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01x02 - We're Not Alone

Posted: 11/05/23 06:44
by bunniefuu
- [shouting in Swedish]

I'm not having this!

How's it going, bros?

This is PewDiePie.

You're about to watch me

get the absolute shit
scared out of me.

Why would you--ah!



This show takes
what I already do,

getting scared of horror games,

but taking it
to the next level,

a really f*cked up level.


So if you love watching me
get scared shitless,

you're gonna love
"Scare PewDiePie."

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

How's it going?

It's PewDiePie.

What the f*ck is this?

Hello, Felix.

The U.S. Government Universal
Space Administration

Quadrant: Earth


Oh shit.

I guess I'll just grab
this thing and we go.

[spooky techno music]


♪ ♪

- Hey, Felix.

- What's going on?

- What do we got planned today?

- Well, apparently we're saving
the world from aliens.

- We?

- Well, I guess I am.

Yeah, you're right.

- Okay.

- You can come along
if you want.

I'm just saying.

- Does this give you any clues

of what game you might be
immersed into today?

- "Alien: Isolation"?

- "Alien: Isolation."
What is that?

- "Alien: Isolation" is based on
the "Alien" universe,

like, the movies.

We've all seen them.

- What's scary in that game?

- [laughs]

Well, obviously the alien...
- Okay.

- That chases you,

and you have to hide
from the alien in the game.

The aliens captured one
of my friends,

but I didn't know
I had friends.

Who could it be?

Anthony from Smosh,
we're good friends.

Markiplier might be captured.

I feel like Mark might've

fight them off, though,
you know?

So I don't know about that.

- If the aliens
captured Marzia--

- Marzia!

- And they implanted
an alien baby inside her,

would you raise it as your own?

- Honestly,
depends how ugly it is.

Like, what if it's just,
like, a slimeball?

I'm not--
I can't love a slimeball.

- All right.

- If it's like a kind of

regular, stereotypic alien,

I'd be like,
"All right, we can chill."

I'll be a great alien
adopted dad.

I just want to make sure

that he doesn't feel excluded
from the other kids

just 'cause he's different.

Now we need to find
the mother ship somehow.

'Scuse me!
Excuse me!

Do you know where
the spaceship is?

- [laughs]

- That way?

That way, got it.

- Oh!
- Oh, shit!

- Whoa!
- Whoa, whoa!

- What happened?

- I'm just trying to save
the planet here!

Excuse me!

[ominous music]

All right, so...

I know there's
a transporter.

- It's that way.
- It's that way?

- Yeah.
- Okay, cool.


- Right here, right here,
right here.

I'll see you on the other side.

- Are you sure this is
a transporter?

- Yeah, it's a transporter.

- Okay.


- Will you close the door?

- Yep.

- Leeroy Jenkins!

[spooky techno music]

♪ ♪

Anyone there?

Oh shit--

- Astronaut PewDiePie.
- What?

Who's that?

- Astronaut PewDiePie,
do you hear me?

- Yes, this is PewDiePie.

- Are you ready
to accept your mission?

- Yes.

- You may remove
your blindfold.

- Okay.

Oh, f*ck this.



- Please remove your

- Remove the head--
aw, I feel safe with those.

- Listen carefully.

- What do I do?

- Aliens have taken
over this spaceship.

- [laughs]

- You have made it
to the mother ship in time.

- I did do that.

- If those eggs hatch,
mankind will end.

- [laughs]

That's a lot of pressure
on a guy.

- Your mission is to initiate

the self-destruct program
on the ship.

- Self-destruct.

- You will not
be working alone.

[doors hiss]

- Hey!
- Hey!

[both laughing]

- About damn time.

- You look like you been there
for a while, dude.

- Yes, I have.

- Do you need help?
- Yes.

- Astronaut PewDiePie,

your friend has been chained
to that table by the aliens.

- The aliens with
their little claw hands,

they chained me here.

- Do you see
the red and black wires

that lead to that table?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got 'em.

I got 'em.
- You got it?

- The red and black wires
must be cut.

- The red and black.

- You have three minutes
to cut those wires.

- What the f*ck?

- I been here three hours.

You get three minutes.

Come on.

- If you look behind you
on the wall,

you should see
some wire cutters.

You must find a way
to retrieve them.

- Behind me on the wall there.

Oh, shit!
What is this?


- Is that a grabber?

- Oh, shit!
Oh, I see it.

- What?

- Oh, I got this!

Okay, if I drop this you're
pretty much f*cked,

I just wanted you to--

- You have one minute.

- I got one minute, Mark.
- Come on!

- [grunting]

Yes, I got it!

- Well, then hurry up
and get over here!

It doesn't help me over there.

- How will you die, exactly?

- Some of these
are actually real wires.

- Okay.
- This isn't very fair.

- Okay, I got the white one.


- Ah!

[electricity buzzes]

- What the f*ck?

- Damn it!

The red and black one,

not the white one, you idiot.

- Oh, shit.

- That hurt.

- I'm sorry, Mark!
- Geez.

- Did that really hurt?

- Yeah!
- I'm sorry!

- Get it right.

[electricity buzzes]

Ah! God!

I don't think that was right.

- Mark, this is right.
- You son of a bitch.

- This is right, don't worry.
- Is it?

- I got this.
- I don't know about that.

- I got it! I got it!
The red and--

the red and black?

- Congratulations.

- Yes!

Mark, you're okay!

- Am I okay?

I got shocked twice.

I don't think this mission's
gonna go very well.

[box hisses]

- Oh, yeah!

I got the key.

All right, I'll go, me first.

I promise I will save you, Mark.
- Really? Really? Okay.

- Don't worry.
I promise.

- By the way, I love you.

- I love you too.

- Don't let me die.

- I'm--we will run away
together, Mark.

Don't worry.

- It's by my crotch.

- Oh, nice.
- Please--nice haircut.

- You too, dude!
- Thanks.

- Looking good.

Did aliens do that?

- Yeah, it was horrible,
their alien ectoplasm.

- How dare--
- I can't believe it.

- You're free!
- I'm kind of--

- You're free, what happened?

Oh, they did shock you.
Holy shit!

- Yeah, they really did.

- I'm sorry!

- That's okay.
- All right, get up.

- Wait, are you rigged up
the same way?

- Oh, shit, am I?
No, no!

- Yeah!
- No!

No, no, no, no, no!

- I'm gonna do
everything wrong on purpose.

- I don't like this.

Which way do you think we go?

- I have no idea.

- Astronauts, proceed into

the room with the alien eggs.

- All right.
- Hm.

- We're dealing with
a problem on the ship.

There is a security breach.

You must move the eggs
to the hatchery

around the mother egg.

[dramatic music]

[both grunting]

- They're surprisingly heavy.

- Yeah, they are really f*ckin'
heavy, Jesus.

Where's the mother egg?

- Oh, no.
- Is this the mother egg?

Oh, God! That one look--

What the f*ck is that?

- Oh, those are real!

- Ughh!
- Agh!

[both groaning]

- Okay.
- I ain't touchin' that.

The shocks are real.
The worms are real.

- Okay.

Oh, what the, what the--

- I know, they're everywhere!
- Ugh!

- Do you see the chamber?

- Yes.

- That is the dearly departed
Captain Ford.

- Oh, no, Captain Ford!

He died so young!

- There is a key around
the dead captain's neck.

That is the second key
you will need

to initiate the sequence
to destroy the ship.

- Come on, man.

- In order to open that door,

you must solve a puzzle.

- Okay.

- Soon you will see
a sequence of colors.

- Okay.

- There will be seven colors.

- Seven colors.

- If you can identify
the colors in the proper order,

you will be able
to open the door.

[electricity buzzes]

- Ah!
What the f*ck!

What the shit!

- [laughs]

- What?
Why would you do that?

- It's the aliens, man.

They're watching.
I knew it.

- As you can see,

there are consequences
for failure.

Good luck.

[chamber beeps]

- I got nothing.

- The last four were
green, blue, green, red.

- No, no, no,
it was red, blue...

I don't know the third one.

- It was green, blue,
green, red for the last four.

- Okay, don't confuse.

Damn it. Okay.

I know for sure red, blue.

- There is a handprint
on the door.

Do you see it?

- Yes.

- After the sequence completes,

place your hand on the door,

and recite the colors you saw.

- Oh!
- Oh-oh-oh, I'm sorry!

You can do it.

- So it's red, blue, red,

green, blue, green, red.

[electricity buzzes]

- Ah!
- Oh, goddammit!

- Oh, I'm sorry!

[air hisses]

I can do next one.
Just let me do it.

- This will be
a five color sequence.

- Okay.

[chamber beeps]

[dramatic music]

Please help me.

- No, I'm not gonna help you.

The last one was red.

I'll tell you that.

- Red, blue...

was there a yellow?

- No, there's no--

[both scream]

- I asked a question!

[air hisses]

- I forgot that
we both got shocked,

so I might as well
have helped you on that one.

- All right, astronauts.

This is your last chance.

- Okay, okay,
we got this.

- There will be
a two color sequence.

I hope you can get this one.

[dramatic music]

[chamber beeps]

- Okay, I got it.

- Okay, Christmas,
green and red.

- Green and red.

- Yeah.

- Oh, yes!

- If we had gotten
that wrong, boy,

howdy, would a lot of people
been upset.

- Okay.
Sorry, Ford.

Just gonna get the key.

- It was around his neck,
I think.

- Oh, it's a keycard.

Oh, hey, cool.

- So sci-fi.

[lasers beep]

- Oh.

- The security system
has been engaged.

- Oh.
- What?

- Make your way to the bridge

to insert the key card.

- Without touching
a line

or else we get shocked.

- Oh, no.

♪ ♪

I'll go first.

- Will you?
- Yes.

- Don't suck.

'Cause I bet
I'll get shocked too.

Just guessing.

- What, you don't think
I can do it?

Come on, let's go.

[lasers beep]

- There's two now.

- Oh, shit.

- They're making new ones.

- Why--you go first then, why--

- Why do I--okay, fine.

- Okay.

- I'm nimble.


- Okay.

[electricity buzzes]


What the f*ck!

- Oh, God!


- Why would you--


- Ow, ow.

- Ah, they're real!

- This is impossible--
- [screams]

Stop, not while I'm laying down!

What the f*ck!


- Okay, come on.

Come on.
- Thanks, Mark.

- You got it.


- Okay.


- Mmm, I'm startin'
to like it now.

- Ah, shit!

- Okay, this is impossible.

- How--how?

- I'm--I might be able
to go down low.

- Ah, f*ck me.

- We might be able
to go down low right here.

- That worked well
the last time, right?

- Well, you're the one
that got maggot-ed.

I'm fine 'cause I was quick.

- Okay, you know what?

I'll do this way;
you do that one.

- Oh, oh, fine.


♪ ♪

- Yeah!

- I can't see anything!

- Okay, Mark.

- Ah, God.
I didn't do it!

- [screams]

- I didn't do it!

- Oh, yeah,
I think that was me, actually.

- [coughs]

- Okay.

- Okay, get up, dude.

- No, I don't need to get up.

- Oh, you're right.

Ow, ow.
- Like this.


- No maggots
in the face, please.


Oh wait,
I got my camera and shit.

Mark, this is is
a little awkward angle,

but just go with it.

- We're friends.

- Yes.


[both grunting]

You made it!
Pull me.

- Easy.

- Pull me, Mark.

- Your vest is clingin'.

- [grunts]


- Hold it in place!

[breathing heavily]

- Okay, all right, we did it.

Key card.

- Astronauts, do you see
the helmets on the wall?

- Yeah.

- Put the helmets on now
before initiating the sequence.

- They got
a maggot problem here.


- Good thing
we're blowing this shit up.

- Yeah.

- Astronauts,
carefully insert your key card.

- Carefully now, Mark.

I don't think I can handle
another shock.

Is this it?
Is this--

- Yeah, it must be.

Carefully, like "Operation."

Don't touch it.

♪ ♪

[card reader beeps]

- Self-destruct program

- Whoa!
Whoa, hey, how's it going?

- [screeches]

- Board escape pod immediately.

- Okay!

- Ah!

- Self-destruct program

- [screeches]

- Get your butt in there.

- Board escape pod immediately.

- He pushed me!

What do we do--

- Self-destruct program

- Ah!
- God.

- Self-destruct program

- Where do we go?

- I don't know!

- Self-destruct program

- Oh, here we go.

- Self-destruct program

- Oh, my God.

- Sorry, Mark.

- [laughs]

- Oh, shit!

- Did you put
the exit on the bottom?

We can't get out.

- Are we supposed to get out?

- Ugh, I don't know.

You did it!

- There's no gravity.

[cheers and applause]

- Hey!

- Yeah!

- Wahoo!

We survived.

Oh, man.

Come here.

I'm sorry you couldn't
come with us.

- [screeches]

- I liked our awkward shuffle
away from him.

"Do we...?
Are we?

Okay, but lasers."

- [laughs]

- I fear shocks more
than I fear death.

- Oh, my God.
- [screeches]

- Have you ever experienced
anything like that before?

- No, it was cool.

It felt like
being inside a game.

- It was like
a haunted house but better.

- What was
the most jarring part?

- Uh, the maggots...
- Oh, God!

- In my face
when I was laying down

trying to dodge lasers,
and you--

- I just turn around
and see maggots.

- So your overall impression
of what just happened?

- It's just crazy,

[spooky techno music]

- All right, it's PewDiePie.

I just finished,

and I had a blast,

and now I'm ready to crash.

I have no energy left.

I'm a wreck.

It's been the craziest day

in a long, long time,

and I'm just gonna go
and pass out.

So I'll see you bros
in the next episode.


[imitates laser g*n]

[upbeat funky music]

♪ ♪

- Oh, what the f*ck--
oh, my God.

- Hi!
- Hey!

- Surprise!
- Okay.

All right, just.

- I thought we could go out
and have a good time.

- I think... um...

- We connected.

I felt like we had such
a great time together yesterday.

- I think we were
just working,

and you're
a really sweet girl...

I have to go now and--

- Oh, well,
can I go with you?

- No, you can't.

- Honest--
I'm your biggest fan.

I know you have
a girlfriend.

I know--I get that,

but I think I could
make you happy too,

or we could have a threesome.

- f*ck.

- Have you, I mean, um...

- I'm sorry, but--

- Your eyes are like the ocean.

- [laughs]

Stop it.

Okay, I'm gonna go!

This is weird-ing me out.

- No, Felix, don't!

- I'm sorry.
- Wait, they're gonna--

They're gonna throw me out
here if--

- Hey,
there's a crazy girl here!

What the--Nicki's here.

- Felix, come on,
are you serious?

- She was in the seat.

- Felix, No!

We had a connection.

- No, sorry.
- Sorry, Nicki!

- No, Kevin.

No, tell them how much--

We love each other!

- Is there any security
at this place?

- No, you have to tell them
right now.

- Stop, stop it right now!

Nicki, Nicki!
You're fired!

- I don't know anything
about anyone!

[yelling indistinctly]

- No, he is the love
of my f*cking life!

- Ah!

- No,
I don't want to go anywhere!

Let me go!

- You can't come back.

- f*ck you guys.

- Did she throw her panties?

- You can't come back.

- This will not be the end!

- Get out of here!

- Oh, oh, oh--

you think I don't know
where you guys are going?

- Get out of here!
- I will find you.

I'll find you!

- Get outta here!

- What the--what happened?

- She was hiding underneath
the seats.

- [screams]

- Oh, my gosh.

I'm sorry.

- How did she get in there?

- I have no idea.

- You can't stop real love!

- You are fired!

I fire you!

- I'm sorry, Nicki!

It's not real love!

[scary music]

Thanks for--hey, so much fun.

Honestly, it's gonna be awesome.

- Let's get you in.
- Get you in.

- All right.

- Keep tucked down
when you leave.

Hey, when you go out,
go right to the freeway.

- Sounds good.
- Okay.

- Talk to you soon.

- Hey, enjoy your day off.

All right.

♪ ♪

- I'll find you!

- He's gone!

- I'll find you, Felix!

- He's gone already!

- He's not gone.
He's never gone.

- Bye.

- I'll see you later, Damon.

I'll see you later.

[ominous music]

- Okay, coming through.

This is very fragile.

It might hatch any second.


Normal day as PewDiePie.

Do this every day.

It's heavy!