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02x04 - The Tale of the Thirteenth Floor

Posted: 11/09/23 08:24
by bunniefuu
[Muffled heartbeat]


[Child laughs]


You ever get the feeling
you're being watched?

Hey, yo, turn off
the brights.


We know who
you are.

Really? Who are we?

OK, I give up.

We're surrounded
by monsters.

Ooh, I'm so scared.

You see us every week,

but... do you
really know us?

[Boy] Do you
really know anyone?

Even yourselves?

If you stare long enough,

you might see
a stranger here.

Are we having
a story tonight,

or are we just
playing games?

Does that answer
your question?

My story is about
strangers among us.

You see them
every day

but never take
the time to look,

but if you did,

you might find that
the scariest strangers

are the ones
inside ourselves.

Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...

No one lived on the top floor,

the thirteenth floor
of the old renovated building.

The last tenants
had disappeared years ago...

Vanished into thin air.

Be careful now.

what happened

to the last people
who lived up here.


As if we haven't heard this
a million times.

No one knows.

Gus, you always
say that.

It's just I don't
like you kids

playing up here
by yourselves,

and the thirteenth floor
on top of it.

Makes me uneasy.

Thirteenth floor--
whoo... spooky.

Come on. Let's play.

[Betty Ann]
Karin and her brother Billy

lived on the twelfth floor

and used the thirteenth
as their own private space.

Can't we
do something

I'm good at
for a change?


I hate sports.

Come on.
I'll go easy on you.

Just keep your eye
on the ball.

[Betty Ann]
No one ever went up there,

so they always
had the place to themselves,

but that was
soon going to change.

Yeah! All right.

I can do this.

Slap shot.


Ah, I think the
net's right there.

I know that.

If I had your genes,
I could do it.

What have my jeans
got to do with it?

Not your blue jeans,
zipper head.

biological genes.

My real parents must
have been klutzes like me.

Will you
get off that?

You can't use your
adoption as an excuse

every time you can't
do something.

Why not?

It's very

[Whirring and rumbling]

What was that?

I don't know.
Come on. Let's split.

Come on.
Come on.

Going down?

Where's Gus?

Gus was called away.

He had an emergency.

I'm Leonid-- the replacement
elevator operator.

Come on.
We'll walk.

Hello, Karin.

How are you?

We've come for
a little visit.

Are you talking to me?

What do you think?

I think I'm dreaming.

, please.

Oh, I'm sorry,

but the new tenants
are fumigating today.

new tenants?

That's our place.

Going down?

No, thanks.

[Karin] I had another
recurring dream.

You mean the one

where you're flying
through outer space?

No. Another one.

There was this guy.
He was on television--

What's this?

For Karin.

It doesn't have your
last name or any stamps.

Maybe it's
a secret admirer.

I wish.

"The toy factory."

What is it?

An invitation from a toy
company on the thirteenth floor.

That's who moved in.

What's a toy company doing
in an apartment building?

They want to
test new toys

and sports equipment
on kids,

and I'm invited.

Why you?

Why not?

It's for anytime

I don't want to go.

They didn't invite
me. They want you.

I'm not good
at sports stuff.

I'd get embarrassed.

So what?

Maybe they'll give
away some free stuff.

I don't know.

Hello, Karin.

We very much want you
to come tomorrow.


Because you're
a very special person.

It wouldn't be
the same without you.

Say you'll come.

OK. Yeah, yeah.

What changed your mind?

I don't know.
I just did.

But you got to
come with me.

They didn't
invite me.

Billy, please.

All right.

I want to
check this out, too.

Race you
up the stairs?

I win.

As usual.



This is wild.

Hello. I'm Olga,

and you must be

Yeah. This is
my brother Billy.

I see.

Nice of you to bring
Karin here, Billy.

We won't be
needing you.

Wait. He's with me.

But we only need
one test subject.

She's my sister.

When I leave,
she leaves with me.

Very well.
This way, please.

[Karin] What kind
of toys do you make?

You'll see.

What do we get
for doing this?

What do you want?

Well, maybe
some free stuff.

I think that
can be arranged.

Oh, my gosh.


Go ahead.


This is Raymond,
our technician.

He will explain
everything to you.


Both children?

Yes, both children.

What do we
have to do?

Each of these buttons
plays a note.

[Plays musical notes]

I will play several
notes in a row.

Then you must
hit the buttons

and repeat
the sequence.

Sounds like
a test.

It's a race

to see who can
react the fastest.

A coordination game.

Forget it.
I'll lose.

There are no winners
in this game.

What's this
got to do with toys?

Ah, this helps us
in our design process.

[Plays musical notes]

Piece of cake.

Here, like this.

No helping.

We'll try again.

[Whirring changes pitch]

See? You're
getting it.

Yeah. All right!
This is fun.

For once, I'm winning.


Just wait.

I'll get it.

Are you OK?

Yeah, yeah,
I'm fine.

I can do this.


Keep at it until
you get it right.

Karin... while
he's practicing,

we can move on
to the next game.

Will she be ready?

Yes, but the boy
is with her.


We don't have
much time.

We must leave
by :.

She will be ready.

[Raymond] I think you're
going to like this next test.

So far, so good.

What's this for?

It's all right,
my dear.

We're going to stimulate
parts of your brain

you've never used before.

You will reach your full
mental and physical powers soon.

Now, I want you to
stare at this ball

and move it
with your mind.


Close your eyes. Let your
thoughts surround the ball.

Hold it in your mind.

Now open your eyes
and point.

Push it with your mind.


Very good.

You're doing that,

Make it do
something else

and don't
tell me what.


Am I really
doing that?

Billy, look.

[Karin] What's
wrong with him?

We have a surprise
for you.

We're going on a trip.

No. I don't
want to go.


Stop that!
You're hurting him.

I am simulating the
atmospheric pressure of home.

We want to be sure
you will survive there.


What are you
talking about?

Once you have reached
your median capacity,

we will transfer you
to the ship.

What ship?

I'm not going
in any ship!

Ah, that's better.






Billy, help me!
Let me out!


Help me!



Aah! Billy, help!

What are you doing?

Stop this. Now.

[Karin] Knock
off, b*llet head.

Whatever you did
to me, buddy...


Billy. Billy,
are you OK?

Come on. We've got to
get out of here.

[Olga] Raymond,
what's all that noise?

I'll be back.
I'm going to get help.




[Olga] We don't
have time for this.

[Computer] Atmosphere
at . and falling.

Boy will not survive.

Girl reached median
power at ..

Put this back on.

The atmosphere
is getting low.

We have to be
back on the ship by :.

to be precise.

We have to find
the girl.

Bring her back.

Such poor specimens,
these earth children.

There you are.


Come back, Karin.

Your trip
is just beginning.

Please work.
Please work.



All that fuss just
to end up back here.

Not quite.


Wake up. Wake up.

Come on. We got to
get out of here.

[Computer] Liftoff in
earth minutes and counting.

Honestly, Raymond,
not again.

Where is
that remote control?


We are running
out of time.

Bring her back.

Oh, my god. Come on.

Come on.

Hurry. Hurry.

Hello, Karin.

Twelfth floor,

I'd hoped we were
all going up.

You, too.

I should have


We're not all robots,

You're letting your
confusion blind you.

Listen to your instincts.

You know this is
your destiny.

It's time to expand
your horizons,

see another side
of the universe.

My destiny?


Come with us,

and you will
find happiness.

Maybe I will.

That's my girl.

Let's go see Olga.


I've got to get help
for Billy.

[Computer] Liftoff in
earth minutes and counting.

[Olga] You can't leave
now. It's almost time.

She was
almost ready.

She'll be back.
She won't leave her brother.

somebody help me!


What can I do in minutes?

"Motion control.
Vision control.

"Memory access.


Verbal command."

Come on.
We got to go.

[Computer] Six earth
minutes and counting.

Come on. We have to
get out of here.


Hold Olga.


Come on.
You need air.

Let me go!

Karin, no!

Liftoff in two minutes.

[Leonid] Where do you
think you're going?


I knew you'd see
the light.


It's time.
Let's go.

No way.

You must
trust me, Karin.

Back there,
it's beautiful.

You can fly
like a bird.

You can see through
to other worlds.

What about Billy?

I heard what
they said.

He'd die there.

He doesn't
belong there, karin.

Liftoff in seconds.

[Karin] They'll
leave without you.

You're making
a terrible mistake, Karin.

I don't think so.

, , , ...

What happened?

Who were
those people?

[Whirring and rumbling]

Man, that was
really weird.

I know.

It's my dream.

No, dear, this
isn't a dream.

This was
your rescue.

My rescue?

We left you here by
mistake years ago.

I would have
explained everything

once the proper

brought all of
your senses back.

What's going on?

Can't stay any longer.

We've run out
of atmosphere.

It will be another years
before we can return.

What's she
talking about?

Is this a joke
or what?


See you in years.
Good-bye for now, dear.

[Betty Ann] You may
think you know someone,

but think again

and look a little closer.

I declare this meeting

of the Midnight
Society closed...

Whoever you are.