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04x20 - Dennis Goes to Washington

Posted: 11/13/23 06:37
by bunniefuu
[music playing]

-We know you can do it, Dennis.

-I'm sure glad you

think so, Mr. Mayor.

-Now let's run

through what you're

supposed to do in

Washington just once more.

-All right.

I'm gonna talk to our Senator--

-Senator Philbin.

-That's right and tell him

all those woods and lakes

and streams around

Hickory Mountain

would make a swell National

Forest where men like dad

could take fellows like

me on camping trips.



That's why we picked a boy

your age to do the job.

To show them how much we need

a spot where our children can

get away from the city streets

and be close to nature.

I'm proud of you.

I was just going over some

last minute instructions

with our young goodwill

ambassador here.

-Dennis will do his

very best Mr. Mayor.

We appreciate the

confidence you have in him.

-Oh, I'm sure he'll

dramatize our point

much better than

any adult could.

-Oh, and Allison

I can't thank you

and the committee enough

for paying our way too.

-Well, a boy needs his

parents to watch over him.

-Boy me, and mom, and

dad, and Mr. Wilson

are going to have a swell time.

-Mr. Wilson?

-Oh, our neighborhood,

John Wilson.

He writes for a

national magazine.

Sold his editor on the

idea of coming along

to write an article on what

Dennis does in Washington.

-Well, splendid.

-Oh dear.

It still won't close.

-Oh, I'll help you honey.

-Please feel free to call

on me from Washington

if you need any help or advice.

As mayor of this community,

I do carry some weight,

and it might come

in handy there.

-Your weight might come in

handy right here Mr. Mayor,

if you could just sit on that

suitcase mom can't get closed.

[theme music]

-Yes, Mr. Winfield.

Just what you ordered.

An article on how one

small boy with a just cause

can influence the

cause of Congress.

The voice of a child

heard on Capitol Hill.

That should justify the

payment of my expenses.

eh Mr. Winfield?



That takes care of my editor.

Well, did I forget anything?

-No dear, I'm proud of you.

You even remembered your socks.

-I wish you were

going with me, Eloise,

but they only offered

to pay my expenses.

-Don't you worry about me.

You just get a good story.

-If I wasn't going, there

wouldn't be a story.

I'm the one who'll put our

National Forest bill across.

-Not Dennis?

-Well frankly, his

appointment with our senator

has only sentimental value.

But I know I can depend

on my influential friends

such as Senator

Beaufort, Judge Kingston.

Dennis may get the glory, but

I'll be the power behind him.

-You know dear, it's too

bad we don't have time

to buy you a size suit.

-I wear a .

You know that.

-Yes, I know dear, but you're

a much bigger man in Washington

than you are here.

-Mr. John Wilson, Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Mitchell,

and Dennis Mitchell.

-That's me.

I'm going to Washington.

-Yes, he's uh very

kindly taking us along.

-Yes, your reservations

are confirmed

on Flight , nonstop.

-You mean, we won't stop?

-Not until we get there, Dennis.

-Jeepers, that's a long way.

Suppose I want to--

-There's one on the plane, dear.

-A mailbox?


-I might want to write

a postcard to Tommy.

So if there's one on the plane--

-You'd better wait until

we get there, Dennis.

-Hey, Dad.

What are you doing

with our suitcases?

-Well, this is where they

weigh them in, collect them

all together, and put

them on the plane.

-I better go along with

that one and make sure

it gets on the plane.

All my schoolbooks are in there.

-Well that's wonderful,

Dennis, you're

going to study on

the trip, are you?

-No, Sir.

I'm taking my books to stand on.

When I talk to

Senator Philbin I want

to look him right in the eye.

-Jeepers, this is great.

This is real great.

If I didn't know

I was in a plane,

I wouldn't even

know I was flying.

-Well, it's official, son.

You're up in the air.

-Way up in the air.


Good afternoon

and welcome to Flight .

This is your pilot,

Captain Howard Lynch.

-Hi, Captain.

This is your passenger,

Dennis Mitchell.

-Dennis, he can't hear you.


We are now cruising

at an average speed

of miles per hour

and should arrive

at our destination

in approximately

hours and minutes.

-Boy, I sure hope he gets us

to the right place all right.

-Of course he will.

Why shouldn't he?

-If he can't hear, maybe he

can't see so good either.

-Look out your window, Dennis.

We're flying over

Hickory Mountain now.

-Ah gee, that's pretty.

I sure hope we get them to make

a National Forest out of it.

-Have no fear, my boy, we will.

I have some important

contacts in Washington

who will pave the way for us.

-I have an important

contact in Washington too.


-Yes sir.

He was my counselor at

summer camp last year

and his name is Freddy Thorpe.

He runs errands at the Capitol.

-Oh, a page boy.

-I guess that's

what you call him.

Anyhow, Freddy's real smart.

-Well if all else fails, we

will use your important contact.

-But I'll talk to the

Senator myself first.

-Everybody comfortable here?

-Yeah, we're fine.

-I heard you say you were

going to see a Senator?

-That's right.

I'm going to get him to fix

up a National Forest for us.


-Yes, this young man

has been appointed

to make an appeal for one.

-And when we get

our National Forest,

Dad's promised to

take me camping out

there, just the two of us.

-Why that's wonderful.

-Would you like to go with us?


But I'm afraid I can't make it.

-I guess three in a tent

would be a crowd any way.

-Yes, I'm afraid it would be.

[music playing]

-I'm Henry Mitchell.

This is Mr. John Wilson.

We've reserved two rooms.


We have them Mr. Mitchell.

A room for yourself and your

wife, an extra cot for your son

and an adjoining

room for Mr. Wilson.

Uh, boy?

and .



-Hey, Mr. Wilson.

We're the ones that

are here in business.

Shouldn't we room together?

-I requested a room

with a single bed.

-Could you move me

cot in beside his bed?

-Yes, we could do that.

-Perhaps your parents

won't approve.

-How about it, Dad?

It'll just be next door.

-If Mr. Wilson doesn't mind.

-Isn't that great, Mr. Wilson!

We're roommates.


-Now if we want to

discuss business,

we won't have to

wait until morning.

We can talk all night.

-But this is a very

important matter.

Well, if you just let me speak

to Senator Philbin in person,

I'm sure that-- I know he's

a busy man, but-- All right.

I'll be there tomorrow morning.

-The senator can't see

us today, huh Mr. Wilson?

-So his secretary informs me.

-Well tomorrow

will be all right.

-Delay, delay, delay.

It seems to be the watchword

here in Washington.

The way politicians

put things off

it's a wonder we're not

still a British colony.

-Well it's only a

day, Mr. Wilson.

When you and Dennis get

in to see the senator,

I'm sure it won't take

you long to persuade him.


When he hears about all those

important connections you've

got, he'll be sorry he

didn't see us sooner.

-Well, I suppose you're right.

It's his loss, not mine.

-Well that means we have

the whole day to ourselves.

-Oh boy, let's go sight seeing.

-Well I think I'll

take this time

to rough out the opening

of my magazine article.

You do the town without me.

-You've got to come

with us, Mr. Wilson.

-But I've seen it before Dennis.

-That's why we need you.

So you can show us around.

Mr. Wilson really

knows Washington.

He can answer questions about

it practically in his sleep.

-Yes I proved that

all last night.

-Can't the article

wait, Mr. Wilson?

-All right, all right,

I'll be your guide.

You know, it's too bad the

famous Washington cherry

trees aren't still in bloom.

-They still got cherry trees?

I thought George

Washington cut them

all down when he was a boy.

[music playing]

-Mr.Jefferson surely was

a great man, wasn't he?

-He had a good deal to do with

making this a free country back

in .

-He'll always be

remembered as the writer

of the Declaration

of Independence.

-We learned that in school.

"We hold these truths

to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal.

That they are endowed

by their creator

with certain inalienable

rights that among these

are life, liberty, and

the pursuit of happiness."

-You certainly learned

that well Dennis.

-Some things go right

through your head.

But that's the kind

of thing that sticks.

-As long as it does,

son, this country

will never have to worry.

[music playing]

-Hey Mom, Dad!

I sure had fun going up in

George Washington's monument.

You should have walked down

like me and Mr. Wilson did.

-The elevator was good

enough for us dear.

-But you missed the

big memorial stones

that all the states and

foreign countries put there.

-That may be but we

sure saved our legs.

Where is Mr. Wilson?

-Oh, he kind of slowed

down and got behind me.

Here he comes.

-John, are you OK?

-Well of course I am.

I pride myself on

keeping in good shape.

-Mr. Wilson, you told me there

were steps in the monument.

-That is correct.

-Well, I only counted .

-Nevertheless, there are .

-Well, I'm going to

write to Tommy about it

and I want to be sure.

Let's walk up and

count them again

-On second thought,

I'm mistaken.

Your count is correct.

[music playing]

-Mr. Lincoln's got a

nice face hasn't he?

-He was that kind of man dear.

-He held this nation together

during the grimmest chapter

in our history.

It caused him great

suffering and pain

but he never lost the

quality of kindness.

-Could I climb up

there on his lap, Dad?

-Not allowed son.

-I'll bet he wouldn't mind.

[music playing]

-Oh, what a lovely mansion.

So beautiful and dignified.

-Yes, a fitting residence for

our most important citizen.

-Yeah, nothing's too

good for Caroline.

-Oh boy.

Hey Mom!


Look at the capitol.

-Yes Dennis isn't it beautiful?

-Our nation's capital, where

senators and over

representatives make our laws.

-They all make the laws?

-That's right.

-Jeepers, Dad.

Maybe you better

not go in there.

-Why not?

-Well I heard you

say if you ever

met the fellow you made

the income tax law,

you'd punch him

right in the nose.

of them would take all day.

-Yes, I'll try to

restrain myself.

-Oh, this has been a

fascinating afternoon.

Oh, my feet are k*lling me.

-Mine too.

We've seen a lot of

exciting things today.

-You have a lot

to talk about when

you get back to school Dennis.

-I sure will.

And I bet you're going to write

a swell article about it too.

Because when I see Senator

Philbin tomorrow and-- Freddy!

Hey Freddy!

Mom, Dad!

It's Freddy Thorpe.

You know, my friend's

whose a page boy.

-Well hi, Dennis.

Gee what are you

doing in Washington?

-I'm here on business, Freddy.

For the Mayor.

He sent him-- oh,

Freddy, I want you

to meet by my mom, dad,

and my friend Mr. Wilson.

Freddy's my Washington contact.

-We've been hearing a

lot about you Freddy.

-Ever since last summer.

-Oh, we had a lot

of fun at camp.

Dennis is one of my best men.

I'll tell you what, Dennis.

Why don't you and I have lunch

one day while you're here.

-Oh boy, that'll

be swell Freddy.

-Oh that's very nice of you.

-You better not

make it tomorrow.

-No, Mr. Wilson and I got

a business deal tomorrow.

-Make it the next

day then, Wednesday.

: .

-All right.

I'll meet you right here Freddy.


: .


Well it was nice

meeting you folks.

-Goodbye Freddy.

-Dennis, the people in

your town chose wisely

in sending you on this mission.

I'm very proud of you.

-Thanks Senator Philbin.

The mayor said--

-The creation of

a National Forest.

Always a splendid idea and I'll

certainly give it some thought.

-I knew you'd do it Senator.

How soon can us kids

start camping out there.

-Well these things take

a little time Dennis.

But you just go on

back home, tell them

Senator Philbin said you

did a very fine job here.

-Well, just how do you go about

a thing like this, Senator.

I'm curious.

-Well any bill having to do with

national forests, Mr. Wilson,

has to go through Senator

McDermott of the Interior



-Yes a very powerful committee.

And I will mention

it to McDermott.

Don't worry.

First chance I get.

-Today perhaps?


-Well I will be out

of town tomorrow.

It may be a couple

of weeks, but you

will be hearing from me as

soon as I have any news.

Good day.

-How do like that?

Brushed off like

a piece of lint.

-Gee, it sure looks

like it's going

to take a long time to get our

National Forest, doesn't it?

-If we leave it up to that big

windbag, we'll never get it.

-What are we going to do?

All the kids are depending

on me and the mayor too.

-We are going to

get some action.

That's what we are going to do.

Now is the time to use some

of the important contacts I

have here.

-It's lucky you know

all those big people.

Who you going to talk to?

-A very dear friend

of mine, Dennis.

And one of the most

influential men

on Capitol Hill, Senator

Humphrey L. Beaufort.

Chairman of the Monetary

Disbursement Committee.

-Boy he sure sounds important.

-He'll get our bill through

McDermott's office just

like that.

Now I'm going to put

you in a taxi cab,

send you back to the hotel.

And I am off to see

Senator Beaufort.

-Yes sir?

-Oh, John Wilson to

see Senator Beaufort.

-Senator Who-fort?


You do know the

name of the chairman

of the committee

that employs you?

-Oh sure but it's not old

Humpy Beaufort, mister.


A funny thing happened to

him on the way to the polls.

-He was defeated?

-Seven years ago.

-Oh good heavens.

Oh, this is very distressing.

I need help badly

on some legislature

that I'm trying-- Do

you know Judge Kingston?

Is he still around?

-Oh sure, he's a very big man.

You know him?

-Do I know him?

Why, Harvey Kingston

and I fought all

through the w*r

together, side-by-side.


-Oh, yes.

Yes we had adjoining

desks at the Pentagon.

Oh good old Harv.

He'll flip when

I walk in on him.

-Uh what's his name, Mabel?

John Wilson?

Says he's an old friend of mine?

Oh, all right.

Send him in.


By George!

It's good to see you.

-How how are you, Wilson?

-Fine, just fine.

Say, you look wonderful.

You haven't changed a bit.

-Well it's, it's

been a long time.

- .

I bet the old Pentagon hasn't

been the same since we left.

-Probably not.

Well, it's nice to see

an old buddy again.

So what can I do for you, Don?


-John, of course.

-Well I just came by

to kind of kick around

old times, sort of reminiscence.

-Yeah, that would be nice.

-There is one small

favor I need and I

know you can do it

for me just like that.


-And my good friend

Judge Kingston

said your department would

handle the matter for me.

-Judge Kingston is a nut.


-We got nothing

to do with getting

a bill like that passed.

What you got to do is go down

to the Public Land's office.


Thank you.

-No, the place to

go with that is

the Fish and Game Commission.

-No, the place to go with that

is the Bureau of Conservation.

-No, the place to go with that

is the Monetary Disbursement


-But that's where I started.

Oh, I give up.

Well, I'm not sure whether

our bill will be passed or not

but I have a great new

angle for the story.

A small boy's impressions

of Washington.

It-- you don't want a

small boy's impressions

of Washington.

Well I--I know I promised you

a story on how a child could

influence Congress but

you see, I-- You what?

Pay my own expenses?

Mr. Winfield do you realize

how much it costs to-- Goodbye.

-That sounds like

trouble, Mr. Wilson.

What's the matter?

-Everything's the matter.

If that National Forest

bill doesn't go through,

the magazine won't buy my story.

Not only that, I'll be

stuck with all my expenses,

including that $ . piece

of cake you're eating.

-Well, I'm not worried

Mr. Wilson, not with

all those important contacts

you've got in the government.

-And I'm happy to say that

at lat, I've got some action.

Where's Dennis?

-Oh, I just dropped him

over the Capitol, John.

-He's having lunch with

Freddy Thorpe today.

-Oh yes.

Yes, I forgot.

Well, I got so sick and

tired of the pushing

around I got yesterday

that I went over

to Senator McDermott's

office and I camped there

until his secretary

gave me an appointment.

-Oh good.

- : today.

From : until : , Senator

McDermott is all mine.

-I wish Dennis could

go with you John,

but I don't think he'll

be back here by : .


Freddy has an uncle

here in town and he's

taking them both out someplace.

-Oh, well I'm sure

he'll be disappointed.

But I'll see that he gets

full credit for it back home.

-Oh that's very kind

of you, isn't it Henry?

-Yes it is John.


He'll have his

picture in the paper

as the boy who delivered

our National Forest.

And now I want to take you

both to lunch to celebrate,

and then you can go with me

to Senator McDermott's office.

Miss, please cut in.

My appointment was

: and it's now--

-I'm sorry Sir.

But I cannot break

in on the meeting.

Excuse me, please.

-John, we can wait

just as long as--

-Well I am not

waiting any longer.

I don't believe he's

having a meeting.

I think he's taking

a nap or something.


-Senator, I I--

Oh, good heavens.

-Do you have an appointment?

-Hi Mom!

Hi Dad!

Hi Mr. Wilson.

Boy, we had the

swellest lunch ever.

And you know what Uncle

Charlie's going do?

-Uncle Charlie?

-Senator McDermott is my uncle.


I almost forgot my manners.

Come on Mom.

Senator McDermott,

I want you to meet

my mom, dad, and Mr. Wilson.

-How do you do Mr. Wilson?

-He wants me to call

him Uncle Charlie.

And guess what?

I told Uncle Charlie all

about Hickory Mountain

and he's going to do it.

-You mean the Senator--

the National Forest?

-This boy of yours would make a

fine ambassador, Mrs. Mitchell.

He's charmed me completely.

-Well I, we--

-I thoroughly agree

your state needs

a recreational area and the

Hickory Mountain section

is the one.

I'm putting a bill into

my committee tomorrow.

Oh, uh, I believe

you wanted to see me

about something Mr. Wilson.

What can I do for you?

-Not a thing, Senator.

Not a thing.

I'm just there visiting here.

Just a sightseer, that's all.

-Boy, it sure is a

good thing that you

met Mr. Wilson, Uncle Charlie.



Because he's got a lot of swell

contacts here in Washington.

And if you ever need

any help with anything,

he'll handle it for you.

Won't you, Mr. Wilson?

[theme music]