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02x37 - Father's Day for Mr. Wilson

Posted: 11/11/23 15:29
by bunniefuu
-I'm sure glad it's
Father's Day, dad.

It's always a swell day.

-It's one of the best, son.

-I'm gonna stay real
close to you all day long.

-And that's just
where I want you.

-Well, wait a minute.

-Where are you going dear?

-To get Sam, my Frog.

I'm sorta his Father, so
today he ought to be with me.

-When we got married,
I'll bet you never dreamed

that in years we'd be
the grandparents of a frog.

[theme music]

-More coffee, Mrs. Wilson?

-No thank you, Alice.

Henry, I know you must
have had a wonderful day.

-It was the best Father's
Day I've ever had.

-From the time we
got up this morning,

Dennis hasn't left his
father's side for one minute.

-He even came into the
bathroom and gave me a hug

while I was shaving.

-Well, you're a lucky man to
get so much affection, Mitchell.

-And you should've seen
the swell dinner we had.

All his favorite stuff to eat.

-Oh, what did you have?

-Hot dogs and three
kinds of ice cream.

-That's your favorite food?

-Well, only on Father's Day.

-Fortunately, Dennis happens
to like the same things.

-That does work out well.

-Well, it's easy to see
Mitchell, you enjoyed yourself.

-I certainly did.

As a matter of fact, I
enjoyed myself so much,

I've decided to take tomorrow
off and rest up a bit.

-You know, I wish I could
look forward to a pleasant day


I'm afraid mine may
be rather unpleasant.

-Is something wrong, Mr. Wilson?

-I'm being faced with a lawsuit.

You know that
disagreeable old follow

who lives over on Maple Street?

Old Man Hatch.

-Well, I've seen him but
I don't really know him.

-No one knows him.

He's-- he's such
an ornery old cuss,

he wouldn't answer you
if you spoke to him.

What's he suing you for?

-Well, he claims hat he was
over in the park yesterday,

and our little dog Fremont came
along and bit him in the leg.

-Boy, he sure did.

-Well, how do you know?

-I saw him do it.

-You actually saw
Fremont bite him?

-Yes sir.

I was playing in the
park with Fremont,

and I threw a stick near where
Old Man Hatch was sitting

on a bench, and that's
when Fremont did it.

-Oh, dear.

-Well, that does look bad.

Hatch is sending his lawyer
to talk to me tomorrow.

-I can't understand dear
little Fremont biting anyone.

-I don't think he
would've if Old Man

Hatch hadn't kicked
at him first.

-Old Man Hatch
kicked at Fremont?


He kicks at every dog he sees.

-Well, if Fremont did
it in self defense,

that's a point in your favor.


Dennis, will you tell the lawyer
tomorrow just what you saw?

It may help me.

-You bet I will Mr. Wilson.

-You're a good boy, Dennis.


We better be going.

-Oh, you're right, Martha.

I believe in the
old saying, there

are two things that shouldn't
stay in the house too long.

Fish and company.

-Oh, you're never company
to us, Mr. Wilson,

we hate to see you leave.

-That's very sweet
of you, Alive.

-Great Scott, what's this?

-Oh, the present I gave
dad for Father's Day.

Isn't it swell?

-Dennis, I've seldom
seen a more handsome hat.

-Go on, dad.

Show him how good
you look in it.

-Well I--

-Yes, do model it for us, Henry.

-By golly, Mitchell,
it suits you to a T.

-I picked it out myself.

-I envy you, Mitchell.

I really do.

Means a lot to
have a fine boy who

gives you such a nice presents.

-It sure does.


-Bye bye.

Well, Mr. Wilson
certainly got a kick

out of hearing the details
of my Father's Day.

-Yes he did.

It's too bad he never
had children of his own.

-Yes, he's missed
a lot of pleasure.

And some remarkable presents.

-Well, of course, not everyone
can be as lucky as you are,


-I've got a swell idea, mom.

I know just what I'm
gonna do tomorrow.

Hi Mr. Wilson!

-Good heavens, Dennis.

What are you doing
here at this hour?

Do you realize it's barely : .

-Happy Father's Day, Mr. Wilson.

-Happy what?

-This is your
special Father's Day.

I've decided to have
one just for you.

-But why?

-Because you never
had a boy of your own,

so today, I'm going
to be your boy

and stay with you every minute,
and do all kinds of things

for you, just like I
did for dad yesterday.

Here's your present.

Dad says he wants
you to have it.

-Good heavens.

-Bend down, and I'll
put it on for ya!

Would you like some
more toast, Mr. Wilson?

Sorry, Mr. Wilson.

-Thank you, Dennis.

-If you change your
mind, just let me know.

I'm here to help you today.

-Imagine having a Father's
Day of your very own, George.

I can't get over it.

-I may not, either.

-Would you like some
more coffee, Mr. Wilson?

-No, thank you.

-If you were drinking what Dad
had for breakfast yesterday,

I bet you'd want
some more of it.

-What was he having, dear?

-Root beer.

On Father's Day,
that's his favorite!

-Where a going, George?

-To get the morning paper.

I was up so early this morning,
it hadn't been delivered yet.

-I'll get it for
you, Mr. Wilson.

-That won't be
necessary, Dennis.

-I brought Dad his
paper yesterday.

Now sit down, and
let me bring yours.

-Dennis, I'm quite capable of
picking up my own newspaper,

thank you.

Now, he usually
throws it out about--

-Here it is!


-Dennis, now look
what you've done.

You've ruined my paper.

-Gee, I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson.

Don't worry.

I'll go over to my house and
get our newspaper for ya.

Happy Father's Day, Mr. Wilson.

-Happy, happy.

-Martha, I tell you, my
nerves won't stand it.

Now, I know Dennis'
intentions are good,

but that boy has
got to stay home.

-Now, you're not being
very fair to the boy, dear.

You're ready to
throw him out now,

but you'll want him
back later to testify

for you when the lawyer comes.

-When my mental welfare's at
stake, I-- oh, you're right,


Oh, I won't spoil Dennis'
Father's Day for him.

He can stay right by
my side every minute.

-Even after the lawyer leaves?

-Why, of course.

You don't think I'm just being
nice because I want a favor?

Why, what sort of a
man do you take me for?

-The same kind
you've always been.

Real cute.


-Hi, Dad.

-Morning, Dennis.

-How soon will you be
through with the paper?

-Well, I just started, son.


-Well, today's Mr.
Wilson's Father's Day,

and I wanna take it to him.

-Wouldn't it be a better idea to
bring Mr. Wilson his own paper?

-I tried to.

But it, uh, sort of got ripped.

-I see.

Well, you can have this just
as soon as I've finished.

-Could you finish faster if
I turned the pages for you?

-Look, Dennis, this
idea of your giving

Mr. Wilson a
Father's Day is fine.

I'm all for it.

But, well, when I'm having
my coffee in the morning,

I like something to read.

It's a habit.


Be right back, Dad.

Here, Dad.

-What's that?
-A book.

If you want something to
read, you can read this,

and I'll take the paper
over to Mr. Wilson.


-Thanks, Dad!

-Jack and Jill went up the
hill to fetch a pail of water.

Jack fell down and
broke his crown,

and Jill came tumbling after.

-I got your
newspaper, Mr. Wilson.

Now, you sit over here
in your easy chair.

-Oh, good.

Thank you, Dennis.

-Now, you sit over here
and read your newspaper.

-Oh, all right.

-Would you like me to
bring you your slippers?

-I'm wearing them.

-Oh, yeah.

I didn't notice.

Something for ya.

Would you like me to
take off your slippers

and bring you your shoes?

-No, thank you, Dennis.

I prefer it this way.

Must you?

-Oh, sure.

This is part of Father's Day.

I sat in Dad's lap yesterday,
and he read me the funnies.

-Well, I never read the funnies.

-You don't?

-Well, occasionally I do glance
at "Little Orphan Annie."

But only because she teaches
many worthwhile lessons.

-Read it to me, huh?
-All right.

Now today, Little Orphan
Annie and her dog Sandy

are walking through
a dark forest,

and Annie says to Sandy,
jeepers, it's scary out here.

I hope we aren't lost.

Sandy says, arf!

-Boy, you'd make a
swell dog, Mr. Wilson.

Even better than Dad!

Do it again, will ya?

-Arf, arf!


-Aren't we having a swell
Father's Day, Mr. Wilson?

-Well, yes, Dennis.

We really are.


-Henry, can you come help me in
the kitchen a minute, please?

-Sure, honey.
What's the matter?

-Oh, those darned ice
trays are stuck again.

I'm trying to defrost
the refrigerator--


I'll be right there.
-Thank you.

-It's nothing to it.

Is just a matter of applying
a little in the right spot,

and an ice tray's got to give.

-Oh, Henry, you are a genius.

-Well, let's just say I'm
smarter than the average ice


-Close your eyes, Mr. Wilson.

Open your mouth,
and close your eyes.

-What, Dennis?

I'm trying--

-No fair peeking.

Close your eyes.

It's not to keep.

It's Dad's pipe.

It's just to smoke today.


Well, that's very nice,
Dennis-- What have you

got in this thing, anyhow?

-Just tobacco and grass.



I fell down with it
in the front yard,

but I couldn't find
all the tobacco.

You sure do like a
dad with that pipe.

Happy Father's Day, Mr. Wilson.

That sure was a good
lunch, Mrs. Wilson.

-Thank you, Dennis.

But George, you
hardly ate a thing.

-Well, I'm worried about that
confounded lawsuit, Martha.

It takes a man's appetite away.

-Oh, it may not be as
bad as you think, dear.

I don't see how
little Fremont could

have really hurt that man.

-I don't know.

He sure hollered awful loud.

-Oh, fine.

-You mustn't just
give up, George.

-Mr. Hatch has hired a lawyer.

Shouldn't you have
some legal advice?

-But Martha, lawyers
are so expensive.

Even the cheap ones.

-What about your
friend, Judge Hayworth?

Couldn't he at least advise you?

-Why, o of course!

Judge Hayworth.

Why, that's a
splendid idea, Martha.

Best legal mind in town.

And he won't charge me a nickel.

-Boy, he's really cheap.


Is Judge Hayworth in, please?

George Wilson calling.

Martha, I feel better already.

Hello, judge?


How's every little
thing in court?

Well, I have a,
a little problem,

and I thought you
might help me with.

Well, now, this man claims
that my dog bit him.

Oh, well, yes, he did bite him.

-Boy, I'll say he did!


-But the man started it.

He tried to kick my dog.

No, no.

The man wasn't on my property.

-It was in the park.

Tell him it was in the park.

-Come on, Dennis.

Let's not bother Mr. Wilson.


No, no, no.

It happened across the
street, in the park.


No, the dog wasn't on a leash.

He-- oh, I see.

Oh, I see.

Thank you, Judge.



-I should have called a doctor.

-A doctor?


-According to the
judge, I'm fractured.

Oh, I'll probably have
to settle with Hatch.

-I'm sorry, dear.

Why don't you lie down over
there and have a nice nap?

-Well now, I'd love to, Martha.

But how?

How can anyone take
a nap around here?

-Oh, that's easy, Mr. Wilson.

Dad takes naps all the time.

All you have to do is
lie down on the divan,

loosen your necktie,
kick off your shoes,

and go to sleep like this.


It's easy!

You can do it!

-Yes, George.

Go ahead.

I have to go downtown right
away on a lot of errands.

And Dennis, you can
come along and help me.

-Oh, I'd like to help
you out, Mrs. Wilson,

but I'll be too busy doing
things for Mr. Wilson.

-Dennis, you've done enough
for me to last me all my life.

Now you run along and have fun.

Just be sure he gets back here
when that lawyer comes, Martha.

-What time is he coming?

-Well, he's going to call.

I don't know what time.

I'm going to need Dennis.


Oh dear.

Better let Dennis
stay here, I guess.

-Well, try and get
some rest, dear.

-All right, Martha.

Now, Dennis.

I really would like
to get some rest,

so if you want to make this
a good Father's Day for me,

you'll be very, very quiet, OK?

-I'll be real quiet.

-I won't even talk.

-All right. [inaudible].

-(WHISPERING) I'll just whisper.

Happy Father's Day, Mr. Wilson.


Don't just stand
there staring at me.

Go sit down someplace.


-Oh great Scott.

-You sure are having a
hard time getting to sleep,

aren't you, Mr. Wilson?

-Oh yes I am.

-Would you like
me to sing to you?

You're kinda big to rock,
but I can sing to ya.


-Oh, what's the use?

Oh, Fremont, get off the couch.

You take him, will you, Dennis?

[phone ringing]
-Yes, sir.




Oh, you must be old man
Hatch's-- I mean, Mr.

Hatch's attorney.

Well, that's as good a
time as any, I suppose.

I'll be expecting you.

Good bye.

-Was that the man that Fremont
bit in the leg's lawyer?


Now look, Dennis, you're
my witness on this,

and I want you to tell that
lawyer exactly what happened.

Now, let's go over
it a little first.


-Now, you're sure
that Fremont actually

did take a nip at
this man, are you?

-Did he?

You should have seen him!

I thought he was going
to tear a leg off!

Grr, he said.



He grabbed old man Hatch by
the leg and chomped down!

-All right, all right!

Just forget the
colorful details.

Let's just have the facts.

-Yes, sir.

-Now, you threw a
stick for Fremont,

and this man kicked at him.

-Yes, sir.

And Fremont let out a roar.

Didn't you, Fremont?

And then he went into action!

He was like a lion!

Grr, he said.



He bared his fangs, and
tore right in there!

-Oh, for heaven's sakes, Dennis.

Fremont's fangs are
about that long.


-Yeah, and they're
mighty sharp, too.

Ask old man Hatch.

The way he went limping
off after Fremont bit him?

-Oh, Dennis, stop that.

For heaven's sakes.

Now, look.

If, if the man hadn't
kicked at Fremont,

he wouldn't have
bitten him, would he?

-Oh, no, sir.

Fremont's a swell little dog.

He likes everybody.

Now, that's what
I want you to tell

the lawyer when he gets here.


-Yes, sir.

-Maybe I can talk him
out of this some way.

I hope so, because--

-Why don't you go talk
Mr. Hatch out of it?

He's the one that got bit.

-I can't.

Old man Hatch won't even
talk to me on the phone.

-Well, maybe if you
went to see him--

-Now, look, Dennis,
I have to get

some rest before that
lawyer gets here.

Now, you sit on the front
steps and watch for him, OK?

-But Mr. Wilson!
-I'll rest a while.

Good bye.


Whatcha doing?

-Hi, Tommy!

Say, do you know where
old man Hatch lives?


He lives way over past my house.


-Well, I'm gonna do something
for good old Mr. Wilson.

And you can come with me.

Come on, I'll tell you
all about it on the way.


-Ah, how do you do?
Mr. Wilson?

-Oh, uh, come in.

-Thank you.

You must be mister, uh--

-John McRae, attorney at law.

I'm representing Mr. Hatch.

-Oh, Well, I hope he won't be
too unreasonable about this,


-Oh, I don't think so.

Oh, we do have a case, however.

Now, ah, you admit your dog
did bite my client, do you?

-Well, I understand he
sort of took a nip at him.

-I believe there was a witness.

A young lad.

Dennis Mitchell?

-Oh, yes.


He's right out here.

He'll tell you exactly
how it happened.



How do you like that?

Under my feet all day,
and now when I need him,

he's disappeared.

-Oh, now, I don't we'll have
any problems, Mr. Wilson.

You see, my client does not want
to take you to court at all.

-Oh, well, good.


-Unless he has to.

You see, he hopes
that you and I will

be able to work out an
amicable settlement.

Now, he feels that $
would be a proper amount.

-$ ?

Why, that's absolutely
ridiculous, Mr. McRae.

He can't kicked my dog!

Oh, can't we talk
this thing over?

Get Mr. Hatch on the phone.

Maybe $ ?

-All right, sir.

Yes, sir, I'll tell him.

-Well, what did he say?

What did he say?

-He will settle
the claim for $ .

That is this bottom figure.

-Well, of all the-- well, he's
a pirate, that's what he is.

A dirty old pirate.
-Mr. Wilson!

Now, this is my first
experience with Mr. Hatch,

and I will admit he
can be a bit difficult.

But pirate?

That is a very strong word, sir.

-Well, by golly, I--
-Hey, Mr. Wilson!

Mr. Wilson!
Guess what?

-Oh, Dennis, now for heaven's
sakes, don't bother me now.

-But wait 'til I tell you that--

-Dennis, I don't want
you to tell me anything.

Now be quiet, both of you.

Now, what was I saying?


Yes I was saying
that, that old man

Hatch is a dirty old pirate,
McRae, and you may quote me.

-Regardless of what you may
think of him personally,

the fact remains that he was
bitten by your dog on the right

leg between the ankle--

-That's the one!
That's the one!

-Yeah, the right leg!
-That's it!

-The wooden one!

-Dennis, for heaven's sakes,
will you-- What did you say?

-Mr. Hatch's right leg.

Where Fremont bit him.

It's a wooden leg!

-Yeah, wood!

-Are you sure?

We were just over to see him,
and he was washing his car!

-And his pant legs
were rolled up.

-And he's got a wooden leg.

The right one.

You wanna go see it?

-That dirty old pirate!

You must believe me, I-- I knew
absolutely nothing about this.

I-- I sincerely apologize.

-And I think you
should, Mr. McRae.

Goodbye, sir.


Well, Dennis, you've saved me
a substantial sum of money.

Just sit right down here.

I'd like to do something
for you in return.

What do you want?

-Well, let's see.

I know.

Show Tommy here how good
you can bark like a dog!

-How good I-- Oh,
you mean, uh, oh!


-Well, my special
Father's Day is over.

He's your boy again.

But I don't mind telling
you I hate giving him back.

-Oh, Mr. Wilson, there's nothing
we'd rather hear you say.

-Really Alice, it was a day that
George and I will never forget.

-I'll never forget it either.

Boy, you should've seen
the swell dinner we had.

And you know what Mr.
Wilson's favorite food is?

Hamburgers and
three kinds of pie.

-Only on Father's
Day, of course.

-Oh, oh, it tasted great.

I may have it every day.

-Well, Martha.

We better be heading for home.

It's probably close
to Dennis' bedtime.


Thank you for making us
both very happy today.

You're a fine boy.


Mr. Wilson, that
suits you to a T.

-Thank you, Mitchell.

I expect to get a load
of wear out of it.



-Well, I have never seen Mr.
Wilson in such good spirits


-Well, having his own Father's
Day has sort of perked him up.

-I just had another
swell idea, dad.

-What's that, son?

-Father's Days are
the best fun of all,

so why don't you
stay home tomorrow

and I'll have another
special one for you.

-Thanks for the
thought, son, but let's

wait until next year, huh?

[theme music]