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04x07 - The Tale of the Silent Servant

Posted: 11/10/23 05:28
by bunniefuu


[Eerie laughter]

She's not here.

Probably too afraid
to face us.

What are you guys
talking about?

Betty Ann.

What did she do?

Betty Ann: She wouldn't
let her friends

sneak into a movie.

We were coming out
of one movie theater,

and the next one's
right there.

The door was open.
We were in.

But I didn't
want to do it.

So she yells out, "hey,
guys, this way out."

The Usher sees us--
bang, we're dead.

If you didn't
want to go,

you should have
stayed quiet.

I'm not so sure
about that.

I really thought
it was wrong.

So I had a choice.

Should I stand up
for what's right?

Or stay silent?

I hope this is
about your story.

It is, kind of.

Silence is power--

the power of the unknown,
the unspoken.

Silence can be a blessing,
a welcome moment of peace,

or it can be evil.

The trick is to know
when to welcome it,

or be very afraid.

for the approval

of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...

What have you done?

It att*cked me.
It's here.

Calo vecto sollemnis.

The words don't work.


I told you never
to reveal yourself.

I command you, be still.

I'll return for you later.


After I take care
of our friend George.

Betty Ann: Jarred Conner
was visiting

his cousin Ann's farm
for the summer.

Jarred's greatest love
was baseball.

All he wanted to do
was play.

Unfortunately for Ann,

baseball was not
her favorite pastime.

Let's quit. I'm tired.

Just throw the ball.

Go back for a long one.

Aw, jarred.

You a wimp, or what?


[Glass shatters]

I told her not
to go back so far.

There's too much work
to be doing right now

for you to be causing
trouble, young lady.

I got a crop to get in.

I know. I'm sorry.

You both have to work off
the price of a new window.

Mark? Take their gloves.

Aw, you can't.

As I see it, it takes
to play catch.

Now, there'll be
no more baseball

until you show
some responsibility.

Hey, nice glove.
Maybe I'll use it

at my softball tournament
this weekend.

You better not.

Hey, hey, cool it.
I was only joking.

Settle down. No one's
gonna use your glove.

Now toss those things
in the tractor.

Now, you have
some work to do.

Start by taking some beans
to Mr. Galloway down the road.

This isn't fair.

Well, breaking my window
wasn't fair.

And tomorrow, I want
you both to help mark

build a fence
around the garden.

Isn't there an easier way
to keep the deer out?

None that I can think of.
Now get going.

Cool barn.

It's old man

Let's check it out.


Why? Scared?

Jarred, we got
to deliver--jarred!

It's Mr. Earlstead's.

People say that he was
some kind of sorcerer,

and that he had invisible
servants work his farm.

And you believe that stuff?


Yeah, right.

This is great.

We could make a dugout
for our baseball field

with these boards.

Let's go.

Give me a hand.


Ooh, bogeyman.

Let's get out of here.

No way. We could hang the
scarecrow in the garden

instead of building
a fence.

Scarecrows scare crows,
not deer.

You're just scared.

I am not.

You gonna help me,
or what?

Hey, wait.


This isn't
such a hot idea.

Hey, what's going on,
you guys?

It'll keep the deer
from eating the vegetables.

Nice try. You still got
to help me build the fence.

I told you.

Did Mr. Galloway
give you that?

We never went.

We kind of
got sidetracked.

You best be on your bikes
and start peddling,

unless you want to spend

the rest of the summer
doing chores.

There it is.

We better hurry or
Dad's gonna k*ll us.

Good death comes

to those who wait.

We were just...

The dragons have been stolen.

Have you seen my dragons?

We haven't
seen any dragons.

The better for you then.

Such sorrow.

I used to see
rainbow-colored lights,

but now... darkness.

Such sweeping blackness.

He made me this way.

His evil was contagious.

He raised the silent servant.

Calo vecto sollemnis.

But I was too clever
for them.

The power was between
the dragons.

They could stalk
the silent servant.

Always the master
could break the spell,

but he's dead.



The servant walks.

Be forewarned.
Once the word is given,

it cannot be undone.

It is always listening.

Always listening.

Calo vecto sollemnis.

The servant
will hear it never more,

for the true master
is dead...

And the beast runs free.

[Hysterical laughter]

Who was that?

Crazy George.

He was Mr. Earlstead's
foreman, until--

until he went
crazy, probably.

Man, what a loon.


What is it?

It fell off the scarecrow.

Look, dragons.

We should bring it back.

Something's inside.

Jarred, don't.


"He who recites
that which is written,

shall summon
the silent one hither."

Kind of Shakespeare-like.

I don't think
you should.

"Awaken slumbering servant.

Awaken, say your master."

"Abide by ye
true master's word,

"and hold ye bound
by this incantation.

Never turn back
upon thy mission."

Maybe we shouldn't.

"Thy power, the word.

"Calo vecto sollemnis.

"As thy true master
divides the dragons,

and sets thy silent
servant to rest."


This must have been
Mr. Earlstead's.

Who cares? When do you think
we'll get our gloves back?


Hello. Anyone home?

I'm only home
for a bite to eat.

Would you take out
the garbage?

You don't think all that
silent servant stuff is real?

I wish. I'm sick
of doing chores.



[Both scream]

Whoa, what's the rush?

It's the scarecrow--
alive, I swear.

The silent it came
servant-- after us.

Whoa. One at a time.

There's a scarecrow,

and we hung
it in the garden.

There's a scroll,
and Jarred read it,

and now it's alive!

Why don't you guys
show it to me?

It was standing
right here.

There's you man.

Doesn't look like
he's going anywhere too fast.

It was alive.
I saw it too.

Come on, you guys.
Dad probably just took it down

and put it over here,

and when you guys
came by, it fell, that's all.

You guys want me
to help you hang it back up?

No, thanks.

OK, then, don't stay up
too late.

I got that new glass
for the window.

We'll fix it
first thing tomorrow.

Night, guys.

You never should have
broken that window.

You're the one who
threw the ball.

You should
have caught it.

Why don't you
fix the window?

You're supposed
to be the servant.

Let's go in.

And deliver the stupid beans,
while you're at it.

Yes. Uncle Pete must
have fixed it.

Wasn't me.


Mark must have had
pity on you .

Oh, Mr. Galloway called and
thanked us for those beans.

Does this mean we can go
to mark's softball game?

Sure. Right after
you put in

a good day's work
on the fence.

We'll finish tomorrow.
I got to get to my game.

Can I go?

Sure. Ann, you want
to come too?

No, I got stuff to do.

Suit yourself, then.

Bring the tools.

I'm gonna go
get my gear.

I don't want to have
to do this tomorrow.

Don't say that
to the silent servant.

Yeah, right.
Like it exists?

Jarred, mark didn't
fix the door,

and it sure wasn't us who
took the beans to Mr. Galloway.

I don't believe it.

Then how else
do you explain it?

OK, let's see.

Jarred, don't.

I command you:
Finish this fence.

Take it back.

You heard what George
said, it's evil.

George is crazy.

What's your excuse?

"Only the true master
can separate the dragons

and dispel the magic."

How'd you guys do it?

Do what?

This is great.

I didn't know you
guys had it in you.

Pretty good, huh?

This just bought you guys
the afternoon off.

Nice work.

Oh, baby.

Don't ask anything.
It's evil.

Evil? It's excellent.

This our ticket
to the best summer ever.

But the scroll--

I command you:
Build me a dugout

for my baseball field
out back.

Calo vecto sollemnis.
Cancel the command.

Calo what?

It's in the scroll.
This is dangerous.

Get over it.

I'm getting a dugout.
Let's go into town.

There's a baseball card shop
I want to check out.


I told you.
This is great.

Jarred, where did
these boards come from?

Who cares?

We got
a real field now.

Mark: Ann and Jarred,
get over here now!

You guys want to explain this?

It was the scarecrow,

We didn't know it would
wreck the fence.

Come on, you guys.
Come up with a better story.

It's the truth.
Mr. Earlstead--

Sorry. I have
to ground you .

But I was going
to your game tonight.

I don't think so.
Here are your gloves.

Stay out of trouble.

I don't believe it.


My glove's not here.
Mark's still got it.

Come on, mark wouldn't
take your glove.

I'd like
to k*ll whoever did.


No way. That wasn't
an order.

Aw, man, that thing's
going after Mark.

We got to stop it.

How? You couldn't stop it
from building the dugout.

Only the true master
can stop the servant.

The power's in the tube.

Then smash it.

The dragons have
to be separated.

Calo vecto sollemnis.

We got to warn Mark.

The game'll
be over by now,

but I know where he'll be.

That was some pitch.

Hey, you guys
are grounded.

The scarecrow is after
you. We can't stop it.

What are you talking about?

It's 'cause you have
my glove.

I gave you your glove.

No. There were tractor
parts in that bag.

Tractor parts? Oh, I guess
I gave you the wrong bag.

Then where are the gloves?

Gee. What the heck?

What in blazes?

Where is he?

I don't know.
He could be anywhere.

Dad's in a lot of trouble.

We got to get
to Earlstead's barn.

What's going on?

Forget it. We got
to find Uncle Pete.

That'll take hours.
We don't have enough time.

Listen, Ann--

No. I've listened
to you long enough.

We're doing this my way.

Only the true master
can separate the dragons.

But Earlstead
is dead.


Only the true master
can separate the dragons.

Calo vecto sollemnis.

Go back where you came from.

What in blazes?

Would you mind telling me
what's going on?

Sure. I'll tell you
all about it tomorrow,

while Jarred
rebuilds his fence.


The end.

Great. I declare
this meeting

of the Midnight Society

Good story, Bett.




We were thinking
-- you want to go to a movie tomorrow?

You're kidding.

No, and we'll
buy the tickets.

You don't have to do that.

Yeah, we do.

Wow. Thanks, guys.

No problem, except
I pick the flick.

What? I pick
good movies.


It's gonna have
action, big car chase.