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01x04 - Mayhem of the Mooninites

Posted: 11/09/23 10:19
by bunniefuu
Gentlemen, behold!

Are you ready to rock?!

I-i-I'm ready to rock.

Then I'm gonna blow your hair to the back of this auditorium.

, , , .

This one's called robot affliction.


Hello, Carl, I am ignignot and this is err.

I am err.

We are mooninites from the inner core of the moon.

You said it right!

Our race is hundreds of years beyond yours.

Man, do you hear what he's sayin'?

Some would say that the earth is our moon...

We're the moon.

But that would belittle the name of our moon,

which is "the moon."

Point is, we're at the center. Not you.

No, the real point is I don't give a damn.

Is your ego satisfied?

Damn, no!

No. Look.

"Room for rent."

Yes, room for rent.

Room for rent?

Look, Meatwad, sometimes you have to rent a room

instead of work.

Well, whose room is gonna be rented,

is my question.

Your room. No kidding?

Look, it's just until this ear infection clears up.

Then I'll be able to go back to work again.

Yeah, well, I don't see no ears.

Well, you are about not to have a mouth!

And I mean it! I'll rip it off!


Hello, I am ignignot, and this is err.

Give us the damn room!

What are your references?

Ooh. Ok, that'll do.

Let me show you where you'll be staying, then.

In here with the grill.

And if you want it turned down,

you have to start a fight

with this little mutant guy right here.

That's where I sleep.

Not anymore.

I'll, uh, need a deposit.

Yeah, I've seen that.

The glowing, it's great,

I was thinking something more money-wise.

Then how does this jam box suit you?

Wait a second!

Bass, treble--

that's mine? Antenna.

Yes, I think we can make a deal here.

That's my jam box!

Your jam box is now his

by way of our actions.

Yes, Meatwad, with action.


Now, look, you guys,

if you need anything,

just feel free to yell at him until he gets it for you.

He's always messing with me.

sh**t him the bird.

Yes, give him the finger.

The finger?

Like this?

No, not at all like that.

What about this?

Here, let me show you.

Err, hand out the free cigarettes.

We smoke as we sh**t the bird.

Shake, have you seen my towel?

Just use a paper towel.

I'm taking a bath.

They're right in the kitchen.

Just go get 'em.

Man, that pool is bitchin'.

Where shall I place this wet, primitive earth towel?

Drape it on Frylock's computer.

That thing heats up pretty good.

Who is that with my towel?

Oh, that's ignignot.

Yeah, him and err are rentin'

that room down there.

You mean Meatwad's room?

Do not drape that on my computer!

I'm gonna!

Well, where do you expect them to put it?

They don't have anything.

They're from the moon.

You rented that room to moon people?

We are the mooninites,

and our culture is advanced beyond

all that you can possibly comprehend

with % of your brain.

Oh, is that so?

What's so advanced about it?

For one thing, the moon has / less gravity

than your earth.

I don't know if you can understand that, but

our vertical leap is beyond all measurement.

So what you're saying is your culture is more advanced

because you can jump higher?

Yes. Observe.

It's--it's not working here.

Err, come in here.

Help me explain our advanced ways.


Did you mention the spelling?

Yes, we're excellent spellers.

Challenge me.

Challenge us both!

Frylock, don't try to understand them.

They're beyond everything.

Isn't that right, eggnog?

All that we say and do is right.

Looks like you got yourself

a real couple of winners there, Shake.

You and your third dimension.

What about it?

Oh, nothing. It's cute.

We have .


Yes, , .

Don't question it. Oh, yeah?

Well, I only see .

Well, that sounds like a personal problem.

Someone hook me up with a flame.

I'm having a nic fit.

Err, light him up.

Meatwad! Here.

Encourage him in his habit.

That's a good smoker.

When did you start smoking?!

This morning.

Now, where's my whiskey.

I'm gonna get tore up.

We shall acquire some wine

on the way to the mall.

And then you can get tore up.

And pass out in the hot sun.

That's my boys!

I don't think Meatwad should be hanging around

with these moon people.

I don't think I need to be playing

with these medium strings.

I need light Gauge if I'm gonna thrash.

Where did you get that?

Ignignot and err.

They are the most generous people

I have ever known.

Pick up that stereo

and sink it deep within your body.

But then that would be stealing.

Not if you need it.

And you need it.

On the moon, Meatwad...

So go get it!

We have advanced beyond rules and manners.

Indeed. Do you understand?

Oh, y-y-no.

I will spit in your face now.

Prepare to spit.

Now do you understand?

Yes. Good.

Now wrap yourself around that rack of DVDs.

Smoke up.

Smoke while you are doing so.

Err, wait! I'm stuck.

We must go spread our advanced technology.

Yes, move out.

Yes, move out.

Quickly. Let's go.

He's in jail?! Jail?

Oh, let him rot!

Who? Meatwad?

Oh, wait. He already has.

Oh, you'll find that out soon enough.

Give me that! What?

Don't throw him away.

He--he's a living thing.

I'll be right there.

Using a key to gouge expletives

on another's vehicle is a sign of trust and friendship.

Who did this to my frickin' car?!

We are not here. We will be in the computer room. Come on.

What happened to Meatwad?!

You guys were with him last.

He got busted, man.

For stealing and drinking

and smoking in a non-smoking area.

It's true.

Shake, we need to go get him.

Look, I would love to help you out, go get him.

I'll deal with you guys later.

Your roommate is a nerd.

Yes. On the moon,

nerds get their pants pulled down,

and they are spanked with moon rocks.

Man, you guys sure talk a lot about the moon.

You got a problem with that?

Come on. Let's go swimming.

Look, err gave me a tattoo.

So the man put me on ice.

It's tough, isn't it?

Yeah, that's--that's really tough, Meatwad.

It's a clown, and it symbolizes street warfare.

See, I'm part of the clowns now, you dig?

Look, Meatwad, you're a detective.

You're sworn to uphold the law.

Whose law? Your law or mine, joker?

Hey, where's my running crew?

Yoo-hoo! Running crew!

seconds! This is a world record!

Wait. How-- oh, uh--


That is the new moon record.

Then it shall be so.

Now and forever--

new moon record. That's funny.

Hey, Carl.

So maybe you'd be a good person to ask

who wrote, "the moon rulz"

"number one" on my car with a key?

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hey!

If you have a problem with that,

maybe you should take it up with Mr. Laser.

Yeah, Mr. Laser!

Here it comes.

Here it comes.

You will be destroyed.

You're goin' down.

The expl*si*n will be of extraordinary magnitude.

Just hang on.

It takes a while.

Nice shot there, brickout.

Now, I want you jokers-- oh, god! My back!

Wow. Nice job.

That guy is so annoying.

You know, he struts around like he owns the place?

Because he does own it.

Frylock! What are you doing...


I need to speak with ignignot and err here.

Then you should speak to us as we watch television.

And you've been stealing

and--and corrupting Meatwad.

And--and he went to jail,

and I can't get the smell of smoke

out of my drapes,

and I just want you out of this house now!

This is a good movie.

Yeah. He's vegetable man.

Are you even listening to me?!

We don't listen to people who don't like us.

Well, maybe you'll listen to this.

What have you done?!

What was that?

Whoa! Did those just come out of your eyes?

They're primitive.

Damn, those are fast, man.

We are not impressed.

It wasn't that cool.

Err, get the other one.

The plasma screen or the hi-def?

Plasma screen.

No. No! Don't go get the other one,

because it's stolen.

Just like the guitar and the jam box

and everything in that big pile over there.

Then we shall take it outside.

Oh, well, that's fine. We'll go outside.

Come on. Let's go right now.

Yeah, 'cause I don't want any of this stuff smashed.

It's new and expensive.

I'm gonna wring your pants.

Aah! Let go of us!

This is a hot road.

Frylock, wait!

Why you beatin' up on my posse?

Meatwad, your "posse" went swimming

while they left you in jail.

But they taught me how to get rid of a hangover,

and how to make a shiv out of a bed post,

and err made me wallow in an ant pile.

What kind of a friend would do those things to you?

Those friends right over there.

You guys wouldn't do anything

to hurt me, right?


We do whatever we want to whomever we want

at all times.

Mooninites, unite.

Lock in.

No one can defeat the quad laser.

It is over now.

The b*llet is enormous. There is no escaping.

Jumping is useless.

Do you guys know how to work this TV?

I tried the button, but it doesn't go.

Go back inside!

Oh! You guys are fighting!

We're fighting! Right.

Ok, mooninites.

Looks like I've got a little moonbeam of my own.

Well, show us the moonbeam. I would love to--

aah! Ship, come in!

Let us leave this primitive rock,

because there's nothing but cavemen here.

Say good-bye, caveman.

Go beat rocks together, you silly--

Ship, take off!

Freakin' nerds! Nerds!

I hope he can see this,

because I'm doing it as hard as I can.

Look, Frylock, you know me.

Had I known that merchandise

had been broken,

I would have laid the hammer down,

but it was stolen.

So you returned it, right?

No. I decided to keep it all

as a reminder of how lucky I am

to live on a planet with people like you.

Hey, what happened to Carl?

Oh, boy. This is what I've always wanted.

Silence, nerd!

Prepare for a moon spanking.

Now, you drop those sweatpants right now.

♪ Check it out, y'all, check it, check it out ♪

♪ check it out, y'all, check it, check it out ♪

♪ don't behave when I turn the party out ♪

♪ 'cause I come from the moon and I carry all the clout ♪

♪ I got a quad laser, it will amaze you ♪

♪ my gizzah is izzah ♪

♪ so won't you just step back ♪