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04x08 - The Tale of the Room for Rent

Posted: 11/10/23 05:29
by bunniefuu
[Child's laughter]

OK. I'm here.

Let's go.

So who's up tonight?

I am.

Just give me
a minute.

Yo! Let's get with
the program!

Hold on.
I'm almost done.

You kinda said that
minutes ago.


Sorry. My grandmother's
birthday's coming up,

and I've been putting off
writing that card for weeks.

How come?

I've been really busy.

I do volunteer work at the
library and at united hospital.

And, um...I just
kinda forgot.

I hear ya.

Why do today what you can
put off till tomorrow?

No. It's never good to
leave something undone,

'cause you never know if you're
gonna get a chance to finish it.

Nothing's so important
that it can't wait.

That's not true.

What if there's something
really important

that you had to do,

but something big
kept you from doing it?

Like what?

Like maybe... death?

Always say what
you have to say

and do what you have to do.

Because if you don't...

You might not get
a second chance.

Submitted for the approval

of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...

Jessie Dickson
was the kind of girl

who liked to keep busy.

She did a lot of
volunteer work in town

and took all sorts of odd jobs.

Taking care of Mrs.
Simpson's yard was one of them.

And this is your
heart line.

Sara Simpson
lived alone,

and most people in town

thought she was
a little bit... eccentric.

There are many obstacles

keeping you from finding
your true soul mate.


Jessie lived with
her grandpa Samuel.

They were good buddies...

So long as Jessie didn't
track mud into the house

or leave the windows
open in the rain.

Grandpa Samuel had been
a little sick lately,

so they moved his bed

That way he wouldn't have to
climb the stairs so much.

Aw, Gramps.

Come on, now.
Renting my old room out

is the easiest way
to bring in some money

till I get back
to work.

I don't want some stranger
living in our house.

It doesn't
thrill me, neither.

But Grandpa--

No "but grandpas." Some
things you just gotta do.

Come on.

We're gonna miss the
first part of the movie,

and I hate missing

Hey... you're renting
a room?

I don't wanna
talk about it.


It was so cool when the
zombie came to life.

Yeah, but the best

was when the corpse
started eating the people.

Man, that's



I gotta pick up my lawn
money from Mrs. Simpson.

That place
gives me the creeps.

So wait for me here.


Forget it!

What's she doing?

I don't know.

She's a wack.

Let's get out
of here.

[Clock tolls]

Come on!




What? You two look like
you've seen a ghost!


We did!

I saw it!

Wait. Saw what?

A ghost!

OK. What's the joke?

It's no joke.
It came through

Mrs. Simpson's ceiling and
walked through the wall!

Right through.

Mrs. Simpson.
Well, that explains it.

And what was the good lady doing
when all this was going on?

Some kind of trance.

What were you two doing
there at this time of night?

Coming home
from the movies.

Double feature.
The Dead Walk

and the Dead
Walk Again.

No wonder.

You two have let your
imaginations run away with you.

No! This was

I think you two have been
spending too much time over there.

Sara Simpson's crazy
as a June bug,

what with her
palm reading,

tea leaves
and mumbo jumbo.

But this wasn't--

I don't know what you
girls are trying to pull,

but it won't work.

Not with me, anyway.


I'm here about
the room for rent.


Have a seat.

What did you say
your name was?

Uh, Browning.

John Browning.

Have we met before?

You look familiar.


I don't think so.

Cup of tea?

No, thank you.
I don't drink... tea.

I'm a coffee man

Doctors made me
cut back.

Heart condition.

You look...

Oh, I am. I am.

I just have to take it
easy for a little while.

No lifting,
no going upstairs.

That's why we're
renting out the room.

It's a big room,

and it's furnished,
and, uh...

It's got a good view.

It sounds...



[Knock on door]

Don't move.

Ah, Jessie.
This is Mr. Browning.

Would you show him
up to the room, please?

Just like that? I
mean, he just got here.

Now, Jessie. I'm a
good judge of people.

Everything's gonna
work out fine.

I gotta go now.

That's him!

That's the ghost we saw come
out of Mrs. Simpson's ceiling!

Oh, come on, Jessie.

Making up stories isn't
going to change anything.

We need the money,
so Mr. Browning stays,

and I don't want to hear
another word about it.

I didn't move.

He's here.


The ghost!

He just rented
our room.

Where are you going?

As far away from here
as I can get!

What are you
gonna do?

We are gonna go
talk to Mrs. Simpson.

My ceiling?

He came through my ceiling?

Was it : ?

Exactly. We heard
the clock bong.

Then it worked!

What worked?
What worked?


I was doing...

A welcoming meditation

for an event known
in the psychic world

as the opening.

The opening?


It happens...

At the ninth hour
of the ninth day

the ninth month.

It's an opportunity for
the spirits to come back

and to complete something
they left undone in life.

Kinda like
a second chance?


But they only have until
midnight of the next full moon

to complete
their task.

Well, when's the next
full moon?

Tomorrow night.

That's not much time.

No! And what makes it
even more difficult

is that in spirit form,
they have no physical power,

so that in order to
accomplish anything,

they have to find... a
human body to inhabit.

Maybe you should
come over

and see this guy.


I don't think your
grandfather would like that.

I should stay.


Because the spirit must
return through the same portal.

He'll be back...

And I want to be
right here.

I can't hear anything.

It's : in the
morning. He's asleep.

Ghosts don't sleep.

Says who?



Well, I sleep.
Good night.

You can't!

Wanna bet?

What happens if he tried
to take over your body?

Then wake me.

Come on. Let's get
something to eat.

That'll give you
a second wind.

But I don't want
a second wind.

What's that?



The dresser!

Don't stand in my way.

I'm definitely not
sleeping over again.

It doesn't want me,

It wants Grandpa!


Mrs. Simpson
said it.

A spirit has to
take over a body

to do what it came to
do. We gotta warn him!


Grandpa! Grandpa,
wake up!

What's going on?

The ghost
is after you!


What were
you saying?

The ghost tried
to take your body!

Oh, I don't
believe this.

It's true!

And we can prove it.



[Knock on door]

He's not even here.



Two can play this game.


Go to back to bed.

And no more games!


Maybe he is
in the closet.


I said
get in bed!


Get away from me!

Ha ha ha.

Where are you going?

The same place
I go every Sunday:

The legion hall.

Shouldn't be gone more
than a couple of hours.

Well, at least
he'll be safe there.

We gotta get help.

The ghost was trying
to get into his body?

Ah! This is wonderful!

No, it's not.

We gotta stop him.

Can't ya put a curse
on him or something?

I'm afraid it doesn't
work that way.

Grandpa's been sick,

and this thing
might hurt him.


You gotta see this.

Recognize anybody?

Sure. That's Grandpa
and Mrs. Simpson


That's him!

the ghost!

But it can't be.

That was my fiance,

You were going to
marry a ghost?

Heavens, no!

We were going to get married
right after the w*r, but...

But what?

But I fell in love
with someone else.

I was going to tell
Jacob when he returned...

But he never
made it back.

Grandpa knew him?

Jacob and Samuel were in
the air force together.

During a mission,
their plane was hit.

Your grandfather ordered Jacob
to put on a parachute and jump.

The parachute failed.

Jacob was only
years old.

Your grandfather never
should have done that.

That's horrible!

It was Grandpa's
fault Jacob died.

Unfinished business!

An eye for an eye!

He's come back
for revenge!

I gotta get home!


This time...
I'm going with you.



Are you OK?

Everything's fine.


Mrs. Simpson's here.

Hello, Sara.


Jacob back from the dead?!
I agree he looks like Jacob,

but where do you
find this stuff?

I've always thought of you
as a level-headed woman.

And what has keeping your feet
planted firmly on the ground

ever done for you,
you old goat?

At least I am not the
laughingstock of the whole town!

What's with them?

I don't know.

They can't spend minutes
together without fighting.

I'd better
break this up.

Grandpa: Sara!
[Door slams]

Too late. She's gone.

Now what?

The ghost has to
go back at midnight.

All we have to do is
protect grandpa until then.

"I will love you forever.

and Mrs. Simpson?

"Local boy dies
during mission."

He's gonna come
after us, man!

Let's go!

Let's go this way!

Come on! Hurry up!

We're never gonna
get out of here!

Man, oh, man, oh, man.

I think we're gonna
be safe here.


I found the journal!

Where'd he go?

You were supposed
to watch him.

[Telephone rings]


Jessie, why is
your grandfather

standing outside
my house?


We'll be right there!

What's going on?

I think the ghost
got Grandpa. Come on!

[Tap tap tap tap]


[Ghostly voice]
I've missed you, Sara.


Stay away!

I'm not gonna let you
hurt my grandfather!

Your grandfather will
live, but with my spirit.

His will return to
the light in my place.

You and I can be together
again, my sweet Sara.


Jessie, don't.

That's not your

Jacob, you can't
do this.

He cheated me
out of a life, Sara.

It's his fault
that I died.

It's only fair that I
should live through him.

He tried to save you.
It's in his journal.

What journal?

Grandpa's journal.

"The engine caught fire.

"The cockpit
filled with smoke.

"I gave the order
to bail out,

"but we were missing
one parachute.

"Only Jacob and I
were left.

"He didn't know there
was only one chute,

so I lied and said
I would follow him."

"If Jacob knew,
he wouldn't have gone,

"and I didn't want us
both to die.

"I don't know how, but I
landed the plane and survived.

"What unbearable
agony it was

to find that Jacob's chute
failed and he was dead."

That should have
been me.

He tried to save you.

I didn't know.

Oh, Samuel.


Stop it!


Sara, we can be
together again.

I'm sorry, Jacob.

I never got the chance
to tell you, but...

It was Samuel
I really loved.

And all this time,

I've hated him for
something he never did.

Let him go.
He was your friend!

Save him...

Just as he tried
to save you.

I've always
loved you, Sara.

I always will.

Thank him for me.


Samuel, wake up!

What is it?


How did I get
over here?

Are you OK?

I have no idea.

what is this?

I think
it's a new start!

Grandpa Samuel
and Mrs. Simpson

renewed their new
love affair,

that it's never too late

for true love
to be rekindled.

The end.

Good story!

But it's sad.

They lost so many
years together.

They say nothing
is ever lost.

It just comes back
in a different way.

I declare this meeting of
the Midnight Society closed.

And I've got to
mail this. Later!

Come on.

That was a really
good story.

It make you cry,