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02x04 - Turbulence

Posted: 11/07/23 17:28
by bunniefuu
All I ever wanted

from the first time I sat

in the Glider Room Cadets was to fly.

- Got it!

- Now that's some real

- bush pilot sh*t.

- What were you doing up

- in that fire tower?

- I was trying to simulate a spacewalk.

He was already cut from selection camp

before his accident.

- Whoa, what are you doing?

- Trust me!

- Chops, you found them.

- Tristan told you

- about the kiss

- Hey, hey! Novak!

My oncologist suggested a preventative

- double mastectomy.

- You camping out here, Boss?

- Lynn and I separated.

- Hey, Wheezer, I

I didn't mean to upset you.

I'm Kingsley. I'm your father.

Good to have you back

in the saddle, Chops.

I leave you alone for a couple of months

and suddenly you're flying livestock.

Okay, first off, that is not livestock.

That is an emotional support animal.

And she has a name.

Isn't that right, Penny?


- Don't worry, Stu.

Penny is right here beside you,

- you're going to be just fine.

- Penny?

And if he isn't,

we'll have fresh eggs for weeks.



- I need a scalpel.

- What, why?

- Where are you gonna cut him?

- Wheezer,

we're running out of time.

Scalpel, please, thank you.

God, this does not look good.

Now I just need to pack the wound.

Look, as a pilot,

I can tell you that this

is not structurally sound.

And as a former

labour and delivery nurse,

I can tell you,

a lot more can fit in here.

Where? You're already

in him up to your elbow.

I can't believe you convinced me

to stuff breakables into a pinata.

Somebody is definitely

going to get hurt tonight.

You know what? It is not a celebration

without a pinata or my famous jet fuel.

You know, it's sweet.

You organizing all this.

Well, it's the fun part

of my chief pilot duties.

Can be hard feeling like

you're kind of moving backwards.

Moving into the new version

of the old house you used to live in.

Going back to the job you used to work.

- Oh, Wheezer

- Oh, no, no, no.

No, no, not me. I just

keep getting better and better.

- Ah!

- You can't regress

- if you never left.

- Tower, this is Ghost Rider.

Requesting a fly-by.

Um, Ghost Rider, uh, negative.

The pattern is full. We're not ready.


late, nerds. They're

already at the front

door, incoming.


- Shh

Well, just five more

minutes without a call,

and we are officially off the clock.

How does it feel to be back, bro?

Feels like I never left.

It's all kind of

Same old, same old?

I was going to say routine, but, yeah.

Well, I guess after selection camp,

flying medevacs probably

isn't that exciting.

No. No, boring's good.

If we're doing everything right,

should be boring, right?

- Hmm.

- Uh, you remember

if we have any day-old

pizza in the fridge?





Ah, young love.

When everything was so new and exciting.

Yeah, well, practice makes perfect.

- Oh, yeah?

- Watch your six.

Coolant, coming through.

Eight months of winter's

gotta have some perks, right?

(PHONE CHIMES) Oh, sorry.

Gotta take this.

My boyfriend's working nights.

We gotta talk when he's on a break.

Boyfriend, huh?

So That means you're going

to relax now, right?

And start being nice to the guy

we used to be really

good friends with


You can trust him.

You guys have been really tight.

I trust you.

Because we tell each other everything.

- Wheezer!

- Hey! Watch it.

Combustible goods here, man.

Hey, Martine, you got a sec?

Hey, I was definitely

just about to try some of that jet fuel.

Well, it's a good thing

I grabbed you for a talk first.

Um, now that Chopper's back,

I got one too many medevac

pilots on the line

so someone's got to go.

I know I haven't been

flight line as long as Chopper,

but I have a lot of hours,

like, I'm a good pilot.

Hey, you were a great pilot, Lexi.

The emergency landing,

that whole snake thing.

It's just that Chopper was technically

only on leave, and he has seniority

on the medevac.

So I guess I gotta promote you.

I don't understand.

You think like a bush pilot, Lexi.

And a driver is not a real pilot

until they've flown cargo in the North.

So I'm putting you solo

on the 200 for cargo runs,

Captain Martine.


Thank you, thank you

for this opportunity, sir.

I will not let you down, sir.

You literally just watched me pour

grape Jell-O powder

into a vat of tequila,

so I think we can

lay off the "sir" stuff.

And I know that you won't let me down

because there are 20 other guys

waiting on that ramp

to replace you if you do.

- Alright?

- Thank you, sir.

I mean, Wheezer.

Crys? You okay?

Jeremy told me things ended with you.

If you need someone to talk to


the regulation

of epinephrine and no

Are you studying?

I have an exam this week.

And with SkyMed, and clinical,

and lectures,

I haven't had time to sleep,

let alone study

and everyone keeps dragging

me back to the party.

And I want to be there, Trist, I do.

- I just don't

- Just, just

Take my car.

Go to the Java House, it's quiet there.

I can keep a secret.

Thank you.

(LAUGHING) Thank you.


I've been trying to get

you alone all night.



Grab us a drink?


Thought you had a boyfriend.

I do, we're open.

I know Nowie is pretty traditional,

but you know that's not the only way

to be in a relationship.

There are a lot

of other options, Tristan.




Is that a peace offering

for not trying the "jet fuel"

because my forgiveness is not for sale.


- It's actually a peace lily.

They fill the air with oxygen

and are almost impossible to k*ll.

Like certain chief pilots.

- Hmm.

- Welcome to the crew house.

Well, colour me "impressed."

Where in the hell did you get

a house plant in Thompson?

I might have brought it up

- on the medevac from Winnipeg.

- Oh!

But hey! It's not every day

you graduate from vagrant couch surfer

to full room in a pilot flop-house.


sh*ts fired.

Don't make me write you up

for insubordination.

- Oh, you wouldn't.

- Oh, I might.

- Really?

- Yeah.

I dare you. You're not my boss.


I'm not your boss.




Uh, do you know how often

I'm going to need to water this,

because if it's more than

well, never, I'm not sure how

this is going to go.



Damn it.



We're closed.

- I only need a minute.

- I thought I was clear.

I don't want anything to do with you.

Yes, you were clear,

but I didn't get the chance

to say everything that I needed to say.

Austen, I never stopped looking for you.

The moment I found out your name

and where you were

after all these years

Yeah, 25 years and 9 months

since you walked out on my mom.

I never knew she was pregnant.

Austen, she sent me a letter,

but I did not get it

until after you were born.

After she was forced to give you up.

Yeah, cool story. I'm not

giving you my kidney, man.

I was 17 years old.

I'd only been in this country

for a few months.

I went to work on the oil sands.

That's your excuse?

That it wasn't my fault,

I was just a kid,

I didn't know. You were busy doing

something else when my mom needed you.

You know what?

Thanks for clearing this up.

You can go now.


Tansi, Kookoo.


I didn't know you

were coming, nôsisim.

Yeah, that's the only

way I catch you napping.

Usually, you're too busy to sit down.

Oh, I'm so glad you're here.

I made something for you.

Oh, they're beautiful, Kookoo.

Oh, you're so busy these days.

For a clear head.



I just need a quiet place

to study before my shift starts

and the crew house is packed.

Oh, black coffee?

That crap's no good for a clear head.

And what have you been eating?

You're too skinny, nôsisim.

I've got some soup and bannock.

Thanks, kookoo. I just

I need to study.

Don't forget, our medicines

were here long before

what's written in those books.


Kookoo, need some help?

Is that Gus and Edna?

You're expecting visitors?

I don't need to expect anyone.

There's lots of soup.

I know, I just

I need to study.

Your heart needs things, too,


Got your head down so busy

trying to get somewhere.

If you're not careful,

you'll forget to look up

and see where you're going.

C'mon, Stef. My bars are going to be

covered by my reflective vest anyway.

Yeah, but we'll know they're there.

Here's to the first day

of you living your dream.

Captain Martine.


Package for you, Lex, came this morning.

Oh, I checked the skids for Deep Lake,

they could fit with the supplies

to North House.

I'll take them up in one trip

instead of two.

Nice, we'll get it loaded.


- What's this?

- Oh!

A surprise?


Uh, I hope you got a receipt

for these, they look used.

They're my dad's.

"Marti" was his call sign.

He always said this headset

kept him safe and brought him luck.

I called him last night to tell him

He must have paid a fortune

to get them here.

That's one proud papa.

Giving you his lucky headset.

Yeah Well

won't be much luck

if I'm late for my first run.


That's my girl pilot. (CHUCKLES)

Let's do this, Dad.

Man, the signal in here sucks.

I'm going to shove

that phone up your ass

if you don't put it away.

Alright, I'm going to head down,

check the levels

Make sure these main valves are off.

It's the top one.

And stay off the god damn phone.


Oh, yes.

Maya finally hit me back.

Whoa, a photo, what


Girl, you know it's not fair.

I don't get any signal out here.

C'mon, c'mon.


Ah, damn it.

Good to go, boss.



Man, this place smells pungent.

Yeah, that's the waste water.

The patient has a history

of heart problems.

- Do you need us?

- Sounds like an arrest,

but I'm gonna need help

getting him out of here.

I'm heading down.

Alright, talk to me,

what do you think, Chops?





Okay, almost ready.

This will hold him, but we're

going to have to go slow.

When Crystal's got him

packaged, we'll load him up.

Man, it's good to have you back, Chops.

If I had been here alone,

we would've been

dragging this guy up by his suspenders.

Hey, Crys, you ready?

We're sending down the litter.


Oh, God.



Bodes, Bodes. It's not safe.

Something's not right.

Hank's passed out first,

now Crystal. The rotten egg smell

could also mean hydrogen sulfide.

Oh, God. I must have

turned the wrong valve.

- What?

- I was supposed to turn

the valves off,

but I was texting my girlfriend,

and I must have turned the wrong valve.

You're telling me you put

two people's lives in danger

because you were too busy

doing something else?

We gotta focus on getting Crystal out.

What about Hank? He's been

down there for a long time.

- You've gotta help him.

- We gotta get our nurse

out first. She's the only

one that can help Hank,

so we have to make her

the priority, okay?

- But you can help me.

- Yeah, I'll turn off the gas.

No, it's too late for that.

There has to be rebreathers

here, Hazmat suits?

Yeah, Hank showed me on my first day.

Great. There has to be

a fire extinguisher nearby.

Grab that. We have to dampen

any possible ignition points.

- Okay.

- Go!


I'm hosing it down.

I don't see any sparks.

Okay, just keep going.

I'm almost to Crystal.

I've got her, Bodie.

Get the litter.

Coming up!

You okay, Crys?

You okay?

I'm okay. I'm okay.

What about Hank?

Pulse is good.


I just heard from the hospital.

Crys is okay and Hank is too.

Are you okay?

I screwed up, Bodie.

I screwed up. I just

thought it was a routine call.

Like every other call.

And I didn't check the scene,

I put Crystal in danger.

Hey, that's on all of us.

We all should have been

checking the scene.

I'm an engineer.

I should've known better.

Chopper, you figured out

how to save Crystal.


are you okay?


It was an impossible exercise.

That's why I got cut

from selection camp.

It didn't actually have a solution.

It was designed to test

how you'd respond

when there is no solution.

We didn't know that, you know?

And I was doing so well

proving to them how smart I was, how

good at solving problems.

And uh

I really believed that,

despite all the signs,

I could solve this one too.

So I kept pushing my team

to keep going and going.

Until someone d*ed.


It was just a simulation.

But if it had been real,

if we were on the station,

my teammate would have d*ed

because of me.

I didn't pay attention to the signs.

I just rushed in

trying to fix a problem

that couldn't be fixed.

- Chopper

- No, I was

I was at the fire tower

for that reason, Bodie.

I was trying to recreate the exercise.

I wanted to prove that

I could find a solution.


If I'm not the guy

who can solve every problem

Hey, hey Anyone can make a mistake.

Yeah, but you got mad

at the kid at the plant

for making a mistake.

How am I any different?

Because I know you, Chopper.


I know that you're a good guy,

and more importantly,

I know what's in your heart.

Yeah, well, I guess

if you knew that kid today,

maybe you wouldn't have

blamed him for a screw-up.

I heard you had a scare today.

Also heard you didn't

let anyone check you out after.

- Who told you?

- You did.

Just now.


I'm fine.

In fact, passing out from the gas leak

was the first sleep I've managed

to get in two days.

That's not funny, alright?

This is serious stuff, Crys.

You need to get looked at.

You can develop pulmonary edema

up to like 72 hours after exposure

to hydrogen sulfide. So

Can I? Hmm, hmm, hmm?

- Okay.

- Yes, alright.


Did you just warm that up?


- Yeah, you know me, Crys.

Me and my bedside manners.


So running into a gas pit

and getting yourself knocked out, huh?

Sounds like something I'd do.

Yeah, I might have been overdoing it.

At school, work, it's

a lot.

I was overtired and I forgot

to check the scene.

Just breathe, Crys.






you need blood work done.

Isabelle's right. You're too skinny.


You forgot this at her house.

She wanted you to have it.

You were at Isabelle's?

Yeah. I'm there all the time.

And you should go home more, Crys.

I know she misses you.

Look, I know you're busy

with all your medical exam

and everything, but


Just try not to change too much, Crys.

Well, which is it?

Have I changed too much or not enough?

- What?

- You're the one who said

I didn't change enough, and now

you're saying I changed too much?

Look, I'm sorry if I'm not juggling

med school, and family,

and work exactly how you want me to,

but at least I didn't just disappear

and let people think

I was gone when I was at school.

Like I said,

you should get your blood work done.



You got this, babe. Be brave!

I can't believe you talked me

into coming out here today

in this weather.

It's our anniversary!

We gotta do something fun.

There you go, just like that.


- Oh, my God, Ted!

I got you. I got you.

We do not have the same idea of fun.

Look at how far you've come.

You're conquering your fear.

Oh, my God

Yeah, there you go, babe.

You're doing it.

You're almost at the top.


Alright, hold on there.

I'm coming up after you.

Come here.

Check out that view.


- Yeah.

- It's very pretty.

- I knew you'd love it.

You know, watching you be so brave today

and conquer your fear, taking that leap,

it made me think about another leap.

The biggest leap.

A leap we can take together.

You gotta turn around.

- What are you doing?

- Just turn around, trust me.





I remember that look.

First week flying cargo by myself,

you couldn't have knocked

the smile off my face

- with a two-by-four.

- Feels pretty good, boss.

You're doing pretty good.

Nice work combining the Deep Lake

and the North House scheds.

But don't go getting too good at it.

We don't need you coming after my job.


Hey, Hayley.

So the other night

at the party, that was

(CHUCKLING) That was funny.

Totally, totally.

Just one of those funny moments.

Yeah, super funny.

I mean we're co-workers and, and

I just got to back work

after my surgical leave.

I'm going through a divorce.

You're going through a divorce.

Great. Well, it's nice to work,

it's nice to work with a professional.

Just keep things nice and simple.


- Yeah, just, uh

Two professionals



Great, okay. Good talk.


Thank God you're here.

Hey, Ted. I'm Hayley, I'm a nurse.

My lower back and legs are k*lling me.

I think I broke something.

Okay, I'm going to take a look, alright?


Oh, okay. I think you might

have a broken pelvis.

Your left side feels spongy.

Bones can be spongy?

- Can you help me bind him?

- Oh, yeah.

I knew rock climbing was a bad idea.

He tried to convince me

on our first date

- that it was fun.

- Well

I just don't understand how you slipped,

you're always so surefooted.

- I'm the clumsy one.

- I, uh

was looking for this.


I guess after all this,

you better open it, huh?

Oh, my God.

You idiot! (TED LAUGHS)

Why would you do this here?

Because on our first date,

when I looked at you

and you were being so sassy

and brave, even though

you were terrified,

I knew right then I wanted to marry you.

So, will you take this leap with me?

Of course, I'll marry you.


Do you think your parents

can get along or should we elope?

You know, I was thinking

we should go skydiving

for the honeymoon. (LAUGHING)


It's getting bad.

I'll top off your meds.

My chest feels tight.


Your pressure's falling. HR's spiking.


(TED GROANS) His abdomen's rigid.

- What does that mean?

- You need fluids, Ted.

I'm going to put

a pressure bag on your IV

to get them into you fast,

and we'll keep refilling it.

What's happening?

Why does it keep doing that?


- I want to marry you.

I know, booboo.

You've had a lot of meds.

But you proposed, remember?

I said, "Yes."


- I wanna marry you now.

How much did you give him?



- What do we do?

- I keep pushing fluids

and we get him to an OR.

- Fast.

- But he's going to make it

to the hospital, right?

I want to marry you now, too.

You want me to what?

He's got an internal bleed, Wheezer.

And by how fast he's tanking

Look, I'm pushing fluids,

but he needs to get to an OR

as soon as possible.

Look, you're a captain.

- Captains can marry people.

- Maybe on a boat.

Not on an airplane.


It didn't really work out for me.

- Think Chopper's your guy.

- Uh, Hashtag same, buddy.

Besides, you're the captain.

Ah, he's crashing, Wheezer.

This could be their last chance.

Come on, it doesn't matter

if it's a real wedding.

This could be the only

wedding our patient gets.



Dearly beloved,

we are gathered here today

to medevac this man

and also to marry him.

To marry him to Olivia.

Olivia and

- this man, this

- Ted.

Ted! Ted.

We are here today

to unite Olivia and Ted

in a matrimony that is

Well, neither holy nor legal.



by a matrimony grounded

in the power of the love

that you have for one another.

And we all know

that love is holier and stronger

than any law could ever be.

So there is only really one

important question that matters today.

Olivia, do you take Ted?

I do! I do.

And Ted, do you take Olivia?

There's never been anyone

but you, Liv

Ever since the first day

It's always been you.

I love you.

Then by the power vested in me

by your willingness to

take this leap together,

I now pronounce you married.


Thank you.



- Hayley?

- Hey.

You're up late.

I couldn't sleep

without knowing about Ted.

It's my first wedding,

and I don't think I could

handle it if it ended up in a funeral.

Well, I waited until

he was out of surgery.

And as long as he doesn't

actually go skydiving

for the honeymoon, he looks good.

I guess

They're probably gonna

want to get married

- by a real officiant then.

- Yeah.

Thank you for today.

- No.

- It meant a lot to them.

And to me.

You know, sometimes, this job

makes you realize that

life is too short.

In a bad way, you know?


But then sometimes

it makes you realize that

life is too short.

In a good way.



Are you okay? Do you want to stop?

Yeah, no, no. It's, um

I haven't I haven't been

with anyone since my surgery.

It's okay. We don't have to do this.

No. I want to,

and-and I want it to be with you.

I just

I don't know.

Go ahead, you can touch it.

It used to be a zipper,

but I had it removed.


Can I?

You're so beautiful, Hayley.





Oh, hey.

You're waiting for cargo on this sched?

You're not from here.

You really shouldn't be near the planes.

Ramps are restricted.

They let you fly this thing by yourself?


Terry should be here any minute.

And he does not like people on his ramp.

I don't see anyone here but you and me.

He'll be here.

And there expecting us ASAP

at Prospect River so


Okay, check. Check.

Good, good.

Nice. Nice.

Good job, Lexi.

Can I catch a lift with you

to Prospect River?


If you need to get to Prospect River,

you can book a passenger

flight tomorrow.

It's against regulations.

Cargo flights have guidelines

and weight restrictions.

You're telling me

this plane's overweight?

- You think I'm an idiot?

- No.


I'm just not allowed to take passengers.


The plane isn't approved for that

I'll get off in Prospect River.

I want to ride with you.




What are you doing?

I've been talking to you.

I-I need to hear the radio.

Want some?

You lactose intolerant?

A lot of people are.

That big lever, what's it for?



And that's your altimeter right there.

Important stuff

for an emergency landing.


I've always been real good

with the mechanical stuff.

Until my truck broke down tonight.

Well, I mean, it wasn't my truck.

I, uh

I worked as a farmhand

in Dominica a few years back.

Had to leave there, too.


Farmers, they'd, uh

spread garlic and onions

all around the yard

trying to keep the snakes away.

Every now and then,

one of them got through.

I'll never forget that sound.

Middle of the night,

the cows, they'd be out in the field,

and you'd just hear them, just


These snakes, they'd, they'd

they'd wrap around their legs,

they'd trap them so as

they couldn't move.

And they just,

suck the milk right from their udder.

Suck 'em dry.




Windy Lake, Poplar 209.

I'm diverting from Prospect River.

ETA to Windy Lake, ten minutes.

Require assistance

on the apron to unload.

209, Windy Lake.

We don't have you

coming in tonight.

There's no one here to receive.

Windy Lake, 209 diverting

from planned route.

Arriving imminently with

D.G.s on board.

Require assistance to unload.

209, I don't see dangerous goods

on your manifest.

Are you sure?

Windy Lake, it was unplanned.

Uh, I picked up some canisters,

compressed gas at Rocky Narrows.

Need assistance on the apron on arrival.



What the hell, Lexi?

You said you have dangerous goods,

but we weren't expecting you.

- Okay.

- And there wasn't anything

in your manifest.

These things are supposed

to be planned

This wasn't a part of my plan either

I had an unexpected passenger.




I read it.

She seemed excited to see you.

And about me.

We were in love.

When I came back to Toronto

and I got her letter,

I was excited, too.

I thought that I'd find

you and Jo together.

So when I found out that she had

been pressured to give you up

Austen, I didn't even get my name

on the birth certificate.

It wasn't there.

I didn't have any rights.

I didn't have any money to find you.

I didn't know how to navigate

the Canadian legal system.

But believe me, I looked for her.

And you.

When donor screening told me

that I had a son in Thompson

I can't give you my kidney, Kingsley.

Okay, I have a son.

I need to make sure that I'm healthy

- so I can be there for him.

- I don't want that, Austen.

The greatest gift I could've

gotten is to find you.


Mind if I keep this?

I don't have anything from her.


We met at a dance competition.

I think we were already in love

before she won

the whole thing that night.


I never knew what she looked like.

She was beautiful.

Inside and out.

And I wish I never had

to leave that summer.

But when I came from Jamaica,

I didn't have anything.

Just the clothes on my back.

And even though she said

it didn't matter,

I wanted to make something of myself,

I wanted to prove

that I was worthy of someone like her.

You understand?

But a day doesn't go by

where I don't wonder,

"If things could have been different,

if I had just stayed"



Damn it



What the hell happened?

I just got off the phone

with Prospect River,

they said they didn't get

their cargo last night.

- You flew it to Windy Lake?

- I had to divert.

Why? I didn't see anything

on the logbooks.

There was a man on the plane.

You took a passenger? But

you're cargo,

why did you have a passenger?

He just showed up

and the strip at Rocky Narrows.

It was late, I was alone.

He wanted a ride.

I told him that I couldn't

take passengers, but he just

got on the plane.

He was aggressive.

Was he violent? Did he hurt you

No. No. Um, but

Okay, so then why didn't

you just make him get off?

Make him get off?


- You're the Captain, Lexi.

What you say on the plane goes.

Lexi, you allowed

a passenger on the plane,

you went off your scheduled route,

you made a stop you were not

authorized to make, you wasted fuel,

and you dumped your cargo

at the wrong field?

Yes, sir.

Right. Look

I get that flying cargo

is not as glamorous or cool as medevacs.

But people count on us

for food, for medicine,

everything everyone needs

has to be flown in.

They count on us to survive,

so if you think that this

is just some sort of game

I don't think that.

(SIGHS) I know I made a mistake, sir,

but I-I

He was, I

- I felt like I had to.

- You had to what?

I want to be reassigned.

I want to go back to medevacs.

I went to bat for you, Lexi.

I pushed for you to be promoted

before a lot of other guys

who would k*ll to go Captain.

I know.

I'm sorry, sir.

But I want to go back to medevacs.

Well, I guess you are not the pilot

that I thought you were.

That'll be all, First Officer.

