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02x10 - The Tale of the Shiny Red Bicycle

Posted: 11/09/23 08:29
by bunniefuu
[Child's laughter]

Let's give them
a few more minutes.


I think
that's them now.

Sorry we're late.

Hey, I heard about your bike
getting stolen. You OK?

Yeah, well,
what can you do?

How can anyone
steal a bike?

Yeah. It's like ripping
off a part of somebody.

I thought about that.

It really ticked me off

that someone could take something
that was so important to me.

'Cause once you have
the right bike,

it's yours forever,

no matter who has it.

But it's not
a total loss.

David came up
with a story about it.

It's about this kid...

and his bike,

a bike that meant
so much to him

that he took it
everywhere he went,

including... his own grave.

Submitted for the approval

of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...

I'm gonna
beat you!

No, I will!

Come on!

I got it!

[Excited yelling]




I won!

That'll teach you not
to mess with the best.

Like you weren't the
luckiest guy in the world?


Just a couple more
weeks. I'm psyched!

My dad's taking
apart my reel

and cleaning it
this weekend!

Maybe this year Uncle
Chad'll catch a bass.

Yeah. Maybe he'll learn how to
bait your hook, not your finger.


I got you!
Hold on, Ricky!

I can't!

Yes, you can!
You can!




You OK?

Yeah. I'm all right.

You were having
another bad dream.


It's OK, Ben.
Go back to sleep.



Good night, Mike.

Night, kiddo.

Looks like someone's
going to fall asleep

in his corn wackies.


Are you all right,

Uh--uh, yeah.

I'm all right.

I'm just a little
tired, that's all.

Trouble sleeping?

No, I'm just--

you know.

He had another

Not another one.

Oh, Mike.

You guys say that like I
can do something about it.

You can stop blaming
yourself for Ricky's death.

I was there.

I had the chance to
save him, and I couldn't.

Honey, you know how much
your father and I loved Ricky.

You have to stop knocking
yourself around over his death.

Stop blaming yourself, and
the nightmares will go away.


Keep outta this.

Oh, right. The jets don't
stand a chance this season.

Excuse me? Hello. What about
Sando? The man's the key.

Like last year?

Hey, he was out
half the season.

Yeah, and he'll probably
get beat up again.

Uh, Michael.

What's up, man?

Hey, you OK?

Did you--
did you just see--



Ah, nothing.
Forget it. Let's go.

Let's go.

And so,
with only months to go,

NASA met John F. Kennedy's

to put men on the moon
before the end of the decade.

The three chosen
for this historic flight...


Buzz Aldrin,
Michael Collins,


Mr. Buckley.

Mr. Buckley,
are you with us?

Ground control
to Michael Buckley!


Paying attention,
are we?

Uh... yes,
Miss Westwood.


Then maybe you would
tell everybody

what we were
talking about

before I had to stop and
bring you back to earth.

Uh, well, I...
I, uh...

Not quite.

We're not covering I
or uh until next semester.


Nice try, though.


Maybe you're having
a bad day.

But I had my in-laws over
for dinner last night,

and, needless to say, I need you
to cut me a little slack. OK?



Now, back to the moon.

It was widely believed
that Bobby Kennedy

was going to keep his
brother's policies in check.

[Teacher's voice





It's Ricky!

It's Ricky!

Mike, Mike.
You OK?

You OK?

Who's Ricky?


Who is Ricky?

You mentioned the name
Ricky in the classroom.

Miss Westwood says
you kept repeating it.


He was a friend.

Did you two
have a fight?

Uh... I--I don't--

Put this on the back
of your neck.

You said he was
your friend.

Did you fight?

He was my... friend.

but he's dead.

About years now.


Oh! I'm sorry.

You're talking about
the Hagerty boy.

Leave it on.

You still have a hard
time with his death?


How so?

Once in a while
I get these dreams.

They're nightmares,

I'm always trying to
save Ricky's life, but...

Just like at the
bridge, I can't.

I keep hoping the next
time I'll be able to,

the next time,
I can help him.

You know, they never
even found his body.

But you know that when the dream
does come out the right way,

it won't change the fact
that your friend is gone.

That's the thing. He's
not gone. I saw him today.


Uh, I mean...

I'm not feeling
too well.

I'm going to let you
go home early today.

I think you don't feel well
because of these nightmares

and lack of sleep.

[Distant voice]

Get some rest
this weekend,

and if you don't
feel better by Monday,

have your parents call
your family physician.


It's him! It's--

What's going on?

This stinks.

This really stinks,
you know?

Why'd you have to take me
to see Dr. McBride anyway?

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe going into shock
at the nurse's station

and raving about seeing
your dead best friend

might have had
something to do with it.

I've never missed the first day
of fishing season--not once.

Not even the year Ricky...

Mike, I'm sorry.

The doctor said bed rest, and
that's what it's going to be.

You all think
I'm crazy, don't you?

I'm not.
I saw what I saw.

I know you think
you did.

But I also believe
the doctor

when he says that
you should be in bed.

Stop the car!

I--I just saw Ricky riding
his bike down Hanover Road.

Dad, please! This will
prove I'm not crazy.

That's him.



That's it. It's
bedtime for you, pal.

Did--didn't you just
think for just a second

that was Ricky?

No, son.

You didn't?


Ricky's dead.

Let's go home.

Ruth, please. Enough
with the thermometer.

The poor kid's been poked and
prodded enough for one day.

The doctor says he
just needs some rest.

Aha! I knew it.

Good. When he hits
, we'll sell.

I don't get it.

It's a joke
about stocks, Ben.

I'm gonna go
get a movie.

Can we get you

No, we're all right,
Dad. Thanks.

Let's go, kiddo.

Can I stay
a little while?

Your brother
needs his rest.

It's OK. He'll only
be here a little while.


All right.
But the minute

Mike starts nodding off,
you hit the road.


All right.

I'm really gonna miss you
not going fishing tomorrow.

I wish you can go.

Yeah, me, too.

I've never been to
the river without you.

Hey, no sweat.

I was going there
when I was .

Besides, you'll have your
friends there. It'll be cool.

Just like you used to
go with Ricky.



Did you really
see him?

I swear I did, Ben.

Everyone thinks I'm a few
sandwiches short of a picnic.

I believe you.


If everyone did,

I wouldn't be stuck in
bed all stinking weekend.


I'll tell you what.

Mom and Dad are going grocery
shopping Saturday, right?

Before they leave, wake
me. I'll go with you.

You will?

Sure. It's not like
I'm really sick, right?


So what did Dad's
joke before mean?

Was it dirty?

No. It was just
too grownup

for you to
understand, Ben.

Besides, it wasn't that
funny. Yours are much better.

Wanna hear one?

Hit me, brother.

Ask me why I'm
a great comedian.

Why are you a great--




Where do you
think you're going?

Uh, well...

Well, I need my...

Tackle box. Yeah.

Yeah. My tackle box.

You know it's
in the garage.

Has everyone here
gone wacky?

Go get your stuff.

Mom and I'll give you a
ride to gower's river.

Um... that's all
right, Dad. I'll walk.

Don't be ridiculous.
It's a long hike.



And don't sound so
excited about it.


[Tap tap]


[Tap tap]

Hop in, Ben.


Mike! Mike!

It's Ricky. Come on!


Come out!

OK. Fine.

He wants me,

let me get it
over with.

I'm sick of this.

Isn't that where your
brother's friend got k*lled?

Keep moving.

I don't want to hear
any more about Ricky.





Here I am, Mike.

"H-here I am?"

J-just like that?

"Here I am."

What do you
want from me?

You're cold.


Sorry. It was
an accident.


What did you
do that for?

Another "accident."

Look, I--

Ricky, I tried
to save you, all right?

I did whatever I could.

If that wasn't
good enough,

do whatever
you want to me.

I'm not here
to hurt you, Mike.

You're my best friend.

You tried
to save my life.

Why do you keep
coming after me?

I'm here to warn you.

Warn me?

That's great.
Warn me.

You know,
what's so important

that you have
to come up here--

It's Ben.


He's in danger, Mike.

I tried to tell you
yesterday at school.

You must go to him
before it's too late.

He's at the bridge.

My bridge.


I miss you, Ricky.

I miss you too, Mike.

Get going.

It's a long ride,

and we don't want Ben
on this side just yet.


Hey, guys!

Guys! Help!




I've got you! Hold
on, Ricky! Hold on!

I can't!

Yes, you can!
You can!



Ben: Help!


I'm down here, Mike!


Hurry, Mike!


Come on. Hang on.

Let's go!

Be careful.

Ow. Ow.

Let me see.


I can't tell if it's
a break or a sprain,

but you'll have
to see the doctor.

It's all right.

You're all right,
man. You'll make it.

Thanks, Mike.

No sweat.

Come on.

Let's go.

The very next day,
a man who was fishing

found the remains
of Ricky Hagerty.

Why had it taken
so many years to find him?

Mike Buckley
will tell you

that it's because
he wasn't even down there...

Not at least until
he had paid back a favor

to an old friend.

I declare this meeting
of the Midnight Society


Until next time.