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01x09 - Family Portrait/Little Bear's New Friend/The Visit

Posted: 11/12/23 13:11
by bunniefuu
[Birds singing ]

[Owl hooting... ]

[Hen squawks ]

Cat: boo!

[Squawking ]

All: whoa!

[All laughing ]

Mother bear: and there's father bear when he was small.

[Little bear giggles ]

These are funny.

That's mother bear and I

On the day we got married.

You're so beautiful, mother bear.

Mother bear: and there you are.

I don't look like that.

You did when you were a baby cub

But now you're a big little bear.

Father bear: and it's time to take another picture.

A picture of our family.

This camera has taken

Some excellent pictures in its day.

Can I hold it?

Okay. Hold it like this.

And look through there.


No, no, little bear.

Like this.

That's it.

Little bear: hm-mmm.


Little bear.

Here's a suit I've made

For you to wear in the picture.

Oh, boy!

It's just like your suit, father bear.

[Chuckles ]

That can't be my little bear.

It is me.

It's just me in a suit.

Can I look again?


[Insect buzzing ]

[Shutter clicks ]

What did you take a picture of?

A bug.

This is fun.

I bet my friends would like to see our camera.

Can I invite them over?

All right, but be careful with it.

And no more pictures of bugs.

There it is.


Little bear: do you like it?

A fine piece of equipment indeed.

It's for taking pictures.

I wondered what little bear was up to in those fancy clothes.

He does look particularly elegant today.

Thanks. I...

I'd look elegant, too, if I had that suit on.


Well, we don't have suits either.

But who cares?

The point is

We're going to be photographed.

Um, but... Uh....

I've always wanted my picture taken.

Me too!

But, um...

Well... What I meant was

Father bear's going to take a picture of us.

The three of us.

Me and mother bear and father bear.


Notour picture then?


I'll never get to wear a suit.

I don't want my picture taken anyway.

You can try on the suit, owl.

[Hoots excitedly ]

It's wonderful.

A shame you're not having your picture taken.


I know.

I'll take your pictures.

I'm sure father bear won't mind.

Little bear: ready!

There's just one thing.

I can't reach the camera.


[Meows ]


Guess I might as well help you out.

Okay, get ready.

I think I need you a little more that way.



No, the other way.

But just a little.

A teeny bit...

Now come forward.



A little more to the side.

[Sighs ]



No, no, no.

Uh, duck, you stand here.

Hen, you here.

Straighten up, owl.


Okay. One...



Now what?

Aren't we supposed to say something to make us smile?

Yes, that's right.

On the count of three we all say... Cheese.

What kind of cheese?

Any kind of cheese.

Mozzarella, muenster, provolone.

Just say anything!



Now, one, two, three.

Cheese!mozzarella. Cheese!


[Shutter clicks ]

[Duck giggles ]

That was a good one.

I better take one more.


Little bear: oops.


Oh, hen.



Pressed it too soon.

That's a funny one, cat.

[Shutter clicking ]

I better take one more.

I'll take it.

I'm an excellent photographer.

I just can't press and fly at the same time.

You can stand on me.

Nice composition.

Can I see?

You ruined the picture.


But I'm a photographer, too.

I, I think I'm, I'm going to...

[About to sneeze ]

[Sneezes ]


[Grunts ]

[Laughing ]

What is going on out here?

I'm showing my friends the camera.

Oh, little bear.

Look at your suit!

A very handsome garment in every way, mother bear.

Sorry, mother bear.

Well, maybe you'll wear a suit

The next time we take a picture.

[Counter clicking ]

Well, there's one picture left.

We'll just have to make this the perfect family portrait.


Look at the camera and...


Father bear: come and get your picture taken, everybody.

All: yay!

You're little bear's best friends

Which makes you part of this family.

Now, one, two, three...

Say cheese, everyone.

All: cheese!

Little bear: that's a very good family portrait.

Father bear: it's perfect.


[Insects twittering, birds calling ]


Now I can see everything.

That must be the ocean.

And that must be father bear's ship.

Hello, father bear.


[Wind blowing ]

[Stomach rumbles ]

[Gasps ]


I must be hungry.

[Giggling ]


Come play with us.

Sorry, no time.

I have to go home for lunch.


Talk to me.

Some other time, worm.

I've got to go.

Hello, little bear.

Look at us fly.

I can fly, too.

I just can't fly up or sideways.

But I can fly down.

[Grunts ]

I flew down the tree.

Are you all right?

I'm all right.

Are you?

I'm all right, too.

But I think I'm lost.

Maybe I can help you.

Could you see the river from up there?

Of course.

It's right over there.

Do you live by the river?

Yes, but just for the summer.

We're camping out on vacation.

I'm little bear, and I can take you to the river.

I'm emily.

Hi, emily.

And this is my doll, lucy.

Hello, lucy.

Lucy says hello to you.

Come on, emily.

Follow me.

Didn't you say the river was that way?

Yes, but I know a shortcut.

Oh, okay.

Thank you for helping me.

You're welcome.

Oh, and lucy thanks you, too.

You're welcome, lucy.

What's in that basket?



[Stomach rumbles ]


My stomach does that, too.

Have some.

Thank you.

I love cookies.

So do i.

My favorite are chocolate chip.

That's my favorite, too.

Lucy likes cookies, too.

Sugar cookies are her favorite.

Sugar cookies are my other favorite.

Mmm, these are very good.

Thank you.

[Grunts ]

Want another?

Lucy's not hungry now

So we can have hers.

I could eat cookies all day long.

Me, too.

How about peanut butter and jelly cookies for lunch?

Oh, yum.

And for dinner, fish cookies.

You're funny.

Oh, dear.

I forgot about this place.

That's all right.

Would you hold lucy for me?

I like your shortcut.


[Giggles ]

Look at me.

[Giggling ]

Very good.


Lucy's an acrobat, practically.

Come on.


Are we still going the right way?


Let's run.


[Both giggling ]

That was fun.

Are we almost there?

Well, we're definitely close.

All we need to do is cross that stream

And follow it to the river.

I'm worried about lucy.

She might fall in.

I'll hold her for you.

Would you?

Don't worry, lucy.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

[Gasps ]

Come on.

It's okay.

Lucy said thank you.

I see our tent.

And there's mother and father.

Is that your father fishing?


He loves to fish.

My father loves to fish, too.


He's a fisherman.

That's lucky, since you like fish cookies so much.

[Both laugh ]

Come on.

Uh, I think I hear my mother calling.

I hope I didn't make you late.



I'm glad we met.

Good-bye, emily.

Good-bye, little bear.

Come back and play with me some time.

I will.

[Laughing ]


[Humming ]


There you are.

You must be hungry by now.

Do you know what I just did?

What did you just do, little bear?

Well, I climbed up to the top of a tree

And saw the whole wide world.

The whole world?

Well, lots of it.

Then I climbed down a bit

And saw two squirrels, some birds, and a little green worm.

Then I flew down to the bottom

And what do you think I saw?

What did you see?

I saw a little girl named emily.

She was lost

So I helped her get back home.

And now I have a new friend.

Who do you think it is?

The little green worm.

No, it's emily.


Emily and I are friends.

[Humming happily... ]

Good morning, mother bear.

Good morning, little bear.

Those are pretty.

Today must be a special day.


Emily's coming to visit today.


What are we having for lunch?

We're having soup and sandwiches, and fruit and...


Oh, yes, your favorite bowl.

It's for emily.

[Knock at the door ]


I'll get it!







Hello, emily.

Why don't you come inside?


Come on in.


Emily brought cookies.

My favorite kind!

I picked these today.

I knew you liked flowers.

Lucy likes them, too.

Oh, this is lucy.

She talks to emily.

I'm going to work in the garden.

Want to see my room?


And this is my good-luck twig

That I found deep in the forest.

What kind of good luck does it bring?

I'll show you.

You hold on to one end

And I'll hold on to the other.

And now we run around and around the room.

[Laughing joyfully... ]

Little bear: whoa!





The twig found my seashell.

That is lucky.

It's so nice.

I can hear the ocean.

Father bear brought this for me from the ocean.

Hello, father bear.

Ahoy, out there.

Ahoy, father bear.

Maybe he can hear us.

Is that father bear?

Yes. He's away on a fishing trip

And he's probably catching a fish right now.

You look alike.

We do.

You're both very handsome.

We are?


Lucy thinks so too.

I know...

Come on.

These are mother and father bear's old clothes.

Let's play dress up.

Emily: good idea.

How do I look?

Now you really look like father bear.

Good afternoon, father bear.

Pleased to meet you.

[Giggles ]

[In deep voice ]: pleased to meet you, young lady.

A perfect fit.

[Giggles ]

I like wearing a suit.

That looks like fun.

This is pretty.

I can dress up, too.

Emily: lovely day for a stroll in the garden

Wouldn't you say, father bear?

Oh, yes.

Perfect day for fishing, too.

Oh, but I would get

My new dress all dirty.

Don't worry.

I'll get you a new one.

Oh, father bear.

You're so generous.

[Fabric rips ]

Little bear: here's my boat.

Oh, it's lovely.

I'll get in first.

You have to be careful with boats.

They can be tippy.

Thank you, father bear.

I'll find our perfect fishing spot.

Is it far?

No, not too far.

This looks like a perfect spot.

Are we fishing now?


How are they biting today?

Not so good.

I think the fish are sleeping.


Do you really think so?

Lucy thinks you and I are a very nice couple

And should get married.


Mm-hmm. She says two people

Who fish so well together

Should get married.

But how do we do that?

Well, first we need a wedding bouquet.

What's that?

A bunch of flowers.

I already picked you flowers.

I got your bouquet.

Now what?

Now we need a ring.

A ring?

Oh, it's lovely.

Are we married now?

No, somebody has to say the words.


What words?

Who knows the words?

[Snoring ]



What, what?

We're getting married.

Can you say the marry words?

Oh, yes.

[Clears throat ]

I can do that.

Now, little bear.



I'm supposed to hold the flowers.

You hold the ring.

Okay.... Go.


Little bear.


Do you take emily

To be your awfully wedded wife?

[Laughs ] that'slawfully wedded, owl.

Excuse me.

[Clears throat ]

Lawfully wedded wife.

Say yes.


Emily, do you take little bear

To be your lawfully wedded husband?



That's it, I think.

Now, give me the ring.

I thought I was supposed to hold it.

On the finger.

There, now that's it.


Now what?

I'm supposed to give you a ring, too.

But I only have one elastic band.

Emily: come here.


Great. You're done.

Owl should now pronounce you little bear and friend.

You can kiss me now.

[Stomach growls ]


I'm hungry.

That's what wedding banquets are for.

That's my favorite part of getting married.

Come on!


Here. You can keep it.

Let's eat.

Me, too?

Of course, owl.

You did such a fine job.

Thank you, mother bear.

You look lovely in that dress, dear.

Thank you, mother bear.

Come on, slowpokes.