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02x23 - The Cloning

Posted: 11/09/23 09:53
by bunniefuu
Uh, yeah. Listen, we would love

to make the ice-cream social, but, uh--

but what, Steve?

Yeah, lie to us.

We've, uh, kind of gotten behind at work.

We have become one!

♪ My name is Shake-zula ♪

♪ the mic ruler ♪

♪ the old-schooler ♪

♪ you want to trip, I'll bring it to ya ♪

♪ Frylock and I'm on top, rock you like a cop ♪

♪ Meatwad, you're up next with your knock-knock ♪

♪ Meatwad make the money, see ♪

♪ Meatwad get the honeys, g ♪

♪ drivin' in my car, livin' like a star ♪

♪ ice on my fingers and my toes and I'm a Taurus ♪

♪ uh, check-check it, yeah ♪

♪ 'cause we are the aqua teens ♪

♪ make the homeys say ho and the girlies want to scream ♪

♪ 'cause we are the aqua teens ♪

♪ make the homeys say ho and the girlies want to scream ♪

Aqua teen hunger force.

Number one in the 'hood, g.

♪ This is your left, and that's your left ♪

♪ this is your left, that's your left ♪

♪ this is your right, that's your right ♪

♪ this is your right, you're gonna die ♪

Hey, this is some good TV. Hey. Hey, wake up.


You're missing some good TV.

Change it.

I ain't changing this. This is the best.

Change it.

To what? Come on, this is good.

Why don't we let the arrow decide?

No, don't do that. Oh, come on!

And now it's changed. The changeling.

What was that?

What do you think it was?

It was you, boy.

Hey, this closet was full of tvs last time I checked,

and now there's none!

'Cause you keep breaking them.

'Cause you keep pissing me off too bad!

You should be lucky and thoughtful enough to throw

the anger at the media and not your buttocks!

Both of you, get in here!

Every time you break a TV, Shake,

where do you think they come from, huh?


No. It's Santa claus.

It's the same thing.

There ain't no Santa claus.

I know. I'm Jewish.

I've been cloning these tvs for you, Shake.

From this day forward.

And you know what? I'm tired of doing it.

You have a cloner?

You know I have a cloner.

Oh. Yeah.

You have a cloner?

Say, can I borrow your cloner?

No! I use that thing for research.

It's not your own

personal electronics store.

Ok, you are absolutely right. We are very sorry.

That was a one-time thing.

You know what? That's what I was just thinking.

And we mean it this time.

Ok. But this is the last one.

That one? That better not have been the last one.

Fine. It, Shake!

Enjoy one of my books, then!

All right. Come on now. Come on, come on.

We'll be good. Come on, now. Don't be that way.

Why are you being so cranky? Please.

No books. I can't read. I'm not a loser.

Yeah, Frylock. Please, make us a TV.

I mean, look at me.

How else am I gonna face the day?

Ain't got no job, my wife left me,

bills piling up, I got child support payments,

and I don't know if any of what I just said is true,

but I believe it.

He is right.

We needs to dull our senses.

All right, fine.

I'll do one more, but that is it.

All right! TV!

We'll use them to the living end,

starring James Bond.

Shake, look, I've abused this thing

too much as it is.

If you clone something too many times,

the molecular structure starts to break down,

and there's no telling what you're gonna get.

Just get the TV.

You and your quasi- intellectual hobnobbery...

You know what makes me sick? That you get away with it.

You just be more careful with that,

because it's the last one.

Oh, really?

Says who, boy?

Oh, yeah. Big man.

Oh, you'll make more of these...

Because I'll tell you to,

right to your face.

You tell him. Frylock.

He's gone, right?

Did you just see that?

No, we didn't see it. Everything's fine.

Now, just shut up and I'll just go control it.

You ain't gonna say you didn't see that!

I'm not in the business of seeing whatever pleases you.

Get back here, you son of a--

well, I'm in business.

The business of kicking your ass.

And let me tell you, business is booming.

I'm open for business.

Business of giving you the business.

Hope you buy it.

Did you hear me say that?

You looking to expand your business?

Business is cool! Business is cool!

Now meet Shake-zula...

...king of the freakin' idiots.

All right. That's what you call

taking command of the situation.

Meatwad, you turn it on.

I ain't going near that TV, boy.

I think that thing is alive.

Go over there, get close to it,

and touch it to turn it on.

What'll you give me?

months to a year. And brother, you are dead.

All right.

Come on, man. We're wasting time.

Just give me a second here.

I'm getting to it. I'm getting to it.

Just don't wake it up. I want to surprise it.

Look at that.

Yes, I see.

Look at that. You on the TV.

Well, uh, you know, I've been on TV a lot.

See this--oh, this-- yeah, sure.

This is my sitcom with--

I'm in your house.

With a science-fiction/ horror twist.

It's called, uh...

What's it called?

I don't know. Shut up.

I'm trying to hear my lines.

What the hell is this?

Well, you said this is your sitcom,

with a sci-fi/ horror twist.

It's never been done before.

Yeah, I know. I just don't remember

filming this episode.

I can tell my instincts are strong in this scene, though,

and I got a lot of motivation.

But you're in Frylock's room.

You ain't supposed to be in there.

Why'd you film in there?

Call me.

Where did you get all that money?

Well, obviously, I am a drug lord in this scene.

Where the hell else do you think a guy like me

gets this amount of cash? Oh, the cloner!

Give me a dollar, quick!

Ok, look, my grandmother gave me

this dollar before she died.

It's my birthday dollar.

Thank you, granny! You spent it well, baby.

Hey, bitch!

Just watch the TV. You'll forget.

Forget what?

Shake, what did I tell you about messing with my cloner?

Frylock, I am so sorry about it.

You know, I really should have

taken your feelings into consideration.

Aww! Aww!


No, look, man, I'm the one who's sorry, ok?

I'm sorry I made the cheerleading squad

and you didn't.

It's ok. You were the better cheerleader.

Well, I was no slouch.

Did you see me do those cartwheels?

Ha ha ha! I identify with that.

Ok, ok. Don't rub it in.

Ha ha ha! There's a zinger.

Ok, then, how about I blow it in?


Shake! Damn!

What do you want?

Um, nothing. You just, uh, do what you was doing.

It--it's all good.

Hey, great news. You both made the cheerleading squad.


♪ La la la la la la la ♪

This is what I like. A real reality show.

Oh, hey, Frylock.

No, Frylock.

Oh, hey, Meatwad. Look what I got.

Don't let him in.

Well, come on in.

All right, he's in, but just don't ask him to dance.

Do you want to dance?

I'd love to dance. Come on.

You asked him to dance! I told you

not to ask him to dance!

You shut up.

Oh, god.

♪ La la la la ♪

Hmm, well, maybe this is a different show.

Hey, anybody want some metal candy?

It's the same damn show! Run! Run!

Run to your chocolate huts!

Come on, Meatwad. You're not hungry for some cane?


Meatwad, what? Meatwad, what is it?

You know exactly what it is. Get away from--get! Get!

Get away from me! I need evaluation...And dinner.

And by dinner, I don't mean gnome heads.

Gnome heads?

You said it. You know.

You done did it. Did what?

Something's wrong with that TV.

There's nothing wrong with that TV.

Ok, something's wrong with the TV.

Uhh! That's that. Oh, hey, Carl.

What, you got another busted TV?

Yeah. Something's horribly wrong with it.

♪ This is your left... ♪

Wow, that's wireless, too, huh?

Well, what do I care, huh? Ha ha!

I'm sure someone will grab it.

Well, see you later.

Frickin' awesome.

What were you doing in there?

What are you doing home so soon?

Answer that.

Whoa, what are these bills doing here?

Wait. Don't touch them. They're mine.

You can't use the cloner to counterfeit money, Shake.

Look, we will discuss this when I feel like it.

Right now, I gotta go get a new Camaro,

'cause that's where the is, baby!

There are limits to how much you can clone.

Matter breaks down over time!

Blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm sorry I'm not fluent

in dorkinese!

Hmm. Well, on the other hand,

I could use this to feed

all the hungry children of the world.

Yeah, with my new chain of family-style restaurants.

Oh, yeah. Oh, hell, yeah!

Yeah, I'm busy. What?

Hey, fry man.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't call you

because I don't like you, but you're on the TV, man.

Check out channel, uh... . That's weird.

Look, Carl, I don't have time--

whoa! Hang on! I'm on it now.

That is me. Awesome! Awesome!

Friggin' awesome! I'm on TV!

I look pretty good.

Chicken skin diet's really paying off for me.

Oh, god. You stay far away from this house.

Do you hear me? Far away!

Well, now it's official.

Frylock just as crazy as Shake, damn!

Hey, Frylock. I decided not to get the Camaro.

Wait. No. Guess why.

You--you're dead. Let me try that.

No, you'll break it.

This is a very expensive piece of equipment.

You think money just grows on trees?

No. You have to get it out of the cloner.

Get out of here!

Frylock, get away from the money.

The genetic structure is breaking down.

It needs to be analyzed... At the Camaro dealership.

Hey! I want some of that! I provided the seed money.

Here. You tripled your investment.

Now, take a dirt nap. This is our money.

Shake, you take another step

toward my money,

and it'll be your last.

You both back away.

I seen what you done on the TV,

and I seen what you done to the TV.

I ain't afraid to use this.

You're holding it backwards.

Here, let me help you. There you go.

Now, you're ready to go.

I ain't gonna listen to your lies.

I cannot tell a lie. You are holding it backwards.

Who let the hippie in here?

I got news for you, pal. The dead are dead, ok?

So maybe what you're looking for is soap,

which is at the grocery store.

You know, food you don't have to pick.


They sell meat there. And while you're at it--

Shake! No! Shut up!

I'm talking to him!

He's George Washington!

I am.

Well, what the hell's he doing next to my Benjamins?

I have come bearing a message.

Great Britain sought taxes from the colonies,

and they paid for their greed with blood.

Now do you understand the price of avarice?

Take him out.

Wait! No!

I done took him out, didn't I?

Yeah, you really took him out.

I knew I took him out. Ha ha! Yeah.

Hey, did I take him out?

Ah, we should have cloned twenties.

Jackson wouldn't have given a .