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07x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 11/07/23 17:56
by bunniefuu
- A missing person, Connor Cairns.
- I expect great things from Connor.

He was acting a little odd.

- We need to talk.
- Later.

Bryd seemed different after she met him.

Stop, for Christ's sake!

Is Connor capable of m*rder?

The fragment of T-shirt belongs to Bryd.

It's got Connor's DNA all over it.

We got the facial depiction of
the body in the suitcase.

We've issued it as a press release.

We'll see if anybody recognises him.

That's him. William Arthur Rodgers,
US national.

This is your fault, Danny!

I need you to go.

I saw Connor the night he disappeared.

He was at the roadside,
arguing with someone.

We've found Connor's phone.

There's this one location
that comes up a lot.

I think I've found Connor's safe place.

- Oh, my God! I think it's a b*mb.

- Tosh, can you hear me?
- The door's locked!


[BEEP, expl*si*n]

- Fire Service is already there.
- What about Tosh?

Have you found DS McIntosh?



Lost signal.

DS McIntosh, where is she?

- You cut out.
- I know.

I tried calling you back, but your
phone was dead and I couldn't...

What the hell happened?

The thing just blew up.

I think it was rigged.

I saw, erm, cables,

drums and a timer.

How did you get out?



OK, so I think we better
get you down to the hospital,

- have you checked out, OK?
- Honestly, there's no need...

- No, no, no, no, don't start.
- You're going.

We can talk later, OK?


We've checked the site. There's
no sign of any other devices.

- Er, what about casualties?
- None.

It's just a hell of a mess.

The incident Commander said
he's never seen a blast like it.

Who owns the caravan?

John Donald, a retired vet.

He said he rented it out to
Connor Cairns

four months ago as a studio.

Sandy, go and see John Donald,

find out when he last saw Connor.

And then call Aberdeen and
request b*mb scene managers.

And we need them
first thing in the morning.

Got it.

We're going to need uniforms
to guard this field

- until they get here. You got that?
- Sir.

It's just temporary, right?

It's not like you and Dad are
going to get a divorce or anything?

Oh, Abbie...


It's Perez.

- Where is this caravan?
- Main island, near Delting.

At least it was until it blew up.

What do you mean it blew up?

What I mean is someone rigged it
with expl*sives.

And one of my officers was
on the scene when it went up.

And she's lucky to be alive.

Well, what's that got to do with Connor?

Connor was renting the caravan.

Well, that doesn't mean anything.

Did you know about this?

What? No.

Connor confided in you. He told you
about dealing dr*gs in Glasgow.

Aye. But he's never said anything

about caravans or making bombs.

Connor's not making bombs.

This is ridiculous...
He's... He's just a boy!

He isn't capable of hurting anyone.

Well, we'll soon find out.

What's that supposed to mean?

As of tonight, I'm changing
the focus of the investigation.

Connor's no longer a missing person.

I'm issuing a warrant for his arrest.

His arrest for what?

For the m*rder of Bryd Fleming

and the attempted m*rder
of my detective.



FAINT: Tosh. Tosh!


Tosh, are you OK?

I'm fine.

- They said it was an expl*si*n and...
- Hello!

Hello, hello!

Oh, my God, Tosh.

My God, what's happened to your hands?

I... I cut them.

Just take me home, will you?

Yeah, yeah, come on.


John Donald last saw
Connor about a month ago

when he turned up to pay his rent.

What, he didn't check up on him?

No, he just took the money
and let him get on with it.

He didn't even know Connor was missing.

OK. Erm...

...take a statement from him...

...and we'll catch up in the morning.

Hey. Sorry I'm late.

Mrs Dunn was showing me
her photograph album

for the umpteenth time.

- Are you OK?
- Er...

We nearly lost Tosh tonight.

She's all right. I mean, at least
I think she's all right.

What happened?

We think that Connor rigged a
caravan he was renting with a b*mb.

And Tosh was in it
just before it went off.


We can do this another time.

Call me tomorrow and let me know
how Tosh is.

Or you could stay.

I mean, I understand if you don't
want to. It's fine.

- But I just, I...
- Yes.

I can... I can stay.




Come on.

Are you going into work?

We're in the middle of a case.

Yeah, I know, Tosh but...

I mean, maybe we should talk.

About what?

You still haven't told me
what actually happened last night.

There's nothing to tell.


Oh, can you get her?

Tosh got released from hospital
last night.

She's got minor injuries, but, I mean... could've been a whole lot worse.

You see, Tosh is adamant
that she saw a b*mb.

What does that mean for
the investigation?

Everything we thought we were
dealing with no longer applies.

And that includes Connor Cairns.

He's now our main suspect,
and not just for the b*mb

but also for the m*rder of Bryd Fleming.

What about this William Rodgers?

Rodgers and Bryd were k*lled
in a similar manner.

But apart from that, we've got
nothing to link Rodgers with Connor.

Are you any further forward
with his movements

after he landed on the th?

No, there's nothing after
the airport cafe.

He must have gone somewhere.

I've requested his bank and phone
records, but it might take a while.

Phone the American Embassy
and see if they can help us.

And in the meanwhile, get all the
background that you can on Rodgers.

But the main thing is that
we find Connor Cairns.

He's no longer a missing person,
he's a suspect.

If he did rig that b*mb,

then he's out there and he's alive,
and I want him found.

Billy, get on to the uniforms

and get them to check properties
near the caravan

and see if anybody saw Connor recently.


DI Brooks, specialist forensic team.

- I'm looking for DI Perez.
- Yeah, I'm Jimmy Perez.

I thought you guys were going
straight to the blast site.

The team are already there.

But I wanted to get some background
on your...

- It's fine. Are you sure?
- Oh.

- Yes...
- Sorry, excuse me a minute.

The others are worried, you know.

Thank God you're OK.

What are you doing here? I thought
I told you to take some time off.

- Yeah, I'm fine.
- No, you need some rest.

Well, I'm not going to get it
at home, not with a screaming baby.

And then there's Louise.

Who's that?

Art was never my strongest subject.

No. This is very useful.

These were plastic drums?

Blue, er, like chemical drums.

And the timer?

Just an old kitchen one.

It started while I was in the caravan.

Anything else in there?

Drawings, paintings, art materials.

And there were maps on the wall.

- What kind of maps?
- Nautical, sea charts.

How long were you in there?

Not long, maybe a few minutes.

Soon as I realised what was
happening, I ran for the hills.

Lucky escape?

I didn't get away completely unscathed.

Lost a button from my favourite coat.

This is a wee bit of background
on Connor Cairns

because we think he was responsible
for the expl*si*n.

Your DS seems remarkably unfazed by
her ordeal.


She must be tough.

Don't know the half of it.

- I'll call when I have news.
- OK.

OK, I've got to go
and talk to Lloyd Anderson.

Can you chase forensics on Bryd?


And take it easy
or you're going to get a row.

This is what the police do.

They smear the victims, try
and make out it was their fault.

But this expl*si*n, this b*mb...

Who's to say it was Connor?
Just cos he rented a caravan?

Look, we both know Connor's
a good person,

no matter what Perez says.

Any news?

Er, no. We haven't found Connor yet.

They're saying he k*lled Bryd.


The kids at the school. I...

I know I shouldn't be listening
to them, but...

We're still investigating.

Is Lloyd here?

He's in the studio.

So this expl*si*n, you're certain
it was Connor who caused it?

All the evidence is pointing to him.

Did you ever go up and visit him
at the caravan?

No. I knew he had a studio,
but he never told me where it was.

- So, what about the lessons?
- Connor always came here.

So what did you two talk about?

Drawing, mostly.


Sometimes we'd talk about books
or movies.

Kid was like a sponge.

Anything else?

We didn't talk about blowing things up,

if that's what you're asking.

Sorry, it's just...
I'm trying to make this fit.

Everyone I speak to says the same thing,

he was quiet, he liked art,
he was nonviolent,

- and yet...
- The evidence says different?

Either everyone's a terrible
judge of character

or he was playing them.

Maybe the evidence is wrong.

- I don't think so.
- It happens, though.

You read about these things,

cases where evidence is
misinterpreted or tampered with.

I'm not suggesting that you'd...

What I'm saying is that
sometimes the evidence

doesn't always tell the whole truth.

Sure, it might prove Connor
blew that thing up

but it can't tell you why.

Maybe he had a good reason.

And what about k*lling Bryd?

Do you think he had a good reason
for that too?

I don't know.

Maybe you're right.
Maybe he was playing us.

All I can tell you is...

...I like the kid.

You should talk to Jamie.

Connor's publisher?

Ah, he was more than his publisher.

They worked together on
the graphic novel.

Connor talked about him a lot.

I think he looked up to Jamie.



Sorry. Tosh?

Hey. The forensics report on
Bryd Fleming's just came through.

Anything useful?

Not much. Her body had been
thoroughly cleaned,

but they did find traces of boron
in her nasal cavities.


Yeah, it's a chemical used for
dry rot treatment and woodworm.

Just wondering where she could've
picked it up from.

Well, the k*ller would've had to
have kept her somewhere

- to clean the body.
- Well, I'll start calling builders,

see how many properties are having
rot treatment done at the moment.

OK. Keep me posted.

- I'm sorry.

Jimmy Perez.

We'll need a full analysis
before we can confirm,

but it looks like it was
an improvised device

that used a mix of fuel and fertiliser.

How difficult is it to make one of them?

Not as easy as you would think.

The file you gave me

said your suspect studied
chemical engineering.

He never finished the course, though.

Even so, I think he'd have
enough knowledge

to put a device together.

Why blow up a caravan?

Whatever the reason, it must
have been important,

given the size of the blast.

Any reason you can think of
for the overkill?


Could be that he didn't know what
he was dealing with.

But if he was using timers and trips...


Did he have many friends?

He had a few.

In my experience, lone bombers are rare.

More often than not,
they have a support network,

usually like-minded people
with a common goal.

t*rrorists usually want something.


It's quite soon to come back...
I know, but are you sure you're OK?

- Yeah.
- You're back already?

And not a moment too soon,
by the sounds of it.

You couldn't give her a day off?

- He tried.
- Doesn't listen to me.

Really, I'm fine.

So, interesting case, I hear.

Well, that's one word for it.

How much do you already know?

Most of it. I'm up to the exploding
caravan bit.

Well, I just spoke to DI Brooks,

who's our b*mb scene manager.


And we've got a problem.

It's a bit of a jump.

Connor making bombs is bad enough,

but terrorism?

Well, can you think of another reason

why he might be making them, then?

We know he had some weird hobbies.

Maybe he just built a b*mb
to see if he can do it.

All right, well, then, why rig it up
to the caravan?

I mean, that was a trap you walked into.

Yeah, I'm not saying he's innocent.

I just think terrorism is a reach.

If it is terrorism, then,
what's Connor's cause?

I've been through his file.
He's not political.

Yeah, and we've been over
every part of his life.

There's no evidence to say that
he had any links to extremism.

We didn't have any evidence that he
was linked to dealing dr*gs either,

but, you know...

I mean, look, I don't claim
to have all the answers.

I'm just saying that Connor
Cairns is good at hiding

certain aspects of his life.

So, if we want to know what
he's involved in,

then we have to find him.

Billy, is there anything
for the uniforms?

We've interviewed most of
the residents near the caravan.

Some of them recall him coming
and going, but not recently.

He's got to be somewhere.

But if you're right and he is
involved in something like this,

then he's probably hiding out.

Brooks says he thinks
he'd have associates.

So, maybe if we can't find him,
maybe we can find them.

Rhona, could you get in touch with
the Specialist Crime Unit

and see if they've flagged up
anyone on Shetland

with links to terrorism
or activist groups?


Sandy, can you contact
fertiliser suppliers?

Because Connor must have got it
from somewhere.

And maybe if we can trace the source,

maybe it'll lead us to him.

Tosh, you and I can re-interview
his associates.

I'll do Jamie Narey
and you have Murry Rankin.

Jimmy, I know you're in the middle
of it, but, erm, I just...

I just wanted to, well, see how you are.

I'm fine.


Cos you look like shit.

Well, thanks for that, Rhona.

It's really good to have you back.

No, seriously, everything you've
been through this past year,

your dad, Duncan, the tribunal,

I'm just astounded you're still
keeping it all together.

Well, you know...

...what else you going to do?

Could go and get drunk, if you want.

It really is good to have you back.

I know.

The last time I helped you,

I ended up being thrown in a cell

while your colleagues ransacked my home.

And I'm really sorry that had to happen.

Everyone on this island thinks
I'm some sort of predator.

I can't even work the front desk
any more, too many looks.

Instead, I'm stuck back here,
like some grubby secret.

I know how hard it's been, Murry.

But you know Connor better than anyone.

We found out some things about him.

We thought... you could help us
to understand.

All that b*mb stuff is nonsense.

Oh, come on.

You can't be serious.

There's no way Connor's involved
in terrorism.

Never mentioned any extreme views,
political or ideological?

I mean, we talked about a lot of
stuff, but nothing that heavy.

Connor's a pacifist.

He doesn't believe in v*olence.

So you've discussed his beliefs?

We've discussed a lot of things.

Like politics?

Yes, but in the abstract.

Connor wants to change the world.

Did he ever talk about v*olence?

Did he ever talk about wanting
to hurt someone?

If anything, he seemed more likely
to hurt himself than someone else.

I'll admit, when I first heard that
Connor was missing,

I thought that maybe he'd...

You thought he was suicidal?


Connor's a nice guy, but he's intense,

always over thinking things,

whether it was his novel
or his family or his girlfriend.

Oh, hang on.

He had issues with Bryd?

He was worried that she was cheating
on him.

It was all in his head,
but you know how it is at that age.

You feel betrayal more.

He made a b*mb, Murry.


We think he might
be working with others.

What if he's planning some
sort of attack,

maybe here in Shetland?

Connor would never do anything
to harm these Isles.

He loves this place.

He has such a passion for it.
Christ, that's why...

That's why I admire him so much.

Can't say I recognise the boy,
but I suppose he could've been in.

Could he have bought fertiliser?

We only sell to account holders, and
even they need an FIAS certificate.

OK. Erm... I mean, maybe he stole some?

If we'd lost any fertiliser, son,
you lot would be the first to know.

OK. Er, what about your customers?

I mean, could he have got some
from one of them?

You'd need to ask them that.

Then I'll need their details.

Wait there.


Carol Anne, Donnie's... friend.

I know. Hi.

God, how are you feeling?


Donnie told me what happened last night.

Did he?

- Must have been terrifying.
- It really wasn't that bad.

Donnie seemed to think it was.

He was really worried about you
this morning.

So, how did it happen?

Are you OK?

Yeah, I'm so sorry. I have to go.
I've got to get back to work.






OK. I'll be there in a minute.

Came in a couple of hours ago.

He's been drinking solidly since.

Any trouble?

Getting a wee bit aggressive.


Look, you might want to think about

getting a wee bit of security in here
when you're working on your own.

Got your message. You OK?

Think I'm covered for security.

What took you?


What do you want?

I just want to see if you're OK.

I'm tickety-f*cking-boo.

Shall I give you a lift home?

I don't want to go home.

Rachel will be worried about you.

No, Rachel kicked me out.

Well, OK.

Right, come on. Let's get you
some fresh air.

Danny, here.

You know as well as I do

investigations like this always
put a strain on a marriage.

What kind of b*mb was it?

Abbie called me this morning,
told me what happened.

I figured the b*mb guys would be
your first move.

Fertiliser b*mb.

- And you think Connor made it?
- I do.

Let's start with a why.

I don't think he's bombing things
for fun.

He doesn't seem like the frivolous type.

So why's he doing it?

I don't know.

Come on, Danny. What does he care about?

f*cking doodling.

- What makes him angry?
- Me.

Oh, come on, Danny!
You got to help me out here.

What do you want me to say?!

He likes art and poetry...


He reads more books in a week
than I read in a year.

He likes nature, plants,

animals, f*cking hills.

We have nothing in common.

Connor is a stranger to me.

- Did he always like nature?
- What?

Connor, was he always...

...into nature?

More so since we moved here.

He reported the Davidsons for
dumping waste into the loch.

Was that like him?

That stuff makes him angry.

What stuff?

Environmental stuff.

Maybe we should go for a treasure hunt.

It taken millions of years
to make all this,

and now we're going to destroy it.

Are you listening? I said maybe...

It taken millions of years
to make all this,

and now we're going to destroy it.

So we've been trying to figure out
what Connor cares about

and it's been right in front of us
the whole time.

- Environmental activism?
- Yeah.

It's present in every single thing
he does,

in his graphic novel,
in the books that he reads,

in the groups that he joins.

He joined the conservation club.
They clean up beaches.

They're not exactly
die-hard eco-t*rrorists.

Well, maybe he's more die-hard
than the rest of them.

I mean, look at the Davidsons.

I mean, he tried to ruin their business

because they poisoned the loch.

So then where does Bryd Fleming fit in?

She shared Connor's beliefs.

If we're saying he was involved
in her m*rder...

...why k*ll her?

Maybe she found out about the b*mb
and she was going to expose him.

Or maybe she'd served her purpose
and Connor didn't need her any more.

Bryd's mum's croft is on a list
of businesses

that bought fertiliser
in the last six months.

Yeah, but can you prove that that's
where he got the fertiliser from?

Well, we know that he and Bryd
stayed up there over Easter.

Would've been easy for him
to access it then.

Well, it's a nice theory,
but it's not proof.

OK, again, there are any questions
to be answered, no doubt.

But I still think the eco-activist
angle is the most plausible so far.

Sandy, go to Aileen Fleming's croft

and see if you can prove that
that's where he got it from.

Tosh, start doing background checks
on the conservation club members.


A body's been found at Maywick.

It's Connor.

I'll start the postmortem as soon
as I get him back to the lab.

But right now, I'd say his injuries
are consistent

with a fall from height.

How long would you say
he's been lying out here?

Couple of days at the most.

Tosh, it's me. What you got?

Found a cairn near the jump site.

The stones look clean.

Think it was built recently.

Oh, hold on.

There's a piece of paper.

It's one of Connor's drawings.

I think it's Bryd.


...tape off the area...

...get a forensic team up there.

But it looks like su1c1de.

I'm going to have to go
and let the family know.


What do you think it means?

su1c1de note.

Or a confession?

Connor kills Bryd...

...and is overcome with guilt,
so he takes his own life.

A m*rder-su1c1de?

I mean, his DNA was found at
the site where Bryd was abducted.

I agree.

Everything that we've learned so far
says that Connor k*lled Bryd.

Background on William Rodgers.

Not much there. It's mostly
his employment history.

Anything about how he ended up
in this part of the world?

I called around a few of
the oil companies.

He's done a few stints here over
the years, but nothing recently.

His bank has confirmed that
the coffee he bought at the airport

was the last transaction on his account.

US Embassy sent through
a contact number for his sister.

I haven't got through to her yet,
but I'll try again later.

OK, Sandy, well done.

Now, go home.

You go home as well.

I will, in a wee while.

Oh, did you call the SCD?

Oh, yeah, they got back to me
an hour ago. Erm...

...there's no red flags.

They're not looking at any
activist groups on Shetland.



Oh, hey, you're back.

That's, er, good timing.

Dinner's in five, ten minutes.

Managed to get her down, then?

Yeah. We've got half an hour
until she wakes up.

- Oh, there's some wine in the fridge.
- Oh, great.

What's this?

That's just... a wee bit of research

on near-death experiences

and how different people react
to a traumatic event.

- Carol Anne put you onto this?
- What?

When you met her today?

I didn't meet her.


Tosh, I...

...I didn't meet Carol Anne.

I mean, I called her to cancel
our coffee date.

And then you discussed me?

She asked why I couldn't meet.

And I had to give her a reason,
so, aye, I told her what happened.

You couldn't just make something up?

Why would I do that?

Because it's my private business.

That's the...

That's the Chronicle's home page.

Everyone is talking about it,
everyone except you.

I have to go back to work.


Something I forgot to do.

Tosh, don't be...



Well, I came here to deliver
some bad news,

but it looks like you've already heard.

So he took his own life, huh?

Looks that way.

Man, he must've been in a lot of pain.


...I better get going.

Do you want to join me for a drink?

Afraid it's only bourbon. I...

...never got the taste for single malt.

Bourbon's fine.


Come on. Hi, y'all, hi, y'all!

All right, hi! Lovely...


So, where does Connor's su1c1de
leave your case?

With more questions.

This caravan b*mb, you guys get to
the bottom of that yet?

Could be he was part of a cell.

Like a t*rror1st cell?


Did he ever talk to you about that?

No, nothing like that.

Did you break the news to Rachel?


You have a shitty job, DI Perez.

- Yeah, you're not wrong.
- Then why do it?

Because I'm good at it.

Most of the time.

And I love it here.


...the longer I do this job..

...the less I fit in.

You know what you are, don't you?

You're the town sheriff,
like the old Westerns.

Jimmy Stewart in High Noon, that's you.

The townsfolk want you to protect them,

sh**t down the black hats.

And when you do, you're their hero.

But you'll never be their friend.

Why? Because one day, you might have
to sh**t them down.

And you know that too,

so you keep your distance.

To the loneliness of the law man.

Yeah, I'm... I'm not lonely.

Sure, you've got people around you,
people who love you,

but you can never give them all of you

because you just don't know.

And it's going to be that way until
you find another line of work.


Well, that was quite some speech.

But High Noon was Gary Cooper.


Er, there's some fresh coffee
on the table.

Oh, thanks very much.

What time is it?

It's just after ..

I don't... I don't suppose
you have a spare charger, do you?

Aye, it's on the counter.

Is Lloyd still sleeping?

Oh, no, he went out sketching early.

I was going to take some meals round
to the Cairns.

I think they'd really appreciate that.

So, how was your therapy session?


Lloyd likes to analyse
his drinking partners,

works out their problems
until they have a breakthrough.

CHUCKLES: Well, I don't remember
a breakthrough.

Well, that'll probably
come to you later.

How long have you two been together?

years since he rescued me.


That's what it felt like.



- Sorry, excuse me.
- Oh.

Yesterday, you said it was su1c1de.

I said it was a fall from a height,

which was technically correct.

But it wasn't the fall that k*lled him.

The fatal injury was a blow
to the back of the skull.


It's too precise to have been caused
by the fall.

I think a w*apon was used.

Is it the same w*apon that k*lled Bryd?

Mmm, I'd say there was a good chance.

My guess is his k*ller threw
his body off the cliff

and probably hoped the injuries
from the fall

would mask the real cause of death.

When did he die?

Sometime in the last hours.

And death would've been a relief.

Ligature marks on his wrists and ankles

suggest he'd been restrained for
a considerable time.

And he also has bruises and burns
on his torso.


Over a couple of days.

I think he was held somewhere.

And at some point, Bryd was with him.

Traces of boron found in his hair
and on his clothes,

just like Bryd.






- Morning.
- Morning.

Are you all done at the blast site?

Almost there, yeah.

What's the verdict?

It was a -pound b*mb
with a TNT equivalence of .

Is that big?

That is powerful, yes.

You know, DS McIntosh...

...most people can expect to experience

some psychological fallout in
the aftermath of a blast like that.

Well, I guess I'm one of the lucky few.

I guess so.


Oh, sorry.

- Hey.
- I was angry.

I was too quick to pin it on him, Tosh.

Connor was m*rder*d.


He was dead before
he went over the cliff.

Cora just confirmed it.

It was all staged, the sketch,
the cairn,

the signet ring in the car.
It was all a set up.

- Staged by whom?
- Whoever k*lled Connor and Bryd.

The sketch of Bryd, we need to
find out how the k*ller got it.

Get it over to the lab.

If it was planted, they might get
prints from it.

And the boron, did you find out
who's been using it?

Er, there's still a few companies
to check.

Well, get on to it. I'm on the ferry
to Bressay. I'll call you later.


Are you going to see Abbie?

- Aye.
- I can give you a lift.


What did it look like?

- What?
- Connor's body?

Not something that you'd want to see.

Wouldn't bother me.

I'm quite into dead bodies.

And I've seen loads.

There's this website with all these
pictures of corpses in morgues.

Anyway, death isn't the end.

The spirit lives on.

Connor's spirit could be right here,
in this car...

...sat in the backseat.

Clana, do me a favour, would you?

See, when we get to the Cairns' house...

...don't talk.

Where have you been?

I went to see Aileen Fleming.

She says that she noticed
her fertiliser stock was low

a few months ago,
but she didn't think anything of it.

Reckoned she'd just used a bit more
than she'd thought.

But when we spoke about the dates,

she realised that she noticed
the short fall

the week after Bryd and Connor
had been up to visit.


- Hey.
- Hey.

I heard this morning.

Wanted to come over and check on Rachel.

How is she?

She's still in shock.

But, er, Danny's here.
He's with her now.

This is Clana. This is Abbie's friend.

Abbie's in her room if you want
to go and see her.

Where are Danny and Rachel?

- How are you feeling?
- Fine.

- You must be sad.
- Is Martin down there?


Martin, the creepy photographer.

I don't know. I didn't see him.

He must be still in his room.

- Abbie, are you OK?
- Martin had something to do with it.

- With what?
- Connor, Bryd, all of this.

He's been acting really weird,
like, all over my mum,

joining the search party.
I mean, why is he still here?

And he's hiding something in his room.

I watched him last night.

Clana, I'm going to need your help.

Where was he all this time?

We don't know.

You don't know?

We think that whoever k*lled Connor
was holding him against his will.


So, who did it?

We don't know yet.

You must have some idea,
for Christ's sake!

It was him.

Connor is dead because of him.

I'll do everything in my power
to find the person responsible.

Oh, you're responsible.

You were the one that was supposed
to find him.

You were supposed to bring him home
to his family,

and instead you made him out to be
a criminal.

You failed my boy!

- Rachel...
- Get out of my house.

Jimmy, Jimmy!

Jimmy, she didn't mean it. She's upset.

- No, she's right.
- No, don't put this all on yourself.

- Look, I have to go.
- No! Jimmy, wait.

Eight days ago, Connor Cairns
goes missing.

We now know that he was likely abducted,

held c*ptive, tortured and k*lled.

Four days after Connor's abduct,
Bryd Fleming is also m*rder*d.

And then, two days ago,

the caravan that Connor was renting
is destroyed by an improvised b*mb.

If it was just the two murders,
Connor and Bryd,

then we could be looking at
something personal,

a crime of passion or a love triangle.

But the b*mb changes all that.

Yeah, but this is something bigger.

And then there's William Rodgers.
Where does he fit into all of this?

Connor is the key to it all.

Why did the k*ller t*rture him?

Well, probably because he wanted
something from him.

- But what?
- I don't know. There's someone else,

someone that links Bryd...

...and Connor...

...and the b*mb.

Follow me.

- Stay here, keep a look out for him.
- What?!


Finally spoke to Rodgers' sister.

Did she know why he was on Shetland?

Well, she says she hadn't spoken
to him in five years.

But she says he had a school friend
who moved to the UK in the s.

Do we have a name for him?


OK. Get in touch with
William Rodgers' old high school

and see if you can get a list
of his classmates.

There's only one firm in Shetland

that regularly uses boron for rot work.

They've got four jobs on
at the moment, all residential,

which means the owners are at home
while the work's being carried out.

So you'd think they'd notice if somebody
was being tortured

in their property?

- But the owner mentioned this place here.
- Ronan Kirk.

They had to abandon the restoration

when the clients ran out of money.

Ronan Kirk is in Maywick.

Yeah, it's just a couple of miles
to the cliffs.


You're the photographer, right?

That's right.

I'd love to get into photography.

I mean, as a career, like.

Any advice?

Buy a camera.

Yeah, but what type of camera?




Oh, my God.

Well, this is definitely
where they were kept.

By the looks of it...

...Bryd was k*lled first.

Could be Connor was made to watch.

Tosh, get a forensic team up here

- and then get a list of everybody...

...who's had access
to that place recently.


There's something you need to see.

What is all this?

It's not wildlife, that's for sure.

So, I found Rodgers' old school,
Jefferson High.

It's in a city in Texas
called Brownsville.

They sent through the yearbook from
his graduation class.

He did have a friend called Chet,
but he died in .

And it wasn't the UK he moved to,
it was Germany.

So, what's the issue?

I started flicking through
the other headshots when I found it.

It's an old photo, but it's him.

That's Lloyd Anderson.

No, that's Walter Edwards.

He must have changed his name.

He was at school with Rodgers?

Same town, same school, same year.

I mean, they must have known each other.

Is everything OK?

Erm, do you... Do you need something?


...I have something for you.

A sharp-eyed member of my team
found it on the edge of the field.

You didn't need to do that.

I have a favourite coat too.

Take care, DS McIntosh.






Tosh, are you OK?

Can you come and get me?


Who are you?