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02x02 - Spun Out

Posted: 11/07/23 17:27
by bunniefuu
Tristan, that day in the locker room

- Nowak, wasn't wrong.

- You two know each other?

We were partners in flight school.

Caught red-handed.

Jeremy? You just disappeared

and then you show up at my job

dressed as a paramedic?

- Training as a PCP.

- I worked way too hard

just get distracted now.

That tough kid at five

is going to turn you off your own.

You're a match for a patient in Toronto

on a waitlist for a kidney.

Recipient is a close genetic relative.

- I'm looking for Jay Chopra.

- Do you know Chopper?

I'm his wife.

I mean, what's she even doing here?

They're divorced.

Okay, what, he gets hurt

and Sunita shows up

claiming to be his wife?


What does she even want from him?

If it's screaming, it's in pain.

- Don't scald it.

- I'm trying to.

I don't know what the deal

with Sunita is.

But the important thing

right now is Chopper.

It's been 24 hours. Shouldn't he have

- woken up by now?

- It depends how fast

- the swelling comes down.

- Emergency!

Sorry guys, medical emergency.

Sorry folks, you know how it is?

Emergencies. Okay, buddy. So

We've got two oat milk, dude.

And one's got the syrup,

don't forget that. It's important, okay?

Oh. Hey, Crys


- You're a paramedic now?

- In training.

Five months, right, Jer?


A plot twist up in the north, eh?

Hey boss, you got a phone?

I twisted my knee,

need to call my wife to come get me.

Want me to take a look? I can

- Yeah, sure.

- Yeah, yeah. Take a seat.


I haven't done this

in a couple of years.

Must have overdone it.

Trying to get in shape

for summer, you know?

I'd say you've got time, buddy.

Anyway, started to get all lightheaded,

twisted the dang thing.

Yeah, it's swollen.

Probably just sprained.

I can wrap it for you if you want.

- Yeah, sure.

- Yeah, yeah.



It's going to slide right off,

you need to cross it.

I know what I'm doing.

Tighter, that's the whole point

of wrapping it.

Crys, can you just let me do

my job, okay, please.

Oh, it's been my job a lot longer.

Okay, well, right now, I'm doing it.

Yeah, and you're not doing it right.

(GROANING) I'm just

trying to help you, Jer.

Oh, whoa, whoa.

He was lightheaded. Could be heart.

He's arresting, he needs CPR.

Start compressions.

I haven't done.

I've only done it on dummies.

Just do compressions.

Anybody can handle that.

Can you call an actual ambulance, Bodie.


(cr*ck) I just broke something,

- I just broke something.

- Keep going,

that's normal. C'mon.

One, two, three, four, five, six

57-year-old male, cardiac arrest

following strenuous activity.

Ms. Highway, you seem to be everywhere.

Your clinical doesn't start until nine.

Yeah, somehow work always finds me.

- Among other things.

- Bay 3, get a crash cart,

let's go. We've got it!

He's going to be okay, right?

Right? He's going to be okay?

He was lucky enough to get

CPR as soon as he arrested.

He'd be luckier if he got

it from someone who actually

- knew what they were doing

- Crys, I know

I blanked back there.

I do know some stuff.

CPR is basic, Jeremy.

It's the easiest thing

we'll do in the field.

We can't all be perfect

out of the gate, Crys.

Alright? Some of us make mistakes.

We don't get to make mistakes.

It's saving lives.


The fryer's busted again.

Then I guess you're going

to have to fix it again.

Better hop to champ,

it's going to be lunch rush soon.

You got it, champ.



Damn it, now I got to mop too.


Oh, god, this thing is heavy.


- oh my god!


I'm alright, Becca.



So, wait. Is she his wife, or not?

That is Unclear.

All I know about Chopper's ex

is they got married young,

and she didn't want him to be a pilot.

Dude, flying is Chopper's life.

Telling him not to fly is like

telling him not to breathe.

- Right?

- Never be with someone

who doesn't want me to follow my dreams.

- Yeah. Oh!

- Yikes. It's cold out there.

You are like ice.

And you're hot, temperature-wise.

Uh I'll go this way,

yeah, there we go.

You camping out here, boss?

Uh, kind of.

Yeah, you know, with the expansion.

Sometimes it's just easier

to crash here, huh?




Should you ladies turn around or will I?

He's in here.




- Slippery.

- Yeah, safety first.

Thanks, boss.

Here, I got you right down here.

It hurts

I know. I need to take a look

and I'm going to try to be gentle, okay?

Extensive burns to the chest and neck,

but your airway seems clear.

Are you having any trouble breathing?

My face is burning.

Okay, I'm going

to start an IV for the pain.

Grab the burn dressings from my bag?

- Yeah.

- Glove up first.

- Is it going to scar?

- Let's not worry about that

- right now, okay?

- You don't understand.

I've had, like, really bad acne.

Like, really bad for years.

Do you know what it's like

to have a messed-up face?

It's all anyone can see.

Can't even hide it.

Here you go.

Okay. This is going to sting.

Face first.

- The burn is on your neck.

- I don't care.


Cut four holes in a dressing.

- Eyes, nose, mouth.

- Okay.

I got a prescription for my acne

a couple months ago.

People finally saw me.

Not the pizza face.

I asked Becca to spring formal,

and she actually said yes.

Because I didn't look

like a freak anymore.

Please, I can't go back to that.

Just try to relax, okay?

Thank you.

It's okay. We understand about scars.


Hey, I just dropped off my patient.

I brought some

of my practice lattes from work.

If this doesn't wake

Chopper up, nothing will.

Okay, he isn't intubated anymore,

which is a good sign.

They must expect him to wake up soon.

- Hey, guys.

- How's he doing,

- what're the doctors saying?

- Not much.

At least, not to us.

They're only sharing updates

with the immediate family.

But, after we brought him in yesterday,

they were giving us updates.

The family has decided they don't want

his medical information released.

Seriously? We're his family.

They're divorced.

She's still his emergency contact.

Okay, so, Chopper forgot to update

after they got a divorce.

Or they really are back together.

Either way, the hospital

has to respect her wishes.

Can we go see him at least?

The family isn't allowing visitors.

Who does this woman think she is?

She hasn't been in his life

for years, now she's back

acting like she means something to him,

just because he's going

to be an astronaut

and she thinks she can get

something from him?

Okay, so

That didn't seem like

it's just about Chopper.

My clinical.


This is the type of thing

You'd usually talk to Chopper about,



You okay?

I got a call from donor screening.

They found a close genetic relative.

Bodie, that's great.

Who is it? Is it your mom?

Whoever it is. They only came looking

because they need a kidney.

I told donor screening

to lose my number.

But What if it is Jolene?

What if

What if she knows

that I've been looking for her

this entire time,

and she just didn't care,

until she needed

something from me?



I know it's different, but

The last six months since my surgery,

Really made me think about what my mom

went through when she was sick.

No one should go through

that alone, Bodie.

But sharing DNA doesn't make you family.

Chopper's family.

I owe it to him to be in there.

You know

Anyone can go anywhere

in a hospital wearing scrubs.



Why are you wearing pajamas in space?

Chops, you're awake.

Are you okay?

You were in an accident.

What do you remember?

I was in selection camp

Doing an impossible exercise, and

I thought I had more time.

Your propane t*nk blew.

What were you doing up

in that fire tower?

I was trying to simulate a space walk.

In Manitoba?

Why weren't you at selection camp?

They were giving everyone

in the final sixteen time off.

Before they selected two astronauts,

I was going to come see you.

Bods, I really was.

I just, I wanted to practice more.

What about you and Sunita?

You didn't tell me

you two were back together.

I'm sorry, I must have

hit my head pretty hard.


I thought you said Sunita.



What are you doing here?

When someone's in an expl*si*n,

they usually call

their emergency contact.



I'll call the doctors.

I'm glad you came, Suni.

Wasn't sure you would be.

I mean, it's

It's embarrassing.

First time seeing each other

since the divorce.

And I'm all banged up

in a backless nightie.

You make it work.

Honestly, Suni, I'm okay.

Except, my arm is k*lling me.

Uh I'm

Glad you came.


I guess I'll go get the doctor.

Bodie texted,

"they're doing tests,

but Chopper is in good spirits."

And apparently,

he's happy Sunita is here

so you know there's a story

Hey, blow a fuse, Nowie? It's March.

What's the matter, Skippy?

Scared of the cold

or just getting your ass whooped?


- We used to play

in flight school.

You just think this is going

to give you an edge

because of your icy polish blood.


Brave move, dogging the captain

doing your line check tomorrow.

C'mon, Lex, cadets versus civvies.

C'mon, Tris.

Chopper's awake

and it's only minus five.

Time to celebrate.


Raise a little hell ♪


Raise a little hell,

raise a little hell ♪

Raise a little hell ♪

Raise a little hell,

raise a little hell ♪

Raise a little hell ♪

If you don't like ♪

What you got ♪

Why don't you change it ♪

If your world ♪

Is all screwed up ♪

Rearrange it ♪

Raise a little hell,

raise a little hell ♪

Raise a little hell ♪


Raise a little hell,

raise a little hell ♪

Raise a little hell ♪

If you don't like ♪

What you see ♪

Why don't you fight it ♪

If you know there's something wrong ♪

Why don't you ♪



She's good.

C'mon, Hayley's cheating.

She's wearing a shirt while

we're freezing our buns off.

Yeah, c'mon, Hayls.

Even the score, show some skin.


I'm on early tomorrow,

I'm going to quit while I'm ahead.

- Alright.

- Nice job, Hayley.


Fire up the grill, I'll grab burgers.



We have to be so careful

with our hearts.

They are so strong but so vulnerable.

Your fall caused cardiac

and pulmonary contusions.

Swelling to the heart and lungs.

And there was some bleeding

around the sac of the heart.

But you were lucky,

You got a pericardiocentesis

when you needed it.

With time, your heart

and lungs should heal.

Will he be able to go back

to selection camp?

Not for this intake.

I'm sorry, Mr. Chopra.

But this is only the second intake

SPC has had in 50 years.

There might not be

another one for decades.

I'm not going to be an astronaut.

I'm so sorry, Jay.

What about my hand?

I still can't move my fingers.

The surgeon removed a lot of shrapnel

from your forearm and your hand.

It caused damage to your muscles,

tendons, your nerves were severed.

That's just temporary, right?

- I can get it back.

- We'll wait for the swelling

to go down to evaluate next steps.

Wait, forget being an astronaut.

If Chopper can't use his hand

I can't be a pilot.


The little guy kept coming

back to the hangar

and he was just so cute.

Every time I tried to feed him,

he tried to bite my glove.

It's an arctic fox, reese, not a dog.

Yeah, but I'm a sucker

for big brown eyes.

What's the 200's max airspeed

for effective windshield anti-icing?

Oh, wow

226 knots.

Max takeoff weight?

Work-mode, huh Nowie?

Twelve, five.

Overweight landing policy?

Um, I-I'd have to check that one.

I'm not signing you off on this aircraft

until you know it cold, Hassan.

Landing checklist.

Turkey or P.B.?

I don't know what's up with you today,

but Reese is your friend.

And you were way hard on him

so clearly you need a sandwich.

What does "no hard feelings"

mean, Tristan?

- What?

- I found the note.

You've seen the way he is with you.

What happened with you and Reese?


After Pierce's accident, he was upset.

I tried to talk him through it, and

He kissed me.

- He kissed you?

- Nothing happened, Nowak.

It's not that big of a deal.

I told him I have a boyfriend

and he didn't know it was you.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because it wasn't a big deal?

I knew you'd freak out.

And we all have to work together.

Honestly, it's nothing.

He was upset, and he kissed me.

Why did he feel

like he could kiss you, Tris?

You always need an escape plan,

a way out, another option.

What did you do to make him feel

like he had a chance?

Milosz, I need you to trust me.


He's really upset.

What's Chopper going

to do if he can't fly?

Being a pilot, having a dream like this

it gives you purpose,

gives you focus so

Becomes your everything.

Without that

Somebody owe you money?

You keep rubbing your palm,

isn't that supposed to mean

money's coming?

Yeah, in this case,

I think it just means

that I shouldn't have grabbed

that porch rail

When we picked up that last patient.

- Got a sliver.

- Let me take a look at that.

Oh, it's not that bad.

It's just a sliver.

No, that is the whole porch.

I'm going to remove it

so it doesn't get infected.

Here, hop up so I can

get at you better in the light.



It's just this thing I used to in cadets

to help me get through

the tough parts of training.


I'm scared of needles.

Now you know my secret.

Girl, I've seen you pick up

a snake with a pair of forceps.


- I can handle snakes.

And blood, and guts, and puke.

But ooh, needles


- Okay.

Alright, what are we singing?

Same song since I was fourteen.

Row, row, row your boat ♪

Gently down the stream ♪

Row, row, row your boat ♪

Merrily, merrily, merrily ♪

Gently down the stream ♪

Life is but a dream ♪

Merrily, merrily, merrily ♪

Row, row, row your boat ♪

Life is but a dream ♪

Gently down the stream ♪

Row, row, row your boat ♪

Merrily, merrily, merrily ♪

Gently down the stream ♪

Life is but a dream ♪

Are we done yet? I can't look.

I finished four boats ago.

Maybe I just like holding your hand.



Oh, I'm sorry.

I should not have done that.

That was wildly inappropriate.

Or hella sexy.

Let me clean this

and we can pick back up.

No, no. No, no, no.

No, I


Look, I want to, I do. It's just

The thing about dreams,

I'm still working on mine.

And it takes all of my focus.

It's my whole life really.

I just don't want to start something

that I can't commit to. Or lead you on.

I'm sorry.

The old "you're too good for me" excuse.

- That's not what I meant.

- No, it's

It's cool. This stuff happens, you know?

The energy's right.

But the time was off.

Hey, we can still be friends.

Yeah, friends.



I know it sucks.

But the doctor says

you've got to get moving

after heart surgery.

(GROANING) That's it, that's it.

Just one step at a time.

I can't. Please, I need to rest.

You can do a little more.

We haven't been around the floor yet.

Ugh I need to sit.


I know not going back

to selection camp is tough,

but you're going to come back

stronger than ever, Chopper.

When I didn't get the job at AC,

I was ready to give up

That's not the same thing, Bodes.

You were sulking

because you didn't get a job.

Were you even listening in there?

My heart and lungs "should" recover.

I "might" be able to use my hand.

- Chops

- It's my g*dd*mn hand, Bodie.

No, I might be able to live

with the fact

that I'm not going to be

an astronaut anymore.

But I screwed myself out

of the only backup plan

that I ever had.

Because of my own g*dd*mn fault.

So no, this isn't just a job for me,

Bodie, alright? This is my whole life.

Now what do I have?



Help! I need some help!

Chopper is gonna be able

to use his hand again.

He's going to be able to fly again too.

He has to.

It might not be that simple, Bodie,

but we'll make sure

that he has the best care.

He just had a pulmonary embolism.

Plus, all his injuries

from the expl*si*n.

He just needs some motivation.

Something to work towards.

Can't Dr. Yana phone

Space Program Canada

and get them to wait

until he's recovered?

I mean, it's Chopper, Crys. The best.

You really think

they're going to reject him

just because he needs some time to heal?

Yeah, I

I called them.

- Yeah, and?

- Bodie

They said they couldn't

take him back because

He was already cut from selection camp.

- What?

- Two weeks ago.

Before his accident.

He didn't make the final sixteen.


- God It hurts.



Are you okay? Do you want

me to call the doctor?

Me waking up every day in the hospital

looking like this

while you look like that is

Really unfair.

The doctor said you did well in surgery.

They're even talking

about discharging you soon.

And since everybody

in your fan club is dying

to take care of you,

you don't need me hanging

around Thompson anymore.

Suni You don't have to go.

No, I should get back.

You know how papa is.

He says you were the best

engineer he ever had.

I think,

that's why I didn't want you to fly.

When we were in engineering school,

you were so effortlessly good at it.

And I had to try so hard

to just figure out

the things you knew how to do.

C'mon, Suni,

you were the better engineer.


It just seemed like such a waste

for someone

so talented to do anything else.

You know?

You understand why

I had to though, right?

Why I had to be an astronaut.

Your grandfather.

Every summer,

my family and I went to India.

My dadaji and I would lay

out on the terrace,

we'd look up at the stars.

He could Name them all.

Gosh, the sky was just

so much bigger there, you know?

And I knew then

that I wanted to be up there.

Always thought I would

teach our kids about the stars.

You still can.

You don't have to be an astronaut

or a pilot to do that.

But they wouldn't be our kids,

would they?

- Jay

- Suni.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I

shouldn't have said that. I just

You were the one, Suni, for so long.

And after, I always wondered about us,

about what could

have been different, if

I Could have been different.

I mean, I get it, I get it.

I mean, we both moved on.

You built a whole new life, I

Have to



You have to commit.

If we don't commit to the lift,

someone will get hurt.

I know, it's just

that we open tomorrow night.

And everybody will be

expecting the lift.

I shimmy down the aisle.

Kick-ball, change, five, six,

hip-thrust, hip-thrust.

The spotlight hits you.

You give me the nod.

The audience lights up

and you run towards me for the lift.

This is our chance

to finally bring theatre

to Prospect River.

Now, we have been practicing this dance

since we saw the movie in grade three.

You can do it, sweetie.

- Okay.

- Okay.



Five, six, seven, and smile!

I really thought I had her.

You know, the minute

I tried to lift her up,

I pulled this muscle in my chest.

We'll get you to TCH

for stitches and a reduction.

How's the pain? (MUMBLING)

Yeah, it's dislocated.

Let's take a look there.

Oh, wow, that's a lot of

Just, hold on Oh!

(MUFFLED): He really hates blood.

Yeah, some people are squeamish.

What's the max itt for the start?

1,000 degrees for five seconds.

What powers the itt gauge?


- DC.

Dc dies, AC lies.

You taught me that, remember?

This is your takeoff. Line it up.


It's icy.

We got a quartering tail,

be careful when you bring it up.

You're spooling up fast on the right.

Spooling up fast on the right,

you're weathervaning.

I have control!


I don't see any damage.

Walk around looks good.

We'll have to dig

the poor girl out though.

We need to wait for an AME to okay it.

Nowak, we slid

but we didn't hit anything, okay?

Props and gear are intact.

Wait for an AME to okay it.



There isn't any damage.

We could dig the gear out, push it back.

I told you, "be careful

when setting the power."

You didn't listen.

Okay, and you slammed on the breaks.

I'm an experienced captain,

you're a rookie F.O.

Maybe you'll listen better

in your next line check.

- What?

- I can't check you out

on a plane you can't fly.

You have to redo your line check.

Nowak, c'mon.

You know what this means to me.


I shouldn't have pushed you.

I should have listened when you said

That you were uncomfortable.

I just, I wanted it to work

So bad, you know?

Just try to relax, okay?

As soon as we get a mechanic up here,

we'll get you to a hospital.

We've been best friends

since we were five.

It's our favourite movie.

I wanted to get it right.

- For both of us.

- I wanted to get it right, too.

Really. I'm sorry.

What? No, no. I'm the one who's sorry.

I wanted you to trust me,

I can't ask you to trust me

if I'm going to literally let you down

by doing something stupid.


Ow, ow, ow.

You guys hang tight, alright?

I'll be right back.

I understand. Yup, thanks, bye.



AMEs are going to be a couple of hours.

I'm sorry.

I-I screwed up. You were right.

I got a little freaked about

things getting serious

With us and

I let Reese kiss me.

But he didn't know

you were my boyfriend, Nowak.

And as soon as it happened,

I realized I was wrong and I stopped it.

But I should have told you

so you know all that

instead of letting you find out

the way you did.

I can't expect you to trust me

if I don't tell you everything

you need to know.

I have to trust you enough to tell you.

I'm sorry too.

If you say it's just a kiss

and there's nothing to worry about

then there's nothing to worry about.


That one meant something.


I know I have a hard time trusting.

I just, I Always expect

people to let me down.

And if I think they do, I go

to the worst place right away.

When I was 16, my brother


What happened?


His chest? Okay.

His pulse is weaker on one side.

He needs to get a hospital.


That should do it.

- Ready, Tristan?

- Got it.

Thank you for trusting me on this.





43-year-old male,

presenting with ripping pain

in the chest, back, neck,

syncope, differential BP.

Differential BP, differential HR.

There's an internal bleed.

Something one-sided. Heart maybe?

Could be an aortic dissection.

He needs T.E.E.

There's no sonographer on tonight.

I'm going to do it,

you're going to assist.

Grab the T.E.E. Probe.

Looks like a gastroscope.

- Okay.

- There's an increasing need

for emergency physicians to be trained

in this type of procedure, especially

with staffing shortages.

We go in just like an orogastric tube.

Keep an eye on the monitor.

Make sure I am keeping midline.

- You're good.

- There you are.

There's your heart, sir,

and there is your aorta.

Okay. See that bleed there?

You were right. Aortic dissection.

It feels a bit like magic

when it all comes together, doesn't it?

Okay, we need to get him

back on your plane.

He needs Winnipeg for surgery.


43-year-old man,

this is the aortic dissection

- from Thompson.

- I haven't examined

the patient to determine that yet.

- I performed a T.E.E.

- You performed it?

Not a technician?

TCH is understaffed and Dr. Yana

Who gave you permission to perform

an invasive technique?

T.E.Es are to be performed

by sonographers

or experienced er doctors.

She is an experienced

Copy was sent to your email

45 minutes ago.

OR 4, let's go.

Why didn't you tell him

you're the head of Thompson ER?

Have you eaten today?



Best burger in the province.

Whenever I'm in Winnipeg.

My first day as an attending

at Winnipeg Memorial,

I thought about my mom.

I thought about how proud she would be

that her daughter wasn't just a doctor,

but one who taught other

people to be doctors.


When one of my residents

assumed I was an orderly,

When I had to show him my badge

to prove to him that I was his teacher,

I came here and I ordered a burger.

At 3 A.M. I was glad my mom

didn't have to see that.

If I took the time

to correct everyone who made

an assumption about me

Is that why you came to Thompson?

I wanted to advance.

TCH was the only place

desperate enough for clinicians

to hire a q*eer black woman.

But you've done so much for the ER.

And you will too, Crystal.

But you are going to have

to be Undeniable.

You are going to have to prove yourself

again and again on their terms.

That you're not just

as good as they are,

you're better.

You're going to have to be so good

that even when they want to

Even when they want to hate you,

they won't be able to deny

your right to be there.

So, when you have to,

go to a diner, eat a burger.

Be sad, be angry,

and then

Go back and be undeniable again.

You're not going to eat?

Oh, man.

Oh, good burger.

- That's good.

- Right?





Your range of motion looks good.

We're done for the night.

So I thought I would check in.

Your surgeon said they were able

to debride the burns,

and I saw that they're

sending you to Winnipeg

for a plastic surgery consult

Tell that to Becca.

She just texted.

She's going to spring formal with Eric.

Apparently, they really connected

in chess club this week.

Right after I

b*rned my face off.

Who wants damaged goods?


I'll be your date.


Is this a pity thing?

No, no.

It's a "we're not damaged goods" thing.

Will you get me some booze? (CHUCKLES)

I'll get you a boutonnière.

How about that?



(ALL): Hey!

Okay, okay.

Kocham cie.

Cold ham cheese to you too, baby.

He didn't know you were my boyfriend.

Don't take this out on him, okay?

You've been friends

for a long time, okay?


Hey, new guy buys the drinks, right?

Your money is no good tonight.

Listen, I called Wheezer.

You don't have to redo your line check.

So And new F.Os drink free.


Thanks, Nowie. That means a lot.

About earlier, if I was out of line

or if I did something

in the cockpit to

Do you want anything else?

No, guess the three

gold bars will do it.



Yeah, when I wake up ♪

I'm not afraid to show some ♪

Mmm, initiative ♪

You don't make me feel ♪

Like no one else ♪

Hey, Wheezer.

You crashing here?

Oh, yeah, it's just that your couch

Is comfier than the one

in my office, so

There's nothing like a trophy

from the time you got

into a dogfight with death and won, huh?

I can even make it dance when I do yoga.

Can't be good for your back

to be sleeping on couches.

Why are you spending

so much time at work anyway?

Is it the expansion?

Don't let all

the couch surfing fool you.

Being chief pilot is something

I'm actually good at.

I just

I just I needed somewhere to stay.

Lynn and I separated.

Oh, Wheezer

What happened?

We got together when we were young,

and we got pregnant when we were young.

I love being a dad

and Lynn, she's really,

really great mom.

But when you get married young,

you either grow up together,

or you grow apart.

And we've been holding each other back

for a while now, fighting

and not connecting, and

I didn't want that for her,

and she didn't want that for me.

I'm sorry.


Yeah, me too.

We've been separated for five months,

but last week we made it permanent.

You know what they about pilots,

sooner or later,

we all end up in

an aviation-induced divorce.

Enough of my garbage. (CHUCKLES)

You're home early.

Was there no good dance partners

at the whiskey hatch?


Looks like we could both use pancakes.

C'mon, greenhorn.

See, the secret

is putting the syrup in the batter.

- Alright.

- After you.


I am nothing if not innovative.

His name's Rick.

He twisted his knee snowshoeing,

but that's not what

he came in for, he arrested

Unless you're family or TCH staff,

I can't share patient

information with you.

Oh, I get it, I get it.

Official, I get it.

It's rules.

Hey, I like your sweater.

Those are nice colours.

Did you knit that?

You know, my auntie knits.

Look, I don't have time today

for whatever it is you're up to,

- so I'll make this simple.

- Okay.

Not happening.


Oh, I was just going

to use the washroom.

You know, you got to pee when you can.

They sent Rick to Winnipeg for a bypass,

and he'll snowshoeing again next winter.



You were right, by the way.

Everyone does make mistakes

in the beginning, and I

I was too hard on you.

Stuff like that, people judging you

before you open your mouth,

you'll always have to be better

than they expected.

You'll always have to be better.

Yeah, see, that, right there.

This is why I didn't

tell you I cam back, Crys.

This is why I didn't tell you

I wanted to be a paramedic.

I knew you wouldn't

- think I could do it.

- Jer, I never said

This is why I left.

You left because of me?

I'm never going

to be good enough for you,

am I, Crystal?

You know, I'm working hard.

I'm trying to push myself

to grow and learn,

but you can't see that.

No matter how much I try,

no matter how much I've changed.

You haven't.

You haven't changed at all.