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01x04 - The Tale of the Twisted Claw

Posted: 11/09/23 08:11
by bunniefuu


Not again.

I hate that dream.

- Aah!

- Aah!
- Aah!

Oh, yeah!
Excellent! Yeah.

So? What happened?

Don't know.

[BOY] What do you mean
you don't know?

I mean I don't know.

I'll figure something out
for next time.

Ooh, a cliff-hanger.
I love it!

Yeah, but I mean,
what about tonight?

It's almost lights out,
and we haven't had a full story yet.

You shouldn't call a meeting
without a full story, Eric.

[ERIC] It's better than
no story at all.

I don't see anyone
else humping in.

I've got one.

Whoa! He speaks.
Who woke you up?

Leave him alone, Frank.

You haven't told one
in a long time, David.

I've been working on this one.

It's ready.

Go for it, Dave.

Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...

[DAVID] It was the night
before Halloween,

the Night of Tricks,
the night they call Mischief Night.

[BOY WHISPERING] Get the shaving cream.
Yeah. Quiet.

Hey! What are you kids doing?

No way, man.

Don't be a wuss.
It's Mischief Night.

Yeah, but...
Let's go someplace else.

What's the matter?
Afraid the witch is going to get you?

No such thing.
Then let's do it.

Kevin and Dougie were best friends,

but Kevin was way more daring.

He was always
looking for adventure,

and on that Mischief Night,
he found it.

What are you doing, dipwad?
She might hear us.


No sweat.

Aah! Uh!

Come on!

Come on!


Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!


You finish your dinner?


You could at least pretend.

Gramps used to pretend
to be scared.

Dougie, Kevin's here.

Check out this costume.

Ta-da! Cool mask.

You're a bum.
You're a bum every year.

So? You get the same candy.

- Come on. Let's book.

Be careful,
and don't go too far.

I hear some of the candy's
poisoned this year.

- Ha ha ha ha!
- Kevin!

This is getting old. Let's go home.

Aw, come on.
We just started.

Hey... let's go
to Miss Clove's house.

Are you bent?
After last night?

She didn't know it was us,
and we have costumes on.

Nobody goes to
Miss Clove's house.

We can tell everybody

that we were the only ones
brave enough

to go to the witch's house
on Halloween.

Forget it.
I'm out of here.

Or... I could say
that you were too scared

and had to run home to Mommy.


- Nobody home. I'm gone.
- Chill.

- Yes?
- Trick or treat. Trick or treat.

Trick or treat? Trick...

or treat.

I didn't think
anyone was coming.

Come in. Come in!
Come in!

I am so glad
someone finally came.

Oh, I just love Halloween,
but no children every stop by.

Maybe they think
the place is haunted.

Ha ha!


Let me see your costumes.

Oh... nice.

Very nice.

We got a lot more houses
to go, ma'am, and--

Tell you what. Because you boys
were the only children

nice enough to come
and see me on Halloween,

I'm going to give you
a special treat.

Wait right here.

There's nothing to be scared of.

The vase.
She didn't even clean it up.

I've got something special
for two very special boys.


What is it?

- It's the claw of a vulture.
- Eww!

Oh, it's isn't real.
It's made of wood.

They say it's charmed,

and whoever has it
will get three wishes.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

Three wishes apiece,
or three for both of us?


I'm sure it means
three wishes apiece.

Thanks, lady, but I think
we'll just take some candy

- and call it a night.
- Nosense.

You must take it.
I won't take no for an answer.

There you go.

Just one thing.
Be careful what you wish for.

You might... just... get it.


"Be careful what you wish for.
You just might get it."

Give me a break.
That was really strange.

- Ah, she's just a crazy old lady.
- Three wishes? Right.

Yeah? Well, I wish
we could go home

and lose this stupid

- Whoa!
- What's the matter?

It... moved.

Dougie, it's a piece of old,
junky wood, like your head.

Now can we try and
get some more candy?

Did you see the way
she was looking at us?

Yeah. Maybe she was sizing up
our brains for her magic soup.

Yeah, right.


Yeah. Uh-oh.

Looky here.
Some trick-or-treaters.

Did you get some candy, boys?

Candy's bad for you.
Gives you cavities.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha!
Maybe you should give it to us.

- [DOUGIE] Forget it!
- Did I say you could talk, snotball?

So what you got?

Forget it.
I worked all night for that.

Give it up, or you aren't
going to live long enough

to eat your stupid candy.


We catch them, we pound them.

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

This has been
a really bad Halloween.

What are you complaining for?

You got your wish.
No more trick-or-treating.

I'm out of here.

The punks gave Dougie his wish--

No more trick-or-treats.

Or was it the twisted claw?

If you think it's bogus,
why are you nervous?

Sorry. It gives me the creeps.

Well, it's going to give me

something I've wanted
since I was a kid.


Field day's this afternoon,

and I want to beat
Bostick in the .

[DOUGIE] Forget it.
Nobody beats Bostick.

Until now.
Someone's got to shut him down.

Oh, man, don't do it.

I wish... I wish I could
beat Bostick in the .


It moved!

I told you, that thing's alive.

Yeah, well, if it helps me
beat Bostick this afternoon,

I don't care if it jumps up
and picks my nose.

Let's go!
Runners, take your mark!


Come on, you guys.
Let's go. Let's go.

Move! Move! Move!

All right, Bostick.

Yeah, Bostick.

He thinks he's so good.

Go for it.

He is.

Yeah? We'll see.

Come on, Kevin!

Runners, take your positions, please.

Let's go, you guys.
Come on!

Move in, move it.
On the line, please.

- Let's go!
- Good luck, Kev.

- Come on. Let's do it.
- Yeah!

You guys ready?

Runners, take your marks!

- Get set!
- Ah!

[g*n FIRES]


- Go!
- Go!

Come on! Run!

Come on, Kevin.
Keep going!

You can do it!

Come on, Kevin!


Go! Come on!






I did it! I beat him.

No, listen.
It was the dog.

Listen! Look! The dog!

You OK, son?

Oh, it hurts! My leg!
It hurts!

Tell Mr. White
to get an ambulance.

Relax, son.
It's going to be all right.

- Help is coming.
- Is he OK?

[TEACHER] If you call
having a broken leg OK.

It hurts! Oh, my...

He-- he tripped, right?
It was an accident.

- These things happen, right?
- He didn't just trip.

It was the dog.
Where's the dog?

So they eash used up one wish.

And something evil
happened each time

to make the wishes come true.

Hey, I'd wish for a million bucks
and take my chances.

So? What happened?

[DAVID] That night, Dougie's
parents went out for dinner.

So... Kevin came over,

and he brought
something with him--

The gold medal he won in the .

Bostick broke his leg.
You wished it to happen, and it did.

It was an accident.

Mis Clove said to be careful
what we wished for

- because we might get it.
- Dougie, get a grip!

There's nothing magic going on here.

Yeah? What about those guys
that tried to beat us up?

Where did they come from?
Aw, geez!

If Gramps were here,
he'd know what to do.

Dougie, enough!

What if my parents find out
what happened a Miss Clove's?

I'l be grounded for life.

They're not going to find out.
It's over!

I say we take this back
to Miss Clove's and apologize.

Then I cantell my folks
we did the right thing.

Forget it!
No one is telling nobody nothing!

- But my folks!
- "But my folks!"

I wish you'd just lose your folks.

It moved, didn't it?

- No, no. It's just--
- You made a wish!

- No, I didn't.
- You wished I'd lose my folks.

- Yeah, but--
- [RING]

- Don't answer it.
- [RING]

- [RING]
- Hello?

- [MAN] Is this Douglas Freeman?
- Yes.

This is Lieutenant Carruthers
from the Cooper City Police.

I have some bad news for you, son.

Your parents have been
in a car accident.

They've been taken
to the hospital--

- No!
- Who was that?

Mom and Dad had an accient.

They're in the hospital.
It was the wish!

No way!

It was! You wished it!

- Then wish for them to be OK.
- Yeah! No.

Every time we make a wish,
something bad happens.

- Then do something!
- I wish Gramps were here.

He'd know what to do.

Dougie, your grandfather's dead.
You don't think...


That's Gramps' car.
It's him!

I don't want to meet no ghost!

We got to wish it away!

- No!
- Where is it?

- I wish--
- The wishes are bad!

Dougie, he's dead!
He may be a skeleton or rotten.

Uh! Get off!


I got one wish left,
and I ain't meeting no ghost!

You can't!
That's the wrong way.


Get off!

- Oh, man!

Wish it away, Dougie, please!

No. I'm going to make the wish
we should have made from the start.

We're sorry we broke
Miss Clove's vase,

and we wish
it never, ever happened.

Whoa! Whoa!


- Don't answer it.
- I got to.


We forot our keys.


If I didn't take them,
they wouldn't get taken.

Hi, Kev.

So... you guys are OK?
Nothing happened?

We only went over
to the Morrisons'.

Apart from that maniac truck
driver that almost sideswiped us.

- Oh, it wasn't that dramatic.
- Whoa! What's this for?

- I'm just glad to see you.
- We're glad to see you, too.

Hang out, guys.

I say we raid the fridge
for some ice cream.

The car.

It's gone.

I don't get it.


How did that happen?

Check your pockets.

My medal's gone!
Where did it go?

- Bostick's got it.
- Say what?

He's got it.
He won the race

just like he was supposed to,
and there never was a ghost car,

- and those tough guys never chased us.
- What do you mean?

I finally made the right wish.
None of it ever happened.


Are you sure
the car was gone?

What does it say?

It says "Trick or treat!"

[DAVID] All they could hear
was the sound of the wind

blowing through the trees.


Or was it the cackle
of a sly witch?

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!


The End.

I declare this meeting
of the Midnight Society closed.

Until next time...

Pleasant dreams, everyone.