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Ghosts of the Void (2023)

Posted: 11/08/23 20:52
by bunniefuu
(industrial sounds)


(peephole cover swooshing)

(electrical zapping, buzzing)

(engine rumbling)

(brakes squeak)

(engine shuts off)

(keys rattling)

Are you sure you're okay

we passed on the motel?

I'm sure.

There are other options.

You know Rachel and Alex

would let us crash on the couch

for as long as we needed.

All we'd have to do is ask.

I know.

And there is your mom.

I mean, I'm not saying

we go that route,

-but it is an option.

-Tyler, please.

It's just one night, you know,

let's just get some sleep.

In the morning,

we'll come up with a gameplan

like you said.

(Jen sighs)


I'm fine.

I didn't mean to snap.

I'm sorry.

That was not a snap.

But even if it had been,

I think we're both entitled

to a little stress right now,

you know?

I'm fine.

Just as long as no one

bothers us out here.

This side of town?

(Tyler scoffs)

Worst case scenario,

some Karen spots us

on her late night jog,

gets a little nosey.

Yeah, I dare a bitch

to try me tonight.

That's the spirit.

(paper rustling)


Aw, come on.

I got your favorite.

You get something

to spread that?

(Tyler laughs)

Who are you talkin' to?


Well, check out Top Chef

over here.

(Tyler chuckles)

I'm just gonna

get some fresh air.

Do what you gotta do.

Hey, start the car.

Run the heat for a little bit.

(engine starts, radio playing)

It's time to take

that next big step...

Hey, Jen.

...for your growing family.

We're gonna get through this.

Because you're a part

of our family,

-Security One Bank is here...

-Yeah. make this step

as painless as possible.

(engine rumbling)

(indistinct speaking on radio)

(swing chains clattering)

(muffled lyrics)

(distant dog barks)

(paper rustling)


(swing chains clatter)


(engine rumbling)

(muffled lyrics continue)


(indistinct hammering)

(wind rustling softly)

And you're my girl

(muffled lyrics continue)

Probably shouldn't run

the engine too long.

We're low on gas.


(Jen sighs)

Is that the country club

through those woods?

I don't know.

If we...

Yeah, I think it is.

Check if they have free wi-fi.

The country club?

Oh, wait, shit.

They probably have like--

like a bed made for us.


-Maybe--maybe some coffee


I think they might have, like,

that new hot tub.

I'm gonna forgive

this sarcasm

because I know that it means

you're feelin' better.

All right, I'll check for you.

Thank you.

(Jen growls)


No free wi-fi.

No free anything.

How stingy.

What did you expect?


Does this bread

taste stale to you?

Oh, it expired.

(Tyler chuckles)

(Tyler laughs)

(Jen spits)

PB is still good.

Only the one knife, though,

if you don't mind sharing.

(indistinct speaking on radio)

It is cold out there tonight.

Let me know--

You remember that motel

we stayed at

when we took that trip

out west,

I wanna say my junior year?

The one with all the burned bugs

in the porch light.

Oh, God.

Do it now.

Could have gone

the rest of my life

without remembering that smell.

(indistinct speaking on radio)

Oh, and the--the woman

at the ice machine.

Oh my gosh, I almost forgot.

She wanted your business bad.

I know she did.

I listened to her sales pitch.

I already had

everything I needed with me

in that shit-smelling room.

God, what a dump.

Good trip though.

Even with my nerdy-ass

dragging you

to all those old mining towns?

I liked seeing you

get inspiration

for your stories.


It was a good trip.

Good year.

(indistinct lyrics on radio)


It's gonna be good again.

We just gotta get past

this moment.

You know?


You sure?

I'm full.

Yeah, me too.

Shit, the blankets and pillows

are in the trunk.

Why did you put 'em

in there?

I don't know.

Everything was moving so fast.

(indistinct lyrics on radio)

Why'd we put

the f*cking mattress

on the roof?

(Tyler laughs)

Because they're expensive.

You think

we should have left it?

There's no telling when

we'll get into a new spot.

We can't keep driving

around with it like this.

Yeah, I guess not.

(Tyler laughs)

I don't know, I think

we're gonna find something

sooner than you think.

I got a good feeling.

(Tyler laughs)

You know, we can dream.

Well, my unemployment

should kick in next week,

assuming there's no problems.

But if we find a place

that can take us,

then maybe we can--

I can scrounge together enough

for a down payment.

But until then...

And that's assuming that they

won't garnish my unemployment.

No, they can't do that, right?

(indistinct lyrics on radio)

How did I let things

get so out of hand?

When's the last time you slept?

Maybe two nights ago.

For sure f*ckin' didn't sleep

last night.

Just stared up at the ceiling

knowing that Connie

wasn't gonna give us

another extension.

And that I f*cked up

our entire lives.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

People struggle.

But the strong ones

bounce back.

And we're strong.

(indistinct lyrics on radio)

I'm gonna buckle down,

find something,

whatever I can get.

I should have done it

a long time ago.

We don't have to talk

about this now.

Let's just get some sleep.




What the hell?

(fireworks popping, exploding)


It's gotta be the country club

through those woods.

I heard some towns are doing

delayed July 4th celebrations

because of all the lockdowns

this summer.

That's stupid.

You know, it could also just be

a wedding or something.

At least someone's got something

to celebrate tonight.

(fireworks popping, exploding)

Hey, pop the trunk,

I'll get the pillows

and blankets.


The latch doesn't work,


(fireworks popping, exploding)





(fireworks popping, exploding)

(bag rustling)


(guitar rendition

of The Star-Spangled Banner)

(muffled fireworks

popping, exploding)

(trunk slams)

Hey, that wasn't a--a cop

or a park ranger or something,

-was it?

-I don't know.

I didn't get a look.

(Tyler grunting)

If it was,

they didn't stop,

so that's a good thing, right?

I grabbed your pills,

by the way,

in case you need help sleepin'.


Oh, babe,

I stopped taking these

the same time you stopped

taking your meds.

When was that?

When we lost

our health insurance.

These are way expired now.

(Tyler sighs)

But thank you.

It was very, very sweet of you

to think of them.

I don't know, how do

sleeping pills expire?

They just put that

on the bottle

so you'll throw 'em out

and buy more.

Maybe, I don't know.

I needed off of them anyway.

I wasn't digging the way

they messed with my head.

(both sighing)

Don't take 'em

if you don't want to.

I just figured

you could use 'em.

(wind howling softly)


We're gonna be fine.

Just lay your seat back

and try to relax, okay?

(seat thuds)

Is that your chair?


We should have pawned it

with all that other stuff.

I saw a dumpster back there

when we were coming in.


Tyler, you're not gonna

throw out your chair.

It helps you write.

I can just move it, it's fine.

I'm throwing it away.

(door opens)


You don't--

It's fine.

It's like with the mattress.

We were just throwin' stuff

in here not thinkin'.

I don't need it.

It's gonna be so much better

without it.

You really don't need

to do this.

-It's fine.

-It's your chair.

I don't need it.


f*ckin' garbage anyway.

(wind rustling softly)



How's that?

(seat thuds)


You're happy.

Forget about the chair.

(Tyler inhales, sighs)

I know I said that we didn't

have to talk about it,

but we can if you want to.

I'm fine.

Really, I think we both

just need to get some sleep.

(Tyler inhales, groans softly)

(Tyler sighs)

(groaning softly)

(Jen groans softly)

You only snuggle when

you're excited about something.

I had

a really interesting dream.


I think this one

could really be something.


The novel?




Let's hear it.



Let me start writing it first.

Make sure it's really something

before I start talking about it.

(Jen sighs)

Okay, fine, don't tell me.

I'll wait.

Hey, do you think we could

get an advance from a publisher

if you showed 'em

a few solid chapters?

You are a published writer.

Okay, never mind, sorry.

No pressure.

I can't wait to read it.

I had a dream too.


We just bought a house.

And it was perfect.

Except that everything

was upside down.

Upside down?

Yeah, like--like the furniture

was on the ceiling.

And all the realtor kept saying

was that the previous owner

had really tall kids.


We're gonna be okay.


I think so too.

(vehicle approaching)

(engine rumbling)

(vehicle departing)




(exhales sharply)


It's okay.

It's okay, Jen.

It's all gonna be okay.




(pamphlet thuds)

(cart clattering)



-(horn beeps)



What's goin' on?

I just got the shit

scared out of me.

Oh, what happened?

Some--some homeless guy

was just--

was just staring into the car,

just--just--just looking at me,

just staring into the car.

A homeless guy?

On this side of town?

We're on this side of town.


Okay. Hey, hey, hey.

Just try and relax.

Do you need to do

your grounding thing?

What is it, uh,

five things you can see.

I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.

He left a note,

he left a note or something.

I don't know what it is.


Well, let's just find out.


Look at that.

God has a plan for us.

Isn't that dandy?

I wonder

if there's something in here

about a refund policy.


(Jen marvels)

You know,

that guy's probably seen

police run people

out of here before.

I bet he was just tryin'

to warn us.

Of course he is.

We're on the stand your ground

side of town.

God knows what he's seen them

do to people.

I mean, I'm pretty sure

if the police did come

the worst thing they can do

is ask us to move along.

You don't know that, Tyler.

We don't know

what the ordinances are.

Neither of us

bothered to look that up

before we decided

to camp out here.

This is so stupid.

What were we thinking?

The motel is $30.

We got $40

from the pawn shop, so...

(Tyler sighs)


It's just I did say

we had options.

Do you want to go

to that motel or not?

I don't know, I'm paralyzed.

I can't make

any more decisions tonight.

Yeah, let's go to the motel.

(keys jangle)

You don't have to do anything.

You can just go to sleep.

I'm driving, so...


I'm so sorry.

That came out way judgier

than I meant it.

It's fine.


(Jen sniffs)

I know that you're upset.

I'm not upset.

I'm just tired.

And you know what?

I have really been trying

to stay positive

and sensitive

to your anxiety

about all of this.

But I'm struggling too.

Yeah, and I told you

that you can talk about it.

I don't wanna talk about it.

I would like to go to sleep.

But you won't even try

to relax.

A man was just staring

into our car, Tyler.


Just go to the motel then.

(Jen sighs)


I'm gonna go pee first.

You can't hold it?

The hotel's all the way

across town.

I'm just gonna go in the woods

real quick.

(door closes)


(engine starts)

(crunching footsteps)

I've got another

little life hack for you.

Did you know

the average household

spends more than $4,000 a year

on restaurants?

With a little planning

and effort...

(indistinct speaking on radio)



(liquid sloshing)



(cap twisting on)

(liquid sloshing)

(distant eerie howling sound)


(indistinct lyrics on radio)

Hey, uh...

We'd use up

what gas we have left

getting back across town.

After we pay for the room

and what we already spent

on the peanut butter

and the bread,

we wouldn't have enough cash

to fill up again.

We still don't know

what we're doing tomorrow

and what we're gonna need.

This is how our debt crept up

on us in the first place,

us not thinking things through.

(indistinct lyrics on radio)

So you wanna stay?


But yes.

If a cop comes,

we'll leave,

but we're not gonna

run ourselves out.


-Not if we don't have to.

Right, I think

that's the smart choice.

(indistinct lyrics on radio)

(keys jangling)

(engine shuts off)

(Jen sighs)

Now I feel bad.

About what?

How I reacted to that poor man.


He was just trying to help us.

(man grunts)

(cart clattering)

It must be lonely out here,

people assuming the worst

about you.

Well, you're more thoughtful

than I am, I'll say that.


(door opens)

You're really fine

staying out here?


Just try and get some sleep,

all right?

I don't need them, I'm fine.

Thank you.


Hey, park's closed.

You can't be here right now.

Do you hear me?

You can't be here.

(sniffling, sighing)

I claimed this place already.

You gotta go someplace else.

(engine revving)

Stop doing this.

You need to go to sleep.

You have a lot

to figure out tomorrow,

so close your eyes

and go to sleep.


(soft clanging)


What are you doing?

You didn't feel that?

-Feel what?


You're still all freaked out

from that homeless guy.

You need to get some sleep.

I almost was asleep.

Listen, what time is it?

Just take one, okay?

If they're expired,

all that means

is they're not as strong,

so maybe take two.

Something shook the car, Tyler.


All right, get some fresh air.

I know I put the thing

in here somewhere.




(deep inhale and exhale)

Hey, you know what? It's fine.

Really, it was probably nothing.

Actually, now that I'm out,

I think I'm gonna take a walk.

A walk?

Yeah, uh...

I just need to clear my head.


Do what you gotta do.

(dog barking)


(sighing, clicking)


The f*ck?

(heavy breathing)

(leaves crunching)

Hey, I'm sorry.

I know it's been

a rough few days.

I just needed

to get my head straight,

but it's passed.

It's a condition.

You should never feel guilty

about it.

I'm here for you.

I always am.

I'm just glad

you're feeling better.

I am better.

I even got a little workout in

after I hit my pages.

Look at you go.

You know, I think I might

start writing at that cafe

down the street during the day.


-Get me out of this place.

I think that'll help too.

Whatever you gotta do.

This time next year,

I can feel it,

I will be a published writer.

You are a published writer.

Fine, a published novelist.

Don't belittle

the short story collection.

No one else in your class

has that honor.

Hm, I like this one.


The focus is janky.

Yeah, but the way you captured

the light in his eyes...

What's his name?


(Jen sighs)

What's wrong?

(Jen groans)

I wasn't gonna tell you

if you were still in your low,

but I got another call

from a creditor today.

I hung up on them

and now I'm paranoid about it.

I thought you were gonna talk

to that bankruptcy lawyer.

Yeah, I was,

but it's just, like,

a really intrusive process,

you know?

They go through everything.

I just wish I could pause time

long enough to get a grip,

get caught up.

But you don't need to worry

about it, I got it covered.

Okay? You just focus

on your writing.




(heavy breathing)



(engine starting)

Forever stuck

You're in America

You're in America


You're in America


Don't hold back

You're in America

(indistinct lyrics)

Don't hold back

Well, we've been listening

to a couple local artists

who've been doing pretty well

for themselves lately.

But you know who's not

doing so well right now?

That stupid bitch Jen Wilson.

How pathetic is her situation?

I mean, come on,

get your shit together already.

Stop making excuses.

If getting yourself

back on track

is what you're looking for,

there's a place

you can go for that.


Are you feeling overwhelmed?


Worried about tomorrow?

At Lifetime Church,

there's a place for you.

(muffled radio chatter)

(squeaking, grunting)

(indistinct radio chatter)

(horn blaring)

With us, you can.

That's because our goal

is to make a deal

that works for you

because this is America,

where everyone--

(horn blaring)

So head on down to Cannon Auto.

It's America's lot,

where you don't leave

until we make a deal.

Great folks down there

at Cannon Auto.

Honest, trustworthy,





Why didn't you answer me?

I'm answering you now.

What's going on?

...trespass a residential...

(muffled radio chatter)

(engine puttering)

What the hell?


We should get in the car

and call the cops.


If we call the cops,

they might give us a ticket.


Well, we were willing to roll

the dice earlier with that.

You see anyone else out here

besides that homeless guy?

Um, no, other than the person

who drove up earlier.

Why? Have you?

Saw a couple tents

back in the woods.

-Looked like meth heads.


Don't think it was them, though.

These things are expensive.

I bet it was some teenagers

from this neighborhood

f*cking with us.

Honestly, I don't care

who it is.

It's for the police

to figure out.


You know, I've seen

some videos on YouTube

about these things.

They're pretty easy

to break off

if you just back over 'em


On these tires?

We're lucky we haven't had

a blowout already.

The tread's

almost completely gone.


Then, maybe I can break it off

with something.

Here, hold this.


What's wrong with this latch?

The latch doesn't work, Tyler.

Use the keys.

The first night

of the rest of our lives


Someone was standing

in the trees.

(indistinct lyrics)


Joke's over!

Come take this thing off,

or I'm gonna break it!

(indistinct lyrics)

(radio stops)


I know I put that f*cking thing

in here somewhere.










(thudding, jingling)

(grunting continues)

Okay, you're probably right

that it's just kids,

but we have been being harassed

a lot lately.

Harassed? What do you mean,

the phone calls?

Yeah, the phone calls,

the wage garnishment.

I mean, they contacted my boss.

And I never told you this,

but I'm pretty sure

they called my mom

at some point.

-Maybe Rachel too.

-They can't do that, Jen.

No, they can't, but they do.

These third parties

are way less regulated.

Third parties?

What the f*ck

are you talking about?

The third-party collectors.

The people who bought our debt.

The people who bought my debt.

The people that are suing us.

Sometimes they do things

they're not supposed to do.

They--they hire guys

to intimidate people like this.

I've read about this,

it's all over the news.


It's just kids playing a prank.

You read too much crap

on the internet.

Now I know it's been

a long day--

Okay, don't take this

the wrong way, Tyler,

but I think I know

a little bit more about this

than you do.

And I'm just telling you

that I've had this feeling

like we've been being watched

for a while now.

Jen, please, just go sit

in the car and try to relax.

No, and, and if we were

being followed,

and they knew that we were

being evicted, then--

Jen! Get in the f*cking car

and do your breathing thing

before you give yourself

a g*dd*mn panic attack!



I'm sorry.

I didn't mean

to lose my temper.

I'm fine, okay, please,

just go sit in the car.

I don't need the light.

Have you been drinking?

What would I have been drinking,


I don't know, Tyler.

But we have $40 to our name,

so I really can't imagine

you would've put any of it

towards booze

when you went

into that gas station earlier.

But I know that temper.

I'm fine.

Okay? I'm fine.

Please just give me

a little bit of space.

Okay? Please.



(heavy breathing)


(thudding continues)

(crickets chirring)

Tyler? Tyler, honey.

Okay, okay.

(Tyler groans)

If we could just refill

his prescription,

maybe get him

a session of therapy.

He had a few sessions

before we lost our insurance.

It seemed to do him

a lot of good.

At a certain point,

he has to help himself.

He's trying, but he needs

professional help.

He needs a job.

He's looking,

he's been looking.

I'm not talking

about writing gigs.

He needs a job,

full-time with benefits.

This is adulthood, Jennifer.

Tyler might have been

a big deal in college,

-but that won't pay the bills.

-Oh my God.

You think this is

a matter of pride?



If you don't want to help us,

that's fine.

Just--just say so.

I can help you

with a few bills maybe,

but I'm not gonna let you

throw away my money,


your husband's feelings.

You there?

I'm handling the bills,

I don't need help with that.

Are you still getting

those calls

from the debt collectors?

I'm handling the bills.

You're still doing

your photography for free?

It's not for free, Mom.

It's pay what you can.

It's neighborhood people,

people who need headshots

for resumes

or family photos

but can't afford it.

It's just something I do,

it's not a career.

I don't have the gear

or the skills

to charge real money for it.

You could've.

You need to leave him, Jen.

-I can't do that.

-Why not?

Because I don't know what

he'd do to himself if I did.

And I love him.

You loved him when you two

were still in college,

when life was easier.

But love isn't always enough

when you grow up.

I'm worried about what happens

to you if you stay,

-how he treats you.

-He treats me just fine.

He only ever hurts himself.

I heard you.

I heard you on the phone

talking about me.

I heard what you said.


It's fine.

You don't owe me anything.

It's not about

owing you anything.

I love you.

Even if you do, it doesn't mean

you wouldn't be better off

without me.

As long as you keep

indulging me,

this is gonna be

your lot in life, Jen.

You're drunk, sleep it off.

-Jen, I said I needed...


-Do you hear that?



(drone whirring)

See? It's a joke.

Some little perv

is messing with us.

Okay, get in the car,

we're calling the cops.

-Jen, I can deal with that.

-Tyler, get in the car.

Get in the car!

(whirring continues)

Help me cover up the windows.

The back windows too.

Hurry up.


I think we should

just try my idea.

If we blow the tire,

we have the spare.

It'll be fine.

Okay, okay.


-All right.


-What do I do?

-Just put the car in reverse

and take it slow and easy.

It's gonna work, watch.

All right.

Oh, shit!


I left the keys

hanging from the f*cking trunk.

-It's fine, I'll get 'em.

-Wait, wait, wait, wait.



-It might still be there.

So what?

I'm getting 'em.


-What was that?

-I don't know.

(heavy breathing)

(slamming, squeaking)

f*ck this, man.

No, shh, shh, shh.

-Are they gone?

-I don't know.

(slamming, squeaking)

-I'm getting those keys back.

-No, stop, stop, stop, stop.


-It sounds like they ran off.

-You don't know that.

Just--I'm gonna get the keys.

It's gonna be fine, okay?

Here, you keep the flashlight.


It'll be okay.

I'll be right back.

Tyler, are you...

(car door closing)



They took the f*cking keys.



Let's just gather this up,

and then we are calling

the police.

f*ck this.

I'm taking care of this shit.

What are you doing, Tyler?

Okay, Tyler, calm down, baby.

Whoever's out there,

come out now!

You know what?

I'm calling the police, okay?


Tyler, come back

with the phone!






(heavy breathing)


(leaves rustling)


(heavy breathing)

(heavy breathing)



(labored breathing)

Oh, oh.

(heavy breathing)

Oh, God.

(labored breathing)



(breathing heavily)

Five things you can see.

Thumbtacks, Bungees,

mirror, tassels,

picture of us.


Four things you can touch.

(breathing heavily)


a seatbelt,

the blanket that my grandmother

made for our wedding,

the steering wheel.

The steering wheel of my car,

which I control.

Three things you can hear.



(breathing deeply)

Three things you can smell.


Stale upholstery.


My own sweat.

One thing you can taste.

(exhaling heavily)

You're in control

of the situation.

You're in control

of the situation.

You're in control

of the situation.

You're in control

of the situation.

You're in control

of the situation.

You're in control

of the situation.

You're in control

of the situation.

You're in control

of the situation.


(leaves rustling)

Stupid little f*ckers.




What the f*ck?

(breathing heavily)

Give me back my keys, man.

Did you hear me?

Give me back my f*cking keys!


Ah, f*ck!


No, what the f*ck, man?

No, uh, uh, uh--

No, no, no, all right,

please, please, please!

Please don't do this, man,

come on!


you don't have to do this!

Please, no!





(breathing heavily)

Who are you people?

What do you want?

Professional help.

He treats me just fine.

Yeah, a few sessions,

but we lost our insurance

It seemed to do him a lot of good.

He only ever hurts himself.


I finished it.


-And it was good!

It was--

it was really good.

It was so good,

it's a really good first draft.

I'm so proud of you!

Thank you

for letting me read it.

(wind whistling)

-It's not a first draft.


I've been working on that book

for months.

Yeah, I know,

but it's the first time

that you've shown it.

That doesn't mean

it's a first draft.

Okay, sorry,

it's not a first draft.

It's not a first draft.

I'm sorry I said

it was a first draft.

(chimes clinking)

-But it's--

-So it's not--

you don't think it's ready?

No, I mean--

Well, do you want--?

I thought you wanted

my--my feedback, my--

I do want your feedback.


So I thought

it was really great.

You thought it was great

as a first draft.

I thought it was great

as the first time

that I've read it, and--

So that's not a first draft,

that's your first read-through.

I thought it was a great

first read-through for me,

so thank you for that.

I think you are

a brilliant writer

and everything you write

is gold.

(car door thudding)

Mm, Tyler.

(leaves rustling)


(exhaling heavily)

Good, you're back.

Back from where?

Pfft, from the woods.

You get the keys?

(clearing throat)

What are you talking about?

You--you charged into the woods

to get the keys back.

Jen, that was three nights ago.


I got the keys back, remember?

Got the keys and scared off

those little punks.


Wait, that was three nights ago?

Why are we--

why are we still here

if you got the keys?

No one leaves

without paying their debt, Jen.



Okay, Jen.

Okay, go get 'em.

(breathing deeply)

Go get 'em.


Jen, Jen.

(labored breathing)




-Oh, no.

-Can you hear me?

-I'm sorry.



Where's the phone?


Tyler, where's the phone?

I'm sorry, I don't know.

Did you drop it?

Tyler, we need the phone,

we need to call 911,

-we need to get you help.


Okay, let's get you to the car.


You're okay!




Okay, okay.


Okay, um.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.



They're not kids, Jen.



They're not kids.

(labored breathing)



we have to give them something.

We have to.

Or neither of us

will make it

out of this alive--





What do you want?

What do you want?

I'm living

out of my f*cking car!

I have nothing left to give you!


I'm not playing your game.

Get up.

Get up, Tyler.

We're walking out of here.


I'm gonna carry you.

They can stop us if they try,

but I'm not gonna let you

bleed out in this lot.



What are you doing?

Leave him alone!



No, no, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no, stop!

I said stop!


Please, please, please, please,

no, no, no, no, no, no.

Stop it, stop it, stop, stop,

stop, stop, stop, no!

(breathing heavily)

No, no, no, no, no, no, stop,

no, this isn't happening,

this isn't happening,

this isn't happening.

No, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, it's not real,

it's not real,

it's not real,

I'm still dreaming.


What do you want?

Get up, get up.


Tyler, get up.


(door squeaking)

(keys jingling)

Stupid bitch.

(indistinct remarks)

Stupid bitch.

(indistinct remarks)



Okay, okay,

all right.

I can't carry you anymore.

I'm gonna find help.

Oh, shit.


(inaudible), okay.



Okay, okay.

I'm gonna find the country club.

I need you to just--

just stay here,

just--just stay low

and don't fall asleep.

Okay, I'll be--I'll be back.


(footfalls thudding)



(breathing heavily)





I'm sorry, okay?

It has nothing to do

with your writing,

it has to do with me.

I--I just can't think about

anything else anymore

or anyone.

All I can think about

is our rent,

and how we're gonna

pay off our debt,

and whether or not

my unemployment application

is gonna go through this time.

I'm just--I'm just--I'm--

I'm in survival mode

all the time

and I just have become

this incredibly selfish person,

and so I'm sorry

that I didn't have this--

this deep emotional connection

to your characters.

It doesn't mean that the book

wasn't objectively good.

It wasn't good enough to

break through our shitty lives.

It wasn't good enough.

Okay, that's not fair, Tyler.

It's not--

Our situation sucks, okay?

It's--it's affecting your mind.

It's affecting

both of our minds.

Where are you going?

Tyler, we're--we're

in the middle of a conversation,

why are you leaving me?

(door thudding)

Are you serious?

(breathing heavily)


Jen, you gotta stop this.

There's nobody out there.

Just lay down.

You haven't slept in weeks.

I'm really worried about you.



(muffled screaming)






Get off!

(breathing heavily)

Help me!



Get off me.

Help me!

What are you doing?

I deleted it.

What do you mean you deleted it?

I deleted it from my computer.

I erased the back-up

from my hard drive.

I emptied my trash.

Everything is gone.

I deleted it.

Why would you do that?

Oh, because it was shit.

(crickets chirping)

I told you that I liked it.

But did you actually?

Damn it, Tyler.

There's gotta be a way

to undo it.

It's gone.

It's gone, I told you,

it's gone, okay?

What are you

talking about, Tyler?

-Jen, it's gone.

-Tyler, why would you do that?

It's gone.

Just let go

of the damn computer.

I'm sorry.

I--I didn't mean

to do that, Jen.

(footfalls thudding)



(leaves rustling)




(dial tone beeping)


(leaves rustling)


Tyler, come back with the phone!

Tyler, give me back the phone!



Oh, my God.

Jen, I'm--I'm sorry,

I didn't mean to do that.









(car engine whirring)

(car doors clattering)


Hurry up, get it off.

Dude, he's f*cking dead.

-We gotta call the police.

-f*ck that.

Just get it off so we can

get the f*ck out of here.


f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.


(doors thudding)

(engine whirring)

(brakes squeaking)

(engine whirring)

(birds chirping)

(birds squawking)

(car engine whirring)



(bird squawking)


Let's pause

in life's pleasure

And count its many tears

While we all sup sorrow

with the poor

There's a song

that will linger

Forever in our ears

Hard times,

come again no more

There's a pale weeping woman

Who wastes her life away

With a worn heart

whose better days are over

No pressure.

Her voice should be merry

Okay, you guys owe us 10 bucks.

-It's sighing all the day

-For a double.

Hard times,

come again no more

It's the song,

the sigh of the weary

Hard times, hard times

Come again no more

Many days you have lingered

around my cabin door

Oh, hard times,

come again no more

(indistinct remarks)

(birds chirping)

While we seek

wealth and beauty

The music fades away

Frail forms

are fainting at the door

Though their voices

are silent

Their pleading looks

will say

Hard times,

come again no more

It's the song,

the sigh of the weary

Hard times, hard times

Come again no more

Many days you have lingered

around my cabin door

Oh, hard times,

come again no more

Oh, hard times,

come again no more

(indistinct remarks)

You guys already owe us

40 bucks a piece.

(birds chirping)