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01x10 - Duck, Babysitter/Little Bear's Band/Hop Frog Pond

Posted: 11/12/23 13:13
by bunniefuu
[Birds singing... ]

[Owl hooting... ]

[Hen squawks ]

Cat: boo!

[Squawking ]

All: whoa!

[All laughing ]

[Crickets chirping, birds singing... ]

[Humming... ]

Hello, emily.

Hi, little bear.

Thank you

For inviting me to your picnic.

I want you to meet my friends.

Maybe they won't want a stranger.

You're not a stranger.

You're emily.

Hen: no, no, no.

Cat: let's eat by the pond.

I don't know if that's the best place for a picnic.

The grass is thicker here.

I like to sit in the sun.

Little bear: hello, everyone.

Owl: whoa!

Good day.hi, little bear.


Who are you?

I don't believe we've had the pleasure.

This is my new friend, emily.

Nice to meet you.

Who's this?

Little bear: that's lucy.

She tells emily things.

She wants to tell me something now.

What? I can't hear her.

She says she's never seen a handsomer cat

In her life.

Well, she's quiet, but she's smart.

[Purring ]

Duck: stay in line.

[Ducklings cheeping ]

A line!


Do you know what a line is?


Now, none of that! [Quacks ]

[Peeps ]

[Quacks ]

Hold it right there.

Come back here.

[Cheeping... ]

Is anyone listening to me?

[Dragonfly buzzes away ]

Hi, little duck.

[Peeps ]


[Peeps ]

Ducklings are so soft.

Duck: little peep!

Little peep!

There you are.

She's so cute.

Who are you?

Little bear's friend, emily.

I'm duck.

I'm little bear's friend, too.

I guess that makes us friends.

I hope so.

I'm duckling-sitting for mother duck.

Does anybody mind if they come to the picnic?

Hen: if they mind their manners.

And keep out of my potato salad.

Can't you leave them in a puddle somewhere?

Mmm, they are sweet little things. [Licks ]


Should we eat, or play games first?

Croquet, anyone?

Are you sure you don't want to play, duck?

I'd better keep an eye on the ducklings.

You can't trust them around food.

Mmm, that looks good.

Owl: hen? I believe you start.

Hen: well, I don't really play much.

[Tap ]

Emily: nice sh*t.

Hen: just lucky.[Yawning ]

Your turn, owl.

Thank you.

[Sighing ]

[Tap, boinging ]

Emily: how did you do that?

Owl: it's all in the wrist.

I guess one bite wouldn't hurt.

Mmm... Yum... Mmm...

Owl: cat.

Emily: gee!

Little bear: yay!

Duck: mmm... Mmm...

Owl: you hit my ball.

Cat: that's the whole idea, owl.


[Squawks ]

No, don't move my ball!

It's against the rules.

[Cheeping... ]

[Startled hoot ]

Come back here!

[Hoots ]


[Hooting ][cheeping ]

Mmm... [Quacks ]

[Quacks ]



[Quacking ]

[Quacks ]


[All gasp ]

[Cat meows ]

[Screeching, squawking ]


[Thud ]

Game's over.

[Moaning ]

[Laughing... ]

[Continues laughing ]


[Laughing... ]

I'm sorry, everyone.

It's okay, duck.

Let's eat.

Come on, duck.

Come on, ducklings.

[Quacking ]

[Peeping and chuckling... ]


Thought I'd made more potato salad.

How are you coming with those napkins, cat?

I've got an extra.

But... I gave you three.

Well, there's only two ducklings.

Don't be silly.

One, two...

Oh, no!

Where's little peep?

Little peep!

I've got to find her!

I've got to get help!

I've got to, I've got to...

Sit down.

Emily: it's okay, duck.

Don't worry, duck.

We'll find her.

All: little peep! Little peep!

Little peep. Little peep.


Over there!

I'll get her.

Little peep?

Come here, little peep.

[Grunts ]

I've got you!

[Meowing... ]

Little bear: cat? Did you get little peep?

I don't think so.


Where could little peep be hiding?

Lucy has an idea!

She says we should think of where we like to hide.

I'd hide in a tree.

I'd hide in barn.

But ducklings like...


Come on, duck.

We think we know where little peep is.

Oh, thank goodness!

[Little peep laughing ]

[Quacking ]

[Laughing ]

[Peeps ]

[Quacks ]

[Peeping ]

Little peep.

We saved you some potato salad.

[Peeps ]

[Smacking... ]

[Gulps ]

They're so cute.

I love baby animals.

Oh, so do i...

As long as I don't have to baby-sit them.

[Peeping ]

Could you pass the potato salad?

It's all gone, owl.

[Groans ] oh, my potato salad.

[Grunts ]


[Grunts ]

I did it!

Do you need more?

[Laughs ]

Yes, I'm afraid so.

We have lots of guests to feed at tonight's party.

Why is it a golden anniversary party?

[Grunts ]

Will everyone be dressed in gold?

No, little bear.

It's because grandmother and grandfather bear

Have been married for years.

It's so special to be married so long

It's as good as gold.

[Trumpet playing ]

Look what I found.

My old trumpet.

Play some more.

A one and a two

And a three, and a...

[Playing jazz tune ]

You're good.

Father bear used to have a band.

You had a band?

Yes, but that was years ago.

Are these your band's records?

[Laughs ]

No, we're using those for the party tonight.

Let's put them on and dance.

[Jaunty piano melody playing ]

May i?

Dance, mother bear.

I'd be delighted.


[Laughing ]

[Needle scratches ]

[Crashing ]

Oh, dear.

Father and little bear: uh-oh.

Is it broken?

I'm afraid so.

Raccoon will be at the party.

He's good at fixing things.

[Trumpet playing, off-key ]


Very nice.


[Trumpet playing ]

What's that noise?

It wasn't me.

Maybe moose has a stomachache again.

What are you doing?

What else does it do?

It's father bear's trumpet.

He was in a band.

That must have been fun.

I'm going to make my own band.

Want to join?


I can be a star.

Okay, let's play.

Uh, little bear?

I think the rest of us need instruments.

Can you use this?

Thanks, cat.

What's your instrument, hen?

I can't decide.

Dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, me!

[Clang ]

[Squawks ]

[Tinkling ]

Thank you, duck.



[Clang ]

[Trumpet playing ]

Wait for me.

[Hoots ]

Ready, everyone?


Wait, wait, wait!

I wasn't ready.

Okay, go.


Now I missed the beginning.

When do we start?

I know. Father bear counted to start.


Don't worry, duck, I'll count.

A one and a two and a three

[All start playing, off-key and [off-b*at ]

[Grunting ]

Hold it!

What's wrong?

You keep poking me.



Ready? A one and a two and a...

[They resume, still awful ]

[All stop but duck ]

Why has everybody stopped?

No one can hear themselves play.

Why not?

Because someone is playing too loudly.




I can play softly.

[Taps ]

Let's try again.

[Playing more in tune and rhythmically ]

[All cheer ]

That was great!

Not half bad.

Not half bad?

We sound good.

I know--

Let's play at my grandparents' anniversary party.

All: yay!

[All chatting ]

What's that?

I don't believe we've had the pleasure.

Don't need that, don't need this

Don't need that. Nope.

[Clanging ]

Whoops! May need that.

[Both sigh ]

That ought to do it.

[Rumbling ]

Where could little bear be?

I don't know.

Isn't it about time for some dancing?

A little rumba?


Okay, I got her this time.

All set, everybody?

[All gasp ]

[Record starts playing very fast ]

All: oh.

[Banging, music distorted ]

[Piece lands with clang ]

Maybe this piece was important.

I guess we won't have a dance.

Maybe next year.

[Music playing... ]

Happy golden anniversary, grandmother and grandfather.

What a wonderful surprise!

Thank you, little bear.


[Clears throat ]

A one and a two and a three...

[Band resumes playing ]

Shall we?

You dance divinely.

Yup, need this.

Need that.

Yup, that, too.

[Playing very well... ]

[Birds singing ]

[Sniffs ]

[Sniffing ]

What's the matter, emily?

I was just thinking

That I have to go back to school soon.

I don't want you to go.

[Kisses ]

You won't forget us

Will you, emily?


I could never forget you.

And all the good times we've had?

[Purrs ]

It's been such a fun summer.

Remember what fun we had at hop frog pond?

Oh, yes, the water was so cold.

And the water lilies were so pretty.

[Dreamily ]: and there was so much mud!

[Laughs ]

I know.

We could go to hop frog pond today.

All: yay!

[Humming ]

[Squawking ]

[Rustling ]

[Squawks ]

Hen: what's that?

[Thumping ]

Something big!

Here it comes!

I'll protect you, emily.

[Hisses ]

[Meows ]

[Gasps ]

Emily: it's moose!

Hello, moose.


Hi, there, little ones.

[Laughs ]

It's only moose.

What are you doing?

We were on our way to hop frog pond.

I'm on my way there myself.

Like a ride?

Little bear: sure.

All aboard!

Next stop: hop frog pond.

All: yay!

[Laughing and cheering ]

[Croaking ]

Emily: hop frog pond.

Mud, mud...

Glorious mud!

[All laughing ]

Whoa! [Laughs ]



For you, emily.

Thank you, owl.

Duck: look, emily!

I made an "e" for emily.

Thank you, duck.

Did I spell it right?

Exactly right.

[Laughs ]

I'm going in!

Come on, emily.

Just a minute.

Here I come!

You're a good swimmer, emily.

[Giggles ]

That tickles.

We could catch fish.

I think the fish have caught us.

[Laughing ]

[Frogs croak ]

Hop, frog, hop.

I guess we know why it's called hop frog pond.

[Laughing ]

[Distant laughter ]


Who are they?


[Yelling gleefully ]

Emily: they're baby otters.

Let's say hello.

Hi! Ooh!


Hi. I'm little bear.

And I'm emily.

And that tickles.

Want to play?

Want to slide?

That's our mud slide.

Come try it!

You'll love it.


All: it's slippery!

Did somebody say mud slide?

Count me in!

Should we?

Sure. Why not?

What's the best way to go down?

On your stomach.


Or your back.


Or both! Whoa!

Maybe I'll start with sitting.


That was great!

Go again!

Come on, emily.

Look out below!


Look at me!

Look at...

[Squawks ]


Come on.

Everybody try it.

[Coldly ]: no thanks.

I... Don't swim much.

We'll help you.

Hen [hesitantly ]: okay.

[Squawks ]

Thank you.

Thatwas fun.

I can do that.

Hang on.


I-i did it!

What's the matter, cat?

I don'tdo mud slides.

He can't swim.

I can, too.




Catcan swim.

[Growls ]

Let's go again.





[Applause ]

Can you do that again?

I didn't know I could do it once.

[Squawks ]


Look out below!


Whoa! Whoo!

Ready, go!

Both: whee!

That's a nice hat.

Now we match.

[Insects buzzing, birds singing ]

[Water softly splashing ]

[Light thud ]

What kind of trees are these?

They're oak trees.

Guess how old they grow to be?

More than three years?

Lots more, duck.

They can become , years old.

All: wow!

[Birds and insects chirping ]

We have to go now, little bear.

[Sadly ]: I know.

Here, emily.

I want you to have this

To remind you of the good times

We have at hop frog pond.

Cat: what are you doing?

I'm planting the acorn here.

So one day, it will be a big oak tree.

And we can swing off it.

By next summer?

It will probably take a little longer.

Next summer can't come soon enough.

Emily: that's because we're all friends.

Little bear: we sure are.

Hen: yes, always friends.

Duck: we are friends, aren't we?