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02x02 - Some Sort Of Trick

Posted: 11/07/23 19:01
by bunniefuu



♪ ♪

How dare she refuse? This is outrageous.

She won't even leave her room.

I am her mother, and
I make the decisions!

Are you going to reason with her?

I'm going to try.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪


Your mother says you don't
want to go to Newport.


There's something I need to have settled

before I can leave New York.

Of course, that sounds overdramatic,

but it won't wait until
the end of the summer.

This will affect the rest of my life.

How grave you make it sound.

Naturally you want to make
a joke of it, but I can't.

[SIGHS] To be honest,

I thought everything
would be settled already.

But day after day goes by...

Does it have anything to do
with Oscar van Rhijn?

Why do you say that?

He has written to me,
asking for an interview.

That's what I told him to do.

But when you didn't speak of it...

I didn't because I knew what
the interview would be about,

and I wanted to be quite sure
what my answer should be.

- Have you sent a reply now?
- No.


But I'll write today and ask
him to come to my office.

- Have you told mother?
- Not yet, but I will.

Of course, what I say to her or to him

will depend on what you want me to say.

He gave me the reasons
why I should accept his offer.

That was clever of him.

He asked me if I wanted
to get away from Mother,

- and of course I do.
- Oh, dear.

I don't want to get away from you,

but I must be allowed the freedom

to make my own decisions.

Marriage is not the place
to look for freedom.

- May I ask if you love him?
- There is that.

But these days so many people
marry without love.

Which I assume means you do not.

He comes from a good family,
and there is some money,

and I'd be in society,
which is what mother wants.

He can be very amusing.
He does make me laugh.

That is a useful quality, I grant you,

but it is not enough
to base a marriage on.


May I make you an offer?

What if I were to promise
to support your choice

whenever you come and tell me
you have fallen in love?

- Even if Mother is against it?
- Even then.

I give you my word.

What will you do with Mr. Van Rhijn?

Let him down gently.

And then I suggest we forget
about this whole thing.


will you go with your mother to Newport?

All right.

If you really think we're
not making a mistake.

Of one thing I am sure.

You can do better than
Mr. Oscar van Rhijn.

- Oh.


♪ ♪

- What time is it?
- Half past :.


I asked Mr. Bannister to let you sleep.

Don't worry. He looked after things.

There's not much to do
at breakfast anyway.

Oh, there you are, John. What happened?

My alarm didn't go off, again.

I always wake up before mine rings.

We're not all as wonderful
as you, Miss Armstrong.

Why are alarm clocks so unreliable?

You're right. They never work.

I'm lucky I'm a light sleeper.

I wonder why they don't work.

Well, someone will figure it out.

Are you ready to start, John?

Shouldn't he have some breakfast first?

No, I'm... I'm ready, Mr. Bannister.

Can you give this to Miss Marian?

Miss Scott has written back.

She can come tomorrow to see you.

Oh, good. I look forward to it.

How is she doing?

We'll find out tomorrow.

It must all still be heartbreaking.

True, but time is a great healer.

I pray so, anyway.

What is that?

Mrs. Bauer has made some luncheon

for Miss Marian to take to school.

Leave it there.

♪ ♪

A packed lunch?

Do you really take a packed lunch?

It makes things simpler if I do.

Why has Mrs. Bauer never told me?

Is everyone part of this conspiracy?

I'm doing a perfectly decent job.

You won't need to be ashamed of me.

I'm ashamed of you now.


Well, I ought to get started

if lateness is not to be added
to my other transgressions.

♪ ♪


Good. Now pay attention
to where the light

is hitting that lemon... exactly.

- Oh, no.
- What is it, Frances?

I ruined it.

- I give up.
- No.

You mustn't be afraid to fail,
or you'll never succeed.

So I should have another go?


Try again next week.

Now, may I remind you

that while it's important
to copy the bowl of fruit,

what I'm looking for is your own vision

of the fruit,

your own feelings.


Now, be sure before you go

to write your names on your
pictures and leave them to dry.

- I'll collect them.
- ALL: Yes, Miss.


♪ ♪

I've been meaning to tell you...

you did such a lovely job.

Miss Brook.

May we give you a ride?

Oh, I'd be taking you out of your way.

Nonsense. It would be
our pleasure to see you home.

Besides, we ought to pay our
neglected call on Aunt Agnes.

Oh, she'll be pleased to see you.

- Will you protect us?

That won't be necessary.

Aunt Agnes is rather cross
with me but not with you.

Even so, you're
the only person in New York

who stands up to her.

She must find it a novel sensation.




♪ ♪

Thank you for seeing me.

I was rather nervous

when it took so long for you to answer.

You were right to be nervous.

Did it not occur to you to speak to me

before you addressed my daughter?

I suppose I was carried away.

Well, the answer is no.

Gladys will not agree to be your wife.


is that it?

A-am I to have no chance to put my case?

I've, uh... I brought papers
proving my financial status.

And I'll inherit my mother's
house on st Street,

so Gladys's home would be
right across from yours.

You are welcome to show me
what you like.

I'm not in a hurry, but nothing
will alter my conclusion.

You know that I'm very much
in love with her.

Well, that is what I do not quite know.

But you are right to claim it,
since a love match

is the one thing
I'm determined on for her.

Then I can assure you that I do...

Please, you have not convinced her,

and you will not convince me.

I think you may genuinely like her

and that you intended her to be
happy in her life with you.

- More than I...
- Let me finish!

I understand these marriages
of convenience

take place in every fashionable
church in this city,

but I want more than that for my child.

Of course you do, and I can only...

Let us leave it there, Mr. Van Rhijn.

And now you should go.


We were so very sad when
Marian told us your news.

- Thank you.
- Our prayers are with you.

But if there's anything else
we can do...

If you mean it,

I'd really like to be busy again.

Well, I'd be more than happy
to welcome you back here

if that would help.

Hurray! [LAUGHS]

I've tried a few others,

but no one measured up
to you, Miss Scott.

- Oh, I told you.
- Well, I'd like to come back.

But there is still the matter
of Miss Armstrong.

Leave Armstrong to me.

I shall explain to her
the way things are going to be.

- So when can you start?
- Right away, I think.

But I need to speak with my parents.

Of course.


♪ ♪

This is good of you all
to waste your time on me.

Oh, no, Mrs. Blane.

You're the kind one

to give young Master Russell
here a chance.

May I introduce him and his mother,

Mrs. George Russell.

Mr. McAllister is right.
You're very generous.

It's my pleasure.

Let's go in.

I think we should start through
here, in the morning room.

These little rooms big enough
for a gathering of four...

what was the point of them?

My husband liked small rooms.

He said it was the only way

to keep warm without breaking the bank.

They don't reek of hospitality.

Nor did he.

- Ah, another rabbit hutch.

He makes her laugh,

which is always a promising start.

It was good of you to arrange this.

What are friends for?

Let me show you the drawing room.

It's a little less cramped,
which is something, I suppose.

♪ ♪


- It's not too bad.
- Hmm.

But it's very, um...

What's the word I'm looking for?

- Drab? Dreary?

The chimney piece looks as
if his grandmother chose it.

She did almost.

It came from his aunt.

She liked decorations,
and he liked saving money.

So, when she died, he used it in here.

- How depressing.

W-what would you suggest?

Well, the thing
these rooms need is light...

more light and more space.

That's what we have to figure out.

But it will be a great place
for parties when we're done.

Well, it's settled.

Larry... May I call you Larry?

is going to undertake the work.


Surely you need more time
to make a decision.

Wouldn't you like to come to our house

and see what he's done there?

Don't talk her out of it, Mother.

Oh, she won't.

I always operate on instinct,
Mrs. Russell.

And my instinct tells me to hire Larry.

- When could you start?
- Straightaway.

Oh, one thing...

I'm going to the Newport
Lawn Tennis Tournament

on the th,

so I'll have to take the day off.

A friend of mine from Harvard
is playing,

and I've sworn to be there.

I can't remember
when I was last at the casino.

My husband didn't like sports
of any kind,

and I suppose I got out of the habit.

Well, you're welcome to come with me.


Aren't you going with
rather a young crowd?


Well, then they'll be glad
to see Mrs. Blane.

I'll come for you at :.

Make it :, and I'll give
you some luncheon first.

But I'll see you before then.

Now, let me show you the rooms upstairs.

Just this way.

We can also replace the...

I'm not sure it's terribly helpful

to suggest that Mrs. Blane
is too old to watch tennis.

I just didn't want her to be
trapped in a crowd

of shouting young men from Harvard.

Oh, I think she'll enjoy it.

By the way, I've had an idea
which could be useful for you

in the opera w*r.

You better not tell Mrs. Astor.

Dear lady, I am only
sharing information.

And you'd better not tell
Mrs. Astor about it.

Mm, mm.

Now, have you heard of Joshua Winterton?

He has old money

and one of the first cottages
to be built here.

Anyway, he's been a widower for years

and now has astonished the town
by getting married

- after a short engagement...
- Oh?

So short in fact that
no one has met her yet.

[CHUCKLES] Doesn't he have
a box at the Academy?

Why would they want to get
involved with the opera w*r?

He has one, yes.

But I'm told his wife is young
and likes to play,

so she may find the Academy
crowd a little stuffy.

- Hmm.
- And there's no reason

why they couldn't take a box
at the Metropolitan as well.

Hmm, and he has money, you say?

Oh, lots and lots and lots of it.

I'll introduce you when I give
my ball at the casino.

Oh, and, uh, no tiaras, by the way.

I like flowers and feathers
when I'm by the sea.

Oh, your wish is my command.

- What do we have here, John?
- My broken alarm clock.

Are you attempting to repair it?

Not exactly.

I'd like to understand how it functions

and... and why it failed.

You're making quite an effort
for the tea.

Miss Brook asked me to.

She's invited the new rector
of St. Thomas Church

- to join them.
- That explains it.

I want everything to be just right.

Do you think if it's perfect,
Mrs. Van Rhijn will forgive you

for keeping Miss Marian's job a secret?

It wasn't my place to tell her,

and I only gave Miss Marian
a packed lunch.

She has to eat.

Besides, you knew about it and Jack.

Then let us hope
your cakes redeem us all.

♪ ♪

So when did your family come over?

My grandfather got to Boston in .

He saw Europe going up in flames

after the French Revolution and
wanted to avoid the carnage.

We cannot criticize him for that.

- Why Boston?
- You're right.

It wasn't the obvious choice.
We were Italian, not Irish.

But my father was Catholic,
so there's some logic to it.

And when did they escape the
clutches of the vicar of Rome?

My father married an Episcopalian.

And to be frank, she was...

the stronger character of the two.

My father died when I was quite young,

so my mother got her way.

And what of your own wife?
Should she be with us today?

I'm not married.

I've always thought it a blessing

for our church over the Catholics

that our clergy can marry

and share the burden of their ministry.

I agree.

I suppose I just haven't been lucky.


- Is your mother still living?
- No, she died some time ago.

I don't think I could have
left Boston otherwise.

How dutiful and good.

Bless you.

Ada, you are the parishioner
here, not the rector.

It is not for you to dispense blessings.

- But I am happy to accept it.
- Thank you.

Mr. Oscar van Rhijn.


You remember the Reverend Mr. Forte

- from St. Thomas?
- Of course.

I must take my leave.
I have evensong at :.

Oh, we must attend one day.

- I hope you will.
- Um, let us see you out.


Thank you for taking the time
to come to see us.

Yes. Thank you very much.

Are you all right?

My bid for Gladys Russell has failed.

I see.

So will that be the end of it?

The absolute end,

as her father was good enough to relay

when he summoned me
to his office yesterday.

I'm sorry.

How lovely.

I'm glad we were able
to meet Mr. Forte again.

We ought to entertain more.

It's so much fun.

I agree. And I liked your rector.

Oh, he's not my rector,
but I'm glad you like him.

I would have enjoyed it more

if I could have got a word in edgewise.

- Oh, Aunt Agnes!
- I mean it.

What came over you?
Had you taken chatter pills?


He was so pleasant and interesting.

Hardened criminals

have answered fewer
questions in the dock.

I wonder you didn't ask to see
his mother's death certificate.

Well, I thought he had a wonderful time

talking to both of you.

And I hope we can see more of him.

Mm, I doubt it.

I suspect he'll be unavoidably
detained if we try again.


, workers walked off the job?


Of course, it was in Chicago,
but the news will travel,

and their action will embolden others,

including your own workforce.

How do we get the better
of these unions?

I'm not sure.

Their demands keep coming,
thick and fast,

and the leaders are bringing
in new members by the dozen.

- Is this true of Henderson?
- Bill Henderson, that's right.

He represents

the Amalgamated Association
of Iron and Steel Workers

in Pittsburgh.

At present, they don't
have the power or the men

- to do what they did in Chicago.
- Not yet.

But you're right... this could be
a harbinger for us.

As you said yourself to the others,

we must never surrender to threats.

To yield is to lose.

I have no intention of yielding.

But doing nothing
is no longer an option.

What do you propose?

You must go to Pittsburgh,

meet Henderson,
find out what he really wants.

See if we can buy him off.

You mean I should offer him money?

Money or a little power.

Power is very seductive, I'm told.

Suppose he's a man of principle.

It'll just make him more expensive.


♪ ♪

Mr. McNeil?

♪ ♪

Can I help you, sir?

Uh, I'm afraid Mr. Russell is out,

and Mrs. Russell is in Newport.

In fact, I was looking
for the servants' entrance.

- The servants' entrance, sir?
- Yes.

If you walk down the side alley,

you'll come to it on your left.

But is it something I could help with?

I have a message
for the footman, Collier.

No one here is called Collyer.

He was serving
at the dinner Mrs. Russell gave

for the new opera house...
an older man, bald.

I think you must mean
Mr. Watson, the master's valet.

Was he in the dining room that night?

I believe he was, sir, yes.

McNeil, is that you?

- Mr. Russell.
- Come in.

I mustn't disturb you.

I was just going to leave a message.

Mr. McNeil asked after Mr. Watson.


Well, come into the library.

He may be trying to poach him, sir.

♪ ♪

Mr. Watson is out, sir.

I suppose he thought
you wouldn't need him

before you changed this evening.

And I won't. Thank you, Church.

♪ ♪

Well, I'm no less curious

as to why you wish
to leave my valet a message.

Church suspects you
of wanting to steal him away.

Don't worry.

I have a valet of my own
with whom I'm quite content.

Won't you explain what
this is all about, then?

[SIGHS] I can't because
it's not my secret,

but I assure you, Watson
has done nothing wrong.

I should be going.

Won't you give me his message?

No, I'll write again, now
I have the facts straight.

I'm sorry to have taken
so much of your time.

♪ ♪

Will that be everything, ma'am?

Thank you.

But before you go, I do have some news.

- Oh, yes, madam?
- Miss Scott will be returning.


No, to Timbuktu. Of course here.

She will be living in her old room

and working for me again.

I see.

I don't want any trouble.

I'm sure.

But Miss Scott will
not stop her writing,

whatever she may pretend.

I'm willing to take
my chances with Miss Scott

but not with you.

I never started anything, ma'am.

In fact, we never had a problem
until Miss Scott moved in.

Because you created trouble
for her as soon as she arrived.

I wanted to protect your good name.


It has been some years since
my good name was in any danger.

Now, I need your word.

You will only treat Miss Scott
with courtesy and respect.

But what if she's unkind to me?

Then knowing Miss Scott,
I'd say you had it coming.

And if that is too much to ask,

Bridget looks after Miss Ada
and Miss Marian.

She can see to me as well
until I've found a replacement.

You would replace me?

Well, if you cannot behave,
you leave me no choice.

But what would I do?

- How would I live?
- Oh, there's no need for this.

I mean, you can get another job.

[CRYING] No, people like to train a maid

when there are many years left in her.

No one will want to bother
with training me, not now.

- Here.

Your fate is in your hands.

If you show kindness to Miss Scott,

then you may keep your position.

But, ma'am...

I see you have mistaken
this for a discussion,

when I am simply giving an order.

♪ ♪

Now, make sure my blue dress
with the ruffle

is ready for tomorrow.

Yes, ma'am.



♪ ♪


- Hello, there, Miss Peggy.
- [CHUCKLES] Hi, James.

We hardly get to see you

now that you're over at "The Globe".

- You looking for your father?
- Yes.

He's in back.


Peggy, I wasn't expecting you.

I have some news I wanted
to share with you in person.

I've been offered my old job
back on st Street.

And you're taking it, I assume.

I need a new start.

If you need something new,
why are you going back there?

Because we can't go on like this.

We need to get away from each other.

That's not what family does.

Our family has done a great many things

that are not what a real family does.

It's all my doing.

We've been through this, Father.

I know you're sorry.

You don't have to keep repeating it.

I wish your mother knew.

She does. She just needs more time.

- Have you told her your news?
- Yes.

She understands.

Mr. Scott.


- You should get back to work.
- Oh, right.

Do you need anything?


Take this.

- Father.
- Take it.


And don't forget about us
over here in Brooklyn.

Remember how much...

♪ ♪

Your mother loves you.

I know.

You don't have to sound so final.

I'm just going to Manhattan.

- I'll come back to visit.
- I will hold you to that.


♪ ♪

Thank you, Bannister.

Tell us more about your house
in Newport.

We've just taken it for the season.

Charles won't buy until
he's convinced we'll enjoy it.

- Very sensible.

This is from Lina Astor.

Lina wants to come here

and discuss her plans
to save the Academy.

- Really?
- Yes, next week.

"Mr. McAllister will join us

to devise a strategy
to combat the Metropolitan".

Mr. McAllister?

- This is serious.
- Mm.

Mrs. Russell's opera dinner

has stirred up a lot of trouble.

Well, the Academy can count on us.

Marian, could you join us
in Newport on Friday?

There's a tennis tournament
at the casino,

and I have someone for you to meet.

You could stay
for Mr. McAllister's party.

- Oh.
- What an excellent idea.

Of course. She'd be delighted.

What about your classes at the school?

- Trust you to think of that.

There's a mid-term break
from this Friday to Monday,

- so I won't miss anything.
- Oh.

Tell us about this mysterious
someone she is to meet.

Edward Morgan works at Charles' bank,

although he's younger, of course.

His parents have a place in Newport

and a house on East th.

Is his mother Arabella Morgan?


Then I know exactly who he is.

She was born a Winthrop,

and Marian would certainly like
to meet him.

I'd like to see Newport anyway.

Then it's settled.

Now, I must dash.
I'm late for a fitting.

Thank you for coming, Aurora.

Thank you.

Have you a houseful coming with me?

No, why?

I just wondered
if we could include Oscar.

He's been rather down lately.

Because of that awful business.

He's a lot better now,

but a few days in Newport
would do him so much good.

I don't see why not.

I'll send him a note when I get home.

♪ ♪

I'm going upstairs. I have
some drawings to mark.


I'm glad. Mr. Morgan sounds perfect.

Really, Agnes,

why don't you just run
up to Fifth Avenue

and stop any carriage
that has a man inside?

If I did, I doubt
I would know his mother.

And unifying the facade
lightens the appearance.

Oh, yes.

Now I see what you mean.

Where will you live while
the work is going on?

- In New York?
- Oh, certainly not.

I shall stay here for as long as I can.

And when I do move out,
I'll come back every day.

You don't mind disruption.

I gave years
to a man who couldn't bear

to use a different spoon
with his egg in the morning.

I long for a bit of disruption.

[SIGHS] The evenings I have
spent with him in this room,

sitting in silence.

Why silence?

Well, he was deaf by the end,

which if I'm honest,
made it a bit easier.


By then, we didn't even try to talk.


I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh.

Oh, you should. You should.

That's exactly what this house
has been missing.

Oh. Thank you.

I hope you like champagne.

I do.

But shouldn't we wait
until the job's done

before we celebrate?

[SIGHS] I like to celebrate
a new beginning,

and that's what I'm doing now,

beginning a new life in this house...

a new life with new people.

- I hope I can be one of them.
- Oh, of course.

You are already.


Oh, it's nice to have
you back, Miss Scott.

It's nice to be back. Thank you.

You missed dinner.

- Uh, shall I get you something?
- No time.

I'm behind on my sewing.

Miss Ada added some things to my pile.

She wants them mended
to give to the church.

I don't know how I'm going
to finish it all.

I would offer you help, but
I'm not good with a needle.

I can sew.

You're the secretary. Why
would you bother with that?

John, we show respect for all work.

I'd like to help.
It's a good distraction.

So my work is a mere distraction?

From what, may I ask?


She's offering you help, Miss Armstrong.

I can manage.

Does that mean you don't want my help?

- I can sew.
- Fine.


-, Sears.


♪ ♪


Game, Sears.

♪ ♪


Are you a tennis player, Mr. Morgan?

I used to be, but I've got
rather bigger fish to fry

these days.


Do you spend a lot of time in Newport?

My parents have a place in the town,

and I usually try to get down
for McAllister's casino party.

Oh, look... Mr. Russell.

Ah, yes.

Excuse us.


♪ ♪

Is this the friend we've come to see?

Yes, d*ck Sears.
And right now he's winning.


Good day, Mr. Russell.

Ah, may I present Oscar van Rhijn?

This is Mrs. Blane.

- Do you know Newport well?
- I live here.

- But how original.


What are you doing in Newport?

Staying with my cousin, Mrs. Fane.

- What about you?
- I-I'm working here.

I wondered why I hadn't seen you,

but I'm glad if your career
is really getting started.

Yeah, it's a baptism by total immersion.

I'm overhauling one
of the famous cottages.

- Wish me luck.
- Of course.

I will, but I'm sure you don't need it.

Oh, who's this?

Mrs. Blane, my current employer,

may I present our neighbor
in New York, Miss Marian Brook.

How do you do?

Larry's been teaching me
the rules of the game.

You couldn't have a better teacher.

Miss Brook.

Miss Brook!

Oh, heavens.

Why don't you go and say
hello to Gladys Russell?

She's over there.

Excuse me.


Miss Russell, are you here
with your mother?

No, she had some letters
she wanted to write.

- The Wetmores brought me.
- It's nice to see you.

It's even better to be away
from my mother's watchful eye.

How do you manage your aunt so easily?

Aunt Agnes only approved this
trip because Cousin Aurora

is trying to match me with a man.

What's he like?

- Dreadful, I'm afraid.

Perhaps we should escape
in that direction.

Thank you.


♪ ♪

I hope you can be friends again.

- He told you?
- Yes.

And before you ask, he'll be fine.

My father wants me to wait
until I fall in love.

How heartening.

I never thought of Mr. Russell
as a romantic.

I mean to depend on him

to help me judge a suitor's intentions.

Father won't be blinded, even if I am.

My orders are simple.

I'm to find a man with birth,
position, and money.

What about looks?

[CHUCKLES] I think that's up to me.

But they are not a top priority.

Are you avoiding me, Miss Brook?


what makes you say that?

Well, if you're not,
come back with me now,

and we'll rejoin Mrs. Fane.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Who is that?

Poor Miss Brook.

I wish your friends
wouldn't try to pair her off.

She'd have plenty of suitors
without their help.

Let. Second service.

Could the Wetmores see you home?

I'm sure they will. But why?

If d*ck Sears wins, we'll celebrate.

Can't I join you?

I'm not sure Mother would approve.

Mother isn't here.

♪ ♪

Before Mr. Morgan
returns with his drink,

I believe we owe Marian an apology.


Excuse me.

Charles liked him so much at the bank.

That's my excuse.

He's a completely
different person there,

or he seems to be.

It's often hard to tell
who people really are.

I was always warned never to
take a soldier as a suitor

until I'd met him out of uniform.

I'd say Mr. Morgan
will be only too happy

to get out of his uniform.

- Oscar.
- Don't be vulgar.

I can manage.

He's not the first man I've met
who drinks too much.

Who's that for?

They were running low
on champagne, so I took two.

What were you talking about
when I arrived?

The new museum on Fifth Avenue.

Have you been there yet?

I don't waste my time on museums.


Oh, Cousin Dashiell. [CHUCKLES]

How nice to see you.

Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Morgan.

Uh, are you familiar with Newport?

I used to be.

Harriet and I took a house here
every summer.


I was just saying, I can't
waste my time on museums.

I have a life to live.

Don't you agree?

Dashiell, why don't you show
Marian the rest of the casino?


She's new to the town,
and she'd enjoy it.


I thought Miss Brook and I were
to get to know each other.

I'll have her back in a moment.

♪ ♪

I hope you won't.

I know lots of places to hide.

Dashiell, we're still
taking bets on who will win.

- What do you say?
- All right, $ on...

Which player shall I bet on?

I only know the name of one...
d*ck Sears.

He's a friend
of Larry Russell's, but $?

d*ck Sears.

Let's hide over here.

♪ ♪

Good day, Mr. Church.

Mr. Bannister.

- Are you having a busy day?
- Oh, this and that.

What about you?

I promised myself
a morning of paperwork,

but things keep getting in the way.

Of course. You're a keen
letter writer, as I remember.

- I wonder if...
- If what?

I just hope we might leave
that incident in the past.

I was very angry, and
I behaved foolishly.

It almost cost me my job.

As I say, it was stupid.

And I apologize unreservedly.

But can we put it behind us?

Forgive and forget, you mean?

Yes, I always wonder about that phrase.

It is, I agree, sometimes
possible to forgive.

But one cannot forget.

Well, I hope we can live in peace.

I'll bear that in mind, Mr. Church.

And now...

good day to you.


♪ ♪

Match point, Sears.

♪ ♪

Game, set, match, Sears.

Oh, d*ck Sears wins! Thank heavens.

Why particularly?

Marian told me to bet on him.

I'd have felt awful if he'd lost.

Oh, as it is, I shall use my prize money

to take you for a treat.

- Oh, there's no need.
- You didn't give me any tips.

I'll give you a tip, Mr. Morgan.

Go home and sleep it off.


I didn't think you'd be back so soon.

- I shouldn't be.
- Why is that?

There was a fuss

with Miss Gladys the day we traveled,

and I forgot to pack a dress
Mrs. Russell wants to wear

at Mr. McAllister's ball.

It's my fault.

Everyone makes mistakes.

Not when you're trying to prove

you should be taken on
as her permanent lady's maid.

It'll be all right.

I hope so.

And I wish you a good journey
back to Newport.

When I get home, perhaps we
could have some more coffee?

I'd like that.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

That was a lovely afternoon.

Thank you.

I guess I should leave you here.

- If you want to.

Oh, thank you, Trent.

I can manage from here.

♪ ♪

I'd rather stay.

That's good to hear.


♪ ♪

He's coming to Newport

without letting the mistress know?

He wants it to be a surprise.

We'll travel on the same train as you

and then ride on whatever
vehicle they send

for you and Adelheid.

I must pack.

Uh, before you do... [CLEARS THROAT]

I should tell you that a friend
of Mr. Russell's

was here earlier asking for you.

- I'm sorry?
- A Mr. McNeil.

He said he'd a message for you,
but he wouldn't say what.

- What was the message?
- He didn't leave one.

- He had your name wrong.
- Why do you say that?

Well, he asked for a Mr. Collyer.

But then he seemed to think
it was you he wanted.

I dare say you'll hear
from him before long.

I dare say I will.

♪ ♪

It's very early for you to be up.

It's very late for you to get home.

[CHUCKLES] Were you waiting for me?

I was worried.

Can't I worry when my son
stays out all night?

Let me go.

I'm only here for a bath
and a change of clothes.

- What is it?
- A scent, and probably French.

No wonder you need a bath.

What would you like me to say?

Come into the drawing room.

Where were you all night?

At Mrs. Blane's house.

Was it a party or just the two of you?

[CHUCKLES] Do you really want
me to spell it out for you?

I want to know what
you think you're doing

with a woman twice your age

and ill-suited for you
in so many other respects

I haven't got time to list them.

I like Mrs. Blane.

When there are countless charming

and suitable young ladies
for you to pursue?

Susan Blane appeals to me mostly

because she's quite unlike
those suitable young ladies.

And I'm fairly certain you don't want me

- to elaborate on that.
- Other young men deal with these things

- without causing comment.
- Yes, they go to prostitutes.

Would you prefer me to do the same?

I prefer there to be no scandal.

I can't believe this. Susan
Blane is a decent woman.

Decent women don't sleep
with men young enough

to be their son.

- This one does!
- Keep your voice down!

[SCOFFS] Look, I'm happy.

Haven't you always said that
all you want is my happiness?

Not at the expense of your good name.

Will you accompany her
to the party tonight?

I'm perfectly content
to take you and Gladys

as long as you don't expect me
to come home with you.

Now, I must get changed.

♪ ♪

How was Pittsburgh?

If I'm honest, things
are worse than I thought.

What was Henderson like?

Clever, no doubt about that,
and stubborn as a mule.

You mean he wouldn't be bought off.

I offered him promotion and money.

I almost offered him
wine, women, and song,

but he won't shift.

Ask him to come to New York.


Put him up at the Brunswick
on Fifth Avenue.

The Brunswick? Henderson?

Get him a suite

and make a date for him
to have lunch at my home.

And now I must run.


♪ ♪

- It's good.

I'll make some notes,
so come back later in the week.

Of course.

In the meantime, I can handle
another assignment.

I do have a lead on a story
that could pan out,

though I won't know until tomorrow.

I'd hate to have you take the ferry

- all the way here for nothing.
- It's no trouble at all.

I'm living on st Street again.

For what reason?

I had to get away from Brooklyn.

[CLEARS THROAT] And work is a real help.

So I'm grateful
to Mrs. Van Rhijn and to you.


Work is the only thing
that numbs the pain.

My wife and I lost a baby boy
a few years ago.


I'm so sorry.

I guess you've had to learn
that for yourself, then.


Yes, I was grateful I could come here

and have something to do.

[CHUCKLES] Gave me a reason
to get out of bed every day.

I had no idea.

Well, people don't talk
much about such things.

I understand why.

Even under these circumstances,

I'm happy to have you back, Miss Scott.


♪ ♪


Church, you've arrived. Good.

Has Adelheid brought the missing dress?

She has, madam.

She's upstairs now unpacking it.

- And that's not all.
- Surprise.

I thought you couldn't get away.

I couldn't.

But the thought of you all
alone at McAllister's party...

And now I'll have something to wear.

I hope you're pleased to see me.

Very, for several reasons.

That sounds ominous.

Mm, Larry's in way over
his head with the woman

- he's working for.
- Mrs. Blane?

- You surprise me.

But I suppose boys will be boys.

Won't it just play itself out?

Hmm, maybe.

I see.

How long will I have
my husband here with me?

This has to be a short visit,
I'm afraid.

Things are getting worse in Pittsburgh.

And what are you going to do?

Clay's been to see
the head of the union,

a man called Henderson.

I want to arrange a meeting with him,

a luncheon at our house.

And I need your help.

Would you do that for me?

I'll do anything for you.

Surely you know that by now.

♪ ♪

I saw you talking
to that Miss Weber yesterday.

And why shouldn't he?

I like her.

Did you get anywhere with the clock?

I made a list of the tools that I need.

And I'll get them to.

I hope it was broken.

It was.

Because it won't work again
once you get started on it.

You don't know that.

I got some ideas. I know a bit about it.

Bridget, I need that mending
first thing in the morning.

What's this?

I helped Bridget with the sewing.

I couldn't do it all.

Is this some sort of trick?

It seems as if Miss Scott
has done you a good turn,

Miss Armstrong.

Aren't you going to say thank you?

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Bridget, come and help me.

I confess, I am surprised.

- That I did you a favor?
- No, not exactly.

I'm surprised you were allowed
back into this house.

I have no quarrel with you,
Miss Armstrong.

I mean it.

But I promise you do not want
one with me.


♪ ♪


You were right about Mr. McNeil.

He's written asking to meet me.

What's it all about?

Mr. McNeil is my son-in-law.
His wife is my daughter.


So you waited on your own child
at dinner?

I'm sorry to have asked that of you.

You weren't to know.

My life was very different once.


So how will you manage things?

They can't entertain
if it becomes public knowledge

that her father is dressing Mr. Russell.

I imagine that's why
Mr. McNeil wants to meet me.

Then I suggest you should
keep the appointment.



♪ ♪

This is splendid.

I'm glad you were able to come.

I was desperate
to get away from New York.

They are still talking
about your opera party.

I've had an invitation

to be the chairman of their fundraising.

Have you indeed?

I'm to find takers for the boxes.

So the w*r is heating up.

- This needs some thought.
- Why?

Are you afraid to be seen
with the leader

- of the winning side?
- Don't be too sure.

There's still plenty of fight
left in Mrs. Astor.

Then we're evenly matched,
and you'll need to pick a team.

Not necessarily.

If Mrs. Astor wins,

then I will have been loyal all along.

And if I win?

Then I will be the friend to
help Mrs. Astor accept defeat.


- But will you help me?
- In my way.

To start with, you'll meet
the Wintertons this evening.

Good. I'm going to tempt her
with your plan

and persuade her to take
a box in both houses.

What will Mrs. Astor say to that?

Well, no doubt we'll find out.

- Gentlemen.
- Mr. McAllister.

Ah, there's Mrs. Fane and Miss Brook.

Enjoy your evening.

Here's my other cousin...
Mr. Oscar van Rhijn.

May I introduce you to Miss Maud Beaton?

How do you do?

Your name rings a bell.
Do you know my mother?

I've heard of your mother.

Mrs. Drexel spoke
about her the other day.

- All good, I hasten to add.
- I love the Drexels.

Are you staying with them
while you're in Newport?

No, with some friends
who live near Mrs. Fish.

- I was at her party last night.
- I'm sorry I missed it.

But I-I wonder why our paths
have never crossed till now.

Probably because I've
been living in Europe,

in Paris mostly.

Ah. How was that?

Well, Paris is wonderful,
apart from the Parisians.

[LAUGHS] We can agree on that at least.


♪ ♪

Miss Brook, hello, again.


Are you free of your unwanted
suitor at the tennis match?

[CHUCKLES] Don't remind me.

Will they let you choose
for yourself in future?

I doubt it.

- You're not alone in that.

Larry. Hello.

- Oh, it's you again.
- It's nice to see you.

You remember Miss Brook.

Of course, the next-door neighbor.

What were you going to say?

Only that the Cowans are here,

and I think they might have
a job for you.

Then you must go.

Oh, Miss Collins...

Tell me about Miss Beaton.

It's complicated.

Officially, her father
was the late John Beaton.

But I've heard it said that
her real father is Jay Gould,

and he takes an interest in her.

I have no idea if it's true, of course,

but she certainly seems
to have a great deal of money

at her disposal.

Which is why you introduced us.

Please don't make me regret it.

She's a nice woman,
whatever the truth about her.

She goes everywhere.

What about her mother?

I'm told she was a Stuyvesant,

but she's dead now.

That was why Maud went
to France, to get over it.

I think she has a sort of
paid companion in New York.

Sounds suitable and charming.

You must only pursue her
if your heart is really in it.

You know me.

I am all heart.

Mr. Montgomery.

I thought I might find you here,

if you hadn't gone back to New York.

I'm going home tomorrow.
School starts again on Monday.

Then I want to remind you
that I owe you a treat

when we're back.

I told you, there's no need.

♪ ♪

Oh, how beautiful they look dancing.

May I ask you to dance with me?


Can I claim this dance, Miss Brook?

Oh, you're still in Newport, Mr. Morgan.

And I'd like to dance with you.

That would be so nice,

but I've just accepted Mr. Montgomery.

♪ ♪

There you are.

Mr. And Mrs. Russell...

may I present Mr. and Mrs. Winterton.


♪ ♪

Y'all should know each other.
You have so much in common.

I'm sure, but for now,

we must continue
in Mr. McAllister's wake.

♪ ♪

Your former lady's maid is
now your neighbor in Newport?

Welcome to America.

- Father, you're very quiet.
- What is there to say?

Nothing until we're alone
and back at the house.

And I'll decide what we say...

if we say anything at all.