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02x06 - Blue Lightning: Part 2

Posted: 11/04/23 18:43
by bunniefuu
Dr Blake was found
m*rder*d in the lab this morning.


She was my wife...

Was there anything unusual

in your wife working with
Peter Latimer late?

There was nothing unusual.

Anna Blake booked two same-day
return flights to Lerwick,

one for herself,
the other for Peter Latimer.

Dr Blake's computer is still
running and it's password protected.

Just have a look at the contents
of Finlay's camera.

Gina, what was in the attachments?

Photographs of me
going about my life. It was creepy.

Joe Blake...

Any idea why he would come
back during term time?

How do you mean?
When did he come back?

Last night.

What's happened? Who is it?!

It's Peter Latimer.

Coastguard get
Peter Latimer back to Lerwick OK?

Yeah, Anna's body too.
He'll be in a hospital bed by now.

Come here and look at this.

What does that look like to you?

Like something was
dragged from here inside.

Yeah, that's what I think.

It's hard to tell.

Hard to tell.

Burgh Road, Church Road...

Church Road, camera two...

Commercial Street.

Asbrigg Place, Burgh Road,
Church Road,

Church Road, camera two,
Commercial Street... Camera down?

That was the hospital. It's Latimer.

His condition's deteriorating.

I think you better
get down there quick.

..three, four, five.

One, two... Three, four, five.

One, two...

They must have some idea
when planes can fly again?

Darling, please...


You're fine.
You have your work to distract you.

Did you not bring a book or...?

Why would I bring a book?

I came here to see
Bill on our anniversary.

There are plenty of books here,
if you want to...

They're not all about birds.

Somebody left The Da Vinci Code.


That's Latimer's. Sure?

It was there when
I searched his room.

So, what do you think?

He came out here with
a hip flask full of whisky

and then fell asleep with
a cigarette on the go?

I had an uncle who did
something similar,

except with a chip pan.
Nearly burnt himself to a crisp.

He's only allowed oven-ready now.

Do you still want to talk to Finlay?

Aye...and the rest.

You know, after Frank
att*cked him yesterday,

you'd have thought he'd stay
in here for his own safety.

He could drink in here,
he could smoke in here -

he's disabled the alarm.

So, after all the agro of yesterday,

why would you put
yourself at risk again

and tramp halfway across the island
to booze it up in a cold, dark hut?

It doesn't make sense.

He must have gone
there to meet someone.


Peter Latimer has just died.

He went into cardiac arrest
and couldn't be resuscitated.

They're making arrangements to
move the body now.

OK. Before they do,
have Cora examine the body

and request that they fast-track
the forensics, OK?

I'll call her now.

Peter Latimer just died.

Two work colleagues k*lled
in suspicious circumstances

less than 24 hours apart?

I know.

And when Anna was att*cked,
there were no defensive wounds,

and nobody heard a thing,

and I think people here know a lot
more than they're letting on.

You think it's the same person
involved in both deaths?

Maybe, unless Latimer is
a revenge k*lling for Anna.

But we shouldn't get
too far ahead of ourselves

until we have spoken to Cora.

In the meantime,
we should be talking to our stalker.

Where is everybody?

Frank's not here, Joe's been missing
since last night.

Finlay, I'd like a word
with you in private, please.

In the reading room.

As soon as Frank gets back,
tell him I want to see him.

I...I would like to apologise
for my behaviour yesterday.

That's very big of you.

You know you're probably facing
a charge of obstruction, right?

You managed to access
the memory card, then?

Eventually, yes.

It was quite an eye-opener. Well,
you can understand my reaction.

I don't care about your reaction.

I'm far more concerned about your
behaviour in the first place...

because you've got hundreds
of photographs of Anna Blake.

You can't always control
how you feel about people.

How DID you feel about her?

I, um... I mean, did you love her?
Did you hate her?

I worshipped her.

I just wanted to be part of
her life, to be close to her.

The photographs were the
only option available to me.

That's not really true.

She could have any man she wanted.

You could imagine what
she'd make of an advance

from the likes of me. OK.

What about Gina? What about her?

You know about that?

I...I never would have hurt Anna
and I...I never hurt Gina.

You scared Gina, though.
No, I... I was teasing her.

I wanted her to know
she had a secret admirer.

She didn't want one,

and I am very sure
that neither did Anna Blake.

Take a seat.

I need to know exactly
where you were last night.

I was around here.

Be more specific.
I was at the chapel.

For how long?

Uh... I got there about six

and I left at around 8.30.

Around 8.30?

Yeah. Well, I...I wasn't
looking at my watch.

Why did you stay so long?

I was praying for Anna.


You'd better be telling me
the truth.

Bill and Tessa have
given each other an alibi.

They were together in their room.
That's very handy.

Feel a bit sorry for them.
Some wedding anniversary.

I take it that's not
why you called me out here.

No, your dad called.
He said Frank's at the chapel.

Popular place.

He's worried about him. Said
he's been there since first light.

Hi, Joe.

Is Angus in?

No, he's not.

Is that the truth?

Look, I am really sorry about
what happened to your mum.

We're all really sorry, Joe.

Will you even tell him that I
called? Of course I'll tell him.

You should go back.

You got the note, didn't you?
Eh? You found the note.

Come on, son. You better go back.

What note?

I don't know what he's on about.

He hasn't moved for two hours.

OK, Dad.

Peter Latimer died of
his injuries 45 minutes ago.

Are you expecting regret?

I'm not expecting anything.

God knows, it was coming.

What makes you say that?

There were many occasions when I had
to go up to the hide to fetch him

when he was half-cut...
cos he'd sloped off for a session.

So, you knew he drank, then?

When he first arrived, he played
the Oxford golden boy to a tee.

After a while, I got to know him.

I saw a different side to him.

Which was what?

Crippling self-doubt about the work.

"Is it good enough?

"Is it original enough?

"Am I making a contribution?"

In short, are they wasting
their lives?

Well, we've all thought
like that from time to time.


Not Anna.

Anna never had any self-doubt.

Her personal life might
have been a bit of a mess,

but when it came to her work...

..she was something else.

Where were you last night?

I was at the centre.

Anybody verify that?

No, I was alone.

Do you know where Joe is?

Apparently, he's gone missing.

Joe often goes off on his own.

He's a loner.

He always has been.

I've been using it as an excuse
to be a bad father for far too long.

Joe wouldn't hurt anyone.

No, I'm not suggesting he would,

but I just need to establish
where he was.

Maybe I should have said
he was with me.

That wouldn't make any difference
in the end, would it, Frank?

How is he?

Coping as best he can, I suppose.

The sooner this nightmare ends,

the sooner we can start repairing
the damage done to this community.

We're going as fast as we can, Dad.

I know that, son,

but this place is unlike
anywhere else in so many respects.

Even Finlay has found God.

Gordon came in last night to lock up
and he found him just sitting there.

Didn't want to disturb him.

What time was that?

About half past eight,
I think he said.

For the sake of this wee lump
of rock, Jimmy, catch this person.

Don't worry, Dad.

Finlay Caufield looks
like he's got an alibi.

According to my dad,
he was at the chapel last night

at about half past eight,

which would make it impossible for
him to have set fire to the hide.


Any luck?

Getting there.

Most passwords are
run through an algorithm

that generate a scrambled
string of characters

that can't be reversed back
to the original text. Right.

That's called a one-way hash.

So, to crack a password
means getting a copy

of the one-way hash on the server

then using the algorithm
to generate lots of hashes

until you get a match.

Does that mean you're getting there?

It's only a matter of when. Right.

OK, I think you're right.

Peter and Anna were having
an affair. Yeah? Mmm.

And if you're right,
then that would give Frank

a motive for k*lling them both.


Betrayal and humiliation
are extreme.


I got you in.

He was clearly on the bubble.

The what?

An expression used by surgeons
in the US military

for patients with 50% burns.

"On the bubble" refers to
a patient balanced on the threshold

between life and death.

Why "bubble"?

Apparently, it relates
to the Indy 500 race in America.

If a driver was only just about
to qualify for the race proper,

and a rival posted a better time,

then the first driver's dreams
are dashed and his bubble is burst.

Isn't that terrific?

Not if you're that driver.
Well, no.

But as a metaphor, it's...


Hello... What's this?

Tosh... Mm-hm?

There's nothing of any note
in Anna's inboxes or outboxes,

but there's this...

"Dear Prof Martinez..."
Who's that?

It's Latimer's
department head at Oxford. Oh.

"I am duty bound by our
professional ethics to report

"a distressing situation relating
to your colleague Peter Latimer."

Oh, my God.

Latimer was
fabricating research data.

Look at the date it was written.

Two weeks before she died.

Why wasn't it sent?

Obviously something
happened to stop her. Such as?

Well, their trip to Lerwick

was only three days later.

You think it's related?


I won't be long.

How are you?

I don't know where to put myself.

We lost someone.

It changes how you
look at the world...

..but you live.


Cora found a fracture at
the back of Latimer's skull.

In her view, it was almost
certainly caused by a severe blow.

Right. Or a fall?

No, the location of the fracture
isn't one normally associated

with impact fractures
resulting from a fall backwards.

In Cora's view, Latimer
was hit hard from behind.

OK, good work.

Oh, and I've found footage
of Anna and Latimer

entering Commercial Street.

But the cameras on Commercial Street
itself were down that day.

I'm going to try
and bridge that gap.

Right, listen, keep in touch,

cos you're all I've got over there,


Why would Peter Latimer
start fabricating his research data?

What are you talking about?

I've just found the draft of an
accusatory e-mail on Anna's computer

intended for Latimer's
department head

at Oxford University.

A draft? Written when?

Two weeks ago.

I've no idea what
all that's about.

And I have no idea
why she didn't send it.

That's not Anna.

Anna dealt with everything
in the moment, when it occurred.

That way, she could focus
on what was really important.

Right, her work.

What about her relationship
with Peter Latimer?

Is it possible that
there was something

going on between the two of them?
Did you ever have any suspicions?


It never occurred to me.

Is that it? You sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

Can I go now? For now, sure.

Are you any closer to finding
out who actually k*lled her?!

I mean, it's an island.
How difficult can it be?

Sergeant, could you take
a look at this with me?

What have we got?

Are the timelines for these
CCTV footages correct?

Well, then it looks to me like

when Latimer enters
Commercial Street,

he's not got a bag,

and when he leaves...

he has.


Sandy noticed that Latimer
was carrying a backpack

when they emerged
from Commercial Street.

And you didn't find it when
you searched Latimer's room?

And you searched his room
in the morning,

which means that it
was already missing

by the time the hide
was set alight.

It was odd that he went out
that morning.

He must have known that it was
going to look suspicious.

Sure this is where
you saw Latimer, Tosh?

Yeah. Over there.

Definitely. That's approximately
275 yards to there.

That's impressive. Well, I spent a
lifetime at sea, Tosh,

estimating the distance between
one wave and the other.

Get that wrong and you can be...
Quite literally, sunk.

Shall we...?

Are you sure you don't want to check
out the wreckage of the Heinkel?

No, I think it's
a wee bit obvious, Dad.

What's the Heinkel?

A German plane
brought down in 1941.

It's just up over the hill there.

Hello. It's Sandy.

Sandy, I was just about
to call you.

The pathologist confirms
Cora's suspicion

about Latimer's head injury.

He would've had to have been
running backwards into a tree

at 30 miles an hour to sustain
that amount of damage.

OK. Any more from
forensics on Anna Blake?

They're still working
on the bruising on her face.

More as it comes through.

Right. I also want you to get
on to the Royal Bank of Scotland

in Commercial Street.

I want you to ask them
if there was a withdrawal

for ?10,000 under
the name of Peter Latimer.

OK. OK, I'll do that now.

Right. Pathology have confirmed that
Peter Latimer was hit from behind.

So, he hid the ten grand
in the morning,

knowing that we were arriving.

Why didn't he want
to be found with it on him?

He took the money out with Anna

so it's reasonable to assume it
had something to do with her.

Whatever the reason,

get on to Rhona and tell her
that we're now looking

at a double m*rder enquiry,

and that I think we're looking for
the same k*ller for both crimes.

Hi, Joe.
I need to speak to you.

I know who k*lled my mother.

OK, come on in, son.

Have a seat, if you like.

This is
Detective Sergeant McIntosh. Hiya.


I was just about to make
a cup of tea. Do you want one?

Fine. What do you take?

Milk. Just milk?

Don't you want to know? Sure.

I'm just a wee bit concerned
that it's taken you this long

to come and tell us.

Donnie Tulloch.

Donnie Tulloch?

Donnie Tulloch k*lled your mum?


That's a really serious
allegation, Joe.

How do you know this?

He was at the research centre
that night. Of course he was.

Cos the dance was for
Angus's 18th birthday party

and most of the island was there.

You know your mum wasn't att*cked
until everyone had gone home.

So...why Donnie?

I mean, why would
he do a thing like that?

They didn't want me there.
Who didn't?

Donnie...and my parents.

Didn't want you where? At the dance?

They wanted me anywhere but there.

They had an agreement
to make me stay away.

I'm sorry, Joe, I don't understand.

You had an agreement to
stay away from the dance?


From Angus.

Yes, the name is Peter Latimer.

Yes, ?10,000 in cash.

Can you give that
dog something to eat?

I can't take the big doe eyes
any more. It's for his own good.

Then take him for a walk,
or something.
Honestly, I can't bear it!

Come on.

OK, could you try...

..DR Peter Latimer?

So, did Donnie and Isobel
see you as being...

a bad influence on Angus?

Donnie did.

I don't think Isobel knew about us.

And what about Angus?

Did he feel the same way?

I thought so. Right.

And then Donnie found out
about the relationship?

He saw us together...

Hit the roof.

So, your parents agreed
to send you away?

My mother did.

But you came back
on Angus's 18th birthday?


And you came back to make a point?

I suppose so.

Hi, Sandy.

They got into an argument
that night, Donnie and Mum.

He blames her for me
turning up out of the blue.

Said she wasn't taking
the situation seriously enough.

Right, first things first.

Donnie's in the wrong
about this, Joe,

but there's absolutely no evidence
to connect him with any crime.

Covering up for your friend?
No, son.

But I can't go around accusing
people of m*rder

based on nothing.

Peter Latimer didn't withdraw
?10,000 from his bank account.

Anna withdrew it from hers.

It smells like some sort of payoff.
But for what?

Where are you going?

I need to go
and talk to Donnie about Joe.

I need some straight answers.



Didn't think we'd see you today.
How's it going?

Fine, fine. Is Donnie here?

He's in the kitchen. He smelt
my scones from over the road.

He's got a nose like a bloodhound.

Hello. Some serious baking
going on in there.

So I see. Hi. Hi.

What are you two doing?

Just playing some stupid game.

It's for kids, really.
We're regressing.

Maybe that's no bad thing.

Jimmy, you can't stop them growing
up, no matter how much you want to.

I know, but it doesn't stop
you worrying about them, though.
How is she?

She's fine. She's fine.

You got time for a cuppa?

No, I want to talk to Donnie.

Thought I heard your voice.

You got time for a wee
chat in private?

Oh. Sounds serious. Mm-hm.

The kitchen's all yours.
Thanks, Mum.

I was thinking about you today,
actually. Why was that?

I was up by the South Lighthouse,

reminded me of the time we broke
in there, do you remember?

No, I remember that YOU
broke in there.

No, it was your idea.
I was just the muscle.

That was the same summer there was
those, erm...

..geography students got stranded,
wasn't it?

That's right.

You and me and 15 girls.

Happy days, eh?

I need to ask you
a couple of questions.

Fire away.

Did you and Anna Blake have an
argument the night she died?

No, why would we?

Just somebody said they overheard
you and her having words,

that's all. Who?

Well, if it didn't happen,
it doesn't matter, does it?

We had a discussion.

It was a wee bit heated.
About what?

It's personal, Jimmy.

Why didn't you tell me this before?

It's got nothing to do with
what happened.
That's for me to decide.

Are you interviewing me here?
Is that what this is?

I need to know things like this.

It helps me see the big picture.

It was about the kids.

Joe's been leading Angus astray.

He's bad news, Jimmy.
He's a troubled boy.

Anna had her head in the sand
about the whole thing.

You're not thinking I had
something to do with her death?

I never said that. Jimmy...

You really think I could do
something like that?

I don't think anything of the sort.

I'll tell you this, though.

It's not just Anna Blake who could
stick her head in the sand.

Tosh? I've just had a thought. I'm
not sure if it's a good thought,

but it's a thought.

Well, try me.

Well, if we're looking for proof
of an affair between Latimer

and Anna,
then who better to ask than Finlay?

He's been recording every
detail of her life

for the past few months, hasn't he?

Potato scones.

That's what used to
pass for a vegetable in my house.

Don't look so concerned, Finlay.

I'm just going to ask you
a couple of questions.

That is excellent news. Thank you.

The storm's moved over to Iceland.

Commercial flights are due to
resume in three hours.

The new research group will be
arriving soon.

So we can go?

Better tell Finlay -
he'll be pleased.

You took 362 photographs of
Anna Blake.

You must have spent quite
a bit of time watching her,

so you must have seen things and
heard things that no-one else did.

I'm not a gossip,
Detective Inspector. Mm.

When I spoke to you earlier,

you told me that Anna Blake could
have any man she wanted.

So, did she want Peter Latimer?

It doesn't feel right
talking about her like this.

She did something stupid,
and she regretted it.

Did she have a affair?

Briefly. How brief?

It didn't last any longer
than three weeks.

It had started when Latimer
first arrived. Why did it end?

She grew tired of him.

He was flattered by her attention,

and then, when she withdrew it,
he slunk back to the bottle.

And did Frank know?

Not at first.
But he found out? Yeah.

Angus still over seeing Cassie?

He is, aye.

What's wrong, Donnie?

It's nothing.
I know when something's wrong.

I saw Jimmy on the road back.

He asked me a couple of questions.

He asked YOU a couple of questions?
Aye. About what?

Forget about it, it doesn't matter.

Finlay said
I'd find you up here.

I needed to give myself
something to do.

Do you mind if we have a word?

Come in.

So has there been a development?

Yeah, in a manner of speaking.'s about Anna
and Peter Latimer.


We have a statement that says
that they were having an affair.


I'm sorry to break
it to you like that,

but I had a feeling that
maybe you suspected,

after you told me
your wife was not perfect.

No, no, you misunderstood,
I was referring...

OK! You have to stop lying to me.

I don't know whose reputation
you're trying to protect,

whether it's your own,
or your wife's,

but whichever way it is, you have to
start being straight with me now.

It didn't seem relevant.

It wasn't the first time.

Of course it's relevant, especially
if it's not the first time.

She promised me that it had stopped.

You know...

..all that.

The...the affairs.

I hated it.

I hated it.

But I learned to live with it.

You should have told me.

You should have also told me
about Anna sending Joe away.

Anna only did that to protect him.

I know it may not look like the
perfect marriage to you but...

we loved each other.


Finlay's confirmed that Anna and
Peter Latimer WERE having an affair,

and Frank knew about it.

He knew? Yeah, I don't think Anna
realised that.

I think she was trying to
protect him.

Did you mention the ten grand?

No. I didn't want to finish him
off with the notion that Anna might

have also been planning to
leave him.

She wasn't, was she? No. I know that,
but it might have occurred to Frank.

Maybe when Anna told
Latimer about the e-mail,

he threatened her back with
telling Frank about them.

She knew it would break
Frank in half.

That would certainly explain why
the e-mail was never sent.

And possibly the ?10,000 payoff. Mm.

Isobel, you can't be in here.
I need to talk to you, Jimmy.

That's fine,
but we should go outside.

But what's going on?
Why did you question Donnie?

Come on, let's go for a walk.

Was he having an affair with
Joe Blake's mum, was that it?

No, it's nothing like that.

I mean, I don't even think
it's something you should be that
worried about.

Look, I was the first girl who
ever let you kiss her.

You owe me.

Talk to Donnie.

Talk to him about
Angus and Joe.


It'll be fine.

I've got Sandy on the line.
He was checking out Latimer

and he came across a conference
in Hawaii eight years ago that

Latimer was presenting a paper at -
you'll want to hear this...

OK, put him on speaker phone.

OK, Sandy, what have you got?

Also giving a paper at the same

..Dr Bill Warren.

Latimer's CV is relatively short
and uninteresting

because of his age and the fact that
he's not very prolific.

So I just thought I'd do some more
research on Bill Warren.

And he found this -
taken at Infotaka in 1997.

It's a research station on a nature
reserve in Malaysia.

This is Bill Warren
17 years ago.

And this woman whose waist he has his
arm so comfortably around...

Is Anna Blake.

And one more thing.
There is also an online blog written

by Bill and his 12-year-old son

when they took a trip of a lifetime
to the Galapagos Islands in 2009.

Is there a picture of the boy?

He looks just like Joe Blake.

Yes. But it is definitely
David Warren.

He died of leukaemia six months
after the trip was made.

It was because he had
terminal leukaemia that they went.

So Anna Blake and Bill Warren were
in Malaysia 17 years ago.

Anna Blake's son, Joe, is 17...

Need to rewind a bit.

Bill Warren said
that before he came to Fair Isle

he didn't know Anna Blake,
except through her work.

So he lied.
And I think we all know why.

Dr Warren.

You waiting on someone?

Sort of.
The planes are flying again.

We managed to get
seats on the 6.30.

I was looking to see
if I could spot it coming in.

You've got just enough time to
answer a couple of questions.

Yes, of course. If it will help.
I'll just let my wife know.
It's OK, it won't take long.

Just come into the reading room.

All right, Is? Cup of tea?


can you go up to your room, please?

I'm not five, you know.

I just want to talk
to your dad in private. Go on.

Christ, I can barely get you
out of the bloody room

and now you want to
be in the belly of the kirk? Go on!

Go on, Angus.

Talk to me about Joe Blake now.


Where have you been?

Does it matter?

We need to talk. Bit late for
talking, don't you think?

I should never have agreed to you
being sent away.

It was wrong.

But at the time we thought that...

maybe a bit of breathing space...

you know...

With your mother,

I didn't always feel that I had the
right to intervene.

But you're my son.

And I love you.

You made me
feel ashamed of who I am.

I know, and that will never happen

I promise.

Did you know that Anna had
fallen pregnant? No.

We maintained contact for a year
or so afterwards,

professional contact,
and she made no mention of a child.

So you had no idea you had
a son? None.

But when you arranged
the placement here...

I knew it was her, of course.
18 years is a long time.

There was no reason to suppose
that it would affect

our working relationship here.
And it didn't.

It didn't occur to you that every
time she mentioned Joe,

she was talking about...?

She wasn't in the habit
of talking about him.

She wasn't in the habit
of talking about him.

Joe wasn't here in my time on Fair
Isle so I never came across him.

Until the dance.

Tessa said that she had seen
a boy on the boat

who looked so much like David it
broke her heart all over again.

We've seen a photograph.

He looked like a lovely boy,
Dr Warren.

We were extremely close.

I'm sorry...

No, it's OK. It's OK.
Just take your time.

When I found out that Joe was Anna's
son, I put two and two together.

And what?
You confronted her with that? Yes.

Anna told me that she discovered
she was pregnant on the flight

home from Malaysia,
and as was her character,

by the time the flight had landed
she'd decided that it was in the
best interests of all concerned

that I remain blissfully ignorant

while she and Frank bring
up the child up as theirs.

When I knew the truth...

..I felt like I'd lost two children.

I couldn't believe she'd
done that to me,

denied me the chance to be a father.

How did that make you feel?

Worse. I suppose I'd suppressed so
much that I just couldn't any more.

I wanted to k*ll her.


And that's what I did.

Let me get this straight.
You're saying you k*lled Anna Blake

because she hid the fact that you
had a son together?

Yes, that's right.

Hi, Sandy, what have you got?

The forensic analysis
of the bruising on Anna's face

has just come through.
There is one key finding.

OK. Let's just go over what
actually happened, OK?

I don't think it could be any
clearer, do you? To you, maybe.

OK. So, you're saying that when you
found out that Joe

was your son and that Anna had kept
that from you, you were furious?

Yes. And during an argument,
you what...? You lashed out at her?

Yes. That's right, I struck her.

Sorry, with which hand? Um...

My left. Anna tried to push me
out of the laboratory.

I'm ashamed to say that
I knocked her to the floor.

And left her to die of her

Oh, God!

It was a moment of madness.

It's something that I will have to
live with for the rest of my life.

Let me see your left hand.

Within the bruise...

..there's a mark that was left by
a hand with a ring on it.

You don't wear a ring.

But your wife Tessa does.

Are you trying to protect your wife?

No. It was me.

Why on earth would she do that?

Well, let's find out. Tosh, go and
find Mrs Warren

and hold her in the common room.

So, Peter Latimer?

Did he hear something?
Did he see something?

Latimer knew that something
had happened.

He said he was sure there was a
perfectly simple explanation.

Clearly, he was going to
blackmail us.

I couldn't allow that to happen.

Not to Tess.

Sir, Mrs Warren's
not in the centre.

Finlay say he saw her walking
south towards the cliffs.

No wait. You just stay here.

I'll go and find her.


If you think this is the only choice
you've got... isn't, you know.

What about your husband?

Some people look at all this
terrible beauty

and they see the hand of God in it.

But where was God when
my David died?

Where was God then?

She didn't know what it
was like to lose a child.

I simply asked her to let
Bill into Joe's life,

so he could be a father again.

She didn't care.

She just turned away.

I don't know where God was
when your son died...

..or my wife, for that matter.

But k*lling yourself isn't going to
make anything better, Tessa.

It's just going to make everything
that wee bit harder

for everybody who loves you
and cares about you.

Whatever you say now, I know
you didn't mean to k*ll Anna.

Nobody thinks you did.

But somebody has to be punished.

Not like this.


Come on.


I know...

Come on.

Thanks, Mum.

Absolutely any time.
Cassie's a lovely girl.

You're doing a fine job.
Do you think so? Yes.

Bye, Ma.

And maybe when you're over next
month getting your hair done,

I'll take Jimmy for a pint
and we'll catch up proper.

I'd like that, aye. All right,

I'll see you, Jimmy, yeah?
Sorry for being an idiot. See you.

Thanks. You'll be fine.

And next time you're over
on the mainland,

you're always welcome,
come stay with us. I'd like that.

All right. Thanks.

Bye, Angus. Cheers.

See you next time, Grandad.

In the meantime,
watch out for the boys.

Which ones? All of them,
Lerwick's a big place.

So, I'll see you for a pint?

It's a date.

Life's too short, Jimmy.

I know.

Tosh, how are your sea legs?

Why? Cos if you thought the flight
over was rough,

you're about to experience the
true meaning of the word.

But just remember, it was you
that insisted on sailing.

Anything's better than
the death plane.

I'll see you, Dad.

Not so long next time.

Cass? Yeah?

I just wanted to have a wee word
with you about Angus.

I know he's gay. So what?

