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07x08 - The Tale of the Time Trap

Posted: 11/10/23 06:17
by bunniefuu

[swings creaking]

[shutter banging]

[child laughing]


[flame sizzling]

These are the best
cookies I ever ate...


Grandma Aggie made 'em.

Old family recipe.

Doesn't chocolate
give you pimples?

Who cares?

Uh oh.


I feel...

I think I ate about
six too many.


Not you too?

What's in the bottom ones?

They're all the same.

The trouble is, too
much of a good thing...

isn't always such a good thing.

I got a story about a guy
who has a dream come true.

He gets so much of a good
thing, that it's going to

change his life.

But if he's not careful, those
changes might make his dream

come true...

turn into a nightmare.

Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...


Well, this is your lucky day!

I have just one vial of the
egyptian youth potion left.

Of course it's very rare and
the price will go up...


Don't be scared
Sardo, it's me, it's me,


Bobo? You look
so... so... thin.

Have you been working out?

Uh- little bad luck...
you know how it is.


Sardo, I need your help.

Well, anything I can do...

I need money...
almost anything.

I distinctly said almost.

Is it getting warm in here?

Sardo, Sardo, I
don't want your charity.

I have something for you.

What is it?

What is it you ask.

it is, an ancient...

fortune telling...

Really? How does it work?

I don't know, but, I'm sure
someone of your experience,

someone with your brain
size is going to be able

to make a small
fortune with this.

Well, of course...

How much do you want for it?

Um- Fifty dollars.

I mean For
you my friend, $ .

That's too rich
for my blood Bobo.


You sell it for
what you can, and

you give me what
you think is fair.


Sardo, how can you go wrong?

Give it.


And this is funny because...?

Oh, this
is funny because

you finally are
losing on the deal!


I hate this game.

Hi Andrea?

Hi Jason.

Yeah, uh- I was...
um- I was wondering if like...

uh-if you aren't doing
anything Friday like...

you might um- wanna...
[bell rings]

I, I gotta go.

Hiding from someone?



Uh-I'm sorry.

Ah, wait!
I can see you're the shy type.

Trouble with the ladies?

Uh... Yeah... sort of.

And what you lack is
confidence, am I right?

Um- I... I guess.

A-ha! (giggle) Then I have
exactly what you need.

you do?

Yes! You see, confidence
comes from experience.

And experience comes from age.

And age comes from...

age comes from...

well from THIS!

An egyptian
aging potion.

Two tiny drops of this and
you'll instantly become a more

mature confident person!

I don't wanna be
older, I just...

I wanna have the
guts to talk to girls.

Of course you do!
Of course you do!

Then what you need is uh
something more like...

like... like this!

What, what is... this?

Uh-well...This is a...

it's a...

a hand...

a HANDsome...

a HANDsome...

a HANDsome Persian...

victory box.

Persian victory box?


Uh-Warriors for centuries
have used this to give them

the confidence to do battle.

Imagine what it could
do for your love life!


Uh - how - how does - how
does - how does it work?

Um- you put your hand,
your hand uh-on top of it,

right there, and
then you ask it for...

whatever it is you want.

And then bang!

You shall have it.

Lemme try.

Ahhhh, but you know, confidence
like this doesn't come cheap.

Well, what if I, uh-I
don't believe it works?

Now then...
maybe it will come cheap.

Hey mom!
I'm home!


I wish that I was the
kind of guy that girls like.

Hey, dinner's ready.
What're you doing?

Wasting my time.


Uh, Hi.

Hey like, what do you want?

(giggles) Um-It's what YOU want.


You wished to be the kind
of guy girls like, right?

Well, when they
see you with me,

they're gonna think
you're pretty special.

Isn't he a babe? (giggles)

Would.. would you stop! did you know I wished?
It's what I do.

I'm Belle.

Ready for some fun?

But... what? I..I
don't understand?

The box.
The Zemi.

It's yours now. Whatever
you wish, I can deliver.

Just uh...
leave me alone.

What's the matter?

You're in this class?

I am now. What's the trouble?

The trouble is I've got a book
report on "Treasure Island"

due today that I of
course left at home.

Look in your pack.

I already looked in my pack.

You're welcome.

Report time, let's
start with... Jason. did my
report on "Treasure Island,

by Robert Louis Stevenson."

Uh-There have been many versions
of Treasure Island my personal

favorite was the old
black and white one.

The one with the puppets
was kind of stupid..."

You were supposed to do a
book report not a movie review.


Did you read the book?
Uh, yeah.

Then why did you
write about the movies?

I'm... gonna have to get
back to you on that one.

Come by after school and
we'll straighten you out.

Oh, leave me alone.

This is fun.

What're you doing now?

Well I'm about to
be embarrassed.

You might not want to see this.

Hey, easy man!

You're meat!

Uh oh!

What's a little detention?

You were great!

Try a DOUBLE detention.

English and Gym.

I nearly could
have k*lled the guy!

I mean, how
did you even do that?

I told you, the Zemi.

Whatever you want
I can give you.

What's a Zemi?

The box! You put your hand
on it and made a wish...

that makes it yours.

So you're a... genie?


And anything I
wish for I can have?

Now you got it.

Well, I wish
I didn't miss the bus

cuz now I gotta walk home.

No you don't.

Uh - Is this your car?

No. It's yours.

Let's roll.

Oh no!

Oh man I just got my
license last week.

Let's see your license
and registration please.

Uh- yes sir!
Where's the registration?

I don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?

Isn't this your car?

They think it was stolen!

I'm in jail now!

How am I ever gonna
explain this to my parents??

(giggle) Yeah,
that should be fun.

Fun? Fun???

What kind of genie are you?

Like you give me what I wish
for but then things end up

worse off than
they were before.

Every wish has it's price.


Look, I've been stuck in
that dumb box for centuries.

I gotta have fun somehow.

So you make things worse??

Sure, it's fun!

Okay look.

Someone once wished for
an exciting voyage...

I gave them the Titanic.

A kid didn't want to
go on a camping trip...

I exploded the volcano
at Mount Saint Helens.

World w*r One?

A reporter wanted an
interesting story.

So, like uh...

World w*r Two?

Oh yeah...
No, wasn't mine.

Nice work though.

Oh, this is crazy!

Nah, we're just
getting warmed up.

Go on, wish for something...

but be careful.

Alright, uh- here's
your wish, leave me alone!


Okay, I get it.

I get it. I'm alone
now. I'm alone.

Well like...

would you get me
outta of here, please!

Where am I?
I'm nowhere.

Get me outta here!!!!

Help! Genie! Belle!

Whatever your name is.

I wish I was back with you!

Why don't you go
back to your uh...

lamp, or uh-box
or whatever it is?

It's like a prison in there.

When I get the chance
to get out and work

with someone, I take it.

What if I wished you back?
-I might take you with me.

Is that allowed?
-Try me.

But you gotta do
what I wish, right?


Go for it wish-boy, but
choose your words carefully.

I wish...

I was back at that Magic
Shop where this all started.

Uh oh.

You! You.
What's your name?

It's Sar... let's not go there.
What can I do for you?

That, that... Persian
Victory Box you sold me...?

I'm sorry I don't remember.

So much time has
actually passed ...

It was yesterday!

Oh the persian Victory box.

Hey, what seems
to be the problem?

The problem is it
came with a girl.

And that's a problem?

She's a genie!

She makes wishes come true
and I don't want it anymore!

Help me to understand this.

I sold you a box that came with
a genie that will grant your

every wish, and you
don't want it anymore?


Perfectly understandable!

I tell you what, you show
me where it is and I'll

gladly take an exchange...

but no cash, store
credit only, right?

I left it right...

Who's your friend?

Hey mom!
Uh-This is

Sardo. No mister,
accent on the do.

Uh, yeah... He's...
a teacher.

He's helping me with-uh...

current events.


I'll leave you two alone.

Nice cape.


Where's the box?

It's not that easy Jason.

Who's this?
The Genie.

Oh, hello.

What do you mean?

he wants it, huh, he
can have the wishes.

But he gave it up.
He can't take it back.

Why not?
Rules. I don't make 'em up.

Oh man, I wish I was
out of this nightmare.

Uh oh.

how did you do that???

Oh no!
No, no, no!

I wished to be out of this
nightmare. Now I am!

Oh, everything's changed.

Did I hear voices...?



Uh-This is my house.

Yeah, I'm just visiting.

This isn't your
house, this is my house!

And, and my husband's
gonna be home any second.

This just keeps getting better.

You picked the wrong
house to break in to.

Oh, no, no, no!
You see, we're not bad guys!


At least he's alone.

That was quick.

Uh, we're
we're trapped.

Let's not panic.



Okay, let's panic.

Okay-uh...the...There has to
be a wish to get us outta this.

I just uh- I gotta
be smart about it.

Wish us to be a
hundred miles away.

No! You see she could put
us in a burning building,

or the middle of the ocean
or something like that...

It has to be a wish
that's foolproof.

Well don't look at me.

Attention you in the house!
Come out with your hands up...

I got it!

I wish Sardo had a wish.

What happened?

I gave you a wish!

I mean maybe the evil
wishes only work with me.

Look you can wish us outta this.

You mean, I can wish
for anything I want?


You got one minute to come
out with your hands up,

or we'll start sh**ting.

Think of something, huh? Hurry!

This is the
chance of a lifetime!

If you don't think of
something that lifetime

won't last very long.

They're getting
ready to sh**t tear gas.

I could wish for...

for world peace...

or cure every disease...
Wish faster!

Oh, I've got it!

I've got the perfect wish!

Then do it!

I wish I had a
million more wishes!

I'm out.
I'm out for real!


Where's Sardo?

He wished a million wishes!

That's what I wished ages
ago and I got stuck

in this dumb box!

Please let me out!

I don't wannabe a genie!

Oh, you've got a
million wishes alright,

but you've got to
grant them to others.

Starting with you! (giggle)

Time's up.
We're going to fire!

... ... ...

What do I do?

Don't ask me, I'm not a
genie anymore. (giggle)

Well just don't stand there!

Wish something!!!!

... ... one!

I....I wish it was yesterday!


Oh, oh..
Hey, Andrea.

Hey, what was it you
were gonna ask me before?


Oh uh, right.

I was just -uh wondering if
you were doing anything

Friday night cuz, I...

I thought, that maybe you'd like
to-uh go see a movie with me?

I'd love to.

You would?

That's, that's cool!
That's cool.

So huh, where you headed?

I've got a driving lesson.

Really? I-uh.. just
got my license.

The end.

Awesome story.

So he found true love after all.

And Belle's stuck
back in the box.


Wanna let her out?

No way.
- No thanks.


I'm dying here.

You finished all the cookies?!?

I... I had to...

they were too good.

I hope they taste as
good on the way up

as they did on the way down.
