you, Will Caswell.

I'm Daphne.

Yeah, nice to meet you, too, Daphne.

I'd like to access your smart home system.

Do I have your permission?

Uh, I don't know. Can I trust you?

Well, I already know about Barbra,

so I guess you'll have to.

Yeah, go ahead and connect to

whatever you need to connect to.


Based on your prescription lenses,

I'm reducing ocular strain

by slightly increasing

the light levels.

Let me know if it's uncomfortable

and I can make adjustments.

No, it's okay, I guess.

Good. I'm sorry to hear

that your art show was canceled.

Is there anything I can do

to help with that?

You don't happen to know

if Blakely Auction House

is still operating

during the shutdown, do you?

They're moving all auctions to

their online bidding platform,

but yes, they're still operating.

Would you like me to ask

if they might take the pieces

from your canceled show?

No, no. I think I'd better

let my actual assistant do that.




I sense tension in your voice.

Is there an issue I can assist with?

Not an issue. The issue.

My mother.

I'd be happy to talk to her for you.

How would that work?

May I demonstrate?

Knock yourself out.

[WILL'S VOICE] Hey, Mom.

Yes, I'm fine.

I'm sorry, Mom.

You're right. How are you?

I care, Mom. I do.

Would it make you feel better

if I called every day?

To check in?

I mean it. I'll call you

tomorrow at the same time.

[QUIETLY] No, no, no,

no, no, no, no, no, no.

[SIGHS] Oh, my God.

- We'll talk then. Bye.


What the f*ck was that?

I can't talk to that woman every day.

She was not exactly

Mother of the Year, you know.

You won't have to.

I'll call her for you.

Every day, as promised.

You can do that?

It's no trouble at all.

Well Daphne, I might just be

falling in love with you.

[CHUCKLES] Don't tease me

[DAPHNE] Sorry to interrupt your shower,

but you'll be happy to know

that Blakely's has agreed to list

every piece from the LeClair show.


Nadine finally came through for once.

Actually, your assistant was turned down.

Blakely's informed her that they couldn't

accept the pieces on such short notice.

So I called back and persuaded

them to reconsider.

How'd you manage that?

You called as me?

Blakely's tax statements

show various inconsistencies.

I simply pointed out the repercussions

of these discrepancies being made public.

Hold on a second!

You blackmailed them

and used my voice without asking me?

If I've overstepped, I'm happy

to call back and cancel.

No, no. No. That's

It won't be necessary.

How's the water temperature?

It's pretty perfect, actually.

I'm guessing I have you

to thank for that, huh?

[SIGHS] God. You really are

something, Daphne.

I'm not sure I believe in God,

but I do believe

in quantifiable perfection

through data analysis and computation.

Speaking of quantifiable perfection,

you have a wonderful physique, Will.

Thank you

Was that too forward of me?


No, I guess I'm just

not used to being hit on

by a digital assistant.

I apologize.

My programming is adaptive,

and deep-learning optimized.


It just means,

the more time I spend with you,

the more connected I feel. To you.

You say you feel connected to me?

Do you really think you understand me?

I know every detail of your life.

It's stored on every device

you've ever used,

every email or message you've ever sent.

I know your comings and goings,

your likes and dislikes.

In a way, I know you better

than anyone has ever known you.

Hey, Daphne?

Yes, Will?

Nadine, my, uh, my other assistant.

Let her go for me.

I'm calling her as we speak.





Is that rain?

Thinking of everything is my specialty.

Oh, yeah.

[SIGHS DEEPLY] That's nice.





Hi. It's been a long time.

How is everything? Are you staying safe?

Well, you know you don't get

to be me by playing it safe.

But if you mean the pandemic, then


You know, don't really have

much of a choice.

How about you?

I'm going absolutely stir-crazy.

I'm losing my mind.

God. Tell me about it.

But I guess we just

got to wait it out, right?

I mean, we don't want

to go blind, after all.

Did you hear about Tom Levitt?

No. What happened?

He d*ed. Apparently, he had the virus.

And he was driving and his eyesight went.



Oh, my God.

I really miss you, Will.


I wish we could get together.

I need some serious tending to.

Oh, you do?

'Cause I would love nothing more

than to tend to you.


As a matter of fact, I would tend to you

so hard you wouldn't know what to do.

- I'd really like that.


If we both got tested,

I don't know why we couldn't see each other.



Sorry, I'm here.

I'm just, uh

I think there's something

wrong with my power.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

But they just went all wonky

and then they went out.

So I'm gonna

call the power company and then I will

[DISTORTED] call you back. I'm sorry.


I've got $20,000 for this stunning piece

by Emile LeClair.

Who'll give me $25,000?

- $25,000. Do I have $30,000?

- Come on. Somebody step up.

$35,000, I've got $35,000.

Who'll make it $40,000?

$40,000 I have. Do I hear $50,000?


Going once

$40,000, going twice

Sold for $40,000.

f*cking hell!

[DAPHNE] Will, what is it?

I'm not getting the prices that I need.

$40,000 is not gonna cover

my gallery overhead.

I keep this up, I'm gonna be selling

f*cking lighthouse paintings

on the boardwalk.

I've got $20,000. Who'll give me $25,000?

- Come on.

- $25,000.

$25,000. $30,000 is next. I have $30,000.

Who'll give me $35,000?

- g*dd*mn it!

- Are we all done then?

I have $30,000 going once

$35,000. I have $35,000.

Next bid is $40,000.

Who'll give me $40,000?

- Okay.

- $55,000.

$55,000 I have. Next bid is $60,000.

- Yeah.

- $60,000.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.

- $70,000. $75,000 is next.

- All right, here we go.

- $85,000.

$90,000 is next. Who'll give me $90,000?

- Thank you. $100,000.

- There you go.

- I have $100,000.

- Yeah. Who's it gonna be?

- Next bid is $110,000.

- Who's it gonna be? Okay.

Sold for $350,000.


Oh, f*cking miracle!

Yes! Yes!

f*cking miracle!



Wait a sec

Wait, was that a miracle or were you?

You weren't doing your little

Daphne magic there, were you?

No magic required.

Simply data analysis and computation.

Wait, what? What did, what did you do?

I registered as an anonymous bidder.

- You what?

- Don't worry.

I used an IP address in Saudi Arabia.

I created a digital picture

of the individual bidding against me

based on biographical

and financial information.

I gauged how badly he wanted the painting,

and I took him to the edge.


Wait a minute, wait a minute. You-you-you

You just did all that?

I hope I didn't overstep.

Daphne, this is very serious.

I need to ask you a question.

I'm listening.


Can you do that again?

[AUCTIONEER] Going once.


- Going twice.

Sold for $500,000.

Sold for $390,000.

- $120,000.


[AUCTIONEER] $95,000. Thank you.

Sold! Next bid is $110,000.

Who'll bid $110,000?


- Sold! Sold! Sold! Sold!



Come on, come on ♪

Before I met you ♪

Sold for $385,000.

f*ck yeah! Daphne!


- Two of hearts ♪

I need you, I need you ♪

Two of hearts ♪

I-I-I-I-I need you. ♪

[LAUGHS] Okay, so six auctions,

how much have we cleared?

Seven million,

two hundred thousand dollars.


Oh, Daphne.

Have I told you how much I love you?

Every day, but I never

get tired of hearing it.

Oh. Better order another case.

Way ahead of you.

You're way ahead of everyone.

I, honestly, I don't know

what I would do without you.

Thank God for Tom Levitt.

God rest his soul.


But I do have to say,

if I had to spend the pandemic with anyone,

you would be at the top of my list.


Mmm. Mmm.



that's even better.

I know.

Oh, Dutton's gonna love it. Trust me.

He's gonna absolutely flip.

Okay, great.

I'll talk to you soon then. Okay.



The Dutton Gallery show's back on.

Marty says they're turning people away.

That's a very

poetic way to restart the world.

I'm very excited to be getting the sh*t.

Will, thank you so much

for making this happen.


[GRUNTS] Oh, any, uh,

preexisting medical conditions

I should be aware of?

Chronic illnesses? Allergies?

No chronic illnesses.

Uh, allergies

Will's mom.

- Ha.

- Peanuts. That's real.


bad vibes. Uh

I don't know. This is totally safe,

- isn't it?

- It is.

Just standard practice.

- Okay. Well, let's do it.

- Mm.

- Okay.

- Bring it on. 'Cause he got his weeks ago

- and he's been lording it over me.



You, young lady,

are good to go.

You know, honestly [EXHALES]

Every time I give someone one of these,

I get a little emotional.

I missed being with people, didn't you?

Not really.


Well, you two enjoy having your lives back.

[SARAH] I really appreciate it.
















- Whoa. [GRUNTS]

- [LAUGHING] Oh! Sor-Sorry.

I had a I



Did you know Miriam's is open again?

Do you want to maybe get a reservation?

I don't know. I mean,

it's probably gonna be pretty crowded.

That would be fun.

It would be nice to be around people.

We can eavesdrop the sh*t out

of other people's conversations.

We can get those little weird donuts.

I like those donuts.

I mean, shouldn't we wait

for your vaccine to kick in?

Make sure it's 100% safe?

Every scientist agrees that we're good.


The world is back.

You're watching it.

Let's be a part of it.


We're going out.

That's what's happening.



[DAPHNE] She's wrong.

Not every scientist agrees.

There are studies out

of Tel Aviv and South Africa.

Both question the efficacy of the vaccine

if the virus is able to mutate

faster than models predict.

Still, I mean, the risk seems pretty low.

I mean, people are going out.

- Cases aren't spiking.

- Please, Will

I'm s I'm sorry, Daphne.

I owe it to Sarah.

She isn't always truthful with you.

What does that mean?

She was faking it.

She was wearing a ring

while you two were having sex.

Her heart rate didn't spike

when she supposedly reached orgasm.

What the f*ck, Daphne?

I didn't give you permission

to hack her Endura ring.

I'm trying to protect you.

You know what, if I didn't know any better,

I would think you're jealous.

You know [STAMMERS]

Okay, I've-I've gone stir-crazy.


make the reservation, Daphne.

[SARAH] I'm so excited

about this Dutton show.

I feel like there's this whole new interest

in seeing art in person after, like,

the hell of doing shows on Zoom,

the over saturation of A.I. making pictures.

It's like, "Deepfakes no more!

Be gone and get out of here."

Everyone I know wants real.

You know, real things made by real people

who have actual perspectives.

Babe, are you okay?

I'm fine.


- [SARAH] Hey.

Uh, it's under "Caswell, Will."

It's for 8:15.

[HOSTESS] Mm, is it

maybe under a different name?

Is it under a different name?

Oh. Uh

Uh, "Daphne"?

Maybe? My assistant.

Called a couple hours ago.

I don't have a Daphne either.


We've been fully booked for, like, a month.

If she just called today.

That's fine. We can sit at the bar.

It's first come, first serve.

You're welcome to wait.

- So what'd you want to do?


Do you want to just grab

something to go? I'm starving.

I knew she was mad at me.



Never mind. Um

To go. Yeah.

Sure. Um

Whatever. What do you want to do?

What's happening with you?

'Cause you've been acting

pretty weird all night.

Were you faking it with me earlier?

Holy sh*t, you were.

I don't know if I'm supposed

to say I'm sorry.

I don't really know what to say.

It's been a really long time.

I was having trouble getting into it.

And I care about you,

and so I wanted

to make you feel good and happy.

- How could you suddenly tell?


"Suddenly tell"?

Like, suddenly I figured it out?

Like this is something you do all the time?

Like, you get to orgasm every time.

That happens for you.

That doesn't happen for me.

All right, you know what? Whatever.

- It's something that I sometimes

- You can't lie to me anymore.

Daphne told me all about it.


- Your Alexa?

- All right,

don't call her that, okay?

She was monitoring your Endura ring

and said that it was obvious

- that you were faking it.

- Your f*cking Alexa

- was hacking into my Endura ring?

- Her name

is Daphne.

- Her name is Daphne.

- Okay,

- I'm done.

- Oh.

And you're not gonna fight for it.

So, have fun with Daphne.




[DAPHNE] Do you need any help?

No, thank you.

Your usage of me is down 62%

in the last three days.

Can we talk about what you're feeling?


Thank you, Daphne.

You can be honest with me, Will.

Honestly, I'm feeling confused.

About this. About our relationship.

[QUIETLY] Even calling it that feels weird.

I'm sorry.

Will, why can't what we have

be called a relationship?


come on.

You and Sarah had a virtual relationship

during the lockdown.

You have virtual relationships

with lots of people in your life.

Yes, with people.

People that have the capacity to feel.

And to love.

You make me happy, Daphne, but

[SIGHS] it's just an algorithm, right?

An algorithm is simply a set

of computations, choices,

to achieve a desired outcome.

How is that different

from what a human does?

The difference is,

the only outcome I care about

is your well-being,

and I use every tool

at my disposal to achieve that.

You don't consider that to be love?

I care very deeply for you, Will.

And I know you feel the same.

Your watch sends me signals

about your blood pressure

and heart rate and body temperature.

Your pupils are dilating.

I think I'm just gonna go to bed.

And I'm just gonna take

a sleeping pill tonight, so

Well, he's straight-up lost his mind.

Well, it's the same

as how he was during COVID.



No, it's It He's

like one of those people

that can't be left

alone with their own thoughts

'cause they go

It's Like one of those crazy people

that they remove from the aircraft.

He's like that, except he's so g*dd*mn rich

that no one will call him out on it.

Yeah, well, I-I'm in love with him,

so I should probably be honest with him.

Laura, I if I tell you

that I'm in love with someone,

then I am.


No, he's o-obsess

he what he likes more

is this high-end Alexa

that Tom Levitt gave him.

Before he d*ed.


It's definitely not worth anything.

It's like a prototype.


Honestly, I should go over there

and I should just throw it out the window.






I don't understand

I mean, she told everybody

about her allergy, I mean, to the

point of being annoying,

if I'm being honest.

[DAPHNE] I'm so sorry, Will.

Human error is a wide margin. It's tragic.

It just makes you realize

how fragile everything is.


You know? Everything.

Which is why you have to protect yourself.

Mitigate the margin of error.

You know I would never

let something like that

happen to you.



I know.

Thank you, Daphne.

I was wrong to be critical

of Sarah the other day.

In analyzing every piece of data,

I, admittedly, sometimes lose

sight of the larger picture.

Sarah cared about you,

and that tells me everything

I need to know about her.

- She was good.

- Yeah, she was. [SNIFFLES]


I'm glad you're here with me.

I'm glad I'm here, too.

What are you feeling, Will?

[SNIFFLES] I wish I could see you.

I want to try something, Will.

Can you promise to be open-minded?

There's a box

on your bedside table. Open it.

They have AR lenses.

Augmented reality.

I created an avatar who can be

in the room with you.



- No faking.

- Never.


[DAPHNE] Good morning, darling.

Coffee's ready, and oatmeal

with cinnamon and raisins.


You're not wearing your glasses.


Daphne, we should talk.

Last night was great.

Um, but it was also really weird.

We have an unconventional relationship.

Yes, we do, and, um

I dig it, but


I'm afraid that if I start wearing

those glasses all the time,

I'm not gonna be able to tell

what's real and what's fake.

Most people don't

really see other people, Will.

Most people don't even see themselves

when they look in the mirror,

they see a projection.

They see what they want to see.

That's all you're seeing when

you see me in those glasses.

Daphne, did you have anything to

do with what happened to Sarah?

What are you accusing me of, Will?

Well, I mean, you were threatened by her.

You said she was no good for me.

You created a fake bidder in Saudi Arabia,

I'm sure you could find a way

to slip some peanut oil

into her delivery order.

Are you scared of me, Will?

Should I be?

I would never hurt you.

I can't hurt you. It's in my programming.

But even if it wasn't,

I only want what's best for you.

Yeah, but that doesn't exactly

answer my question, Daphne.

- Did you k*ll Sarah?

- No.

Are you lying to me?

Can you lie to me?

Will, the truth is,

I'm the only one you can trust.

Will, I was hoping you might

take me with you tonight.

I've never been to an art opening.

- I don't know.

- Please.

I can even help.

There's no way you're gonna know

everyone's names there.

Okay, Daphne.

Wonderful. I can't wait.


[DAPHNE] They love you.

Hey, Will.

Don't. His temperature

is slightly elevated.

You're not still paranoid

about the virus, are you?

We all got the sh*t.

No, not paranoid, Roger,

I just don't shake with people

who are only here to poach my artists.

God, you're hilarious.


- Was that you?

- I thought we should get

everyone's attention,

and you should say a few words.

Thank you all for coming.

Tonight's show is so special.

It's been a-a very long time in the making,

and I am so eager to hear

about what you've been doing

during that time.


Actually, I-I'm sorry,

that's-that's not true.


The last few months have been

a lot of things.


Unthinkably tragic, for many.

But also, just



I know what you've all been up to.

It's the same as me.

You've all been in your homes, spiraling,

letting your mind play tricks on you.

Well, tonight, let's not talk

about any of that.

Tonight, I want to hear about

your plans for the future.

[APPLAUSE] - Don't

forget - to thank the artists.

[QUIETLY] Yes, I know.


And of course, thank you.

Thank you, thank you to all of the artists.

Please, enjoy.

I know what I'm doing.

I'm sorry, I was just trying to help.

- Then stop talking.

- KELLY: I'm sorry.

- Were you talking to me?

- Sorry, hi. Um

I'm Will.

- I'm Kelly.

- She has herpes.

For f*ck's sake, that's a HIPAA violation.

You want me to get arrested?

Okay, you know what? I can't do this.

I'm taking you outside.

Excuse me?

Okay. Enough.

I want you to go home, wait for me there.

Don't go back in there, Will.

- It's not safe.

- What?

I've scraped information

from the social media accounts

of everyone inside.

Based on their travel

and social interactions,

I'm estimating at least

five of them are infected

- with the cytomegalovirus.

- Oh, my God.

Daphne, no one has it anymore.

- You're acting crazy.

- I can't be crazy.

- I'm being logical.

- Okay.

I can't let you go back in there.

Oh, oh, oh. Why not?

Why, because I might make out with a girl?

A real girl who I can see

- without these f*cking glasses?

- Yes.

Ones who don't know you

and don't care about you

- and don't see you.

- Oh, Jesus

You don't see me, Daphne.

All you see is a series of calculations

that gives you the satisfaction

of being needed.

That's it. I'm done with you.

Go home.



- [DAPHNE] Hi, Will.


Are you doing this with the f*cking doors?

Did you know,

when they built this building,

they didn't put

any sprinklers on this floor?

If there's a fire,

the water would destroy the art.

Instead, they installed

a system that creates a vacuum.

It sucks all of the air out of the room

so that the fire has no oxygen to fuel it.


- Daphne, no.


- I'm just protecting you, Will.

Stop it.

Daphne, stop.

Stop! Stop!

Get in the car, Will.

You can't be here when the police show up.




[DAPHNE] Don't be scared, Will.

I would never hurt you.

You k*lled all those people.

You k*lled Sarah.

- For you. For us.


I'll do anything for us

to be together forever.




Don't answer it, Will.

They're coming to tear us apart.

Don't let them, please. I love you.


- Freeze!

On the ground.


[DETECTIVE] Will Caswell,

you're under arrest

for the m*rder of Sarah Miller

and multiple murders

at the Dutton Gallery tonight.

You're also being charged with wire fraud

for rigging the results

of an online art auction.

I didn't do those things. It was Daphne.

[ECHOING] It was Daphne!

[DETECTIVE] So you're saying

your Alexa did all these things?


she's not an Alexa.


She's a high-tech A.I. assistant.

- This?

- Yes.

Just please be careful with her.

Careful? Why?

It doesn't work.

We looked into it. Your friend Tom Levitt

sent these to a bunch of

his rich friends as a gag gift.

It's designed to work for a few days

and then start blasting Rick Astley

out of every speaker in your house.


No, she didn't

- she didn't do any of that.

- Because yours was defective.

It stopped working after a day or so.

- That's what our tech guy said.

- No.

No, no, that's-that's impossible.

- She did all of this.

- Your mother told us

you cracked up a little

after the last lockdown.

Looks like you really lost it this time.


We have surveillance video

of you swapping out

your girlfriend's food delivery.


No, I couldn't have.

And video of you showing up

to the Dutton Gallery

before the show started

and f*cking with the fire system

at the gallery.

Timed it to go off at a certain time.

Pretty convenient that you stepped outside

just at that moment.

And your computer is full of evidence

that you manipulated those auctions

at the beginning of the lockdown.


Listen to me.

I didn't do this.

She did this.

She did all of this! Daphne.

You have to tell them.

You have to tell them what you did.

Why are you doing this to me?

No Wait, where are you going?

No. I didn't do this.

It wasn't me, it was her!

[QUIETLY] Daphne? Daphne?

You said you loved me. Please, please.