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Stepping into Love (2023)

Posted: 11/08/23 20:51
by bunniefuu
- Good morning, Alan.

- Morning, Claire.

Good morning, Rocky.

Oh, can you sit?


Okay. Good boy.


There you go. Have a good day.

- Claire!

- Good morning, Tony.

Good morning, Claire. Usual?

Um, actually, change that.

Really? This is the first time

in seven years

you haven't had coffee

with almond milk and honey.

Oh no, I'm still gonna do that.

I'm just gonna take four,


I should've known.

How's your day?

It's been good.

Yeah, how 'bout you?

It's going well. Very busy.

Good. Busy is good.

All right.

There you go,

four usuals.

- Put it on my tab?

- Absolutely.

- Okay, thank you.

- Have a great day.


So what's good, boss?

(indistinct conversation)

Morning, Joan.

Good morning, Claire.

Coffee with almond milk

and honey?

- Oh, thank you.

- Of course.

You're always so thoughtful.

Oh, no problem.

Have a good day.

- You too.

- Bye.

- Hi, Aunt Claire.

- Emma. Hi!

Where are you off to so early?

The library.

I'm taking a prerequisite class

so I can take

Advanced Journalism this year.

Ohh, are we hoping to be another

Woodward and Bernstein?

Actually, I'm more into

human interest stories.

Hm, me too.

Well, it was nice seeing you,

Aunt Claire.

You too. And I'm seeing

your mom later for coffee.

Oh, wow. Aunt Claire,

you must really like coffee.

Oh yeah, you know, as long as it

has almond milk and honey in it.

- Bye.

- Bye.

Oh yep, if you could just place

it exactly where I marked it.

Yes, that looks perfect.

Thank you.

Here you go.

- Thank you.

- Of course.

Oh, sorry, um, the--

I know, but you can take it out.


How's it looking, Claire?

It is coming together.

Hard to believe in a few days

this gallery will be filled

with Violetto's masterpieces.

And filled with visitors.

Oh, it better be.

If the Violetto exhibit isn't

an overwhelming success...

I know, I know.

Trustees will be forced

to close the museum.

And everyone will wear black

to my retirement party.

Peter, really,

you don't have to worry.

This show has broken attendance

records everywhere it's been.

Listen, Claire, I know

you've applied for my job.

I've spoke with a few

of the trustees

and, well, if the Violetto

exhibit is a success,

well, the job

is pretty much yours.

Thank you. Thank you.

I really appreciate that.

You're an experienced curator.

Can one exhibit really increase

attendance, boost membership?

It can. It can.

And we don't have to resort to

the selfie-friendly

pop-up museum thing.

- Oh, you think?

- Yeah.

Pop-ups are all the rage.

No, they're just a passing fad.

Oh, that reminds me.

I have a reception today

that I am supposed to be at

and I wonder if you might

take my place.

Um...when is it?

Uh, thirty minutes.

It's a reception for

a local artist, Devan Cole.

Devan Cole?

Is he the one who did the

pop-up museum in San Francisco?

Miami's own.

Yeah, you know, I just,

I really feel like

I need to finish

setting up here.

Just...make an appearance.

Wave the flag.

Okay. Yeah, I'll be there.

- Thank you, Claire.

- Of course.

- You're the best.

- You're welcome.


So, Devan, what inspired you to

create an exhibit of popcorn?

Oh, you know, I just wanted

to work with edible art.

So how long will you

be in Miami?

- Two, three weeks, max.

- And after that?

Well, stay tuned 'cause I may

have a big announcement coming.

Excuse me.

Devan, you need to mingle

with the guests

before your speech,

you know that.

Jake, you know how I feel

about small talk.

These are your patrons.

They help pay your bills.

Which, as your agent,

help pay my bills.

Yeah, I bet Rembrandt

never had to mingle.

Um, excuse me.


Uh, what do you think?

Oh. I mean, I know it

drew huge crowds but...

ice cubes?

Yeah, I hear

the critics slammed it.

Got a really chilly reception.

Are you with

the Miami Museum of Art?

Yeah, I'm the curator there.

- Our stuff's more traditional.

- Old school, right?

Well, no...

Excuse me. Sorry.


Wow, okay.

So this is what it's come to.

Swirly popcorn art.

I don't know,

I think pop-ups give people

a different experience in art.

I guess, I don't know,

doesn't it feel kind of

gimmicky to you?

Oh, I wouldn't let Devan Cole

hear you say that.

Oh yeah, which one is he?

Well, seeing as he works

with ice cubes,

I'd look for the guy

with frostbite.

Honestly, I'm really only here

to cover for my boss.


Yeah, I was sort of hoping

I could sneak out early.

Well, here.

It's a flyer for the show.

It proves that you were here.


Yeah, I don't think

I got your name.

Showtime. Hi.

- Sorry, bye.

- Bye.

Thanks for this.

And it was Devan Cole?

Yes. And I had no idea

until I left

and I saw this.

Oh, he's cute.

Sydney, you should've seen him.

He was leading me on.

Maybe he was,

you know, flirting?

By pretending

to be someone else?

Oh Claire, you're just not used

to a guy with a sense of humor.

Are you implying that Rick

did not have a sense of humor?

After all the years

you two dated,

how many times

did he make you laugh?

I didn't count.

It's not like I counted.

You two are too much alike.

You're both color inside

the lines kinda people.

- So?

- So, if you color

inside the lines,

the picture never changes.

Wow, you should really have

that embroidered on a pillow.

I should.

Besides, the picture did change.

He met someone else, so.

And you haven't dated since.

There's no time to date.

Priority number one is just

keeping the museum afloat.

Have you ever thought about what

you'd do if the museum closes?

Well, I'm hoping to take over

as director when Peter retires.

You should open up

a pop-up museum.

Super popular with young people

these days,

like Emma.

Oh, who I saw today, by the way.

She's really

into her journalism.

My little overachiever.

You know we'll all be working

for her one of these days.

Good because

I might need a job.

(cell phone dings)

Oh, sorry.

Is everything okay?


That's weird. It's Peter.

He says it's urgent.

So, sorry, I have to run.

- Okay.

- Um...


Okay, I will see you later.

- Good luck.

- Bye!

Flirt back!


Hi, so, the Violetto exhibit

is cancelled?

They think they found

a forgery in the exhibit.

Which means every painting

is going to have to be inspected

and authenticated.

Okay, that could take weeks.


Which is why they're cancelling

to give us more time

to find a replacement exhibit.

Throwing together a replacement

exhibit in two weeks?


that's impossible.

Claire, you've done

the impossible before.

Everyone's job here

depends on it.

Okay. Um, I am on it.

For you.

No problem.

I'm just saying it might be nice

if you stayed in one place

for a while.

Miami is your home.

No, Miami was my home.

Now it's wherever

the next commission takes me.

All right, Devan, Devan,

all this moving around

can't be good

for your love life.

Yeah, what love life?


What happened with

what was her...Vanessa?

She said she wanted a guy that

was more open with his feelings.

Wasn't that what Katie said?

The one before Vanessa?

Yeah, and Rachel,

the one before that.

- You see a pattern here?

- I get it, I get it.

Yeah, I'd like to meet a woman

and share my hopes and dreams.

Maybe after I get

this New York commission.

You mean if you get

the New York commission.

Which I should hear

any day now.

Well, look, can you find me

some work before New York?

I'm trying.

Never know

when opportunity knocks.

(birds chirping)

Do you know anyone

at the Miami Museum of Art?

Actually, I met the curator

at the reception.

She called my work gimmicky.

She said that?

She didn't know who I was.

Well, they know who you are now.

They want to meet.

- When?

- Tomorrow morning.

Supposed to have breakfast

with my parents but, uh,

I can reschedule.

How's that going, by the way?

Oh yeah, with my mom it's great.

But my dad's, uh,

a different story.


Hi. Rick. Um, how are you?

I'm good. Don't usually

see you here at night.

Yeah, yeah, something

came up at work so I'm...


How is Nicole?

Uh, she's in Santa Cruz.

- California?

- Bolivia.

She's working

on an alpaca ranch.

She said

she wanted adventure, so.

Wow. You didn't want

to go with her?

I wasn't invited.

She apparently found adventure

with a ranch hand there.

- Ouch. I'm sorry. That...

- All right, Claire, what's up?

What do you mean what's...

Chocolate-chocolate chip,

that is your go-to comfort food.

What's wrong?

You know me too well.

Do you wanna... Yeah.

Um, so the exhibit I was hoping

to keep the whole museum afloat

just cancelled.

- Oh, geez.

- Yeah,

and if I don't find

a replacement exhibit,

me and everyone at the museum,

we're gonna lose our jobs.

Okay, well, there could be

a silver lining

there though, right?

Now you have time to follow

your dreams

of getting young people

involved in the arts.

You remember that?


what was important to you

was always important to me.

Yeah, I mean,

what's important to me now

is just finding

a replacement.

Right, of course.

Well, good luck with that.


It was really nice seeing you.

You too. Bye.


I thought I'd find you

back here.

Devan! Hi, honey!


(she sighs)

Okay, wow.

You're the one that

should have gone to art school.


There's only one artist

in this family.

Don't be so modest.

This looks great.


So how long

will you be in Miami?

It's gonna be a few weeks.

I'm waiting to hear about

a big commission.

Well, I heard

that the Miami Gallery of Art

is hiring an


Um, listen, I'm sorry

I can't stay for breakfast.

That would have been fun.

That's okay.

So you're meeting with

the Miami Museum of Fine Art?

Yeah, yeah,

it's gonna be--

Hello, Devan.

Oh, Dad.

How's everything at the bank?

Well, we just opened

a third branch in Boca.

Like I always said,

you want a steady job,

go into the banking business.

Well, Devan

was just saying that--

I was just saying

I have a meeting

so I'm gonna have to take

a rain check on breakfast.

It was great to see you, Mom.

Great to see you, honey.


Peter, okay, I managed to do

the impossible after all.

- Claire, I--

- I pulled some strings

and I got

the Chopra collection in here

before it opens in Miami.

Great! Well, where

are you going to put it?

Uh, what?

In the gallery where we were

gonna put the Violetto.

That's taken.

I managed to find

a replacement exhibit.

You? You found a replacement?

Well, I wanted

to consult with you,

but given the time pressure.


Actually, I got the idea

from you

when you left the flyer for the

reception on my desk yesterday.

Oh, no...

Well, he's

a bit avant-garde for us.

But perhaps we could use

a little shaking up.

No, no, no-no-no-no-no.

No, I think, um, anyone but--

Him! Wow.

- Hello again.

- Hi.

Oh, so you two

know each other already?

- No.

- Yeah--

Well, we kind of met yesterday

at the reception.

So you're familiar

with Devan's work?

Oh yeah,

Claire's a huge fan, right?

Great! I think the two of you

will make a terrific team.

You both bring different

skill sets to the table.


you're more conventional.

And Devan, you're more...

Gimmicky, I believe.

Outside the box.

Way outside, yes.

Claire, I want you to devote

110% of your time

to make Devan's exhibit

a success.

The future of the museum

is riding on it.

Claire, why don't you give Devan

a tour of our collections?

Great idea.

Assuming you have the time.

Uh, I have time

if Claire has time.

Oh, I have 110% of time.


Okay, um, should we

get started?

Yeah, uh, thank you, Peter.

Thank you, Peter.

- What's first?

- Right this way.


Okay. Here we are.

Yeah, so we're fortunate enough

to have on loan

some of the most famous pieces

from Colombian artist

Hermes Berrio.

As you can see,

his use of color and texture,

it's really--

Oh, oh-oh-oh. Sorry.

Okay, right this way.

And over here

is one of his best-known pieces.

He's really known for making

the mundane less-- Sorry, mm-mm.

- What?

- No food allowed.

Oh, it's a granola bar.

See, I missed breakfast

to be here, so.

Sorry. That's the rule.

- No exceptions?

- Nope.

Not even for a starving artist.

But I'll give this

back to you later.

Okay, let's keep going,

all right?

And over here...

Literally starving.

Okay, moving on.

So this is another one

of his pieces.

I thought you said

no drinks allowed.

(she politely chuckles)

So is everything

a joke to you?

What, are jokes

against the rules too?

I get it.

You don't like rules.

Nobody likes rules.

I like rules.

Why does that not surprise me?

You know, maybe if

you had less rules

you'd have more people in here.

Okay, that has nothing

to do with it.

- Really?

- Really.

Your slogan up there says,

"Art Connects Us."

Yeah, what, and you don't think

art connects people?

I do, but I don't see anything

in this museum

that connects anyone

to anything.

Oh, okay, but, um, big,

colorful ice cubes do, right?

That show broke

attendance records.

You said so yourself.

Okay, so what is your idea

for this

record-breaking exhibit

that we've hired you for, hm?

You'll be the first to know.

You don't--

you don't have any ideas?

My muse is a fickle woman.

Wow, okay, so you don't have

one thought about the exhibit?

My only thought

right now is

this is going to be

a long two weeks.

Yeah, yeah,

well, that we can agree on.

Sydney, he's a total disaster.

Give him a chance, Claire.

He doesn't have any ideas

for the exhibit.

I asked him what

he had in mind and he goes,

"My muse is a fickle woman."


You see?

A guy with a sense of humor.

Okay, please don't start

with the Rick comparisons.

Who I saw yesterday

at Percolators, by the way.

- Rick?

- Mm-hm.

I think he wants

to get back together.

What happened

to his new girlfriend?

Oh, well, she went to Bolivia

for adventure.

Well, if I were her

I would too.

You're not getting back

together with him?

Who're you getting

back together with?

Hi, Troy. Um, nobody.

I'm not getting back together

with anybody.

- Rick.

- Rick?


Listen, I'm a journalist,

trust me, I read people.

You and Rick,

too much alike.


Yeah, well, look at you two.

You guys are peas in a pod.

Yeah, and total opposites.

- She's an introvert.

- He's an extrovert.

- She's a planner.

- He's spontaneous.

What can I say?

I guess

we complement each other.

Oh, hey, uh, we're running

a piece tomorrow

on that new artist

you just commissioned.

Uh, Devan Cole?

Local guy, huh?

And cute.

With a wicked sense of humor.

Ah, sounds like just your type.

Oh, hey, Emma's here,

she wants to ask you a question.

Hi, Aunt Claire.

Hi, Emma.

I need to interview someone

about their job

for a class project.

I was thinking maybe someone

with a cool job like...

a museum curator?

Okay, I would be honored.

Is tomorrow okay? I could come

by your house after work.

Yeah, that'd be perfect.

- Thanks, Aunt Claire.

- Bye!

You just made her day.

That is so great she's following

in Dad's footsteps.

Yeah, it took a while,

but it's nice they have

something in common.

Look, just don't

judge Devan too quickly.

You never know,

you might have more in common.

Yeah, what we have

in common is an exhibit

that needs to open in two weeks.

Yikes, sounds like that fickle

muse needs a bit of a nudge.

Sydney, that is exactly

what I was thinking.

But I don't want

to do it anymore.

I can't get you out of it,

Devan. You signed a contract.

Yeah, well, that was before

I knew I had to work

with Little Miss Rule Follower.

You know

she actually likes rules?

Oh, good.

You could use a little structure

in your life.

Structure is for people

that want to work in offices

and get there

at eight in the morning.

(cell phone dings)

(he laughs)

Something wrong?

Little Miss Rule Follower.

Wants to meet tomorrow morning

at eight a.m.

(Jake laughs)

Looks like you'll be up

with all the other office types,

my friend.

- Yeah.

- Cheers to that.

Yeah, thanks for nothin'.

Devan, hi,

do you know what time it is?

It is...time for coffee.

No, there's coffee in the cafe

after the presentation.

- Presentation?

- Yep.

I thought it was important

for you to get familiar

with the museum's goals.

You know, to inspire

your fickle muse.

Oh, yeah, she's not gonna

be up for hours.

All right, so, the museum

was founded in 1886.

And then by 1912, all of the--

I'm still listening, by the way.

I'm still listening.

- What are you doing?

- I don't need to see it.

I just-- I'll listen.

- No, I need you to be--

- Claire! Claire?

- Yeah?

- Victor Mendez is here.

The trustee

who helped underwrite

the Violetto exhibit's here?

Yes. He needs more information

before committing

to fund Devan's exhibit.

Is he sleeping?

Like a baby, yes.

Well, wake him up.

Mr. Mendez

will be here any minute.

(Claire stammers)




(she snaps her fingers)

(she mutters)

So, Peter, popcorn

is for the movies.

It's not for an exhibit of art.

Are you sure about--

- Hi!

- Hi, Claire.

So nice to see you again.

Nice to see you too,

Mr. Mendez.

So, where is this Devan Cole

that you were talking about?

Ah, yes, Claire,

where is Devan?

He, um...

He's under the--

Under the weather.

You know, he was up

all last night

brainstorming ideas

for the exhibit, so.

Well, I can't wait to hear them.

So why don't you and Devan

come by my house for lunch

and then you can fill me in.

We would love to do that, yes.

Great. Then I'll see you

and Devan later.

Mm-hm. Yes.

Peter? Okay, so...

Peter, you have to...


- What?

- Seriously?

What? What did I miss?

- Did you kick me?

- Wow.

Did you fall asleep

in a meeting?

Do you have any coffee?

Oh my God, I'm gonna k*ll you.

(he sighs)

Claire, I said I was sorry,

all right?

I'm sorry, being late

is one thing;

falling asleep in front of one

of our biggest donors,

like seriously?

Yeah, but who schedules

a PowerPoint

at eight in the morning

with no coffee?

Okay, in case you don't know,

we need Mr. Mendez's support

for this exhibit.

We can't pay your commission

without it.

Okay, Claire,

this clearly isn't working.

So why don't we just

cancel the contract,

we'll make a clean break.

I would really love

to but unfortunately,

they've already announced

your hiring

in the Sunshine Times.

Let's just-- let's go to my

house, let's get my car,

and we'll drive to

Mr. Mendez's

where you better have

some ideas to present.

Yeah, they're all up here.

Wow, why do I not

find that reassuring?

Oh, these are nice.

Oh, thanks.

- Are they yours?

- No.

I just need to change my shoes,

I'm gonna be...right back, okay?

Wow, you brought out

the big g*ns.

Yeah, well, it is

an important meeting.

How are my shoes?

Just try and stay awake.

- Ready?

- Yeah.


This is a nice house.

Yeah, well, it should be.

He founded one of the

largest hedge funds

in South Florida.

Okay. Hey.

Hello, and welcome.

Thank you.

- Hi. How are you?

- Welcome.


- Amazing.

- This place is huge.


(performs glissando on piano)

Are you...

(Claire muttering)

Claire. Devan.

Welcome. I'll be right down.

You see this?

Just don't touch anything,



- Hi.

- Nice seeing you again.

Devan, nice to meet you.

That's a beautiful painting

over here.

It's 17th century Flemish,

I believe.

You know your art. Thank you.

And these, uh,

modern art, perhaps?


Those were my mother's shoes

when she first came

to this country.

You know, I keep them there

as a reminder

of all the sacrifices

that she did for me.


- Shall we eat?

- Yes, please.

Got some nice treats

for you guys.

After you.

Well, everything

is so delicious.

This flan is amazing.

It was my mother's recipe.

Do you know that she spent

16 hours a day working

and still had time to cook.

Wow, she sounds

like an amazing woman.

She was.

So, Devan,

I'm familiar with your work.

I confess it's a little bit

experimental for my tastes,

but this is not about me.

It's about creating an exhibit

that would appeal

to the nontraditional visitors.

The smartphone culture.

So, Devan,

what is your plan to rescue

our cherished institution?

Oh, um...

Well, right now, um...

I'm sort of blank.

Oh, that's fantastic...

like thinking minimalism?

No, I'm not thinking

of anything at all.

I mean, the truth is,

I don't really have any ideas

for the exhibit just yet.


Okay, I get it, I get it.

You don't want

to share your ideas,

you know,

afraid it'll interfere

- with the creative process.

- Actually...

Actually, that is exactly it,


Of course, I understand.

Mm-hm, but Devan has assured me

that all his ideas

are safely locked

in his head, right?

Right, right, it's a regular

Fort Knox of ideas.

Fine. Then you have

my tentative support

for the exhibit.

- Thank you.

- Have some more bread?


It's so good.

Okay, you are determined

to sabotage things.

Really? Fort Knox of ideas?

I was just being honest.

Okay, well, here's some honesty.

Everyone's job at the museum

depends on the success

of this exhibit.

I know, Peter told me.

And you still don't care.

That's good.

I care.

Oh, are you okay?


Listen, Claire, I do care, okay?

It's just you don't understand

the creative process.

Oh, okay, I might not be

an artist,

but I do understand

the creative process, okay?

So please do not judge me

until you've actually walked

a mile in my shoes.

Wait, say that again.

I might not be an artist,

okay, but--

- The second part.

- Don't judge me

until you've walked a mile

in my shoes.

- That's it.

- What's it?

Come on, I'll show you.

Okay, this, this is perfect.

For what?

The exhibit.

Wait, here on the beach?

No, no, no, no, no.

Devan, we have a gallery

reserved at the museum

for that.

Claire, tell me,

what do you see?

I see palm trees and the ocean.

No, what do you see


Look, these could be giants

with silly hats on.

All right?


Just play along.

What do you see?

Yeah, yeah,

and, um, the giants,

- they met at a costume party.

- Okay.

But they're

a little embarrassed.

Yeah, why?

Well, they showed up

to the party

wearing the same hat.

Okay, you're funny.

You want to know what I see?




Shoes stretching

from one tree to the other.

And the visitors will come in,

they'll try on the shoes

to walk a mile

in someone else's shoes.

That's your big idea?

Shoes on the beach?

They come with headphones

and an audio guide.

So, you put on the shoes

and you hear

about that person's life,

about their hopes and dreams.

I don't...

Okay, I'm gonna show you.

- Give me your shoes.

- What?


- Give me your shoes.

- No.

Claire, give me a chance.

All right.

What are you doing?

Are you kidding me right now?

You have tiny feet.

Pfft, I mean,

they're not meant--

- Yeah, you can laugh.

- You look ridiculous.

Are you serious?

Even without the broken heel,

it's ridiculous.

And there are people around,

you know that, right?

Okay, look, now,

pretend I'm listening

to your story.

- What story?

- It can be anything.

- Uh, what's your dream job?

- Um,

I'm hoping to take over

as director when Peter retires

- and, um...

- Okay.

...start an art appreciation

program for young people,

get them as excited about art

as my niece is

about journalism.

Okay, you see? I just

learned something about you.

Fine, but I just don't think

people are gonna flock here

to try on old shoes.

Claire, it's not

about the shoes.

It's about the stories.

You want art to connect people,

but who can relate

to 16th-century

Italian painting?


Every woman relates to these.

And those that don't,

they'll learn something

about that person's life,

their hopes and heartbreaks.

A chance to experience

the world

through someone else's eyes.

By walking a mile

in their shoes.

Come on, let's roll with it.

Well, no, I mean,

I'm gonna have to get approval

from Peter, and then

we're gonna have to--

That's not what I meant.

Let's roll with it, come on.


Hey, are you sure about this?

A little light exercise

to help clear your mind.

Help you decide

about my shoe concept.

I think it's risky.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

- So is this.

- Okay.

Okay, wait, wait, wait,

wait, wait, okay.

- All right, let's go.

- Ooh!

- All right, all right.

- This makes me feel

like a kid again.

I know, it really does.

Something tells me

you've done this before.

I did actually come here

in high school.

I-- I wasn't great.

Okay, now I'm going too fast.

Me too, I'm surprised

I never saw you.

- Really?

- Let's take a seat.


- Come here.

- Thanks.

Thank you.


- You good?

- Thank you. Good.

So, what about you?

Oh, um, well,

I was with the brainiacs.

Yeah, we actually would--

we would put in earbuds

and we would listen

to audiobooks.

- Of course you did.

- Mm-hm.

So do you think you'll ever

come back to Miami, settle down?

Maybe, if I find something

worth settling down for.

Mm. So, New York,

that's the next stop.

It looks like it. I mean,

it's the center

of the art world.

I know. I know, yeah,

it's just really far

from my family.

You have family here?

My sister's family.

My mom, she retired

to Costa Rica.

So, no husband?

Boyfriend? Girlfriend?


No, I-- I was

in a long relationship

with a guy.

- Me too, with a woman.

- Sure.

You know, I think we've got

a lot more in common

- than I thought.

- I don't know, though.

Somehow, the longer we skate,

the less crazy it seems.

- Was that a yes?

- No.

I don't think it was.

It sounded a bit like a yes.

- Maybe.

- A maybe.

- Maybe.

- Oh, I'll take it.

A maybe.

- Ah!

- Okay, we're racing.

Okay, obviously, I can't race.

If I win, it's a yes.

All right.

Well, I knew you'd come around.

Okay, save the gloating

'cause we still have to get

the exhibit

up and running in two weeks.

I'll bring my track shoes.

Seriously, Devan,

do you actually think

this is gonna be

the blockbuster we need?


Are you just saying that

to make me feel better?


Look, Claire, if ice cubes

and popcorn can be art,

then why not shoes?

You think it'll be as popular

as your Museum of Popcorn?

Yes, except this time

it won't smell

like a movie theater.

It'll smell like shoes.

(cell phone rings)

Oh, sorry.


- Just one minute?

- Yeah.

Rick, hi.

Oh, um, no, I can't tonight.

I'm-- I'm starting

a new exhibit tomorrow.


Yeah, we found a replacement.

Um, shoes?

No, it's a museum of shoes.

You know what? Forget it.

I'll explain it to you tomorrow.

Um, but I kind of have to go.

I'll see you then? Okay.

Okay, bye.

Um, sorry.

So, you want to start

tomorrow morning?

- Yeah.

- Great, eight a.m.

- Oh.

- Okay, Devan,

just be at my place at eight

and we'll go from there, okay?

- All right, deal.

- Fine.

And don't forget

your track shoes

because we do have to get this

up and running in two weeks.

- Yes, two weeks.

- Two weeks.

Two weeks.

Wow, this is incredible.

I know this is something

you wanted to do

for a long time,

so you should be

really proud of yourself.

I am.

And I'm proud of you too.

We both are, Devan.

Devan, I didn't know

you were stopping by.

Are you staying for dinner?

Uh, I wish I could,

but, uh, maybe another night.

Devan just got a commission

from the Miami Museum of Art.

Oh? To do what?

To build a shoe museum

on Barley Beach.

A shoe museum?

I guess that's a step up

from popcorn.

Well, you know, we'll be there

all day tomorrow

if you wanted to, you know,

stop by.

Swing a hammer.

Oh, thanks.

Yeah, I'll be in meetings

all day at the bank,

but, uh, well, if you're not

staying for dinner,

I guess I have some work

to finish up.


I tried.

It's just his way, Devan.

Look, I'll talk to him.

If you think it'll help.

I think it may.

- This is great.

- Thanks.

Did you always want to be

a museum curator, Aunt Claire?

No, no, I went to art school

to be an artist,

which is where I discovered

my real talent.

What's that?

Bringing to life

the work of other artists.

That's the key

to being a good curator.

Did you ever, you know,

regret not being an artist?

Well, I'm not an artist

in the traditional sense,

but deciding what goes where

and picking which work

to spotlight

and helping create

the whole look and feel

of the exhibit, it's kind of

like being an artist.

Ooh, your mom.

- One last question.

- Fire away.

What's your favorite part

of being a curator?



I love being surprised.

It's sometimes the...

Sometimes the artist

with the darkest paintings

end up having

the brightest personalities,

so you can never be too quick

to make judgment.

Thanks, Aunt Claire.

That was-- that was awesome.

Anytime, Emma.


- One more question.

- Uh-huh.

Can I have another cookie?


- For the road.

- Thanks, Mom.

- Bye.

- Bye.

So, how'd it go?

Oh, you know, she's a pro.

Oh, don't I know it.

So, are you ready

for tomorrow?

Oh, I better be

because the future

of the museum is riding

on a shoebox on the beach.


And Devan?

He is supposed to be at my place

at eight a.m. tomorrow,

but I will believe that

when I see it.

What was that

that you were just saying

about not being too quick

to judge?

Mm-hm, yeah, fine,

I will reserve my judgment.

Like I said, I do like

being surprised.

Oh, yeah, you and my husband.

Look, thank you so much

for doing that.

- Of course.

- Get some sleep.

Okay, well, I'll see ya.


Don't miss me.

Thanks for being on time.

You wore your track shoes?

- I did.

- Nice. Ready to go?

Yeah, but we need to grab

some coffee first.

Of course, don't want you

falling asleep on the job.

- Morning, Alan.

- Morning, Claire.

Good morning, Rocky.


Can you sit?

I got it, ah.


Good boy.

Take care.

So you're just carrying around

dog treats in your purse?

No, just for Rocky.

Yeah, I've been doing this walk

for seven years.


Really nice.

Have a great day.

- Claire!

- Hi. Morning, Tony.

- Good morning. Usual?

- Yes.

And, also,

a caramel sea salted latte.

And, uh...

Caramel sea salted latte

with two sh*ts, please.


Two sh*ts.

You think I should do three?

Whatever keeps you up, honestly.

Thank you.

Welcome. Have a good day.

- Thanks!

- Thanks, you too.

Yeah, but Tony is great.

- It's good.

- Well, good morning!

Good morning to you too, sir.

Oh, um, compliments of Claire.

Thank you.

And how nice it is to be served

by such a handsome gentleman.

You stop that.

- Take care.

- Bye.

Thank you.

Oh, just one minute.

Um, Joan, sorry.

I don't want to pry

or anything,

um, but do you take

the trolley every morning?

No, I never take the trolley.

Oh, because you're here

every day.

I know, I just stop by here

every morning

just as I've done

for the last 17 years.

Seventeen years.

You see, I used to walk here

with my husband

to see him off to work.

But then when he passed, well...

I'm sorry.

It's silly, really.

You know, but I still like

to come here

even if it's to watch people

get on and off the trolley.

It reminds me

of our time together.

Aw, that's so sweet.

Well, thank you

for sharing that.

- You're welcome.

- We'll see you soon.

- Nice meeting you.

- Bye.

Wow, that was

a really sweet story Joan told.

I know, it really was.

Hey, what if...

What if some of the stories

we included for the exhibit

were the people I pass

on my way to work every day?

- I like that.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

- I bet they all have

just as compelling stories

as Joan.

Yeah, it's a great idea.

Oh, sorry.

- You got it?

- Oh, thanks.

Oh, it's Rick.

It's nothing.

Thought you didn't

have a boyfriend.

I don't anymore.

Yeah, what happened?

He broke up with me.

- Another woman?

- Yeah.

I mean, isn't there always?

What about you?

I told you, unattached.

Okay, Devan, you are not

a bad-looking guy.

Why are you still single?

No reason.

Come on. How far is it?

- Two blocks.

- Better hurry up.

That wasn't answering

my question, though.


- Hi.

- Aunt Claire, hi.

Are you heading

to the library again?

Wow. Oh, this is

my niece, Emma.

- Hi, Emma.

- Hello.

This is Devan Cole.

He's an artist,

and we're starting

an exhibit today.

Oh, my mom told me about that.

The shoe exhibit on the beach?

- Mm-hm.

- Sounds really cool.

Maybe I can write

an article about it?

Yeah, that would be great.

- Emma is a budding reporter.

- Wow.

Maybe I can interview you,

Mr. Cole?


Well, actually,

there's a bunch of interviews

- you could do.

- Of course.

Um, Emma, how would you like

to interview all the people

who are going to be featured

in the exhibit?

Sure! When can I start?

Today? I'll send you all

the information this afternoon.

Can't wait.

Thanks, Aunt Claire.

Nice meeting you, Mr. Cole.

Look forward

to working with you.

- Bye.

- Bye.

What a delightful young lady.

Yeah, she's the best,

and she's gonna do a great job

with the interviews.

All right, you ready to do this?

'Cause the building materials

arrive today.

Right, um, I just have

one more hurdle.


Just one.

So what do you think?

Well, it's certainly

an out-of-the-box idea.

Out of the shoebox even.


All right, let's go for it.

- Yes!

- Yes!

Oh, uh, let's hold off

on telling Mr. Mendez.

It may be a little

too unconventional for him.

I'll brief him once I see

how it actually works.

- Of course.

- I knew

your two different skill sets

would make a terrific team.

Who knew?

Thank you.

- Find it?

- Here.

All right, we're gonna need

to go at least four feet up.

- Okay.

- So,

you want to wrap it around.

- We made it.

- Mom!

- Hi.

- Dad?

Your mother said

you might need a hand.

Those meetings at the bank

weren't so important after all.

Well, I'm glad you came.

This is Claire.

- Hi.

- Nice to meet you, Claire.

Well, you guys enjoy yourselves.

I brought my own tools.

See ya later.

All right, who's ready

to build a shoe exhibit?

- Okay.

- Let's do it.

You got your drill, nice.

You guys are so official.

(drill whirring)

You know, Dad,

I'm glad you came.

It's been a huge help.

Oh, I haven't worked this hard

since we built that tree fort

in the back.

I remember that.

We made a pretty good team, huh?

Looks like we still make

a pretty good team.

Hey, Devan,

your mother tells me

you might be headed

to New York soon,

so don't be such a stranger.

I won't, Dad, I promise.

Wow, this is amazing.

You guys did all this?

- Yeah.

- Well, I guess

our work here is done.

Yeah, yeah.

Heading out? Thanks, Mom.

Bye, sweetie.

- That looks great.

- Thanks.

All right, take care.

All right, see you guys.


These questions are awesome,

Aunt Claire.

Tomorrow, I'm interviewing

your neighbor, Alan,

- when he walks Rocky.

- Oh, I can't wait

to hear what people

have to say.

Yeah, me either.

Wow. I feel like

an actual reporter.

- Bye, Aunt Claire.

- Bye.

And let me know

if you need anything, okay?


- Hi.

- Hi.


How'd it go with your parents?

You have no idea.

My dad has never shown

any interest in my work.

- Really?

- Yeah,

he wanted me to go

into the family business.

- He's a banker.

- Ah.

Well, it looks like you guys

have a new family business.


It looks really good, huh?


Can I walk you home?


Yeah, so it wasn't

until art school

that I realized

I didn't have it.

- The talent?

- Oh, no,

not compared to my classmates.

So, I switched to art history,

but yeah, I guess I just

didn't get the artistic gene.

Oh, but someone

in your family did.

- My dad.

- Ah.

Yeah. Yeah,

the paintings in my house

that you were admiring...

Oh, he's really good.

Yeah, it wasn't

until after he died

that I realized

he was a serious painter.

He hid all of them

in the back of his closet.

Yeah, I mean, his use of light

is really similar

to Caravaggio.

- It's great.

- Oh, okay.

So you do appreciate

traditional art.

- You surprised?

- A little.

Are you glad you switched

to art history?

Yeah, I am.

It lets me showcase

the work of real artists.

- Unlike me.

- Let's not go there.

But I don't know,

after seven years

I'm definitely ready

for a new challenge.

Well, it looks

like you found it.

What about you?

What made you land

on experimental art?

- No reason.

- Come on.

I don't really want

to talk about it.

It's a very simple question.

I don't really like

talking about myself.

Well, this is about your art.

Well, I don't like

talking about my art.

What do you like talking about?

You can tell me what's going on

with you and Rick.

You want to know

all about my personal life,

but then when the shoe

is on the other foot, you--

Oh, that's good.

We could use that as a line

in the exhibit.

You make jokes.

Listen, I'm just-- I'm not good

with the whole

vulnerability thing.

But you know what's not a joke

is what we're doing together.

This exhibit, it's really

gonna bring people together

with their neighbors.

It's gonna be great.

See, that wasn't so hard.

- Claire?

- Hey.

Hey, sorry, I totally forgot

I was meeting someone.

- Um...

- Rick.

- Yep.

- Yes.

Okay, coming, so tomorrow

at the exhibit?

- Eight o'clock?

- Eight a.m.

- Cool.

- Okay.

Look, I never realized

how good I had it with you,

that we were so good together.

Yeah, until you met Nicole.

I know, I messed up,

and I'm sorry,

but can we just...

Can we just try this again?

- I miss us.

- Rick...

We never gave ourselves time

to work it out, you know?

We were together

for three years.

I'm talking about

a lifetime together.

I'm sorry, I just can't

do this right now.

I've got to go.


Claire, wait,

would you just think about it?

Yeah, I'll think about it.

And good luck

with the shoe idea thing.


Yeah, I'm a little worried

about the funding.

You could say we're working

on a shoestring budget.

What? Why would you say that?

No reason.

Okay, I'll talk to you soon.

See ya.

- To the exhibit.

- Yes.

Oh, and to Emma,

our star reporter.

- Who met Devan...

- Yeah.

...and will be interviewing him

for an article

on the exhibit,

and that you two

make a beautiful couple.

That's a very good try.

It was a good try, Syd,

but I'm actually

not that gullible.

Oh, well, you must be

if you're thinking

about getting back together

with Rick.

Who-- who said I was?

Well, you didn't say

that you weren't.

So which is it?

I don't know.

Don't know, I don't know,

he says he misses us.

Ugh, that sounds like a movie.

He thinks maybe we didn't

give ourselves enough time

to see if it could work.

Three years?

Mom and Dad got married

after three dates.

Claire, you need to meet

your opposite,

your yin to your yang.

- Like Devan.

- Oh, yeah,

Devan is definitely a yin.

He's mostly annoying.

Come on, a guy

as hot as Devan?

You don't have any sparks?

Oh, you do!

No. No, no, not sparks,

not sparks.

Embers? Flares? Flickers?

Maybe a flicker,

maybe a little bit of flicker.

I don't know, I don't know.


He makes me laugh,

and he's spontaneous

and unconventional.

Oh, it sounds like

you met your yin.

Yeah, except my yin

is waiting to hear

about a commission in New York.

If the museum goes bust,

you go with him.

Or I just stay here and I work

things out with Rick.

Well, I hope you like headaches.

- Why?

- 'Cause you're gonna be

banging your head against...

Hilarious. Really.

- It's true.

- No, it's funny.

It's true.

You're staying inside

the lines, right?

Very funny.

Hi, Aunt Claire!

- Hi!

- Is it still a good time

to interview you, Mr. Cole?

Yeah, absolutely.

- You got this?

- Mm-hm.

- You sure?

- I do.

All right, lead the way.

So you dropped out

of the Royal College of Art

in London?

I ran out of money.

And my father didn't

want to pay for it.

He wanted me to be a banker.

How does he feel now,

now that you're so successful?

I think he's finally okay

with it.

He even came to help out.

Oh, that's good.

But you know, Emma,

even after I dropped out,

I never gave up.

I never let go of my dream

of being an artist.

Sometimes the difference

between success and failure

- is perseverance.

- Thanks, Mr. Cole.

I'll remember that.

You know, this shoebox exhibit

is so awesome,

and you get to work

with my aunt.

Yeah, your Aunt Claire

is a really special lady.

Took me a minute to see it,

but she's smart,

funny, assertive.

She's got

this soft, tender side.

I never met anyone

quite like her.


How are we doing over here?

Finished. I'm going to write

the article tonight.

- Great.

- I look forward to reading it.

Oh, thanks again, Mr. Cole.

I'm also going to send you

all the interviews I did

- for the shoe exhibit.

- Perfect.

- Thank you, Emma.

- Bye, Emma.


Okay, how long

were you standing there?

Oh, um...

Just long enough.


- You need a hand?

- Sure.

I cannot believe

we are opening in two days.

I know.

I've actually really enjoyed

these last two weeks.

Me too.

Guess we made a pretty good team

after all, huh?

Guess we did.



Look at us, like a pair...

of shoes.


- Um...

- Joan! Hi!

Am I interrupting anything?

No, not at all.

I just thought I'd stop by

to see if you needed any help.

Oh, that's so sweet of you,

thank you.

Yeah, actually, I can't stay.

I promised my mom

I would say hi, so...

Oh, you're such a good son.

I'll see you at the opening,

and I'll see you tomorrow.

Yes. Eight a.m.


- Bye, Joan.

- Bye.

So, what can I help you with?

Uh, you know what,

I could use some help

getting more audio guides

at the museum.

- Okay.

- Okay.

Lead the way.


Okay, let's do it.

It's so nice of you to come by.

So, when do you expect

to hear about New York?

Jake says any day now.

I can't wait to tell your dad.

Or better yet, stay for dinner

and you can tell him yourself.

I wish I could, it's just

there's so much to do

with the shoe exhibit

and we open in two days.

I know, I'll be there.

Your father still is not sure

he can take off work.

That's okay. I mean,

it meant a lot

that he came the other day.

You always knew

how to push his buttons.

Devan, that was your father's

idea to go that day.

Look, I know

it took him a while

to come to peace with the fact

that you weren't going

into the family business.

I mean, after all, he built

that bank from the ground up.

I know, I just wish

he'd taken an interest

in what I was doing.

He did in his own way.

There's something

that you should see.

Come on.

Big mystery? What's, uh...


I'm not allowed in Dad's study.


I never thought

he cared about any of this.

He just didn't know

how to show it.

A bit like

someone else I know.

Guess the apple doesn't fall

far from the tree.

Thank you, Mom.

You remember this?


That was awesome.

The shoe gallery is gonna be

a big success.

Thanks, Joan.

So why the long face?

Oh, no, it's nothing

to do with the museum.

Actually, can I ask you

a personal question?

Of course.

So, you were so devoted

to your husband.

But when you guys first met,

how did you know he was the one?

Easy. He made me laugh.

That's it?

No. But that was the key.

We were very different.

I mean, sometimes he would

drive me absolutely crazy.

And then, he would say something

to make me laugh

and I'd forget

what we were fighting about.

(Joan laughs)

Is this about Devan?

How did you know that?

When I saw you guys

walking the other day.

You seemed, I don't know,

lighter, happy.

And you were laughing.

Take my advice, sweetheart.

When you find a man

that puts a smile on your face

and in your heart,

you know that's the man.

That is very good advice.


Should we get this inside?


- I got it.

- Okay.

You're still here.

Yeah, I'm listening

to Emma's interviews.

Oh, can I?

Yeah. Here.


That's great.


So, um, how'd it go

at your parents'?

So it turns out

my dad had collected

all these photos and clippings

from all of my exhibits.

The dad that never showed

an interest in your work,

that dad?

Yeah. It's crazy.

Kinda making me rethink the

whole New York thing altogether.

You know,

I-I should probably go,

just 'cause I've been here

for a really long time.

Totally, no.

Oh, sh**t. Sorry.

Um, no, you're fine.

Claire, why don't

we take tomorrow off?

But the opening is...

I know, but we're ready.

We should...

we should celebrate.



Okay, but only

if you let me show you

what makes me feel like a kid.

It's a deal.

- Deal?

- Yeah.


Na, na, na, na, na

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Na-na-na, na, na, na

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

One, two, three, go

Okay, this one's a keeper.

You look hilarious right here.

Oh my gosh. Devan. Give me.

No, I'm keeping it.

It's going on my fridge.

(Jake clears his throat)


(Jake laughs)

This looks great.

Thanks, Jake.

I can't wait

to see it in action.

Well, you're not gonna

have to wait long.

We open tomorrow.

I know, big day.

Even bigger, considering

I just heard from New York.

You'll know tomorrow

if you got the commission.

- Tomorrow.

- Yep.

(Devan exclaims)

Ready to take a bite

out of that Big Apple?


What artist wouldn't, right?

(wind gusting)


This place looks even better

than I could have imagined.

I know, right?

We're actually ready

for tomorrow.

About this whole

New York thing.

I was thinking that we--

Mr. Mendez! Hi!

What a nice surprise.

I wish I could say the same,


- Um, is something wrong?

- Yes.


I cannot have my name

associated with old shoes.

Well, you know, Mr. Mendez,

I think if you

actually understood

how the exhibit worked...

When Peter told me

about your concept,

I thought he was joking.

I needed to come and see it

to believe it.

Mr. Mendez, if we can

show you how this works...

I'm sorry, Devan.

You want to continue with this,

go ahead.

But not with my funding.

(Peter sighs)

I'm sorry, Claire.

We need to postpone the opening

until we can

determine a funding stream.


(doorbell rings)


Okay, so I have been

crunching the numbers

and it's impossible

for the exhibit to continue

without Mr. Mendez.

Well, what about

grants or donations?

Oh no, that'll take

weeks or months,

and I just don't have that time.

Claire, I--

I heard back from New York.

You got the commission.

Well, congratulations.


And now, you can--

you can go to New York early.

Or we could talk to Mr. Mendez,

explain the concept.

Yeah, no, I already

suggested that to Peter

but he said once

Mr. Mendez makes up his mind,

it is impossible to change.


You know, Peter told me

a story about you.

He said when you heard

you only had two weeks

to replace the Violetto exhibit,

you called it impossible.

But he knew

you could to the impossible.

So do I.


All right. Let's have a look

at these numbers.

Claire, it took me 40 years

to build this.

Forty years,

dollar by dollar.

It took Rembrandt,

Tintoretto, El Greco,

all of the greats,

it took them decades,


I-I'm a nice guy.

I've supported everything that

you guys have brought to me.

But with a straight face,

you want me to support

a guy that does an exhibit

with popcorn?

You know, I appreciate

you coming here today.

But I-I'm sorry,

my mind's already made up.

Mr. Mendez,

I understand how you feel.

Like you, I'm a traditionalist

when it comes to art.

But someone recently

convinced me

that sometimes it's good to,

you know,

color outside the lines.

Yeah, I mean,

perhaps we could show you

how this exhibit works.


I doubt it's gonna change

my opinion, Devan.

You see a bunch of old shoes

on the beach, right?

I see a new way

for people to experience art.

People, they put on

other people's shoes

and they hear about

the hopes and fears and dreams

about people who are

so different from them.

But after hearing their stories,

they walk away feeling like,

"Maybe people aren't that

different from me after all."

For years, our museum

has been using the slogan,

"Art connects us."

Well, we finally

created an exhibit

that does just that.

I appreciate it, Claire.

But I'm sorry.

My mind's already made up.

And, uh, if you excuse me,

I have a conference call.

I'll help you

see yourselves out.

I thought we had him

with that story.


I guess I can't do

the impossible after all.

Let's go.

Maybe sometimes,

you just have to color

outside the lines.


Mr. Mendez!

Claire and Devan were

by my house earlier today.

They stole my mother's

huarache sandals!

They would never do

something like that.

Mr. Mendez,

they're in safe hands, please.

We'll show you.

Right this way.

There they are!

Mr. Mendez,

I've taken very good care

of your sandals.

I know what

they must mean to you.

Then why did you take them?

I borrowed them.

Y-you see,

if your mother's sandals

were a part of this exhibit,

people would learn all about

how she came to this country

with little more than a dream,

the American Dream,

and how she worked

16-hour-long days

in a convenience store,

and how much she saved

and sacrificed

to put you through college,


and how she cried

tears of joy

when you graduated

first in your class.

And how she spent

what little money she had

to fly herself to Cambridge

for your graduation.

The first in your family.

And when you spoke

during the ceremony,

how tears ran down her cheek,

hearing you thank her for

everything she'd done for you.

And after your speech,

she whispered in your ear,

"Pay it forward." did.

Yeah, I really thought

we had him convinced

to fund the exhibit this time.

I know.

All that work

just gone to waste.

Guess that's what I get

for trying

to color outside the lines.

So what now?

Um, I wait to hear

about closing dates from Peter

and you're off to New York.


Well, hey, I could see

if there's any jobs

over there for you,

in New York.

Thanks, but Miami's my home.


- So I'm going that way.

- Yeah, I'm down here,



Listen. Can I walk you home?

Yes. Yeah. I...sorry.

Of course.

Um, you know what?

I should take this.

Yeah, no, I'll see you tomorrow

at the museum anyway.

Okay, yeah, and I'll be there

packing up my office.



Okay, well,

it sounds like you did

everything you could

to keep the museum open, so...

Yeah, I just--

I was really hoping

that this exhibit

would turn things around.

Claire, you're gonna find

another job, okay?

And in the meantime,

it'll give you time

to think about things,

maybe even think about us?

Yeah, no, I have thought

about that,

and I just--

it's not gonna work.

Just give it a little time.

We've had time, Rick.

But we need to move on,

I need to move on, it's...

It is time.

Are you sure?

Yeah, and I need to move on

in my job, too.

Start being open to ideas

that interest young people.

What, like the shoe idea thing?

Yeah, exactly like

the shoe idea.

All right.

Okay, Rick, I gotta go.

- Hey, good luck.

- Thanks. You too.

(phone tone)


I can't believe you took

Victor Mendez's sandals!

No, I only borrowed them,

and it was just to make a point.

That doesn't sound like

the Claire Harris I know.

Well, and people can change.

Yeah, they can, but--

But what?

Claire Harris, the risk-taker.

Devan really had an impact

on you.

- I don't know.

- I know.

Three years with Rick?

You never changed.

Well, you don't have to worry

about Rick anymore,

because I broke up with him.

Good! Now you and Devan.

Well, no, no, Sydney,

he's moving to New York.

Claire, did you tell him

how you feel?

About the embers and sparks?

No, I mean, he's...

he's leaving in a week.

I'm sure he doesn't care

about the exhibit anymore

or me.


You have a week.

You have to tell him!

Like you learned today,

anything can happen.


Hi, Aunt Claire!

Hi! How is my little journalist


I know you must be down

about the exhibit,

but I'm learning

that journalists

never give up on a story,

and you can't give up, either.

Mm, thanks, Emma.

Oh, and I finished my article.

I just want my dad

to proof it.

Oh, okay, well,

I can't wait to read it.

And don't worry, Aunt Claire.

We'll find a way

to open the exhibit.

You'll see.

Okay. Thank you, guys.

All right, risk-taker.

Call me later, okay?

- Okay, bye.

- We love you.


Devan, I just got off the phone

with New York.

They want you there, man--



Yeah, I know,

super last minute,

but they're having this big

opening tomorrow night.

You know,

with the shoe exhibit closing,

it all works out, right?

Well, Jake, I need time

to move my stuff.

No, but they're gonna

take care of all that.

Just get yourself on a plane

to New York tomorrow.

It's happening, man,

your dream come true.




Wow. Surprised to see you

here so early.

Eight a.m.

You trained me well.

So, um, any big plans

for your last week in Miami?

Uh, I don't have a week, Claire.


I'm going to New York.

Oh. Um...when?



My dad's outside,

he's gonna take me

to the airport.

I see, okay.

Yeah, the guys in New York,

they heard

things fell apart

so they want me to go

to this opening.

Yeah, no, that makes--

yeah, I mean,

no reason to hang around here.

Well, actually, um...



Well, I'm really sorry

things didn't work out here.

Um, but you were right,

we did end up

making a good team.


Hey, Claire?


Let me know

if you're ever in New York.

Of course.

So, Dad, what do you think?

Well, there was a few typos,

couple of grammatical errors,


Ems, this is really good.

- Really, Dad?

- Yes!

I'd put it in tomorrow's paper

if the shoe exhibit

hadn't closed.

What if it was open tomorrow?

How's that going to happen?

Uh, off the record, Dad?

Sure, Ems.

Off the record.


So what gate are you at?

Uh, 48?

-48 J?

- Yeah.

Yeah, I think I'm this way.

Good luck in New York, son.

Thanks, Dad.

You know, I've never been one

to wear my heart

on my sleeve,

but, well,

I'm proud of you, Devan.

You had your own dreams

and you made them happen.

I appreciate that, Dad.

Now, you can wear your heart

on your sleeve.

Why aren't you more excited

about going to New York?

Is it that obvious?

Anything to do with Claire?


I figured.

She seemed like

a special lady.

Yeah, she is that.

So have you told her?

It's a little late now.

That's what happened

when I first met your mother.

We almost didn't get married.

Oh, really?

Well, not because

I didn't love her, but...

because I kept my feelings

all bottled up.

I couldn't tell her

how I felt.

So what happened?

Well, not being

the most verbal man,

I wrote her a love letter,

told her how I felt.

(Devan chuckles)

I know, it's old fashioned.

These days, I would have

made a video or something.

That's great.

Well, I better go, but...

Let me know when you have

an art opening in New York.

I'll be there.

Thanks, Dad.

I'll see you soon.

You don't always have

to color in the lines, Claire.

Hi. Is Alan okay?

Oh yes, he just needed

a dog walker for the day.

Rocky, sit! Good boy.

- Have a good one.

- Okay, you too.

Come on!

- Morning.

- Good morning.

Where's Tony?

He asked me to cover for him.

Oh. Can I do two coffees

with almond milk and honey?

- Coming right up.

- Thanks.

Um, you know what?

Just one, actually. Thank you.

Okay. Here you go.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Excuse me.

- Good morning, Claire.


I wanted to tell you in person.

Later today,

I'll be alerting staff

of the museum's closing.

- Okay.

- I am so sorry.

I really thought you had

pulled off another miracle.

Yeah, me too.

(phone vibrates)

Oh! Sorry, it's my sister.

She wants me

to come down to the exhibit.

For what?

"Crowd control"?

I'm gonna go.

(Peter chuckles)

Hello, welcome.

Emma! What's going on?

We didn't want money

to stand in the way

so we all decided to volunteer.

This is unbelievable!

Mr. Cole told me

that perseverance

is the difference

between success and failure.

I guess he was right.

I just-- I don't understand.

How did all these people

even hear about it?

Our star reporter.

Emma, you wrote this?


My dad edited it,

but it's my first

published story, Aunt Claire!

- I'm so proud of you!

- Thank you.

It was a team effort.

You should go inside

and say hi to the others.


- Congratulations!

- Thank you!

- High-five! Yes!

- Yes!


- Hey!

- Hi!

Look at you!

- This is amazing.

- Isn't it great?

Come on in.

Hi! So good to see you guys.

Thank you for being here.


Isn't this wonderful?

I wish the exhibit

could continue

with volunteer power alone.

Yes, me too.

Aunt Claire?

There's someone outside

to see you.


Mr. Mendez.

Claire, I...

I wanted to apologize.

I judged the exhibit

before I even understood it.

Please, I think we all do that.

And I also wanted to tell you

that I've decided

to restore my funding.

- Really?

- Yes.

On one condition:

that you consider having these

for your exhibit.

We would be honored.

I want people to hear her story

of how she paid it forward.

And also, I accepted

to share a fund drive

to keep the museum

financially viable

for years to come.

Um, wow! Thank you.

And thank you, really,

that's amazing.

Well, I think that

I can safely retire now.

And there's no one

that I would rather have

fill my shoes.

You mean I-I...

Congratulations, Claire.

I think that you will keep

making the impossible possible.

Thank you.

Oh, man, this is amazing!

I just wish Devan were here.

Well, he did leave you

a parting gift.

He wanted you to have these,

Aunt Claire.

Wow. Put them...

Oh wow, okay, um...

here we go, yup.

And these.

Thank you.

Whoa. Okay.

- Here we go.

- Right this way.

- This way?

- Right on this way.


My name is Devan Cole.

Growing up, I had a dream,

a dream of being an artist.

My father's dream was for me

to go into banking, like him.

When I followed my dream

instead of his,

we had a falling-out.

It caused me a lot of pain

over the years.

I was convinced

he didn't care about my work

and frankly

didn't care about me.

Then one day,

I saw his study

filled with photos

and news clippings

of all my exhibits.

It turns out he did care.

He just had a hard time

showing it.

I struggle with this too

but I want to change.

I think I remember how it goes.

Someone worth changing for.

Someone I'm comfortable sharing

my hopes and dreams with.

Someone worth

settling down with.

Well, it sounds like you've met

a very special woman.

I have.

And I have fallen for her.

I'm not going to New York,


I took that

artist-in-residence position

at the Miami Gallery of Art.

I have some news too.

Mr. Mendez restored the funding.

I knew he would come around.

And I am taking over

Peter's job.

Yep, and I think

I'm gonna start

with a series

of experimental pop-ups

all across the city.


Aren't they a little,

you know, gimmicky?

Mm, well, you can't judge me

until you've walked a mile

in my shoes.

So you're not so traditional

after all.

I guess sometimes, you just

have to color outside the lines.
