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04x09 - Dennis at Boot Camp

Posted: 11/13/23 06:27
by bunniefuu

-Hey, did you see that, Mom?

-Yes, honey.

You were wonderful.

Ah, hasn't it been a

marvelous vacation, dear?


I hate the thought

of leaving San Diego.

[horn honking]

-Hey look!

The fleet's in!

Boy, that's the first thing

I'm gonna do when I get old,

join the Navy.

Hey look!

He's going to Mr.

Wilson's bungalow.

-That must be the nephew

John told us about.

-Yeah, that's who it is.

I'm going over and meet him!

-Oh no, you're not.

Not until you've had a shower

and changed your clothes,

young man.

-I'm clean, Mom.

I've been in the pool

six times this morning.

-Well, you can't go in

there dripping wet, son.

-Why not?

Mr. Wilson's

nephew's in the Navy.

He's used to water.

[theme music]

-I sure wish you could come

down to the base, Aunt Eloise.

It's Visitors Day.

You'll see a lot of action.

-Well, we'd like to, Ted.

But we have to get ready to

start home tomorrow morning.

-So Stubby Stone is your boss.

[laughs] I can't get

over my old shipmate

being command of boot camp here.

-You want to call and put in a

good word for me, Uncle John?


-I graduate next week.

I hope.

-Were you and Ted's boss in

the w*r together, Mr. Wilson?

-With both feet.

We were buddies.

I remember when our

destroyer was blown up.

-Blown up!

-Now John, let's not fight

the w*r all over again.

-Well, I'm afraid I

have to leave anyhow.

-Jeepers, do you

have to go already?

-[laughs] I'm afraid so, Dennis.

You see, I got special

promotion to come

see Uncle John and Aunt Eloise.

Chief Petty Officer Bundy

let me drive out in his truck

while he stopped in town

and I have to get back.

-Say, our car is down at

the garage being serviced,

and I promised Dennis he could

go with me to pick it up.

You can drop us off.

-Boy, riding in your

Navy truck'll be neat!

--[laughs] Well, I'd,

I'd like to, Uncle John.

But it's against regulations

to haul civilians.

-You mean after Mr. Wilson

fought the w*r for the Navy,

they won't even give

him a lift downtown?

-Well, it's strictly

against regulations, Dennis.

Chief Bundy wouldn't

stand for it.

-Oh nonsense, my boy.

-Well gosh, Uncle John.

I've got a lot of

demerits already.

And if Chief Bundy

gives me one more--

-Now John, you shouldn't

insist on Ted breaking a rule.

-Now what's the harm when

I'm an old buddy of the base


Now you're not going to

be chicken, are you Ted?

Who ever heard of a

Navy man being chicken?

Come on, now!

Let's go!

Come on, Dennis.

Goodbye, Eloise.

Open the door, come on!

Let's go!

I want to get in that truck.

-Goodbye, Mrs. Wilson.

-This is a very important

day for me, Lieutenant.

And for the entire

Naval Training Center.

-Oh, I know sir.

This is probably the

biggest Visitors Day

demonstration the

Navy's ever had.

-That's right.

By the way, did Chief

Bundy get back yet

with that underwater demolition

expert from the UDT base?

-Uh, not yet sir.

He may have been held up.

They're sending

over their top man

and they've been pretty

busy with trainees.

-Well, I'm glad they're

sending up their top man.

What's his name?

-Baker, I believe, sir.



Well now, this man Baker will

dive from the Trepang submarine

located about here,

and will detonate

the depth charge

located about here.

The expl*si*n will simulate

an enemy air att*ck

at precisely ,

and that will signal

the start for the

entire First Fleet.

-I'm sure the visitors

all around the harbor

will get a big boot

out of it, sir.

-Mm, and everything

starts right here

at the Naval Training Center.

-The garage is just couple

of blocks down the street.

You see, and it was perfectly

safe to let us hitch a ride.

-Hey, isn't that some kind of a

Naval officer down the street?

-Holy smoke, it's Chief Bundy!

Well he's supposed

to be over on--

-Well, well, stop the

truck and we'll hop out.

-No, no!

He'd see us!

-Well then, I'll

explain to him that--

-Uncle John, I can't

afford another demerit!


Get in the rear and when

I stop to pick him up,

slip out the back.

-Oh but Ted--

-You've got to do

it, Uncle John!

If I'm caught, I might

not even graduate.



-Oh, great day in the morning.

Well, this is

silly, but I suppose

we'll have to humor Ted.

-Well gee, Mr. Wilson.

We sure don't want Ted to

miss getting graduated, do we?

[brakes squealing]

-OK, let's go.

-Uh, all right, just

a second, Chief.

I, I k*lled the engine.

-I can't get it open.

-What are you

looking for, sailor?

Get going!

-Well, I don't want to pull

out in traffic and hit a car.

-Well, you don't have

to sit and wait for one.

Now get going!

-Boy, this'll be bad for Ted

if they find us in his truck,

huh Mr. Wilson?

-Well, maybe they'll stop again.

-But we can't get

these doors open.

Besides, what if they

don't stop again?

-Well, we'll end up at

the Naval-- [gasps].

Oh, good heavens!

-What are we gonna do?

-Well, I better get

ready just in case.

-Ready for what?

-Well, if we wind up

at the Naval base,

they're going to unload

all of this stuff.

But with these on, I'll

be just another sailor

helping them unload.

-What about me?

-Well, I'll get you off

when nobody's looking.

If anybody says

anything, you're just

a little kid looking around.

You could say that

you're a friend

of a friend of the captain.


-Where are we?

-We're in the Navy, all right.

-Hang on.

Form a detail and put

Baker's gear in the barracks

with all the other stuff.

-Aye aye, sir.

You just go along, sir.

I'll take care of everything.

-I'll go along when the

job is finished, Wilson.

Now get this thing unloaded.

-Aye aye, sir.

Listen, you guys!

Come here!

You've got to help

me out of a jam.

My uncle and a kid are

inside and Chief Bundy

doesn't know it.

Now we've got to hide them

til we can figure a way

to smuggle them off the base.

-Man, you're asking for trouble!

-I know.

-I stopped to pick up Baker,

but the commander at UDT

said he's out working

with the trainees

and they'll have to send

him over a little later.

But I did pick up his gear.

-Chief Bundy, I wanted that man

Baker over here an hour ago!

-Uncle John, it's the only way!


He's still talking on the phone!

-All right back there!

What's holding you guys up?


Just a darn minute!

What do you think you're doing?

-All right, let's get

this stuff moving!

Carry on.

-This is the most ridiculous--

-But Chief Bundy

was right there!

He would have seen you!


I'd have grabbed some blankets.

He wouldn't have

known the difference.

-But he might have.

You're too old to look

like a recruit, Uncle John.

Besides you've got a mustache.

-Well, I'd have told him

I'm from some other outfit.

You know, the old double talk.

You forget that I was

in the Navy once myself.

Now don't you worry.

I'm not going to let

you down, my boy.

I got you into this,

I'll get you out of it.


Lieutenant Alden's coming!

-Holy mackerel!

Now you'll have to

do some double talk.

-Attention on deck!

-At ease.

I came down here to-- I've seen

boots go through some pretty

rough times, but I've never seen

one age as fast as you have.

-Oh, I'm not a boot, sir.

-You're not?

Then who are you?

-Who am I?

Who am I?

Uh, H. Baker, sir.


Well, you finally

got here, Baker.

Report to the

captain immediately.

-Aye aye, sir.

-The rest of you

men are assigned

to the captain's special detail.

Report to Chief Bundy.

-Aye aye, sir.

-Carry on.

-Now you've done it, Uncle John!

Why did you have to

use Baker's name?

-Because it was the first

thing I thought of, that's why.


That's just great!

-Who is this Baker anyhow?

-He's a demolition

expert, that's who!


-Yes, and he'll be

here any minute!

-Well don't worry.

I'll think of something.

-I hope you do, Uncle John.

-Hey, Mr. Wilson, while I was

in there, I've been thinking.

Since you're such a good old

buddy of the captain's, why

don't you just go to him

and explain everything?

-Well Dennis, it's true

that during most of the w*r

Stubby Stone and I were buddies.

But uh, that all changed when he

was nearly cooked by cannibals.




Well, it's a long

story but uh, we

were near an unexplored

island and the captain

was calling for volunteers

for a landing party.

And well, I was behind Stubby

and I kind of pushed him.

And well, it developed that

the island was inhabited

by cannibals and poor

Stubby very nearly

didn't get back to the ship.

And it would be just

like Stubby Stone

to hold a grudge

against me, just

for a little thing like that.

-Boy, it sure looks

like we'll have

to keep away from the captain.

You can't be Mr. Wilson

and you can't be Baker.

-Uh, let that be a

lesson to you, Dennis.

Never represent yourself

as someone you are not.

-I didn't, Mr. Wilson.

You did.

But you sure saved Ted

from getting into trouble.

-Yeah well, I felt obligated.

Uh, let's get my clothes out

of the truck and get on home.


What happened to the truck?

-Oh no!

They've taken it away!

This is the most

awful day of my life!

-Well, I can look

for it, Mr. Wilson.

On account of I'm

just a little kid.

And all I have to

say is I'm a friend

of a friend of the captain's.

-All right, Dennis.

You do that.

But hurry.

I'll wait here for you.

-Are you sure you're all right?

-Sure I'm sure.

I'm having a ball!

You oughtta see

the neat drilling.

Boy, the Navy is the greatest!

-Mr. Wilson isn't in any

real trouble, is he Dennis?


They think he's a

demolition expert.

But good old Mr. Wilson's OK

as long as they don't find him.

I gotta go now and help

him find his clothes.

-His clothes?


He lost them.


-John couldn't possibly

be running around the Navy

base with no clothes

on, could he?

-Well Eloise, I didn't

get a very clear picture

of what was going

on from Dennis.

But I think we better

try to find Henry.


-Hey you!

That stupid employment agency

said you'd be here an hour ago.

Now come on, get in there!

-Oh wait a minute.

There's some mistake.


-Yeah well, you

look like a mistake.

I told her to send me a waiter.

-A waiter?

Oh, I'm not what you think I-uh.

I'm, I'm not experienced.

-Well, you'll get experience.

Come on!

I got no time to waste!

-Oh, there'll be thousands

of vantage points

all around the

harbor, Commander.

-It's gonna be quite

a show, Captain.

-Navy's on the alert.

Every man has been briefed.

Except that frogman, Baker.

-Has Baker checked in yet?

-Well, Lieutenant Alden saw him

and told him to report to me

and then he just vanished.


Where are you going?

-To serve the juice.


Haven't I seen you

somewhere before?

-Oh no, senor.

Uh, capitan.

No, uh no speak English.

Yo hablo espanol.

Spanish, yes.

English, no.


Uh, si.


-That's really strange.

You know, I seldom

forget a face.

Were you ever in

the South Pacific?


-Captain sir, this message was

delivered to the duty officer.

-Ah! [inaudible] Out!

Get that man out!


-Hey Mr. Wilson!

Mr. Wilson!

-Dennis, don't yell

my name so loud!

I've just had a narrow escape.

-OK, but I found your clothes.

-You did?

Oh, I'll never forget

you for this, Dennis.

Where are they?

-I put them back

at the barracks.

We'd better hurry, because

everybody on the base

is looking for Mr.

Baker, on account

of the captain is

plenty mad at him.

-That isn't all the

captain is mad about.

Let's go.

-There they are!


Now I'll go inside

and change my clothes.

You stay out here and warn

me if anyone's coming.

-OK, Mr. Wilson.


-Hello, Baker.


Hello, Lieutenant.

-I knew you'd have to

get back here sometime.

Why didn't you report to

Captain Stone like I told you?

-Oh, I, I just left

the captain, sir.


Well then he briefed you

for the demolition job.

-Uh, no.

No, he-- well, he

was very busy and I

didn't want to disturb him.

Lieutenant, there's

been a terrible mistake.

-Look Baker, I'm going to report

you to the Officer of the Day

unless you get right over there.

Now I put your gear in my truck.

Come on, you can

change on the way over.

-But Lieutenant!

-What's the matter

with you, Baker?

You act like you didn't

want to do this job.

-Oh, I, I give that

impression, do I?

Oh, will this day never end?

-OK, Mr. Wil--

-Hi, sonny, what are

you doing around here?

-Well, I'm a friend of a

friend of the captain's.

-Uh, young man, would

you like my autograph?

-Your autograph?

Oh sure.

-Come on, Baker!

Save that autograph s for later.

-Uh yes sir.

Yes sir.

There you are, young man.

-Thanks Mr. Baker.

Good luck.

-Thank you.

I'll need it.

-Let's go Put your gear in here.

You get changed while I drive.


-Follow that truck?

Boy, being in the Navy

sure keeps a guy busy.

[engine revving]

-Hi, Mr. Wilson.

You're lucky I could see

where that truck was going.

Here are your clothes.

-Oh never mind, Dennis.

-What are you doing in

that outfit, Mr. Wilson?

Are you going skin diving?

-No, I am not.

-Well, you better get changed.

-It's no use.

I'm trapped.

They could throw me in

the brig for six months

unless I go through with this.

So it looks like my only way out

is to dive off that submarine.

-What'll you do

then, Mr. Wilson?

-Oh, you see those palm

trees on the beach?


-Take my clothes and

I'll make a swim for it.

Hurry now, hurry!

-Who was that?

-Uh, some kid, sir.

Uh, wanted my autograph.

-You know, you've given me

a bad time today, Baker.

I hope you realize that.

-Uh sorry, Captain.

-I wanted to go over

this assignment with you

thoroughly so there'd be

no possibility of error.

-Yes sir.

-Haven't we met somewhere?

-No sir.

No, no.

Oh no.

No we haven't.

-Well then, get along.

-Uh yes sir.

Yes sir, yes sir.


-Demolition charge is

planted out there yards.

It's all set to go at .

That will signal the greatest

show of deterrent firepower

the Navy's ever had.

[helicopter rotors]

-Well, what in tarnation

is that thing doing here?

Is he trying to foul us up?

Now as I was saying,

Baker, you were

selected because you were the

best man for the job, right?

-Uh yeah, yeah.

Uh yeah.

-Now all systems are go.

You have exactly minutes.

-Baker reporting, sir.


-They flew me over from UDT.

Sorry if I'm late, sir.

-Well, if you're

Baker, who is that?

-Search me.

-Well, I'll certainly find out.


It can't be!

Now I remember.


John Wilson!

So, impersonating a Navy man!

-So long, Stubby!

-Come back here, you idiot!

-Want me to get him, sir?


You've got to get

ready to set off

the demolition

charge in minutes!

Get into your suit!

-He's already in it.


[heavy a*tillery]

[jet engines]

-Oh no.

Oh, look what that

idiot has done!

He set off the charge

minutes ahead of time!



[jet engine]

[rocket launch]



[rocket launch]

[heavy a*tillery]

[jet engine]


[heavy a*tillery]

[jet engines]

-Boy, Mr. Wilson.

You missed all the fireworks.

-Dennis, I thought

I was a goner.

I got tangled up in a lot of

wires or seaweed or something.

And, and then there was

this terrible expl*si*n.

-That's what started everything.

Boy, I'll bet the Navy

gives you a medal!

-I don't want a medal, Dennis.

I just want to get into

my clothes and go home.

-Why didn't I recognize that

man Wilson the moment I saw him?

What is he doing here?

Now I know he deliberately

planned this diabolical scheme

just to ruin my day.

I'll k*ll him!

[phone ringing]

-Captain Stone's office.

Just a moment, please.

It's the admiral, sir.

-The admiral?

Well, this is the end.

Captain Stone speaking, sir.

I wish you could have heard

the admiral congratulate me,


-That's great, sir.

-Here's this telegram from

the Navy Department "What

you did makes our day

even more successful.

It points out the fact that

the Navy, always on the alert,

can go into action without

even a moment's notice.

Congratulations on

a job well done."

-That's wonderful, sir.

-You know something, Lieutenant?

That sneaky Wilson

actually did me a service.

-Poor guy.

I wonder if he ever

knew what hit him?

-Much as I hate to admit it,

that Wilson was a good sailor.

I hope they give him

a proper Navy burial.

-This sure has been a

fun day, huh Mr. Wilson?

-Speak for yourself, boy.

-Yes, we were frantic.

-Are you sure you feel

like driving, John?

-I feel fine now, Eloise.

And Ted is out of trouble

because no one will ever

know how we got on the base.

[laughs] Good old Stubby Stone.

I'll never forget

the look on his face

when I spilled juice on him.



-Where do you

think you're going?

-Where do you

think you're going?

Look at--

-Say, what do you

think you're doing,

backing out of there

on-- ooh, Stubby!


I thought you were

at the bottom of--

-Bottom of what?

-Every time you get

near me, my life's

just not worth a plum nickel!

-Why do you back up as

if you own the place?

How did you ever

get to be a captain?

-I earned my captaincy,

that's what I did!

[interposing voices]

-Who is he?

-There's a captain's

insignia on the car.

That must be Mr. Wilson's

old shipmate, Captain Stone.

You know something?

There's always so much

going on in the Navy,

I can't wait to

get old and join.

[interposing voices]

[theme music]