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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 11/05/23 07:09
by bunniefuu
Hey, Ems?

- We gotta get you to bed, kid.
- It's late.

Emma, please answer me, sweetie.

Emma? Come on.


Emma, this isn't funny! Open up!


Emma, answer me right now!

Emma! Emma!

Please, please, please, please!


Just stay with me, OK?

Daddy's here, baby. Daddy's
here, daddy's here, daddy's here!

Please, please, please...



It's gonna be OK.
It's gonna be OK.

My daughter. She's 11 years old.

How's she doing?

She's gonna be OK.

What about the psychiatrist?

What about the psychiatrist?

Any progress?

Doesn't seem like it, does it?


Do you think what I did
could have made this happen?

Gary, don't talk like that.

But what if it did?

What if she's so terrified
about losing someone again

that she would...
rather check out first?

She's awake.

You need to call an
ambulance next time.

Hello, Emma.


Do you know why
you did it, Emma?


Did you want to harm yourself?

It's important that you
answer that, Emma.


Then, why did you do it?

I was scared.

Scared of what?

I was scared that it was
going to happen again.

The panic att*cks?

Why don't we try you
on new medication?

Certainly wouldn't have
put yourself in that position

if the fluoxetine had worked.

And we'll make sure
Dad's responsible

for handing out the
tablets this time, yeah?

How'd it go?

Oh. OK.

Where's the car?

Dropped it off at home.

Thought, uh, you
and I could walk,

maybe get a little exercise.

I did PE today.

What should we do tonight?

Should we...

watch a movie?

- Should we get a dog?
- Why?

Why not?

Wanna order some... pizza?

Hey, I'm gonna need you
to grab the maple syrup.

I'm not hungry.
- Bubs,

you barely touched
your food last night.

I wasn't hungry last night.

Please? I don't think I can
handle an eating disorder

on top of everything else.


What am I meant to do, Em?

I'm here, OK?

You've gotta help me
so that I can help you.

You need to talk to someone?

I mean, other than Trevor?

You know you can always
talk to your Aunty Sarah, right?

You can tell her
anything. Anything.

And it can just stay
between you both.

You don't need to tell
me what you talk about.

Why do you do all this?

- What?
- You go on and on about me!

That makes no sense,
baby. You're my entire world.

Why do I have to talk to you?

You don't talk to me.

About what?

About your stuff.

The only thing I've
got going on right now

is worrying about you.

You don't have a life.


You're unhappy.

It is my job to hold
things together.

It's what parents
are meant to do,

hold things together
to help keep you safe.

Maybe you should help yourself.

- I miss your mother so much...
- Oh, my God.

Hey, you two!

Bye, bubs!

How is she?

We started the new medication.

Told her she could talk
to you about anything.

OK. I'll gently encourage that.

I don't even need to know
whatever she wants to talk about.

I'll just come pick her
up. I won't even ask.

Maybe this is a bad
idea? No, it's not, Gary.

It's been three weeks.

Don't worry. She's not
gonna leave my sight.

Stay out as long as you need to.

Don't cut it short
if it's going well.

I don't think that'll
be necessary.

Pretty sure the
woman I'm meeting

is just using this opportunity
to practice speaking English.

What makes you think that?

Her Bumble profile

says she's studying English

and need to practice.

Oh. Well...

Thanks, Sarah.

- Just keep an eye on her.
- Gary.

- Call me if there's any issues...
- Stop worrying!

Have fun. Bye!

You have door-ta.

Daughter. Daughter.



What is she name?

Her name is Emma.

- Emma.
- Yeah.

My name is Mi-Gyung Cho.

I know.


Your name Gary.

Yes. Yep. Yeah.

OK, teach me.

Teach you? Right. Teach you.

Um, let's see. This
is a shopping mall.

Shopping mall.

Very good.

This is a date.

We are on a date.

- This is...
- Mm.

Right, well, I'm just this way.



- Ow!
- I'm sorry! I'm so sorry.

Where did you come
from? What the f*ck is that?

- It's a chai tea latte.
- Why is it so f*cking hot?

I like it that way.

I'm gonna get you water,
I promise. And napkins.

I'm just taking these.

Here. Come on.

Oh, my God. I mean, I can't
understand how I managed to...

I feel like I made it worse.

The problem is that

you really need to stop
drinking stuff that hot.

- It's not...
- It's so bad for your oesophagus.

But, like, this clicker
thing is never gonna work.

I... I need to know what I did.

Did I say something wrong?
Did I do something wrong?

- Did I offend you?
- No, you didn't.

You did nothing wrong.

Then, what?

I'm, um... I'm a
complicated person, Gary.

I have a really
complicated life. I...

I honestly shouldn't
have gone out with you

in the first place.


I mean... Didn't
mean it like that. f*ck.

I just meant I shouldn't have...

Ugh! I shouldn't have
put myself in that position.

- I get it.
- I wasn't thinking anything through.

- I get it.
- No, you don't.

- Then tell me.
- I can't.


Because it's...

I've... got baggage.

I've got baggage.

You don't have my baggage.

Then, what's your baggage?

I'm a 40-year-old, single father

who has a daughter who
needs to be medicated

because nobody
knows how to help.

I don't even know
how to help her.

There was an accident.

She almost k*lled herself.

I know I need to be a
source of stability for her,

but I don't know how much longer

I can keep up this facade
before she watches me drown.

Emma was four when Lisa died.

We'd just brought this perfect,
chubby little baby into the world,

and then Lisa was diagnosed.

She was so beautiful, Emma.

It was as if she'd been
plucked from the universe

and given to us as this gift.

Lisa hung on as
long as she could.

She fought so hard.

Tried every kind of chemo,
every treatment possible,

but the cancer was just...
so f*cking aggressive.

Just never let her go.

It just got worse and worse.

And worse and worse
and worse and worse.

I didn't want Emma to
see her mom like that.

So I didn't let her.

I made the decision
that that shouldn't be

the last image she
saw of her mom,

because it wasn't
her mom anymore.

Then Lisa died.

And I left.

I couldn't cope,
so I just f*cking left.

Six months.


I feel so ashamed.

So unbelievably
ashamed of what I did.

But I couldn't be around

anything that
reminded me of her.

I had to leave it all behind -

our house, our stuff,

our life...

Our daughter.

Lisa's family looked after
Emma while I was gone.

I owe them so much.

They've forgiven me.

I don't know if Emma
really understands what I did.

Then I see...

my little girl in
a hospital bed...

oxygen mask on her face...

Did I do it? Is it my fault?

That's my baggage.

And if Lisa was here, she'd
be able to tell me what to do.

But I can't ask her.

My husband died too.

It was a...

accident when we were
backpacking in Europe.

It was gonna be
our last vacation

before we started
trying to have a baby.


I moved here to escape
everything about him.

But I...

I still really miss him.

I'm so sorry.

It's life.


It's life. It's...

Oh, life, oh, life,

oh, life, doo, doo-doo, doo.

It's a song.

I'll listen to it.

I need to check it out.

Don't bother.

I find it very easy to be in
your company, you know that?

You made me sing.

I couldn't hold you back.

I'm just not used to being
around people I can talk to.

Yeah, it's been a
while for me too.

Then why did you
run away from me?

I've been asking
myself that question

every day for the
last three weeks.

It was four weeks.

Sorry, lady.

Thank you.

Come on, kids we have
to get home for dinner.

Thank you!

I just... I don't
want to hurt you.

Or Emma.

I'm sorry.

Keys. My keys. Wait! Mary!

Mary! Mary!

Hey! Hold that cab!

Follow that car! The
jeep with the woman in it.

- You know where it's going?
- No. Just follow the car.

Go. Go, go, go, go.


Hey, uh, Sarah, are you
good with Emma still?

Of course we are. Do
you need more time?

Turn, turn. Follow her there.

What's that?
Um... A little. I think.

- Gary, great!
- Is he staying out?

- Good one, Gaz.
- Uh, no. I...

I, uh, I shouldn't be too long.

Take as long as you need to. We
can have her the night if you need.

- You bet we can.
- Mm-mm. I won't...

I definitely won't
need you to do that.

- She's fine.
- Right. Right, there.

Gary, this is good.

You know Lisa wanted this.

You need to find yourself again.

We've got your back.

All of us, including Emma.

I know it doesn't feel
like that sometimes,

but she needs you to be happy.

I'll... I'll let you guys know
when I'm on my way back.

OK. Just have fun. Bye.

Mate, you shouldn't be
following women like this.

It's 2021.
- Just drive the car.

Keep going. Keep going.
Go through the light.

- I'll pay you a little extra.
- No, no.

- What are you doing? Follow her.
- It's a red light.

What, are we just gonna
guess where she's driving?

- Mate, it's a red light!
- We need to follow that car!

I don't know where
she lives. Oh, my God.

- OK.
- Oh, yay.

That's her. Stop.
Stop, stop, stop.

Here you go.


Agh! Did you follow me here?

Why do you have chickens?

No, you need to go, now!

You have my keys.

Oh... f*ck!

Come here...

Come on, here.


Hey. Uh, what are you doing?

Gary, get the f*ck out of here!

You took my keys.


Don't come down here.

Is that a goat?

You're just gonna have
to deal with this now!

Hope you're f*cking
happy, you f*cking d*ck!

