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01x08 - The Nest

Posted: 11/04/23 18:00
by bunniefuu
Barry: Apply. Attach.

Open. Press.

Apply. Attach.

Open. Press.

Apply. Attach.

Open. Press.

Apply. Attach.

Open. Press.

Apply. Attach. Open. Press.
Huh. Such a diligent pupil

you're shaping up to be, huh?

I guess so.

Apply. Attach.

Open. Press.

Hey. Barry.

Stop for a second.

I got you something.

What is it?

It's a gift.

An audio recorder.

It's not much,
but I wanted you to have it.

When I was younger, I used it

to keep a sort of diary
of where I'd been,

the things I'd seen...

you know, stuff like that.

Thought you might like it.

Just press that button
and talk into it.


[ Knuckles cracking ]

[ Knuckles cracking ]

[ Chuckles ]

Kris is gonna hate
that I gave you a "gift,"

but it's kind of
a piece of shit anyway, so...

Happy birthday, kid.

Thanks, Terrence.

[ Button clicks,
recorder beeps ]

Apply. Attach.

Open. Press.

Apply. Attach. Open.






Ya know, I'm actually starting
to feel a lot better.


I'm really glad.

[ Breathes deeply ]

I honestly feel like
my old self again.

I can even breathe easier.


Hey, Sam?

Yeah, what's up, you good?

I think I need a break.

Oh, a break.
Yeah, yeah, great idea.

Okay. Um, let's get out
of the open, though.

Uh, find a safe spot to rest.

Over here.


[ Insect squeaking ]


Kris: What the hell could have
done this much damage?

I know what did this.

And it's not something
I want to run into again.


You're sure the pilot
didn't take the shuttle

when you abandoned ship?

I'm pretty sure.

But I don't know
if it's operational or not.

The entire freighter
took a pretty bad hit.

Right. But that shuttle is
our only chance of leaving.

If it's still operable
I can pilot us out of here.

I like the sound of that.

Hey, Barry, you hear that?

We're going home!


We'll take you with us
of course,

and drop you off at an outpost,
or wherever you need to go.


You okay?

Uh, yeah...

Uh, I'm good.

I can get us there.

All you need to do
is tell me the way.

And whatever is nagging at you,
leave it here.

That's not gonna serve you.

That goes for you,
too, Terrence, and Barry!

Now let's get moving.
Gather supplies.

Tools, food, weapons.

Nothing that's gonna
slow us down.

[ Creature squeaks ]


Is this anything?

Barry, heads up!

What is it?

[ Button clicks,
recorder beeps ]

Say something.


Barry. Get up and help.

We can't afford dead weight
right now.

Sorry, I asked him about it.



Let's move.


[ Breathes deeply ]



This water taste weird to you?

You're really not tired, huh?

We've been walking all night,

ever since...
Listen. Don't worry about me.

I'm good.

Good. Good...



[ Sighs ]


[ Heartbeat ]





[ Creature squawking ]







[ Plants crunching ]

What was that?

[ Creature chittering ]


[ Creature continues
chittering ]


Kris: Shit!

[ Creature warbling ]



[ Button clicks ]
[ Creature warbling ]


I got it.


Barry, do us a favor
and put that away for now.

But there's so much cool stuff.

I know, but this isn't
an abandoned moon,

there's shit that doesn't want
to be disturbed here.


I'd be careful with that.

Why's that now?

If you detonate that thing,

you might get
some unwanted attention.

What are you afraid of, Azi?

Whatever it is, you gotta learn
to face it head on

instead of running away.


But keeping to myself
has kept me alive here.

You're safe with us.

Nothing is safe out here.




[ Spits, retches ]



[ Creature chitters ]

[ Squelch ]

[ Creature chitters ]




[ Claw tapping ]





Barry: Woooo!

Hey, keep an eye on him.


[ Button clicks,
recorder beeps ]

[ Plant plinks, rattles ]

[ Plants plinking, rattling ]


[ Groaning ]

It hurts.

I should have never given you
that thing, huh?

What did you do?

[ Sighs ]
Barry. I told you.

No distractions.

If you want to be an asset, you
have to stay focused and alert.

I'm sorry.

I don't want to see it again.

I need to go clean the blood
off my shirt.


But it'll leave a stain.

[ Sighs ]
I'll take him.

You stay here.

You're the boss.











What's up?

What are you doing?

Sorry, I should've left a note.

It's fine.

I didn't even know I'd be going
for a swim so...

What the hell
are you doing, Sam?

Uh, never mind.

I'm glad you're awake.
I can use your help.

With what?

I'm making a shelter
for the night.

You don't want to keep moving?


Sam, you're acting really weird.

Look, it's almost sunset.

One more night of sleep,

then we race to the Demeter
for the home stretch.

I don't understand. You want
to stay here overnight?

Ursula, look around!

It's beautiful here.
I mean, let's enjoy it.

Hey, do me a favor. I need
something for the structure...

Sticks, branches, reeds,
as much as you can carry.


I've got more work to do.



[ Creatures chirping
in distance ]


Kris: All that matters is you,
me and Terrence.

It's all gonna work out
if we stick together.

[ Sighs ]
Barry I told you-

[ Button clicks ]
[ Terrence chuckles ]

When Kris is optimistic

it does feel like
we're doing something right.

Like the reward is worth it.

Azi: She does seem
to look out for her own.

I feel for Barry, though.

He's been through a lot.

He grew up in a brutal

It's all he's known.

What about you?

Well, I owe my life to Kris.

She's tough,
but she's usually right.


Azi: Terrence, when we
get to the Demeter,

we're going to wake those people
up before we leave, right?

I know Kris is eager
to get the goods and go,

but we need to wake
those people up first.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah...

I mean, of course.

I promise.


Hey. Let's keep it moving.






[ Ursula gasps ]


[ Creatures chirping
in distance ]

[ Creature buzzing ]

[ Creature continues buzzing ]

[ Button clicks,
recorder beeps ]

Barry, no!

[ Creature chittering ]

[ Creature chitters ]

[ Creature howls ]

Azi: Cover your heads!

[ Creature howling ]

[ Machete slicing ]

[ Groaning ]

Finish it.

Kris, c'mon.

Barry did this.

So he has to finish it.

He doesn't get a pass
or he'll never learn.

[ Creature shrieking ]

[ Shrieking stops ]


I did it, it's done.

No big deal.

You're coddling him.


[ Recorder clatters ]

Let's move.


Terrence, just drop it.

Fine, do what you want.

We're gonna keep moving.
Catch up when you're done.

[ Sighs ]

[ Plants jingling ]



[ Screaming ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Grunting ]

Oh, no, no,


C'mon, Terrence.

Oh, Terrence, c'mon.


[ Wheezing ]




Leave him.

Christ, Terrence.


Terrence: I'm... I'm...

It's okay.
I'm sorry.

It's okay.

It's okay.

[ Wheezing ]

[ Coughs ]


[ Breathing steadily ]


[ Wheezing steadily ]




[ Coughs ]

[ Machete slices,
wheezing stops ]


[ Kris sniffles ]

That was mercy.



[ Whispering ]


Our little secret.

[ Button clicks ]

Happy birthday, kid.



[ Creatures chirping
in distance ]


Ugh. It smells rancid in here.

Huh? Smells fine to me.

Sam. Look at me.

I'm almost done.

Why are you doing this?

What is happening to you?

Nothing's happening to me.

I feel great.

You haven't slept or eaten.

Not tired, not hungry.

Sam! Look around.

This is insane!
Look at me!

Sam, stop!



[ Gasps ]

What the hell is that?

What are you talking about?!


[ Heartbeat ]

[ Both gasp ]




What is happening to me?

I don't know.

[ Heartbeat ]


