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07x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 11/07/23 17:58
by bunniefuu
Someone rigged it with expl*sives.

And one of my officers was
on the scene when it went up

and she's lucky to be alive.

Well, what's that got to do with Connor?

Connor was renting the caravan.

I don't think he's bombing things for fun.

But that stuff makes him angry.

What stuff?

Environmental stuff.

A body's been found at Maywick.

It's Connor.

You failed my boy!

Get out of my house.

The fatal injury was a blow
to the back of the skull.

I think he was held somewhere.

And at some point, Bryd was with him.

- Tortured?
- Over a couple of days.

Oh, my God.

Martin had something to do with it.

He's been acting really weird.

And he's hiding something.

- Donnie told me what happened last night.
- Did he?

Aye, I told her what happened.

You couldn't just make something up?

- I have to go back to work.
- Tosh!

We've identified the body.

William Arthur Rodgers.

Townsfolk want you to protect them

but you'll never be their friend.

One day you might have to sh**t THEM down.

That's Lloyd Anderson.

No. That's Walter Edwards.

He must have changed his name.

Who ARE you?

Why are you living under
a false identity, Lloyd?

I know that your real
name is Walter Edwards.

I know that you come from
the same part of Texas

as William Rodgers, I know that you

were at high school together.

Feel free to tell me
I'm wrong, at any point.

You know, Perez...

.. I always knew that someday

somebody would come knocking at my door.

And I'm very glad it was you.

Walter Edwards is my birth name,

named after my grandfather.

I changed it when I left the US.

You must have had a very
good reason for doing that?

Oh, yeah, the best reason...

.. to save my life.

When I was , I used to
sell $ bags of grass

on the corner of my
block to make ends meet.

One day I took an expensive
watch in lieu of cash

from a guy called Carl Gordons,

someone from the neighbourhood. Anyway...

.. unknown to me, the watch belonged

to the victim of a m*rder robbery,

an off-duty police officer.

Anonymous call was made, directed
the police straight to my house,

they found the watch.

Put out an arrest warrant
and when I heard this,

I took off, with nothing
but the shirt on my back.

What you have to understand is,

in Texas...

.. you're found guilty of k*lling a cop,

it's the death penalty,
no questions asked.


Stand up.

Lloyd Anderson, I'm arresting
you in connection with

the m*rder of William Rodgers.

You are not obliged to say anything

but anything you do say will be
noted and maybe used in evidence.


Who's there?


Is that you?


OK, whoever you are,
I'm calling the police!

You look like you have the weight

of the world on your shoulders, Jimmy.

Are you sure you're OK?

Three people are dead.

And I'm sorry, I just, I can't...

.. I can't, I'm not able
to just shake that off.

Connor's death is not your fault...

.. you know that.

If we'd just found him
a wee bit earlier...

.. everything would be a bit different.

Why do you do the job...

.. if it causes you this much pain?

Look, come on, I mean, I could
say the same thing about you

and your job and how much you care.

No. I'm sorry, it's different.

You know it is.

I don't blame myself for what happens.

I was thinking about you...

.. what you remind me of.

The old Sin Eaters.

In Ireland, at a funeral...

.. a Sin Eater would come

and he would consume a meal...

.. in order to absorb
the sins of the dead.

That's you.

You carry with you...

.. all the terrible
things that people do...

.. as if you can absolve them.

But you can't.

I mean, that's going to take
a toll on a person, Jimmy.

And, I imagine, on the people around you.

I don't know if I want that in my life.

Well, OK.


.. I understand, if that's how you feel.

OK, I'm going to go.

Sorry. Slept in.

Och, don't be daft.

You need the rest.


Good morning, good morning.

Hello. How is she?

Oh, she slept like a baby.

Didn't you? Yes, you did.

Maybe we can go for a walk later.

You know? Just the three of us.

Oh, I'd love to, but

I should get back to work.


You could have been k*lled.

You need time to process that.

I'll be OK.

It must have occurred to you how

close Louise was to not
having a mum, though?

I have thought about nothing else.

But you have to trust me.

I wouldn't go back if
I didn't think I could.

I just don't want you to end
up like Jimmy Perez, that's all.

What do you mean?

Well, he gave his life to that job

and then they go and suspend him
and still he comes back cos...

.. it's all he's got.

You've lost me, what's
this got to do with us?

I don't want the job to be the most

important thing in your life.

That is not going to happen.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

Bye-bye, bye-bye.

Say hi to Carol Anne for me.

She's just someone to talk to, Tosh.

You can talk to me.

But you're not here, are you?

Uh, sorry, that...

I didn't mean it to come out like that.

To be honest, I think she's
more interested in you than me.

I mean, either that or she
wants to be a detective.

Yeah, right.

Right. Listen up, everybody.

Lloyd has been lying
to us from the get-go.

Billy, get his DNA sample into the

database as soon as possible,

I want to know if it matches
any found at Ronan Kirk.

And then we're going to need a
search warrant for his place

and find out if he's got any
links to environmental groups.

Will do. Take a look at this.

There was a break-in at the
Morrow warehouse last night.

Jean Morrow was pretty shaken up.

- All that was taken was fertiliser.
- What?

So the expl*sives that were stored in

Connor's caravan are gone.

Does this break-in mean that
we've got another b*mb maker

and another home-made
b*mb? Is that possible?

More than possible.

I got the images of the fragments
from the caravan expl*si*n.

All right, lay them out on the table

and let's see if any of them are relevant.

But then, find me everything that

you can on a case from Texas in .

A man called Walter Edwards was

accused of murdering a
serving police officer.

Tosh, I need you in the interview room.

Jimmy, I think it's time we brought in

a Major Investigation
Team from the mainland.

OK, but it's going to hold us up.

I'll be briefing them
when I should be working.

Well, I understand that but, you know,

we can't manage this on
our own. You know that.

OK, look, I'm getting pretty close

to working out how this all adds up

but we could have another
home-made b*mb out there,

so we can't take our foot off the gas.

Then, don't. Get someone
else to brief them.

You're getting help,
whether you want it or not.


Interview with Lloyd Anderson,

DS McIntosh present with...

DI Perez.

The time is : .

Just for the record,
what is your real name?

Walter Edwards.

How long have you been living on Shetland?

About years.

And how did you end up
here in the first place?

You know the answer to that, I told you.

For the tape.

I am wanted for a crime
in the United States.

I was given a watch that
was linked to a m*rder.

I was framed.

And William Rodgers...

.. any idea how he turned up on Shetland?


All I can tell you is that

about a month ago I was in
the supermarket and I...

.. I noticed somebody staring at me.

But he never approached.

Felt like he was warning me to stay away.

As if he had his own secret to keep.

I never saw him again until his
face appeared on the TV screen.

And I knew he was the man
you found at Stromness Voe.

Any idea of the date exactly?

I always do a grocery shop
at the end of the month,

so it was about the th.

So he d*ed a few days after you
saw him at the supermarket?

Recognise this suitcase?


We found William Rodgers inside it.

There were also traces of paint.

No UV blocker found.

Oil based.

Artist's paint.

I don't use oil paint, I use acrylic.

Connor's su1c1de was staged.

We found this drawing of Bryd nearby.

Have you seen that before?

I remember him working on
it, when he was at my place.

He knew about your past, didn't he?

You're the Wulver...

.. in his book...

.. hiding your true identity.

I suspect I am, yeah.

Anybody else know about your past?


How did Connor find out?

I was feeling low...

.. missing my family.

I was looking over the old letters I kept.

And he saw them.

I had no choice but to explain.

He believed me and promised
never to tell a soul.

He could have told Bryd?

And if he did...

.. that would have given you a
motive to k*ll all three of them.

Connor Cairns, Bryd Fleming...

.. and William Rodgers.

I loved that boy, I admired him.

And I resent the accusation
that I would have harmed him.

Or anybody else for that matter.

I'm finding it hard to believe
that he could k*ll three people.

He's been fooling people
his whole life, Tosh --

me included.

Still, it's possible that
he's telling the truth.

Look, I hope so.

But if he is, it's the
first time in years.

- Anything, Sandy?
- Not much from the caravan images but

there's a date on this one,

January th, .

Let's see.

How is that relevant?

It's the day the Braer ran aground.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

The Braer was carrying
, tonnes of crude oil

when she went aground, and it would
have been a total catastrophe.

But the storm that
followed emulsified the oil

and dispersed it into the sea.

But Connor wasn't even born
when this happened, right?

Yeah, but it must have been in
his caravan for some reason.

Maybe this is what inspired him...

.. and whoever else he's working with.

Find out who suffered because of the slick

and what businesses went
under and maybe check

and see if there are any links to Rodgers

or to Lloyd.

Yes, of course.

The SD card Martin gave you --

something's been bothering
me about the photographs

so I took another look at them.

Has anyone been in my room?

Some of my stuff's been moved.


Maybe when we were cleaning.

Why, has something gone missing?

No, it's fine.


Sorry for bothering you.

Martin, he says he took these recently

but the time stamps
don't match his movements

and more importantly, this bird,

it's a jack snipe --

it's only found in Shetland in the winter.

And it's not the only
photo that's out of season.

- You sure?
- I'm sure.

He didn't take these when he said he did.


- I didn't mean to give you a fright.
- It's fine.

Er, did you want something to eat?

My mum's gone back to bed
but I can get it for you.

No, it's fine.

Wouldn't want to put you out.

It's no bother.

Was it you who cleaned my room?

Me? No.

Your mum?

I'm not sure.

I mean, she's been in her
room a lot since Connor...

.. was found.

But definitely not you?

I just said.

Thing is...

.. I lost something.



That is weird.

Maybe you took it by mistake.


Why would I do that?

Do you mind?

What's going on? Why
has Lloyd been arrested?

He's got nothing to do
with this body you found.

Well, that's not quite true...

.. cos they knew each other.

Were you aware of that?

What? No.

No, I...

Has Lloyd had any visitors here recently?

Well, I can't say, erm...

I've been spending a lot
of time at my mother's, erm,

she's not keeping the best of health.

How much do you know about Lloyd's past?

In Canada, you mean?

No, in Texas.

What are you talking about?

Lloyd Anderson isn't his real name,

his name's Walter Edwards.

And we're investigating a crime
that he was accused of, years ago.

What crime?


And apparently, Connor knew about it.

- Did YOU?
- Lloyd wouldn't hurt anyone,

and if he was accused of a
crime, it has to be a mistake.

You didn't answer my question.

All these years together and
he never mentioned that once?

I want to see him.

Well, you can't.

The best I can do is, I
can organise a phone call,

and that'll be recorded.

You're treating him
like he's already guilty.

No, I'm treating him like
he's a suspect in a m*rder.

Cos that's what he is.

Walter Edwards is on the
FBI's most-wanted list.

His file is still open, that's
everything I've got, so far.

Because of an anonymous phone call?

Well, there is the watch, and he did run.

Whether he's innocent or
not is beside the point.

The fact is, we have not been
able to connect William Rodgers

to anyone on Shetland, apart from him.

He's a wanted man with a secret
he needed to keep at any cost.

Now, if, if Rodgers recognised him,

then that's your motive right there.

And if Bryd and Connor knew as well,

then Lloyd could've k*lled
them to protect himself.

It's possible.

It doesn't explain the expl*sives.

It does if he's linked to eco-terrorism.

Connor was radicalised by someone.

Do you want me to contact the FBI

- and tell them we have him in custody?
- No, no, not yet.

Let's just question him a
bit further. Is that OK?

Cos we can't afford to lose him yet.

He could break this case for us.

OK, but I can't give you much time.

Have you ever seen a suitcase
like this in the house?


No, I haven't.

Hang on. Can you just move that rug?

How's Alison, can I speak with her?

Sure, as soon as you give me

the combination to the safe
that we found in your bedroom.


Is that a significant date?

It is to me.

It's the day I met Alison.


Another identity.

He was ready to run at any moment.

Yeah, looks that way.

It's a letter from his sister.

Carl Gordons?

Is that the guy he says framed him?

OK, see if you can find
out what happened to him.

Did you know about this safe?


Do you think he was
planning to leave soon?

I have no idea what he was planning to do.

This isn't looking good.

If you do know anything, now
would be the time to tell me.

I didn't know about his past...

.. but I do know that man.

And I told you, he isn't capable
of hurting another human soul.

And physically...

.. he isn't able.

He has a heart condition.

- Right, you know I'm going to check that.
- Now, you do that.

And there's something
else you should know --

we spend every evening together,

so if he was out murdering
people, I would have noticed.

Who said they were k*lled in the evening?

Well, when Bryd went missing,

he was with me, and I will swear to that.

Oh, I've got you a present for you, Jimmy.

Rope fibres -- but not any old rope,

looks industrial.

I'll get it checked out.

OK. Thanks, Cora.

We've also found cotton fibres.

But they're not from either
Connor or Bryd's clothing.

And I've got the results
from the blood we found.

I'll let you know if the
DNA isn't Connor or Bryd's.

OK. Just... send me whatever you get

as soon as you get it. All right? Thanks.

Can you tell me everything you know

about Lloyd Anderson?

Seems a bit late for these questions.

I know you feel...

.. like I've let you down.

And I...

.. I understand.

But I'm still your best chance

to find out what happened to Connor.

Are you?


Take it you don't want
anybody else to get hurt?

No, course not.


Then, talk to me.

Did Connor ever talk about Lloyd Anderson?

He loved going there for his lessons.

They seemed to have a lot in common.

Did they ever discuss environmentalism?

Oh, why are you so determined to
find Connor guilty of something?

No, I'm... I'm not.

But the fact is that he
may have been involved

with people who had
extreme views about this.

Like Lloyd?


Rachel, Lloyd's not who he says he is.

And we have found a connection

between him and William Rodgers

that Connor knew about.

What connection? What do you mean?

I can't say any more
about it at the moment

but we are questioning Lloyd.

So, anything that you can
remember will be very helpful.

He sat opposite me...

.. and he told me that the pain I
was feeling was the price of love.

I mean, what kind of a
monster would do that?

Rachel, we haven't got any evidence,

that links Lloyd with
any of the crime scenes,

apart from the abandoned car.

Well, that's enough, isn't it?

To get a conviction, they'll need some

physical evidence that
links him to the victims.

There's also, there's somebody
else that I need to ask you about.

Is Martin here just now?

No, he went to Lerwick, he said he wanted

to take some photographs
of the waterfront.

I know you felt that he was close to Bryd

but how did he get on with Connor?

Fine, I think.

Did you ever sense any tension
between the two of them?

No, no, can't say I did.

No, they...

Well, they even went on
photography trips together.

So, it wasn't just Bryd that
he was interest in, then?

No, I guess not.

Mr Perez.

You were asking about Martin.

You need to have a look at the
photographs I found on his SD card.

- I've seen his photographs.
- Not these ones, you've not.

That's Stenwick Terminal.

That's the offices at
the Harbour Authority.

So Martin wasn't just interested
in wildlife, then, was he?

And there's Bryd.

And that's William Rodgers.

And Lloyd.

Time stamp on that one is : ,

th of August.

Well, that would certainly tie in

with what Lloyd told
us about their meeting.

This does not look good for Martin.

I just wish I'd went with
my instincts on that guy.

It's the way he joined in the search,

the way he got involved with Bryd,

like he put himself right
at the centre of the case

cos he needed to know what
everybody was thinking.

Do you think he's our man?

I think he's hiding something.


Do you mind coming down the station
to answer a few questions for me?

About what?

Your photographs.

This isn't a good time, sorry.

OK, well, we can do the
interview here if you like,

but considering what we're
going to be talking about,

I thought you'd prefer
somewhere more private.

It's your call.

What are we going to be
talking about, exactly?

Your interest in Stenwick
Oil Terminal for a start.

And then Bryd Fleming and William Rodgers.

You want to take a seat?

There's no need. My
name isn't Martin Otina.

I'm DI Calvin Walker.

I'm part of a Counter Terrorism Unit

who've been monitoring a potential
thr*at here on Shetland.

You can verify that with Specialist Crime.

I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark.

I'm aware that after the expl*si*n

you specifically asked if there
were any red flags on Shetland.

I wanted to tell you then but it

was felt it would have
compromised the operation.


Well, do you want to enlighten us now?

We're close to uncovering
a cell of eco-t*rrorists,

which in turn could lead us
to other more extreme groups.

I'm not authorised to give you any
more information at the moment.

Well, you better get yourself
authorised, DI Walker.

I've got three dead bodies on my hands

and a very strong possibility that's

there's another b*mb
being made as we speak.


I'll make some calls.

I'm to stay here until we're
sure the threats were nullified.

The CTU is flying in and I've
requested a Tactical Firearms Unit

- but I'm still going to need your help.
- OK.

Then, we're going to need
to know everything you know.

William Rodgers was being monitored
cos of his presence online.

He'd been advocating taking drastic action

against climate change whatever the cost,

trying to get kindred spirits
to take a harder line.

When you say a harder
line, what do you mean?

Arson att*cks, even bombings.

He'd been working with an
environmental consultancy

analysing the effects of the
Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

And horrified with the damage he saw,

he decided it was time
to do something about it.

We believe he was either
trying to set up a cell here

or advising one that already existed.

Why do you think Connor
Cairns was involved?

From online chatter.

That's why I was at Noss View.

And who else was suspected of
being involved with Rodgers?

Bryd Fleming.

Not sure about the others.

They've been very clever
in how they communicate.

No texts, email, or phone.

What you have to understand, Rodgers
would have been telling Connor

and Bryd that we were
at the tipping point,

that they had to be willing to do
anything to get people to listen.

Connor believed him,

and Bryd was so in love
with Connor she went with it.

So why was William Rodgers k*lled?

That, I don't know.

Maybe someone felt that he was an

informer or was setting them up.

I don't see a group of climate
activists k*lling someone?

Oh, they're not climate activists.

They're not blocking roads,
chaining themselves to railings.

Rodgers was taking this to a new level.

While you were watching him,
who else was he in contact with?

Nobody, as far as we know.

Don't know where he was
staying, he travelled on foot.

He was last seen on August th.

We presume he d*ed on that
day or very soon afterward,

which tallies with your forensic report.

I still don't understand.

Why would they turn on
each other like this?

I think the only person who
knows the answer to that,

is the person who k*lled them.

There's someone else
pulling the strings here.

Danny Cairns...

.. I think we should talk to him.

Cos it's possible...

.. he knows more about
his son than he realises.

What's Martin doing here?

He's Counter-terror.

He's been surveilling a group of

environmentalists here on Shetland.

Is that why he was at Noss View?

Was he spying on my son?

After you.

This won't take long.

How long have you worked
at Stenwick Oil Terminal?

Six months.

Connor show any interest in your job?

The opposite.

I said I'd put a word in
for him but he wasn't keen.

Why was that?

The environment, I guess.

Said he'd...

Said he'd rather work
in the slaughterhouse

because that's what it is --

a place that will k*ll
everyone eventually.

Did he ever ask for information
about the terminal security?


Connor wasn't some extremist.


He wasn't going to do anything stupid.


Something's bothering
you, tell me what it is.


He felt the Islands Council
should never have...

.. let the oil companies
get a foothold on Shetland

but plenty people feel that
way these days, don't they?

You need to tell Stenwick
Terminal to step up their security.

Yeah, we already have.


Looks like they've got some sort of

tracking system set up.

God, it's all very high-tech.


I'd put your name on that cheese
roll in the fridge, if I was you.

OK. The CTU don't know how

the cell were communicating
with one another.

Any ideas?

Maybe they, have a place where they

meet up and just talk?

They'd probably get caught on CCTV.

It would have to be somewhere quiet

or a tourist attraction?

Scalloway Castle?

Yeah, but if they went there
too often, they'd get noticed.

So then, what if it was somewhere

where they had a reason for being there?

Yeah, that's good.

The library?

Yeah, Connor went there most days.

People couldn't believe how fast he read.

Maybe that's because he wasn't reading.

Could be that was just an excuse.


When Connor came to the library,

did he always come alone?

He didn't meet up with any other people?

Not specifically.

Can I see a record of all of
the books that Connor took out?

And also the ones that he didn't return?


And a list of all the other people

who took out those books
directly before or after him.


It was mostly the local
history section he was in.

And you'll see that,
on a lot of occasions,

he was the only one
that took that book out.

Well, I suppose it's possible

that he could have taken out
books without telling you.

Why would he do that?

So that no-one would know
who took it out after him.

- This one's got a lot of words circled in it.
- OK.

Let's check every book in this section

for words or letters that are circled.

Could you give us a hand?

Here are some.


And then a page later "at" is circled.

And then later on, a picture
of Stromness Voe is circled.

Can I see that?

Is this on the list?

No. It's an old tourist guide.
It's hardly ever taken out.

OK. Thanks, Murry.

Stromness Voe?

Connor arranged to meet
someone there and...

.. this is how he did it.

Look, here's another one. Where is Bill?

Bill being William Rodgers?

Murry, we're going to
need copies of your CCTV

from the week before Connor Cairns
went missing and the week after.

- Now?
- Aye, now.

Just send them over to the
station soon as you can.

I can't.

I deleted the CCTV database.

I only meant to delete the
morning Connor and I had coffee.

But I panicked and I...

I deleted it all.

I'm really sorry.

OK, then we're going to
need access to your system

so that we can send
somebody over to undelete it.

I'm not sure that's even possible.

Just in there, thanks.

- Have they got anything new?
- If they do, they're not telling me.

Sandy, how are you getting
on with that Braer list?

Well, it's a long list and
I've missed a few, no doubt,

but I went for the people
who claimed compensation

and then looked at businesses
that folded in the months after.

Anybody jump out?

The Flett family.

They'd fished off those
waters for generations.

They lost everything
when they couldn't fish

and people stopped buying
their Shetland produce.

- Is that Ally Flett?
- It's his father and his uncle.

OK, well, let's talk to them.

Aye, when the Braer ran aground,

that was the end of our family
business for a good few years.

But you got back on your feet?

We scraped enough money together

for one boat, so we could
keep the family business going.

You must have been pretty young
when the Braer ran aground?

- He was just a kid.
- But you remember it well?

Aye, I do.

And we would have survived the oil,

but we couldn't survive the
journalists telling people

not to eat our shellfish.

Why are you so interested
in our family history?

Connor was interested
in the Braer disaster,

and we're trying to find out why.

What kind of rope do you
use for your mussel lines?

Coconut fibre. But you
can use any old rope.

Cora, any chance you can take another look

at that rope we found up at Ronan Kirk?

I need to know exactly what it's made of.


Listen, did you manage to
find Gregg Flett or his brother

on the CCTV from the library?

Sorry, they haven't managed
to recover the deleted files.

They're corrupted.

I did find another message
in the Tourist Guide though.

"Tell CA the same place."

Just wondering what CA means.


Calum Adams?

Cathy Armstrong?

The list could be endless.

Carol Anne.

Carol Anne Mane.

- I don't think I know her.
- No.

But I do.

She's Donnie's ex.

I think she's been trying to
get information from Donnie

about the case.

Alison, I'm so sorry.

I always knew there was a chance

that this would happen at some point,

but I don't want you getting involved.

I am involved.

And for that, I'm truly sorry.

Just know this, I didn't do it.

I didn't k*ll the cop in Texas
and I didn't k*ll Bill Rodgers.

You don't have to tell me.

I know that.

All right, don't worry,
I'm going to get a lawyer,

the best lawyer I can find,
and we will stop this.

They're not sending you back, do you hear?

You'll be coming home to me.

To me.

I hear Lloyd Anderson has
a link to William Rogers.

I'd like to interview him.

We've got no evidence
to link Lloyd Anderson

with what Rodgers was planning.

Maybe you just haven't looked hard enough.

Can you tell me what your relationship

with William Rodgers was?

He was someone I was at high
school with back in the States.

- And he came here to visit you?
- No.

- Did you have any contact with him when he was on Shetland?
- No.

Or before that?

Have you ever communicated
with him online?

I hadn't seen Bill since
high school graduation

until I spotted him in the
supermarket in Lerwick.

And you spoke to him?

No. And as I told DI Perez,
he didn't speak to me either.

It's quite a coincidence
you both happened to be

on Shetland at the same time?

I've found life is full of coincidences.

Did you have anything to do
with his death or know who did?

No. And I don't know what Connor
got himself involved in either.

Why would I bring attention to myself

by getting involved in
whatever they were planning?

I was happy here with Alison.

I took one day at a time, and
I was thankful for my freedom.

Why would I jeopardise that?

I don't know who k*lled Connor and Bryd.

I just wish they were still alive.

You believe him?

Did he come up on any of your
searches for online eco groups?


But that might mean he's
just smarter than the others.

So you've got nothing to
link him with these deaths

apart from William Rodgers?

He stays here until I'm
done with my investigation.

Carol Anne's a cleaner
at Stenwick Terminal.

- Night shift mostly. Do you want me to pick her up?
- No.

I'll do it.

You OK?

Let's go.


Carol Anne Mane, I'm arresting you

under the terms of section
of the Terrorism Act .

You don't have to say anything,

but anything you do say will be
noted and may be used in evidence.

- Would you come with me, please?
- Are you serious?

Tosh, what's going on?

I'll talk to you later.
Would you stand up, please?

This is crazy. I haven't done anything.

- You can leave the coffee there.
- Hands behind your back, please.

Do you recognise this?

No. What is it?

It's a tourist guide from the library.


It's been used by certain people
to send and receive messages.

I really have no idea
what you're talking about.

Is this you?

"Tell CA."

Carol Anne?

I'm not following.

We're having it checked
for fingerprints and DNA,

so if you've written in it, or read
it, then we'll be able to tell.

Does the name William Rodgers
mean anything to you?


- Connor Cairns?
- I know who you mean.

But you've never met him, or spoke to him?


Connor was part of a group
of environmentalists,

who are planning an att*ck in Shetland.

- You weren't aware of that?
- Why would I be?

The thing is, Carol Anne...

.. you seemed very interested
in Connor's disappearance,

considering you didn't know him.

- Most people were.
- You even asked Donnie about it?

I don't think I did.

What exactly is your
interest in Donnie, then?

Bryd Fleming.

Did you know her?

You mean the girl that was found dead? No.

I think you did. I think
you knew both of them.

And I think that message is about you.

Why would they want to talk to me?

Because you work at Stenwick Terminal.

How long have you been there?

About six months.

- As a cleaner?
- You take what you can get these days. Plus it pays OK.

So you didn't apply just to get
information about the place, then?

I needed a job.

You don't have a problem working
for the oil industry, then?

It's not ideal.

I'd rather we used natural
energy, wind and sea...

.. but I have to pay the bills.

Suppose we all have our excuses

- for doing nothing, don't we?
- Who said I was doing nothing?

I do my bit.

Do you know anything about

the theft of fertiliser from
Morrow Agricultural last night?


No, I don't. Last night?

We think it might be used
in an att*ck at Stenwick.

I had nothing to do with that.


Ah, God, have we... have
we jumped the g*n here?


She's lying.

She's involved. I know she is.

Sandy, check that list of families

caught up in the Braer disaster again,

and see if Carol Anne's linked.

Of course. I've got another
name that might be of interest.

Jamie Narey's father, Paul Narey.

He had a wildlife tours
business that suffered.

Might be worth talking to him, too.

- Can we come in for a minute?
- Aye, sure.

You know, this might seem
like a daft question,

but what do you remember
of the Braer disaster?

The Braer?

I remember seeing it on the news.
I was quite young at the time.

Some folk were quite worked
up about it back then.

- Your family business was wildlife tours, wasn't it?
- Mmm.

That must have been a
disaster for your dad.

I think people tend to
exaggerate the effect it had.

It could have been a lot worse.

I mean, the Braer was carrying
twice as much crude oil

as the Exxon Valdez, but we survived.

How did your dad take it?

I remember he made us
volunteer at the rescue centre.

I must have cleaned hundreds
of sea birds and seals.

Still, lots of new safety procedures.

It wouldn't happen again, thankfully.

Did Connor ever talk to you about it?

I doubt Connor would
even have heard of it.

How's the Wulver going?

It's selling really well, locally.

Thinking about doing another print run.

Deserves to be seen by as
many people as possible.

You know, if it's the
Braer you're interested in,

the best person to talk
to might be Gregg Flett.

It's him that I feel most sorry for.

Yeah, they lost their boats.

Aye. They had to really fight

for their compensation.
It devastated that family.

Gregg's never forgiven or forgotten.
He detests the oil companies.

What are we doing with Lloyd Anderson?

We either charge him in
connection with Connor's death,

or I pass him over to the Home Office.

And then what?

He'll be sent home, most probably.

I thought if you were
facing the death penalty

that you couldn't be
extradited back to the US?

The Home Office will seek
assurances he won't face execution.

But I suspect if the Americans
want him, they'll get him.

Then, I need more time.

I'll sit on it as long as
I can, Jimmy, but you know,

I have standard protocols
I need to follow.

It's really not your problem.

- There must be something we can do?
- Such as?

I'm sorry, but we have no
control over what happens to him

after he leaves this station.

There's nothing on Carol
Anne Mane or her family

linking them to the Braer
or any environmental groups.

But we got the results on
the rope from Ronan Kirk.

It's coconut fibre, same
as the Flett mussel lines.

If one of the Flett
brothers is involved in this,

- then it's got to be Gregg.
- Well, I can't get a hold of Gregg.

He's not answering on his
home or his mobile number.

OK. Keep trying.

We'll bring him in tonight and
then pass this over to CTU.

The Flett boat was spotted
moving up the coast

towards the Mora Voyager,

that's an oil tanker waiting
to off-load at Stenwick.

They've tried to contact it by
radio, but he isn't answering.


- Gregg, is that Ally on that boat?
- It must be.

I came down and the boat
was halfway up the Voe.

I'm trying to get a hold of
him, but he's not picking up.

- Hi.
- Tosh, it's Ally on the boat.

Tell the coastguard to
intercept him immediately.

Warn them there may be
expl*sives on board.

Tell Martin and the CTU. I'm
going to head to the Terminal.

I don't think there's time.

The boat entered the Maritime
Prohibited Zone five minutes ago.

Oh, sh*t.

I've notified the CTU of a potential
expl*sive att*ck on the tanker.

They're enroute to Stenwick Terminal now.

Ally, it's Jimmy Perez.

If you're thinking of
doing anything stupid,

then please just think it through.

I know why you're doing
this, but it's not the way.

- Where's Perez?
- Heading to Stenwick Terminal.

- OK. So what do we know?
- Just that Ally Flett

is entering the protected
area, heading towards a tanker.

- Does he have expl*sives?
- We're not sure.

We do know that rope from his
boat was found at Ronan Kirk,

which puts him in the frame
for Connor and Bryd's m*rder.

And that means he could
be capable of anything.

Tosh, he's just stopped.

He's turning round.

Where's the expl*sives?

What expl*sives?

Don't you f*cking lie
to me! Is there a b*mb?

There's nae expl*sive on THIS boat, Perez.

Feel free to look.