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20x01 - The Prisoner

Posted: 11/08/23 09:30
by bunniefuu
I've just heard that they may be investigating Lily and Warren's death.

Criminal charges relating to gross negligence. Manslaughter.

It's your duty to stay. It's your duty to become the consultant you should be.

Oliver's been shot in the head.

Well, it's completely fragmented inside the skull.

- What's happening?
- He just started fitting.

He just wasn't ready, Dom.

Ric! Ric!

Get off me!

Assaulting AND intimidating a witness.




Association, twice a week.

Exercise in the yard.

You'll be on cleaning duties - information on the posters.

Right, this is Eric Griffin. New arrival.


Come on! Watch where you're going, mate.


Come with me, Griffin.

You take your time.

Whenever you're ready. We're all waiting for you.

Eric, this is Grigor. Grigor, this is Eric.

- Pleased to meet you.
- Jude. How is he? - No news.

Get your shoes on, Grigor.

Be ready for kitchen when I get back.

You work in the kitchen?

- What's the food like?
- Warm.

- Laundry.


I'm here on remand. You?




OK, Oliver. I'm taking the tube out.


It's all right, Oliver.

It's OK, deep breaths.

OK, Oliver, calm down. It's all right.

It's all right, Oliver. It's OK.

Take nice deep breaths.

- It's all right.

Steady breathing. Nice deep breaths.

- Calm down.
- OK.


You, man! You've got to help.

He's choking.

The towel. Give me the towel.

There you go, Oliver.


OK, Oliver, could you hold out your arms for me, please?

Keep them in place. Eyes closed, palms up.

Well done. Thank you.


Sh. It's OK, you're safe.

All done. Right.


Do you know what happened?

Where you are?



We've got to get out.

I can't leave now.

Trust me.

Incident here.

Griffin, out.

He's having a seizure. He needs oxygen and Lorazepam.

Did you move him? Did you touch him?

We were talking, then his eyes rolled back and he went over.

- We barely did a thing before you turned up.
- Right.

Anything like this happens ever again, you tell us,

and do nothing else. Is that clear?



Move it.

He's awake and the good news is his reflexes are as I'd expect.

However, I have to stress it's too early to know for certain

the full extent of Oliver's condition.

- Can I see him?
- He's a bit disorientated and distressed.

We're easing him back into the world after a significant trauma.

We don't want to overwhelm him.

I'm not going to.

We've got him back.

He's going to be OK.

I need to hear that from him.

I need to hear that he's OK, from him.

And you will.

He's going to look up at you with those big baby blues.

And you'll do your little Florence Nightingale smile and mop his brow.

Eddie Redmayne will play you both in the movie.

Win two Oscars.

- I'm over-doing it, aren't I?
- Yeah.



You did it, darling. The hard part is over.

When we're ready, we can talk about next steps.

You don't have to do anything. You're here now.

That's all that matters.

Thanks, man. Appreciate you helping like that.

Let me guess... Clemens told you not to mix, make any friends?

Got a point.

Could be a bit nicer about it, but it keeps you safe, I suppose.

You do need to tread carefully in here.

Especially in those dapper shoes of yours.

Come straight from court, yeah?

Get some trainers if you can.

You and me, we need to stick together.

If you need any help with anything, just let me know.

I'm Dillon.




Everything's going to be all right.

You're in the best place, with the best people,

and you have all the time in the world.

Ol... Ol...


- Oliver. I am Oliver.
- Yes!

Yes. Well done.

I'm Zosia.

Danny! Come here. I want a word.

Watch yourself.

What can you remember, darling?

You've got to try now.

Pen... Pen...



Do you know where you are?


- That's right.
- Work here.

You do. What do you do here?

Oliver. Please.

Do you know what happened to you?

You were shot in the head.

It's OK. It's over.

You're safe.

But we haven't been able to remove the pieces of b*llet yet

from your brain and so we need to talk, you and I.

- About surgery.


- Oh, God. Do something! Please!
- I'll sedate him.



It's OK.




Hello! How are you?


What are you on?

On my bunk.










Er, he woke with quite a lot of screaming.

He's OK now. He soon fell asleep.

- What about Blanche?
- She left at about am - went to the hotel.

- She'll be back soon.
- OK.

- Thank you, Dom. Keep an eye on him.
- OK.

New Year's Resolutions. You got anything planned?

- Er, no. Anything but that.
- Why?

Because New Year's resolutions are right up there alongside babies and weddings.

It's things people tend to have when they've run out of other things to do.

Why? Have you got some?

Not going to tell you now, am I?

You're the one that started this conversation.

You'll have to guess.



No, thanks.

I said no, thanks.


Forget watch here. Nothing on time.


- Grigor? Kitchen.
- Yes, boss.

- Any news?
- When I hear something, you'll be the first to know.

- Yeah. Right.
- Come on.

Your friend. What happened to him?

- You took his bed.
- Stop faffing.

Intensive care. He might not make it.

- I'll get someone.
- You?


She hasn't come back.


She never came back.

She went... catch a train.

- I'll call your mother.
- Help...


If you know me... me.

How are you finding it?


I know people who get out of here and miss it.

Sleep with the radio on.

You been here a long time?

In and out. Like a lot of us.

What are you in for?

Doesn't matter much anyway.

Oh - our friend from yesterday is doing OK, you know.

Glad to hear it. What caused it?

Spice, probably. Mixed with something else.

Lot of it about in here, you know. Little industry.

Yes. I think I may have encountered some of it already.

Man. Your voice. I don't know why you stay so quiet.

If I had your voice, I wouldn't shut up.

- My voice?
- Yeah. It's so posh!

First thing anyone says about you.

Did you know the man who had the cell before me?

Jude. Yeah. Terrible, that was.

We're all wanting to hear how he is.

Did someone hurt him?

Nah. Not exactly.

Tried to top himself.

Your go.

Picture Darwin. Who's there?

I am.

And Profess... Professor...


There's no rush.


Yes. You missed it, I'm afraid.

I gave sweet?

Go on.



Do you mean, fairy lights, champagne?

- Hello, Oliver.
- Ollie. Champagne. When?


- Mother, this is Sausage.

Not Sausage, you wally. It's Zosia. Zosia.

- Zosia.
- Yes. We've met.

Hello, Oliver. Looking much brighter today.

And do you remember what we were talking about yesterday?

- Yesterday?
- Regarding surgery?

Do you really have to crowd in on him like this,

question after question?

- Can't he just rest?
- Tired.

There you have it.

Of course.

Well played.

Listen, you know that fellow who was running out of the cell

when I came in to help?

Fincher. Danny Fincher.

He came up to me.

I don't know whether it was a warning or a threat, but...

He's a nutter. Forget him.

Come on, lads. Hurry it along.

Did Jude write this?

I don't know who.

So, you do one every year - a resolution?

Always, yeah.

And you don't give up on them midway through February like everyone else?


Since , I've conquered my fear of woodlice, I can hold my breath

for three minutes, made a quilt and I can do a Japanese tea ceremony.



What the hell?

Those two. Need...get a room.

That's so inoffensive!

Leave me alone!

Scrub means something different to you guys, doesn't it?

I'm right, though, aren't I?

Heard you got all medical when Andrews had his fit.

I thought doctor was the one job

where you could get away with m*rder.

What sort of doctor are you?

When you told me to watch myself, what did you mean?

Want to know why none of us trust this fellow?

Well, Jude's your answer.

Danny knew the man was planning something,

and he didn't do nothing about it.

Any of the rest of us known, we might have stopped it,

but Danny didn't say a thing, and now our mate's gone.


I'm sorry.

At least now we know.

If he messes with you again, you just tell me, OK?

I think surgery should be our main priority.

We're lucky that most of the b*llet is still intact.


I just mean, it makes it easier to remove.

Otherwise, it could cause untold damage.

Unless we get to the b*llet,

I'm afraid we haven't seen the end of this injury.

But I need Oliver to engage with me so I can assess his understanding.

I was getting somewhere with him, I'm sure of it.

Just sitting with him and talking with him.

But if he remembers Penny, then I can talk to him about his childhood.

Strong emotional connections - that's the key to recovery,

- isn't it?
- Yes, that's part of it...

..but I do believe that surgery is our best option.

What are you doing?

Shut up! I warned you and you didn't listen.

Warned me about what?

Dillon, man. Dillon. You're in with him, now, right?

I'm not "in" with anybody.

Now, you need to put my stuff back, right?

You couldn't decide whether you wanted to be David Gower

or half of Bros.

How about a game of gin?

I hate cards.

Don't be silly, darling.

We used to play all the time on holiday.

Fish stinks.

What do you want to do?

- I want my music!
- Right.

I'll see what I can find.

Some music, to help with the noise.

Got some Sam Cooke on there. Thought that might be your deal.

Hey, look, I didn't ask you for anything.

I know.

It's not like the movies. No strings.

You don't owe me cigarettes now or anything like that.

Just a little bit of the outside world.

In case you feel cut off from it.

Looks good, Grigor. Nice work.

Thank you, my friend.


I'm sorry about your friend.

Got a bit emotional back there, didn't I?

Seeing Danny...set me off.

I caught him stealing some of my cleaning gear.

I tried to talk to him, but he lashed out.

Hit you?

It was more of a shove.

You kept your gear, though?

He got away with some bleach.

Why would he need bleach?

Put it this way - it's not to clean his room.

Don't worry.


Where did your mother disappear to?

Getting my music.

What do you want to listen to?

Pop song. Stuck in my head.

Pop song, Valentine? How very disappointing.

You sound like your father.

You remember my dad?

- Go on.
- Guy...

Why do I...

Why did he...?

- Why did he, what?
- Hate me.

Ruined wedding.

That's right, Oliver!

Our wedding!

Help me.


Show me your hands.

Show me.

What happened?

Don't call for help. Please.

- Don't be stupid.
- I mean it!

If you grass, it'll be you, too.

Help me.

No. No. No! Go out! Go out!

He needs help.

Not my problem!

- He's bleeding here.
- I could lose my job.

If you don't want me to throw

every last bit of your stash down the toilet, help!

Be quick.

I'm going to need clean towels,

cloths, anything. Have you got any...any vinegar? Alcohol?

If I lose this job, both of you will end up worse than this.

Wife? You?


- We're married...
- Quiet! Stop... my head. Just...

Just be...

You're not my wife. I would know...

We're separated. We're trying to reset.

- I would know!
- Oliver...

No! No! No!

- Nothing is real!
- Please, just lie back.

Liar. Liar! Go away...all of you, just go away!

- God, what's happened?
- I want to go home!

- Darling...
- Oliver, I need you to calm down.

Why did you do it? Bring me back for this?

Keep pressing here. Press harder.

Grigor, hold it in place there.

That's it.

Hopefully, this will stop the bleeding...

..but I can't be sure about any infection.

Give me your top. The top, quickly.

You know that you're risking your health

if you don't get proper medical attention?

I'm risking more if they find out.

How did this happen?

No time!

Ai eshte anglez I trishtuar. Gjithmone duke lare duart.

Duhet t'a shohesh ne banjo me ato kepuce llustre.

Ika, mirupasfshim.

My friend, thank you.

So, are we even now?

Um... No.


Hey, Darla, this is Grandad.

Don't call back when you hear this message -

I'll try calling back a bit later.

I just wanted to let you know that I'm OK and I miss you.

Yeah... Lots of love.

Is, um...girl in photo?


My friend, you will see her again.



Come on, breakfast.

Come on. Lie back.

Are you ready to tell me how this happened?

It was an accident, and if anybody asks, that's what you tell them.

It was Dillon, wasn't it?

That's why you tried to warn me?

That time in my cell.

Dillon came to thr*aten me, but my cellmate was out of it.

Had a seizure so I ran off.

They blame you for Jude?

It wasn't my fault.

He told me, and I didn't know what to do.

Why did he do it?

Dillon thought he was useful. Came to him as a friend.

Then it was too late. Jude had businesses. Deliveries.

You're important, right?

Out there?

Doctor, right?

That's why, then. dr*gs.

So he's been setting me up the whole time.

I told him that you tried to steal from me.

That's why he came for you, isn't it?

I needed something. For protection.

I missed my chance.


I've got to get you to the infirmary.

No. This was a warning.

If I go to the screws, I get the real thing.


I'll be back.

Hello, Valentine.

Oh, no.

They told me you'd lost your memory.

Who...could forget you?

Shot. Same as you. Oh, I didn't jump in front of mine.

Looks like we're both on the bench for the time being.

When can I expect you back?

Surgery? Therapy?


I don't know what is...

or isn't.

How do I know if... making right choice?

Most people don't.

What if damaged...for ever?

Afraid, Jac.

Well, that's just it, isn't it? It's a what if.

You don't know.


What were we like together?

I'm not the person to ask, Valentine.

You know I don't care about these things.

You had courage.

Both of you.

Anyway, I'm supposed to be in some sort of tedious physio right now.

Later, Valentine.

What do you need me to do?


Back to your cell! That goes for everyone.

We're on lockdown. Behind the doors!

A candle.

A chocolate.

A bucket.

That's great.

Can you please draw a clock for me?

Ten to two.

Thank you very much, Oliver.

How did I do?

Well, you're rational. You're retaining information.

It's all positive. I'm satisfied.

So now you have a difficult decision to make.

I'd like to speak to Zosia.

Of course.

Was I a good doctor?

You were...out in the lead.

A specialist registrar.

Cardiothoracics. Trauma.

You'd been working on chest wall reconstructions.

You're an innovator, Oliver.

I don't believe you've lost that. It's who are you.

If you were...

Would you have this operation?

Well, you're a doctor.

If this was your patient, what would you recommend?

- I'm not a doctor.
- Yes, you are.

I know you.

I could die.

I could get worse.

I could get better.


I could get my life back.


I want my life back.

Right, this is done.



I not do it for you.

I do it to protect me.

You trouble now.

Starting yoga?


Becoming vegan?

- Nope.
- Learning Esperanto.


Er...growing a moustache.




You're still hankering after him?

No. No. He's right, the Universe is against us.

So I'm moving on.

- What?
- Well, I don't want to spend New Year's on my own,

so I started texting around.

Oh, Dom! Really?

What? I'm only shopping.

Besides, maybe I'll just phone Eddie Redmayne

and tell him about my movie idea.

- I've got a great title as well.
- Hm-mm? - Valentine In March.

But, now that you're back,

maybe I don't have to worry about being lonely.

You are back, aren't you?

Every other Thursday, Ollie checks on my dad.

They watch Blue Planet together.

You've always knew he's a boy scout.

He'd do anything for me, and he did.

He encouraged me to go chasing after whatever it was I was looking for.

So maybe I owe it to him to stay.

And what about Yale...?

I don't know.

I'm not sure I can give him up again.

I've got to get to theatre.

What's his CO?

Steady at .


Head up, please!

Is the brain swelling?


Shouldn't you stop?

I haven't even reached the b*llet yet.

This isn't how we save him.

What's up, Doc?

Heard you've been busy.

When I told you about Danny, this isn't what I was after.

What happened to Danny?

Don't give me that.

What did you think was going to happen?

You knew I was looking out for you.

This isn't on me.

I don't think you understand.

There's a reason prison's been easy for you so far.

You really think that I'm going to be able to pull strings for you from in here?

See? You've got it. Get that phone.

Call one of your doctor pals at Holby City.

Oh, yeah. I know.

It's not looking good for you, Ric.

That's why a little arrangement like this could make life easy for you.

You get a stash in from your old work.

You help me process it and distribute in here.

You'll never have to worry about anything again.

And if I say no?

Ask Jude how that worked out for him.

Nice trainers.

Welcome back.




We weren't able to remove the b*llet.

I'm sorry.

The tissue, there was too much swelling...

Hard to reach.



He, um...needs you more than he needs me.

How do you feel?

I need to keep going.

You do.


We split.

It was mutual?

It was. It didn't come easily.

Why did I stay?

You still had ambitions here.

I stayed and all this happened.


Not just anyone goes to Yale.

Jac says I can come back whenever I want.

Harder to impress Jac than Yale.


You're really good at this.

Don't lie. Please.

I think so.

- I could be.
- You want to be.

You went to version of yourself.


I want to be best version of myself.

You are.

Surgery. Risk. Difficult decision. Right reasons.

I need to keep...going.

Difficult things. Right things.

You shouldn't be here.

They needed the beds.

I know how that works. How are you feeling?

Nice to have bandages, instead of being covered in food wrap.

What did I miss?

Dillon told me what he wants.


So Jude couldn't figure another way out of this.

He had years left in here.

How about you? How long have you got left?

Oh, my next hearing's in a few weeks

but I'll only end up back inside.


There's nothing much for me out there.

I'm sorry things have ended up like this for you.

You sorted me out. I owe you.

I don't really have anything to trade, in here.

But I will pay you back. I promise.

Danny, it's all right.

I didn't help you because I wanted something in return.

So will you do what Dillon says? Cos if you don't...

That's the choice, is it?

Submit or suffer.

If I go, it'll be back to America.

But I could help you, Oliver. I can be here...

I don't want you to.

You need to be your best self.

Whenever you're ready...

..whenever you...remember...

..I'll keep it all for us.

All our memories.

The good and the bad.



Take care.

It was...nice to meet you.

Would you mind doing this for me?

It's Mr Jenkin's - bay two.

Well, will you at least come for a goodbye drink later?

Will you try and...

Will you try and look after him?

Yes. Yes, I will.

It's time for me to go.


I'll keep in touch. I'll let you know how he is.

Thank you.

Take care, Zosia.

Tell everyone I miss them, and come and see me soon, OK?

Just bloody well sort it out with him. Don't swallow all this rubbish

about the Universe trying to tell you something.

Look around you, Dom.

You need to hold on to what you can.

Sorry. Clumsy accident.

You can shove your offer and you can shove your threats.

Is that so?

Thanks very much, but I'm more of a James Brown man.

Oh, yeah, you're super bad.

You don't scare me, Dillon.

I'm not afraid of you and your merry men.

You don't have to be.

Your friends do. Your family, too.

Darla not been to visit yet?

If only you had some way to warn them!

Don't fight it, Ric.

We don't need to be on the wrong side of each other.

You're already a crook, so why hold on to this integrity

when it's only going to get people hurt?

Be seeing you.

OK, well, I'm going to need a little more than just "pop song".


# So when I speak, listen...

# This is my decision

# But you keep on messing up the words. #

Wow. I didn't have you down as a Saturdays fan. But hold on...

Yes! Yes!

Our little secret.

Cheers, Dom.

OK, fine. I have a resolution.

What is it?

I resolve not to let fate get the upper hand.

We make our own luck.

Come on, then, what's yours?

I'm learning the saxophone.

Can you flutter-tongue?

You're terrible!

Seriously shocking!

I used to love this, too.

Now I hate it. The only time I really miss things out there.

I don't need reminding.

How have you coped for so long?

You've just got to accept it, man. It's like the weather.

It rains, you get wet. You don't have any control.

You never have any control.

I appreciate you trying to fight my corner. It means something.

It really does.

But if you want to make it to the end,

you just have to accept what happens in here.

You'd better get away from me, Danny.

At least until this is all over.

I mean it.

Go. Now.

Well, one thing hasn't changed.

You're still a hopeless romantic idiot.

Just because I don't remember why I let her go,

it doesn't mean it wasn't right.

She's amazing.

I know I wouldn't have let that go on a whim.

- So what now?
- Well...

Now I'm bitter and friendless...

..I thought I could be like you.

You taught me this, remember?

You said it would make me a better surgeon.

I gave all this for Holby.

And now I need to start over...

..earn it again.

That's all that matters.

Keep at it, Valentine.