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05x04 - The Tale of the Chameleons

Posted: 11/10/23 05:41
by bunniefuu
[Child's laughter]

Hey, what's this?

You'll scare him.

What is it?

It's spike,
my new pet.


Let's see him.

Not yet.
He's just a baby.

Strangers disturb him.

Ooh, don't let him
see stig.

He'll be disturbed
for life.

Ha ha.

Yeah, let's try.

Later, when he's relaxed.

Is it a rabbit?


A Guinea
pig, right?

Or a parrot.

No. Spike's a little
more exotic than that.

When I saw him
at the pet store,

I fell in love with him.

And he gave me
an idea for a story.

There are thousands of
different animals on earth.

Most we know.

But a lot
are still a mystery.

Yeah, like spike.


I'm talking
about animals

that live in
the deepest oceans,

or in unexplored jungles.

We don't know
much about them

because they have
no contact with humans.

And they live
by a set of rules

we know nothing about.

So imagine

if one of these animals

was brought into our world,

would it adjust to us,

or would it play
by its own rules,

the rules of a game
we have no chance of winning?

Submitted for the approval

of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...

I love coming here.
They're so cute.

It's sad, though.

I want to
take them all home.

Let's get one.

No, thanks.
I'll stick with my fish.


Don't bug the animals.

What is that?


I don't know.

Its Latin name is
chameleo maloficus africanus.

Maleco what?

It's a chameleon.

Ugly little thing.

It's not ugly.

That's what
makes it special.

It changes colors
and stuff, right?

And stuff.

Wanna touch it?

It's probably got rabies.

don't get rabies.

It's so ugly,
it's cute.


That little
snit bit me!

Bites you once,
bites you twice,

a little water,
pay the price.

Are you OK?

What a strange kid.

He knew it was
gonna bite you.

Little creep.

You all set?

I uh--
bought the dye.

How many times do we
have to go through this?

I'm not letting you put
blue streaks in your hair.

Why not? You've
dyed your hair.

It's not the same thing,

and you know it.

Mom, would you please
stop treating me

a little girl?

I will, as soon as you
stop acting like one.

Oh, hi, Sharon.

Hi, Mr. Robinson.

Thanks for having me
over this weekend.

No sweat.

Janice can't
live without you.

Don't pick.

We're eating soon.

There's a big sale
at the flower depot tomorrow.

I'm going to pick up some
delphiniums for out front.

Perfect. Then we can pick
up my dress on the way home.

You're not
getting that dress.


What dress?

I found the perfect dress
for the spring dance.

It is a tight
little mini thing,

and no daughter of mine
is going to be seen in it.

I can do
what I want.

Don't talk to me
like that, young lady.

And no, you cannot
do what you want.

Not yet, anyway.


How did that happen?

Dad, talk to her,

I'm sorry, babe,
I've got to go along

with your mom
on this one.

I can't believe it.

Now, can we have
a nice quiet,

problem free weekend?

No, we can't.

It's never gonna
be problem free

until you let me
grow up.

Oh, come on.

I'm gonna take
all my savings

and buy
the dress myself.

They're gonna
be ticked.

They're not
gonna know.

I'll sneak out wearing
something they'll approve of

and I'll change
at school.

Is it really worth
sneaking around like that?

You don't know
what it's like.

Your parents give you
all kinds of freedom.

That's 'cause my parents
are never home.

They're always working.

Well, at least
they trust you.

Mine still think
I need baby sitting.


What happened?

I'm sorry.
It's my finger.

It's throbbing
because of that bite.

That doesn't
sound too good.

It's late, and you girls
should be in bed.

Now we've got bed check.

It's OK.
I'm tired anyway.

Good night, Jen.
Good night.

Good night,
Mrs. Robinson.

Good night, sweetie.


The chameleon?

It's almost over.

But then again, it's
really just beginning.


Bite you once,
bite you twice,

a little water,
pay the price!


What's the matter?

Who are
you talking to?


Look at what?

It was the chameleon
from the store.

It bit me again.


How did it
get here?

I don't know!

Bite you once,
bite you twice,

a little water,
pay the price.

What are
you talking about?

That's what
the kid said,

and that's what
the chameleon said.

The chameleon

It turned into me.

It looked just
like me. It was me.

Sharon, I think the
chameleon wants to be me.

Jan, nothing's here.

I think you were
just dreaming.

I wasn't.

It was real.

It bit me twice,

and now it's coming
after me with water.

Tell you what,

how about if I sleep
in here tonight.

I don't know what's
going on, Sharon.

I'm sorry. I...

Shh. It's OK.

In the morning this will
all be a bad dream. OK?


What? What?!

It wasn't a dream.

I'm turning into
a chameleon. Look!

Ugh, gross!

But--it's just a rash.

You're not turning
into a chameleon.

Then why did it
come after me?

Janice, get a grip!

It was a dream.

I'm getting dressed.


Do you really think
it was a dream?


I think you're being

stalked by
an evil chameleon

that wants to
take over your life.

Stay away
from the water.

It's the last step.


I'll see you downstairs.

Don't be an idiot.

[Noise from shower]

I'm going to
enjoy your life.

Ooh, I'm learning
very fast!


Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

Come on, honey.

We're holding
breakfast for you.

OK, Mom.

Couldn't wait.

Did you show
your mom the rash?

What rash?

Oh, I thought
I had something,

but it's gone now.

Well, we'll keep
an eye on it.

You know, Mom,

I think you were right.

About what?

Well, dying my hair blue
is dumb.

And I don't think I'm ready
to wear a dress like that.

It's a little
too old for me.


Why the change
of heart?

Well, I decided it wasn't
worth fighting over

something so dumb.

Are you
feeling OK?

Sure. I'll call
the dress shop right now

and have them
take it off hold.

See? I told you
it was just a phase.

You know,
you guys should get going.

You know how crazy
it gets at the flower depot.

We'll clean up.

Yes, no problem.

I'd like to
place an order.

Yes, I'll hold.

We won't be long.

See you in a bit.

Wanna help me?


What's going on?


Uh, I did
what you said.

I got some sleep,

and everything
before that seems

like it was
a bad dream.

But that's all
changed now.

What are you doing?


I saw a mouse.

I hate mice.

Oh! Um-- Dad has
a box of traps.

I think we should
put them around the house.


You think
we should do this?

[Doorbell rings]

I'll get it!

Thank you.

You're welcome.

You bought the dress
after all, didn't you?

No, I didn't.

Oh, um-- don't forget to
put a trap in the kitchen.

Well, then, what is it?




you up there?


Hi! That was quick.

Are you kidding?

We practically
bought out the whole store.

And we bought
something for you, too.

What is it?

Well, it's
sort of an apology.

We were both
wrong, and...

I know it's not the
dress you wanted,

but I hope
you like it anyway.

Oh, it's beautiful!

Oh, thank you, Mom.

I like it better
than the other one.

What were you doing?

I uh...

I-- went to
get my hairbrush.

Why don't you go
try on the dress?

We're going to make
some power drinks.

Come on, ladies.

Mrs. Robinson?

Don't you think Janice has
been acting a little...

Ta da!


You look fantastic!

It's perfect.

What do you think,

Is it me?


Father: Hey,
let's get planting.

I'm feeling
really creative.

Mother: Oh, joy.

Let's go.

Are you feeling
OK, Sharon?

You look a little...


No. I'm fine.

You've been acting
strange all day.


No, I'm fine.

Having a good weekend?

Good juice, huh?

Oh, there's something
I want to show you upstairs.

What is it?

It's a surprise.

Come on, let's go.


You're not Janice.

Who are you?

It's me.
I'm Janice.

Don't you recognize me?

You're the chameleon!

There's nothing
you can do.

There's thousands
of us out here,

and more of us are
changing every day.

Father: Janice!

Go ahead and tell them.

They'll think you're crazy.

Hey, Janice,

come here
for a second.


You change
her back, now!

Bite you once,
bite you twice,

a little water,
pay the price.

She won't
bite me again.

Come on, Jan,
we need your opinion.

I'll be right out, Dad.

Now, please.

Do we have
a dispute here?

You too, Sharon.

I'll be right out,
Mr. Robinson.

I just have to
change my shirt.

So, what do
you think?

Well, I think
they're perfect.

Wait a second.
Hold on.

You haven't even
heard my idea yet.

I really think the trim
needs to be a little thicker.

It doesn't.
It'll fill in.

I'll be right back.


I won't let you
hurt my family.

You're gonna
get caught!

You think so?

I think
people are so dumb,

they won't find out
until it's too late.

Don't fight it, Sharon.

Just put your hand in
there and get it over with.


Bite you once,
bite you twice.

You should
have counted.

Your family
had a guest.

Quick, grab the hose!

Now, add water!


It's me, Sharon.

No, it's me!

I'm your
best friend!

I'm the one who knows your
parents, Bob and Carol.

That's right,
and they're in Hawaii.


I don't know
which one is you!

Don't spray me!

I might turn back
into the chameleon!

Wait. I can prove that
I'm the real Janice.

Only the real Janice
would do this.

No! It's a trick!

It's really me,

A little water,
pay the price.


k*ll it!

It's really you,
isn't it?

And can you please

get me out of
this creepy dress?

Welcome back, Jan.

Oh, I'm sorry
I had to do that,

but I knew you'd
find the bucket.

Oh, I see we left our
little friend down there.

I hope she knows
how to swim.

The end.

That was great.

So, are we gonna
see Spike?

He's a chameleon,

Come over and see.

Oh, how cute.

He's sleeping.

Aren't you afraid
it's gonna bite?

chameleons don't bite.

Gotta go!

Just wait until they see
you when you grow up.