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34x37 - Episode 37

Posted: 11/08/23 09:53
by bunniefuu
Previously...I think you need
to take some time off.

I said I'm fine.No, you're not.

I think you've got a problem.

We went against the patient's
last wishes

because you didn't make a note.

I'm going to be your scapegoat,
am I?

Screw this job.

Screw the lot of you. I quit.

Have you any idea how stupid...

Fenisha! dangerous it was?

I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I ambulance...

Oh, what am I like!

I must've left my phone...

Oh. There it is!

What is it? Is something wrong?
What? No, no, course not,

just checking my rota...
OK. See you later.

Guess who.

Jodie Foster.Oooh, dream on.

Hm, all right, you'll do, then.Mm.

Hang on.

Oh, for...What now?

Fenisha - of course.

"Gonna be ten mins late."

Honestly, every shift it's something

Even Lev said she threw the staff
handbook out of the ambulance,

she's a right pain.Mm.
Or she's a free spirit.

You could cut her some slack.

Oh, yeah?! Just like you do
with your young g*ns?


You forgot again.

Hey, ho.


Oh!As if, with all those subtle

you've been dropping everywhere.

I don't believe you.

Happy anniversary, darling.


Oh.What? If you don't like it,
we can change it...

No, no, it's beautiful...

"I love you lots, you soppy lump."

Who said romance was dead?
Who indeed?

Hey, get your glad rags ready,

cos I've booked us in
for a swanky dinner tonight.

What, a dinner out?

You - me - 1900 hours.

Cantina 55.

Hm, I suppose you do have some
making up to do,

as you've forgotten
the last three years...

Oi. Don't push it. So long.

Hello? Hello, can you hear me?

Here.Call control
and request another crew, please.

My name is Lev, I'm a paramedic,
I'm going to help you.

What happened?

I, er... I can't remember.
I hit my head...Ah...



He's been stabbed?!

He... He was delivering something
next door. I...

I think someone broke in.

There...there was a fight...

We need oxygen here, mobilise the
police but tell them we're probably

going to leave before they get here.
He lost a lot of blood.

It's OK.

I was only ever going to hold the
fort for Charlie

till he came back...No, it's fine,
he won't mind.

Morning.Morning, Charlie.


I was... I was just getting my
things out your way,

won't be a sec...Don't worry,
no, really, don't worry.


You settle in.

It's the usual madness out there,
so, yeah, you're going to need

all the help you can get today.
I'm sure Jacob will...


And you've put all the business
with Fletch behind you, haven't you?


You can do this.

I'll let you get on.

My home is here.


How did you get this Kn*fe
wound, Evgeny?

Like the lady said.

Someone came in.

They had a hood.

I didn't...

That's some grip you have there.

JAN: You're a life-saver.

I know I'm pushing it but could it
be the table for two by the window?

You star - I thought
it was a lost cause!

We'll see you later on,
tante grazie! Ciao, bello!

Morning. What's a lost cause?

Nothing. Just booking
an anniversary dinner.

So, your ten mins became 25 mins.

Yeah, sorry, had to redo a report.

Apparently, it was missing
VITAL details.

And you don't think
those are important?

I guess my number one rule is
keep 'em alive, never mind

if I don't manage to find out
their star sign.

Oh, get a grip. This is Holby,
not the back streets of Bolivia.

Wow. Ha!

Anyway, you're with me today.

So, there'll be none of that
cutting corners malarkey.

Buckle up.Great.

Can't wait.

I'll take him in one.
Evgeny Guskov, 30 years old,

about 55 minutes ago,
he was stabbed on the left side.

No other wounds seen.

OK. Ready, brace, slide.

GCS 15 throughout, but resps 22.

Pulse 120, BP 100/60.

He's had 1g TXA and 10mg morphine.

No known medical history,
medication or allergies.

Thanks. Hi, Evgeny, I'm Dr Will
Noble, I'm a consultant,

I'm going to be looking after you.
Can you tell me what happened?

I don't know. There was
a break-in...

Police will want to speak to you.

Hi. I've just spoken to Luka.

How is he?

He's a bit grumpy, but I said
I'd phone back again at lunchtime.

Sorry, Lev, can you have a word?
He's trying to leave...What?!

Mr Guskov, Mr Guskov, you can't
leave. We need to treat you.

Please, I feel much better now,
I just want to go.

What are you doing?

Really - you can't!

Seriously, I can see something is
up...I will just go to the GP...

No, no, no, you need a CT scan,
your breathing is laboured,

we need to see the extent of any
internal injuries.No...

If they don't get on top of this,
it could get really serious.

Come on, man, this is mad,
you're in pain!I...

OK, let's get another line in
and some bloods. Let's get FBC,

U&E, and cross-match with clotting,
OK? Lie back down, please.

I'll stay with you for a bit, OK?

Good man. Good man. Go for it.

Are you sure I need this drain?

Yeah, the CT scan confirmed you do.

It showed blood within
the thoracic cavity

and an encapsulated haematoma around
the spleen.A what?

It's basically a collection of blood
that's gathered.

It's not causing you
any problems right now, but

I do need you to take it really easy
and stay in bed for the time being.

But I can do this at home, no?

No, no, you can't.

Raise up your arm above your head
for me, please.

He'll do as he's told. Or Baba Yaga
will come to him at night.

Baba Yaga? Explain?

An old witch that lives in the

In a house made on chicken legs...

Looks like Freddy Krueger.
Oh, nice!

That's how we like to do
things in Russia.


It's just work. I'll call them
back later.

Your friend...that you mentioned.

Did you keep in touch?



DAVID:Is there anyone
we can call for you?


£10 says you were a choirboy.

Best soprano in Plyos.

Could you cough for me, please?


I just need to secure it now
and then we're done.

The chest drain needs to stay in for
24 hours, so don't try and run off.

Can we get an X-ray to make sure
it's in place and an ECG,

and let's make sure his pain is
controlled, all right?Yeah.


My fiance.

Don't want to worry her, eh?

Women will only fuss.

Mr Guskov?

Karen's obs are all normal -
she's had five of morphine en route

in the ambulance, and there's bony
tenderness on the lateral malleolus.

All right, Karen?Kaz. It's Kaz.


Well, it does look broken to me,
but we'll need to do an X-ray.

That's a nasty bruise you've got on
your head...Yeah, I...

I tried to stop the fight.

He grabbed my ankle
and I fell and hit my head.

Who was he?

I dunno.

The door was open
for the delivery guy. And...

He just...

..suddenly was there.
I...I think it was a he.

It could have been a she. you've just got to put it
in a cast?

Cos I've got to get the kids
from school.

I think it might be best to get
someone else to do that.

We'll have to
wait for the X-ray first,

but even if it's not fractured, you
will need crutches

to bear the weight.

Just... it as quick as you can.

So, you were delivering something?

Yes, to someone else

who wasn't at home.
So, I was going to ask the lady

if she'll take it.
And this guy just came in?

Did you see what he looked like?
Any distinguishing features?

No, normal. White guy, maybe 20, 30.

Right, so,

this random guy sees an open door
with you two talking

and he just storms in?

To rob the place, I guess.
And then?

Then I... He fought with me and the
lady, and he pulled out a Kn*fe.

He stabbed me and he grabs the lady.

She tries to get away, but she...

..she goes out on the ankle and

bangs her head.Mm-hm.

He was trying to take
the TV and the Xbox.

Right, but then he
stabs you and leaves without them?


He panicked, maybe?

Ashley! What are you doing here?

What's happened? Someone outside
said that you were stabbed.

Excuse me, and you are?

I'm his partner.

How did you...?

Find you?
I...I put a tracker on your phone...

You what?!Never mind now.

It's just...

..I knew that you weren't at work
when you said you were.

I didn't tell you but I took
a job as a delivery driver.

What?You said I was working
too much already.

I didn't want to worry you.

You're not well, you can't work.

Wait, so someone att*cked him?

That's what we're trying to


Just a minute - I'll be back.

I'm sorry, I thought...

What? That I was seeing
someone else?

It's just that you never were
where you said you were.

Sorry, I need to get back to work.

No, sorry, I'm afraid I'm not up
to speed on that,

and, as I'm sure you can imagine,

I've got a lot of things to
catch up on.

Yeah, I will put it on my list.

Yes, I will do.


Have you got any idea
where the training records are?

Oh, sorry, Charlie, I should have
said. I reviewed everyone's

a couple of weeks ago to see where
skill updates were needed.

I hope you don't mind. It's in...

..the green folder.

But I'm happy
to carry on, if that's useful?

Wow, you've colour-coded it.

Look, Charlie, I don't want to
step on your toes...

No, you're not.

Why don't you think about it?

Hello, Charlie.Ffion.

What are you doing
back in this neck of the woods?

Hm, canteen's better here.

If only!

Transfer. Karen Brett,
involved in the stabbing incident.

I need to have a word with her.
Ah, yes. She was in X-ray.

In fact, she's just
come back now.

Look, since you've started on this,
why don't you cr*ck on with it?

OK, cool.

On we go.




No. No, no...

Right, so, you let Mr Guskov
in thinking he was a delivery guy.

Yeah. Yeah.And then
this other person just come in?

Yeah, black guy.Black? Hm.

Mr Guskov said he was white.Er...

Yeah, maybe. I...

Ms Brett, I would advise you
to think very carefully

about what you're saying.

I am. I...I...

I don't feel so well,
my head hurts.

I'll get you some
paracetamol in a minute.

I should tell you that we
did find a Kn*fe.

With blood on it.

In the grass just below your flat.

And we did send that Kn*fe off to
have it checked for prints.

I've just had a call
from my colleague at the station.

They ran the prints
through the database.

They were your prints.

Three years ago? For shoplifting?

Kaz, the truth is always
the best way forward.

Shall I tell you what I think?

You see, I don't believe there was
a stranger in a hoodie.

I think you know
who stabbed Mr Guskov.


Please, my kids...

If you want me to help you, then you
need to be straight with me.

Previous history of angina,
no previous heart att*cks,

had 5mg morphine on scene,
further 5mg en route.

He has also had 300mg aspirin and
800mcg GTN. No known allergies.

Ready, steady, slide.

Right, OK, can we have a full set
of obs and an ECG?


Sorry, I can't stop...

We only speaking English now?

Well, it's what I'm used to,
this is my home.

Anyway, like I said, I have to...

Is it about Ashley?

Look, I'm sorry I didn't
correct you.

None of my business.
I didn't know how you would react.

It was a joke on me.No, I

You know what it's like back home.

I hoped you might be different
but I saw the look on your face.

You let me think he was a woman.
No, you assumed.

Like I said,
it's nothing to do with me.

You may have left Russia
but it has not left you.

This is why I can't live there.

Because of people like you.

Excuse me, I really can't have
this conversation now.

Best of luck to you, yeah?

Uh, uh, uh. That's enough of that.

I'll put it somewhere
for safekeeping.

I'd be careful if I was you, mate,
she's got a mean left hook.

What are you doing here?Incident.

Taking statements.

Hi, I'm Ffion. I'm Jan's missus.

Ah, nice to put a face to the name.
I'm Fenisha.

Oh, I've heard a lot about you.
Hm, all bad, I hope.

As if.

Anyway, happy anniversary.

Oh, she told you?

No, no, actually, I heard her
begging for a table in a restaurant.

I have never heard her putting on
such a charm offensive.

She's either really scared
of you or...

..really, really loves you.
Or both. Lucky me.

Hey, no rest for the wicked.

Sorry, I... What did I...?Just...

..leave it.

I should tell you before we go any
further that Ms Brett has

given a statement
in which she admits to stabbing you.

What?In self-defence when you
att*cked her...I att*cked HER?

Ms Brett claims that
you're a debt collector,

working for Nikolai Barkov,
money lender.

She's in arrears with some payments,
you forced your way in...

I would never.....intimidated her,

tried to take her Xbox
and television,

and when she tried to stop you, you
start pushing her around...No!

She fell on her ankle, banged her
head but you wouldn't stop...

That's not what happened!
You said you were going to break

all her fingers and all
her kids' fingers, too.

She was in such fear, she used the
Kn*fe to stop you...No!

Is this true? What she's saying?

Ashley, no, please...

CD: Breathe in and breathe out.

Feel your shielding light
embrace you and your baby.


Feel it strengthen you
with its glow.



A debt collector? You?

Yes, but it's not like that.
I would never hit a woman!

She panicked, then grabbed a

Why are you debt collecting?
You're a barman, you're not someone

that goes around scaring women
and children threatening

to break their fingers.No, exactly,
I'm not!Then why?

Please, this is not the place.Let's
calm it down, please.

Because we needed the money.
The boss at the club said

I'd be useful as more than a barman.
What, and we needed money

that badly?Yes.For what?
For you!For me.Please!

I never asked you for any of this.
It was to buy you a kidney!

They are for sale. Abroad.

On the black market.

You were going to buy me a kidney... of the black market?
Are you crazy?Why not?

We can go to private hospital

They are willing to do
the operation there.

You never stopped to think
where that kidney comes from?

Who had to sell it? I mean, are they
even proper doctors?

I don't care!

As long as you live!

But I swear...

I swear I never hit her.

She stabbed me and I grabbed her leg
and that's how she fell.

I swear it.Evgeny Guskov,
I am arresting you

on suspicion of as*ault
and obtaining money by menace.

You do not have to say anything,
but it may harm your defence

if you fail to disclose something
you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say...
Ashley!..may be given in evidence.

Do you understand?

And you can deliver
to the restaurant?

Yeah, it's 50 yellow roses,
seven o'clock,

Cantina 55 -
that's 55 Innsworth Gate...

You don't have to do this.

I'll call you back.

I mean it.

You gave me that lovely necklace
and I felt bad because I didn't...

Do more?Yes.

And you think that's what I want?

For you to make a big song and dance
out of guilt?

Because it isn't, so, please...

Look, let's not pretend to be
something that we're not.

You'll never be big on romantic
gestures. I know that.

That's a bit unfair.
And that's fine.

Anyway, I only came in to say hello,
and... That girl, Fenisha?

Oh.Have you ever stopped to think
she might be

a little bit in awe of you?

Trying to impress you?

Er...Because you can be
quite formidable.



A perfectionist.
And your job is everything to you.

RADIO:3006. We've got a road
traffic collision

involving a pregnant female.

Please call in clear
so we can allocate, over.

You're needed.

You OK?

Yeah, I just...I'm supposed to be
at my dialysis appointment.

I just need a minute.

You brought him in, didn't you?
You're the Russian paramedic?


He always said there were bits of
him that I'll never understand.

Where he came from.


..brutal it was.

It's not an easy country,
that's for sure.

But a kidney off
of the black market?

Is that how you do things
over there?

Look, I'm sorry, I...I mean...

I know living with someone on the
transplant list, it's...'s not a walk in the park.

My son is very ill, too.

If there was anything
I could do to help him,

even something like this, I would.

Anyway, I'm going to be late.

What's your name, sweetheart?

Molly, I'm Jan, this is Fenisha.

Hi, Molly.

Fenisha is going to hold
your head still

while I check you over, is that OK?

I'm stuck.

What exactly happened here?


..just got a pain, I...

I think it was Braxton Hicks.

How many weeks are you?36.

Oh, my legs, oh...Listen, Molly,
we're going to get you out of here,

but you need to try
and stay nice and still.


It's Braxton Hicks, isn't it?
It's too early - ARGH!

OK, what's wrong?

It's my stomach.

It's the pain again but it's worse.

How often are the pains?
I'm not sure...

Because it might not be Braxton
Hicks. It might be the real thing.

What? No, it can't be...

Some babies come early.

No, no, it can't, I'm not ready, I
haven't got

my breathing pattern sorted, I...


Molly, is it OK
if I check your neck?

Tell me, does it hurt here?


There?No!Are you sure?


I'll get on to control,
see if they can send a second crew,

possibly a midwife.No.

You don't understand -
I can't do it.

It's going to k*ll me - I mean it!

It's going to k*ll me!


Apologies for the delay, Mr Guskov,
we'll get you up to X-ray,

and then pop you in a cubicle.

Could you...please find out
where my partner went?

I'm sorry but I can't just leave.



I can't do this.

It wasn't supposed to be like this!

It's going to k*ll me.
The baby, it'll tear my womb.

I'm going to explode, I'll bleed
to death, the baby's too big,

it won't come out, I'm going
to die...Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

None of that is going to happen.

Contractions are about three minutes
apart.Look, listen to me...

But my hypnotherapy,
I need to protect myself.

The shielding light...

What can I do to keep it in?

For a bit longer?
Until I'm ready, just not here.

I've got to tell you, Molly,
they are designed to come out.

When it's time it's time,
never mind the shielding light.

Now, I need you to tell me

if you have any feelings like you'd
like to push soon.

No, I don't want to push!
I want to keep it in!

I want it to stay inside!

You can't, love.Oh, can't you do
something? Can't you stop this?

We'll get you out soon.
I'll be back in one minute.


I don't want to die!You're not.

You're not dying, you're not dying,
you're having a baby.

And panicking. Which is

cos you're in a crashed car.

Molly, Molly, just... Just breathe
with me, we'll do this together.

OK, they're going to take
the glass out,

they're going to cut the roof
and roll the dashboard.

One of us can stay with you,
and the other has to step back.

I'll go.

WHISPERS: You can do this.

No. No. I'm bleeding.

Jan! Jan!


I need you.

OK, out you go.

Yeah, half four, Mum.


No, I just slipped, that's all.


No, I'm not in trouble again.

Anyway, I have to go.

I have to, they're putting
the cast on.

I'll see you later.


You probably think,
"What a sad cow."


She's fed up with me.

I don't blame her.

She's bailed me out so many times.


What age are your kids?

Aaron's seven, Emily's five.

You know, we all struggle sometimes.

Not because we all run up
gambling debts.

Online casino.

Stupid bleedin' cow...

Come on...No, no,
there's nothing to say.

Look, I'll get you those crutches

Anything else I can get you?


I think I forgot my phone back

Would you mind? I'm sorry.


Why did you say those things
about me? I never touched you.

Look...I never hurt you.
You were going to.

Everyone who works for Nikolai does.

Not me - I just want my partner to
have a kidney. Please, you have to

change your story, you have to tell
the truth.

Leave me alone!Why are you lying?
He's threatening me again!

No, no, I'm not. No! Why are you
doing this to me?

Hey, that's enough.I've never been
anything but nice to you.

All right, all right!I'm telling
the truth! She wouldn't let me

take the TV, she att*cked me.Right,
you need to stop.Get your hands

off me, you hypocrite. At least I
can accept who I am!

You can't admit what a bigoted
piece of work you are.

I am not a big...Oh, I know your
type - whatever they do

in the West, that's fine, but we
don't do this in Russia.

No, Russian men are real men!
They ride horses naked

and k*ll with their bare hands!

Right, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Right, you stay with him.

I'll get a doctor.

BP 70 over 45,
heart rate 125, resps 32.

What do you reckon?

The encapsulated haematoma
around the spleen must have burst.

Let's activate the massive
haemorrhage protocol, please.Yes.

We need an urgent cross-match,
six units.

Can someone give interventional
radiology a call for me?

Breaking glass.


Oh, no. I'm not pushing,
I'm not pushing.

We're nearly there.
They've just got to roll the dash.

I'm not pushing, not pushing!

PHONE RINGS:Ffion calling.

Oh, oh, oh, I want to push!

No, no, we need to free your legs!

Just pant. That's it.



Thanks, guys. Right,
let's take a look.

PHONE:Ffion calling.

Everything's fine here.

We're ready to move.

Which is lucky because...
this one's on its way.

Can I push now?! Can I?


Evgeny?Ashley, look, Evgeny's had
a massive internal bleed,

we're just taking him
up to theatre now.

As soon as we have any news,
we'll keep you updated, OK?

I, er...

They couldn't see me till...till
later but I thought

about what you said, I just...
I just want to talk to him.

Whoa! OK, let's sit down.

OK. I'll get you a cup of water.

Oh...That's it, Molly,
you're doing great.

I could see the baby's
head on the last push.

Go for it, girl.
Go for it, darling.


Go on, go on! You can do it!

It's coming.Come on!
It's coming, IT'S COMING!

Good girl, that's it!



It's a boy!

I'm just going to pop these
down here for you.

Any...idea how that guy's doing?

No. I haven't heard anything.

What if he dies?

Well, you were protecting yourself.

It was self-defence.

Wasn't it?

I don't know what's happened
to me lately.

I just...don't, I...

It's like I'm dropping and...

..I can't stop it.

How long have you been
feeling like that?

I'm at home...

..two kids climbing the walls.

I feel worse every day.

I lost my job.

Telly's on, all day long, they keep
plugging these casino ads.

Before I know it...

..I'm in over my head.

I'm panicking all the time.

Think I'm losing my mind.

What was I thinking,
grabbing that Kn*fe?

So, he was telling the truth?

They're going to have me
on a m*rder charge,

they're going to take my kids.

Whoa. Stop.

The first step is to recognise where
you are now...

..that you've lost control of your
life, and it sounds like

that's what you're doing, right now.

These people, they know where
I live, they know my kids.

These people prey on the vulnerable,

they rely on you being terrified.

Talk to the police.

You need to tell them everything.

And, also, for the guy in surgery.

How did this happen to me?

Join the club.

At some point...

..everyone loses their way.

The trick is to know
when to ask for help.


Just look at him. Look at his lips.

They've just checked him out,
and he's perfect.

What you going to call him?

Don't know. I...

I don't know.

I never thought that far.

On account of exploding
in childbirth?

You must think I'm a complete idiot.

No. Course we don't.

Phobias are very real.

Most of them are not
actually about the thing itself.

Is anyone coming to see you?


I should call my mum, but...

..she didn't really think
I should have it,

not after the father wasn't
interested, and, well,

I said I could do it on my own,
that I don't need her,

that I won't need anyone.

I'll tell you what I said
when I had mine -

"I'll take anything
you can give me!"

It's up to you, obviously,
but I'd take all the help

on offer if I were you.

Because, if you think this is scary,

you wait till they start growing up.




Good luck.

Thank you.

Honestly, I think this nursing

and consultants team proposal
you've given me is just great.

I think it would work really
well for shop floor training.

Great, I'll pass it on
to Charlie, yeah?Very good.

Why don't you just lead it yourself?

I think you should carry on
as Clinical Nurse Manager.

I'm stepping down.


Well, because I think you're the
kind of person

this ED needs in that role.

Whoa...No, let me finish.

You not only coped,

but succeeded in the job that you
got thrown into and you also

have a habit of making the right
calls when the going gets tough.

Charlie, I'm...I'm really sorry,
how this all played out.

No. Don't be.

It needed to be done.

And all this managerial stuff -
that's not me any more.

Being with the patients,
that's what I need right now.

Are you sure?Yes.

EVGENY:So, she changed her

Apparently. To corroborate yours.

She's been arrested now, too.

But I don't think this is
the end of it.

These are very serious charges
they still have against you.

Bullying, intimidation...I know.

All things considered,
you got off pretty lightly.

So you forgive me?

It's not about forgiving you.

It's about who you are. Who I am.

And you need to know that
I'm going to wait

for a transplant on the list.

Nothing else.

I don't want a kidney from someone
who was forced to sacrifice it

cos they had no other choice.
I love you.

I don't mind breaking
any laws for you.

Yeah, but I do.

And if you can't live with that
then we can't do this.

And the cash that you
made from this job,

I don't want it.
It''s dirty money.

I want it to pay off that
woman's debt.

Do something good with it,
give her a chance to start again.

And then we'll see
where we go from there.

Hey. Everything OK?
Yeah, just...

..checking in on my compatriot.

Are you ready to go home?Baby...

..I'm nothing without you.

What was all that for?

OK, well, I'm just going to take
this to the pharmacy and...

..and I'll see you in the car?




Did you not get my text?

Yeah, I did, but I... I'm sorry,
but I had a shout,

and it carried on and I...

Well, I couldn't make it, either.

I got held up at work as well.

I tried to get hold of you,

did you not think you should've
called me back?

Am I in trouble?

No! What for?

For what you always say,
that work comes first for me.

I know you by now.

I just want to be on your mind
cos I'm on your mind,

not cos you feel guilty
and you think I should be.

I am an idiot.

Yes, you are.

But you're my idiot.

Do you want a curry?