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01x11 - Scare PewDiePie: Multiplayer

Posted: 11/05/23 06:51
by bunniefuu
Hey, how's it going, bros?

My name is PewDiePie!

So I made a tweet saying that..

"I'm gonna realease season of Scare Pewdiepie if it gets a hundred thousand retweets"

Cause as some of you know

"Scare PewDiePie", the show that I worked on for

about a month got cancelled because


But the show is still there, the

show is still out there.

It's ready to go and I'm just sitting on it.

I'm not supposed to, obviously, but it

feels right, it feels needed

because so many people worked on it and

it just seems fair that instead of

YouTube just cancelling and throwing

away the show, you guys can at least

watch and enjoy it. So I know I'm

probably going to get in trouble for

this, but I think it seems

fair to do and I really hope I really

really hope that you guys are going to enjoy it!

So, without further ado, I can't believe

I'm saying that!

Please enjoy Episode of Scare PewDiePie Season !









You scared me! What the hell, man!


"It's a prank bro!"
"Oh sh*t"

"You got pranked!"
Is this Scare PewDiePie Season two?!

"This is Scare PewDiePie Season Two Episode One!"

I wasn't ready, you didn't tell me!

"Episode One!"

Oh my god!



"It's for the show"

What the f*ck, man

"Scare PewDiePie Season ."
Oh my gooood!


*Lowkey r*cist Irish Accent*
"Ouhh, it's a groit show, this season's got me in it!"


"Ahh! Top of de mornin'! Kpshh, Kpshhh!

"Oi'm going to be scaring PewDiePie myself this toime!"

"Are ya ready? Let's goh!"



Ohh! OOh- *chuckle* I don't know what to do.

Okay, we've been filming this video and he's like;

like "super scared" but now I'm really gonna scare him.

"Hey, Felix!"

"Youtube uhh- demonotized the whole channel."

How do you know?

"I just checked on the adsense"

"Whoa-whoa-wha!!" *sh*t*

"It's just a prank, bro"

"It's just a prank, bro"

"Just a prank, bro"

*uncomfortable giggle*

That was the joke!

*nervous laughter*

Yeah, no, obviously I can't. I can't leak

the show.

It is a shame, the fact that it's all done,

it's all filmed, it's all ready. It's just

sitting there.

And now I think that it's been like

a couple weeks since I became a n*zi,

looking at it now, when the dust is

kind of settled. It's like: why? Why is this

happening? It just seems so stupid,

uh, especially the fact that other people

who worked on it - because so many people

worked on the show! Their work doesn't

get to be out there because of some

stupid f*cking joke. Like it seems almost

insane and it's a shame.

It's a damn shame.

Jack was a huge part of the show, he was

going to be like the villain of the show

and he had a big involvement and it was

a lot of fun going on between me in . We

had a guest in every single episode, so

other youtubers and personalities

were guests. Ethan and Hila from H H , who are

JEWISH by the way! It's like...!

You f*cked-

you f*cked Jewish people over by

canceling the show! Like; good job, good

job! You did it! Ken was going to be on

the show, obviously Mark.

Mark ate pig testicles.

Which will uhh, never see the light of day.

Ken, CinnamonToastKen got dipped in sh*t.

For nothing!

There's just so much sh*t that we did

that month and it's... ugh! I hate it, I hate

it, but it's just how it is.

sh*t happens. What are you gonna do?

Looking back as well, when we filmed that

show, it was literally the worst month I-

Actually: I don't want to be over-

dramatic, but it seemed like it was

definitely one of the worst months I

ever experienced filming that show.

Not because I didn't enjoy filming the

show, I had such a blast, it was such an

amazing thing and fun thing to do. I upload

videos every single day and for me to do

that and film my show at the same time

was a f*cking nightmare. It was the worst

idea I've ever had, to think that I could

do that and then when I realized I

couldn't do that,

along with all these other things

happening as well at the same ti- I was

f*cking depressed like it was driving me


You saw the video, I'm f*cking crying like

a little baby, it's so stupid.

"I just need to finish what I'm doing here in L.A."

"I need to put myself first"

"So dissappointed."


At least I don't have to do season !!!

Oh yeah. I hope you're not mad at me for lying to you, I'm sorry.

I think if there's one thing out of all

these things happening that I would like

to see changed, it is the fact that the

show should come out. I really, really

think it should. And hopefully in the

future you'll be able to watch it, but

until then you'll just have another

shitty youtube video.

Punch that like button in the face