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02x01 - You Don't Even Like Opera

Posted: 11/07/23 18:58
by bunniefuu
Are you sure this isn't

too much for you, Agnes?

We should have ordered the carriage.

All my life, I've walked

to church on Easter morning.

Why should I stop now?

Because we're getting older.

You may be getting older. I am not.

How long will you be in Newport?

Only a few days this time.

Larry says the house is finished,

and I want to make sure that it is.

Well, I hope it will take your mind

off that other business.

I hate to see you upset.

Nothing will take my mind off that

"other business," as you call it.

As long as we have

no box at the Academy,

we are not in the front rank of society,

whatever we may pretend.

That's what Carrie Astor says.

Well, she should know.

Her mother will have been consulted,

and she must have

decided to keep us out.

The Academy must have

a list of applicants

as long as your arm.

And I'm sure Mrs. Astor tried to help.

Are you?

I'm not.

What do you see?

I'd forgotten how

beautiful Philadelphia was.

I hope we're not going to be late.

The church isn't far.

So you know?

When I was in school,

we'd visit for some events.

It was nice of Mr. Spring to invite us.

I suppose none of this is easy for them.

Of course not.

But the Spring family

has asked us to join them

in their grief for Easter,

so that is what we shall do.

Après vous, monsieur.

Or should I say, "You first, mister"?

It does not offend me

that I am a source of humor to you all.

I confess, I would like to

know how long it must go on.

Until it stops making us smile.

Mr. Gordon pretended to

be French to get a job.

Is that a crime?

Not a crime, but quite a good joke.

If the mistress can accept

that her chef is from Kansas,

surely we can.

If she admits it at all,

I bet it's through gritted teeth.

Or should we say, "par

les dents serrées"?

We have a big dinner tonight.


Miss Weber, isn't it?

How do you know my name?

I asked one of your footmen.

I'm Jack Trotter.

I work for Mrs. Van

Rhijn across the street.

Then happy Easter, Mr. Trotter.

I was thinking you might

like to meet up some day,

maybe have a cup of coffee.

We're off to Newport tomorrow.

- For long?

- Only till next Monday.

But we'll go back soon for the season.

When you get home, maybe

we could arrange something

before you're gone again.

I'd like that.

How pretty they've made it.

There's Mrs. Russell.

Oh, happy Easter. To all of you.

Ada, come sit down.

- Agnes.

- Lina


Oh, I meant to tell you,

I've had a letter from

Dashiell Montgomery.

- Oh, how is he?

- Who is he?

- A nephew of my late husband.

- Arnold.

Were you on first name terms?

We weren't, and I was his wife.

What's Dashiell up to?

Well, it seems he tired of Washington

and has moved back to New

York with his daughter.

Oh, poor motherless girl.


Dashiell's wife d*ed very young.

Frances must be about 14 now.

I'll invite them for some tea,

maybe next Thursday.

Not Thursday.

Why not?

No reason, really.

But I'm usually rather

busy on Thursdays.


As we celebrate the

resurrection of our savior,

we know the Lord is close

to the brokenhearted.

And we pray for those

in our congregation,

the sick, the lonely, the bereaved.

And we ask continued

prayer for Samuel Spring

since the death of his wife and son

who was blessed with two mothers,

one of whom is here today.

Our prayers are with you all.

Easter is a time of renewal.

It is through the miracle of Easter

that our savior gives us new life.

Today, we declare our

sublime and unshaken faith

that Christ did truly rise from death

and that God, having raised Him up,

shall also raise us up with Him.

Please rise.

Let us ask, O God, that

our hearts may be light

with heavenly hope.

It may not happen in this world,

but it will happen

in the sweet hereafter

when we shall rise again

and be made like unto Christ

in His eternal and glorious Kingdom.

- Amen.

- Amen.

- Lovely to have you.

- Thank you.

- Happy Easter.

- Happy Easter to you.

I thought he did well. The new rector.

He kept the sermon

short, which is something.

Oh, look. He's over

there. Shall we say hello?

You could leave it for another time.

Excuse me.

I know exactly who you are.

Mrs. Van Rhijn and Miss Brook.

They've told me all about you.

You mustn't believe everything you hear.

And this is our niece, Miss Marian Brook

and Mrs. Van Rhijn's son, Oscar.


That was a lovely sermon.

I hope so.

Half the battle is not to

put the congregation to sleep.

Mr. Russell.

I thought I might see you here.

Happy Easter to you, Mr. Tritton.

I hear you're having some union

difficulties in Pittsburgh.

You could say that.

I ask because we're going through

something similar in Cleveland.

And of course, Jay Gould

is having trouble too.

They say membership

of the Knights of Labor

is in the hundreds of thousands now.

Never mind the Knights of Labor.

We must deal with the steelworkers.

They've elected a new leader,

a man called Henderson.

And I'm afraid he seems

to know what he's doing.

The only thing worse than a union man

is a clever union man.

We ought to get some

of the owners together.

Gould, Morgan.

Billy Vanderbilt, if he'd come.

- Shall we go?

- Of course.

We'll be in touch.

How are you settling into the city?

Well, New York is very

different from Boston.

It's the little things I miss

old haunts, familiar food.

New York cuisine isn't

meeting your standards?

Oh, quite the opposite,

though I am still searching

for an authentic bowl

of New England clam chowder.

Well, I hope you find it.

But you're managing?

I survived the Easter service today.

And my first wedding is this week.

- Ah.

- So I feel I'm getting there.

May we hear who is to be married?

Uh, Miss Bingham and Mr. Raikes.

Do you know them, by any chance?

- No.

- A little.

- Not really.

- Yes.

We should go.

We mustn't keep the

rector all to ourselves.

- Happy Easter.

- Happy Easter.

Agnes, slow down.

We're not in a race.

Speak for yourself.

I couldn't get away fast enough.

Mama, I think I'll say goodbye here.

I need a cab.

But you'll be back for dinner?

I will.

- I hope you'll come.

- I mean to.

Are you going to Mrs. Rutherford's ball?

I'm quite surprised I've been invited.

With three bachelor sons?

Mother says she'll have every heiress

in New York on the dance floor.

I've been meaning to

ask you about your hat.

Isn't it lovely?

How did you enjoy the service?

I thought it was perfect.

Yes, I do too.

It's been six months.

I should have written sooner,

as soon as I heard you

were looking for me,

but by then, they were gone,

and I wasn't thinking straight.

It's good of you to come today.

We wanted to, to learn about him.

"A loved and loving little boy."

And so he was.

I wish I'd known him.

You're coming home with me,

so I can show you his room and his toys.

And maybe you'll feel that

you do know him a little.

I hope so.


Were we right to bring her here?

She deserves the full story

of his short and dear life.

Dorothy, please.

You can't blame me for scarlet fever.

I can blame you that we weren't here

before the fever struck.

If you had contacted Miss Wade sooner,

our boy might be alive today.


Give me another.

We're celebrating!

It's on him.

Did he like the room?


Did he enjoy his life?

He was a happy child,

always laughing, always full of fun.

We wouldn't have stopped you seeing him.

I hope you believe that.

Don't be too nice to me.

I'd have taken him away.

I'd have fought the adoption

and I would have taken

him with me if I could.

I wish you had.

It might have saved

him if you'd gotten him

out of the city before the fever came.

Don't say that.

Or we'll all go mad.


Keep it.

I mean it.

He loved his bear.

His mother should have his favorite toy.

His other mother.

She loved him, you know.

My Carlotta, she loved him.

And she nursed him, and

she caught the fever,

and she d*ed with him.

Shall we go downstairs

for our Easter dinner?

I have a gift for you.

Here's a photograph, if

it wouldn't be too painful.

Don't you want to keep it?

I have one of them

taken later with my wife,

not long before they d*ed,

just as I remember them.

I appreciate your kindness.

So do I. I mean it.

We share a child,

a bond no one could

even try to understand.

That's why we came.

Please come to the table.


Mrs. Scott.

Slowly, girl.

The food's not going anywhere.

Let's join hands, everyone.

Mother, would you like to say grace?

How was your service, Bridget?

Or should I call it mass?

Good. I like St. Patrick's.

The new cathedral is

a credit to the city,

I'll give you that.

- How was yours?

- I enjoyed it, with all the ladies

showing off the latest fashions.

I'm not sure what that has

to do with holy worship.

What were you saying to Miss Weber?

- Um

- When did you see her?

She was at church with

the other Russell servants.

Don't you ever get tired

of that wretched tapestry?

You're like Penelope waiting

for Odysseus to get home.

Aunt Ada likes needlework.

I like ice cream.

That doesn't mean I

eat it 24 hours a day.

- Ah.

- You rang, ma'am?

Yes, we can't wait for

Mr. Oscar any longer.

I don't know what's happened to him.

But if you can tell Mrs. Bauer,

we'll have dinner as

soon as she's ready.

Very good, ma'am.


I expect that's him now.


- My God!

- Oscar, what happened?

- Who has done this?

- I'm sorry.

I I haven't changed. I just


Bannister, help me get Mr.

Oscar up to the Blue Room,

- and find an old nightshirt.

- Yes, ma'am.

Marian, send John for Dr. Lewis.

Ada, do we have any bandages or salves?

Yes, I think they're in the kitchen.

I'll fetch them.

Can you see?


- Yes?

- Fetch Dr. Lewis.

And when you've done that,

go to Mr. Oscar's rooms

and tell his man to give you

what he'll need for tonight.

- Why? What happened?

- Mr. Oscar has been att*cked.


I need whatever bandages

and creams we have here.

- I know where they are.

- What do you mean att*cked?

What I said.

He's been beaten and I daresay robbed.

Here we are.

How are you feeling?

Much better, thank you.

Then we must send for the police.

No, no. Not the police.

Why not, when you've been

set upon in the street?

I have nothing to tell them.

I didn't see his face.

It all happened so fast.

And I don't want to be

a story in the papers.

Well, I can understand that.

But you really have no evidence?

My mind is a complete blank.

And you did nothing to provoke him?

Why do you say such a thing?

Because I know you.

I've watched you be reckless and rude.

Why were you walking

the streets, anyway?

Why didn't you hail a cab?

That'll be Dr. Lewis.

I'll go down.

She's just upset.

What you need is rest.

When Dr. Lewis is gone, try to sleep.

Ring the bell if you need something

in the night. I'll hear it.

You've missed your vocation.

- How is he?

- Settled.

But you were right

about his needing sleep.

He'll feel better in the morning.

What a business.


But I really came in to

ask how you were feeling.

What do you mean?

When the new rector told us

about Mr. Raikes' marriage.

Oh, that.

It was a little bit of

a shock, but I'm fine.

- Or I will be.

- Good.

Because you have so

much to look forward to.

I'm sure of it.

I did love him.

I'm glad you used the past tense.

It helps to accept that a

thing is finished and done with.

The question is, what's next?

The right man will come along.

But I don't just want

a husband, Aunt Ada.

And anyway, who says he'll come along?

He doesn't always.

That's true.

He never came for me.

But I was very shy when I was your age,

with so much less to offer.

It would have taken someone rare

to look inside my shell.

If he didn't, it was his loss.

- Good night.

- Good night.

Sleep well.

And dream of all the wonderful things

that are waiting to happen.

How did you know my size?

Mr. White was the one who found it.

Are you familiar with the house?

Not really.

It was built about 30 years ago,

and I believe it was

quite social at the start.

But for the past decade,

it was owned by a quiet old lady

from Milwaukee who did not entertain.

So for most people

here, it's going to be

a new house on their rounds?

Indeed it will.

I hope you don't think

I'm rushing things.

I do not.

You conquered New York.

Now it's time to conquer Newport.

But I haven't conquered New York.

What? You go everywhere.

- Oh.

- You dine in the best houses.

You have a pew opposite

the Astors at St. Thomas.

But I haven't got a box at the opera.

The Academy has turned us down again.

They can be very trying.

Mrs. Astor can be very trying.

She must have known.

Did she tell you they

were keeping us out?

Do you think the new

Metropolitan Opera will succeed?

The members of the Academy are

very determined it should not.

And if you jump that way,

you'll never take Mrs. Astor with you.

My advice would be to stick with her.

She'll get you into

the Academy in the end.

I'm not much good at "in the end."

Besides, nothing stays the same forever,

and I can't always be at

Mrs. Astor's beck and call.

Why not? I am.

Aren't you coming in?

You see we've increased

the space in here

and changed the angle of the light.

It's splendid.

My son is a genius.

We can use this room for entertaining.

Come look into the old library next.

It's worked even better than I thought.

You have done well, Larry.

What will you do now?

I expect I'll go to New

York and look for some work.

I may have something to

suggest in that department.

There is a widow here in Newport

who's planning some alterations

and additions to her house,

a Mrs. Richard Blane.

She's here? Out of season? Why?

She decided to live in Newport

after her husband's death.

Has she been alone for many years?

He d*ed about 18 months ago.

Seems rather soon for her to build.

Isn't she still in mourning?

Not exactly.

But then the late Mr.

Blane was a good deal older.

You mean she's glad to be rid of him.

Well, she's glad to spend the money

that he guarded like a hyena.

I'm very grateful, Mr. McAllister.

You haven't met her yet,

but I think it could be managed.

And you'd be in town all summer.

Mr. Russell.

I'm just going up to check the

bedrooms before you see them.

Tell me more about Mrs. Blane.

If you insist.

She was penniless and

in a tricky situation

when she met Mr. Blane.

I do not believe she thought

he'd survive for 20 years.

Well, why didn't she

go back to New York?

Newport allows her more freedom.



Are you hungry?

Dinner won't be long.

Have you been crying again?

Thinking about your father.

We can't keep torturing ourselves.

I was thinking about the

first time I ever met him.

He saved my life.

Did I ever tell you that?


I was walking home from church,

and two men started

following me, taunting me.

- White men?

- Yes.

And I rounded a corner hoping

to find somewhere to hide,

and I practically ran right

into your father's arms.

- Thank heavens.

- Mm-hmm.

When the two men caught up with me,

Arthur stared them down.

He didn't have to say a

word, and they ran off.

Your father later told me that he

he saw what they were doing

and wanted to make sure

that I got home unscathed.

I never knew that.

I always felt so safe with Arthur.

Sleep in a man's arms for years,

and you think you know him, but

There you are.

Dinner must be ready now.

How did you hear about my contretemps?

Aurora Fane told me.

Does your presence here

mean we're friends again?

Oscar, you and I have known each other

far too long and much too

well not to be friends.

If that is the case, I'm delighted.


Now, will you tell me

what really happened?

Nothing much.

I saw you at church

that morning, by the way,

with someone tall and dark and handsome.

Tell me.

I met a guy in a bar, and he said

he had somewhere we could go.

And so he took you into a dark alley,

and he b*at you to a pulp,

and he stole your wallet and your watch?

He didn't take my watch.

I don't know why not.

How long will this go on?

You can't keep putting

yourself in danger.

I'm starting to think

you may have a point.


I wonder if it isn't time I began

to live a more grown-up life.

Don't tell me this heralds the arrival

of Oscar van Rhijn, family

man and pillar of society.

His entrance is rather overdue.

You do know you would be asking

a very great deal of yourself.

No more than thousands of other men

have asked before me.

No more than you will

ask of yourself one day.

Not me.

I have no desire to

lock who I am in a box

and throw away the key.

I don't think I could anyway.

And what will your life be?

Friendship, companionship,

perhaps something more

if I can learn to live

with a little discretion.

Still a life of lies.

But I won't be lying to myself.

It's different for you.

You've got brothers.

I am the torchbearer of

the House of Van Rhijn.

Don't hate me.

I will never hate you.

Mrs. Bauer thought you might

both like some coffee, sir.

Oh, please thank her.

We'll manage for ourselves.

Did she see anything?

There wasn't a lot to see.

Would you like anything else?

Just coffee, thank you.

It's good of you to make time for me.

Not at all.

But I assume you've

come here on a mission.

And you're right.

I hope it wasn't indiscreet of him,

but our friend, Mr.

McAllister, seems to think

that you're unhappy that the Academy has

failed to find a box for you.

When one became available.

But there are people on that

list who have waited forever.

Your day will come, my dear.

And the Academy of Music has served

New York society for 30 years.

Have they not earned our loyalty?

Yours maybe, but not mine.

Not when they won't let me in.

Why didn't they see this

coming and build more boxes

when there was still time?

The Academy has been shortsighted.

I'm told there are 120 boxes

in the new Metropolitan Opera House.

They can't want it to be exclusive.

They'll fill them, though,

with so many new people in the city now.

Mrs. Russell, you must

know how very proud I am

of your success in New York.

- That's generous.

- I mean it.

You worked to be accepted.

And I do hope that I was a help.

You wouldn't want to throw that all away

and find yourself back where

you started, out on your ear.

I suppose I'd like to

go where I'm valued,

where people are friendly.

Well, the audience at the new

opera house will be easy to meet.

But you'll find that they

are hard to get rid of.


Why don't I give a dinner

of opera enthusiasts

so we can discuss the whole subject.

Would you come?

May I see a list of the guests?

When I have one.

But give me a date that works first.

I need you there to be my guide.

I shall take it very seriously.

I wouldn't like to see you pay the price

for backing the losing side.

Well, you're right about

one thing, Mrs. Astor.

I certainly intend to find

myself on the winning side.

Hiding his picture away

won't get rid of the pain.

Of course not.

But do you want a daily reminder?

Arthur, we had a grandchild!

His photograph belongs

with the pictures of

of your parents and mine

and all the rest of them.

They're dead, but

they're still our family.

All right. You want me to say it?

I was wrong.

I thought I was right, but I was wrong.

We should have kept the boy.


Are you satisfied?

How can I be satisfied?

My grandson is dead.


Uh, we saved you some dinner.

I'm not hungry.

He looks so much like you at that age.

Shall we keep it in here?

I don't think so.

I'll have it in my room.

She doesn't want it on display, Dorothy.

She doesn't, or you don't?

I lie awake at night

thinking about how I should

have done things differently.

I'm sorry.

That's all I can say.

Well, you just have to keep saying it

until Peggy can find it in

her heart to forgive you.

Or I do.

But don't you see?

Even if you are sorry

and I do believe that you are

it doesn't change anything.

So you'll hate me all your life?

I don't hate you.

Look, we need a rest from each other.

We have been trapped in this

trio of regret for too long.

Now I'm going to bed.

How I wish you would stay.

It feels much too soon.

I do worry so.

You won't go back to the bank today.

I said I'll be there next week.

Marian, look after him.

I will.

How are you, really?

I'm making progress, as they say.

It could have been so much worse.


I could have been k*lled,

and then what would have been

the point of my having lived at all?

Oh, don't say that.

Oh, look, a luncheon party.

No doubt to which I am not invited.

Don't tell me you're still

pining for Gladys Russell.

I suppose she's now the

cynosure of all eyes.

Of course. She's pretty. She's rich.

She's out in society.

And this is New York.

But are you still a contender?

Haven't you given up?

I should, really.

She never answers my letters.

And if we do meet, it's very stilted.

I'm sure Mrs. Russell has

told her not to speak to me.

Well, if you're really in love with her,

you must give it another try.

But this time, make a proper plan.

You fill me with resolve.

So have you told your

aunts your secret yet?

No, but I will.


When I can't keep it secret any longer.

But what about you?

I just don't know how much longer

I can stay with my parents.

What's the remedy?

Is there any chance I could

come back to 61st Street?

If Mrs. Van Rhijn hasn't

found a replacement.

I assure you, she has not.

Then can you ask her

if she'd meet with me?

Aunt Agnes would welcome

you back with open arms,

and so would I.

Not everyone in that

house is so hospitable.

I think Aunt Agnes

regrets keeping Armstrong

when she let you go.

If you think you can handle

her, please come back.

I'd like to, Miss

Armstrong notwithstanding.

I'll speak to Aunt

Agnes and write to you.

Thank you.

But why do you need my help?

You know Gladys Russell.

Why can't you arrange

to meet her yourself?

Because her mother doesn't

want me as a suitor.

Mrs. Russell doesn't like

any man she hasn't chosen.

But I don't see what I can do about it.

Now, would you like some more coffee,

or can I fetch you a sandwich?

I'll do it.

I'm glad to see you're better.

Was it very terrible?

It certainly made me think.

What was I doing,

wandering around New York

when I should have been at

home, dining with my family?


You mean you'd like to settle down?

I suppose I do.

Which brings us back to Miss Russell.

Please help me.

I've helped you before,

and nothing came of it.

This time I know what to do.

I just need a few

minutes alone with her.

Ask us both to luncheon.


That would be too obvious.

But I've been meaning to mark

Cousin Dashiell's return to New York.

You can come to that.

What reason can you have

for asking Gladys but not her mother?

Leave it with me.

I have an idea.

Mrs. Fane is throwing

a party for her cousin.

- What's wrong with that?

- It's on the day of my dinner.

How could she do such a thing?

Perhaps Mr. Montgomery

couldn't manage another date.

It starts at half past 3:00.

We'll be home before 6:00 with

plenty of time to get ready.

I can't come.

I won't be able to

leave the house that day.

Then Gladys can go with Miss Brook.

She'll have been invited.

But will Miss Brook protect her

from men I don't approve of?

Honestly, Mother, you

say I'm not to speak

to men you don't approve of,

but you don't approve of anyone.

She must be allowed to go out.

You can't keep her in a bandbox.

Oh, very well.

I give in.

Thank you.

Do I have to be at the dinner?

Only I have some troublesome

business in Pittsburgh

I'm dealing with.

I need you there.

I wish I could understand

the whole thing.

You don't even like opera.

Not so I've ever noticed.

George, the opera is where

society puts itself on display.

Not just in New York,

but all over Europe.

And the leaders take boxes

where they meet each other

and their children court each other,

and that is how the

wheels of society turn.

The Academy tried to stop the

Metropolitan from being built.

And they thought they could,

but it'll be open by the end of October.

If you decide to back the Met,

you know you'll be taking on Mrs. Astor.


Of course I love that

you're not afraid of her.

I'm glad to be her friend,

George, but not her lackey.

Aurora has written.

She's giving a tea for Cousin Dashiell.

Weren't we going to manage that?

Aurora can do it. She's his cousin.

We'll all go, and Marian can meet

some more suitable young people.

Although I'm never sure that

your definition of suitable

is quite the same as mine.

If it isn't, it should be.

I hope you're not still pining

after that tedious Mr. Raikes.

Oh, Agnes.

There's no need to bring that up.

Not really, Aunt Agnes.

They were bound to marry at some stage.

All I hope is that next

time, you will listen to us

and not assume we know nothing.

I shall be more sensible,

if there is a next time.

That's all we ask, isn't it, Ada?

Some respect for our advice.

All I want is for Marian to be happy.

I need you to confirm this is

the final list for ordering.

Give it to me.

How's it coming on?

Will we be ready in time?

I think so, but planning is the key.

I do have a favor to ask.

As you know, Mrs. Russell

hopes to put on quite a show,

so we're borrowing some footmen

from various households

And you want me to swell their number.

Not exactly.

I don't mind. It's part of my job.

No, I need you more as an underbutler

to take care of the wines.

We'll go through them

together, of course,

but if you could see to their opening,

decanting, icing, and serving

throughout the evening

I'm flattered.

But do you really think that she'll side

with the new Metropolitan?

It's beginning to look like it.

Won't Mrs. Astor kick up a stink?

Mrs. Russell doesn't lack courage.

Come with us!

- Papa?

- Go on.

Dashiell, how very good to see you.

Except you should have called on us

the moment you got to New York.

Indeed I should have done, Aunt Agnes.

I hope you can forgive me.

Oh, of course we can.

Mwah. You know Oscar.

Oscar, good heavens.

We're both rather older

than when we last met.

Don't remind me.

And this is our niece, Marian Brook,

who lives with us now.

Does that make us cousins?

Almost, but not quite.

Where is Frances? Is she here?

She is, but she found a group of young,

and so she escaped me.

Cousin Dashiell, welcome.

Come. Shall we have our tea?

Dashiell, good to see you.

Oscar, why don't you show Miss Russell

Charles' new library?

Ah, my pride and joy.

Shall we?

If you wish.

I'm so pleased you're well again.

I'm not quite dancing

yet, but when I do,

I hope you'll be my partner.


Is your mother here?

No. Or I wouldn't dare talk to you.

Then I'm glad she's not.

Well, at least I know now why

you never answered my letters.

Mother wouldn't see

that keeping them from me

was wrong.

I suppose she thinks I

don't have enough to offer.

Which is why I asked

Aurora to give this party,

so I could make the offer myself.


I know there are men out there

who are younger and richer than I am,

but we would live well.

You could choose your own friends,

run your own house,

manage your own life.

- Isn't that what you want?

- Very much so.

And I'm not a bully.

I'd never force you to echo my opinions

and parrot all my views.

Of course not.

Most men would.

That's true, I suppose.

I am happy to be henpecked,

as long as you're doing the pecking.

We'd have fun, Gladys.

I know we would. I want us to be happy.

Very happy. And I believe we could be.

- I

- Don't answer now.

Just just know that

I love and admire you

more than I can say,

more than I've ever

felt for any other woman.

But you don't know me, not really.

I know you to be intelligent and fine

and independent when you're

allowed to be and witty.

You have every quality

that I admire, truly.

Shouldn't you be saying

these things to my father?

I'll write to him.

- Oscar, Gladys.

- Oh.

You mustn't miss the tea.

Of course not.

Gould, how are things going

with the Knights of Labor?

Better for me than for them.

I should expect nothing less.

Their demands are outlandish.

Their leader Powderly says he wants

all workers to be in

partnership with their employers.

He can want what he likes, Mr. Gould,

but he won't get it.

Have you sustained any damage?

Have you?

This isn't a competition, gentlemen.

Mr. Gould is not

cornering the gold market.

Mr. Russell is not

bankrupting a railroad.

For once, we're on the same side.

He's right.

Let us enjoy the sensation.

They tried to target my freight

traffic and shut some down.

- But you didn't give in.

- We can't give in!

The list of what they want

will grow with every concession.

Houses, medical care,

less work, more pay.

They want an eight-hour

workday, for God's sake.

And safety measures that make

a child's nursery look dangerous.

The point is, we can't back down,

or we'll lose control of everything

we've spent our lives building.

For once, we must stand together

and introduce change

when we decide, not them.

They're a rabble, so

treat them like a rabble.

If it comes to it, I'll

hire half the working class

to k*ll the other half!

- Thank you.

- Goodbye, Aurora.

And thank you both.

This has been lovely.

Everything was so charming.

Oh, our pleasure. We're

so glad you could come.

Aunt Agnes, could I hold

you back for one more minute?

I have found Frances, and

she wants to say hello.

How nice to see you, my dear.

Aunt Agnes, Aunt Ada, how are you?

You've a good memory. That's clear.

Miss Brook, what are you doing here?

How do you know Miss Brook?

Well, she's my teacher at St. Mary's.


I teach watercolors at St. Mary's.

On Thursdays.

The day is immaterial.

Did you know you were

teaching Dashiell's daughter?

How could she? We've only just met.


We should go.

But it's good to see you all.

Come and call on us.

So you and Mrs. Bauer would

have been on opposite sides

of the w*r of 1866?

Yes, I'm from Hanover,

which fought with Austria.

And Miss Weber is from

Berlin, the capital of Prussia.

Why can't Europe be like America?

Because Europe is nothing like America.

I hope you don't mind my saying so,

but you seem very young to be

a lady's maid to Mrs. Russell.

I'm standing in until

she finds a new one.

I'm Miss Gladys' maid.

Now she's out and enjoying the season,

you must be dressing her

in glamorous ball gowns

every night.

Mrs. Russell keeps her

daughter on a tight rein.

I suppose she's afraid

of fortune hunters.

Of which there are plenty in New York.

Naming no names.

They're back.

I better go.

Thank you for my coffee, Mrs. Bauer.


I hope we meet again.

I'd like that.

St. Mary's is an old school

and very well respected.

I don't care if it's where

George Washington learned to read.

I teach nice young ladies to paint.

What could be more respectable?

If you thought so, then why

did you keep it a secret?

Because I knew you'd be angry.

Ada, why didn't you stop her?

Me? What could I have done?

When did you find out about it?

This afternoon, like you.

So your contempt for us

both was at least consistent.

I don't have contempt for anyone.

And it doesn't seem to

bother Cousin Dashiell

that I teach at his

daughter's school, or Aurora.

They feel sorry for you. That's all.

You're wrong.

Not everyone is as cruel

and mean-spirited as you.

- Oh?

- Marian!

Is it cruel to mind it

when you stamp on our name

and drag it in the mud?

Now, get out of my way!

I suppose you have to drop it now.

No, I won't.

I've given my word to the headmistress,

and I'm not going to break it.

Then things may be uncomfortable.

So what?

I won't be put in a cage!

Is everything all right, Miss Ada?

Yes, Bannister.

Only I heard shouting, which

is unusual in this house.

It it was unusual, yes.

But every now and then,

I wonder if it isn't good

to shout a little and let off steam.

You sent for me, ma'am?

I should be changing, but I need you

to tell me that

everything's taken care of.

Everything is taken care of, ma'am.

We did a dry run the night that

you dined with Mrs. Cushing.

And the deliveries? The extra

footmen? They've all arrived?

Madam, please go up and change

and leave this to me.

I am such a fool to have

agreed to a soufflé.

We'll have to keep making new batches

at ten-minute intervals,

then only serve them

as they're wanted and

throw the rest away.

Mr. Watson, are you ready?

I think so.

I may have decanted

too much of the claret,

but better too much than too little.

Mr. Church, I'm doing a final check.

How nice you look.

I'd say that I fear it may harm

you to be seen in that company,

but I know you will only think me cruel

and mean-spirited.

Marian didn't mean what she said.


I spoke too harshly.

I admit that.

Agnes is sorry too. Aren't you?

Bannister will escort

you across the street.

Miss Marian Brook.

Isn't she lovely?

Aurora, hello.

- Mr. Montgomery.

- Miss Brook.

You never said you were coming to this.

He didn't know.

But Charles was summoned to Washington

for a last-minute meeting tomorrow.

I asked Dashiell to take his place.

I must say, the Van Rhijn connection

makes you all into quite a club.

Of which you are a member.

By marriage, not by blood.

Well, there's nothing wrong with that.

- Good evening, Miss Brook.

- Mrs. Russell.

Gladys enjoyed her tea with you.

I'm sorry you couldn't come,

but of course I quite understand.

Well, I've met your cousin now anyway.

Thank you for letting me bring him.


He saved me from finding another man

at the last moment.

Charles was wretched.

He says you have the best

French chef in New York.

Oh, that's funnier than you know.

Is this dinner in aid

of the new opera house?

Why do you say that?

I thought it was for

opera lovers in general,

but I see Mr. Gilbert's here.

And isn't he in charge of

preaching the gospel of the Met?

I suppose that's true.

You do know I won't

go against Mrs. Astor.

I know you think you

won't, but don't worry.

We shan't fall out.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNeil.

Mr. Russell, good evening.

Mr. McNeil. Mrs. McNeil.

How good of you to come.

My daughter, Gladys.

- How do you do?

- How do you do?

- Gladys.

- Oh, please excuse me.

I gather Mr. Gilbert's presence means

the dinner is to

support the Metropolitan?

If so, count us in.

Has he written to your father yet?

It was only this afternoon.

What will you say when he does?

That depends.

I want to get away from

my mother, of course.

But do you really want to

be Mrs. Oscar van Rhijn?

You do know that Mrs. Astor

would like the Metropolitan

blown up from its foundations?

Don't worry. I have a plan.

And this evening, I simply

want her to understand

the competition the Academy will face.

Here she is.

Mrs. Astor, thank you for coming.

I'm delighted to see you.

You have guests I wasn't expecting.

You never said you'd

invited the McNeils.

I'm afraid that they have spent

a long time on our waiting list,

much longer than you.

Several guests here have

spent time on your list.

Have you combed the city

for the disenchanted rich

who couldn't get a box at the Academy?

Oh, Mrs. Astor.

The Academy Board may

think they can keep out

the new people with impunity,

but you're clever enough

to know they're wrong.

While the Metropolitan

would welcome the old guard

if they want to come.

Why not take a box in both houses

and see how it plays out?

Perhaps you do not value loyalty.

I am different.

I should scold you, Mrs. Fish,

but I know that you're

just playing with matches,

as you like to do.

Ah, may I present Mr. Gilbert?

Or do you know him?

I know of him.

He is in charge of grubbing

up the cash for the new house.

Not flattering, but true.

I was hoping your

presence here was a sign

you were open to argument.

I am open to fetching my coat.

- Where's Carrie?

- Oh.

Please don't.

We can't have a falling

out and be a story

in the morning papers.

If I stay, it will be under duress

and only to avoid a scandal.

I shall be very grateful.

Oh, look. We're going in.

Mrs. Astor.

I must not delay our no

doubt excellent dinner.

But as a parting treat, let me announce

the singers we can

look forward to hearing

in our first season.

Sofia Scalchi, Marcella Sembrich,

Giuseppe Del Puente, Andrea Romano,

Italo Campanini, Roberto Stagno,

and of course, the great

Christina Nilsson

Who will perform on the opening night.

If any of you can sleep

after hearing those names,

then I hope you dream of music.

But Nilsson always

performs at the Academy.

The Academy is her home in New York.

- She can't be singing.

- Well, she is.

And surely even if they

sell every seat in the house,

they won't have enough

money for that cast.

They won't expect to run at a profit

for the first few years.

I don't understand.

What does that mean?

I'd guess it means they have

plenty of money at their disposal.

But they can't plan to run at a loss.

That isn't fair.

Well, the audience will have the chance

to hear every major singer in the world.

Isn't that fair?

What are you doing?

Just thinking.

About Miss Weber?

What are you talking about?

You like her.

Are you making plans?


But I won't be a footman all my life.

And what would you like to do?

I'm interested in a lot of things,

but I'm not sure how to turn

any of them into a living.

Perhaps Miss Weber could help.


I'm going inside. It's cold.

So you feel the Academy is finished?

It seems to me the Academy

wants it every which way.

They refuse to build more boxes,

and they won't spend the money

to secure the best singers.

But they don't want anyone

else to do so either.

Mrs. McNeil, are you all right?

Flora? What is it?


That is, I must have bitten

my tongue or something.

Or something?

I bit my tongue.


Mrs. Brown, what do you think

of our choice of cast for the season?


Yes, Mrs. McNeil is also an admirer,

aren't you, my dear?

Aren't I what?

An admirer of Roberto Stagno.


The tenor? You admire him.


I suppose I do, yes.

I hope it is not a disappointment

that we won't leave the

gentlemen to their port.

Instead, would you like

to join me in the hall?

- Who was that?

- Why were you looking at him?

That man is my father.

Did you know he was a servant?

My mother said he had

come down in the world,

but I wasn't sure her

account was honest.

How did you recognize

him after all this time?

He used to come to

the house and watch me

from across the street.

When at last I asked why, he told me.

What can we do?

Except hope it doesn't

get out, I suppose.

Oh, I think we can do more than that.

Oh, my

- How?

- It's extraordinary!

When was this all done?

During dinner. When do you think?

But that's impossible.

It's beautiful.

You know now that the new opera house

will open in October with a

production of Gounod's "Faust."

And as you heard, we're lucky enough

that Miss Christina Nilsson will sing

the part of Marguerite.

But we are perhaps even

luckier than that this evening,

because Miss Nilsson

has traveled to New York

to give you a taste of things to come.


I bid you welcome to

Marguerite's garden.


I begin to grasp your plan.

And you seem to have

won the first battle.

I intend to win the w*r. Now shh.