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01x07 - Daj Mi Buzi

Posted: 11/07/23 17:25
by bunniefuu
- I know what Jeremy is doing.

- Alcohol is not illegal.

Dealing Oxy is.

What can you tell me about my mom?

She was from Deep Lake,

that's all I know

- about my birth parents.

- I was barely 17.

Then I got pregnant.

I had to walk away from Jeremy.

But in the end, it didn't matter,

because 8 weeks in, I had a miscarriage.

I'm so sorry Devon,

but I can't marry you.

I get why you came up here now.

You're running from something.

My Mom d*ed of cancer.

I have the BRCA1 gene.

I don't think I can run anymore.

You're gonna keep hurting

people until you deal with it.

Come on, Ems.

We could both use a night out

that doesn't involve boys.

Boys that we already know. [CHUCKLING]


I heard you have a sh*t here

that brings good luck.

We could use some.

Um, what is that?

Buckey's thumb. Prohibition rum running.

Had horseshoes up his ass

'till he lost that thumb.

Good luck if you let it touch your lips.



It's not that bad.

Yeah, alcohol kills leprosy, right?



Okay, I know why I need better luck.

Why do you? Is it a boy? Is it Bodie?


I'm waiting for some test results.

I haven't seen Bodie since


Oh, God, he swallowed the thumb!

My name's Emma, I'm a nurse.

You need the Heimlich maneuver.

He's cyanotic! He's passing out.

Starting chest compressions.

- Call 911!

- There's no time.

He needs an emergency cricothyrotomy.


This is the North, Emma.

We make do with what we have

or people die.

We need a sterile blade and a straw.

Okay, now we just need to make

a half inch vertical incision

under his Adam's apple.

Are we sure we should be doing this?

Indecision kills.


Okay, the yellow membrane.

That's the cricothyroid membrane.

We'll have to slice it horizontally.


Okay. Now put this straw

into the trachea.

Now we need to administer

two steady breaths,

about a second each.



Holy crap, Hayley. We just did a cric.

Told you it was lucky.



Would you call that decorticate,

or decerebrate posturing?

Whoa, if you do not know that,

you are not ready for your interview.

We call that posturing perfection.

Dang. I was hoping for

your sake it was involuntary.

Hey. You're gonna crush it, Crys.

You're exactly the kind

of smart, talented

future med student U of M

is looking for.

Wanna fly out to Winnipeg

with me and just keep

- repeating all that?

- Oh, come on.

Listen. Winnipeg Memorial's been

trying to poach me for a while now.

They have a pretty good ER.

And it would be nice to live somewhere

with more than one grocery store again.

Maybe we can make the move together.

This will be great Bodes,

just like old times.

Didn't make sense to keep a lease

on the house without Madison, so

Does everyone know about

what happened?

Oh, come on. Nobody cares about that.

Most people don't care

about that, just, look,

we're happy to have you back,

Bodie. Alright?

sh*t. I forgot

That's okay. Look

your heating vent works

a little too well in there,

I was sweating my ass off.

It's all good, I'm gonna move

back to my room, it'll be more comfy.


Thank you, man.

- Yeah.

- Does anybody want a latte?

I splurged on the fanciest beans

they had at the Tiger,

so it is medium roast lattes

all around

Um I think I forgot

the milk in the car.

I thought everyone knew

I was moving back?

Emma broke off her engagement.

Because of

- You call her?

- No.

What am I gonna say, "Sorry I

ruined your wedding,

let's grab a pizza?"


- Relationships suck.

Mm. Relationships in Thompson suck.

Thompson sucks.

I need that omelette for table 3.

And we need the guy to come fix

the cappuccino machine.

Um, Madison.


I was hoping we could talk.

Look, I'm sorry

for what Bodie and I, um

For what I did.

It was a mistake and I feel awful.

Screw off.


Screw. Off.

I'm trying to clean up my language

before the baby gets here.

Look, I'm trying to apologize

No you aren't.

You wanna apologize for you.

So that you feel better.


If you really gave a crap

about me or how I'm feeling,

you wouldn't be here

putting me through this

at work making it all about you.

Well guess what, Hayley?

I don't give a sh*t if you feel better.

Hey, Nowak. Got three more orders here.

- Hey.

- Gin and tonic.

That's not what you ordered, is it?

Sorry, picking up doubles

at the bar and working

extra in the medevac.

No Bodie tonight?

No, he's uh settling in his old room.

Sorry, I


- Hey.


You're Emma.

In Thompson.

Yeah. I'm on my days off,

Hayley invited me

to stay at the crew house, so.

I, uh, I must have just missed you, I

I got in late last night.

Um, were you out with someone?

You know, Cassiopeia.


Yeah, it's kind of hard

to compete with her.

So, how's single life treating you?

It's great. It's

kind of boring actually.

Just have all this free time

with nothing to do, so


Hey. You okay?

Had my med school interview today.

Went really well.

No offence, Crys,

but if this is how you look

when things go really well

Doing this means leaving.

Again. And for much longer.

And Trevor wants to make

the move together.

Ugh. God. Super hot doctor

who wants to commit?

[SCOFFS] The worst.


it's just a lot of change.

You worked hard for this, Crys.

Maybe take one second to celebrate.

You hear back about your MRI yet?


They don't have champagne here,

but I'm gonna get us

two pints of their bubbliest

draft and we are gonna

make a toast to you, Dr. Highway.

Was that okay?

God, Chopper, of course, it wasn't okay,

you just did it in a bathroom.


That was awesome.

I've always wanted to, you know

In like somewhere

Uh, public?

Wait you haven't hooked up anywhere?

Like a concert or a car or


Devon and I got together really young.

So I was thinking, maybe we

could do something like

Like a bucket list!

I could be into that.

Why don't we go to dinner

and talk about it there?

I was thinking something

a little more casual.

It's just, I just got out of

an engagement and

I don't think I could really handle

anything more serious right now.

Yeah, no, yeah. That's right.

But hey, that doesn't mean

you have to do this.

- If you're not down for it.

- No, no.

I am down. For sure.

Really? Yeah?

Because I wanna try


We're about ten away.

If I'm lucky I'll get my sleep

requirements before I'm on call.

Not until I get some details

from tonight.

I heard someone was hooking up

in the Whiskey Hatch bathroom.

No idea, I didn't see a thing

past the taps and the tip jar.

Well, it wasn't Bodie.

Neither Madison or Hayley

are talking to him.

They're not talking to each

other either.

Which is sad. I like Madison.

She was fun to have around.











Oh God, he went off the road! Nowak!


I'm over here!

I'm coming. I'm coming.

You can't get the door open?

We've got you, man.

Okay, okay, we're coming for you, bro.


Lexi my seatbelt.

I'm stuck.

I got it. Tristan.

- Where are you hurt?

- My shoulder.

Do you have any neck or back pain?


I got you.

Come on. Come on. Almost out.


Oh my God.

I'm okay.

I'm okay.

Okay, you've got a dislocated shoulder,

it's painful but it can wait.

- Let me get a good look at you.

- No, no.

- No, I got it, I got it.

- Nowak, I can't do

a reduction, you need

to go to the hospital.

It's happened before, I got it.

What are you talking about?

What are you doing?


Oh my God!

So that's how we're playing it, huh?

I'll call an ambulance and a tow truck.

It's already off the road,

the tow truck can wait.

- What about the ambulance?

- I just

I'm fine. I just wanna go

home and sleep.

Are you serious?

Are you serious?!

On the bed. [GROANING]

- I'm digging the butch vibes.

- Sit still, since you're

too stubborn to go to the hospital.

Look at me, we need to check you out.

You know you're adorable

when you're angry.

You've been working crazy hours.

It's catching up to you.



I'm fine. Okay?

All good.

Daj mi buzi?

You're not dying. You're just annoying.


I'm gonna shower.



Did you manage to sleep at all

when we got home last night?

I'm tired and I didn't

even wreck my car.

Hey, you know me. Strong like bull.

What's this?


Stop touching things.


Come on, tell me a story.

Entertain me.

It was a quiet flight. The end.

- How you doin', Jer?

- Not

Whoa! Better than you, apparently.

What's this? What happened?

Stunt on my snow cat. I need

a little bit more practise.

Hey, be more careful than this one, huh?

I don't need two patients on my hands.

You wanna play some

Super Smash Bros later?

Yeah. Am I gonna come to find

you ate all my chips playing it

while I was gone? [LAUGHING]

Yeah, come.

Come by later, I'll go easy on ya.

- Alright.

- Alright, Lefty?


Come on, Crys. Chew me out

for not getting out of Dodge,

alright, throw something,

call me an assh*le,

anything, just

But the silent treatment, it isn't you.

I'm leaving.

I applied to med school.

And if I get in, I'm going.


So just like that, huh?

You're running away again.

I'm not running away.

I'm doing this so I can come back.

As a doctor for the community.

Yeah, am I supposed to be what?

Grateful that you're telling

me this time?

Instead of just running away

in the middle of the night?

- No, I didn't

- You did.

One minute we were having

a baby together,

and the next, you were gone.

After what we lost. You've just

You left.

No, we were

We were never having a baby together.

I was having a baby.

And you were just the guy

who got me pregnant.


You were 17, partying too hard.

And smuggling bootleg.

Like, who do you think

was gonna raise our kid?

That day you told me

you were pregnant

I went down to Prospect River

and I applied

at the nickel mine

for a real job.

For you.

It's always been you, Crys.

- Jer

- Even when you're not here,

even when you're mad at me.

It's you.


Wow. An actual sex bucket list.


I'd like to call

your attention to number four.

And 11.

Hey, do you want to order some food?

There's a new dumpling place

in town and I was thinking

we could eat dinner in bed.

Um, thanks, but I'm gonna

crash with Hayley.

I have an early start tomorrow, so

Yeah, no, cool. [CHUCKLES]

Well, uh

Thank you. For that.

Number six tomorrow?

She finally ditched the zero

to get with the hero, huh?

That's great, man. I knew you

liked her for a while.

Uh, no, it's not like that.

It's casual, you know?


- What?

- Nothing. I just

didn't think that's what you wanted.

Yeah, no, it's what we're doing.

It's what we both want.


Donny, you there?

Oh sh*t.

Hey, Donny, I don't feel so good.

You do this every year, you get drunk,

you go on about animal rights

and you embarrass me

- in front of all my friends.

- I only had one beer.

Maybe we should take separate vacations.

Maybe we should just be separate.



[MUFFLED]: Help.

Okay Brendan. I know

this is gonna be hard,

but I need you to try and hold still.

- She said not to move.

- Uh-huh! Uh-huh.

- Your face is numb?

- Uh-huh.

Do you have any numbness anywhere else?

- Uh

- He's drunk.

He said he only had one beer

but he could barely stand.

He hates coming up here.


- Okay, it's okay.

Just don't try to talk.

I can't pull him off without

causing further injury.

This is like m*rder Jenga

It's all interlocked.

I mean, we could try using a saw.

No saw!

Um, do you have a wire coat hanger?


Alright, look. The antlers

aren't like bone,

they're more like fingernails.

Which means

we can burn through them.

It's working.

- Oh

- Oh!

Oh my God, Chopper!


Oh my God. Chopper.

Mm-hmm. Science.


I know. That burning antler

gave me a headache too.

I've been trying to get

this smell out of here.

Alright Brendan, can you

give my hand a squeeze?

Okay Brendan, give me a big old squeeze.

He wouldn't hold my hand either.

I thought he was just mad at me.

Right-sided hemiparesis.

Ataxia, facial numbness, slurring

I don't think he's drunk.

What is it? What's happening?

I think your partner had a stroke.


- Stroke?

- Oh God. Brendan!

- Careful! Watch the antler.

- No. Ugh!

- His jacket.

Winnipeg centre,

this is SkyMed 911 Medevac.

We have a mechanical issue

on board the aircraft

and need to divert to Prospect River.



Please, please. I know

I was a jerk before,

but he has to be okay.

We're gonna get him to Thompson

as soon as we can, okay?

But if the feathers had gotten

behind the panels

and into the wiring,

it could have caused a fire

and taken the whole plane down.

We had to divert and we're waiting

for a different Medevac, okay?

Spare from the plane.


I'm here. I'm so sorry.

I know you hate these trips,

I don't know why I drag you up here.

I don't know why I come up here.

I never actually sh*t anything,

I look at them and I see

their wet little eyes

I've been friends with

these guys since college.

I thought this is what I had

to do to spend time with them,

but I don't like who I am with them.

I like who I am with you.

I'm sorry I made you think

that you had to do something

you were uncomfortable with

to be with me.


[MUFFLED]: I love you.

I love you too.

Whoa. Would we call this

an emergency touch down?

We wouldn't if we read the room.

Patient needs a CT scan

as soon as possible.

He's in the 4 hour window for tPA.

Okay, we need to get him

hooked up the ECG

- and in the air.

- Bodes.

Ready? Three, two

Over here.

This way.

38-year-old male presenting

with a stroke,

LAMS score of four

and a foreign object impaled

through floor of mouth

behind the mandible.


I got to

Hey. Hey, are you okay?

Is he gonna be okay?

They're gonna do everything

that they can.


- My chest hurts.

It's okay. I got you, I got you.


I knew I should have examined

you after the car accident.

HR's high.


Sats are good.

Nowak, look at me. Look at me,

I need you to breathe, okay?


and out.

Slow, deep breaths, okay?

What's wrong with me? I felt

like my chest was gonna burst.

This can happen after a car accident.

Panic att*cks are totally normal

Panic att*ck?

No. I'm a pilot, for Christ's sake.

Funny how pilots are humans too, huh?

I'm sending you the information

for a counsellor.

He can talk you through

some coping techniques.

Call him. Set up an appointment.

It's not a big deal, okay?


Why are we here?

I thought you were gonna

tell me more about my mom.

Well, this is where Jolene grew up.

Wish I could tell ya' more.

Tried looking for her.

Wherever she went after you were born

She doesn't want to be found.

How did you know her?

I'm your uncle.

Jo didn't have family growing up.

My parents took her in.

Raised her.

So, you're not really my uncle?

Well, it's not really the way

it works up here, Bodie.

It's more about community.

More than just blood.

Maybe you didn't grow up here,

but you're Anishinaabe. You belong.

And you're always welcome.

- What's all that?

- Building a hockey rink

for the kids. You play?

Baseball. Um, but I can swing a hammer.

Let's go, then.

Ah, crap. A bunch

of this wood is rotten.

Those assholes in Winnipeg screwed us.

They sent us cheap wood because

they know we can't send it back.


We have enough to finish the rink?

No, wood's expensive,

hard to get up here.

You know what? Jo, she

hated skating.

She liked to sing.

She loved to dance. Especially

at pow wows, to the drum.

You know, that's why she went

to Toronto, to be a dancer.

- That's where she met your Dad.

- He was Jamaican.

That's all I know about him.

Yeah, she never told me what

happened with him,

but when she got pregnant,

she was determined to keep you.

Yeah, she loved you.

Right from the start.

But when Jo went into labour

A 17-year-old Anishinaabe girl,

far from home, alone,

with no support

The social worker made her give you up.


She chose to give me up.

No. The social worker pressured her.

Broke her down.

You know, they're always

looking for ways to take

our children away from us.

Nah, look man, you're full of sh*t.

No, Bodie. Bodie.


Celebratory wine and donuts

for your awesome interview.

Hey, you okay?

No. Sorry. I

You're You're amazing.

[CHUCKLES] Trevor, you're

You're smart, funny and sweet.

And no one has ever believed in me

as much as I believe in myself.

Except my Kookum.

Uh, I, uh

Something changed yesterday

and I think that




I thought things between us were

They were.

You push me, you see my potential

You don't want that?

I do.



You want me to go to med school

so I can leave here.

And I wanna go so I can come back.

North House North House is my heart.

And Jeremy?

He is too.

I'm sorry.




Oh, God, Maskwa.

What happened?

You brought this sh*t

into the community?

No, uh, is he gonna be okay?

- Move him.

- You son of a bitch.

You lied to me.



Opioid overdose, agonal breathing,

pupils are pinpoint.

I was just chopping wood,

I didn't even know he was in there.


Oh my God.

I'm so sorry, buddy.

Do you remember what happened?

What did you take?

My arm started to hurt.

I knew you had ibuprofen.

I found it in the black and yellow box.

How many did you take?


Just two?

- Must be laced with fentanyl.

- Fentanyl?

Those bastards.

Radio dispatch, he needs a medevac ASAP,

and try to find his parents.


Is he going to be okay?

He's gonna be okay, right?

I asked you.

I asked if you were selling Oxy

and you told me to my face

that you weren't

- I would never sell it here

- But you brought it!

I didn't! I didn't. I didn't, okay?

Some bikers in Winnipeg, they found out

about my pipeline, okay?

That day I got stabbed, they wanted me

to sell their sh*t, and I said no.

They started sending it anyway and

But I wouldn't sell it.

Okay? I wouldn't sell it.

That's why Brad hit me with his car,

because I was sitting on it

instead of selling it.

And what? You expect me to be glad?

That you weren't making money?

You were just bringing it here

where a kid could find it?

That's not fair.

Do you know how bad this

could have turned out?

How bad it usually turns out?

It's a miracle Emma even had a kit.

So many of our people die

because they can't get naloxone.

- Crys

- No, fentanyl

is devastating our communities.

And we worked hard to stop

this crap from coming up here.

To prevent things like this

from happening

Well, I could go to the hospital, okay?

- I can help.

- No, no.

No. You've done enough.


We'll monitor his condition,

keep him under observation

to make sure his symptoms don't return.

That can happen sometimes with naloxone.

But he's in good hands.

Um, your son should make

a full recovery.

I'm looking for Maskwa Thomas.

- Family social services.

- Why are they here?

Any overdose involving a minor

requires an official review

to ensure the child's safety at home.

It was an accident.

Any overdose involving a minor

requires an official review.

[SCOFFS] Maskwa will be removed to

foster care until we

complete our review.

Did you know I was taken?


My birth mother, Jolene.

Did you know that she wanted to keep me?

It wasn't like that, Austen. It was a

private adoption, she made a choice.

She didn't have a choice!

The social worker pressured her,

told her that she had to give me away!

Did you know?

Austen, we always assumed that

the adoption was consensual.

But we wanted a child so badly.

We didn't ask many questions.

We should have asked more.


Austen, sweet [BEEP!]


Hey. How's Maskwa?


FSS is investigating.

sh*t, Crys.

I'm sorry.

Jeremy and I

We were


You must think I'm an idiot.

Falling for his bullshit again.

I don't think that at all.

You know what, I should have

let you report him to the police

after he got stabbed.

You couldn't have known

this would happen.

- No one could have.

- But it did.

It did.


Trevor's calling.


I pulled some strings

with the contact at FSS.

He won't be taken from the community.


Thank you.

It was the right thing to do.

For Maskwa.

Trevor. I, um

Goodbye, Crystal.



What's all this?

I can get some more.

- How'd ya' do it?

- Bought it.

Rich adoptive parents.

Gotta be good for something, right?

You did good, Bodie.

I just wanted them to be able to play.

You know.

Let's get to work, then.

Let's go.

Come on. Light it up here.

Morning, sunshine. How ya' feeling?

Like a whole new man.

Did you call and make an

appointment with that counselor?

Next week, boss. Hm.

I'm proud of you.

Hey. Thank you

for having my back.

Daj mi buzi?


Alright. I gotta go.




Ready for number six?

Uh, Em.

This isn't working for me.

Okay. We could just skip

to number eight.

My ex didn't want me to be a pilot.

She wanted me to give up flying.

That's not cool.

Yeah, but I did it.

For her.

And she left anyway.

I was trying so hard

to make someone else happy

even though I was miserable.

Look, I really, really like you.

But I can't do that again.

I like you too.

But after Devon, you really

can't ask me for more right now.

I know.



There it is. [CHUCKLES]

Cassiopeia was more beautiful

than all of nereids.

So, Poseidon got mad

and chained her daughter

to a rock under the sea.

It was a thing.

But she's pretty bright

this time of the year.

How come you never brought me

out here before?

Seemed like you needed it tonight.

I needed it tonight.


You were right. It's not what I wanted.

Do you know what you do want?

Same thing I've wanted since I was ten.

To be an astronaut.

About as likely as me and Emma, huh?

You're an amazing pilot,

Chops. And an engineer.

Aren't those pretty much

the requirements?





Hayley Roberts?


It's Dr. Allen's office calling,

we have your MRI results.