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04x19 - Dennis, the Confused Cupid

Posted: 11/13/23 06:36
by bunniefuu
-Oh, dear.

-What 's the matter, honey?

-I completely forgot

about your bowling

and I made it with the

Matthews for Bridge tonight.

-Oh, fine!

-Oh, Henry, I'm sorry.

But it would be a

little awkward to call

now and cancel the game.

-You'll have to get out it

somehow, though, huh, Mom?

-Ah, no problem.

I'll-- I'll just all

and cancel the bowling.

-Are you sure you don't mind?

-Anything for you, honey.

-But you like to bowl, Dad.

It's a big deal every week!

-Not if it's going to

embarrass your mother.

-I'll make it up to you, Henry.

We'll have liver and

onions for dinner tonight.

-Liver and onions?

But you can't stand

liver and onions, Mom.

You don't even like to cook 'em.

-Your father likes it.

-Hey, how come you

both give in so easy?

-Well, you see it's

like this, son.

Your mother and I

love each other.

And when you love someone,

giving into their wishes

is part of it.

-Do you mean, love makes you

do things you don't want to?

-Well, let's just say it

makes you glad to do them.

-Boy, I'm getting so I

can understand arithmetic,

but love is real

tough to understand.

-I imagine you'll be learning

quite a bit about love

in the next few years.

-Maybe I better start

learning about it right now.

Like our Scout motto

says, "Be prepared."

-Good idea.

-We've already learned what to

do for snake bites and poison

ivy and sprained ankles,

but love sounds worse.

I better really get

prepared for that.

[theme music]

-I know you're busy, Mr.

Wilson, so I won't stay long.

-We're always glad

to see you, Dennis.

Have a chocolate.

-Gosh, thanks.

Uh, all I wanted to do

is ask you one question.

Do you and Mrs. Wilson

love each other?

-Well, of course we do.

What, uh, brought that on?

-Well, Mom and Dad say I'm gonna

have to be in love some day.

And I want to learn

about it ahead of time.

You know, like learning to swim,

in case you fall overboard.

-Well, I guess it is

something like that, Dennis.

Of course, Mrs.

Wilson and I don't

consider ourselves authorities.

But we have had many happy

years of experiences.

-Why does love make you happy?

What does it do to ya?

-Well, being together

makes you happy.

It's a very-- well,

a very warm feelings.


When I want a warm

feeling, I just

put more blankets on my bed.

-Well, Dennis, I think you're

a little young to understand

the finer points of love,

but I do recommend it highly.

-Thanks, Mr. Wilson.

I'm not sure I'll like

it, but I'm glad you do.

Bye, Mrs. Wilson.

-Goodbye, dear.


-Bye, Dennis.

[door opens and closes]

-Now what do you suppose got him

started on the subject of love?

-Heaven knows.

All I can say is,

when he's old enough,

I hope he's as lucky as I am.

-Have I really made

you happy, John?

-You know you have.

You're still the same

sweet girl I married.

-Thank you, dear.

Well, not exactly the same.

Those, uh, chocolate creams have

added a pound here and there.

-I hoped you wouldn't notice.

I don't mind.

Gives me that much more to love.

Oh, confound it!

-What's the matter?

-Well, I have a

clipping that I want

to use in the article I'm

writing and I can't find it.

-Well, no wonder.

Your desk bulges like

a bag full of laundry.

-Maybe it's in

this drawer, here.

-Oh, dear, you haven't changed

a bit since we were married.

You still litter up the whole

house with every piece of paper

you get your hands on.

-Well, they're mostly copies

of things that I've written.

You never know when

they'll come in handy.

-The Administration

of Calvin Coolidge.

Ooh, you may need

that one, any day now.

-All right.

All right.

I'll admit it.

I'm a pack rat.

-But you're such a lovable one.


Ha, ha.

Well, I'm not too old to change.

I'm going to start

right now, and clean up

this whole ugly mess.

-Now, dear, I was only joking.

-Well, I know you

were, sweetheart.

But it's time I reformed.

I'll start cleaning

up right now.

And I'll begin with this

valuable thesis on Coolidge.

Alas, poor Calvin,

I knew him well.

-And they keep saying

how great love is, Tommy.

But what's so great about it?

-Beats me.

Far as I'm concerned,

love's pretty silly.

-Far as me, too.

-Yeah, like this

girl cousin of mine.

She got married.

And when you get

married, that's big love.

-Yeah, that means

it's really got ya.

-Well, I went to this

wedding, and everybody there

cried all through it.


-Well, love can't

be much, if it makes

you cry all over the place.

-I don't think it'll ever

take place of baseball.

Hey, Pete!

Watch out!

-Oh, hi, kids.

I didn't see ya.

I was looking at her.

-That's Susie Walker.

She moved in next door to

me, a couple weeks ago.

-Boy, I should get

such a lucky break.

-I don't think it's so lucky.

If it was a boy, I'd have

somebody to play with.

But what can you do with a girl?

-Boy, you are young.

-Me and Tommy have been

talking about love, Pete.

Are you in love with this girl?

-Yeah, but she won't

even look at me.

I sure wish I could

get her to go steady.

-Why don't you ask her?

-Aw, I couldn't do that.

You can't ask a

girl to go steady

when you haven't

even met her yet.

-Asking is the only

way to get things.

If I didn't ask Mom and Dad for

some ice cream when I want it,

I'd just go around with

my tongue hanging out.

-This is different.

You've never been in love,

so you don't understand.

-I don't understand

anything about love.

You want her to be your

girl, but you won't ask her.

Boy, is that mixed up!

-Hey, Dennis, look!

Mr. Wilson's bringing out

some trash that we might use.

-Yeah, come on!

Let's go look at it!

-Maybe he's right.

Maybe I ought to

just go ask her.

-Hi, Mr. Wilson.

-Oh, hello, boys.

I, uh, I doubt that you'll find

anything useful in there, boys.

That's, uh, just waste paper.

-Can we look anyhow?

-Help yourself.

Just don't scatter it around.

-We'll be careful, Mr. Wilson.

-Hey, here's something that

says "Income Tax Return, ."

-Yeah with a lot

of figures on it.

Do you know what they mean?


When my dad does his income

tax, he makes me leave the room.

He says I might hear some

words I shouldn't know.

Hey, here's something that looks

pretty, a bunch of old letters.

-Whose are they?

-"Dearest Darling Babykins."

Do you know anybody

named Babykins?


-"Last night, as I

gazed into the heavens,

I seemed to see your

face shining there--

the fairest star of all."

-Who wrote that junk?

-I don't know.

It's signed, "Your

own adoring one."

Hey, you know what, Tommy?

I bet this is a love letter

from Mr. Wilson to Mrs. Wilson.

-Sure sounds mushy enough.

Hey, look!

-Tommy, I've got an idea.

We want to learn

about love, don't we?

-You do, not me.

-You want to learn

about it, too.

Our folks say, as soon

as we get a little older,

we're gonna fall

in it, for sure.

Don't you what to

know what its going

to do to you before it does it?

-I guess so.

What's your idea?

-Well, look, Pete

Owens is in love

with that girl who

lives next door to you.

-Susie Walker.

-And he wants her to love

him, but he won't ask her.



-So I'll just print Pete's name

on the bottom of this letter,

and we'll put it in her mailbox.

-Good thinking.

-We can learn a lot

from this, Tommy.

-I thought you'd never get

up the nerve to ask me.

-I was afraid

you'd turn me down.

Did you really

want me to ask you?

-Of course, silly.

You're one of the cutest

boys I've seen in this town.

-We'll go steady, now, huh?

-That's great with me.

-I got to go do some

chores for my old man,

but how about meeting me back

here in a couple of hours?

-I'll be counting the minutes.

-Count fast.

Maybe they'll go quicker.

-That ought to do it.


Poor Pete's a dead duck.

-He'll sure be surprised

when Susie Walker tells him

she loves him.

Hey, come on.

Let's go back and look

through Mr. Wilson's trash

barrel some more.

-I got to go home

and see if there's

anything my mom wants

me to do, first.

I'll catch up to you later.


-Hi, Mrs. Wilson.

-Oh, hello, Dennis.

-You know what I just did?

I just fixed it up for a girl

to fall in love with Pete Owens,

so I could watch and

see what happens to 'em.

-Still doing your

research, are you?

-Yes, ma'am.

And Mr. Wilson was a big help.

I used one of his

old love letters.

-Love letters?

What love letters.

-The ones he threw

out this morning.

-Oh, Dennis, you

must be mistaken.

-No ma'am.

The rest of 'em

are still in there.



-Oh, I-- I can't believe it!


-But it's true Mrs. Wilson.

I found 'em-- Mrs. Wilson.

Mrs. Wilson.

Mrs. Wilson!

-Da-doo doo-doo, da-doo,

doo, ba-boom a-doo-doo.

-Well, here goes another load.

-What are you throwing out

now, our marriage certificate?

Look at these!

Your letters to me,

tossed out in the trash

like-- like second class mail.

-Oh, good heavens!

How did that happen?

-Well, it's perfectly simple.

You found them in the

chest up in our bedroom,

and you decided they were

worthless scraps of paper

and you dumped them out.

-Oh, no, Eloise.

No, no.

I did take some junk from

that chest up in the bedroom,

but-- well, those letters

must have been hidden in it.

I didn't even know

you were keeping them.

-I think it was deliberate!

-Well, now, I think

you're be unreasonable.

-Oh is that so?

-I don't think--

-You cannot--

- --it's unreasonable--

- --expect me to--

- --at all.

Do you think I'd

tie a little piece--

- --take every little

piece of paper--

- --ribbon around all papers--

- --go through it with

a fine-toothed comb--

- --to be thrown out?

-Mr. Wilson.

Mr. Wilson!

If you love each other, why

are you hollering so loud?

[arguing continues]

-And Mrs. Wilson said,

"Oh, is that so?"

And Mr. Wilson said,

"Yes, that's so."

Three times today, they

were hollering that.

I just don't get it.

-It was really nothing, Dennis.

Mrs. Wilson was just a

little upset at Mr. Wilson

for throwing those letters away.

And I don't blame her.

-What's the difference, Mom?

Trash is trash.

-Well, love letters

aren't trash, Dennis.

I still have every letter

your father ever wrote me.

-I'd never get rid of them.

They were real gems.

-Oh, they certainly were.

-Every time I need cheering up,

I get 'em down out of the attic

and read 'em all over again.

They're always good for a laugh.


I didn't know you

found them funny.

-They're hysterical.

What a calf-eyed Romeo

I was in those days.

-Well, that's one

way of putting it.

-And the way I threw that--

that purple prose around.

Whenever I'm near

you, my heart beats

within my breast

like the pounding

of waves against the

rock-bound coast.

-Very amusing.

-Well, some of the best

comedy ever written.

-Well, if that's the way

you feel about your letters,

I'm sorry you didn't

throw them out!

-Uh, well, you don't

mean that, dear.

-I certainly do!

They should have been

thrown out a long time ago!

-Me and my big mouth.

-Well, this is really something.

Mom's sore because you didn't

throw your letters away.

And Mrs. Wilson's sore

because Mr. Wilson did.


It is kind of confusing, son.

But love makes people

do confusing things.

-Boy, you can say that again.

-I'd rather not.

-I sure hope Pete Owens

doesn't get that confused.

That girl's probably

read that letter by now,

and she'll be in love

with Pete up to here!


Mother, it's from Pete.

He must have gone home and

written the minute he left me.

-My, he is smitten.

-Well, listen to how it starts.

"Dearest Darling

Babykins, last night,

as I gazed into the

heavens, I seemed

to see your face shining there."

-Oh, wow!

-"Your beauty dazzles me.

Your face your figure

remind me of Deanna Dawn."

Deanna Dawn?

Well, who in the world is that?

-Why, she's an old

time movie actress.

Deanna Dawn?

She's an old lady now.

-Older than you, even?

-Yes, older than me, even.

She's fat and baggy looking.

That's an odd compliment.

-Fat and baggy looking?

Well, this whole letter's

just to make fun of me.

-Oh, I don't know.

I wouldn't--

-He must think I'm

stupid, or something.

I'll go straighten Mr.

Pete Owens out right now!

I'll Deanna Dawn him!

-Learning about love

is tough, Tommy.

When I first started

playing baseball,

I learned all about

it in minutes.


-But I've been studying

about love since

o'clock this morning.

And I still don't understand it.

-Baseball's a lot

more fun than love.

-Yeah, you know what

you're doing in baseball.

But love, the rules keep

changing all the time.


It must be a real drag.

-Well, anyhow, I bet we get

that girl in love with Pete.

And I ought to learn a

lot by just watching them.

-I saw Pete over there in the

park, when I came through.

Boy that poor guy looked sick.



Don't tell me being in

love makes people sick!

Come on, let's go talk to Pete.

You mean, she doesn't

love ya, Pete?

-Love me?


She came over to my

house a while ago

and liked to tore my head off.


But why, Pete?

Gee whiz!

-I don't know why.

She was hollering so loud and so

fast, I couldn't get a word in.

Something about a

letter, or something.

-A letter?

-I didn't write her any letter.

I don't what she's so mad about.

-Well, don't you worry, Pete.

She'll be in love with you, yet.

You wait and see.

And Pete's a real

good friend of ours.

And we came over to talk to you.

-I'm not interested

in discussing

Mr. Pete Owens with anyone.


I don't know why you're mad

at him about that letter.

I thought it was a swell

love letter, myself.


It was sure sloppy.

-You-- you mean you read it?


We're the ones that

put it in your mailbox,

to do Pete a favor.


-Well, that's just dandy!

He's so proud of his

sarcastic little masterpiece

that he goes around

reading it to everybody!

-He does not go around

reading it to everybody.

He didn't even know.

-I've had enough of Pete Owens.

If he thinks he can get me back

by sending two little infants

over to play Cupid,

he's badly mistaken.

Well, I don't need him a bit.

-Oh, is that so?

Well, Pete doesn't

need you, either.

He's got a million girls.

Hasn't he, Tommy?


He's got more girls

than he needs.

More than anybody needs.

-Every girl in Junior High

wants to go steady with him.

All he's gotta do

is take his pick.

Come on, Tommy.

-Well, I just caught

the tail end of that,

but it sounds like your boy,

Pete, is a big man on campus.


He is awful cute, Mom.

Maybe I ought to go

over and talk to him.

The poor boy does deserve

a chance to explain.

-All right.

All right.

I plead guilty, Your Honor.

Guilty to the crime of throwing

out a ton of junk that--

-You still refer to our love

letters as junk, do you?


-Eloise, I have told

you eight times,

I did not even

see those letters.

Of course, I realize it's

difficult to concentrate

on what's being

said, when you're

busy choosing the

next piece of candy.

-Is that so?

-Yes, that's so.


That's what you were saying

the last time I saw ya.

-Hello, Dennis.

-How are you, dear?

-I'm confused, that's how I am.

-You're confused?

-Yes, sir.

Everybody says when I get

older and smarter being in love

will be fun.

But if people in

love fight like this,

I'm glad I'm just a dumb kid.


-We ought to be ashamed

of ourselves, dear.

At least, I should be.

And I am.

-So am I. Two people our

age, quarreling over nothing.

And it took a -year-old

boy to straighten us out.

-Well, dear, it's

not your fault.

I'm the unreasonable one.

-Well, I had no call to

be so mean and sarcastic.

And you know how I feel

about you, Babykins.


You still remember that!

Well, Babykins has put on a

few pounds since those days,

as you've noticed.

-Aw, you're perfect.

I love every ounce of you.

-Well, dear, some

of those ounces

are coming off, right now.

From now on, no more candy.

That's it.

-But you're awfully

fond of candy, honey.

Do you really think

you can do this?

-Well, of course, I can.

When i make up my

mind to do something,

I have all the

will-power in the world.

-Boy, I'm getting pretty

discouraged about this love

stuff, Tommy.


The Wilson's are in

love, Pete loves Susie,

and Mom and Dad are in love.


-So what happens?

The Wilsons are fighting.

Susie hates Pete.

And Mom's sore at Dad.


-Hey, look!

-There is, Baby.

You're a pal,

Dennis, a real pal!

-What did--

-Oh, Dennis, how

can I ever thank you

for bringing us together?


-You're our own

private, personal Cupid!


-Thanks, pal!


-Hey, I think she bit ya.

Your head's bleeding.

-Oh, that's just lipstick.

-That's worse.

-What did I do, Tommy?

How did I bring 'em together?

-I don't know, but ya sure did.


If I can do that for

them, when I didn't even

know what I was doing, maybe

I could do it for Mom and Dad,

if I'm really working at it.

I'll sure try.

Hey, Mom!


(OFFSCREEN): In here, dear.

-Hey, Mom, why don't you and Dad

make up and-- hey, what are you

two doing?

-Oh, uh-- ahem--

well, son, I-- I--

I wouldn't want this

to go any further,

but I just stole a kiss

from this lovely young lady.

-You mean, you

aren't mad anymore?

-Oh, of course not, honey.

It was a silly argument

in the first place.

Well, I'd better get

back to the kitchen.

I haven't done the

luncheon dishes yet.

-Oh, I'll help you, honey.


How did you do it, Dad?

How did you talk her

out of being mad?

-Well, it wasn't very hard, son.

You know, when

you love somebody,

you don't stay mad very long.

But I'll tell ya a secret.

Maybe that candy I

bought your mother

had something to do with it.


Does a box of candy always work?

Do you think it will

work for Mr. Wilson?

-Well, I can't be sure.

But why don't you tell

Mr. Wilson about it?

-I've got a better

idea than that.!

I'm gonna buy Mrs.

Wilson some candy,

and tell her that Mr. Wil-- Dad?

-And it was such a foolish

little spat in the first place.

All my fault, really.

-I know how easily

those things can happen.

-But I'm going to

make it up to John.

Although he don't

think I can do it,

because he knows how I love

candy, I'm giving it up.

-Oh, I wish I had

your will power.


-Hi, Mrs. Wilson.

Oh, hi, Mom.

-Dennis, don't you

knock before barging

into Mrs. Wilson's house?

-Oh, he doesn't need to.

-Well, I didn't this time,

because it's important.

A delivery boy

from the drugstore

asked me to bring this in.

It's a present from Mr. Wilson.

-Oh, why thank you, dear.

Now, what do you

suppose he's done?


-Oh, hey, Mom!

Look at that!

A box of candy!

-Oh, fine!

John said I couldn't

give up candy.

And now he's going to prove it!

And in the meanest possible way!

-Eloise, Baby!

Daddy's home.


I didn't know we had company.

-Don't you baby me, John Wilson!

Is-- is-- is

something wrong, dear?


Don't start acting

innocent again!


-If this is your

idea of a joke, you

have a warped sense of humor.

-A joke?

What-- what-- what joke?

Uh, you're not

making sense, Eloise.


so now I'm not making sense?


That's right.


What are you saying?

-You frequently

don't make sense.

-Is that so?


Yes, that is so.

-And again, Mrs. Wilson

said, "Oh, is that so?"

And Mr. Wilson said,

"Yes, that's so."

-Now don't you worry

about the Wilson's.

They'll make up in no time.

-These little misunderstandings

happen, honey.

They don't really mean a thing

when people love each other,

the way the Wilsons do.

-And the way your mom and I do.

-Well, I know one good thing.

You won't be arguing

with Dad any more

about those old love

letters he wrote to ya.

-Of course, I won't, dear.

-Because I took them

out of the attic

and threw 'em in the

trash can for ya.


-Like you said Dad should

have done in the first place.

-Oh, no!

Uh, D-Dennis, I didn't mean I

wanted him to throw them away.

-Well, you did say that, dear.

-Well, I know.

But-- but-- well, Henry,

you know what I meant.


I mean, well, I--

-Never mind, dear.

It wasn't your fault.

-Holy smoke, Alice!

You don't mean it was my fault?

-I most certainly do!

You started the whole thing!

-I did not start

the whole thing.

You started it!


Oh, is that so?


Yes, that is so.

-Boy, it sure was

lucky we happened

to be watching when Mrs.

Wilson threw out this candy.

-It sure is.

-You know something, Tommy?

I spent this whole day watching

people, and talking to people,

and asking questions about love.

-Yeah, and ya didn't

learn a thing.

-Oh, yes I did.

I learned that it's a real

crazy, mixed up business.

Everybody says it's going to

happen to me someday-- oh,

but I sure hope they're wrong.

Because when I see the

silly things love makes

the people do-- uh,

hey, who's that?

-Oh, that's Susie

Walker's cousin.

She came to visit

her, yesterday.

-Hey, maybe she'd

like a piece of candy!

-Oh, brother.

[theme music]