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05x07 - The Tale of the Manaha

Posted: 11/10/23 05:40
by bunniefuu
[Child's laughter]

[Child's laughter]

[Breathing heavily]
Are you OK?

Yeah. What's
your problem?

There's some huge animal
out there, a monster!

I swear,
it almost got me!


Are you sure it wasn't
a raccoon or a squirrel?

It was bigger
than me.

Did you ever see
a squirrel that big?

No. And I never saw
a monster, either.



Wait a minute.



Ha ha!


Very funny.

What, your story
isn't scary enough,

so you gotta
go and pull this?

Oh, it's scary,
all right.

This is just
the setup.

People have been scared

of monsters
in the wilderness forever...

But not just bears
and mountain lions and stuff.

I'm talking about the strange
beast that can't be explained.

Like what?

Like the abominable
snowman of Tibet,

the loch ness monster
of Scotland,

and the flesh-eating giants
of mandalay.

Nobody knows for sure
if these monsters are real,

but a lot of people think so,
because they've seen them.

And tonight,
if you're not too scared,

you might see them, too.

Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...

Eew! I've got
poison Ivy!

It's sergeant



How did I end up with a
bunch of dirtballs like you?!


Roll the tent

over the back,

It's for dinner:

Pasta with a light
tomato garlic sauce.

Lose it, chubby.

Good. Good.

Volume .
First edition.

You bring these, and we're
using 'em to start the fire.

I can't go.

I've got poison Ivy.

I can't go.
I have poison Ivy!

What kinda wimp
are you?!

Any kinda wimp you want.
Just don't make me go!

Put your shoes on.
You're goin'!

Hey, guys, wait up!


I thought I was
gonna miss you.

And what do you

I'm coming on
the overnight.

Forget it, runt. You
will never keep up.

You gotta let me come.

Mr. Austrosky
gave me permission.

"How to survive
in the bush,

by Oscar Butz"?!

I've been reading it
all summer

to get ready for
the overnight.

Anything you'll need to
know, you'll learn from me.

You boys are about to
embark on a vision quest,

a test of endurance,

and courage.

None of you have ever spent
a night in the forest.

It's an experience
you'll never forget.

By the time you return

I'm sure you'll know
a lot more about yourselves

and each other.

Just remember to check
in with the ranger.

I don't want to
have any problems.

Yes, sir!






Jonah, are you sure you
wanna go through with this?



Have fun.

Yo, Junior!

Keep up unless you wanna be
lunch for some hungry grizzly.

There's grizzlies
out there?

No. Chapter .

According to
Oscar Butz,

grizzlies are only found
in Northwestern forests.

The nearest grizzly
is , miles away.

You saying I'm a liar?!


I just think your
facts are a little off.

Well, keep your opinions
to yourself.

In fact, doesn't Oscar
Butz have a chapter

that says you must
carry the leader's pack?

Uh, I don't think so.

See? You learned
something new.

Don't make it worse
for us, all right?

Why don't they have pull-off
lids on these things?

Always pack carefully.
Chapter one.

Oscar Butz's
first rule of hiking.

Watch out!

Hey...My knapsack!

You idiot!

You pushed me!

Go down there
and get it.

But it's steep!

You wanna climb down

or fall down?!

What are you lookin' at?

Aw, cool!


The Manaha have returned.

They have once again

smelled the scent
of human flesh,

and they hunger.

You must leave this place


where are you?

We gotta get
outta here.

The Manaha are coming!

The what?

The Manaha.

Tell them--

What are you
talkin' about?

There was a shaman.

He says there's monsters
out there called Manaha

that'll eat us!

Yeah, sure.

Oh, man.


This stuff
is really old.

I mean, people get famous

for discovering
this kind of stuff.


Good thing I found it.

You didn't. I did!


This's gotta be
worth some bucks!

I'm gonna have my picture
on the front page.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

This thing is heavy.

What is it?

It's a statue
of a Manaha.

A what?

Jonah said
he saw this guy

who told him monsters
are gonna eat us.

This is a joke,

I wish it were.

Yeah, right. Ha ha!

It's no joke!

I'll get it
on the way back.

And I'll make sure
someone else carries it!



We're here
to check in.

[Cb transmissions]

Anybody home?

Jeez, he left
all this food.

What a waste.

It's the Manaha!
They got the ranger!

We gotta get outta here!



Is there anything

Yo, kid!

Get some dead branches
for firewood...

Unless you're

I'm not scared.

Don't worry, Jonah.

The bogeyman
won't eat you.

You're too small.


That's it?

Man, you are

Where are you going?

I'm gonna get more wood.

You can't go in there.

And why not?

Hey, just 'cause
you're chicken

doesn't mean
I'm not gonna cook!

Why is he so spooked?

I'm not.

Chapter .

Oscar Butz says
"fear is only an emotion.

If you conquer fear,
you conquer the forest."

That kid is gonna pay
for making me have to...


[Loud growling]

What was that?

What is it?

We gotta get Lonnie!



[Twirr twirr]




You OK?





I thought you were kidding
about that manaha thing.

The ranger station!
He has a -way radio.

We can call for help!


Mr. Ranger,
we lost our leader, and--

It's busted!

What's going on?
What's happened?

We gotta get back
to camp.

But it's dark. How
will we find the way?

Chapter :
Don't rely on trails.

Rely on the stars...

And your compass.

OK. Yeah.

Go, go, go, go!



Take that path.

But take it easy.
It's dark.

Guys, something really
weird is going on.

Yeah. Tell me about it.

That wasn't here

Maybe we took
the wrong path.

No. It's the right path.

Something put it there.

Then we'll go
around it.

Wait. We gotta stick

You have been warned!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!



You around?


It's just me.


Where's Eddie?






[Muttering in
guttural language]



Guess we found Eddie.

We've gotta
get back.

This way.
Come on.


I don't believe this.

Yes, you do believe it.

We all believe it.

But Oscar Butz says
fear is only an emotion.

If you believe there are
monsters in the woods,

then there are.

But if you don't...

Then there's nothing
to be scared of.

Lonnie's gone, Jonah.
So is Eddie

and the ranger.

I think that's
pretty real.

There's more going on
here than we think.


So I think we can
save them.

No way! I'm going
back to camp.

Chapter .

What happens when you
run from a wild animal?


It chases you.

You guys do what you want.
I'm tired of running.

Don't be scared.

They'll only get you
if you believe in them.

And I don't
believe in them.


You hear that?

I'm not afraid.

I don't think
you're real,

and if you're not real,
you can't hurt me!

It was just an illusion,

a trick.

But I am no illusion.

I was a powerful

until my people
sealed me in that cave.

The fools thought my magic
had become too powerful,

too evil.

They said that
I wanted the forest

only for myself.

Perhaps they were right.

Now that you have
released me,

the forest is my hunting
ground once again.

I warned you to leave.

Now it is too late.


Put the torch down, now!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

And if I do not?

I'll use the magic in
the statue against you.

The power is not in
the statue, young fool.

It is with me.

Then I summon the Manaha!

Maybe you don't know as much
about magic as you think.

This cannot be.

Away with you!

I no longer need you!

You don't
control them anymore.

I do.


I created you.

You do not exist!

I own the Manaha now.

I will make them
destroy you.

I command you
to disappear!

You were put in here
for a reason.

Now you're going back.



No! No!




How'd you do that?

I just used
a little...

Manaha magic.

Manaha, I command you,

show yourselves.

How'd we do?

Meet my Manaha.


All right.

We've got miles
due west

at minutes per mile

and a half hour break.

And a snack.

And a snack.

We should arrive at camp
in time for lunch.

Everybody set?

Yes, sir!
Yes, sir!

All right. Let's go!

Pick up the pace,

Jonah might have been small,

but size has nothing to do
with how brave you are.

That depends on
what's up here...

And in here.

The end.

Good story, Tuck.

[Chittering sound]

Maybe it's
a giant squirrel.

And maybe being small
also means

you gotta run faster!

Hey, you forgot your head!

Let's go catch
the headless gorilla.