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03x11 - Ride, Sally, Ride

Posted: 03/01/14 21:17
by bunniefuu
Sally: Daniel! I cannot wait till you meet your maker!

Previously on "Scandal"...

What if the man was m*rder*d and no one finds out about it.

You have to trust me.

No, actually, I don't.

Adnan Salif says hello. Keep your phone on, "H."

Huck: Quinn, you've been a bad girl.

You're not a gladiator anymore.

[Screaming] Olivia: You hurt her.

I had to make her tell the truth.

She was working for your father.

Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll see you real soon.

Your father has to be stopped, 'cause I need answers.

Do what you have to do.

I have never answered to any holder of your office.

That changes right here, right now.

I'm command now, effective immediately.

The hell you are.

I'm gonna have to ask my agents to escort you to the street.

I'm running against you as an independent.

Fitz: You're making the biggest mistake of your life crossing me.

See you on the b*ttlefield.

[Indistinct conversations]

She's running!

Reporter: Waiting for what is nothing short of a historic declaration.

Reporter 2: The resignation of a sitting Vice President hasn't happened since 1973, when Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned under President...

Reporter 3: The timing of Vice President Langston's resignation could not have come at a worse time.

Confidence in the Grant administration is plummeting as a veritable revolution plays out.

Reporter 4: We are live at the White House as we await the resignation address from Vice President Sally Langston.

[Reporters talking]

So, what is it? What's our message?

Cyrus, I have the entire press corps waiting for me!

We're waiting on the poll numbers.

Well, what's the message?

Do we call her a traitor?

We're waiting.

I say we get personal.

Paint that reckless half-wit with the crazy brush.

She's delusional.

And emotionally crippled, her already-shaky mental state suffering a deadly blow from the passing of her husband.

Sexist but effective. Leak that on deep background...

We're not leaking anything. We're waiting.

While we wait, the press corps thinks I'm hiding, and they're not wrong.

The numbers are the oracle.

The numbers will tell us what to...

What numbers?

The polls!

Someone bring me the damn polls right now.

Yes, sir.

The distribution list was limited.

From me? Where the hell are they?

Sir, well, the President...

Faster, Ethan, faster.

The President wanted to review the numbers with...

With whom? With whom, Ethan?

With his new campaign manager.

[Knock on door]

The rest of your campaign team would like to see the poll numbers...

When you get a minute.

[Door closes]

Remember... calm, measured.

Before the last word leaves your lips, Grant's rapid-response g*ons are gonna be blasting you for being a spiteful squatter suffering from a wicked case of hot flashes, but you're not.

You are standing up for the people against the tyranny of a decadent monarch, plus...

You know, Jesus loves you.

Yes. Yes, I can do this.



Two-minute warning.

Two minutes.

Olivia: The numbers give us a chance.

Not a big chance, but a fighting chance.

So, these are your talking points.

Number one... Sally Langston's a selfish quitter.

She abandoned her views on abortion, and now she's abandoning her post.

Number two... Sally's a loose cannon, a fundamentalist extremist who's incapable of compromise.

Three... Sally's endangering our national security and the safety of our brave troops serving overseas.

She's sending a message to our enemies that we are weak and divided, which is why this country needs to band together immediately and show our unwavering support to our Commander-In-Chief.

So, selfish quitter, loose cannon, endangering our troops.

Stick to those talking points.

Do not stray from them, and we will come out of this stronger than ever.


It's starting.

Sally: My fellow Americans, as we know from our nation's great history, there are times when political bonds must be broken to preserve the will of the people and the freedoms we hold so dear.

Like our Founding Fathers, I have been witness to tyranny.

I believe our President's moral corruption knows no bounds.

And so, as of this morning, I am declaring my independence from President Grant so that I may run as a third-party candidate in the upcoming election.

However, because of my duties to God and my country, I cannot leave our nation to the whims of its childish leader.

This is why I cannot and will not resign as Vice President.

[All murmuring] Until we can turn out the lights on his irresponsibility...

Cyrus: Staying? And running.

As you lie through your opportunistic duplicitous teeth!

How could she do this? She can't do this.

She is.

Thank you for your support.

May God bless you, and may God continue to bless the United States of America.

Shocking move by the Vice President to split the ticket, leave the party, and run against her boss, all while refusing to leave the west wing.

It's certainly historic, but not unprecedented.

In the 1800 election, Vice President Thomas Jefferson ran against President John Adams.

Legally, Langston is well within her rights, and a very unpopular President Grant would face an uphill battle trying to go through congress to remove her from office.

He simply doesn't have the political capital.



Cyrus: Sir, with all due respect...

[Glass shatters]


Do something!

He listens to you.


Fitz, you need to stop drinking. It's not even lunchtime.

What if Iran declares w*r on us?

Why don't you ask Sally?


Fitz, look at me!

Yes, this is a setback, but we simply need to change the conversation, get the ball back in our court, and shore up our support with the base.

We can achieve both those goals with the right Vice-Presidential pick.

Now, Cyrus and I have drawn up a list...

I've already chosen a new Vice President...

Andrew Nichols.

Nichols? The governor of California?

Your former lieutenant governor of California.

Sir, that's...

Get Andy on the line. I'll ask him myself.

Fitz, aside from the fact you hail from the same state, Nichols is a straight, white man at a point in time when you desperately need to highlight diversity and especially your support of women...

Andrew Nichols is a man who has worked under me before.

He's a man who is loyal and whom I can trust.

Fitz, he is a good man, but I just don't see how he serves...

Call Nichols today or I will.

That's all.

I said, "that's all."


I have committed a sin.

It's Daniel Douglas.

He's... he's... I'm forsaken, Cyrus.

My flesh, it's venal and despised.

I fear it's time. I have to give myself over.

Cyrus: Sally! It is not time.

Do not give yourself over. D... do not move.

Do not call anyone. I am coming to you right now.


First, I'm sorry. You were right.

She's pretty much admitting she m*rder*d her husband.

Where did you get that tape?

Doesn't matter. We can't use it... inadmissible.

Well, in that case, I guess we're done here.

What? No. Sit down.

I have a job now, Rosen, in the White House.

And if you haven't noticed, our plate's pretty full today.

That's just it. You're on the inside now.

You're privy to everything they say.

We just need one unguarded moment and we can nail these bastards.

Sorry. You're on your own.

Is this your M.O... you storm into someone's office, give them the story of the century, and then bag on them?

Because you've pulled this crap on me twice now.

I came to you a month ago with my suspicions, and you didn't want to hear it, so I dropped it.

You should do the same.

So, your husband gives you a sweet government job and you walk right on over to the dark side.

Yes, my husband gave me a sweet government job.

And how exactly does that differ from what he did for you?

[Cellphone ringing]

[Door opens, closes]

[Beep] Rosen.

This is Harrison Wright. I need a favor.


You haven't even heard it yet.

Enough that I know who's asking for it.

An old friend of mine just got a visa to come back in the United States, named Adnan Salif.

Can you look into it?

Still no.

I'm serious, Rosen. Please.

I'll see what I can do.


Charlie: After that, I was pretty much persona non grata in Brazil.

Well, all of South America. Olé, right?

So, that's when I hooked up with the agency... a steady paycheck doing something I loved.

k*lled two birds... and some people.

Well, I'm sure you'll see that in the file.

As the new command, I'm sitting down with all the agents to make sure there aren't gonna be any problems.

Are there going to be any problems, Charlie?

I take orders from whoever's wearing the badge.

Keeps it simple.

Good to hear.

One more thing... Quinn Perkins.

Is that a name I should know?

She's a good kid.

Hit a rough patch. I've been looking out for her.

What can I say? Mr. Softy.

I don't know what arrangements were made before I arrived, but Quinn Perkins is not B613, never will be.

And if anything happens to her...

Say no more, boss. No rocking the boat here.

Andrew Nichols, governor of California, former lieutenant governor under Grant.

Governor Nichols, I'm sorry for all the secrecy.

I'm sure you understand the sensitivity of this meeting.

Riding over here in the trunk of a sedan isn't my favorite way to travel, but if it's in service of President Grant, hell, I'd sit in a rum barrel.

♪ All you got to do now ♪

What's his record? First term was a success. reduced emissions, balanced the budget, found time to date half of Hollywood... actresses, models, talk-show hosts, you name it.

Oh, right. So he's a playboy.

Yeah, but he's an age-appropriate playboy, for the most part, so, you know, props for that.

So, Governor, tell me why would you want this?

To run for the Vice President of the United States...

Isn't it obvious?

You'd have a clean sh*t to be in the mix in the next cycle.

Joining this ticket now you'd be selling yourself, to a long sh*t with a lot of baggage. Running with President Grant could destroy your brand beyond repair.

My brand? I wouldn't be Governor... anything.

I wouldn't have a brand if it weren't for Fitzgerald Grant.

The President is asking me to serve.

I could never turn my back on that.

♪ oh! ♪

What about skeletons?

Not much. Never married. No shady real-estate deals.

Dems spent a fortune on oppo research in the last campaign and came up empty.

He's clean.

All right.

Let's test the ticket. Let's poll him.

♪ Express yourself ♪

Nichols is polling well. His favorables are high.

With men.

They trust him to take over, should, God forbid...

He'll never have the chance.

He reminds suburban wives that their husbands might cheat on them, and single girls of their boyfriend who did.

Put him on the ticket, and Sally Langston will think Christmas came early.

What's your solution?

My solution is for you to talk him out of it.

Impossible. He's closing ranks. Loyalty above all.


It's why he put Jake Ballard in charge of B613.

He did what?

[Sighs] I assumed you knew.




How did you know that I would be here?

It's where you used to take me after mom... after I thought she d*ed.

I suppose you're gonna tell me that most parents would take their children to the playground?

They do.

But I liked it here.

I liked the quote.

"Uncommon valor was a common virtue."

I like it, too.

It used to remind me of mom.

Going down in that plane crash made me feel like, in the end, maybe... instead of being terrified to die, she was brave.

Maybe it wasn't so bad.

Now... it makes me think of you, and how you let me hate you instead of telling me about who she really was.

What do you want, Olivia?

I know that you've been replaced at B613 as command.

I work for the Smithsonian.

My title is chief curator.

I'm just saying I know what happened.

No, you don't.

I know how hard this must be for you.


The Smithsonian... has been a big part of your life.

I just wanted you to know...


That I know what happened!

That I'm sorry, dad.

You know what happened. [Chuckles]

No, you have no idea what happened.

You have no idea what is currently happening.

You're skipping around in a field full of bombs and mistaking them for daisies.

This, dear... sweet child, is what happened.

The married man you can't seem to stay away from had me abducted and locked me up in chains and spoke to me about the way you taste while he allowed the t*rror1st who snaked her way into my marriage bed to clear U.S. air space.

What happened was the man you screwed betrayed me by freeing the woman who gave birth to you as a bargaining chip.

What happened was the man who defiled you also defiled an organization that I gave my soul to build.

That is what happened.

What is currently happening is that President Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III has made an enemy... the worst kind of enemy, because I know all his secrets.

I know where every body is buried.

And the greatest w*apon I can use against him calls me "dad."

Uncommon valor was a common virtue.

The thing about that quote, Olivia, is that is from the good old days.

It no longer applies. Today everyone is afraid.

Everyone should be afraid.

The President should be very afraid.

And if I were you, Olivia, I would be terrified.

I would pick up whatever chips you have left and run as far away as possible from that burning building known as the White House.

Run, Olivia. Run.

Because, mark my words, Fitzgerald Grant is not going to make it to the end of his term.

You wouldn't dare.

Watch me.

Start grieving now, Olivia.

Rend your garments, curse the heavens.

It will save you time down the road.

But first, run.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Cellphone chimes]

Oh. This one? Yeah. Don't be nervous.

I'm not nervous. Worry about yourself.

Me? Nervous? No. Distracted? Slightly.

Who could blame me? [Chuckles]

I know you're not nervous, but you might want to convince your forehead of that.

It's mighty shiny.

Ha. Nice try, Bergen.

Nose, too. Mm.

Could you bring makeup to set? I think she's having a little...

There's no time. We're on in 10 seconds.

Don't sweat it.

I mean, don't further sweat it. You look fine.

Regardless of legality, this reckless move by Sally Langston threatens our standing in the world.

That's ridiculous.

Sally Langston is doing one thing and one thing only... her job.

If Vice President Langston thinks she can run the country better than President Grant, then she's free to run against him during the general election, but she can't trash him outside the gates of the White House, while working as the second in command in the west wing.

Again, it's reckless behavior.

You want to talk reckless?

How about hiring your alleged mistress, Olivia Pope, as your campaign manager?

Uh, I'm s...

Those unsubstantiated rumors were put to bed months ago when...

[Chuckling] Um, that is an interesting choice of words.

Am I right, Ashley?

Leo, are you seriously accusing President Grant of having an affair with Olivia Pope, even after the President himself named Jeannine Locke as his mistress?

Who's to say he had just one mistress?

He's a handsome man with appetites.

I choose not to underestimate President Grant in these matters.

[Indistinct shouting]

Reporter: So, are you saying that there's no truth to a romantic relationship between the President and Ms. Pope?

This question has been asked and answered to death months ago.

Why hasn't the President made a statement?

[Indistinct shouting]

Again, I refuse to answer any questions regarding Leo Bergen's comments.

We need to hit back fast.

Change the story. Leak some dirt on Sally.

If I had dirt, don't you think I'd have dumped it by now?

- Vanessa.

Why hasn't Daniel Douglas Langston's autopsy report been released to the public?

I'm not sure why it would be.

His medical records are government records, yet they've been sealed off from the public.

Why is that?

I'll have to take that question.

Would there be a reason that the White House Leo: The entire White House press corps
is pouring gasoline on the Fitz/Olivia Pope fire.

Your approvals are up 6 points, Twitter's got you trending, and the radio is playing "Mustang Sally."

Ride, Sally, ride... they're calling you a Maverick.

The lies are unspooling, Leo.

Someone knows about Daniel Douglas.

Someone knows and there are questions and the lies are unspooling and they will snare us and bring us down in the fire of God's wrath.

It is over.

Sally... we've talked about this.

It is because I turned my back on the faithful and condoned abortion.

Abortion? Really?

Because when I stop and rank the things you've done sin-wise...

I did not m*rder my husband, Leo.

The devil m*rder*d my husband when he snuck inside me.

And the reason I was not vigilant, the reason that I did not rise up and turn the devil away from my gate is that he distracted me.

With pride, he distracted me into turning my back on my flock, into abandoning the innocent unborn.

I was distracted, and I let the devil inside of me, and he used my hand as a vessel of m*rder, a vessel of sin.

Sir, please.

It's all right, sweetheart. I work here.

Since we're neighbors now, I thought I'd stroll down the hall and say hi.

I'm calling security.

There's no electioneering in the White House.

Special assistant to the Vice President.

Anyway, nobody follows that rule.

We do.

Is that why Olivia Pope's roaming the halls?


What do you want, Leo?

It's nice in here.

The art's a little old man-y for my taste, but I'm sure I could have them hip it up for me.

You and your candidate are on a b*llet train to political oblivion.

I've got two words for you... Ralph Nader.

[Scoffs] Oh, wait! Two more... Ross Perot.

Try these two... Teddy Roosevelt.

He lost his third-party race.

His face is on a Mountain.

Don't push me, Leo.

I know Sally Langston very well, and I have no qualms about exposing her for the pro-life, h*m*, raging bitch that she really is.

As opposed to the corpse-moving obstructor of justice that you are?

That's right. She told me what she did.

More importantly, what you did.

So, go ahead. Get right on that.

So, what did he say, specifically?

Just that he needed some time to think about it.

I'll just look for another job.

I'll babysit, wait tables.

Hey. We both know how great you'd be in B613.

We just got to give command some time to realize it, too.

In the meantime, great thing about our line of work... rock-solid job stability.

I mean, as long as people have to live together, someone's gonna pay to have someone else k*lled.

Fact of life.

Anyway, when I get depressed, I always like to go shopping.

Can I help you two find something?

Yeah, we're outfitting my girlfriend's first tool box.


You know, so she can put up some bookshelves.

Every home needs a great set of tools.


Truer words, Terry. Truer words.

[Cellphone rings]



Hey, boss.

I need a mop-up job on your last assignment.

Can I still count on you for some under-the-table work.

Of course.

Wouldn't want that yelp review to say I was anything less than thorough and discreet.

Looks like the dry spell's over.


What did I say? There's always work.

Do you have power drills around here?

Maybe something in a blow torch?

For a book shelf?

We're big readers.

Bye! See you tomorrow!

Hi, Billy. Hey!

Hey... oh, wait up.

I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.

[Chuckles] I'm not a stranger, silly.

I know your mom.

She asked me to pick you up, take you home.

She had to work late.

How do you know my mom?

Through your sister, Caitlin, who plays softball with my little sister, but she's not as good as Caitlin.

Caitlin is, like, really good, right?

Yeah, she's got a bunch of trophies.

Really? That's pretty cool.

Maybe you can show me her trophies when I take you home?

That is, after we get ice cream.

It'll be our secret.


Charlie: Seat belts.

[Engine turns over]

James: I looked like an incompetent fool.

How am I supposed to do my job when I haven't the faintest idea of what the hell is going on around here?

James. Why wasn't there an autopsy on Daniel Douglas?

I need to know, Cyrus.

In order for me to stand up there on that podium, I need to know what not to say.

We are not having this conversation.

Oh, God! [Sighs]

Look at our baby, Cyrus. Look at her!

Do you honestly think I would do anything to jeopardize her?

I'm on your side here, so why don't you just tell me the truth and let me protect you?

Refer any questions about Daniel Douglas Langston's unfortunate death to the office of the Vice President.

That's what you say. That's all you say.

He ambushed me.

I had no idea he was gonna make you the headline.

He went low, which just means we have to go lower.

I want you and huck to dig up everything we can on the death of Sally's husband.

Are you saying there was a cover-up?

I'm saying there could be more to the story.

A question came up in the press room today from a reporter claiming there was never an autopsy.

Huck: Looks like the reporter was right.

Coroner's report says Langston d*ed of natural causes, no autopsy.

There's also no record of who looked at the body.

M.E. never signed off.

[Knock on door]

Can I help you?

Hi. We're from The Post.

We just had a few quick questions about the coroner's report you prepared on Daniel Douglas Langston.

Mr. Langston's blood had elevated levels of troponin.

I'm confident he d*ed of sudden cardiac arrest.

Do you still have those results?

I shouldn't be talking to you guys.

Oh, this is all off the record.

Just let us take a look at those tests and we'll be out of your hair.

They're gone.

I destroyed them.

I ran those tests against the Vice President's wishes.

What's that?

It's New York times best-seller material.

Couldn't put it down.

Just two young lovers in Mexico on the hunt for cheap oxy.

That was a long time ago.

I didn't even know my boyfriend was trying to bring anything back.

Just tell us how Langston d*ed, Linda.


He was a big drinker.

The night he d*ed, he took a spill in the bathroom, smashed his head on the toilet.

Massive brain bleed.

I don't blame the Vice President for wanting to keep that quiet.

I really felt for her.

Thank you for your honesty.

We'll bury this deep.

[Door closes]

You've done good, Linda. Real good.

Where's my son?

Hey, Billster, you crazy kid. Get in here.

Mommy! Oh!

[Sniffles] Are you okay?


Oh, my God.

[Telephone ringing]


Harrison Wright, it's your butler calling.

I looked into your friend Adnan for you. And?

And I'm afraid deportation's not an option.

I called my contact at Immigration, and apparently Salif's visa was issued from pretty high on the hill.

Turns out your friends have more powerful friends than you do.

Was there anything else you needed?

Some reservations to a hot new restaurant, a massage for your tired, aching should...

What are we doing about those Daniel Douglas rumors?

I'm taking care of it.


Don't worry.

Don't worry? If you go down, I go down, too.

And now Andrew Nichols is our V.P. pick?

Don't patronize me like I am some hysterical teenage girl at the beginning of my cycle.

There is plenty to worry about.

You want to worry about something? Worry about this.

You need to focus on the big picture, like getting your husband to at least appear to prefer you to his alleged mistress.

It's not my fault Fitz makes googly eyes at Olivia in public.

Not your fault? It's entirely your fault.

Bringing in Olivia was your idea.

Now, we have the predictable mess of your making, so fix it.

Do your damn job!

I'm doing mine.


Ah. [Chuckles]

Smile, Olivia. Smile.

The glitterati are watching. [Chuckles]

That's better.

What are we doing here?

We are sharing a meal, being gal pals, braiding each other's hair, talking about boys.

[Chuckles] Mellie.

Laugh. [Laughs]

[Camera shutters clicking]

I'm making a respectable woman out of you, Olivia.

My husband can't be sleeping with you if we're friends.

I would never embrace Fitz's whore.

I took the liberty of ordering my favorite bottle.

I know how you love your wine.

[Both chuckle]


Oh, thank you.

Oh, yeah.


Thank you, Aaron.

Why are you doing this?

Because I like it when my husband is the President.

I worked very hard for it.

I've done a great deal to get us here, and you are gonna get him across the finish line, but you can't do that if people know what kind of person you really are.


[Glasses clink]

Now, I thought this public lunch was a bold move.

[Chuckles] And it is, isn't it?

Bold, but just the first step.



I assume you'd know better than me, what, with all your handling and your fixing.


There are the photographers out front, two tables back is the gossip blogger for Inside the Beltway, behind me is the columnist from the DC Daily, and there's a woman from BNC over to my left, pretending she's not recording us on her phone right now.


By day's end, we'll be everywhere.

[Chuckles] Bold.


Aww. [Chuckles]

But, yes, just a start.

Which is what I thought.


This little lunch will work for a few days, but the rumors won't go away, not if you and Fitz slip up.

So, I came up with step two.

Ooh. What is this?

A list of men... eligible bachelors.

Prominent, smart.

Pick one.

Pick one?

Any one of them.

It's an equal opportunity list.

Tall, short, black, white, republican, democrat.

I don't care who.

Just pick one and start dating him.


So that people can stop thinking that you're screwing my husband.

Smile, Olivia.

The world is watching.

[Camera shutters clicking]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Cellphone chimes]


Are you serious?

You're stealing my g*n.


Harrison, you do not get to act all crazy just 'cause everyone else here is.

We are the normal ones. You and me.

If we need to borrow a g*n, we ask.

Also, why do you need it?

Adnan sent me that picture today.

It's a business trip to Dubai.

Adnan had a deal, so we went to help.

The other three people, J.C., Hammer, and Ivy... all dead now.

So, what? This is some sort of warning?

It's a promise.

Do you even know how to use it?

The safety and the clip and how you're not supposed to tuck it in your waistband or else you could sh**t off your penis?

I know how a g*n works, Abby.


Just... be careful, okay?

NICHOLS: So, you're testing me in front of an audience to... what?... Get my "Q" rating.

I'm trying to get past your problem.

I didn't know I had one.

You're a playboy.

[Chuckles] Come on.

That's what people who date starlets and socialites and supermodels get called.

One supermodel... plus one who was just swimsuit.

And another one... runway.

That you even know those distinctions is a problem.

I've also dated C.E.O.s.

But you don't get photographed with them.

Like it or not, you're polling as shallow, commitment-phobic, closed off, unrelatable, and therefore unelectable.

So let's get started.


So, why haven't you settled down?

The truth is I love my work, and I tend to fall for women who also love their work.

Let's try again.

Okay, but the answer will be the same.

Then we'll keep trying.

I'm telling you the truth here.

Maybe you believe it.

Maybe you've been telling that lie for so long that you've forgotten the truth.

Let's try this... what do you want me to say?

That you're gay. That you're a mama's boy.

That you find the idea of monogamy to be naive and unnatural.

Anything but the practiced canned answer you're trying to peddle me.

This is ridiculous.

What are you afraid of?

Why haven't you settled down?

I had my chance, okay? I had my chance and I lost it.

I let her go. So I moved on.

I married my job instead, and I take great pride in what I've done for the millions of Californians who have put their trust in me.

And, hey, down the line, maybe I'll get another sh*t at marriage. Who knows?

But what I do know is that I'm not marrying somebody I don't love.

And if that makes me unsuitable for the vice presidency, so be it.

Mr. President, Olivia Pope is here.

Send her in.

Thank you, Lauren. Can you close the door on your way out?

Lauren, could you leave the door open?

Door closed, Lauren.

Door open, Lauren.

I... I don't know what to...

Door open, Lauren.



And you stand there.

I have all the numbers back on Andrew Nichols.


They're good.

He's good.


Look, you want him.

And I can spin it. I can make it work.

I can sell it to the people, and you'll seem loyal and good and like you made a great choice, but you didn't.

He's wrong. My gut tells me he's wrong.

And mine tells me he's right.

You don't do this for a living.

You don't run elections for a living.

I am President for a living, Liv. Come on.

I should resign.

Oh, Liv.

The rumors about us are on every news channel, at the top of every hour.

We're the headline.

I can't do my job. I can't run your campaign if...

The news cycle will change.

They'll find something else to chew on.

Your wife took me to lunch and handed me a list of eligible men I could date.


She wants me to get a boyfriend, have someone on my arm for show, like some k...

I should resign.

You are not gonna start dating some man for show.

And you are not resigning.

As far as the press is concerned, I am a physical reminder of the fact that you were unfaithful to your wife.

I am a liability.

Fitz, door open.

This is not... door o...


You are not resigning.

I refuse to accept your resignation.

You can't leave me.

I am not losing you again.

Why did you put Jake in charge of B613?

Who told you that I put...

You made Jake the head of B613.

You know what that place is like, you know what it does, and you made Jake command.



I k*lled 329 innocent people.

I let an international t*rror1st, your mother, out of the country, and she k*lled three more.

And no one knows where she is.

If I have any hope of remaining President, then it needs to stay buried, and there's only one man I trust to guard that grave.

Jake Ballard.



You are stressed, and you are scared.

And you want this... you want to win this election so bad, you can't breathe.

And I understand that.

But you don't trust me.

I trust you!

Andrew Nichols is wrong.

He is not wrong!

Like I said!

I trust you! I need you!

You want to win this election, and you can't do that if I...

You are not resigning.

I won't win without you.



I'm not resigning. I'll be here.

[Door slams]



[Door creaks]

Put that away. You look ridiculous.

I don't want to use this.

But I will.

No, you won't.


I just want to talk.

About your future, about how we can help each other.

I missed you so much, Harrison.

Nice family.

I mean, could use a mommy, but...

I'll give you exactly one second to get your feet off my desk.

Or what?

Or I'll cut them off and shove them down your throat.

Size 11 1/2?

I seriously doubt my feet would fit down my throat.

I'm not talking about your feet, you baby-faced twit.

I'm talking about your balls. Have they even dropped yet?

Will you miss them when they're gone?


Now out.

We need to talk about the leak.

We don't need...

Vanessa Chandler...

Someone is spilling the Daniel Douglas files into her ear.

She has a deep throat.

Maybe it's me.

You're my enemy.

You would be unworthy of that title if you were that stupid.

All you need to know is I'm working on it.

No, see, we're working on it.

Divided we fall on this one, Cy.


We're working on it.

Good. Fine.

So, who else knows? Who did you have do cleanup?

Cleanup was professional.

Secret Service.

I thought you said you were dropping this?

I tried the dark side. Turns out you were right.

Didn't suit me.

This whole time, you've been standing up on that podium, playing the good soldier.


My husband's a monster, David.

He's brilliant and ego-maniacal and has done more to thwart the rule of law than you and I will probably ever know.

He's a monster. And he's powerful.

And he thinks he doesn't have a weakness.

But he does.


And I will do whatever it takes... play the good soldier and stand on the podium and sleep beside him for as long as it takes to take that monster down.

Starting with this.

It's a good start, but the problem is it's still inadmissible.

Legally, at least one of the parties needs to know they're being recorded.

And God help whoever it is who's been leaking this stuff to the press.

If these guys figure out who that reporter's source is, they're as good as dead.

Oh, God.

James, please tell me you're not.

I am Publius.

[Knock on door]


Got a night off from ruling the underworld?

Liv, I received an order from my commander in chief.

I couldn't say no, and I didn't want to.

I can run that organization better than Rowan ever did.

There are good men and women who deserve a leader they can trust.

Someone who... [Sighs]

I can do better, Liv. I know I can.

You need to give me back Quinn.

I don't have her.

Would you tell me if you did?

Or would that be classified, one of the many secrets you're going to have to keep in order to be command.

Liv, I can find your mother. Bring her to justice.

We both know what your father would do if he were still in charge.

My father wasn't always a monster.

He started out just like you, trying to do the right thing, trying to keep us all safe.

I couldn't say no.

You could.

I couldn't!

I serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States.

Don't we all?!


Serving the Republic.

I always thought it was a good thing... a great thing.

True service, a calling.

Now I think...

I think it eats at you until you are not you anymore, until you are lost, until you can't remember who you were, until you forget yourself, and all you can see is the greater good.

All you can see is God and country.

And you're so busy being a patriot, you forget to be a person.

Liv, what's wrong?


Just... Vermont keeps getting further and further away.




So, are you?


Am I what?

Are you a patriot?

Mellie: And, yes, it's been quite a year for Fitz and me, ups and downs, I have never been more proud of my husband for his unbridled dedication...

What were you thinking?

... To the citizens of this great nation.

You are angry, but I did the right thing, and you know I did.

There are no more questions about our relationship.

But I have some questions about yours.

I thought you trusted Jake.

This is a bad idea.

It's how I can stay.

But you all didn't come to see me.

You came to see my husband, the President of the United States of America, Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III!

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you.

Thank you all very much.

Thank you so much.

I'm very happy to be here with you tonight, to make an historic announcement.

Now, some of you may have heard that I've recently found myself in the market for a new running mate.

Who is it?! Who is it?! Who is it?!

Hey. Look who's back on her feet.


Sit down, have a sweet tea, enjoy the show.

It doesn't matter who it is, because Papa Bergen is on it.

Sorry about that. Wow!

You know, I never realized people like you actually existed.

I don't know whether to be excited or scared.


You should be both.

There's a particular value I looked for when making the tough decision of selecting my new running mate.

It's a value that the American people possess in spades.

That value is loyalty.

Long way from Sacramento.

You and me both.

[Both chuckle]

[Indistinct conversation]

Madam First Lady, you look stunning, as always.

[Chuckles] Thank you, Andrew.

Cyrus: Mr. President?

Be right back.


Every day for the last 12 years, I have dreamed of this.

Being on a ticket?

Being near you again.

Fitz: So, without further ado, I'd like you to meet the next Vice President of the United States, my former lieutenant governor and governor of California, a man I consider a brother as much as a friend, Governor Andrew Nichols!

[Cheers and applause]